HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-5-16, Page 8§1° R TISL GO 0 D
All kinds of Rubber Balls
We bee° them ie the Herd MA Soft Rubber, two eleee, et So & 100 each
Base Balis
Vriena the Go Ball up to the better„onee se high as 91,00.
Foot Balls Shin Pads Catching Gloves
Tennis Racqnets Lacrosse Sticks
Agents for the Genclren Express Wagons
For the 24th of May
How about Fishing Supplies 2 We have all the neoessary supplies. Bans-
hee poles up bo 20 feet to length. Fiehlug Lines and Fish Hooks.
Victoria Day Post Cards
Garde aonamorative of the day, in rich ooloringe, at 2 for 5o, Other post
cards received are four new Views of Bruseels, Lieu Comics and new
Leather Ottrds.
801708EEN magnum W. 0. & 8.
Trains leave Brnesele Station, North
and South, as follows;
GOING Sorern GOING Nonan,
Mail 7:05 a.m 1 Mixed 0110 am
Mixed 11:25 a.m I Mail......,.....l:44 p.m
Express 3:02 p.m 1 Express 8:51 p,m
ram' Stins gums
5. ohiel's amang ye takir ' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Sea local news on paage 5.
Have you had the Mumps
RHUBARB pie ie on the proeram.
Beam HEADED mirth have arrived.
GOOD MORNING 1 How does tbe label
On your POST read 7
A elm games of bowls have been play.
ed but theseason is beelswerd.
"Tux Beggar Student" Town Hall
Wednesday evenieg of next week.
Orsoacut Banner ban commenced on
the Dement foundation of his proposed
owe residence.
BARRER BROS, have their butcher shop
looking as clean as a new piu with the
aid of the painter'e brush, &o,
Ton epeotaeles acivereeed as lost in
lath week's Pose have been returned to
the owner. It pays to advertise,
Beusszne Foot Ball team will go to
Clinton for Victoria Day and play an sa-
hibition game witb the sturdy kithers of
that town et their Celebration.
Reruns tiokete will be Wetted for
Victoria Day on the G. T. R., good going
Tbursday, May 23rd and returning Mon
day 27111 inet., nieknig a holiday trip
five days possible.
A MEETING will be held in the Women
01101881881 Tempereacie room next Ale
day afternoon at 11 quarter pant fon
for the purpose of orgituiztue a Band
Hope. All the pupils of the Pahl
School are iuviied to attend
N. B. GERRY, formerly of Brussels,
has disposed of hie hardware bathiess et
Blyth to G. E Denatedt, who will get
possesaion 181 e. few weeks Air. Gerry
may remove to Fort WHOMM if he die
posea of hie desirable reeidenoe and real
THE Central Hotel bee been receiving
attention iu its internal arraugemente by
the painters and paper bangera. Lin
.oleam bite been placed on the Boors of
the dining room and the pablie waiting
room math improving the comfort and
Bali team hue eugaged the Firth Com
puny to present "The Bagger Studeut'
in the Town Hall on Wedueeday evening
22nd inet. Keep the date olear. A fin
program will be preeented. See further
atmouncements on posters.
Aar,. SOMETYPIREOTORS.—All Direators
of Beet Huron Agricauural Society are
asked to attend a meeting in the Colman
Chamber on Saturday, May 25th at 2
o'clock, to make preliminary arrange.
manta for the next Fall Fair. It is irn•
portant that a large representatiou
should be present. Mark down the date
and be ebarp on time.
meeting of the oitizthe of Bruseele bee
beau oalled by Reeve Leckie for Friday
evening of this week, 17th inet., at 8
o'olook, to discuss the goestion of holding
a Celebration in Brussels July 1.b. It
le 5 years shwa a day of vette was held
in 108081 80 that there in BOW a good
opportunity for a rousing day on date
xneutioued. If you are intereeted dont
fail to be preeent and Meow you are a
progressive citizen.
SUORERS have been a good "orop" at
the rain dam. They are not all there
FRIDAY Of next week will be Victoria
Day and a public, holiday. Beauties
places will be oloeed.
