HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-5-16, Page 1V of . BB. -No. 48.
New Advertisements,
Biz GgieR—Bwau de On,
VvorieDay-G, T. R.
Local -M. D, Titgoudbaft,
Undertalting-w, H, Love.
Bare for dale -.Robert Blair,
Bull for gale -J. D. MuNaie.
Sporting goods -F. at. Smith.
Single Harness -I, O, Riuharde.
Grave eteere for eitlo-ltubert Blair.
Meeting -East Huron AgL Snviety.
Which do.you like-Feigueon & Roes.
Retina toOrr:anorn-A, B. Macdonald,
Tp x t:l 2.Ci 4 . tl1 .
Orton t►rten I.
Miss Maggie Switzer bas been en.
gaged as organist of Knox church,
The salary is $35 00. Miss Switzer
. should competently fill the duties,
Last Sabbath afternoon Eli Smith
took charge of the service in the
Methodist church here. The pastor
was at Walton taking charge of the
communion service.
Knox church contribiited ent,75;to
the Lord'aDay Alliance whfob may be
ipcl'eased by amountsyet to come,
Lost Sunday a well known Cram
brookite had the misfortune to fall in
his barn while feeding his stook arid
break some of his ribs, We hope he
will soon be all right.
Londe) u r V.
Alex. Munn has steeled, out with an
egg wagon apd is paying cash for the
hen fruit.
Peter Gardiner spent a few days at
Stratford last week combining business
and pleasure.
Miss Mabel Stafford has been under
the Dr's, care but is much better we
are pleased to state.
Albert Dundee intends' leaving
shortly on a pleasure trip to Irelend to
visit relatives end take in the World's
Fair at Dublin.
The Union Sabbath School at the
Bethel church is again organized for
the season with Egerton Roe as Super-
intendent and a good staff- of teachers.
These along with the aid of the entire
community will no doubt be a mighty
You are buying let us selI you either a Genuine Rubber
Trimmed or Goldean or Solid Nickle as they are durable and neat
and a pleasure to the user. We make all our Harness and do not
handle Factory Harness, therefore you are sure to get a good article
from us.
Dusters and Plush Lap Rugs, Rubber Rugs, Trunks and
Satchels at Lowest Prices.
Three Sets Second •Htaud Single Harness for sale at a Bargain
tl'Dwelling Rooms to let above store. Very convenient.
About 2,000 Red Pressed Milton Brick for sale.
I. C. Richards
--m-A F. & R.
Do bl e breastedS o r Single.
breasted Suit ? We have them in both
styles, which we will be pleased to Show
if you will call and see our stock. Then
you will have an idea of the style of
'Ready-to-wear Clothing we are showing
this season. Better qualities, better
styles, better valves and better stocks.
than ever before shown in town. These
mutts are made in very attractive pat-
terns, tailored by experts and fit as
good Clothing should. We have these
Shits at all primes and would litre to
show you some of them. Seeing is be-
lieving so we solicit an inspection of
our stock. •
4. Good Shower proof Overcoat
is the most useful Garment in a man's wardrobe. It has all the
warmth that is necessary for Spring and Fall wear. We have a
particularly good line this season which we have just succeeded in
getting to sell at sft Q5� which we have placed in stock as
a Leader, being the best value we have ever
a been
able to offer. NEW SPRING HATS
in all the leading Shades and Colors.
A Square Deal for Every Man
Ferguson & Ross
influence for good in the neighbor, -
hood and we congratulate the pastor in
his liberal mindedness for meklag this
an updenominationel school show
lag that there is no use preaching
Union unless it is put ipto practice
i'I to r• r sea
Scuoot,'Rxt'oa'r,--Report for April
of 5. 8, No, 3, Morris, based on exattl-
inetiope- apd deportment :-Sr, 'IV-
Maggio Michie, Cora Watson, Jr, IV
-Lizzie Denman, Mary Speir, Lillian
Watson, Ella Clark. Ir. III -Janie
Alcock, Aggie Bradshaw, Myrtle
Wheeler, Kenzie Shuttle, John Pass-
more, Willie Denman, Sr. 11 -Hazel
Nichol, James Nichol, Harold Kerney,
Willie Connote Janet Cannon, Maggie
Speir. Jr, II -Ernest Michie, Elsie
Cannon, Gladys McNeil, Sant Alcock,
Russell Bradshaw, Andrew Nichol,
Willie Clark. Pt. II -Ivan McArter,
Norman Speir, 'John McNeil. Sr. Pt.
