HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-5-16, Page 4` ti.s Vogt.
TIIO'X>:SD4Y. M t1' IG, 1907.
Ilia said that in some planes the
pltortage of teed is proving a perplexing
problem Whitmore owing to the book
ward eeaaan and the delay in grace
growing. We hope the menace will be
epoodily removed, To have enow.flnrriee
en May 30n1 is a very unusual thing in
this notary.
Tim political fire op grows epage,
Barrister Dewarb has put .the armor op
ate the Liberal candidate for the next
Dominion contest in South Toronto and
Dr, F. Godfrey, of Mimieo, is in the
field as Ooneervative nominee in the bye
election for bbe Legislature In Weer York
owing to the demise of Hoo, 3, W. St,
TEE Domiuton Government hoe ieened.
an illustrated bulletin on ''The leading
breeds of Swipe," giving a brief history,
ohief ebaraaterietios and pointeof excel.
lanae. There is no releeenoe in it pages,
however to the "bog" who takes up two
Beate In a passenger ooaob and allows
other people to stand, His photo ahonld
also be given to make the work complete.
Paws has an adnoational novelty in the
opening of aeabool
Incthe i e rn ' o 0
p ept oUiof
parrots, Italian, French and German
are taught and the fee is the modest -cam
of $8 O0 per week, Three months is set
as the necessary period of graduation
with a guarantee in a year'e tutition,
This ie oertainly a fast age. We have a
a good many hamen "parrots" m Ontario
we might send over.
$20,000 of $35,000 required is in baud
to provide a monument for the Canadians
who fell in the South African war, It
will be erected in Toronto bet the work
will not be comple.ed for about two years
ie iS said. It pabtie balls or buildings
were bolit instead of marble or granite
shafts or oolume we believe a better
purpose woald be served and utility as
well as kindly rememberance would be
WEIe&EY reoeived another bad blow
on Sunday morning at Belleville when
the mammoth dieciltery owned by Harry
Corby went up in smoke. The lose ie
o mputed at over a quarter of a million.
Building was 4 stories high. Of course
it will be rebuilt as the profile are eo big
a gold mine of this kind would never be
allowed to remain idle until the people
say King Alcohol's rule is at an end in
the Dominion of Canada.
A uaa'LT man paid the debt of Nature
last week in Toronto when G. F. Marten
paeeed off this stage of action. He was
a prominent fignce in Coneervative
poiitiae a few years and later was very
active in the Dominion Ailianae dealing
with the Tom era[
em. Diabetes
wan the cause of death. Toronto has
lost a Large number of prominent men by
death during the past year.
Ir is said that no man at the Colonial
Oooferenoe recently bald at London,
1 tad to more intently aha
Wilfred Leerier. He wee credited with
being ibe beet dreeeed member of that
anpustbody but his addreeeee proved
that hie mental makeup was ail
faultleeae as his apparel and the great
Dominion of Canada bad a represents.
tive of which she has a right to be proud.
Jcnoa RIDDELL gave conductor Thomp.
son a good stiff eentenoe of three years in
the peneteetiary in connection with the
G. T. R. wreck near Gaelpit last Fall by
which three men loot their livee. The
Judge averred that the plea made
by the Ooudnotor that he was asleep was
of no avail as there was nothing oompnl•
gory an him to continue on duty with.
out the necessary sleep. It is high time
that somebody was made responsible for
the almost every day smash on the rail
and the above penalty will cause widens
thought to those specially intereeted.
An appeal has been made to the Minister
of Jnatioe.
Trig Posr is at a lone to understand the
notion of the town 0000011 regarding the
reneut By.Law vuted upon by the rate
payers and carried. It set out that the
former market site wee to be die-
eetablisbed and the Town Hall removed
at ouoe so as to permit the erection of
the Pablfo Library building thereon. 11
was reported that the Town Hall was not
worth repairing, &c, and yet in the Moe
of all this, after the 13y•Lsw had reoeived
its third reading making it law, a resole,
Con (tarried offering the vacant portion
o' the lot ea a site for the Library band-
ing with the proviso that the Town Hall
be not removed. There ie oertainly a
wet fel dieorepenoy in the two positions
that will be difliooit to harmonize. 71
tome ratepayer demands the oarrying+
into effent of the By Law, the Connell
would find tbemeelvee in a dilemma that
might coat the town more than a few dol.