Goa, supply for next Winter is being
delivered, almoot before we have had
Owe to have our aoel stove cool off
15008 week D. Elvelm & (Jo. have filled in
the hole adjoining the woudwork atop
and levelled the ground, The spaoe will
be utilized iu displey of wagone and other
Ithevy work.
Moues are taking their innings in
town. No partiality is being ebown as
to 1058 00 sex. Tbe attendance hi some
departments of the public eohool has
been very materially reduced owing to
the epidemic+.
BRUSSELS played their ee000d game of
Foot Bed in the Intermediate armee in
Lietotvel on Wednesday swelling of tine
week, The result of the match wee
2 to 1 iu fever of 80088888, Rain de•
moralized good play.
5.1801011011 of Orldfellows from town
drove to Witigham laet Sunday evening
to the anniversary 8801 1088 of tbe
Order held in the English oburoh. Next
Sunday another ooutiogeut will pity a
visa to Myth and attend a similar stir
THE Owen Sound Sun of May 3rd
opeake an loliowe :—The Beggar 8tuden
Opera 0o, was the attraction at the
Tovin 5888 11188 night antler the anspioth
of the Law. Bowling Clab. A large
crowd attended and e.•joyed an ear:indent
program. Framde Firth, ihe bead of
the oompany, 88 80 artist, end be has
eurrouoded lain:waif with a talemed aim
clever group of artiste and the progiam
they pus up is varied and decidedly out
of the ordinary. The operetta. "Thr
of5i Beggar Studeut," formed the firm hod
, of the bill and it wee song and noted in
'8 excellent form. The entertainment 8888
8. a fittandel etiooess.
r, Ore —A few eitizeue are propoeing to
of bore for oil, or gas, somewhere near the
io G. T. R. natio1, as oil indmations were
found long ago to enikiiig the salt well
and 10,88 10 the deep well at the terrace.
01118010W 0100 8 valtlaUle product it
would 5898 110 in:team:se stimulus to mar
ounage aud neighborhood if we oau fiud
it in pitying quantities. No ievestmeut
promisee a better return. All interested
—01tizen8 and farmers alike—are invited
to call 00 Reeve Leckie and beoome
p11080008 001 the erotism floor towards tbie
interesting undertaking. Air. Peat, an
expert and experienced driller of Petrolia,
was here on Tuesday and dieouesed the
situation, He is well posted on the busi•
8 ENTERED INTO RE8T.—L22.31 Sabbath
• morning Wm. EL Elatahinson, an old
' mid highly esteemed former resident of
, Grey townehip, °reseed that bourne from
e wheuae no traveller returns, in bio 88rd
year. He died at the home of hie dee
Oakley, Queeu etreet, brought TER POST
Weduethey of last week oamplee of rip.
strawberries grown in the honee. She
picked e firer berries on April 29th.
The plants, which are designated au
Christmas) strawberries, have been ill
bloom einem November. Another
novelty p08808882 by Mrs. Oakley are in.
door roses grown from seed. Nature's
miracles are certainly wonderful.
10859113 Came—A. meeting of the Ten.
nth Club wee he 2 at Dr. Feild's office
feet Friday at which the following of.
500r8 were elected for the earning sea.
eon :—Elon. President, 3. Leckie ; Preei
5800, 5. G. Norman ; Vieth President,
W. M. Sinclair ; Seo'y•Treae., A, A.
White. Exeoutive Committee, 51r.
Trainer, Dr, Felled, &meet' 5008001and
Arthur Smith, Captain, J. H. Chimer
on 1 Chaplain, Rev, E. G. Powell. The
club hes a goodly number of lively
r aquet wielder° who take quits au active
interest in the game.
INJaetoe,—WilJiam 181111.
