HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-5-9, Page 5••• . 4 i I I , I 1 c,kr:4$34-14,4sim mIg CENTRAL ,c0Wadi STRATFORD. ONT. Woe established Peony enure ago lied br 114 thorollidlork end 00000. 1)0001110 Onti CI tile tersest met most 0 YI0019 itonwn llonimereisi Colleges in the Proylnee. Om (Malan 1 Upon ljus tor 0041111090110 Le .oncre aim or. lie. Resistants gleatly exceeds the supply. We 100301. graduates to post - twos. Students aro entering each yo week, Catalogue free, ELLA() VT 64 A1obA011LAN, Principals, able dealings with I a patrons hail '=304,-,--W-1=7-.1t42tAr BMWS CAW IA/ 11, MoQUACKBN- Y • 1iijjr of Marriage Licensee, 01. heti et brocrit y, T tirnt.Eurry.nopeet, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES °ince lit the 4081 °Mee, ethet. 80-9 13ERT1i A C. ARMSTRONG hi prepared to sive ieeso,te on Plain, 01. iteed organ. ..l'erEns oo eiliEllataluil• FiEbEofilee ktEldtose-lirueeele, ReelcIpuee- Lot 13,0on.10, la ray. Pupils way have their 1o0t0n0141 thelr 0wil homes4, 311.041 644 MISS LAURA SPLPiCk. Teacher of Piano or Organ ETHEL., ONT. MISS MARGAREI'M'LAUCHLIh TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto • Conservatory of Music. JAMES HAARIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company Office and Roaldonee,-- WALTON, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, FIRE AND MARINE. • GUEI.PH, MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM PROPERTY Rate of interest por 3101. 444104440, drat o LIFE AND FIRE INS. AGENT Excelsior Life Insurance Company The Equity Vire Insurance Company All bluilnerni attended to promptly. H. R. BREWER, J. P. Clerk 4th Divieion Court • AUCTIONEERS. v B. BCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • R418, will moll for better priOoll, 0041161. 4060, iv less time and 4660 0(1040614 than any other Auctioueer in Emit Huron In ho won't charge anything. Dates and orders glum talwia.ygi be arranged at (hie MUG or o) personal application. ROBT. H. QARN1SS IILDEVALE ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. '1.`orms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the 0(1100 0! Tan Post; Brussels. .42tt VETERINARY. ra. A. CUNNINGHAM- ‘...4 • ti otter ;attune...) of the ()Marto Vet orcoary College, to prepared to treat all Ma eases of domesticated animals in a compet- ent manner, Partinular attention paid to Veterinary emettstry and Milk VeVer. Oalle promptly 01 100404 to,- Otlioe and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge. Turnberry et., Bruesels. 'Phone 40 IA • - LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. A B. MACDONALD- ..cx.• Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, Eto. Successor to 0. F. Blair, Office over Stan- dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro- politan Back. NVM. SINCLAIR- • Berrlster, Solicitor, Conveyancer, eiutery &o. office -Stewart's Block I door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. pttOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR- _ BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, ETO. W. PRODDFuoT, a. 0, 14.0. HAAB G. F. Rum. Oillees-Thom formerly °coupled by Metiers °amain' & Bolt, GoDIDRIOH, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEIL.D. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeousof ()uteri° and Firetenase Honor Graduete of Toronto University. Moe next to thrower's Photogrape Gallery, BRUSSELS, g NOW IS A 000D TIME TO 2 ENTER THE M ELL KNOWN ELLIOTT TORONTO. ONT. • E Canada's limn Grade Commercial and Shorthand School. Our gracin- gaces are always successful. Their superior training euablee them to . got and hold excellent poeitione, am.tpuplle who graduate 10010 001. a Helical 01.1.8 10 6110 highest, and best • .i.i, i .1/ sauce trained for Busineee Lire. leo vacations. 