HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-5-9, Page 4Cht SPOStIS VOSt�
THURSDAY Nf x 1007.
Vali a tt.
Pellet( neeeeeer, Jobe Smith, bee
finished the were of aeefeein9 the town-
Bhip, and returned the roll to the Olerk'e
Orae on April I7th. .Tbe following i8 a
anmmary of the roll for 1907 ;—Nnmber
of acres, 53463 I No, of corse °leered,
43902 ; No, of aurae woodland, 2666 ; No,
01 nares aleahland, 6995 l Valne „1 land,
Total yaLValue
ofreal � rr
property, 5 NUM;
Bueineoa aeseeemebt, 56.600 ; Taxanle
income, 9800; Telegraph, $110 ; Toe
phone, 1,000 ; Total aueeeemeut, $1,995,
850 ; Number of doge, 882 1 No, male
pereoee between 21-60, 616 i No, child
ten between 5-16, 560 ; No. children be
twee, 6-21, 787 ; No. persona in Iowa
chip, 2390.
CF r '.
S0nooI Keroao. Following is the re
port of 8. S No. 8, Grey, for the mouth
of April Examtued in Geo„ Artb ,
ep,•11, end D'aw.—Br IV -Haab Bm'tb,
967 I •Buesel W,bee, 95. Jr. IV—
Juneve Taylor, 827 ; Oeoi MoKinnon,
285 ; Tom McDonald. 278 ; Burnett
Smith 273 I Ernie Cardiff, 241. Sr. III
— Jean Smith. 275 ; Giver Doll, 261 ;
"Roy Smith, "'John Cole. Jr III—Katie
MoDouald, 179 ; Jim Other, 176 ;
AustinGrauedeu, 124 ; *Fred Cole, 91
Sr. II—Bessie Smith, 180 ; Millie Mo
Farlane, 178 ; Marlon Smith, 141 ; Jo«
Smith, 96 Pt. II—Eliz. Bishop, 86 ;
Stewart Grant, 57. Sr. Pt. I—Jim Ma
Farlaue, Jr. Pt. I. -•Harold Cardiff,
George Biebop, Those marked ' absent
for examinations, MABEL ZIoi,ioa.
Scwooi REPoaT: The following is the
report of 8. B No. 9, Grey for the month
of April ;—Sr. IV.—A. 8peiran, A Mane
W. Hislop, F. MoNaught, P. Harrison.
Jr, IV.—A. McKay, G. Sabnoak, D.
Tarr, J. Mann. Br. III,—B. McQnerri°,
Harrison, H. L g
B MuNaoghc, L a
atone, L. tipslrau, B. Moon, E. 6m b,
Clancy Flood. Jr. III --F. Bodge, 0
Brown, B Snelling Sr IL. N. Schnook,
M, Liviugetooe, L. MoK'.y. Jr II —E
Malley, 0. Bray, J. aloha), L. H,etop,
S McQoarrie, M. Smith, W. Smith,
W. lloNanght, M. Cummings. Pt. II —
M. Stowe, H. McQ lame, A. Tarr, P
Pride, M. Hodge. Sr. I.—F. Mucha,,
H. Maobon, S. Pride, 8. Snelling, W
Neabel, H. Snelling, H. McNeoght. Jr.
I —V. Bahnook, W. Meehan, P. Om
ming,, E. Tarr, 9 Epithet.
E0008 PumLIa Samoa —Report for
April. Names lu order of merit based
an standing in the weekly examinations
Department I, Form V —Ruth Engler.
Beattie« Bateman, Sam. Menitneh, Elsie
Dunbar, Edith McKee. Sr. IV.—Form
—Annie Tbumpoon, El.in Thompuoo,
Roy Eokmter, James, Bremner, Char ie
Heneald, Irene Heath, Alvin McKee,
Claetiue Dane, Roes Freeer, (eque )
Annie Cooper, Lavine McLeod, Aeuee
Thompson. Jr. IV Form —A foe Barr,
Fleda Freeman, V ra Menai', L zzir
M alotosh, Wilfrid Balmier, Irene Bower
Floreuoe MoCellum, Lewin Seery. Br.