DIED 1700011batman, a nephew to Mrs. D. A. Lowry,
of Bruseele, and a within to Jam 181,8.batmen, of Welkerton, formerly Et, T. R.
ageut 108 Brusseie, died Thureday night,
May 3rd, at Allendale. He was firemen
OS a G. T. R. engine end had stepped off
bie engine and wee tttking off hie overalls
When the yard engine, Which, he had not
noticed, alveoli him breaking hie baok,
080010805818 hie death, He wag a line
piling nun 24 years of age and Was a
shortly to have taken oharge of 0,0 8115808 o
as engineer. The filberts' took plane at b
Walkerton Sunday and wee largely at. b
tended, D. A. Lowry and 58185 Pearl b
Lowry, of tU898l8, attended,
gliter, Airs. Jennie Heyeroft, Jobe etreet,
atter a brief illness. Wm. Hornsby
Hutobinson was born in the Co. of Dur
hem, England, where be was married to
Jane Morley, of tbe eame lc:amity 54 years
ago. A few years after their marriage
they OaMe to Canada iu the hope of ire.
proviog Mr.Elinchineou's health. Clarke
Townehip, Oo, of Durham eves their firer
seoppiog place, where they spent 2 years,
end then oarae West to Ho lett township,
living there for a year and then moved
bath lot. Here they continued to reside
up to Mrs. Hutobinson's demise 10 years
ego, A comfortable home was bath and
it became a well known center for re
ligioue Bermes and many a preacher
wee hospitably entertained under the
roof of this worthy couple. The child.
ren are, Wm. M., of Grey township ;
Joseph, of Whiteweter, Man. ; Cuthbert
on the lionieetead in Grey ; Mre. Joo
'chidden, of Boissevain, Mao, ; Mrs,
Sarah Cameron, of Morrie towuehip, and
Mrs. Jeunie Hayoroft, of Br518:101e.
Stnee the decease of Mre. Hatohin
son the eubjeot of thie notioe has
made hie home with hie [laugh
tore, spending the Summer with
Mrs. Camaro. and the Wiuter with Mrs.
Hap:wore Deceesed had bee° poorly
during the past Winter but wee able so
get about autil about ihree weeks ago
when be became woree end after suffer.
ing thosiderably at times he passed away
to his reward ae above stated. Mr.
Hutolainson wee in a eemi•scconseithe
etate a good share of the past two weeks,
The subject of tide notice wee a member
of the edetbodiet church for many yeare
but of late adhered to the Brethreu. The
funeral service, Tuesday afternoon, was
eondneted by Ur. Gee, of Listowel, In
torment being made in the family plot
in Brueeels oetnetery. Tbe pallbearere
were Geo, Welsh, F. 8, Elliott, Jou, Budd,
Geo, Cardiff, W Ainlay and A., Somers,
Mr. Hutchinson's death was due to a
general breaking up of the eyetem. He
wee a man of a mild, even tempered
diepositiou, quiet and anasetiming, who
had a good word for everybody and
about every permit] ; and greatly beloved
by both young sod old, The dosing
weeks of hie life were brightened by the
comfort at knowing in whom he believed
and as be sang "Forever with the Lord"
nd other bendier hymne gave evidiethe
f the penes and ortIm that manes to the
elievere in the redemption wrought oat
y the Son of God. Tee berenved sorrow
ut not es those without hope as they
Ithre the aympathy of many old Mende.
The Best Servant /6,01:zze
of the Farmer7_-_-_—__ Bank
• i
tmelrathesema specialty of the business of Formers, and extends
Every department of banking is conducted. Best service
and absolute safety guaranteed,
deposits of $1 00 and upwards received, and interest
allowed from date of deposit, COMPOUNDED FOUR
Capital Peld Up - 51,000,000.00 The
Regerve Fund and
Undivided Profits, S1,183,713.23 Metropolitan Bank
ee4P1.4':Neteebleeete'eietieteeee, eeeegweoweeeeePreeeenr.AK'18,
you eeteem the 808081805 51088 of the
Foot Ball Club attend the oonoert Thurs•
dray evening of ne100 week,
Gins wanted for Ioe Cream parlor at
London Summer resort. Higi eat wegee
paid, Apply to W. 101, Downy, 615 King
street, London.
WEL RANDALL has moved to Bruesele
from Palraereton and will follow the
business of aeh gathering and dipping.
He is a married man.
Wager abeut a revivifying of the town
Band 7 The Mtheabse Baod did well for
several seasons and should go at it again
ae quite a number of the members are in
town yet.