0040me0ee now, Oats. ft: .1. li Mane free. W. g, IMLIOTT, Principal, 111 g0011, PORDE AND ALIDEANDICII tits. It 4-1W2B...,Czzlit PZ4,=1::::11= t A BANK Application Form ler rdentitereldp its the Finest and limo euelneee 2lreining 801)003 (13 itimea-ree eiiite3e2fre5.4678t:96.4621eS7t552'ee CURIAL IIISINCSS COLLEIE of Toronto from Jart,2nd, peat, to. Wither with detailed 61,0 equation o me greet tecvatitaime to he (nipped, will ho sent free by taunt 010(1ou reetteat of beam' orietter Witte io•day to W. B. Rome, Prleolpal, Tamp& Gereerd eta, Toronto. 10•1•1111.11 gout Roos Items Newsy Meal items are always weleonati et Urns Petty office 66 WIRTH 0e00 THE POST 10 JAIL lot 1908. Den't meet title 61)60(00. Lent week Robert Francis (imported of 'pneulnatio tire buggy to Jim Ga.braith. Pule:Imre proof time are one of the new features aboot it, DIDN'T luieut the Intermediate Foot (0,1504) On Friday eienitig of Oita week, ce romancing a 6 oniook. Atwood end Broaden wil be the o mpetieg tmm Some porous borr-wed an outfiti of W01(100) type from Tint POST 10 mark ti ,itirne Upon new oement endewalk dummer. It has net been returned and we have loot traok i.1 who it wart. Wiii the party Who got do the atm. of twinging it 1 auk It ie prebab e the) overcooked Inc matter. "PREVENTIOS" Will promptly check u coin or rue Grtppe when taken . tidy at the "00(0610 /nage." Preveritioe eeri- e -610d ooldo as well, Prevent art. owe candy oold care tablete, and Dr Sheep, Racine, Wis., will gledly mail you °ample° and a book on oolde free, if you will wrote. The eampie., prov0 merit. Cheek early oolde with Prevent me and stop pneumonia. Sold in 5o aud 25e boxes by F. R. Smith: SABBATH Ron. or, ItUrritotits -1'. 0. or, len Sabbath School Iustitutee, eon. ducted by Rev. J. C. It Merman, Gen. oral Stenetary of Babbeth Schoen. and D. T. L MaRerroll, S. Oen- vener Presbytery of Maitland, will he held at Koox church, Kincardine, re. Tuesday, May 28 ; Luoknow Preeby• tertian (thumb, Wedneeday, May 29 ; tit. Andrew's ohuroh, Wingham, on Thursday, May 30 h sect at Miura, Brussele_, on Friday, May 3180. GODERICH EX ititTOLIENT8' ILIDINION -A renew', el former etudents 141 1(10 Goole rich High Soloed and Collegia o Institute le to be heed is Goderioh on Thureday and Friday, August 22nd and 23rd, 1907 Ex-titudeute are requested to tend their oreeent addrece to Wm Lane, Secretary G. 0. I. Ex-Biudents' Reunion Goderioh, Oat., wetting whet your they entered the school. On receipt of 113(0 the le aretary will forward 4,, 105 in regard to the rennion, 03100 way reti- way ratee, eto. 11 expeored that the eatherine of Mr. Strang's old pupile be a large mud notable one. Win do people ; ubinth births, marri ages and deaths ? te a question some- times asked. Became- to be born, to bo married and to die are . the three MOW unporcant events that happen to individ owe, and becauee the interest of 1410, community in theee three evente is mooed wily to that of the individual, Anil because the publiehiug of three .136010 ncay furnien most important evidences hereafter in oiteee of dieputeo eutioeseion to property. As a matter o' fact, there is nothing more interesting in any lewd paper than ite birth, deo teh 801(1 marriage cotuneu. It contain° 003W13 of intereet to eVeryhOily. The newe-No Pure Drug Cough Cure Lowe would bee:leaded, if all Cough Ouree were like Dr. fehoop'e Cough Cure ie - and bite been (01. 20 years. The Nation at Law now requires thet if sny 31006006 enter iuto a 'cough mixture, it meet, be printed on the label or package. Fur thle reason mothers and °therm, should Melia ou having Dr. Bboop'e Cough Oure No poison marks on Dr. Eihoophi inhale - and none in the roedieine, else Isoinet by law be on the label. Arid it's not only gate, bat it le oak/ to be by theme who know it beet, a truly remarkable cough remedy. Take no (Mance, particularly with your . ebildreu, Iusiet .on bayiele Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Compare carefully the Dr. Shoop paokage with others and Bee. No poieun inertia there 1 Yon can alwaye be etc the safe Elide by del:needing Dr. Shoop'e Cough Oure. Simply refuee to accept any other. Sold by F. R. smith. A Pontine 51005WITE TO THE FnONT - The lodowing item ie taken from a, Wis cousin paper and Mere to a brother of Roe Stubbe, of Bruseele, and Wm - Stubbs, 4th line, Morris :-Bat few men in the tummy of Ruek are better or more favorably known than "Jake Stubbs," tie he ie Leilli,iarly known, of Weyerhaeueer. He 0)1100 10 this aoutity many years ago and engaged in bueineee et Weyerhaeuser long before Hutt 'county was made, and ho enjoyed good leanness Mr since bo merne among no, In 1902, when the county was pet off from Okuppewa oonoty and (tamed Gatelecounty, be was elected ae iiinember of the board and the fol lowing two yeure he was honored by o re eleotion. Two yeare, 1903 end 3.904 he Wee ohosen chairman of the board, He served with honor both se a membet and as chairmen of the board. Lent year when the village of Weyer wag incorporated teed the people were looking for a good man to snap administer the affairs during ite iutancy Mr. Stubbs Was agaiu called upon 'and has 108(16 1* good record and helped to get the young village through its flint year in good shape and he turns over hie authority to hie suooessor, Alleh Cooroft, with a feeling of 60110(80mb of doing his full duty. We should not be eurpriaed if when the 110:10 coulee lo eleet auother ohairmateif ohange ie made he ehould. be again honored by being eleeted. The J. 0. Stubbs Meroantile Co. at Weyer. hetheer hi the largest plaoe beet in the village. The building is au imposing one, two etoriee high and 00,001.13(1 with rook (aim steel eirlitm, sod is loos in the corner acme from the 500 depot, Mr. Stubbs' lime is so taken m3 with other besinees that the mangement of, the eitore largMy left to hie estimable Will wife, who is fully equal to the mak They etijoy a large and iuereasing trade. yon °Yankton orir 'Ter Bale" and --- •twantetta uoloras you Mho sornethies every wink. 'nue ja the time to build UP the °room with Rive) Liero 'paeans, Sold by both drug etoree in Brussels ; W. Neel, Waltonend A j, In, Hoorn, Oraiihreoli, Von 081611.11, let trie 00110 You free, just re prove meritot trial else box al Dr. Shoop's eatorrh Berne to ft le atom white, or..itinv, healing antieeptio balm that gives inn ant mist to ottlarth of the noee and throat. Mahe the rte. test and OPP, Addrees Dr. Shi op,e Racine, WjA, barge jtre 90e esoli. Sold by F. R. Smith. FIVE TRODOAND FACTII 51300T CAN, AnA, -.Worth nil weight 111 Yokon gold or Cobalt si:ver," hi the claim mede for a booklet with the above lues off the press, In the bilefeet form e mass of the meet intereeting data re. earning everything :Canadian has been oollimed and areanged by Frank Yeleb, of Toronto., who is speciadi lly qua ed for the testi beettiPe of hie knowledge and study of things Oatiadiatt. Under alphabetioel heads, snob 180 Area, Agri• grioulture. Forestry, 114emulaol eta., down to the West end the Yukon, the Material is readily gotten. at, the con. tente ea a whole miming ea n surprise even to a well vi reed Canadian as to the resources and produote of the •Dornioion. The booklet in gold La 250 and ie pub Melted by the Canadian Facts Publishing Ce., 667 aptioline ovenile, T0901160. THE FOrdW1011 11 oord enys of a former Brumelite Fordwioh Flour Mille ender the menagement of A. J. Lawnik 44 06 very buoy industry. The busineee hue inereased wonderfully, furmere corn. ing many mime to get their- ehopping dem and their eupp y of flow. Farmers lel' tie they get their oh pping done • promptly and better often they never re °timed Mr. Lowiok- also 1:mpties hie euetomers with ewe fluor. The trad, 40 0401 merely a noel mire for Mr. Lew. tok from time to time ehip- flour to out. side penile recently Chipping a oar to Ltiph, fittotlend Mr. Lowiok boys a enge quaetity of wheat, shmoing :Manitoba wheat and last week bought, 600 enthel• of Ootarie tomtit from Mar tire Bros, good flour mull is a ereat help to extend the trade of any village and Fordwiob mi 4 bas oone 'hie since Mr, Lowiok took charge. CHURCH (MIMES Month y MiegiOnary day in the Meth°. diet Sabbath Seim ate dummy aft,r noon Chtheoti ei 66 74 Rey. A. 0. Whitler% B. A. wee at Chatham 1801 week attending the Synod of the Preebyterian church. "A bogy inan'e blunder" was the eubjeot of Rev. Mr. le .well's