HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-5-9, Page 8." SPRING NECESSITIES IN ,OUR LINE During /muse -cleaning time you are likely to require some of the following. Let us supply your needs in them. tipusalaoLD lelo, per bottle. SILVER SOAP 15e. per cake. CARBOLIC ACID CHLORIDE OF LIME SULPHUR BRIMSTONE For Disinfeeting, OAUSTIo SODA MOTH BALLS FreIv Making soap et 11ome, 0 lb tin 40o. Also Broth Proof Bags for storing fore WALL PAPER Our dock contains patterns to suit any room at prices that will please you. Large selling line enlarged our collection of Remnauts. These we aell very cheap. FR. SMITH DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. randStbas gems The Session of Melviile church will meet oo Saturday afternoon of thie week. A. T. CURRIE bought an export steer from John Shorereed, of Morrie, that A ohiel's amang ye talcit ' notes, tipped the &Mee at 1200 lbs. and dressed Anfaith he'll prent iv. 750 Ele sent a choice roaet of it to Tor. onto, Sonora, Board will meet Friday even ing of this week, A (=BHT foundation ia being put under the residence of Sensual Wilton. CLEAN up your premises and be ready for the inspeotion of the Sanitary In apeotor. GEORGE BROWN inveated in a new pane. ture proof pueomatio tire buggy, buytog from D. Ewan & 0o. Bin Huron Lioenee Commiesionere will meet at the Oentlal Hotel, Brunelle, On Thursday, May 16th. Ware the party who has a ladder be. longing to Witten & Gillespie kindly re. turn the same as i is required. Gronoz Thomson lute inveeted in a fancy block driver which will be entrust ed to the care of Miens Florenoe and Alice Thomson. THE item last week referring to the eale ot W. F. Stewart's residence was in- correct from the tact that the bargain Was not completed. TOE butchering buaineee run by A, T. Currie bite been taken over by Jno. Currie & Son. .A.. T. will remain with the new firm and midst in the work. We wish them &mess. A abovenvo well was trook at the depth of 26 feet by Geo Edwards & Son, Iamb week ou the property belonging to the Grewar estate, Mill street, The ever stream is &inducted throngh pipe, the pomp being disaarded. Many people have visited the well to satiety themselves of the reality of the situation. We all have several pieces of old feud tore that we have discarded batten& the artiole is soiled and out of repair. Measre. McKay & Shaw Bell Campbells Varnish Stains. We believe that you wonld be earprised at the effect that ooe coat would give on old articles. Thie Varnish Stain cornea in all &Medea. Why not try it ? WEDDiNG invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Ethel L. Powelt, eld eat daughter of G. A. and Mrs. Powell, of Toronto, formerly of Broseele, to Owen Smily, the well known el°. outionist and vocalist of the Queen oity. The date is Saturday, May 18sh, at 2.30 o'clock, in Trinity Methediet (March, Reception at the reeidenee of the bride's parents, 69 Howland Avenue, after the oeremony. Mies Powell is a soloist of Provincial reputation, GRAND TRUGR NOTES.—A. oar of hogs Wail shipped on Toe -day to Oollingwaod by Wm. Jewitt.—Tbe G. T. R. has inoreae• ed the pay of the engin) men by 10%. —10 ie said George Miller may be ap• pointed seotion boas of the Winghaus junction beat and if so will remove there. He is a steady going, reliable man who has had an experience of a good many years on the me, road. The com- pany will make no mistake in hie seleo tion —The public is looking for the patting down of the promised oemeut sidewalk from Turnberry street to the depot. 10 10 badly needed. Busx.