"Ties Beggar Student" will be preeent•
ed in the Town 71,11 here on Wednesday
8080105 01 next week. The Co. come
under the auepthee of the Foot Bell team
aud se a consequence the public ebould
patronize the entertainment. A good
program will be presented. The plan , f
reserved seats ie to be found at Fox's
Drug More.
•Me.theeon, brother of R. W. Matheenn,
formerly of Brothels', died at Bemloope,
B. 0 , on May 3rd, aged 27 yearn, Mr.
Matheson had gone to Ilamioope 00
mouth ogo in the hope of benefitting hie
heelth. Deceased lived in Calgary for
2 years. The remains were brought to
the old home for interment, the fuueral
takiteg pekoe on Tuesday to the Looaleb
cemetery. He woe a tire young 02851
winiee demieo is greatly regretted.
Mre. Jobe Sprung of the Base nue,
Hallett, died on Monday at 3 a. m., aged
75 years. She bad a thyme etroke 8,1
paralysis 3 weeks ago which effeoted tier
left aide. She le survived by her hue•
band, who is 86 yeare of age, and 3 daugh•
taro, Mre. John Cunningham, of Brae
eels ; Mre. S. Cox and Mei R. Govier,
b th of Hallett Deceased was a Mies
Potter before her marriage. She was a
member of tbe Methodia: church and a
moat estimable person. The funeral
ooukph8013 Wedneeday afternoon. 5
and 51re. Otioningbam and their two
daughters attended from Brussels.
Ma Mexesaree Famines, —Among
shoes from a distauee who attended the
funeral of the late Thee. Maxwell, Timm
ay ot last week, were James Newton, of
fisted, Miebigan, a brother to Mre.
axwell ; Garret Maxwell sod son,
other and nephew to deceased, of Mar.
e townehip ; Wm. and Thos. -Abraham,
phewe, of Wroxeter and Binevale,
speatively ; Tboe. Forbes and wife, of
Ingham. James Jones timed ae 51011.
aver instead of John Hunter reported
laet issue. Tbe floral offerings were
ry floe. A ohoioe wreath was sent by
ronto friends, Mre. Maxwell will
ntinne to reside in her home, John
set, for a time at lea40.
&ulna THE RIGHT Lats.—Wednesday
this week Arthur W. Beall, M. Ete, of
tethers?, who is the representative of
W. O. T. U., in the White Oros'
vemeut, visited Brussels and gave two
theses to the Senior and Intermediate
a of the Pablie School. His taike
e plain, pointed and preotioal showing
neoeseity of being oleen in thonght,
d and deed as the human body ie the
ple of God. He showed that the
ois of the body is altered and that life
alnablo, preoioue, meetly and eaored,
of which was moat aptly iliaetrated,
Beall oertainly hae kindly, gentle•
nly taot and (summate) in the de.
ranee of hie meetiage and good should
It from the proper dieoussion of tide
h neglected lopia. Rev. A. 0.
here, B. A„ Principal Cameron and
H. Kerr spoke worde of approval arid
plirnent at the Mose of the vieitor's
planed remark°.
. Tugendhaft, the oelebrated Eye and
Specialist, late of New York City,
visit this town and will be at the
riean Hotel on tbe following slates :
onday and Tueeday, May ?OW and
al which time he will demonetrate
wooderfin nutlet Iuvisible Bar
m, Ally person afflicted with deaf
can be made to bear as well an
Thio is no idle boaet. In the paid
ears there have been eeveral Ear
is v
few y
Drum ooroe and not only have they
proven defective and of no use in rester
ing the hearing, bat were also Manny
sod wield be seen in the ear, The In.
visible Bar Drum of Tugendhatt's ie en-
tirely different in this reopeot and cannot
be then when introduced iu the ear. Mr.
Tagendhaft was mute deaf, and after
equatidating a amall fortune in d ff
remediee, and on so called inventione
finally perfected hie new drum within
the past few years In every ease where
bio drum bee been need it has effected a
oora pie to thre. See the celebrated
spin:Whit and be oonvinced. No drugs
ueed, or no operation necessary.. Theee
drums also atop Ha ringing noises and
neuraigio pains in the bead when the
omen ia from deafneee. The price o2ud, William Minutemen, aged 24
f the
Business Locals.
