HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-5-16, Page 574'sgez•N.61.8(9311333E6 02'slinirsffiVOMB`7-CZYBargz2M9V,ffigTgArg9M`htffiIgtViffi'Atli 10.) Fruit Sundaes and Maple Walnuts IOC. FOR Rao. Syrup $1,111.th10$ 5 CTS. JW. KERNEY • 1%141" - .0447.M.W.En CENTRAL ij sTRATpoRD, specT, eit hy its thorough tyerlt and Minor. 'Wax eetablielted twenty moos ago Ra Ahle dewlap with ito patrone bite •b Weenie ono ol 14u Jarip 0 a mid moat) 11 w WW1, Jolow a Comtnerelal Colletice I. the Province. 'Pho demand upon 00 tor ountutereffil teathers and of - emptily. We assist graduatee tO pent- ane m81848,138 greatly ()semis tlie If bicus, litudeute are entering oath 14 Wesit, Catalogue ires E LLIO PT dr MoLAOHDAN, 3 PrInelmile. g '.3i=E=ii=l6=ZIlit:Al BUSINESS CARDS. Av. H. MaCBA.OKEN— o cotter 02 Marriage Lioonses, of. lion 141 Ul'000rYi'XUrnintrry Street, itrubilels, VVM. SPENOE OONVDYA.NOER AND ISSUER OP MA.R1IIA.CrE LICENSES office In Ike Pest OlUoa, Ethel. 90-4 nERTHA C. ARMSTRONG prepare le d to give lessons to Piano or lteed elegise. Terms on application. Pectoilioo address—Brussels. Besitionee— Lot 8, Uou,10, orey. Pupils may nava their lessens at their own bottles it preferted. MISSLAURA SPENCE Teacher of -Piano or Organ ETHEL, ONT. MISS MARGARET MIAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howiok Mutual Fire Insurance Company Office and Besidenoe— WALTON, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM; 011160080808, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. MONEY TO LOAN ON PARN1 PROPERTY Hate of luterest 831180 cent per annum, first Mortgage LIFE AND FIRE INS. AGENT The Equity Vire Insurance Company All business attended to promptly. H. R. BREWER, J. P. Clerk 4th Division Court. AUCTIONEERS. 1.41 S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION• 1. • men, will sell for better prices, to better men, In less time and less charges than any other Auctioneer 111 Bast Buren or be won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this office or by personal application. ROBT. H. GARNISS BLIT/WALD — OOT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for at the °glee of THE Peer, Brossels, 8201 VETERINARY. GA. CUNNINGHAM_ • Honor Graduam of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated animals 111a compet- ent manner, Particular attention paid to Veterinary Deutistry and 302110 (Jails promptly attended to, Onion audinlirmary —Four clown North of bridge, Turoberry et., Brussels, 'Phone 47 k LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AB. MACDONALD— ..• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary,..Bto. Successor to G. P. Blair. Otlice over Stmt. dart( 33an0. Brussels. fielleitor for Metro- politan 13 auk, viT M. SINCLAIR— v v • Barrister, Fielleiter, iConveyancer, Notary Publia, Office—Stewart% Block ideal' North el Central Rotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. IMIOEDFOOT, HAYS dr BLAIR- - BABRIBTHRS, SOLICITORS, NOTAB1118 PUBLIC, ETO. W. PaeUMMem,18, O. 10,0, Hass G. P. Bram Oillees--Those formerly =muted by Messrs Cameron at Holt, G oinalt ONTAnro. DENTISTRY PR. R. P. PEILD, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons et Ontario and Pleat -class Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Office next to Brewor'S Photograph Gallery, BIOUSSELS, li NOW IS A 000D TIMES TO B ENTER THII 0.1ILL KNOWN I/ ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. ilCanada'e High Grade Commercial 1. and Shorthrtud School, 000 grade., Ay ales itre alwaya sucoessful. Their ty, ib superior training °nobble theln to a who (pupils who graduate from our l got and lio111 excellent positions. , School are in the highest and. hest ii sense trained fur 030610080 Life, NO I viteittions. Oeunnence now, Cats, logue free, I Con, Youlic!riu"nurL1OTT ijOL, PrinAMAxatuntit 8320100(3101 ...