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The Brussels Post, 1907-5-16, Page 3
YOUNG FOLKS Gooaaotxt T9IP REMEMBEllED FLY. Dice or h ' t were our Ales living a n slimly garden, One wee a handin some bluebottle, very large, with strong wings, which made a loud humming noise, and told all other flies that he was coming; a very important parson Ito was, and expected eVeryone else to real hint with .respect. And, on the whole, they did. "It Is good policy to tau the world know that you aro aware or what is your due," he would say, and quolo the ugly proverb, "Think wall of ycuraelf, and others will think well oR you," The next was a very beautiful green fly, with sheeny body and sparkcling eyes,. "IL does ono good to look at anything eo bright arid lovely," many of eito Ales. in the garden said, And the green fly was quite of the same opinion, and was often to be found at the edge o! the fountain, looking, at the reflection of her own charms In it. The Third was quite a different sort of fly; she was called a laoowing. She had a long, slender, pale green body, with filmy wings, as her name Implie 'waving green antennae, and eyes Itkes, burnished gold. She was a very delicate fly, and not allowed out by her parents except on warm days, and then she would walk about slowly, and vacantly, and not, associate much with the other flies. But the last was only a common little black fly, with not a particle of protlt- z*Iess about him, unless you got his wings in the right light when the sun was shining, and then sometimes you could catch a glimpse of rainbow colors for a moment" When the summer died, all four flies were dead loo. The bluebottle had trumpeted so loudly about his own ine parlance one afternoon, that a gentle- man, lying on the smooth green turf, had been greatly disturbed by the noise; and soon had put an end to his buzzing kr ever. The green fly, gazing at her own charms,had ventured too near the foun- tain edge and slipped in, and a silver fish had swallowed with pleasure the dainty morsel The lacewing had fallen a prey to a blue -lit one day, when going'up the trunk of a large tree, The common little fly died just a com- mon death. Following the last day of summer there came a frost in the night, and the next morning the little Ay was seen lying on his back, with six stiff little black legs up In the sir; and all the other Ales knew that the cold had. killed him. When the spring arrived, the sun- beams hurried into the garden, with warm greetings for all the flowers and creatures to be Lound there. "13u1 what are you looking for?" asked the pale pink almond blossoms of the sunbeams; are you not contented with us?" You aro charmh,g," answered the sunbeams, "but we must not forget old friends, you know, and we are searching for a certain little fly who knew no . beauty except when we shone. and woke up the colors on his wings, and he was always so grateful." "There will be plenty of flies now you have comes" said the almond blossoms. But they had forgotten all about the little fly that the sunbeams loved; for, atter all, what was {here to remember It it had been the noisy bluebottle, or the sheeny green fly, or the lacewing, it would have been different. And the hyacinths could not remem- ber him either, nor the powdered auri- cula nor the tall narcissus; so the sun- beams grew sad, But at last they fell upon a tuft of dandelions that the gardener would have liked to root out of the garden, only little Miss Effie called it her "plant 431 suns," and would not have it touch- ed. And although the bright golden blos- soms opened wide at the sunbeams' touch, there were great tears among the rays of their petals. "Why do you weep?" asked the sun - beans. And the dandelions answered "We are weeping because we wait and wait in vain for the lltile fly who loved us. When we were open he would sit 111 the heart of our blossoms, and call us hie- golden flowers of light, and when tee were closed he would creep under cur leaves, and call us his sweet peen shelter. The little fly was never dis- contented or proud, nor forsook us for tho grand gardenflowers, so we loved him, and miss lhbn now he does not come," Then the sunbeams smiled, end said, "Our little fly, then, after all, will be al- ways In the garden, for he Will never .die out of the hearts of the dandelions; and the dandelions shall be dear hence- forth to all little common flies, for ever." And the sunbeams spoke the truth, as sunbeams do. tI* TRUE TO LIFE. "Now, Henry," said the bride, "1 want yen to understand distinctly that 1 do not wish to bo