III Form —Harvey Smith, Pearl McKee,
C 'fford Dauber, Joe Cooper, L'zz e
Thompson. Sr. ITL.—Eieie May bury,
Robert Thompson, Edmund yloLead
Jr. III Form—Or,etle Engler, Pearl
Bateman, Noble McKee, E:vio Dobson,
Nermau Addy, Cecil Eolrmier, Stanley
Straohen, Olive Cooper, Verda Pollard.
Department II. Sr II Form.—Rneeel
Balmier, Reggie Hemsworth, George
Cole, Edith Heath, Grace Eakmier, Roee
Coates, Wilfrid Thompson. Jr. II Form
— Roy Danbar, Della McKee, Peart
Dobson, Minnie Martin, Limeade Ma
Neelande.—Form I, Pt. II.—Harold
b'reeman, Maggie Coates, (.gnol) Stuart
McDonald, Lockhart Dane, Flossie
Sanders, Stanley Gid, Clete Mo0ellnm,
Lydia Tbibideao Form I, Pt. I Sr.—
Laura Hemsworth, Louie Martin, Geo.
Pollard, Willie Cole, Harold Love.
Form I Pt. 1 jr,—Lillian Davidson,
Evelyn MnIotoob, Marion Thompson,
Edith Eakmier, John Heath, James
Ludas, Reseal MoNeelands, Stephen
Tbibideao. Pt. (a) David McKee, Pearl
Love,, Myrtle Lamont, Russe' Kreuter,
Bertha Cole, Quest Dobson. Gladys
June 5 and 6 are the dates for the
Wheehaw races.
Mies Norma VauStone has returned
after taking a coarse in Toronto in
°bine painting and has resumed ber
Minerva Encampment, I. 0. 0. F., bag
made final arrangements with the Grand
Trunk for their annual exoureion to
Sarnia on Saturday. June 8th.
Wingbam Baptist Church hag ex•
tended a oall to Rev. H. E. Allen, of
Toronto, and Mr. Allen has emoted the
oail, and is now at work on hie new
Rev. IYIr. MaQoerrie, (formerly pas
tor of Wingbam Presbyterieo church),
closed his poetorate in North Bruce on
Sunday, April 28th, He has purohaeed
a reeideooe In Toronto and will reside
The election of represenlalivee of
the 000gregetion;on the official Board
of the Methodist Church took place and
the following seven were eleoted from
among foortten nominated ;—W. J.
Howson, M E. Znrbrieg, J he Honey,
3. H. Keeler, Dr. Price, M. Beckwith, J.
John Ritchie and A. Cotten.. have
formed a partnership to anndeot an In
3088006 end Real Este.te baeinese in
Wingham under the firm name f
Ritchie tot Cosens. Both love bad
considerable experience in the inner.
twee bneineee,arid ag Mr O.leens has
reoenly acquired that of James H. Ohle
holm, they should be able to do a the
neeefu' bnsineee.
The Wineham Branch of the Wo
men's Instil.ate held their annual meet.
ing in the 0. 0. F Hall. After the
routine buaine0e, the e•ectlon of officers
took piece, resoltmg as fellows:—Preei
dent, Mre, W B ne ; Vice Pree, latae
'Waddell ; Seoretary Trete , Mre. 0.
Gillespie; Direotore, Mre. H. 13. E
liott, Mre. (Dr,) Kennedy, Mre. John
Mo0reeken, re..1 W Corrie, Mre. W.
F. Linklater; Anditore, blre. J,he
Wilson, 5Ire. J. H wer The Institute
has made great provreee during the last
year, and now hoe thirty nine names
on the memberel(ip roll. Tbe meetings
Popular Stallions
he Pelleteltt& w111 be the Routes of (Ito
llor1ee u*Nued for Season, of 1001 i
MONDAY, May Gtb—Will ,leave bili
Owe stable Lot 30, Cou, 12, Melfi lop,
and prooeed to R, Dodds', Lot 22, Coe,
6, ;Moiillop, for noon ; then to Deka)
Hotel, Seaford), for night. 77.7E8
PAY—By way et the 2nd Con,, Tuok
eremitb, to Titomae Oolemeu'e for noon ;
then North to Joseph Daytime's, Lot 7,
Con. 2, Hullett, by way of Alma, for
night. WEDNESDAY—N"rah to
Henry Taylor's, Lot 6, Qom 11, Bal
lett, for noon ; theft to hie 01vu stable
for night. THURSDAY -Win go East
to S. Forbes', thin, 14, McKillop, for
noon ; then North to (Diver Turebq'l'e,
Oou, 16, Grey, for night. FRIDAY—
Weet, then North to Mr. $,f'il'e for mem
then North to the Ameriann H' le
Broeeela, for the nicht —(A.'1 URUAY—
Sooth to James Bolger's, Cou. 8, Mor
pie, for noon ; then to his own arable.