morning (lutetium Sabbath 28 mt. and in the evert inn the topio wao “li.x sorrows in Paul's life." The 4.13 Quarterly nornionnion eervioe for thie Conference year wag held in the . Methodist ohurch last Sabbath morning. At the elm of the ev-nine eervioe the usual fellowehip meeting wae nonduot ed. Rev. A C. Wishart, B A., obetinned his dieconrae on Job" the Baptist Sabbath Sabbath morning in M /vide Ohnt0h. Rev. Wm: Johnston, of Lacombe, Alberta 16 Oollege chum of the paetor'e, ormapied the pulpit in the evemng discoursing, from the text "Ho every one that thireteth, &o " Al the Preebyterien Synod of Hamil ion and London, whish met in Ch .hem last week, Rev. Dr. Rose, of Port Del. bootee, formerly of Bruseele, woe the retiring Moderator sod preached Mon Soy evening. The report eays 'ince ef fort wee a masterly one" which etate ment will not be hard to believe. Rev. Mr. Matin, of Exeter, wee eleotod Moderator for the coming year and ehould make a competent tifileer. Sonday afternoon, 28 alt., Bishop Wil darn, peached in St. John's church, Brn,eele, to a large congregation. The Elermon was a good one, the text being Hebrews 2 and 1 "Therefore we ought to give the more earneet heed, &o." If a. otergymal, lean eland the buoy program of work marked out and nompetently fined by the Bishop he will have to poeseee more tlson ordinary vitality and energy. 148 118011)'. Walton in the morning and in Vetnghem for the evenine. Three °midi dates for oonfirmotion from St. Joho'o oharoh attended the service at Walton. it;e0d evict ea. Thera are a great ncany oases ot meadea in town and neighborhood. Perch flehin has. improved somewhat, to much 06 000 pnunde being lilted at one haul by one of the beide fishing off thie port. Judge and Mre. Doyle announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, May Caroline'to Major P. S. Bourne, of Seattle, Wash. The Baptist ohureli will hold dedioa thin etrvioesiu connection with the opening of their new house of worship, Sunday, may 26'b. The entitle of 950,000 for improve merits and 913,000 to pay for work al- ready done, totem au though the Gov erumeut (001.0 440404 to start again on the outside breakwater. The many.friende of Geoff,ey Holt, B. A.., will be pleased to know that he hue been appointed on the staff of leeturere at Trinity College. and prior to stemming hie duties in Ootober, he will take A 9 mond 0001013 10 the Berlin IT .iversity, for whioh he sailed from New York on Wednesday 24111 tilt. Judea Holt ea. oompanied hie son ate far as New York. 1 rt Iry sel. A H. Hawkine, D. to 43 , lettere nn hi eurveving oointniesion west of Edmon• ton, near the Yellow Head Page in the Rookies. A propoeilion ie on foot to ereot 910,000 °pare Imam in town, by a gont• pony from .0tmeide providing 16 euitable eight is given. Neil Eloott, son 03 3. W. Scott, left fel. Toronto, to take a position in the Bonk Of Commerce th. re, Neil hae been in hie father's bank here for the past year or two. Lietowel Oddfellowe tneebialed their anniversary by bolding a 80001 evening and weleombig visiting brethren. An exoellent addreee on Othifellowship was OMR by Rev Mr. Menu, the new pastor of the Beiptist-ohnroh. One tiny as the five year old &waiter of George Roe wee °rotating the narrow net bridge on the 5th line of Mornington while on her way to iceboat, she fell od and was nearly drowned Another Ott with the preemie of mind bravely jump ed into the oold water and resoluta 1300, little the wore° of her minhap. 