taken for a bride. f am going to act exacllygis if I were on old married woman. So, dearest, do not think me cold and -unloving if I treat you very practically when there is any- body by." "1 don't believe I can pass for an old married man," said Henry, "1 am so fond of you that 1 am bound to show it, I am sure to betray myself." "No, you mustn't, dent.' I insist that you behave just like on old married man.. You will, won't you, bear?" "Well, darling, i'll try; but 1 know i shall not succeed," On the first evening of their arrival at the hotel the bride reiired, and .the gi'ooin tell in with a whist party, with whom 31e set playing cards 0.11111 four o'clock In the morning, His Wife spent the emery hours in weeping. At last hr lorded tip„ and met his grief-stricken imide with the hilarious -question: "Well, haven't, ( been doing the old married mon true to life?" She never retrace( to the subject again, and everybody fn .'u17age know. TORTURING 11111IUMATISM, Suffered for Pim Yore --- Cured by Ar. M1\'illlarna' kink Pits. Agonizing pains, somolbnes in one part oR the body, somoUmes in another, 11100U often in the back or joinle---that's rheumatism. 110 not delay in llndinga cure, Emit day makes the dime -Se -Worse --inct'eases the. torture. Dr, Williams' Pink ht i fUaay0 cured ll. h ur d lausands. They cured Mr, dlroaee Plante, of Sorel, Qua of a most aggravated ease of rlleuma 'ism. What they did for Mr. PIenlo they can do for you. Ile says: "1 was seized with rheumatism, I wanted as it my boots were filled with pebbles, The pains, starting in my Leet, spread to all parts of the body; my Melt and joints became affected. For upwards of five years 1 suffered the greatest agony. Often 1 was confined to bed, hanUy able to move. Nothing seemed to help Ino, I despaired of ever being well again. By good chance Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills were brought to my aitenllon and l decided to try them. I got six boxes—before they were gone I' felt a greet improvement, I continued the treatment and my health gradually' came back till now I do, not feel the least pain -1 am totally cured. It was a stir - prise to my friends to see me on the street again well and strong after Ileo years of torture. They wanted to know what brought about the change. I told them Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, for 1 tools no ether medicine once i began their use. Rheumatic sufferers give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial; they will surely do' for you what they 41d for me," it is In the blood — poor blood—that such troubles as rheumatism, indiges- tion, dizziness, heart palpitation, &nee. vita, weakness and a host of other diseases find their root. It is the blood that Dr, Williams' Pink Pills act on. They make it pure, rich, red and health - giving. That is why they cure all the common ailments of everyday life. Sold ty druggists or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, CONSCIOUS IN COFFIN. Old Man Makes Noise Before Being Buried Alive. An old fanner named' Chsudru was burled alive lately at the Village of Sar - lot, In the Londes, France. He fell 111 a lortnighl ago, and after- ward lapsed into a state of conga, which was mistaken for death. When the cof- fin was lowered into the grave the by- standers heard raps and moans coming from within. They ran to tell the Mayor, and when hs ,arrived, half an hour later, the lid of the coffin was wrenched open. The man was dead, but the changed and agonized expression on his face showed that he had regained consciousness after he was placed in the coffin. A similar incident occurred recently at Loex, in Savoy. Jean Godard, a man of 76, fell Into a swoon, and remained unconscious so long that he was believed to be dead. His neighbors wrapped him in a shroud, and placed lighted candles at the foot and head of the bed, while the women recited prayers for his soul. Suddenly the man sat up and looked around him in astonishment The wo- men screamed and fled from the Cottage, thinking they had seen a ghost. Ulti- mately some peasants were found bold enough to venture into the cottage, where they soon assured themselves that the old man was really living. PEEVISII AND CROSS. Peevish, cross babies are sick babies —tire well baby tis' always happy. Per- haps there may be nothing to indicate just what is the matter, but you may depend upon it there is something tro- bling the little one or he would not be cross. A few doses of Baby's Own Tab- lets will remove the cause and make baby (happy. They area certain cure for the minor