where be will remain anti! the following
Monday morning,
are held the laet Thursday of every
The Bowling O'qb woe re organized for
the season with L. W. Hanson as Prem.
delft ; R. Vanetoue, Vtoe.Preeident ;
A. M. Crawford, Secretary Treaea er.
The grounds oowmittee is William
Holmes, L. Kennedy and P. Lorie. L
was decided to plane the m mberehlp
tee at 53 for thie year. An effort wit
be made to form a league with tbe °lobx
of the neighboring teethe so that a series
of gemee may be arranged for the coin
ing Summer.
I r
Se ave
NoTEe.—Mrs. Thos. Hill vieited
Seafortb,—WOwauaeb Commit met In 13d.
Belgrave Friday —Mrs. J. T. Brydgee ti.
somewhat Improved we are pleased 1,
eay,—Rev. J. J. Hestia attended the
Preseyterien Synod at Chatham Me,
weak.—Mtge Heater Brydeea nae niter.,
iter. -
ed from an extended trip with friends to
Durham.—Sproat ce Whaley have start
ed their wagon ou the 'cad for anode.,
aeaeon'e work —Dau. Geddes received a
ebi finent of 60 galloue of maple eye up
from Lanark 0o6—Mie- Doeglae„ 0'
Stratford, is epeudiug e oouple of weeks
with her eiet-r, Mrs, Wt.'. Corbett.—
Mre. Naylor, see., had the mlefortuue to
fall and traotn,e hie hip. Aa she le get
dog on in yews, it wilno doubt go bard
with her.
Tiredness Comes in the Spring.
What are You Doing to tlTereome
The cold of Wtuter exhaaete vitality
and exposes everyone to disease. Spri'•g
Is sure to bring tiredeeoe and languor
Lb 61 will not go.
Spring eiokueee doesn't ogre itself—
be 0a0ee is in the blood, and that matte
mn•t be remedied. It is easily done with
Ferrozone, a marvelous remedy that
purttiee the blood and dispels tboee
hgmore and poisons that depreee and
Jost think of it—Ferrozone uplifts .he
entire 0688008 eyetem, renews the blood,
makes it rich and red—gives the sort of
aid that's needed in throwing off weak
nese and Spring laegoar.
Tees of thoneande enjoy the advantage
af renewed health ;hrougb Ferrozone;
it you'll only see it, you'll edrely
grow strong too ; it's beurfloiciel notion
is uotiend even in a week,— Yon see It
goes right to work, removes the onuses of
the trouble and then quickly makes a
For thoee who Bleep poorly and have
0888006 apprehensions, Ferrozone 18 a
boon ; it ie a specialist at eg0b cage9.
Where there is paleness, poor appetite
and tangnor. Ferri zone makes the
patient feel like new in a few days.
Iu tiredness, nerve exhaaatiou, Spring
fever and debility, the power of
Ferrozone ie known from coast to coast
and universally need with grand repulse.
Les Ferrozone build you up, let it win
you bank to robust health,—it will do .a
galokly if you viveit the chapati. Sold
by al dealers, 60e. per box or six boxes
for 52 50. Remember the name Feats.
G8)r ria.
Hamilton Brae, ehipped a oar of flour
to Qaebeo last week.
Amos Willie be erecting a new stable
on his premieee in town
Mrs. P. W. Sloan, of B'yth, hae been
the great of her deter, .ere. G. E. Den.
A. Doan was at Shelburne last week on
business and we understand he futende
moving to that town. Mr. Doan nee
been a resident of Corrie for tbe past 80
years and has been engaged in tbe oar
riage tmeine88 here until about two years
Mise L. Herding having resigned as
teacher of the jauior department of the
Gorrie whom the trneteoe have engaged
the services of Mies Irene Sheriff, . of
Laoknaw, who commenced 'her duties
on Wedoeeday of last week.
Meta 11,0p
The framers are at work on the am.
berg of Isaac MaOnvin'a new barn.