Two comforkuble bousee for Sale.
Apply to W. A. 018080108,Anm .your 5888888e right ? Vision
8.11805810es as all Illthge do. Set, Taube &
Son at Foxes Drug store on Monday mei
Taeeday, May 20th and 2Is1.
COLLEGE students, teachers and others
88000005 profitable employment for Som.
mer vandal) ebould write to Harrieion,
Out., box 283, for particular°.
RUBBER we boggy and a 8118518gle est f
rubber meowed twines for gale. May
be then at the Mamie, Craribrook, where
particulars rotti be obtained.
DR BUTLER'S VISIT.—Dr, Butler, the
London Eye Speonthet, will be at the
American Hotel, Brussels, 00 Wednes•
day, May 22,,d, Glassee supplied.
Loss al eyesight is lose of fortune. No
matter how small your eye troubles may
be, have 11 oori tooted. Bee Taobe & Bon
at Fox'a Drug store on Monday mei
Tuesday, VI ar 20th end 21et.
E510002000 Gramophone with 12 inch
record. loi 8,0, 1111 a bergain. A flue
instrument tie good to new and in A 1
oonditiou Eequire at Inn P,85
WHEN Taube & Sou attetid to your
eyee you pet the bentfit of toter 85 yenta
experierce. Cell end consult them at
Foxe, PI ug et, rr ori Amnesty end Tuee
day, 58101j20 le and 21,o.,PAGE FENCING —R, Uloee is now ready
with a .aree supply uf teething and gates
RIM if he bee 0011 00 hand what is wanted
be will soon get it, A wird nil] rtheive
prompt atielition. R. Cerise, Ethei.
REMEMBER the date of Taube & Son'e
visit lo laminate end if your eyes bother
you in any way 0011118 10 a point to con
gilt them at Fox's Drug etore on Mou
day stud Tuesday, May 20th and 31et.
HAIR DUBBING —Switohee made n118 of
tionthiugs sue out hair. All ordere sent
by man promptly attended to.
Mill (meet, Brunets,
85% of headaches are the result of eye.
etrath. Proper fitting glasses will give
permanent relief, If you are troubled
that way consult Taube & Son at
Fox'a Drag store on Monday ,and Tuee.
day May, 20th and Oleo.
Wieser year lawn needs ehaviog I .ean
oieun, sharpen, true and renew lawn
mowers at lowest cash prioe or will ex.
ahem e mowers when desired. Yours,
T. McGregor, earner Mill aud Main
Bt., Bruesele.
IN reading advertisements of Varnish
Stain we notioe oue man claiming that
hie varuith stain has pigment in it. We
should think 81101, 11 a varnish stain bad
a pigment iu it, it would be a paint, not
a Stain. The makers of Oampbell'a
Varnish Stain come out screen and
guarantee that their stain does not eon
tain any pigment, doee not require any
etirring up and will cot obscure the
grain of the wood over whiale 10 is
applied. Gueea we'll bay Campbell's.
McKay & Show sell it.
Fits Your Case Exactly
Yon know how you fel,—blue, sick y
and heavy. Each morning you waken
in a da,1"aopy" condition and wish it
wore night again. Your liver ie wroog
and needs fixing with Dr, Hamilton'.
Pills ; they do 13000 all liver ills. Al onoe
the system ie relieved of 5088008, blood
is enriched and purified, appetite ie in
oreased and digemiou picks op Health
and vigor return heckle.- Dr. Hamilton's
pins make the whole body proof egaineand"weakneep andieesee. For your deer,
your kidneys, your Momaon, for the eake
of your looks and feelinge, try Dr. Hamil
ton e Pills, 25o per box at any dealere.
ATWOOD —In Port Rowan, on Feb. 27tb,
to Mr. and Mrs. Harry; J. Atwood, a
Bente —In Brussels, on May 16th, to
Mr. and Mee. Henry Habit, triplets*,
twdalightere and a BM
Hoe.—In Grey, on May 14th, to Ildr. and
Mre. Wra Hoy, a daughter.