-6g=26122=18 iCtz8=ifill= The First Step Oftell rn3211.XIR Po IIt bits meant 34(1002088 tel IiIMISSIBIS yonng people who wrote for our Catalogue as the first step toward a good salaried position. Take the step tO-dity, Address CENTitAf, BUSINESS •COLLEOE, 398 Youge et., Toronto. W. Snitw, t.PheVtivicne'ltotIl p-212htaty our!. rt 111 Wu U1,0 11 I iS•sli ki 1, .1 the 1.41)(2000 etsgc" Preventive care heated oolde t 331211. Preventiee arc !!, little 03111113 0814 cure tablet's, and Dr, • Sheep, Re.oine, 16/10., will gladly mail YOU &Wapitis and a boelt en otdde free; i if you will write, The eeMplee prove Merit. Olteels rawly eolde with Prevent lee 61310 atop pneumunia, Bold In 60 end I 2Ga lees by F. 111. 81131t11. CAMS AT Lornion.--No. 6 Oompitny, 88,4 amen/lent, will ge to Isondoe ramp this year ender a new eointnanding • • 00100r, The late caPlitlili Bt• D• 10103814' gen, bee been promoted to the elliee of 1 Quarter meeker, which °Moe woe held by Major Beek for many pare, in feet "hero' de vear.'' Cloptitin cf the Railway Mall Service, hag been sp. pointed to the town Company, until BM time as 30 reeident officer will qualify. The Compeny tiole par wilt be lip to the average otrength it is hoped, !ludas the new order of things [Wove reoruiling up to 110 men there rhould be no difficulty iu twouring 10 piekid Corn• pithy from the town and surrounding toothy, The °amp this year will own. prim all the regiment, from No, 1 Diet, and with good weather the hays tbould put in 05 floe hettlthy time, and the ex peristioe in m idern warfare should be hi- struorive. Sergi ant (Aerial Meadows and 91. Dennison, of Walton, will attend to the Jiffies out of the Company thie year. gond Itetiv kerns Bugs/ flurries on May 10th. DoceT blame inc If you take them off 100 11 get 11 00ili ill your head. 12013ORT T110S10.,11 diSP,011311 ot his fancy driver to Jno, Swartz, of Whigharn, at a good figure. T1111 molts oonies out of the ohiraney inlet the same 110 matter whether tiny 1200 31010034 with tithes, brine or oxalic) acid. 101112 flue mile traok le in good shape and te an A 1 place to train your fast etook or break a eat Get a eeaeon ticket from the Eteoretary, F. S. Booth Tim la the time to build up the systeix with Rival llerb Tablete, Sold by both' frag 000008 in Brussels ; W. G. Neal, Walton A. J. M. Held], Orauhrook. A swam° in the Ontario law that than give came proteetien from doge similar to that enjoy by sheep, le 'mid to be under preparatiou by 0.0. James, deputy Minister of A.griculture. ST, filAnT'S will epend tteo on a b'ood hound to hunt down °Woken thieves We have heard of a good 1104123 000011, hot could himself diepose of tWenty dollars worth of poultry at an evening sessioe. AISTRISIONIAL tiekets are eapplied by the Ottnadian Pecifio reilway to settlers in the North,sest Territory who wish make journey in order to serene 9, wife, On preeetiting the return 0003200 and the marriage oertiticate the pettier is entitled co free trensportation for his bride. Fon Catarrh, let me eenci you free, jast. to prove merit, a trial size boX of Dr Shoopre Catarrh Remedy, It is anew white, creamy, healing antieeptio balm that gives inetant relief to catarrh of ilia nose and throat. Make the free test and see. Addresa Dr. Shoop's Raoine, Large jure 60o eaelt Sold by F. Smith. TELE11102710 TO Eeenttinan's RESIDENOE.— A. telephone has beeo placed in the resi• dello° of Roet. ()leer, nether Qeeen and Priooesa stresits, for rise in eionneotion with Mee. klr. Oliver is the engineer and from 9 p. m. to 8.a. in. hie phone wit• be left iu oonimotion with inetruments al Ramsay's livery baro, the Queen's Hotel and the G. T. R. depot Of eouree in the day time the whole oireeit will be enabled to ring 7131 his bowie if neeessary This ie a proper move although we hope the engineer'a dreams may not be die curbed for many a night by the ring of his telephone bell annunnaing fiee. The news—No Pure Drug Clough Core Laws would he needed, if all Clough ()ores were like Dr. Shoop'e Cough OM 113— and hae been for 20 yeare. The Nation al Law noW requires that if any poisons enter into 11 ooueh mixture, it moat be printed on the label or package, For We reason mothers and othere, should inaist on having Do. Shoop's Clough Oure No poison marks on Dr. Elhoop'a