Lagoa Gilliee, one al the mldent reef•
dente of Pilkington township, died on
Friday, aged 83.
Over font bhoneand immlgrante en
route for Western Cnneda arrived at
Halifax an ]he eteamnbip Victoria,
Oaneda and Lake brie on Saturday,
Popular t Ulions
'fro Following trill be flee Bodice of Iles
elitt'si's minted ler newton 01'1901 t
MONDAY, May Oth--Will leave hie
own stable Lot 30, flee. 12, Magi bop,
and proceed to 11. Dodds', Lot 22, Qon.
5, Oleltiliop,.for noon ; then to Diok'e
Hotel, Seaforth, for night. 'UES
UAY-1iY way of the 21111 Can, :Tuck
ertlmlth; 10 Thoman Oolemau'e for noon ;
then North to Joeeph Dayroan'e, Lot 7,
Cou. 2, /dullest, by way of Alma, for
night. W1;DNESDAY-North to
kleury Taylor's, Lot 6, than. 11, Hui
lett, for neon ; then to hie own arable
for eight, THURSDAY -Wit go Eaet
to S. Forbee', Cun. 14, Mo$diop, for
noon ; then North to (Jiver Ternbn",'e,
Uon, 16, Grey, for nigttt, FRIDAY-
Weet, then North to 51r. f3ird'e for noon;
then Nurtb to the American Hots .
Brusele, for the night•--SA'1URDAY-
South to Janne Bolger'e, Con. 8, Mot
tie, for uoou ; then to his ecu etabte,
whore he will remain until the folluwtng
Monday morning,
MONDAY -Wilt leave hie own stable,
Lot 21, Cou, 5, Grey, and go to Wm.
d on. Grey, Inc noou , O uo
than via the 491.1 Con, to lila
own stable
for night. TUESDAY -To Tboe.
Tougbao's, Lot 6, 4th Ovu„ Elate, for
noon ; then to his own stable for night
WEDNESDAY -To James Parr's Lot
1, Oun, 0, Urey, for coon ; then via 8th
Con., to his own stable fur night.
THURSDAY -to Geo. Keir'',, 8th Con.
Gray, for noun ; then to Teesdale Whit -
field's, Lot 213, Lion. 13, Grey, for night
FRIDAY --1'o Wm. Stevenson's, 101,h
Uou„ for noon ; and to hie own statue
where he will remain until Monday
ROB r. MCDONAL'D, Proprietor.
MONDAY -Win leave his own stable,
Lot 17, Con. 9, Gray, and go to Mre. E.
Diokeou'e, Lat 5, O.,n. 11, Greylfor noon 1
then to Oliver Hatrie', Lot 12, Oon. 16,
for night. TUESDAY. -To lobo Mo-
Taggart'e Lot 24, Cion. 15, Grey for
noun ; then to Juo. Rntlterford'a, Lot
4, Con. 13, Enna, for night. W EDNEd.
DAY -Tu Levi Whitfield'',, Lot 26, Con.
12, Grey, for noon ; then to his owe,
a ante for night. -THURSDAY -To
Wm. Jeokhu's Lit 15, Con. 4, Cray, for
coon ; thee to Jae. Parr'c, Lot 1, Con.
6, Grey, for night. FRIDAY -To Wm.
Ouok'e, Lot 19, 5th Line Morris, fur
noon 1 then to Freels MoQutoheon's,
Lot 23, 0th Liue, Morrie, for night.
dAYURDAY,-To American Rotel,
Brussels, for noon ; tben to his own
ateble where be will remain until the
foltowiug Monday.
Cotlanel's dope
No. (13100) VOL. 28
Geo. Muldoon, Prop.
This Imported Clydesdale Horse will
make the Beason of 1907 at hie own
stable, Brueeele.
Terme to insure $15.00, payable Feb.
1st, 1908, Mares moot be retnrned reg•
Warty or tbey win be charged whether in
teal or not. 45-4
HENRY BONE, P-roprietor,
MONDAY -Will leave his own stable
Lot 20, 3rd Line Morrie, and go to Juo.
LfnEwen'e, 2nd Coo., Grey, for night.