ills of babyhood. Thou - sends of mothers keep them continual- ly in the house to guard ageinst'ihesud- den illness of baby. A Tablet now and again will keep the little one well. Mrs. James Sewers, Beaver Harbor, N. S., says: "I have given Baby's Own Tab- lets to my baby as occasion required since she was a day old. They have el - ways helped her, and now at a year and a Half old she is a fine healthy child. Tho Tablets I think are India,. sable mothers - f ' pan to s o young children," Sold by druggists or by mall at 24 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. WI-IEWi "Wet," said he, anxious to make up, their quarrel of yesterday, "aren't you melons to know what's in this parcel?" "Not very," replied his wile, indUler- enlly. "Well, it's something for the one I love best in the world.' "Ahl I suppose it's those new col- lars you said you needed." NATURE'S ALARM SYSTEM, Agent—"i am introducing a new pat- ent burglar alarm—" Homer—"Don't need it; We have a baby in the house." (rather—"Young Upperton is going to propose for your hand soon," Daugh- ter—") -low do you know?" Father—"I hear he has been maicing inquirles es to my financial standing." ISSUE' NO, 10-07. NEW YORK POLICE SYSTEM MOST STARTLING DISCLOSURES ARE 11118E MADE, 't c , The Perm e a Ck r e T 0 1 iarrC r .ed s � t i a a Stn Criminal and ! r saml-saoret Organization. Revelations of a most sexlsatonal kin have been made regarding ,uo motto of the New York police force by an ar ale which appeared in a recent issue Celller's Weekly, The assumed need the deparinient Is that of a frigid honest whereas Its members mutually semi at crime, and by shutting a prudent ey to glaring eels of lawlessness and celn10 they succeed In netting a tidy blackmai sure in addition to the salary paid Ibem to expose such crimes. The average se cry of a detective ranges from $2,000 $3,000, Many of rho New York dole lives sport diamonds worth $500 l $1,000. Captains, on a yearly salary $2,000, own In the wives' names (con vonlent conjugal relationship) hous worth $14,000 to $20,000 or $30,00 These facts have Been ascertained b Police- Commissioner Bingham, who ha no "rose tinted Illusions" respecting th integrity of the force. COMMISSIONER'S HANDS "PIED. The ensue( reader may observe, "WI)not remove the men?" The answer 1 that though often convicted on !mitt fable' charges, their criminal "blackma netl.fngs" enable them to employ lawye of the calibre of-Elihu Root, and sitcom in so tangling up court records as io give openings for successful appeal. Commissioner Bingham Is at presen fighting in New 'York to introduce a bill which, by giving him power to reduce o appoint at will his inspectors and officia detectives, will enable him to thorough) eradicate the "System Evil," which really a power—an unscrupulous crinl business partnership between leadin officials of the Police Department and loosely -organized Board of Trade. THE SYS'TEM'S INDUSTRIES. Such commodities as gambling, pros Mutton, end illegal liquor selling for the system's most profitable traffic, an d robbing and blackmail form impor tan side lines. by which the lesser officersprofit. In close conjunction with the police and Board of 'Trade there is a strong political element, formerly pre- sided over by big Tim Sullivan, a United States Congressman. When feasible the Police Commission- er is bribed. General Bingham was actually interviewed by a plausible in- dividual who offered him $10,000 month- ly to buy his silence as to the existence of two notorious, large gambling houses. On his prompt refusal a leading high official of his was next approached with a bribe of $1,000 weekly if he would shake hands with a notorious crook. GAMBLERS UNDER PROTECTION. 1Y d ds li- of of y, ve e 1- lo 0- 0 of es 0. y s u y s 11 rs d r Is e g a 1 Gambling is the inspectors' main graft. No pool room exists without the knowledge and connivance of the police. This connivance is handsdniely paid for. Raids are made on the gambling houses by inspectors, but only under extreme compulsion. When the commissioner demands an explanation of the existence of a big gambling house of an inspector, the latter, under permission of a big Congressman, makes a "police bluff," but takes no active measures in imme- diately arresting the offender, As a fur - titer protection against him the proprie- tor, going on the Supreme Court, gets an injunction restraining police interfer- ence. The usual bowl is then raised in the papers by indignant correspondents about pollee oppression and their culpa- ble remissness in neglecting to attend to