labeie— and none in the mediaine, else it must by law be on the label. And it% not only eafe, but it le amid ko be by those who know 10 beat, a truly remarkable cough remedy. Take no ohauce, partioularly with yonr obildren. Insist on havine Dr. Shoop's Cough Onre. Compare carefully the Dr. Shoop package tvith others and eee. No poison marks there 1 You can always bo on the safe side by demanding 1)r. Shoop'a Cough Oure. Simply refuse to =Apt any other, Sold by F. R. Smith. To GUELPH—Bob Fluron Tettohere' Convention will be held Kt the Agrioul. curet Ooliege, Guelph, on Wedoesday anti Thursday, May 22nd and 28nd. An .excinreiou will be run at epeeist ratee open to everybody. Tbe program will be au follows :--51ay 22ud : 1 30—aleet in Macdonald Lietitnle A.genebly Hall ; address of wele01:08, Prete. Oteelmatt the work of Macdonald 'esthete, Prof. illofjreedy ; 2 30—Inepeotion of Moto douatd Inatitnte ; 3.30 Inspection of Macdonald Hall ; 3 46—Mitcdonald Coo solalated (Moot gardene, (Mildew Ieav ing Sobool ; 4 00—Inspeotion of school and address on consolidation, Priuoipal Flown ; 5.00—Viait to dairy stables ; 8,00—President'e address, Mr. Moffatt ; Agrioultaral education, Pres, Oreelmen • Nature etudy, MoOreedy ; Manual training, Prof—Evans ; mob address 20 minutes. May 23rd 9 30 to 10 80—Ae- etiolation meeting in Malian Bali, deo tion of officers, eta ; 10 30 00 12 00— Visit to library, live stook, agrionitnral and hortionitural departments : 1 30 to 4.00—Meet in Massey HMI; Vieite to forestry, ohemioal, botanical, phyeioal, etornologioel, clalry and poultry depart. Wio 10) •PrC mantle. W. 0. T. 11.—Lefit week the W. 0, T. U. entered on its second year being organized May 8th, 1906. The present membership is 19, All departments of the work undertaken thee far are in a healthy condition. The following public addreeaes in aid of the work have been given during the year 7-11118y 1906, Dirt Bryan, Luoknow Ann. 8rd, Rev. J, H. Heater, Toronto Nov, 811i, Ittv, E. G. Powell ; Jon, 8, 1907, Mrs. McKee, Barrie. The Union hae also •fornished rooms where entertainment ie provided three evenings eaola week for any who may avail 01:01468100e of the privilege, and to whieh all ere cordially invited. Twenty two boys have Mimed the anti. Cigarette pledge The Frith and Flower oommittee have also been doing a good work. The amount of money received by the Union during the year wee $94 05' and the amount expended CM the different departments of Temperance work ie 682 11. •The offieere for tide year are ea follows :—Mre, A. McGuire, President Mee.Ronde and Wire. Leatharda' le Vice Presidente ; Mee, It Dark, Oor. BOYS 0103' ; 30Jpo, G. Broker, • Preltinirer edre Ali. Lowry, assistant Treaeurek. The Suoiety's Motto le "Brogteee." enuitrit (1111311(S [Intended for last week.] 178011000 sidewalk has been put down from the street to the ertheol room door at OS 330411.110iSt °Introit Melville congregation ooe 'Hinted 825.00 to the funds of the Lorit's Day Alliance, a very reepeetable etun. Bay. Mr, Powell preached two spleudid sermons liutt Sabbath in connection with the Quarterly services In the Minhodist cherub. The morning theme woe ''fflhe heat gate are for all" arid the eveniug 00103808,,,,,The common place 8, large number tamed tor the ear:cement, and fellowship meeting. Ray. E G. Powisfir. INVITED.—Tbe rneetIng of the May 011ioial Board 08 101, Mothottiet church WAS held Tuesday evening, Very satisfuotory financial re porta were preeented in conneetion with the paat year whioh included the wiping tint of the ehnreh debt ot nearly, $1,200, with over $380 for Miesione. Member- ahip was reported at 318, of whom 60 belong to Oranbrook. W. H. Kerr wee elected to repreeent the church at the District Meeting held May 16 and 16 at Luoknow. Local Preeehers' liomee were renewed to Jno. Grainger, T. Far - cow, B. Gerry, E 8rnith, 10. R. Brewer, F. Raddatz and W. H. Kerr. The 1200 - lowing Steward° were chosen :—T. Pathos's, R. Leatherdale, W. F. Stewart' .L J. Gilpin, J,•Ounninghain, Geo. Spar- iing and W. 17 ,178001, the