—A large ansouut of work (lanai& ing of special jobs, tamed one thie ninon, sin& February 15th byEwan & Go, out. side of their ordinary work bo ae fol Iowa :—Speoial baggy and wagon for A. Lamont; epaxial buggy for T. Mates I special rubber tire buggy for Mr, Henry, sr. ; rubber tire baggy for R. J. Holm& ; Limn:del wagon for Eph, Oober, Moore. field ; special waggon !or Geo, Kerr ; large egg waggon for Parker & Co., Toronto ; express wagon for J. Kerney, Brunets ; meat delivery waggon for J. Carrie & Son, Brunie ; large covered oarry.all for Wm, Sholdioe'a livery, Walton ; meat waggon for Bather Bros,, Emanate; egg wagon for Ruht. Thomeon, Bruesele. All were made at Ewan & Co.'e Carriage shop, Brunets. TM firm attends to speuial orders with neatneae, oheapnese and diepatch. Booth oz Itzroas,—House of Retain committee met at Olinton on May 8rd and foetid all the departments clean and tidy. The resignation of the K,eper was ooneidered. It was decided to advent& at once tor Keeper and Matron eo that appliotttioue may be placed before the Council at June meeting. The Inspector was itnetructed tu employ a methanol to pot in D. proper eupport in the new build ing where a settling appears, and to pam. chain ems to that the supply of milk will be auffeusient. The Inspector aud Physician were instructed to employ a dentiet, it oecessary, to repair the teeth of two women inmates, and that Mrs. Elsie and Mrs Brown, two aged woolen be provided with suitable rocking chain, The County Solicitor is lostruated to at. tend to the transfers of properties owned by Thos, Strong, of Henault, and Ed. Hill, of Exeter, The Inspeotor is in &rooted to make bill of ohargee foe the mainteuance of Dire. Robinson and her daughter, charging $5 per week in each case, together with oost of medical at, tendanoe end any other expenees in con j Petition With these partiee, and present nob bill to the proper party for settie• Meat. Harry Bone, for years a resident of Goderith Township, applied to be ad. matted bo the House. Hie credit at the Dieltioo's Batik ie 6743 53. This will be transferred to the Conoty. Two tenders lior breed ettpply Were placed before the etnmittee. Tender of Harry Bartliff tto• eepted at $2 34 per owt. FOOT Bann metals Friday evening on Vtotoria Park, Brusaele. Atwood and Bruesele are the opp tang team. In- termediate AgeOciation honors ere at stake Go and see the game. AsSLICATIoNe are &eked for the positione of Reaper, Matron and assistant Matron for Huron Go. Bones of Refuge. They are to be in the hand. of Go. Clerk Lane. Goderioh, to be dealt with at the June session of the Comity Ocmuoil. Adver• tisement in this beetle. TIM BROGAA STIMENT.—The Foot Bali team tots elegageu the Firth Com- pany to present "The Seeger Student" in the Town Hall on Wedneaday evening, 22od ,net, Keep the date olear. A fiue program will be preeented. See further announcements on posters. W, LI, T. U.—A. apeciat meeting of the Women'ti Obrietaiu Temperance Union will be veld ill their room 00 Moud.y evening, May 13th at 8 for the par - pen of making arrangements for organ izing o Baud of Hope. All intereeted to thie work are tithed to attend, Mee. McGuenn, Preeideue. "The famine in Samaria" was Rev. hie. Wiebart'e topto Subbeth morning from which pointed and practical refer- enee was made to the terrible Chine& famine. Next Sabbath the congregation will make a apeoial ornotribution toward this worthy object, Melville Sabbath Sohool bus already forwarded $16 00 for the same °Nem" E teba at Dothau" was last Sabbath's evening aubjeot and was one of eimouragemeut and hopefulness, SUCCESSrUL GATHERINa.—The anneal Sammy School Oonveution and Run Deoanal Meeting f the Deanery of Baron, was held on Tuesday and Wed• needay of this week in St. John's oharoh Brunie, there being over 90 delegatee from enrronnding towne in attendance. The prograna was an interesting one aud was as follows :—Tuesday, Holy Oom muniou ; Lunoheott served in the base mem ; Devotions Exercises ; Address of weloome, Rev. Mr. Lang Ford ; "The relation of parents to the &today &boot" by 10. 