Boy.—In Welton, 011 May 1001, to Mr.
and Mrs. linbt. H. y, 811100,301801',
Moone.—Iu Brussels, 080 Pithy 12th to
Mr and Mre. M 121, Moore, twine,
a daughter and eon.
Mesoe.—In Morrie, tin May 6th, to Mr.
and Mre. Wra. eliteme a daughter,
PdoNetn.—Iii Grey, OD Pally 8rd, to Mr,
and Mre. Jae D. Mende, a son.
F-8528108018.—I,,F-8528108018.—I,,Brae:eels, on May Ooh, to
Mr. aud Mrs. R. Pattereeti, 228501.ter.
Fc.—In Howioh, on May 10th,
Bella Robertson Wylie, be oved wife
of John Fitah, avoid yeare, 8
mouths tied 21 daye.
EITITOBINSON.—Ie Breeeele, on May 12th,
William H. Hutabinson, seed 82
years, 10 months apd 27 duets.
MILHAUSEN —At Allendale, on May
Ear Drum ie within the math of all, and yeare and 5 menthe,
any person afEtioted with deafneee need
not be eo any longer.
ilio Wag Wild With Yalu
From Willow Creek, Oct., Mktg E.
Diegel writes; : "A few yeare ago I was
drenched with rain and got lumbago : it
was like a steel rod pinning my back. I
Oleo bad earache and wag 'net wild with
pain. I applied batting soaked with
Nerviline to my ear and rubbed on Ner•
viline for lumbago. That rubbing re.
'ieved and In a few boars I was well. NO wool
BaXe jsr.
Fall Wheat 73 78
Barley 46 48
Peas 70 72
Oats 87 38
Butter, tube and rolls18 20
Ilgge per dozen 18 17
Hay per too 9 00 10 00
Flour, per bbl 4 60 5 20
Hoge, Live 6 10
24 25
1 00 1 50
1 25 1 25
other liniment could do thia." lt'e the 1 Potatoth per nae
penetrating power of Nereiline that
taother-Apples (per bbl)
elsee it superior to all salt, p881 bid., retail
Nothing heath it, 24o at all dealere.
Head Office Toronto
Deposits may be made or withdrawn by either of the two members o(,i household.
This form of account is specially stable for those living In the money, as either member
can attend to the banking when in town. In case of death, the money may be witladaws
by the survivor without delay or cost. Write or call for farther particulars.
Interest added four times a year
Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches.
J. F. R.ovvlaracl, Manager
058E. Apply to Re 'BT. BLAIR. Lot
5, Con, 18, Grey, 00 Walton 9.0, 45.2
60 fent, with frame stabling under it.
0808800818,1 at once. For further particu-
lars apply to ROBT BLAIR, 1100 5, Onn 18,
Grey. 45-2
0808 0105181 —He is 28050,881, old ; red
lo eolor, and will be 001.1 at a bargain An -
Illy to D MoNAIR, Lot 22. Con 13 Grey,
or Craubrook P.O.
East Hurori AO. Society.
A meeting nt the Fast Huron Agrioulteral
Sooiety Direotore will be held it: the Conn-
ell Chamber, Brussale, on ,leturdav, May
25,11, at 2 (ea:reek, to revise Prize 1088 and
80088100 prelirnineries the onmipg Pal;
Fair. A full attendance be 1'1q0800,'8.1‘s .PRM. Pre silent
. W. IT KERR, Secretary.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the °Mate of Robert In-
glis, late of the Township of Grey, in
the County of Huron, farmer, de-
Notice io hereby given pnrseaut to Royle -
82 Statimee of Outset°. (897, rime. 129, and
emonaine Acts, that all or editors end otbere
hewing any olio. acai-st the °item nf the
PO id R. 08.0 Inglls, who died on or el hnut the
818 37 99 April, 1 007 are r. quired on 'mini.
fore the 8th day of June, 1907, to Bend by
root, I repaid, or deliver to 5.10 Macdonald,
of the Village. of Brussels, Solicitor for Pine
lay S. Soott and D1.11/0 189218, the Adminis-
trators of the estate. them Christian and
sertiemes and addressee with full particu-
lars in writing of their claims, the state.
went of their accounts and. the teatime of
the 0000 10(88 81? arly) hold by them,
And notice ie further pivot) that after the
said last mentioned date the said Adminie-
tratore will proceed to distribute the assets
ol the deceased emongst the parties entit-
led thereto, having regardonly to the ulaime
of which they ehall then have notioe and
that the said Administrators will not be
liable for the assete, or any part thereof, to
8u7 Person or pereone of whose claims not.
ice shall not 118.08 been received by them at
the time of snob distribution
Dated at Brussels, May 14th, 1007.