I --Barbara Bradshaw, Annie Little,
Rena Cloakey. Jr. Pt. I -Annie Al-
cock, Average attendance for the
month, 28. Mtriais L. Ksa, Teacher,
SCHOOL REPORT. -Report of $. S.
No, 6 Morris for April, Entrance
ctase.-Vino Bowman, 396 ; Frank
Bryant, 344: Sr. IV. -Margie Yuill,
449 ; Tenn Yuill, 436. Jr, IV, -Ethel
Sellers, 459. Sr. III, -Russel Currie,
358 ; Mabel Bone, 336 ; Harvey Hen-
derson, 187, Sr. II. -Russel Bone,
294 ; John Riley, (absent). Jr. II. -
Sadie Riley, 666 ; Gertie Shaw, 544 ;
Lila Wilkinson, 379. Pt. II -Harold
Currie, 585 ; Ward Sellers, 183. Sr,
Pt. I. -Charlie Sellers, 454 ; Isabel
Shaw, 438 ; Irene Wilkinsdn, 389 ;
John Yuill, 371, Jr. Pt. I, -Jim Riley,
248. CARRIE MILLIGAN, Teacher.
W roxeb.er.
D1ED.-It is with sincere regret we
note the death at her home in Howick
en Friday, May loth, of Mrs. John
Fitch, daughter of ,James Wylie, of
Howick, after au illness extending
over eigbt weeks. There is wide-
spread and sincere sympathy fur the
husband and three young children and
. the other bereaved members of the
family circle of deceased, The funeral
took place to the Wroxeter cemetery
on Sunday afternoon and was one of
the largest ever witnessed here. The
service was conducted by the Rev.
Mr. Radford, of Belmore.
A letter from Alex. Smith, formerly
of,Wroxeter, to Te-PosT, written on
April 15th,, says :-Please send my
paper to Stoughton Sask„ from now
till further notice, instead of to
Wroxeter. I only got here yesterday
after a five weeks visit to North Dakota.
Farming operations are not started
here yet, as there is still considerable
snow on the ground and all the hollows
are full of water, so it will he another
week before there is mach done in this
part of
Saskatchewan, The
P snow is
all gone in the Deloraine district but
little or no work done get. I like the
looks of the country as far as I have
seen it, however it may strike me after-
wards. Success to PEE POST.
Bic Jos. -Robert Miller, a former
well known resident of Wroxeter, has
taken a
responsible position with the
C. P. R. His duties are to visit the
various localities and inspect the old
ties taken out so that any worth re-
placing on the track are to be marked
used on straight pieces ot road-
way or sidings, The care of timber,
ties, &c, by the foreman of the various
sections is ales, to be reported on. The
work will extend from Smith's Falls to
Windsor ; from 'Toronto to Teeswater,
Owen Sound, Goderieh, Parry Sound
and St, Thomas. Mr. Miller is an old
and experienced hand at railroad
timber handling so will be 'quite
to handle the new work.
He will have a very busy time m
coveting his large territory.
NOTES. -Wm. Troughton left' for.
Toronto on Friday, -Mrs, Thompson.
of Guelph,' visited Mrs, A Miller last
week. --Reeve Harris returned on
Thursday from a two montttf�s' business
trip in the West during which time he
visited Edmonton, Calgary, Regina
and other large towns and cities la the
new Provinces, -Miss Jean Davidson
returned to Wiugham on Friday. -A.
H. Rae and R. B. Harris visited in
Listowel on Friday. -Jas. Allan is
having his residence oq Queen street
bricked this week. Jno. Adams has
the contract, -Members of Montana
Ledge, I. 0, 01 F., attended service
In Wingham Sunday afternoon, --Mrs,
Weaver, of Woodstock, is the guest of
her brother-in-law, James Paulin. -
Miss Jean Lovell returned from Grand
Rapids !est Thursdaywhere
she has
been practising her profession of
nursing for some months, -Mr. Ras-
mussen, of New York, 7s visiting this
family here. -13. V. Carr, spent
Tuesday in Durham,
iattn,7tUk7Ci► was.