1, Taylor, London, being tumble to attend, hie paper wae read by Miss Myrtle Wheon •, "The Prayer Book and its nee," E. Naab, Witightim ; "The Home Department" was to have been given by Mies' H. E, Walrond, Exeter, hot owing to her Meese, ebe was tillable to attend, so Rev. Mr. Torn. ball, of Godetioh, gave a short address on "Advice to S. S. teachers ; "The Ad• vent Oolleae," Rev. T. G. A. Wright, Walkerton ; a short address was given by Rev. Dr. Tacker, on "Pdiesions" Itheinese meeting ; Tea. In the evening fine sermou was preached by Rev. Oanon Taoker, D. 0. L., tit Toronto, General Secretary, 51. 3, 0. 0. The text was Genesis 12th ohapter let and part of the 2nd verse. Be was aseisted in the aerviate by Reeds. Me.ers, Gonne, Turnbull, Onlfine, Boyle, Hartley, Berry mud Lang•Ford, Anthems were well tendered by the choir suitable to the amnion. At Wednesday'a motion foi• lowing, Holy Communion "Prayer Book Revieion" wee introduced by Rev. Mr. Turnbull. of Goderioh ; "The Catholio Faith" A review of Dr. Griflith•Thomaa' Book, by Rev. W. H. Henley, Blyth ; Businese ; Luncheon followed which °loath the very enjoyable eeeSinn. Rey. Mr. Gonne, presided as a/lain:inn with ability. On invitation by Rev. Mr. Berry it was deoided to bold the Con• vention at Seaforth next year. AA the clan of the Convention a hearty vote ttf thank, yeas permed to the Rector, Rev. H. M. Lang•Ford and Otis ladies of St. Joho's, tor the hoepitoble way in which they were treated Delegates were here from Seaforth, Blyth, Belgrave, Wing. ham, (Rime, Olinton, Exeter and other places. Trios, MAXWELL Peens Ans.—The (Ammo oat of lbw life 00 00 old aud Well known reeidene of Brussels in the person of Thomas Maxwell, John street, °time ou Monday moist et 10.30 o'o•ook, 11 was not unexpected au he had been in lolling health for the pact two months when he auffered a stroke of paralysis in his left inde, although he woe only bedfaet for 3 weeke, He was 79 yeare and 22 &tete old. Mr. Maxwell was bbrn April 14th, 1828 in'Petegc, Go, Ferrnainigh, Ireiaud and came to Canada at 16 yeare of age, embarking on 0 sailing vessel at Gren• Dolt, Scotlaud, and landing at Quebec after a voyage of 6 weeke and 8 laye. The trip to Ki neaten wag by canal boat the power being supplied by a mule, and from the Limestone oity to Toronto ou 00 steamer. After emending a year in the township of King deoetteed farMed for 2 t years at Bond Head, 40 miles North of Toronto, than in Thornhill where. he lived 4 yearn. On October 18th, 1854 Mr. Maxwell was married to Mies Mary Newton and together they travelled life's out nay for nearly 53 yeara. A sojourn . of 2 years was made at Paris before Mr, and Mrs, Maxweli came to Heron Go. and settled on lot 18, am, 4, Biome. They built a shanty and knew the hard. thips mod labor of pioneer life but by in• dnetry and thriftiness made for them selvee a home where they resided for 23 steam In March of 1879 they moved to Bennett& where they continnonely resided in their comfortable home cat John West, ; The Metropolitan ,1,000,000.00 Bank Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits Capital Paid Up $1,183,713.23 Every Department of Banking Conducted with Satisfaction and ' Absolute Security. Accounts of Individuals, Firms and Corporations Solicited. Savings Department $1.00 or more opens an account, Interest allowed from date of deposit and compounded FOUR times a year. ' No delay in withdrawal. W. J FAWCETT, LOCAL. BRANCH MANAGER The subject of Ibis notice Wee It faithful member of St. Johu'e ohuroh of which he wee the effioient Treseurer and one of the Warden° for many yearn In politics Mr. Maxwell was a Coneervative. He enjoyed the gond opinioue