such natters es the protection of life and property for such a trivial affair as a raid on a gambling house. PUBLIC WELFARE ENDANGERED. Tho criminal partnership of the police with one kind of lawlessness entails that life and property will be imperilled owing to lawlessness of all kinds claim- ing similar immunity from punishment. The inspector's statement that the. Su- preme Court injundlions "tie his hands" is lie. If he bids a gambling saloon a g g "Closeup," despite Supreme re a Court in- junctions and "Congress pull" that pool room must close up. The inspectors ere loo fond of their pockets to out off one of the most probtnble souroes of their "extra" income, and as that depends on the further existence of these pool rooms the gambling houses still con- tinue. But this is by no means the worst feature of the evil. Any honest attempt by members of the force to expose the nefarious schemes of their colleagues are spied upon by a "secret service system;' stealthy and implacable as the Russian secret police, and in some cases danger- ous witnesses against their villainy have been attacked, dangerously wounded and sometimes killed on the excellent principle that "dead men tell no tales." EASY MARKS FLEECED. The following incident is characteris- tic in illustrating theversatility of pollee force crooks, An official appointed to the Detective Bureau formed an alliance with a house detective of a Broadway hotel ahnd.two mulatto women. The pri- vate detective sizing up such guests es appeared wealthy and wished to sea the town would set the women on his track to rob ht111. On his notifying the house detective and making a complaint, the later informed him that he knew the very man to handle his case. The private detective then would snake a supposed investigation, and tali the victim that he could not afford to have his name mixed up with nigger woolen. This would Theodor the boiler, and the confederate quartette would (heal divide the loot. In Uro plain -clothes !Duce the detectives sloop to any blaokgua'dly conduot. They have been known to accept gold watches from 'Tenderloin prostitutes who had robhal melt, HOW NOVICES BECOME CROOKS, The new patrolman's promotion, nay self -promotion, depends entirely on his' "makinggood" with the methods of the system. At any time he must be reedy to commit perjury for a brother officer. Fines are of little or net efleot since Nurses'ofii- and -Mothers' Treasure --safest regulator 106 baby. Prevents 'Folio and vomiting—gives healthful rest cures diarrhoea without the harmful effeeta of inediebsee eoutatning opium or other injurious drugs. ' 40 it i y 26C, --al d re Rtoree .esNat Stational taCham ' aa Imhc I Co,x d, i�}A>t" hO.. le r, dais thus mulcted on easily supply the deficit by levying a little extra black- mail, The terror inspired by the system's dreaded methods of dealing with recalci- trants Is far more real than the mere formai discipline of the Department, "Do at Rome as Nome' does," Is an axiom acted upon pretty well over the world, and seeing their superiors on the high road to big, if dishonestly acquired hank balances, the new members have every incentive to go and do likewise, That these superiors have the guile of the serpent end a longue on which "butter wouldn't melt" is evidenced by the fact that Theodore Roosevelt, when head of the department, chose as his confdenlial adviser Adan Cross, twice dismissed on charges and returned on technicalities. W BILL GOES Trinouuri. If Bingham's police hill gels through it will be the practical salvation of New York, whose police service is, from the very lop of the tree, rolled through and through. by corrupt official maladminis- traten. It will mean that the inspector will bo subject to discipline of the Defec- tive Bureau, an agency whereby Inem- cleney or dishonesty can be punished by summary reduction, and promotion and reward will depend solely on personal merit, and finally that the department will be brought to a logical system of pollee work with the uniformed force,. devoted to the prevention of crime, the detective force to its detection, the heads cf the organization free to grapple with vice problems, and the nefarious sys- tem of graft reduced to a minimum. TMs is General Binghem's bill, unre- servedly supported by every New York newspaper, but fn danger of being de- feated by the immense corruption fund now being used by the system. d• I MI1GISTRIITE iMMESTNGiITES ZIIM-BUS SAYS iS A WONDERFUL HEALER AND DOES MORE THAN IS CLAIMED FOR IT. Probably no household remedy in ex- istence has won such glowing tributes