Seeding is about completed in this
Dentist lames Strachan has accepted
a petition in the office of Dr. Ireland,
Toronto, where he will spend his yaea-
Wm. Holt, wlio lives East of James-
town, intends taking up railroading
and will leave shortly to act la the
capacity of fireman on an engine. His
health is now much better than it was
earlier in the Spring.
We are pleased to bear that Joseph
E. Coombes, now Principal of South
Qui Appelle school, Sask , has com-
pleted his course and received the
degree of 13, A, He is a son of Joseph
and Mrs. Coombes, well known resi-
dents ot this locality. We wish him
continued success. Joseph E.
Coombes, jr. who was in poor health
has.. rallied in good style and is now
teller in a bank in Alberta.
Dr Eddie Bryans, formerly of this
locality, who has : been residing in
Winnipeg for some time is now prac-
ticing physician and surgeon for one
division of the Grand Trunk Pacific
Railway, with headquarters at Killaly,
Sask. He has 8 railway camps to look
after with probably the addition of
others. These camps extend over 6o
miles of district and the round drive
each week makes the Dr. travel no
miles. He should not want for ozone.
The weather has been bad with snow
and cold for these trips much the same
as here but Dr, Ed• will have it better
during the next six months no doubt.
We hope he will win both gold and
glory in the practice of the healing art,
W 151 ton.
Miss Z ler is theegnest of Mrs. Mor-
rison ate went.
James Carter is improving rapidly
we are pleased to state,
Mrs. J. Berry bas been quite i11 but
is on the road to recovery.
J. W. and Mrs. Morrison, of. Mil-
verton, Sundayed with friends here.
Miss Violet Carter, of Toronto, is at
present a visitor' under the parental
Artist Brewer, of Brussels, was in
town one day this week taking photos
of the village.
Rev, le. J, and Mrs, Currie attended
the District meeting of Goderieh
District on Thursday,
Mrs. Win, McNaughton, of Chicago,
p t visiting friends here.
Mrs. McNaughton was formerly Miss
Violet Campbell.
Work bas been commenced on Jno.
Watt's new house. Alf. Hewitt bas
also raised his house and had a cement
cellar put under it.
lames Smillie and Miss .Mary left
on Wednesday of this week for the
Old Country. We wish them bon
voyage, an enjoyable stay and a safe
The Methodist church of the Wal-
ton circuit held their quarterly Sac-
rameutal Service on Sunday, May
12th, in the Wallop church at 2 p.
to. when Rev. E. G. Powell, •of Brus-
sels, preached a most inspiring and
encouraging sermon from the text
"Wist ve not I must be about my
Father's business." The service was
well attended sed an unusual number
remained for the sacrament';' A re-
ception service was held and nine were
received into full connection.
On Monday, May 13th, the Quarter-
ly Official Board of the Walton cir-
cuit met' at 2 p. m. and were
coura ed by the gratif'm
results the
year's labor. There was a surplus of $4r
over the salary of the previous year.
26 joined the church and 7 on proba-
tion with 12 removals making an ,in-
crease of 14 members and 7 proba-
tioners The missionary report shows
an increase of from Sze to $30 ;
Educational an increase of $8. The
pastor, Rev, R. J. Currie, B, A., re-
ceived a nnanimous invitation, et the
February meeting to rptnatn another
year and we hope for greater success
wan & Co
Are, Ready for Summer Sales with a
Stock of Buggies that Defy Competition
The new Dash Supporter is a long felt want, No more broken
dashes eau occur to any purchaser Of a Ewan & Co. Buggy, and no
slack stays to we hen the remedy to prevent loose, flopping batik
stays. Our Buggies have improvements that no other Buggiegltave,
Likewise all kinds 0f Rubber Tire Buggies on hand. We invite in-
tendfug purchasers to inspect our stock and buy is Buggy made by
Ewen & Co. in Brussels and save your money.
We Also handle along with Our own Buggiee, work of reliable firms
ouch as Oshawa, Brookville and Brantford Buggies for any one re-
quiting them.
Call and buy at Ewan & Co,'s, Brussels Carriage Works, and save
OZO BUGGIES Repainted, Tops Relined and Covered and made
as good as new,
Call and get our Prices,
E W A N& CO.
and richer blessings during the coming
Conference year,
Last week J. Hislop was visiting
relatives at Clinton; I ng
Seeding is practically aver although
growth has not made much progress
'Pownship Counoil and Court of
Revision will be held at Ethel Tuesday,
28111 inst.