of the oom• =oily and Moore and widespread eyrupathy will be awarded Dire. Max. well in her bereavement. They had no family of their own bot they adopted two nephews and a niece, only one (Lorne Pringle, of Toronto) surviving. The funeral took place Thureday afternoon, the service being held in St. Jonn's thumb. Rev. Mr, Lang Ford was as elated by Re, W T. Chuff, of Swaeford, a former rector of Sc. John', thurch and a warm personal friend of deoeased Pa 1 bearer- were Geo. and Jim. Card 41, Wm Martin, E. Orioh, J uo. Hunter and Jno. Badd. PERSONAL PARAGRAPH& Town Clerk R, de. Norman, of Pluton, accompanied by Dire. Norman, were visitors with their eon, R. G. Norman, of the Metropolitan Beek, Beneoele, for a few days dating the pan week. This was their first 'emir to thie Weaterty seotion aud they expteseed themeless as greatly pleased with Brunelle (tort earroundiuge. We hope to see them back agaiti.—Taa POST is pleased to report favorable program' by Mies Kate Smith at London hospital after a medical operation of great eerioneneee We hope she will soots he able to return to her home and many friends in Brea- sels.—Reeve Cantelon, the App e of Clinton, was in town ou Wednenday on a ha -luaus trip He handled a ;aro quantity of fruit here Met year.—Pdre. Flat% and little Eva were visi•ing friends at Belgrave and Winteham.—Mitts H Gordon left on Monday for Orangeville owing to the illness of her brothera& wife, Mrs. James Gordon —Rev. W. E Herr and daughter Grace, of Clinton, speut a few days in town last week. The former is a eon of Pdra. J. L. Herr, Torn - berry etreet.—Mre. R. N. Berrett, of Wingham, yeas vicious relatives in Brussels on Monday.—Tuesday W. J. Fawoett, manager of the Metropolitan Bank, Brussels, left on a holiday trip to the Wein. He will visit at Winnipeg, Neepeeva. Calgary, Banff end other poipte. We hope his trip and stay will invigorate him and that he will return feeling as well eie ever he did. Be will be sbeent for a month. In his absentee R. G. Norman, who haa been in the Bank for some time, will be in there°. Dire. Fawcett and blies Mary. will re. main in towo.—A society note from Toronto says :—"T. It and hire, Dob son announce the engagement of their daughter Mary Violet (Jean) to Harold Leokie Stewart, tom of the late J. F. and of dirs. Stewart, Cowan avenue. The wedding will take plane early in Jnue," Mr. Stewart is a nephew of J. Leokie and 0. Ritchie of Brussels hie parente being former residenta of town for a number of yeara.—We weloome Oire. Coates and daughter,' of PdoKillop, as residents of Bruaaels. They moved to the home they recently porthseed on Join street, last week.—Mre. Walter Wilbee is back from an extended visit with relatives in the West. Her trip did her good.—Willie a little son of W. E. Hmet, of Atwood,termerly of Brue• sele, wee eeverely burned on his lane by falling against the stove.—R. 10. Coates returned to his borne in Seaforth heat week from hie recent trip to Idaho. He ie e Bon of John Coatee, of Brunets, and o former resident of this looality.—Harry Bartliff, the well known rtetaaranter of Clinton, wee in eowo for a few daye this week looking A 1 and wearing the Quaker Gate smile. 00 ie hinted that Harry may be pat on the eaten' list here although not exactly a resident now.—Ruseelf Zimmer having completed hie wore° in eleokrical engineering at the School of Praotioal Science, Tor. onto, has gone to Hamilton where be has emoted a po Rion with the Weal, inghoime people It To Pose were predicable Rudeell'e future we would say he will land at the top ae he pennons the neosesary tharaoteristios to take biro there. We wish him tip top &mesa. —We are sorry to learn that Mre. James Oliver, formerly of Bruesels, who now reeidee with her dattghter, Mre. Thomp son, at Thenalon'ie confined to her bed through Innen. 