TUESDAY -To Arthur Shave's, 1st
Line, Morrie, for noon ; then to John.
etott's Hotel, Bluevala, for an hour, and
then to Wm. Vaoetoue'e, 4th Ooo., Termberry, for night. WEDNESDAY -To
John Willie', Otto Uou., Teruberry, for
noon ; then to Debt. Hogg's, Tarnberry,
for night. THURSDAY -To Bateon'a
Hotel, Wingham, for an hour ; then to
D. Oampbell's, LA liue Morris, for noon ;
then to bis own stable for nigbt. FRN•
DAY -To Hill's Hotel, Belgreve, for
noo0 ; then to Alex. MaNail's, 5th Line,
Morrie, for night, SATURDAY -To
Central Hotel, Broeeels, for noon ; then
to hie own stable where he will remain
emit the followiug Monday.
MONDAY -Will leave his awn etable,
Lot 21, 3rd Line Morris, and proceed
Weet 2 tales to John Garnies' for noon;
then West 2* miles, then Sooth by way
of gravel road to Beberave W Hill's Hotel
toe night. TUESDAY -Will proceed
East along 4th Line, Morris, 2 mi ea to
(Medea Wukineon'e for noon ; then
to Shedden'a corner, then North to bin
own stable where be will remain till
Thursday morning. THURSDAY -
go Zaet along 3rd Line, Morrie, to
James Parr's, gravel road, for noon ;
then South to American Hotel, Brnesele,
for night, FRIDAY -Will go North
1f miles by way of gravel road, thee
West to Jamee Danean'a for noon ; then
North to Amdereon's sobool ; then to
his own stable where he will remain till
the following Moudoy =ruing,
Wily Inetn'aneo ('onlpaales Discrilnhl•
ale Against tiehtie Sex.
irledica, exx miners of insurance nom•
pamiee say that the reason n women pays
more for the privilege of insurance then
it man, is from the lent that women more
readily fall victims to indige'tion and
stomach troubles and the fatal arlmente
that spring from theca causes,
All persona they say, who have a
weakened digestive eyetem and Buffer
from eiok headaobe, dizzy spells, dittreee
alter eating, specks before the eyes,
bloating, nervaueneae, eieepleaeceee and
the many other symptoms of indigestion,
anon lower the tone of the wbole ayetem
and are moat cavo' ptihle to a fatal illneea,
For curative power in all stolnaoh t,
troubles, nothing else is ae safe yet
effective, nothing else can be thoroughly
relied neon to relieve all troubles from
indigestion ae Mi.o.na. It is unlike any
remedy heretofore known and is ready
one of the valaable dieaovaries in modern
medical science,
Itis not the aerate attaokis that in.
fiaenoe the inearanoe examiners alone,
but the aouetaot feelings of weakness,
beedenbee, iudigealion and atomaob
trembles -these things phyeioiane say
kill more people than many more eeriene
wilWe absolutely n h t t our
l he refunded ebonldyou buyman50
oent box of Mi o na atomaob tablets and
not be satisfied with the results. Mi.o na
ie sold by droggiate everywhere, or will
be sent by mail on receipt of price 500.
Booth's Miens Company, Buffalo, N. Y.
1lenith Depends en Good Blood
Everyone who nen Frrrozoue hes
good color and great vitality. Racoon
for tbie is Ferrozone'', power to create
nourishing blood. "I was broken down,
had no strength and couldn't eat" writes
Dire . Ohne, Benny, of (Jayne, Out. "My
nerves were irritable. I wail thin -blood-
ed and continually ouhappy. I tried
Ferrozone. It gave me new energy,
force, vim. It brought me strength -
made me well." Greatest tonic and re•
builder ever known is Ferrozone, Sold
everywhere in 500 hoses. e
Brussels School Raud.
Regular meeting of Brussels Public
Sobool Board was held in the Boxed
Room on Friday evening. Members
present T. Farrow, D. 0. Roes, R.
Leetherdale and J. G. Skene.