David Taylor, 15th con„ has been
quite poorly but we hope be will soon
be better,
Last week Donald McKinnon. Bth
con., disposed of a fine Jersy cow to
Rev, Mr. Powell, the Methodist min-
ister at Brussels,
Last Saturday Reeve Fraser was at
Wingham attending a sessiou of the
County Council Road and Bridge
Committee of which he is a member,
Last Tuesday a number of Greyires
attended the funeral of an old and
highly esteemed resident in the person
of Wm, Hutchinson, wbn died in
Brussels in his 83rd year.
P. C. and Mrs. Duncan and daught-
er, of Estevan, Man, are welcome
Visitors at L. McNeil's, 14th con:
Mrs. Duncan is a daughter of Mr. sad
Mrs. McNeil, Mr. Duncan's eldest
son is attending a Toronto Business
A new milk van bas been put on the
route by Charles Rozell. It bears the
wording "Woodbine Farm Dairy." It'
was turned out from the shop of S. T.
Plum. The rig looks very neat and
will add to the cotnfort and couven-
fence of Ernest Rozell, the driver,
lowing is a synopsis of the Assessment
Roll of the township of Grey for 1907 :
Actual value of real property ex -
elusive of buildings $1,957,470 ; value
of buildings $843,530 ; business as-
sessment $13,940 ; income assess-
ment $3.140 ; total assessment $2,818,.
o8o ; children between 5 and 21, 947 ;
children between 5 and 16, 678 ; male
persons from 21 to 6o years, 743 ;
present population, 3,084. Population
is 37 less than in 1906.
The general stores here will be clo
ed on the 24th of May.
A matched team of grey drivers h
been merchapurchasent. d by Mr, Thomso
Jno'MoDonald'attended the Distri
meeting at Lucknow on Thursday
this week.
Rev, E F. Armstrong was atten
ing the Wingham District meeting
Lueknowthis week,
A half car of Page fencing and gat
was received•'aere last Friday by th
local agent, R. Close.
$9,10 was contributed by the Presby
terien church here for the Lord's Da
lli ne
.A very respectable act
Y able su
EARLY CLOSING. -The general store
of R. A, Thomson and no. MacDon
ald will close during the Summe
months, commencing on the first Mon
day of June at 7.3o p. m,. Wednesday
and Saturday evenings will be except
Wm. H. Love'
is prepared to atten
to all orders left with him in th
undertaking line and satisfactio
guaranteed. A full line always o
hand to choose from and prices ver
reasonable. Messrs. ss s, Walker & Black
will look after all orders left with him
Wreathes and funeral designs fur
iINDERTAx1NO,-Prompt and care
ful attention given yen to all orders' for
Undertaking. Our telephone No. is
zea and a call will have our im-
mediate response. Our prices are
reasouable and satisfaction always as-
Specfai attention paid to
cavity and arterial embalming fol
which we bold diplomas.
The following is the program of the
Annual Sunday School Convention of
.Ethel circuit to be held in the Ethel
church on Friday, May 24th After-
noon session -Opening exercises ;
Paper, Teachers who Influence their
pupils, Miss L. Jackson ; singing;
discussion, R. McKay; gramapbone
selection ; paper, The Child Mind,
Miss E. Pomeroy ; singing ; discus-
sion, J. Pearson ; recitation, Miss M•
Johnstoq 1 gramaphoae selection ;
paper, The Sunday School and Mis-
sions, Mrs. Wm. Whitfield ; singing,
disucss'ion, B. Jackson ; singing and
collection ; paper, Teaching the Les-
son, R. McKay ; discussion, R. Pick
reit ; election of Nominating Com-
mittee, singing and benediction,
Eveiing Session,- Opening Ex-
ercises; report of Nominating Com-
mittee and introduction of new officers;
chorus by Ethel choir; solo. Miss 0.