13he ie about 80 years of age. Pdre. Giver ie the mother of Mre. Leokie, of Brussein—Mise Rills Hunter at rived home Tuesday from an extended &ay io Toronto where ebe has been cultivating the art of china paint. Ing.—Mrs. R. W. Took and MASS Hattie, of Elora. former Brownian, were here thio week Atte/Ming she funeral of hire., Kerr, the foraler'e mother.—Eddie Lowry ia tote from Toronto and will probabty spend the Summer with hie fa her in bricklaying, et0.—Mies Ida Bailey was vieiting in Clinton,—We are sorry to state that Mrs. 8. B. Smile, who has been very 111 for the poet month, is improving very slowly.—Among the sick ill town are Mrs. Jim, Hayotoit who is with her daughter, Mrs. Richard Hingeton, Mill street, Mr. Hmobineon father of Dire. Thos. Hayoroft, John street, has been real poorly Olio week. We hope both old people will soon be better.—Ed. Nioboleon was a vied& with Seaforth Mende. —Robert O. Kerr, of Mar, Brace Co., Was here thie week attendine the lantern, of his mother. M. Kerr wee a forrner resident of Brae ems for 'leveret years. Mre, Jou. Walton and eon Ralph, of Cleveland, were Oleo in town atteuding the above mentioned funeral. film. Walton ie o daughter of the deoneed lady.—Dire. Jno, Wynn ie beck to town after upending the Winter With her daughter ill Toronto. Business Locals. Two comfortable honeea for Bale. Apply to W. A. Gilman, • Ann your ohne& right 1 Vision ohttogee se all !hinge do, See Taube & Son at Fox's Drug &ore 0 Monday atm Tuesday, May 20th and 2let Grath teamed for Ice the am parlor at latosoott Summer resort H eitest wages paid. Apply te W. DI Lewes, 515 King atreet, Londou. CorAdma etudents, teachere end other desiring profits hie employment for Sum mer 'mambo, &nand write to Hammen, Ont., box 283, for partioulare. Rumen tare boggy and a Angle set .1 rubber monu0ed harness for mile. May be eeeu at the Manes, Oranbrook, where particulars mat he obtained. DR BUTLER'S VIBIT.—Dr Butler, the London Eye Speola•iet, will be at the American Hotel, Brunets, on Wednee. day, May 22uti. Glasse!' eupplied. Lose of ey &tight is lose of forme. No matter how small your eye troubles may be, have it minted. See Taub.- & Boo at Fox'', Drug store on Monday and Tneadey, ,Ylay 20th and 21st. Banxtnxa Gramophotte with 12 inch march& fur Osie at 0 bargain. A fine inetromeet 00 pod aa new and in A I conchiton Et quire at Ins Pt ST Wnasi 'Nabs & Son attend to your eyes you get the hentflt of over 86 yeare experietioe. Deli and commit them at trove Drug store ou Nlunday mud Taletl. day, Ma Y 201h and 21st. REHED1SEB the date of Taube & Son's visit to lernseeie and if your eyes botber you in any way make it a polo' to 000 Halt them at EWA Drug store on Mon day and Tnearlay, May 20Lo aria 21es. Ham Demise —Switch& made out of compioge and out hair, All orders sent by alai) promptly attetined to. Mae, R. flneasmos. Mill etteei, Brunie. 85% of headathee ate the rebut' of eye - &rain, Proper fitting glasees will gin permanent relief. If you are 'troubled that way ootieult Taube & Son- at Feel' Drug stere on Mayday and Tuee day Dlay, 20th and 2Iet. WHEN your lawn neede shaving I oan clean, sharpen, true and renew lawn mowers at loweet.oaah price or will ex. chance mower,' when desired. Yottre, T, MoGregor, comer Blill and Main Se., Bruaeela, sao ItivEns.—Let the Illethodiet Pareonage, B.Igrave, on May 4th, 10 Rev. and Dire. G. W. Riven, a daughter. aloom—Spgspea—Iii Belgrave, on April 80th, 1907, by Rev. G. W. Rivere, B A., B. D., Mies Mine F. Spencer to Mr. Geo. IL Moore, both of Blorpetb, Oat, szs=a_ Borrotv.—In Morrie, on May 4th, Sarah May, beloved wife of Alfred Button, in her 8180 year. CAMPBBLL —In Morrie, on May 2od, Robert V. Campbell, aged 62 yeare and 3 monthe. Kau,—In Mar, on May 5th, Rosanna Leadbester, relict of the late James Herr, in her 83rd year. MAItoRLL.