Minutes of last meeting read and ad-
Tenders for coal were opened Wilton &
Gillespie 30 ton oar of Soraulon coal at
96 50, railroad weight ; R Henderson
30 ton oar of coal et 90 40,railroad
weight. Moved by R. Leatherdale
aeoonded by D. 0. Roes that the tende
of R. Henderson be accepted, Carried
Board then adjourned. J. G. SEEay,
To the Editor of TYKE POST
DEAR SIa.-Will you kindly let us
know, through your paper, what Bort of
weather yon are having down there and
if there is any seeding done yet. We
are having o0
Id, snowy weather here. Of
ooarae the snow is all gone exempt what
lane yet but it still remains mold and
very little ploughing done go far. As I
am a stranger to the country would like
to know if it is much more backward
here than there, Hoping thio will reaob
you in time for this week's lane,
I remain yours,
Dentin, P. E , R. R. Diet,
NOTE BY EDIToa.-This is an unusual
late season in thio locality as compared
with eome years. Seeding ie wen ad..
winced in Bi motels locality, many having
finished but the growth has been next to
nothing up to this week. We are hope.
fel that the good weather will soon over.
mime the apparent delay in vegetation
and that a bouutifnl harvest will reward
the toil of the tiller of the soil,
} eek
Weak Kidneys, surely point to weak kidney
Nerves. The Kidneys, like the Heart, and the
Stomach, and their weakness, not in the organ
itself, but in the nerves that control and golds
and strengthen them. Dr. Shoop's Restorative is
a medielno specifically prepared to reach these
Controlling nerves. To doctor the Kidneys alone,
is futile. It is a waste of time, and of money as
, well.
r If your back aches or is weak, if the trine
scalds, oris dark and strong, if you have symptoms
of Bright's or other distressing or dangerous kid-
, nay disease, try Dr. Sheep's Reatomtive a month-,
Tablets or Liquid -and see what it can and win
do for you, Druggist recommend and sell
Winter Weakens the System and Al.
tows Disease Germs i0 Enter.
Great epidemioe, eanb as fevers, fn•
Notions akin dieeaeee and pestilence
break out in the Spring.
Winter shute out freeb air from many
homes, and only ,
get a few e
yen a little
eunehiue. h
The blood naturallyo
gr we
thin, colorless and dieeaeed,-we tire
easily, sleep poorly and have ._headaohee.
Io this condition we are easy prey to
eiokning and fill the hospitals and grave.
Yon moat create reeietanoe and
strength. The blood moat be purified,
most be given power to expel the seeds of
Spring fever.
Ferrozone is the only remedy : It calla
back vim and energy, fills the body with
viteltty, make° every fire slog with new
found fife and health.
That gnawing tiredness leaves yon-
Ferrozone drives it away. Sleepless
nights ere turned into periods of rest,
and you pick up feat. Day by day your
appetite improves, -this means more
feed is traueformed in nutriment that
will build and energize weak organs.
The inolination to worry penes away
beoanee Ferrozone imparts nerve -tone
and bodily strength that prevents de
Think it over-Ferrozone is a wonder.
tai tonin, in feet it ie more became it
establishes that health which Mots.
Thoneande nee it in the Spring and
thereby oleanee and restore the entire
system to a perfeot condition. Yop'll
feel the ttplifting power of Ferrozone In
a week, -it's bound to help you if you
only give it the chance, Sold by all
dealers, 50o a box or six boxes for $2.50,
be Bare of the same Ferrozone.
b r;
Why not this year erect
on your Cemetery Lot a
nice, neat Monument P
Our stock is the larg.
est in Western Ontario.
Call and inspect it.
Our prices will surprise you.
We employ no Agents. Our
Workmanship the best.
Wilson & Rutter
On common fences the mohtinoons
wire stays are sure to bend and the locks
to lose their grip -tinder oontinnel pres-
sure of your horses or cattle. And once
they do, the top wire, soon followed by
those below, win eag and destroy the
alchemy of your fence.
Nothing like that can happen to our
Dillon Hinge -Stay Fence. The short,
stiff hard steel wire in onr hinge -stays
cannot band when the lateral wires aro
ryoighted.down, owing to their being so
short and jointed ab each strandwire.
Pressure Ma horeo on the top wire:. brings the "hinges" in the stays 10M. nation
and prevents them from bending, and when pressure 10 relieved the fence springs back
into place again.
The lateral wires are High -Carbon Hard Steel and coiled to provide for
expansion and contraction by heat and cold, and are also crimped at the intereeetton
of the stays and strands to prevent thestays from Blipping sideways -therefore no lecke
aro needed.
Buy the Dillon Hinge -Stay Fence. Ife "twice as strong," Twioa as good an
Investment. Catalogue free.
The Owen Sound Wire Fence Co., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont.
LO„ 'try or F
dyygpp``��}RRvvee,rw.-..}}�Q1 �ygryn. ry}sr}}�ggg.