45.3 Solicitor tor Administrators,
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of William
Beaton,. late of the Townehip of Mo.
Rillop, in the County of Huron, Gen-
tleman, deceased.
Notice in hereby given, nurthaet to Reels.
ad Statutes of Ontario, 1897. Chap. 120, and
emendthe Attie, that ell ereditore end °there
having any claim; against the Ovate 05 028
said W1/ Ilam Easton, who died oti or ahem
the 25th day of March, 1907, are required on
or before the 8th day of June. 1007, to semi
by post, prepeid, or deliver to A. 13.11100-
donald, of the Vellage of Brussels, Solicitor
for J•Lli. H. Buro1ihriA8, of the Village of
Walton, the Aeluoluistretm of the estate,
their Christian and bernanies and addresses
witb 1811 are ID writing of their
Olaitll 8, the statement of their accounts end
ttlibeemtt.oture of the seourities (if any) held by
end notice le further given that after the
said i8881 15200510,84 date the said Adminis-
trator will proceed to distribute the emits
of the decease i atnougst the par Ilea entitle
ed thereto, having regard only to the claims
of which be shall then have notice and
that the said .A Intinistrater will not be
liable for the 'nets, r any part thereof, to
iae Tot ore eeeeaaofwlrsealiontv,,b.:n,„aivedlb
the tittle of enolo distribution.
Dated at Pressen., May 15th, 1907,
A. 03. 100,4000113105151,
45-3 Solicitor for Administrator.
grand Trunk Railway System
Victoria Day, lay 24
Between all stations in Canada' also to De-
troit, Port Huron, Mtela,, Buffalo, Niagara
Falls and Suepension Bridge, N.Y.
Good going Thursday & Friday,
May 23rd and 24th
Valid Returning until Monday,
May 27th.
For further information and tickets aall on
W. HENRY, Depot Agent,
J. G. Mai comae •
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
Manufaoturiug 051158808 and Uyeeight
Speoialiete, of Toronto, will bo at
MAY 20TH ce 21sr
.1 will be glad to have all those troubled
with defective eyeeight pall mid 0008011
They have boon eetabliehed in Toronto
sinee 1871 and during that time over
100,000 oases have been successfully fitted
by them. The advantage they have over
"there is the feet that they grim] their
own lenees and by so doing prevent any
error in the proceth of lend grinding.
If your eyes bother you in any way or
tbe &thee you now wear 808 0108 comfort-
able do not neglect this opportunity of
having your eyee properly attended to.
The new uleotrio Opthalmo-Metrogeope
mod iu making all exerninatimie.
All work guaratiteed.
BoUkal or REFUGE 2100780 llf/ONTY *10 1300018
—Wtitteu applications witl be received by
the nude:reigned up to Monday, the era day
of &me, for the positions of Reaper, Matron
and A:3010101808 Matron for the Houee alto.
000, Po, Koeper and Matron, MD and wife
preferred. Applicants are 0108808058 80 state
WM, previous cemoration and Bantry expect-
ed. Teeth:not:We to be enclosed with ap-
plication. The ,thunmittee would like to
meet applioants at. the Council Room In
Goderioli on the afternoon of Wednesday,
June the Ult. W. LAIVE, Clerk,
Dated May the 8081,10807. 44.2
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Thomas
Maxwell, late of the Village of Brus-
sels, in the County of Huron, Gentle-
man, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Revise
ed Steitutee 00 08001.), 1807, Chap. 120, and
amending Aote,that al oreditore and others
having any claims against the estate of the
said Thomas Maxwell. who 484 80 or about
tbe 8011 day of May, 1907, are required on or
before the 8th day of June. 1907, to send by
post, prepaid, or deliver 8o5..13, Macdonald,
of the Village of Brussels. Wiener for J.