13. .400 08000!? Our Prices Are tor those who wish to save. Our Clothing is for those who like to dress faultlessly. Our Methods take care of the money of the careful spender. And our Guarantee protects every- one. Would you lilie to buy Clothing on that basis We would like you for a customer. Ferguson 84 Ross, Tailors and Clothiers Mies Ida Felton, second youngest deughter of Wm. Pelton, who wee in• jureo in an olevator 4,, T ronto, has re turned home. Her arm to out .and braieed, but the arecident wee by no (Deane eo serious as the report pahliebed in the city papers indicated. She ex peote to be able to vellum work in a week or so. The Youne Menhi brotherhood of the Mothodiet (Month held their env ua• meeting for the e.eotion of offlaers. The following were elected :-President, H McCabe ; Vioe President 13. Tovell ; Secretary, W. Lavery ; Treasurer, W Bowyer. The Exeontive elected were : IP Byrnes, W. Sne line. Wm, Me0..rous and 'rhos Fletcher The lookout oom mittee °etiolate of H. McCabe, W. Bow yer and Roy Leppard. W. A. Edwaroe ha-. returned from Wiegintm Hospital improved In health, The Epworth League is preparing the Methodist church arm -Inds South of the church ter lawn tennie. A never failing enpply of water was fount' at a depth of 82 feet in the well drillid on F Adenes' new property. Cheater Edwerde has gone to New Ontario to seek hie fortune. He will have a look aronnd hater° settline down to any partoicilar bosinees. He will probably eettle in Weak or Home of the eurrounding towns. F. Adams has let the contract of hie new residence to the following contraot ore :-Cement foundation, Walker° & Rogers brickwork and plastering, A. Willie ; woodwork, Barnard dt Poo, wroaeter ; and painting, Dierlaum & Soo, Drew. Lead tours,. Pet, r Robinson has gone to Fort Wil where he 1310 9, eituation. Seeeseee to him. Herbert Cameron 40 spending a few daye in eleKillop end by all reports this may not be Herb'e last visit either. John R Min -on loft on Toeachty of leaf week for the West with a oar of settler's effeots for use on Me homeetead. We wish him well. Jobe and Henry Dennis disposed of five very Bee horses last week to go to Vanoonver; B 0„ for which they reoeived hand -once priorm. They will help make up a ear at Seaforth and competent judge° say a better claim never left these parts for mime time. Mrs Coates and Mise Mary moved to Bruseels last week where they have par chased a house and will make their future home. We are Very ilOrty to pert with them se they were very highly re- spected residents and have vent a good numb.'r of years on the Leadbury line. Toreson, 0 mete -Connell met at Calderht Hall, Winthrop, on April 30th. All the membere preeent. Minutee of last meetiog read and (tempted. A By - Law regulating the erection of 'telegraph and telephone poles on the highweye of AleKillop Township was read and passed. The requisition of the Trustees of School Seeiton No. 7 atiking the Council to Mime debenture° for 92.100 00 to build a new school houee wan accepted and 0 By Law authorizing the Mena of the Berne was passed. A By Law was atm" paned authorizing the Mane of $2,600 00 debentnree for building a new school house in Soho& Beotion . No. 10. The debentures for 8. 8. No. 7 to run fora torm of fifteen years at 6% and the debentures of 8 8 No. 10 for 10 years at 6% Chegnee were Maned for accounts amounting to 923 46. The Clerk was authorized to draft a By law designating parte of the rood e of the Township aggregating 14e miles to te calve ant in building from the Provincial Fond, (loaned adjourned to meet again 061) Ctilder'e Hall, Winthrop, on Wedoes day, May 29 h at 10 o'clock it. 01 , Court of lit/Chien. 11. Illunent, Clerk, BRON4 MEAL COUCH'S. Breathe Hymnal's Healing Air and All Irritation Will Be quickly Cured. The moot irritating and annoying form of oeugh is that termed broachial. People subject to broinhial troubles whenever there ie aabango iu the weather or they are expssed to a draught will "catch" a bronchial oongh, which is very disagreeable, irritating and annoying. St...noblel troubles cannot be cured by stornaoh dosing. The indicated air of Hym mei is the only treatment that reaches the affeeted parte and givers re• lief and core. to deetroye all the dieettee germs that are preeent in the nom, throet and lunge, soothes and relievee the irritated 1800106 membrane in ell parte of the bionohial tobee and quickly over comes the irritation. Bronohitis iii really an inflammation 01 113,' muttons membrane lining the air pa -sages mid is pore y a local disease, eo that nec,cis a load treatment like that afforded by Hy•o mei. We do uot want anyone's money tin