latter being the Rewarding Steward. ()heater Armstrong, Ali President of the Eproorth League, wee accorded a seat at the Board. The lot owing resolution, moved by Postmaster Farrow, seconded by Geo. Sperling and supported by 11. L. Jankeen and W. F. Stewart, wee enanimonely adopted :— Boat whereas our ohnroh during the past financial year has enjoyed bleaeinge both temporal and spiritual. Viewed even temporally, we have reason to be thankint to God. During the year our people have paid off the balance of the debt ou the ehnrah amuuntiug to Rome - thing about $1200 which is a great relief to the oongregation. Title debt had been hanging on ws like an inenbue for 30 years, now we are free. We have put up a (itinerate commodious and sub. 0.00011121 pareonege stable whieh was math nestled. Besides this a new granolithio walk has been pub down lee -ding to the basement of the °Mirth, We heartily thank DIMS. B. for this.- 17(1 8010,0 thinks nave been done during the year, and for which we feel thankful, to our people, and our paator who he entered moat heartily into ell the work. Spiritually we have canoe to be thankful. All the iniereete of our church, the atteudanee 120 1008 means of Graee, at oar Epworth Leaguee, our prayer meeting°, and our Sabbath (Moot alt are advancing into a better life, Our paetor and Ole wife have bad affliction In the rami y, all the obild ran were stricken down With fever, and were shut in for about 10 weeks, we thank God they were all preserved and _spared, yet our parlor 00001111017' missed a eervioe be did not fill, His pulpit while. seations hove been appreeiated, not only by the membere of the chetah and the adherents but by many othere. He has given ue good, earliest, spiritual, Gospel eerrnone whlob have been edifying ane uplifting spiritually, Therefore be it re solved that we extend to him a hearty and 1113013iM000 invitation to orintinue wibb ne for the incoming year. The pastor replied bri• fly aeeepting the in• ; expressed the thenks of Mrs. Powell and himself and hoped by united effort that the next year would be one of even more marked mem. Few Will lesenne The torturing aohes of cores. Be pre. pared, --the only pathless ewe is Put nam's TIorn Tlxtraotor. Fifty years in nee and absolutely guaranteed. lerir (Av. Sonoor, IIEUORT.—The following is the report of 8. S. No. 10, Grey. Names in order of merit. --Br. IV—Alma Speiran, 485 ; Katie Denman, 414; Ivah Speirau, 338 ; Georee Evans, 298.„ Jr. 1V—kiary Meehan, 889 ; Margaret Efutohineon, 882; Myrtle Speiran, 838 ; James D01111, 147. Sr. 11I—Della Whitfield, 335; Herman Piokrell, 822. Jr. III (e)—Fred Cox, 190 ; Bart. Bpoiran, 171 1 Gordon Whitfield, 162 ; Stanley Meehan, 167. Ir. 111 (b)—Henrietta Denman, 861 Margaret Love, 878 ; Millie Cox,295 ; Gertrude Speleatt, 284 •,1041100 nkll, 257 . Sr. II—Beri Rathwell, 284; Fred Hollenbeolt, 215 ; Lorne Pratt, 181 ; Bennie Hollenbeek 144 ; Wee. /Wan. tyne. 99, Jr. Hutehinson, Grozaid luglis, Glydas Hollenbeek, Stanley Speiran, May Inglie, Carrie Word, Jennie Ward, Sr. I—Leslie Littte. Jr, I—Jean to we, Colwell Speiran, Belay° Batter. H. 0, MAOSILIGIVUT, Teacher. EMMY, HsPoltx.--Pollowing ie the re- port of 8. S. No 6, Grey for the month of April.—Sr. IV—Ella Peoreon, WHIR Jacklin, ()arson Jaoltlin, Jr. EV—Helena Rrewer, Gertie Stepheneon, Joseph Inter, 31I—Eva Mitehell, Roy Hall, Jr. Mt—Slosh Hutehineon, Luetta Jnoklin, Minnie Rm. Sr. II—Annie Ward, Our Prices "46.4414" PAIN ;747 iy Are for those who wish to save. Our Clothing is for those who like to dress faultlessly, Our Methods take 02300 00 the money of the eareftd spender. And our Guarantee protects every. one, Would you like to buy Clothing on that basis ? We would like you for a customer. Ferguson Tailors and & Itoz, Clothiers Wesley Yoe, Willie Milehell, Reuben Brewer, Jr, II—Geo, go Ilali Berrie Vcdden, LOIN Written, George Re. Pt, II—Gertrude Ames, Earl Lowe, R te.