Lorne 21. Pringle, of the City of Toronto, in
the County of 7m k. Clerk, and John Cardiff.
of the Wile:woof Brussels, In the County of
Huron, Gentlemav, the Executors of the
said dtheased, their Christian and sem:tam
and addresses with fell partioulare in writ.
the of their claims, the statemeet of their
accounts and the nature 01 0,18 seourities Of
"LTA bi ove Pit ern ;ther given that after the
said last mentioned date the said Executors
8010 proceed to distribute the comets of the
deceased amongst the parties entitled there-
to, having regard ooly to the claims of
whieh they shall then have notice and that
the said Executor'. will not be liable for the
8808110, 00 any part thereof , to any pereou or
persons of whose claims notice shall not
have keen received by tlaem at the tline of
10. May
h, 1007,
10.08, 585.0120105.1112,
46.3 Solicitor for Exeoutore.
.T.R. G. N. Mc14aren
An event so great that all previous efforts are overshadowed. Saturday, May llth,
we inaugurate our First ga,y Sale of Boys' and Men's Clothing and place before the
public the most complete stock of Boys' and Men's Ready-to-wear Clothing that has '
ever been offered In Brussels. This sale presents an excellent opportunity to save
money. We guarantek the quality of our Clothing, They, are all made by reliable
makers and are perfect fitting.
Boys' Suits, regular $3 and $3.50 for $2 69
—Boys' 2 -piece Suits, in lovely new Spring
patterns, Tweed, light i'nd dark colorings, double
and single breaeted, well made with good trim-
ming,, perfect fitting for boys 7, 8, 9 and 10 years
old, regular up to $3.50 ; choice for 9 2 69
Same Qualities and Patterns as above
- 2 -piece Suits for Boyo, age 11 to 15, regular
up to 95.00; May Sale Pripe 8 49
Men's Suits regular up to $9 50 for $6.75
Men's Tweed Suite, single and double breasted
styles!, light and dark colorings, strong linings and
perfect fitting, ell eizes from 36 to 44, regular
values up to 89.60; May Sale Price 6 75
Men's Suits regular up to $13.00 for $9.75
—Men's Tweed, Woreted and Serge Snits, ein.
gle end double breasted styles, light and dark
shades, 0010 10 the newest Spring stylee, extra good
lining and perfect fitting, all sizes 36 to 94, regu-
lar 01811188 (25 to 913.00 ; May Sale Price 9 75
Boys' 8 -piece Suits reg. up to $6.00 for $4,49
—Boys' B•piece Suits with Kuioker Paths, in a
big range of New 85.805 Patterns, light and dark -
shades 'Jingle and double breasted styles, good
strong linings and perfeot fitting, for boyo aged 10
to 16, regular values up to 96.00 ; May Sale Price 4 49
Boys' 3 -piece Suits reg. up to $7.50 for $5.69
—Boys' and young Men's Suite, in light and
dark Outdate Tweeds, New Spring Patteens, good
linings, made with long pante and are perfect fit-
ting, sizes 32 to 96, regular price up to 17.00;
May Sale Prioe...,, 6 69
Men's Odd Pants
—Men's Odd Pants in Tweeds, Serges and
Fanoy Worsteds ; Speoial Values at 1rom..91.00 to 8 00
Boys' Odd Knicker Pants
—Boys' Odd Snicker Pants in Tweeds and
Serges, a complete rabge iu stock ; Special Values
at from
.25 to 1 00
Latest in Men's Hats are here
We have in stock an A 1 assortment of
Men's Shirts, Collars, Ties --in fact every,
thing in Men's Furnishings.
Spring Rain Coats and Toppers
Only a few Spring Rain Coats and the
Short Toppers left ; all new and choiee pat-
terns. If your size is here you can buy one
at Wholesale Price.
Highest Prices for Produce.
Goods Right or your Money 134ick.
G. N. McLaren