Herbert Cameron, of Nmaitre, Ws
visiting, fri•nde in th'e loa'.I'tt ins week.
Thomae and Herber, Irvine, who we,.
in the 010111tty of Leaden, .re home -,1 a
Mstlbew Stafford 1s very ll we reel'
to say, diahetes ie the dtereee Irom which
be le eofferine.
The in tie child of Mrs _ Stewart wh
le vie ming her oration:° 11•8, al re. ` 0. o
le ill with I'rottch'ua.
Mr0 Maawnn. of the pos),.ffite 10..1
Load bury, Ilse g01 1,1 a alae m oak f
geed. for the 3prine mutt Su nlmer 1811'e
3•111a Haler Intends ,log 0)11 W '+t Irl
the early part of Summer end will 10081'•
there. Re will take hie wife and family
with bio.
Georgie Roe has the aontreot for clear-
ing a quantity of swampy lend for John
Bennewiee. Ae there is a big Matin Mese
lit the peace 1' to ee18101 dry already.
The BetibOth School at Bethel obaroh,
which wag closed during the Walter, Wee
re opened on pnnday at lo'elook. It has
W1NQ8� V
E a� S C
(411111 ted with glfeteu 8, (1,)_
s ttaloa,
Ind! (dual lu 4r 1
4 � v
Write farhnude
ine catalogue.ud.
been arranged to have it 8 onion and no
denominot)ona' school and all the ahlld
ren and young people in the vioiuity are
web me. A pionio will be arranged for
in the Sommer.
►twt. •
Lem Pelton left for Toronto where be
nae eeunred a poettion iu the Dominion
The two year old eon of Mr. Heist who
had the misfortune t0 fall 0n the stove is
improving rapidly.
Ab. and Jno Little left on Wednesday
of last week for Cobalt wbere they will
proepeot for silver.
Mrs. Andrew Tennent on Wednesday
of last week underwent a rather eeverr
operation for the removal of an abeoeee
from the bowels. The operation was
The Pa iia L'br.ry Board feet week
t rear of
roma! a
. I the neve g
reoe,v,d tom ),
518 97, being fifty per tient .4 the 0muaot
aunt ill pain out by the library for uew
0,068 861 y«ar.
The Oemeut O''mpany expecte to
manufeuture cement early iu May
The seamed rotary bee been inert and
other maohieery ie being re.edjoeted.
1'he track to the mar' bed is beiug put
lute first elms0 to' dame, and the direct
or have paroheeed Robert May'e engine
whtah they will nee to pump the water
int of the mar. beds.
Why lnourance Companies Diecrhnm-
ale Against (ielllie Net.
Mrolo, ex'minere of ineurauoe nom
paniee eay that the reaeo0 a women pays
more for the privilege of iueorancethan
mac, is from the laot that women more
readily tall vi0llme to tndige'tiOn Bud
etomsah 8,000180 and the fatal allmeute
that spring from th-ee ceases,
A11 persona they eay, who have a
weakened digestive system and coffer
from sick headache, dizzy epees, dietreee
alter eating, epeake before the eyes,
bloating, uervoaeueee, eleepleenueee and
the mealy other eymptome of iedlgeetian,
soon lower the tone of the whole ey8tem
and are moat eaeoeptible to a fatal illnees.
For curative power in all stomaob
trnublee, nothing elee ie as safe yet
effective, nothing elite can be thor„nobly
relied upon to relieve all tronblee from
iodigeetioo as Mt u-oa. It is en ike any
remedy heretofore known and ie - pea ly
one of the valuable dieooveriee iu modern
medical 6uienae.
Itia not the acute attaoke that in
fltenoe the insurance examiners alone,
but the 00uetaot feelings of wealtneoe,
beadaobes, iedigeetiou and atomaoh
troubles—th8ee thing*, phyeiotane eay
kill more people thea many more eerieu0
dieea- ee.
We absolutely agree that your money
will be reloaded should you boy a 50
oeut box of Mi o na etomsah tablets cud
not be satisfied with the result.. Mi -o na
ie sold by druggists everywhere, or will
be sent by mail on receipt of ptioe 50o.
Booth's Minna Company, Buffalo, N. Y.
til vti■,
The boogie and lot owned by A. v.
Brown, on Queen street, hoe been sold
to T 0 McElroy for the ,um of $500
Recently John Denbeem purohaeed the
barn near the G, T R. track .from A.