—Elr, Pt, I—Bernioe Lowe Ward, Mary Rear, Rueeel Yoe, Lily Jitaklin. Jr. Pt. I—Hobert jauklin, Hoy MarttaLStanley Hall, 'Bette Roue, Lawrence 1.enve. Ave age attendance for month, 24. Fec.naisot Anissenolso, Tsaoner Barmy Lived Thronigh It A terrible experime had E 1, J. O'Conor, of Sault Ste. Marie. "From boyhood" be wrime, "I have been a oointant inifferer from Asthma and oatarrh. My nose and throat was stopped up and 02 had droppings in the throat When attache came on I thought I oonl'nt live through the night, I would Bit up pep for breath and endure great distreme. Oetarrhozone made me entirely well." No stronger proof is re g aired. AGOTIS. i8 ()arable Bo hi catarrh, Use "Catarrhozone" and your recovery ie guaranteed. Two sizes 25o and $1.00 at all demerit e.; oderiGke The boats engaged in the perith fletoieg industry have had some fairly good hauls so tar this Beeson. The Goderioh Baseball Olub will play on Victoria Day in Olinton against the team of that town, Mr. SwaMeld hae some garden peaa on hie property on Britannia Road that are high enough to stick. The collection in Knox oliuroh on be. half of the famishing °nee in China amounted to $276.20. Qtthe a :lumber of tepees have been moved thie Spring, partiou•arly im• proving properties on Nelson, East sod other 'Amts. Gunpowder was used to break up the bedded salt where the excavation for the enlargement of Kensington furniture factory is being made, Wright Mertio, poultry mien reports for the month of April, from 245 hens, be obtained 3,728 eggs, an average of over fifteen eggs eaob. W. Bernningharn, of Ottawa, hie been awarded the oontraot for the Goderiah harbor extension at $90,000 00 whir% rneane the extension of the outeide brealt. water. Harry G. Spence, who hae been for owe yeare with the Goderioh Organ 0o. left for Edmonton, Alta, and will prob. able locate in that part of the Weet. He 200 young emu who will gamed there. Gianni La Sala, of Toronto, has be. gun an motion egaiust. Al, A. Piggott dt Co. of Goderioh, claiming $1,000 for damages suffered through alleged neg. iigenae. Tbe plaintiff ie now in the Alexandria Hospital. The owners of the fiehing tug Two Maas lost some 87 nets in the recent atorm lint have recovered 22 of them since. Tbe last picked up were some 8 miles from where they 325110Bet and as may be expected were cionsiderebly damaged. Measles have been excieedingly' preval. ent for the poet two weeks, nearly every eecond house having a patient suffering from the di.ettee. One nifty judge its mamas when in one school rooM on Monday, 29th tilt, there were only three papile in attendance, while in 0011. 000100 there were but eight. Arseeesor Campbell given the popula- tion of the town et the present time as 4,606, an inoreave of 90, the population feet year being 4,416 Mr. Campbell thinke there may be 40 new homes added to the town's buildings, but pays the .1111•IMIP boarding batten have not to many board. ere as they had last year. Dr. J. L. Turnbull wits in town last week imam; t.Id friends- Aa soon as he veiude up hie timber, leinber and raW mill business neer Li.iowel, which will he two or three weeks, hp will 'ease for thOgarY, Where he goes lute priunice with another medical man. BRONCHIAL COUGHS. Breathe flyamePe Belding Air and All irritation Win Be Quickly Cured., The meet irritating and annoying form of cough ie that termed bronchial. People [subject to 61'01101CM troubles whenever there ie sabring° in the weather or they are expelled to a draught will "oatoh" a bronoltial cough, which is very disagreeable, irritating and annoying. Bruhobial troubles cannot be cured by etomaoh dosiug. The medicated air of By -o 0101 ie the only treatment that reachee the affeoted parte and gives re. lief and oure. It destroys all the disease game that are present in the noes, throat and lungs, soothes and relieves the irritated ram:wee membrane in all parte of the bronobial tubes and quickly over. oomett the irritation. Bronchitis ie really an ibfiammation of the muttons membrane lining the air passages and is purely a local disease, so that it needs, a local treatmeot like that afforded by Hy•o mei. • We do not waus anyone's money un• lees Hyomei gives relief