from people in high places as has Zam- Jluk. Mr, Roger F. Perry, Justice of the Peace for British Columbia, recent- ly tested this famous balm, and this is what he says of it: "The Pavilion, "Goldfields, B. C. To the Zan-Bulc Co. "Gentlemen,—After a very fair trial I have proved Zam-Buk eminently 01 satis- factory. a y my case it cured n skin rash of Ave years standing, which no doctor had been able to do any good for. "1 would certainly encourage any per- son to keep Zam-Buk In their home. It truly does even more than you claim for it. For my own part I would nol now be without 1t in the house. Yours very truly, (Signed) "Roger F. Perry, ;Tustice of the Peace for Be C.' Zam-Buk differs from ordinary salves and embrocations, for while these mosl- iv contain animal oils end fat Zam-BUIc is purely herbal. It closes and heath cuts, festering sores, ulcers, eruptions, boils, eczema, chafing sores, etc. In the household It is the handiest possible remedy for burns, scalds. children's in- juries. It Instantly cleanses any wound to which ft Is applied; prevents fester- ing, inflammation or blood poison. Il cures piles, varicose ulcers, and fistula. All druggists and stores sell at 50 cents a box, or from the Zam-Bulc Co,, To- ronto, for price, 6 boxes for $2.50, TUE APPLE CURE. Specific for Rheumatism and Gout — Prices vanup ri' In London. For some time past fruiterers, first in the City, then in the West End. Lon- don, have been puzzled for an,explena- tion of the phenomenal demand .upon them for apples of any variety. Now, it has begun to dawn on them that hundreds of people are undergoing the "apple cure" for rheumatism and rheumatic gout. The craze originated on the Stock Ex- change some weeks ago, when a popu- lar )'jobber," who had worn his arm in a sling for some time, announced to e select circle that after eating an apple the last thing before retiring every night fee a period of two weeks the painful "twinges" had completely left him. Tho news 01 the cure spread like wildfire and nocturnal apple-mtmehers can probably now be counted in their thousands. 'rhe only drawback to the extended popularity of the cure among the`hum- bier Leases is that apples are rather expensive at present. Some of the large shops aro asking as much as threepence apiece far them. The eating of apples to the morning, a4 a general health -promoting habit, has, of course, been indulged in for cen- turies, but the devotees of the new cure declare that in order to vanquish rheti- malia pains the apple must be eaten just before the light is put out in the bedroom at night. The theory is that„ while the doges- five organs are praeiicelly dormant, the uric acid In the body is ritraeted to the apple, which gradually but completely absorbs the poison. Persons with very weak digestions are, however. advised not to try the "apple cure." vex A Lo of Water he star h bat needn't be cooked., that won't stick . , that gives 6 toil-, 1 aa 1- Rant gloss withal/nest no iron-effort,.isn't that the starch you ought to have them nee on your clothes? Buy it by name,. your _ dealer sells It,. 201 „ ENGLISH JOIQE. Humane Officer—"My felon, do you feed your horse with punctuality?" Cabby—"Oh, no, sir) I mostly Teed him on oats and hayl" THE STRENUOUS LIFE, Nature will have her compensations. Our overworked bodies and nerves es- quire recuperation and rest. The long- er the delay the .greater the price. Be- fore too late try the tonic influence of the Mineral Salt Springs. The "St. Catharines Well" for nervous troubles, rheumatism and allied diseases, appeals to those desiring relief and absolute convalescence. Write to J, D, McDon- ald, District Passenger Agent, Grand Trunk 13ailway System, Toronto, for il- lustrated descriptive matter. Judge On breach -of -promise case) — "You say you must have been tempor- arily insane when you proposed to the plaintiff. Can you prove it?" Defend- enl—"1 can, your honor, if you will cause the plaintiff to remove her veil So that the jury can see her face." Some persons have periodical' attacks of Canadian cholera, dysentery or diar- rhoes, and have to use great precau- tions to avoid the disease. Change t water, cooking, and green fruit, is stir to bring on the attacks. To such per sons we would recommend Dr. J. D Kellogg's Dyicniery Cordial as being the test medicine in the market for ell summer complaints. If a few drops are taken in water when the symptoms are noticed no further trouble will be ex- perienced. LEGACY LEO TO SUICIDE". London Woman Takes per Own. Lite for a Trivial Matter, Legacies have been having ill