Steinhoff end nae fitted it ap for a elle
L. Goodday left for Ottawa where be
has eronred a government job. Mrs.
Goodday and family will leave iu 8 few
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
and reception of new members was held
in the Methodist ohutoh on Sauday
We are ea sed upon to reoord the death
of W. J Fenwiok, who passed away on
Sunday morning of last week about' 8
o'o oak, after an illnees whith lasted all
Winter but he bad only been hedfaet for
the past h ur werke Tbe oanee of hie
death watt 81 menet end stomach trodble.
He leaves a wife end one daughter, Mrs.
ilaeou, of Westfield, to mourn his loee.
His younger days were spent hoar Toren
to, after which he moved to Reel Witten
rloeh and then to B'yth where he has
resided for a number of yea, e He. age
was 61 }mere. The fnoera' took plane on
Tuesday afternoon to Weetfeild cemetery.
The eervioe at the hn088 wee conducted
by Rev Mr, Andereo,i.aho spoke tram
the text "I i;o to prepare a piece for you.”
Never mind what the Doctor says. If you
have Bladder Trouble, I{idney Disease or
Rheumatism, you eau get well if you take
The Gentle Kidney Pill.
Soc. a large box. At Druggists, or by
mail direct postpaid. 65
The CIItlin Chemical Co., Ltd., Windsor, Out.
Baked sweet apples, with some people, brim
prompt relief for Constipation. With others
coarse all -wheat bread 'will have the same effect.
Nature undoubtedly has a vegetable remedy to
relieve every ailment known to man, if physicians
can but find Nature's way to health. And thi8 is
strikingly true with regard to Constipation.
The bark of a. certain tree in California—Cas-
cam Sagrada—offers a most excellent aid to this
end. But, combined with Egyptian Senna, Slip,
pery Elm Bark, Solid Extract of Prunes, etc.. this
same Cascara bark is given its greatest possible
%Over to correct constipation. A toothsome
Candy Tablet, called Lax-ots, is now made at the
Dr. Shoop Laboratories, from this ingenuous and
most effective prescription. • Its effect on Consti-
pation. Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath.
Sallow Complexion, etc.. is indeed prompt and
No griping, no unpleasant after effects arse:.
perieneed, and Lax-ets aro put up in beautiful
lithographed metal boxes at 5 cents and 25 cont;
per box.
For something new, nice. economical and
effective. try a box of
,X em
Why not this year erect
on your Cemetery Lot a
nice, neat M.Inument ? i
Our stock is the larg-
est in Western Outarlo.
Call 'and inspect it.
Our prices will surprise you
We employ no Agents. Our
Workmanship the best.
Wilson & Bunter
BICBN S' B n,6
Short, stiff, hard, steel wire etayemake a"hinge4ike"
Joint at every lateral wire on the Pillion (01200.
Those 'Hinge-etaye" give our donne * greater degree of
elasticity—enable it to withstand greater strain. They ant
like. and really are, binges—make our fence awing or spring
back into shape after receiving a heavy blow, ortbe unusual
pressure°,used by a turionabull or other animal endeavoring to
push his waythrough to freedom. Catalogue tells more about
thio twice as strong"fake.
The Owen Sound Wire Fence Co.. Limited,
Owen Sound, Ont.
l have been appointed by tie Dominion
(ioveroment top ace 11npigrnutu from the
Dolled Rr hdn rm tJ p1srr1v
Helot tanennhe s188v80u11 t1
Any p1ieelrtIg 1h Ukh, old ho
me y l8tte6full) to1 d t holy
reedr when welded and 16offered
1 hu ;umber. nIpith!, 811, FUM010111
GEO, (1POTT;;I\, I'rlu01pa1,10 •ualdyall rl (pleat; bot ov. ry , ffurt w11'
I bo made to w' vide '11011 i8PPllaitut with
help risettnlred F 0,
Osie clew G ,vorumen 1., 1H.' 1,';1,1,6' utTelt ragout
▪ Old, for sale tit South Halt Lot 211,000.
0 Morrie WK 1101i it, Bruveela P.0
• good Crude NOBLEaA r�'1ILN8utp,
40.11 Lot 22, cos 7, OreV.
F• briar, 1st—part of Smith 1' leek.