—Iii Brunets, on May 6th, Thumaa Maxwell, aged 79 years and 22 dap]. .ITCTION THURSDAY, Men 16n.—Farm stook and grain, bi Lot 11, Con 1, Grey. So e nu resi-rveu at 1 &cloak. Samuel op. F. '. Scott, Atha. Some Men Enow What They Want That's Easy— If you can't eee what YOU want come in and Inspect our "K I NG HATS." It's up to you. Peri. & Ross liSTABLIIINED 11117$ TIE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office . . - Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department. Deposits &Sr and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in making Withdrawals Interest added four times a year Savings Bank 'Department in Connection with all 13ranches. .5A BRUSSELS BRANCH J. F. Rowland, Manager Driving Park Tickets Seethe that the remnoil haa etopped ram. leg and speed,ng on the streets the half mile truck of the Romeele Drivieg Park As. soclation is in good shape for this: 'let your seasou ticket as eine, for 08 00, and treed your home where you ought and no clanger 01 00 accident Tweets can be got from F. B. soorr, Secretary. KEEPER, MATRON AND AS.- alliTAnT MATM,N WANT'S], FOR TWO Bonn OF REFUGE IN Tan rd,SITT 9 Bums —Writreu ebtoleatieus will be received hy the en dersigned up re on ay, Ohs Syl day of Jato . 'nr the positiene IL ever, Ms trim and /Mists ot ?decree for th Hones a Ref- uge. For Keeper soil Matron, man and wife prefer, d. Apolicante ere ea' rated to state e , pevts oopt; 1!n r?,e:laryttiieet:x.4aBAmll1o,.04edwkftp ethcation. 4b, Committee Vinrild like to moot applicants at the Council Room in Ooderiett an the afternoon of Wednesday, June the Otto. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated May the 8E6,1907. 44.2 Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of William Mitchell, of the Township of Grey, in the Cooney of Huron, Farmer, de- oeased. Notice te hereby SWIM pursuant to "The Revised qtatutes of Ontart,., 1897." chapter 109. that all creditors and cohere Raving any obalrnt agai net the estate 00 0007 said William 'Mitchell, who died at Bright. Ontario. no or about the 291h day of Apri1,1907. ere reetnr. ed on or befr re the 1st day of June, 1907 to Bend by post, prepaid Or dellver to A n, of the Village of Rroseele. in the County of Huron, Bolielter for John Linton and Simian Linton, of the Village ot Bright, in the County ot Oxford, Executors of the last Will and Teetameut of eaid Ilecte wed. their Citri &bin and Snrnanles, addresses aud deeeriptioue, the loll partioulars of their olaime, the etot, 00000 0! their Adinttote, and the astute 01 tso eeeurities if any held by them Aud further take notice that after such last mentioned date. the said Exenutore will pruceod to distribute the assets of the said deceased UMOIJk.nt the partici. entitled the eto having regard oily to the elalme oi which they will then have notice, and the .-111,1 Extiontore will 000 be liable for the said negate or al y part thereof, to any ' person 07 070000010 of whose claim notio, shall not have been received at the time 00 such dietributi Dated at Brussels the 8th day of May, 1907 A. B MACDONALD. solicitor for Executors. mmeT-ram•mt.,:g • Fal 1 Wheat Barley Peep Oats Batter, tube and ro e.., Egge per dozen Hay per ton Flour, per bbl Hoge, Live Wooi Potatoes mer the Applee (per bbl ) So t, per bid., retail 67 45 70 36 18 16 9 00 4 50 6 10 24 40 1 00 1 26 69 45 37 19 16 10 00 5 20 25 1 50 1 25 EYESIGHT. T ALI SE SON Manufaoturing Opticians and Eyesight Speoialiets, of TorOatO, Will be FOX'S DRUG STORE" MONDAY and TUESDAY MAY 20714 cQ 21sr and will be glad to have all those troubled with clefeutivo eyesight oall and commit them. They have been established in Toronto