Raynard ; recitation, Miss Lizzie
Chambers I address, Rev, Robt, Pear-
son 1 chorus by Roe's choir ; solo Miss
A. Whitfield ; singing and collection ;
question drawer, W, H. Kerr; address,
Rev, E. G. Powell; chorus, by Ethel
choir ; closing services,
5 -
0, -
The moat disastrous are in the his-
tory of Clinton wee started Monday
afternoon about 2 o'clock in the works
of the Clinton Thresher Oompeny, A
terrifio wind was blowing, and it ie
thought the fire originated by a spark
from the Thresher Company's smoke-
etaok falling on the roof of the frame
factory. For a time 11 looked ae if the
whole town would be destroyed, as
fully twenty-five buildings were .on fire
at once, and with the wind blowing
So hard the firemen were at the flame's
meroy. Aesistanoe was staked for from
Stratford and Blyth, and it is to their
efforts that muoh of the oredit is due
iu stopping the fire's pregreee,
The flames leaped from the threshing
works to the office, then rendes the
street to soros man buildinge at the
rear of Wesley Methodiet Churob, grad
for s time title splendid structure sine la
great danger, but, altbouglt the Are
oly puaugbt10tout, afow plaoee,anbti it warms arevks enwere
earrled over to Elliott'a livery etablee,
but the fire brigade prevented them do-
serious damage, aithougit lbs oou-
tents of the livery and reaidenoes were
removed, The Rattonbury Hotel caught
fire in the third story, and the building,
being entirely of frame, fell a prey to
the flames, also the adjoining sample
rooms. It deemed for a time shat the
old 900101215 building adiolciug the
Jfattesbury Rotel, also ilio large stable
at the rear and 11'lyuu's blaekawtth shop
would also burn, but at this time the
brigades from Blyth and Stratford ar-
rived end prevented further deetruo-
tiou, although the rear part of the old
postofee wag burned and McLean's.
restaurant was partly damaged by
water. Dr, Beane' house and stables
were completely destroyed, and it was
with difficulty that the Davie' livery, Dr.
Guou'e oice and residence, also the re-;
sidentas of O. 0. Rance, Joseph Copp,
Mre, Smith, Mrs, Pratt, 13. Hill and
others were saved, although the (leo-
teuteofmost of these were smoked, and
suffered' considerable damage,
The Threeher Company plant loses
$80,000 on the buildings, which were
erected at a coat of $86,000. The con-
tents, worth 830,000, are almost a total
lose ; insured for $20,000, The Batten..
bury Hotel, owned by J. Rattonbury,
was valued at 58.000, and was a total
lose ; insured for $9,000, The hotel was
rented by Alex. Rubinson, and he bed
arranged to transfer • ft tc J. W. Laird,
of St. Thome, and Mr. Laird Ind his
lawyer were in Qliuton, to draw up the
agreement, but the fire bell changed all
arrancompletely ements as & t w
tely destroyed. Loss $2,000,lit
surance $1,000. De Evans' lone will be
about 51,600, with insurance of $700.
The Thresher Company had built up a
splendid business, and the Manager,
13, A, Forrester, says that the plant
will be rebuilt at once, as the directors
are enthusiastic over the nouns of
their new venture. In the meantime 75
meobanioe are thrown out of work. The.
Bell Telephone Company's loss will be
about 5500 in wire cable and poles. Tha.
ossos would establish a good sys-
tem of waterworks, and it is likely the
town will not lose much time in voting
for title very neoessary protection,
Itrnesele Cyon Front Atwood.
Last Friday evening despite the cold
weather a large number aseembied at
Victoria Park here to witness the initial
Intermediate Foot Ball match between
the home team and Atwood. As is al
ways the case iu the earlier games there
wee as
w ntf
0 combination
Yet on
whole o e the play was good, herring
nnmetooe useless kinks out of the park
by Atwood, and was entirely free from
rough play or jarring confiioe which
sometimes mare Olean sport. Neither
team scored in the drat half altboukll
there was some close shote, see the
second ball Brussels bad rather the
better of the game and in addition to
eooring a goal, on a nest kiok by Ed.