22x85 feat ; 2nd door from Amerleau Hotel ;
late!) used 8e tailoring and gents' furnish -
L g eetllhliebment For further nartionlare
apply to Dlt. McKe1LVEY, 80100ols
—Toe uuderelg' ed'•ffer, for sale her
h oro 18111. 101 nu ' ur,,barrY sweet, 'irua•
sots Poeeeaoinu 000") in( given t once
F.•r price, terms. 410„' apply to M'IS F.
SHINOL8, Welton l .0., u1 10 'lag Pon %
1 , e'ONED wtl keep log 0088108 00 Let
21,0', 10, a ley, the /lolatetu Bull, , I.a'd,e
U •hal f' u1r a good ml ting strain Terme-
82A0,pay mole the let a) of February.
42.11 Pro prieton
T116, nuderolglted Olfrre her 100 acre
farm, being 1,4820, Uon 7 •fray, 'for sale or
to rent. Convenable l�°uhe, bank beta,
orchard, wells, rte Farm In only } of a mile
from the stir -lug vtllag,. of Babel Fur fur-
ther particulars apply to F. 8. Ho06t, Brae•
sole, or 4108. EATS HOLLAND, 73 Hholer
61, set, 'l'erouto 57-S1U
r nuderelgoed uffere hie house and lot,
situate on 21111 arrant, Brussels, for eale,
Lt is well located,, cunveu tent and eom for -
table home PU840e0011 668 be given at
0000. Will also sell the vaeaut lot, °other
in till t
that') a
ureate which wont
Mali. 8o0 testeFor farther yap
iel r 1 o prise, (arcaits, apply
1110. AUA54, Hardware Dealer, Fori,
won!. 36.9
The Court of Revision on the Assessment
Roll of the Township of Gorey for the year
1007, will be held on Tuesday, the Twenty
eigBhth day of May, at the Township Hall,
Ethel, commencing at the hour o111 o'olook
iu the,lorenoon Ail parties interested will
govern themselves a000rdingly.
Dated at Ethel Geielet day of Kay, 1007,
43.2 JOHN Mo3NTOBH, Clerk.
• Ontario Liquor Lioonso Act,
License Dtetrlct of East Enron.
N0TICE le hereby given that William
Fmtgh, of Walton; Township of Morrie. has
made application for permfaeion to trans-
fer hie Tavern Lioeuee for the premises
known se the Sage Hotel, in the Village of
Walton, to William Thinner, of Milverton
and that said application will 0e considered
at the meeting of the Board of Lioeuee
Oommiseienes to be held at the Central
Hotel, in the Villsee of Brussels, on the Nth
day of May, 1907, at the hoar of 1 o'clock P.
m. Al) persons interested will severe them-
selves accordingly.
W. CLEGG, Usenet, respecter.
Dated at Morrie, 26th day of ApriI,1907
8141, TOWN PROPERTY.—(1 F. Van-
dl,ok, anctioue'•r, nee hero 1„ntruote 1 by
Mrs, Robot sea t offer by public auction
t tl e Qne,.u'e H••tel, IdeG•wel, on Mon lay,
Mar 1511,1907,st the hour of 2 o'clock: The
100 acre Nom, being Lot 5, in the 2• d Con-
oeeaion of the 'Township or Grey On the
prematone nfoeev dation he e ismanb cellar. lare boarded oeh
dha, k
barn, good well and orchard; ahont85 acres
cleared and about 15 aeras hardwood bush •
1} m Isefrout poalottiee, school_ and church
did 5 milee from bromide, Wreaker and.
Molesworth There will also be t'ffeled at
the same time and plume the hone* and lot
in Listowel, being Lot 3, Main er west, e',u.
tainiug one -filth more of laud, main house
about 20x28 wing about 16x24; store found-
ation, good cellar, et no wall het out for
veneering • woo') .heir about 14n18 ; 7 rooms
and 1 clothes closets, 2 halls, hard end colt
water, several fruit trope and stable 18024.
The above property will be sold on e sy
t. rme. For particulars tip-dy to the under.
signed. MRS. RUdERT RAs„ Llotowel ; or
U. F. VANDBaLB, Auctioneer. 43.2
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
NY even numbered notion of Dominion ' Laude 1u Manitoba, Baek',tohewan and
Alberta, excepting 8 and 26, not reserved,
may be homesteaded by any person who le
the Kole /matt of afamil y, or any mule over
16 years of age, to the a stout of one-quarter
eeetlou Of 160 acres more or less.