effec in London of late. As a sort of sequel tlhe story which was recently reported 0 an aristocratic Young Englishman wh was left a fortune al $110,000 and changed all h ngrd lb .tor experience, the comes to light another pathetically Intel acting case. It is that of Mrs. Ann Hearn, a poor woman of South Lando who with her husband bad been left'th free use of a small room and who wa so worried by government demands for an inhertance tax of 660, that oho Anally ended her life by tailing ammonia, The story was told by Michael (learn rho warnan's husband, at the coroner' Inquest, and the roan's simple tale is severe indictment against British official dom for its pettiness in pressing the poor and half-starved couple for the succes- sion duty. Michael Hearn himself was so weak and ill when he entered the witness box that he could not stand, He told the court that lie had been out of work for three months, and all that he and his wife bad to live on was two shillings end slxpenee (61 cents) a week. This, he said, had been given them by a Roman Catholic priest. He said the owner of the house In which they lived. had dled recently, leaving a will by which he and his wife were to be allowed to live In the small room they occupied ,rent tree, While they were struggling along on the verge of starvation, the government tax col- lectors were presing them for the $60 succession duty on the legacy. The wife was fearfully worried by the government demands and feared less the officials should take away the one little room they hadlo call their own and turn them into the street. Completely to blacken their shy, the heir to the house was also trying to obtain possession 01 the room occupied by the starving couple. The other day, after weeks of worry and approaching starvation, the woman set herself free from the hounding tats collector by drinking some liniment Don• raining ammonia. The jury returned a verdict of "Suicide during temporary in- sanity caused by worry and semi-4tarVa- tion accelerated greatly by worry." IS too C cal- re to n e' s 0 -ap f The Most Popular Plll. The p111 Is e the most popular of all forms of medi- - cine, and of pills the most popular are , Pormelee's Vegetable Pills, because they do what it is asserted they can do, and are not put forward on any fictitious claims to excellence. They are compact and portable, they are easily taken, they do not nauseate nor gripe, and they give relief in the most stubborn cases. Fond Mother—"How do you like your new governess, Johnny?" Johnny—"Oh, I ifke her ever so much." "I am so glad my little boy has a nice teacher at last.' "Oh, she's awfully nice] She says she don't care whether I learn anything or not, so long as father pays her her sal- ary." ' "Ah, Dick, my lad," remarked a man who was noted for an objectionable habit of sponging on his acquaintances "father's upstairs, eh ? FIope 1 haven' disturbed him at his dinner?" "Oh, no,' replied Dick candidly,' we were just go ing to start when father saw you from the window and told mother not to have dinner till you lead gone 1" SCALD HEAD Is a disgusting and obstinate disease, frequent in children. treatment: Per - feet cleanliness and a gonerous application of Weaver' Cerate. Motion, will be glad to learn this. Jeweller—"And would you like to put the lady's name on the ring, sir?" Cau- Hous Young Man—"Er—w 1l—I think you might just put To my beloved.'" One trial of Mother Graves' Warm Fsx- ermi.notor will convince you iinat it has no equal as a worm medicine. Buy a bottle and see if 11 does not please you. Magistrate—"Whatl Do you mean to say your husband struck you, and -he that physical wreck? Mrs. Maloney— "Yes, yer honor; but he's only been a physical wreck since ire struck me." ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in human Or animals euro din 30 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanitary Lotion. Ib never fans: Sold by all druggists. — Ethel—"You say she Is an entertaining Talker?" Caustique—"Oh, my, yes; eke can entertain herself for hours at a time." Signals of Danger—have you lost your appetite? Have you a'coated tongue? Have you an unpleasant taste in the mouth? Does your head ache and have you dizziness? 