Ieeo Hyomei gives relief and cure, and we absolutely agree that money will be refunded unless the remedy gives salis• faetion. All druggiets ahould be able to eopply gnu with Hyo mei or we will send it by imaP on receipt of prioe, 91 00, and every package is so d with the di-tinot under stauding that it 0010 nothing unless it einem Boottee Hyomei Oompany, Suffelo, N Y. Imo 10f Si Just received a car load of No. 1 White Lime. D. A. LOWRY BRUSSELS. ALT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels. A NICE SINGLE HARNESS is what you want now and we can supply you in any style of the favorite Trimmings. Goldeane, Genuine Rubber or Solid Nickle, all of these are fashionable and durable Trimmings. Do not buy without seeing ours. A choice stock of Lap Dusters, Rubber Rugs, Plush Rugs, Whips, Trunk and Valises all at Lowest Prices, Repairs in Harness, Collars, &c., promptly done. C. Richards I• PAINTING PAPER- HANGING The undersigned are prepttr- pared to attend to all work entrusted to them in the above lines with neatness and despatch. Prices Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed, • 11 NICHOLLS BRUSSELS Brewer s Reliable Art Studio If Y0:r41g ; n:11;hood:04T00tir1I look up our Studio. We are ottoond to non° and our prisms are lower than other towns. We would be pleaesa to have you callilnd 000 earnpiett, also see oar largo assortment ot views on Poet Oarde, They mane good Souvenirs. 10on't fail to have eome. WE FRAME PIOTOf?ES Enlarging done in Bret -oleos etYlo- Crayon or Water-oolor. Give 00 a oat). H. R. BREWER WELL BRED STALLIONS KAPLAN 2.O8L.--KLB COSTUMER Will stand for service for the season of 1907 at their own stable, BRUSSELS ONTARIO I1.4praN is ane of the fastest Stallions standing for service in Canada and he is also a good gaited horse, having got his mark in a rue without hobbles and only trained by a trainer for 24 mouths. No other horse got so fast a mark with eo short training. There is no other horse better heed to produce speed. Eighty of the horses with 2,10 speed trace to hie g. g. dam Clara. Kaplan has a right by inher- itance to produce speed and will surely do so. clOSTUMF,R-You who have been using him know what he has produced and .) those who have not done 00 0011 see what he Is producing. He is bred in one of the moat fashionable strains at the present day which is the Hatnbletoniane and Morgans. KAPLAN stands 440 925.00 and COSTUMER at 915,00 to insure. Scott & Warwick, Proprietors SCOTT WISHES to thank his Patrons of the last 30 yeare for their patronage in hie black- smithing business and hopes to give satisfaction in the future as be has tried to do ID the past. Particular attention pela 60 shoeing both heavy and light horees.• Ile keeps a firet.solass man in his employ to ensure eatiefaction to all customers. FURNITURE •WALL PAPER PICTURE FRAMING 10,,,I,01,V11$100,,Vio.h0109,11),a0 To the people of Ethel and surrounding country we beg leave to say we have opened up a Furniture and. Wall Paper business at Ethel. We also keep a supply of Window Shades -orders for special sizes and colors promptly attended to. We cordially invite you to call and see our goods as we feel certain we can please you both in quality and price. PICTURE FRAMING DONE TO ORDER We would also kindly call your attention to our Undertaking Department We will keep a good supply of everything necessary in that line constantly on hand and all orders left with us will be carefully and promptly looked after by MESSRS. WALKER & BLACK, Brussels. Wreathes and Funeral Designs also supplied. WM. H. LOVE, South Side, ' Red Brick Block, ETHEL •••••111•11.11111111M11•11111••••••••• Do you like good. Bread and Pastry ? If so you must bake with good Flour. I have in stock now the Celebrated Puritan Brand Manufactured by the Western Canadian Flour Mills Co., of Winnipeg. Also the well known Five Roses the output of the Lake -of -the -Woods Milling Co. A trial will convince you of the excellence of these Qualities. All kinds of Feed kept on hand and sold at Rea- sonable Prices, ALF. E3AEKER BRUSSELS