Entry may be made personally at the
local land office for the district iu which
the laud i0 eituate.
The homesteader 19 required to perform
the uoeditiot'g oo0uoote, therewith under
cum of the following plans :
(11 At leant Kix months' residence upon
and cultivation of the lard td itiaoh year for
three year.,
(2) if the.fetber (or mother, if . the father
in deeeaaer) of the homesteader resides
upon a farm lu the vIel ity of the land
entered Lir the requirumente as to rest -
deuce may be ea„10fled by such person re-
siding wits the father or mother.
(8) If the settler has bin permanent reei-
ddenpeupoa larmthg land owued by him.
in the vroiuity o1 his bomeetead, the re-
quiremente as to . reeidcoee may Abe' sates-
atintied by,reoideu0e upon the said land.
Sixmouthe'notioe in writing thonld be
given to the Ootimies)ouer of Dominion
Lando at Ottawa of intention to apply for
Deputy of the Minister of Interior.
N, B. Duuuthorized publiovtlou of this ad..
vertisemeut w111 not be pad for,
32.1y nrueeel8 Y, O.
y 1x0RT 010144 BULLS FOii
RA0,rt..-Ona woo n Year oil in dwuefy,
ISMmenthe old, Pelee
o),11 and the other Ill a nt hu r
0 11 silo and in food 000dl ti are Terme
0011, 8, Morrie or 88)800el 0 P. 06)l lir 11uttBo,
K. Q. T.
lirue0,40 Tent of the Meeoatlee. No 24
hold their leveler plal'tlugn lu the Lodge
R eau, lta8111'(, hlualh au the let anti Ir13
0Oe»day eveuhlgs of emelt month
'Mates ulwuy- weloouna
A. 60 Fits, (bin. A Mel ;VIBE. 81..1,
Ionian Friday, May 3 .May 81
Virgintau May 10 lune 7
•1 uuieian Mev 17 June 14 •
Viotorlan " May 'n,4 June 24
WE have an A 1 stock of Top Buggies,
manufactured by the R. McKie
00., of Plattsville, and Wm Dore & Co.
of Wingham. The Workmanship through-
out is First-class and prices are right. Don't
fail to see them.
Repairing, Re -painting and Trimming, at-
tended to in a workmanlike planner on short
notice and at very reasonable rates.
R. Francis & Co.
Shop next to Town Hall, - Brussels
We also keep in stock the real Fleury Plow Points
and the Frost & Wood repairs. Call and see us.
Naional Boller Flour .hills
HELLO! Have you tried our "WHITE
LOAF” Flour yet ? Our lead-
ing article in the Flour line. It is a winner. We are
also making a choice grade in Pure Manitoba—
"Pryne's Prairie Pride"
Ask for the three "P's". We keep on hand also Roll-
ed Oats for sale or will exchange for Oats.
IIAi1 kinds of Feed kept constantly on hand.
Our Arima will be to Please our Patrons
Ring up Telephone No 4 if you desire anything in
our line and have not time to call.
W'tli II,'hletty,'6,'h,4g'I,PLI'6Nd4,
Determined to Satisfy
Every Customer for 1907
Ask the Clerk to show you the most artistic patterns produced
by us this year in Wall Papers. They are specially attractive in
shades of Cream, White, Pale Green, and Red.
Cottalap The very finest Burlap, best weave, richest
lustre, purest colors, back strongly sized.
San* tas We handling the new Oilcloth Wall Cover-
ing, Sanitae,
Varnish Tiles The best quality Varnish Tile
for Kitchens and Bath Rooms.
Moire Ceiling Papers
150 Rolls at 4e. per roll, suitable for Bed Rooms.
If you have not seen our new linea for 1907 it will pay you to
look through our stock before buying elsewhere.
Paper -hanging and Decorating a Specialty.
Corinthian Thursday, May 9 Jane 18
Pretoria! Thursday, May 16 June 9u
Bien inn ' Tbm eday, May 28- June 27
Rumkdian Thnreday, May 80 July .4'
Fop oo.,linge, liete and full lltcrwatioh- i
apply to
Agent Allem L100, Bruenets.
It's All Richt"
The original and only
real Varnish Stain
For Re -staining and Varnishing
Furniture, Floors and Woodwork
Prepared In
For cele by