Kerley, the vieitore' citadel was born
barged a enmbet of rimae but the valiant
defence and bad shooting rendered it
veluelese, Both teams will give a good
500000t of themselves before bbe season
is over. The Atwoodboysare a gentle•
manly lot and although 0 or 7 of them
are ealled'Pnniors several of them are
quite familiar figures on the foot 'ball
tleld, Harry Bertliff, of Clinton,
refereed the mahoh and gave good satire
factiou. The ine np was ae follows.:-
BanasaLe ATR000
J And'r
e sou Goal g¢milton
A Anderson .,, tt Beam 1 MOAiray
w Iaowoh¢Id„f 1 (tray
R Queen e Hook
O Qbayas ,...,.. *i Banka Fpent.
veeteaenaon... Thompson
ei D paitt Brown
B Earley Ford
d ltatsitll
Leod Forwards ...... Robertson
W ¢Stilet, ...... McFarlane
Brussels boyo had a new and a natty
uniform tousieting of navy blue sweaters
with it big B on the breast, and white
knee pause. The gate manta Friday
evening were $82.00, not bed for cull
Gold weather,
People We Talk About.
Jae. B. Stratton lett for Calgary ou
Tuesday taking three feet borne end
other effects with bim. The late seaeoo
detained him here several weelte longer
thou he intended. We wish bim well. -
J. F. and Mrs. Bbeak, of Torooto, have
been viaitora in town with Mre, Joe,
Wynn, bile lattsr'e mother. --Tuesday of
Ghia week Jno. Pugh left for Moose Jaw
where be will be employed at hie trade
ae bricklayer. Mr. Pugh intends spend•
ing,a day Or BO atWinnipegwith relatives
en route. He ie 4 good workman dad
we hope the season will be a profitable
one to bim.-Waewiok Bros. have die.
posed of their sheep in Idaho and will
spend the Summer in the Canadian
West, The State range lane are corner.
nine the ranches up oonaiderably as
compered with the earlier Winery of the
country, --will Hayorott was home from
Hamitton owing to the illneee and sate
eegaenb death of his grandfather Hutohe
inson,-B. and Mrs. Gerry were in
Blyth for a few days this weak.-Jamea
end Mrs, Johnston were nailed to Howiek
owing to the illness of the former's bro.
ther Albert, who had a severe attack of
pne0mouia, We hope be will soon be
better.-Mre. Wm. Hogg, of Brussels,
was 88 years of age on April 29th, For It
person of her age elle mane her fecal.
ties t0 a marked degree. Although feeble
of body she is bright and happy; She
makes her: home with bet son and dam
ghter in the Robb terrace, -.George
Crooks has been having a shakeup from
Is grippe but is able t0 be at work again
we are glad to state, -J. F. Udine le
making a abort visit With relativea iii
town and iooality,-Barrister B air, of
W. KERR, Prop
Goderieh, combined besinesa and pleas.
Me in a visit to Breseele tele week, Ilia
sone Wilfrid and Allan accompanied bim,
Mr. Blair was a well !mown resident of
&eeeele for 10 years and Gia many
old !rinds are always, glad to nee
We ere are pleased to bear that R. barrow of
the Ouebome Department hart bean pre.
muted to bbe post of etedatuat Com,
missioner et Otaawn and bis salary will
new be $8000. Mr, Ferrero ie a meet.
eompetent hand and .tae been in the ser. •
sloe for a good many yearn, He is
eon of Puebmaeter Farrow, Braeeele,
Pus Poer extends oongrabulations. The
Ottawa Jouraar of May Ilth gives a good
portrait of Mr. Farrow sod speaking of
the promotion says :-R. R, Farrow, who
bas been appointed aseiiiant commission.
er of the oaobems department in noon
sloe to JobreBatn, who resigned Some
time ago, hag been connected with the
olvilBervioe eine January 15t12, 1881,
hie first ot$ae being }aesions, oletk fit
tee House of Commons, He filled' that
position oaring the session of 1881, at the
MOSS of whittle be went to the department
of Agriculture, where ha was employed
for three years at eabietioel work. In
Jane 1884, be was transferred to the
odaeans, department as juaior clerk in
the s0oonotent'e branch. Hie ability
end energy marked him for preferment
and on the let of July 1894, he was ap-
pointed ao0oautanb, which positioo be
filled mon creditably until his repent
appointment to e. higher peat. Mr.
Ferrew bas ben assidnoue .in the die.
charge of his reepooeible duties and his
promotion comes solely ae 5 reward of
marts. -W. E. Stewart was home froth
Stratford for a day this week. -We are
sorry to state that Mies Hattie Dowuiug
is iii with the mumps and se a Souse.
queen her department in the pubiio
scuopi le closed -Lorne Pringle returned
to Toronto on Wedueeday after spending
several weeks here owing to the illness
sed sobsegnent demise of his naole, the
late Thee, Maxwell,-Mre, W. T. Cluff,
of Stratford, was a vietbor in Brussels
last week. Sbe accompanied her hue -
band, Rev. W. T, Oluff, to attend Thos.