1f so, your stomach is out of order and you need medicine. But you do not like medicine. FIe that prefers sickness to medicine must rut- ter, but under the circumslahces the wise man would procure a box of Par- melee's Vegetable Pills and speedily get himself in health, and strive to keep so Mrs. Prentice—"How do you always manage to have such delicious beet?" Mrs. 131inthyre—"1 select a good, honest butcher, and then stand by hila." Mrs. Prentice—"You mean that you give him all your trade?" lIrs. Blbnihyro—"No; 1 mean that I stand by him while he is cutting the meat." It Retains 01d and Makes New Friends —Time was when Dr. Thomas' Eciectrie 011 had bub a 'small field of distribution, but now its territory is widespread. These who first recognized its curative qualities still value it as a spe03110, and while it retains its old friends it ever making new. It is certain that whoever once uses it will not be wipeout 11. Visitor—"How long are you in for, tiny poor man?" Prisoner—"Dunno, ma'am." Vlsitor—"How can that be?" Prisoner—"It's a life sentence." I -lard and soft corns comet withstand Holloway's Corn Cure; it is effectual every tiappyme. Get a 'Acle at once and . Simkins : "Old Skinner le considered pretty well to do, isn't he?" 'Ttmkihs : "Yes. Also pretty hard to do." WEAK WATERY BLOOD causes :noels trouble. That tired jetting and many more e8m tome follow in its wake. Try Perrovim." t 1e rho best tonin to make you strong and well. Ali druggists sell it. "What do you think is the best size tar a man?" drawled the lazy swell, who WAS talking to his physician. "Exercise!' sternly replied the doctor. Lots of people are unable to appreciate a rose unci they accidentally gel into olose communion with the thorn. FOR SALE. 7,000 sores raw land, north Indian Rend, Gar- den of Canadian West, 810 acre, 85 aore down, balance to suit, J. 0. HIAIGHT, Moose Jaw, Sask., Rex 1100. YOUR OVERCOATS ,sd tsded Hecto would 1001 better ��IM7ed. It ne egee ,f orae in your 10r , write ducat Kontreel, Bee 508 BRITIAN AMERICAN DYEIN0 00. 1�I lr Keeps your body waren et lets your akin breathe --knit, , no t woven,- -it fits, Guaranteed ljoesPEN- Against ANGLE Shrinkage Underwear /!m 1.'UNSRRINKA0LEbr 1 rs•" 401K.... Trade-mRrkedin red, In a variety of styles, fabrics and pd children, tor women, uaranteen ed,' flo8 A pure, hard ,Manitoba. flour for bankers and others demand- ing atrengtb,"color and uniformity, STRONOIWHITE AT YOUR GROCERS OSA4ERS EVW IRYHRa�F Etiro IEIIWITt, 249UR A ND 'FE61).V WRITE ,JS, W S ALSO MAKE 'QUEEN CITY.' A 61JENDEd rLOalr THAT HAS GAINED GREAT 'FAVOR ASA GENERAL HOussHOLD'ALI, PURPOSE*' FLOUR. TheCAMI) gL.MILiuNti Tn: T011011'1'0 eJUNC.TPoN. 4 N'7". FOR b'`ALE, 300 LIGHT DYNAMO In good running order. Bar- gain for cash. S. FRANK 'WILSON, 73 Adelaide Street West, TORONTO. Do You Want a Homo in the prosperous West f If so, write us for par' ticular, of lands for sale in the Selkirk Distrlot, within 20 to 40 railer of the city of Winnipeg. Lowest transportation charges and. boat ready in the West. Visit -clam soil No other locality offers as good oppocOseIbies. for Jarma,* in values. THE mantis LAND A INVESTMENT CO., Limited, Selkirk, Manitoba UEBECSTEAMSIIIPCOMPA U Q NY LIMITED. Bluer and Gulf of Stl Lawrence, Summer Oruiaea in (fool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron 'SS. "Oampana," with electrio fights, electric bens and all modern comfort°. SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MONDAYS at I pan., Srd and 17thdune 1st, 15th and 20th Jnly, :014 and 2atb August, Oih and 28rd September, Hid fortnightly thereafter for Piotou, N.S., eati- ng at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Bay, Peroe, Cape Cove, grand River Summerside, P.E.I., and Charlot- tetown, P.R.'. BERMUDA Summar Excursions, 096, by the new Twin Screw SS."Bermudian", 6,500 tons, Sailing Mk tad 1014 June, bed, 17th and 81st July, 14th and 10th August lth, 14th and 25th September, 5th {{011, and 20ti, ootober, 0th, 15th and 87th Novem- bor, Temperature cooled by sea 1,00285 seldom .tees above 80 degrees. The finest trips of the season for health and ,omfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. A. E. OUTERBRIDGE & CO., Agents, 10 Broadway, New York. 47 On Your Savings Compounded Quarterly Send for boolclet "BANKING BY MAIL" it explains how our Savings Department is no further from yon than your nearest mail box., Capital and Reserve $2,90©,000 "r t NSI :f �^ UST �a t, T UST C LIMITED Telxlple Building, e., Toronto )fade of High Carbon Wire, --we'll Drove it to yom b01012D-nob evimped. Thio Itpikes 15 still stronger In eorvice, It able taut. Palated {VYiITE over heavy UM, ,p..,"111 ...,1117 Phlg g'1CNOM COMP.A.N1 , LIMITL1 WEAR EST" .o® galvanizing..-rnttpropp', .yer0ortesaoldoaierotoeroatft, Leah Attila melee g --al in melt. Got 5ilu5trated booklet and 1007 prlcos before buying ¶1f%1111I,rrillee TdirOgi kete Atontrelal, Sf, Jo3sso, 'f1F/aaertlpotl