;AAA LALuut(1'ato '
V1iilA11pi11 BhdA�i 111 �QFIFI hTd4 11 AI4 4 to
fe1 (dfllliated with Clinton R, 0.1
;Individual instruotlltit,
t+ Write for bandoome eatalogoe.
tri 0110, STOTTON, 1'.rInelpttl.
old, for sale at South Bali Tmt20,0ou,
0. Morris, WV1U. 110811, Brussels P, 0,
gaud Grade Oowa, alio Beed Oate.
4041 Lot
Lot 22, Con. 7, Grey,
!!,•breary let -putt of Smith Block.
20x55 feet ; 2013 door front Amerlean Hotel ;
lately used as tailoring and gents' furhieb
G g ettabliehmanb, For further psrbioulare
apply t5 Dit. MaKELVEY, Bruseole,
-The undersigned offers for sale per
house amu lot on ruruberry street, Brus.
sole, Peeeeeslnn 081013 be given at ouoe.
Fur price, tame as.. apply to MRS, F,
SHIELt, Walton 11, 0,, or to Trus Poem,
EMETIC will keep tor service on Lot
21, Con 10, tlrey, the Holstein Bull, 'Laddie
Dekol," off a good mlikieg strain. .Terma-
$8.00, payable the 101 nay of February.
4241 Proprietor,
The Court of Revision on the Armament
Roll of the Tow nsh,p of Muria for the year
1007, will be held on Monday, the Twenty
seventh day of May, at the Township Hall,
at 1O o'olnok a,m All parties interested will
govern themselves a000rtl
W.OLAiugly,RK, Clerk,
The undersigned offers nor 100 acre
farm, being Lot90, Doll. 7 Grey, for sale or
to rent. Comfortable bowie, bank barn,
orchard, wells, &o, Farm fe only 3 of a mile
from the stirring village of Ethel. For fur-
ther purttculers apply to F, B. Scott, Brits.eeia, or MRS. KATIE HOLLAND, 78 abater
street, Toronto, 37.8ui
undersigned offers his house and lot,
situate ou 20th street, Brussels, for sale.
It is well located, a convenient and (minter.
labia home. Possession eau be given at
once. Will oleo sell the vacant tot, corner
of Mill and Elizabeth etreete, which wohlo
make attire building eite. For further par -
Healers as to price, terms, its., •apply 10
10/SED. ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, Ford -
88 -4
Driving Park Tickets
Seeing that the Oouuall has stopped rac-
ing and speeding on the streets the half
mile trunk of the 13ruseels Driving park Ae.
etiolation is tit good shape for tine. t4 et.
your 000e011 ticket ail ou00, for 88.00, and
speed your horse where you ought and no
danger of un accident. Tickets cam, be got
from F. S. Boom'1', Secretary.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate of William
Mitchell, of the Township of Grey, in
the Oounby of Huron, Farmer, de-
Notice la hereby given pursuant to "The
Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1807," chapter
179. that all creditors and others baying any
claims against the estate of the said William
Mitchell, who died at Bright, Ontario, on or
about the 29th day of Apr11,1007, are recoir,
ed on or before the let day of June, 1007 to
eend by .post, prepaidor deliver to A•
Macdonald, of the Village of Brussels, tn. the
County 0f Huron, Bof
i Inc John
Linton Susan Linton, f the Village of Bright,
in 515 County of 04ford,
Mxeoutors of the
last Will and Testament of said deceased
their Christian and surnames, addressee and
descriptions, the full particulars of their
claims, the statement of their accounts and
the nature of the seouritiee if any held by
And further take notice that after such
last mentioned date, the Bald Executore
Will proceed to distribute
the assets of the
said deceased regard the parties entitled
the oto haying will
only to the olnin d
of which they wis tilt have notice and.
the said Executors wilt net be liable for
the said ueeete or any part thereof, to any
Person or persons of whose claim notice
shall not have been received at the time
of moll dietr,butiou.
Dated at Brussels the 8t1.2 day of I4ay, 1907
Solicitor for Executors.
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY even numbered emotion of Dominion
Lauds in Manitoba, Baekatohewan and
Alberta, excepting B anal 20, not reserved,
may be homesteaded by any person who is
the axle bead of a family, or any male over
18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter
section of 180 acres mote or lees.
Entry may be made personally at the
local land offioe for bhii distriot In which
the land is situate.