Maxwell's fueral,-Mre. J. R. Smith
end her eon, Druggist Smith, were in
London on Taeaday to see MieeKate, the
form'er's daughter, who is in the boepital,
Fair progress is being made toward re-
sovery.-Alex. McKelvey is a visitor at
home from Torouto for a few days. Re
will speed some time as one of the house
surgeons in the General hospital 'in the
Queen city, Be ebonld make e. Olever
iu. D. -Reeve Leokie attended a Com.
mittee meeting of the Co. Council at
Wiugham last Satorday.-Tan POST has
the pleuenre in aougratalatiog Russel
Z.mwer on the completion of his course.
in Elettrio Engineering ab the School of
Science at Toronto. Ile took honors in
bis Exams, We trust his future will be
prosperous -Mies Carrie Megaton er.
rived borne Wednesday evening after an
extended visit at Hamittou.-Mie. Jno.
Ha croft
Pcurl . .
Stewart was home from Goderieh for
Sauday. He has two months' work
there yet on the 0, P. R, buildings -
miss plebe. Taman, of Blyth, spent feet
timidity With Mise Stewart, John et.
Maitland Presbytery will meet at
Wingbam next Tuesday.
There will be High Mase end eermon
in the Oathotio Church, Btuseele, next
Sunday atl03oa.m.
Rev. E. G. Powell oondooted the
Quarterly Communion serene at Weltou
last Sabbath afternoon.
A new coal furnace will be installed at
Melville Manse to take the plane of one
that has completed its usefulness,
The Epworth League of the Methodist
oburoh hero raised $70.00 for Miseione,
gave $25,00 to church support and $25.00
to menet
w b
P g. off the arch debn
.set year, A good record.
Wednesday and Thursday of tbie week.
Rev. Mr. Powell was at Luoknow attend.
leg the annual District Meeting of Wing.
ham Distriot. W. H. Kerr was In at-
ay as lay repreaenta-
The offioera of Brussels Bible Sooiely
would be glad if the oolleotore who have
not reported wonld do so before the Mon
of May en as to complete the report and
forward the remittence. If persons
do not iutend oollectiug we would like
the books returned so that the Society
may know where it was at.
"She nab done what she could” was
Rev. Mr. Wiahart'e text lest Sabbath
morning in Melville, oburoh. At the
oto» of the sermon a oontribntionto the
Chinese h'amine Fund was taken which
amuttuted to $135 00. In the evening
the pastor preaoued Irom the words
"Keep thy bears with all diligence for
out of it are the lsrnea of life."
IL005rSsTED LaoTmts.--TOeeday even.
tug next an ilinetratad ,lecture will
be given in the Methodist oburoh by Rev,
E. G, Powell, commencing at 8 o'clock,
Admission only 10o. The reverend
gentleman Mae invested iu a double
etereoptioon and will have, when com-
pleted, a fine oatfit ieolnding illustrated
conga and views of varioua desotiptione.
Saturday afternoon the official count
of ballots was made by the Session of
Melville ohurob ae to the recent vote fat
new Elders and the following were de-
olared elected :-James Grant, Peter
Watson and P. J, McArthur, The other
Eaters are Thome, end Joe. Btraobao,
Alex, Stewart sr. and jr,, A, M. McKay,
D. 0. Roes, G. A. Deadman, D. Glassier,
P. Botz, Gilbert McCallum and Jamea
OPPItiaaS Enttorntn.-Qt the annual
meeting of the Brussels Branch of the
W. M. S. the following offioore Were
elected for the next year;-Preeideut,
Mre. el. if, herr; let Vioe•Pree,, Mre.
(Rev.) Powell; 2nd Viae•Pres, Mre. J. T,
Wood ; Red Soo., Mre, H. L, Jeekeen ;
Cor; •Ben„ Mre. A. J. Lowry ; . Tom.,
Mrs, R, Leatberdale. The enemy bag
had a very eaoaeesful year and Ooutri.
bated $57,00 to Missions,
The Allan O•,mpeny have placed an,
order will) a Clyde firm for a 10,000 ton
steamer, for the Montreal service,