and Gore, and we abeolutely agree that money will be refunded maths the remedy gives Betio- faetion. All druggists should be able to supply you with Eiy.o mei or we will send it by mail on 14080315 01 price, $1 00, and every package is eo.d with the distinct under• standing that it siesta nothing unless it three. Booth's Hyomei Company, Buffalo, N Y. Lis 1011 Sale Just received a car load of No. 1 White Lime. D. A. LOWRY BRUSSELS. LT 'Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels, vmsonsemilamemommar• olossommrommot IPRICES FDR liCE ICREA111 For the Coui- t inff Summer ,ffisfaffigkrovINEMffiaffilffig= tffiS2I<AWEIMIX XagarasAggSkffig t.V.,YALSAYABAffiYAME kW), ice Cream .5 CTS. Ice Cream Soda In any of the Popular Flavors 5 CTS. PAPER HANG1AIG The uudereigued are prepar” pared to attend to, all work entrusted to them in 'the above lines with neatness 'and despatch. Prices Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed, T. NI CHOIT I. IS RUNNELS Brewers Reliable Art Studio 1„,„fifty',1,10;11';'11:11f;',g: 4,1lea:3; 1,11,01 up OW: 8t11,111-4, WO aro eeeona to 01,01001 (30101 roc prieee are lower than other t3'"NuSr..0 would he pleased to Imo yOU oall and see sampies, ahlo age our large aesortment of vlowo on Poet Oarde, They make good Souvenirs, B0111 fail tit have some, WE FRAME plortiRas Enlarging done in firsb-claos etyle— flra)•oti Witter-oolor, (02138 10,0 a eall. H.R, BREWER cous...........mmtewnamm.nu WELL BRED STALLIONS KAPLAN 2.O8 p COSTUMER Will stand fur service for the season of 1907 at their own stable, BRUSSELS ONTARIO APLAN is r ne of the fastest Stallions ,•,tanding for service in Canada and he ie IN. also a good gaited horse, having got his mark in a race without hobbles and only trained by a trainer for 2,} months. No other horse got so fast a mark with so short training. There is Ile other horse better bred te produee speed. Eighty of the horses with 2,10 speed true to hie g. g. dam elect. Kaplan has a right by inher- itance to produce speed and will Rarely do 010. flOSTEMER—You who have been tieing him know what be has produced and ) those who have not done so 6041 1413 what he is producing. Ile is bred in one of the most fashionable strains 801 81)0 present day winch is the Hambletonians and Morgans. KAPLAN stends at 626.00 and closTrztrER at 915.00 to insure. Scott & 'Warwick, Proprietors 3p.. scow nr WISHES to thank his Patrons of the last 80 'years for their patronage in hie black- smithing business and hopes to give satisfaction 1, the future Ile he has tried to do in the past. Partionlar attention paid to shoeing both heavy and light horses. He peeps a firet-olass man in hie employ to ensure satiefaetion to all customers. WALL PAPER PIOTURE FRAMING ta•leee'letet•lea,•it'le'teileast, E To thE people of Ethel and surrounding country we beg leave to say we have opened up a Furniture and Wall Paper business at Ethel. We also keep a supply of Window Shades—orders for special sizes and colors promptly attended to. We cordially invite you to call and see our goods as we feel certain we can please you both in quality and price. PICTURE FRAMING DONE TO ORDER Wo would also kindly call your attention to our Undertaking Department We will keep a good supply of everything necessary in that line constantly on band and all orders left with us will be carefully and promptly looked after by MESSRS. WALKER & BLACK, Brussels. Wreathes and Funeral Designs also supplied. South Side, WM. H. LOVE, Red Brick Block, ETHEL reaw!mosemsmamvemaesner "00%""*.OW% tWkAAA"PWW49 I)o you, like good. Breaci and Pastry ? . _ . If so you must bake with good Flour. neve in stock now the Celebrated Purit ra 11 d Manufactured by the 'Western Canadian Flour Mills Go., of Winnipeg. Also the well known Five ses the output ot the Lake -of -the -Woods Milling Co. A. trial will convince you of the excellence of these Qualities. All kinds of Feed kept on hand and sold at Rea. SON able Prices. ALF. BAEKER, BRUSSELS etewararaiswrfiatewei...eweeateeefielirfieweete•-••neet.fiefiraoaraw.trawavrfisaiOwfifie