mace 1871 and during that time over 100,000 00000 have been suougnially fitted by them. The advantage they have over others ie the fact that they grind their own lensee and by so doing prevent any error in the protest of Ithe.grsurling. If your eyes bother.you in any way or the glees& you now Wear are not comfort- able do not negleot this opportunity of having your eyed properly attended to. The new EleotrioOpthalmo-Bretroscope meed in melting all examinations. All work guaranteed. JAS. FOX. DRUGGIST 'BRUSSELS NOTICE The Court of Revision on the Asseennent 1010 0! the Township of r01nr. hi for the year 1007. will be held oo Monday, the Twenty seventh day of May, 00 011.. Towtiship Hall, at 10 &clock aan All parties interested will govern themselves armordingly, W OLAIIK, Clerk, frIOGE:;/FiraaiRCICQa IP alilagGiRclaclugtZle I) PRICES FOR z a ICE CREAM ; a z a FOR THE COMING SUMMER t) ti) Z a i a Fruit Sundaes and Maple Walnuts Z t) a.....,...--.....-.... Ice Cream, 5c Ice Cream Soda ''''Av„,72.b;,„,,,,,,, 5c 10c 3 for 25c Syrup Sundaes, 5 cts. W A. Grewar g • zlueuzizietuzie0ecumplieeziettibi BRUSSELS NEW DAYLIGHT STORE , G. N. McLaren FIRST ANNUAL MAY ALE OF BOY,' AND MEN'S CLOTHING An event so great that all previous efforts are overshadowed. Saturday, May Iltb, we inaugurate our Firet May Sale of Boys' and Men's Clothing and place before the public the most complete stook of Boys' and Men's Read0o-wear Clothing that has ever been offered in Brussels. This sale presents an excellent opportunity to save money. We guarantek the quality of our Clothing, They are all made by reliable makers and are perfect fitting. Boys' Suits, regular $3 and $3.50 for $2,69 —Boys' 2 -piece Suits, in lovely new Spring patterns, Tweeda, light and dark colorings, double sod single breasted, well made with good trim- mings, perfect fitting for boys 7, 8, 9 and 10 years old, regular up to $3.50 ; choice for $ 2 69 Same Qualities and Patterns as above - 2 -piece Suite for Boys, age 11 to 15, regular up to $5.00; May Sale Price 3 49 Men's Suits regular up to $9 50 for $6.75 Mens Tweed Suits, single and double breaded styles, light and dark colorings, strong 'thine and perfect fitting, ell sizes from BO to 44, regular values up to 99.60; May Sale Price 6 75' Men's Suits regular up to $18.00 for $9 75 —Men's Tweed Wonted and Serge Suite. sin- gle end double breaded Myles, light and dark shades, out in the newest Spring etylee, extra good lining and perfect fitting, all sizes 36 to 44, regu- lar vestries op to $13.00 ; May Sale Price 9 75 Boys' 3 -piece Suits reg. up to $6.00 for $4.49 —Boys' 8 -piece Suite with Knioker Pante, in a big range of New Spring Patterns, Relit and dark shades single and double breasted styles, good strong linings and perfect fitting, for boys aged 10 to 16, regular values up to $6.00 ; May Sale Price 4 49 Boys' 8 -piece Suits reg. up to $7.50 for $5.69 —Boye' and Young Menai Suite, in light and dark shades, Tweeds, New Spring Patterns, good linings, made with long pants and are perfect fit- ting, sizes 82 to 85, regular price np to 97.50; May Sale Price 5 69 Men's Odd Pants —'Mens Odd Pants in Tweeds, Sergee and Fancy Worsteds; Special Values at from..$1.00 to 3 00 13433,a' Odd Knicker Pants —Boys' Odd Knioker Pants in Tweeds and Borges a complete range in kook ; Special Values at from .25 to 1 00 Latest in Men's Hats are here We have in stock an A 1 assortment of Men's Shirts, Collars, Ties—in fact every- thing in Men's4Furnishings, Spring Rain Coats and Toppers Only a few Spring Rain Coate and the _ Short Toppers left ; all new and choice pat.' terns. If 3, our size is here you can buy one at Wholesale Price. Highest, Prices for Produce. Goods Right or your Money Back G. N. McLaren DP~~~0wieresarirkowvieovveNovAra