The liomeeteader is required to perform
the conditions connected therewith under
nue of the followiug pians ;
(1) At 10001 six menthe' residence upon
and cultivation of the laud in each year Inc
throe years,
(2) It the father (or mother, if the father
is deceased) of the homesteader reeidee
upon itfarm In the yinbsity of the land
entered for the reg0iremente as to reel -
deuce may be satisfied by such person re-
siding with the father or mother,
(3) If the settler has his permanent reel.
donee upon ,arming land owned by bit
in the vicinity of hie homestead, the re.
qquirements es to residence may be softie
mid by reaidenoe upon the Bald laud.
Six menthe' notice in writing should be
given to the Commissioner of Dominion
Lando at Ottawa of inteutiou to apply for
Depute of- the Minbeler fulterior.
..N. B, Uuuuthailaed pmbliaatlou of thle ad•
vertieemeut will nut be paid for.
Ionian Friday, May 8 May Si
Virginian al ay 10 Ju e 7
't naiBbtn May 17 June 14.
Victorian " May 24 June 24
Corinthian Thursday, May 0 June 18
Pretorian 'Thursday, May 10 June PC
Sicilian Tbureday, May 28 Juno 27
1Vnmidiau Thursday, May 80 July 4
For oailinge, leets and full information
apply to
YE 11. nulite,
Agent Allau Lina, Brusotla. •
1hni'oteen ap otutod by no lyolnluion
Goveraiueht to Phone lmmlgrante from rho
trotted Rin OW in poeltlnue its farm 1nh+
parent O1' doporatle Hervu»fs to Obis vielollyl
Any person requiring emelt h Ip ehnald uotb
Ii' mo by letter stating tulle the kind of belt
required, wilco wanted and wage', catered.
T'ha number, errlvlug may not be enalolout
to eup ,ly all regnoele but every effort will
no made 10 provide iltelt applleaut with
help required. P. B. Broi'i,
Onundiau Gnverumeht Employment Agent
Omen's 1', 0.
it `li'1' 1101.1', i i3I.ILLO It'014
11AL' lt,..01001x33 A y94' plc In dantla@Y,
1900, and me Prior 10. menthe old. Pelee
Atalanta Alla ill good ooudttlun, Torula 10
11116,urohator, TAMAN BI'I)*R, Lot 00,
lion, 0, Morrie, or Ilraeaols I', 0, to•tf
Bromide Toni of the Maeoebeoe, No, el
bold their rooter nfeottpgs iu the bodge
Item, Booker ]nook, nu the let end ad
'ruOaday evenings of mien month,
Viettena always *00100,5 c,
A, SEVERS, Com, A. 1000171BE, lh 11,
Ice Cream, Etc tt�
Ice Cream Sada '" of "'a B
1'Opelnr Flnt•ore C+
a Fruit Sundaes and Maple Walnuts
c. 13
1 W. Gr war
a Oa+
IOc, 3 for 25c
Syrup Sundaes,- 5 cts,
WE have an A. 1 stock of Top Buggies,
manufactured by the R. McKie
Co., of' Platteville, and Wm. Dore & Co.
of Wingbam. The Workmanship through-
out is First-class and prices are right, Don't
fail to see them.
Repairing, Re -painting and Trimming at-
tended to in a workmanlike manner on short
notice and at very reasonable rates.
R. Francis & Co.
Shop next to Town Hall, Brussels
We also peep ho stock the real Fleury Plow Points
and the Frost & Wood repairs. Gall and Bee us.
• 1
alienal Buller Flour Mins *'6
Have you tried our "WHITE
LOAF" Flour yet P Our load-
ing article in the Flour line. It is a winner. We are
also making a choice grade in Pure Manitoba-
"Pryne's Prairie Pride"
Ask for the three "P's". We keep on hand also Roll-
ed Oats for sale or will exchange for Oats.
Ali kinds of Feed kept oonstantly on hand,
Our Aim will be to Please our Patrons
Bing up Telephone No 4 if you desire anything in
our line and have not time to call.
u,Not tl'sgl''I"'ti'b'Po'tPldll"b
McKay & Shaw
Solicit your trade.
We carry the ieritest and
• most complete stock to
this section, comprising
Hardware, Woodenware,
Cutlery, Harden Seeds,
Iron, Steely Carpenters'
Tools, Pitints, Varnishes
and Brushes
if you need a finish for
We sell and recommend
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