HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-5-9, Page 311EAL111— *11445016686660.514.444146164411 . *CA.friMittf titNIA11.; „I, SIAilele Although the pheilotnenon has been observed office man Iran existed, the true neture of sir ep and what causes 11 are Practically mysteries to -day. All recog- size the miceesily of sleep and know that It Is the sovereign Teluedy for fa. Ugue--"Ilred Wed, restorer.” Tills fad, has led to the theory Mt elven Ls Induced by the poisons which are known to be formed and passed into the blood steam during wearying estei'. cise of Mind or body. The theory is that these poisons benumb the nerve - centre controlling the etheulation 111 Lhe brain, with a cousequeill reduction in the 14(eeer supply; this "anemia" of the brain produces unconsciousness, or sleep, dur- ing which the activities of body and rind aro repressed, the formation c1 "fatigue polsone" is arrested, and those already formed end circulating in the blood are eliminated, When this has taken place the purl. fled blood again nourishes and Minn- letes the circulation centre, an increas• 01 volume of blood flows th the brain, and the subject % awakes, renewed in spirit and flesh, and ready for the labors of the day. This explanation. Is only a theoretical ene, but It is plausible. Whatever may produce It and whether it is a cause fir 02' accompaniment, WO know that a les- sened blood supply in the brain is as_ isociated with healthy sleep, and that cerebral excitement and congestion must be overcome before normal sleep con take place. The relation of the circulation to sleep is seen in the alternate drowsiness and insomnia of the very aged. While sit- ting up they are drowsy and cannot keep their eyes open, but the minute they Ile down the power to sleep for- sakes them. Tilts is probably due to the fact ihat the arteries have lost their tone. While the subject sits up the blood sinks may from the brain be- cause the weakened heart is unable to overcome the pull of gravity; but when he lies down the blood trickles into the vessels of the brain and the smaller arteries aro passively dilated by its pres- sure. Of course the process it not quite so purely mechanical as this, for no one could live with such flabby arteries, but the force of gravity does act in a mea- sure. The treatment of this form of insom- nia of the aged is not in the giving of hypnolics'but of something that will tone up the blood -vessels such as a cup of hot beef tea, of eta too strong lea, or even of weak coffee—a paradox, since these things aro usually supposed to be Inimical to sleep.—Youth's Com- panion. WHY WE'RE WEAK IN WINTER. An eminent professor declares that luck of sunlight in winter is largely re- sponsible for the amount of illness so prevalent at that time of the year. His investigations have led him to declare that those people who live on the ,sun- ny side of the hills and valleys are far superLer in. intelligence, mental vigor, health. and prosperity to those whose homes are in the shadow. We cannot have too much sunshine. IL is essential to health, vitality, and, therefore, to prosperity. Many a weak, sickly worker would become stronger, mentally and physically, by merely gel. ling into the sunshine. We see in every lerge city poor little human plants try - Ing to struggle to manhood and woman- hood living in dark, unwholesome tene- ments which have never been warmed by the sun's rays. The light and warmth of the sun de- velops strength, . energy, ambition and courage. A mania' natural powers are more than doubled by contact with sun and air . If we want to be strong, men- tally and physically at our best, we must have plenty of sunshine. LATERAL CURVATURE. This is usually brought about 1 y faulty positions in standing, setting, etc., or by a young glri carrying a heavy My about. The first thing to attract attention is that ono shoulder appears to grow out behind, or 'to be higher than its fellow. There may be little or no pain, while the deformity is very mark - cd. The prevention of this trouble is evident. Correct positions of the body must be enforced, and one side of the body must not, be overstrained muscu- larly. BROKEN BONES. Now -a -days a broken bone is not al- ways put up directly' into a splint and kept immovable until It has healed. Many fractures -1. e., bone breaks— have damaged or -involved joints, and lu the ease of the elbow, wrist, acid ankle there would soon be en incurable stiffness if the splints were kept on un- til the bones were guile united again, So ihat, 11 1110 case be suitable, the surgeon now -a -days removes the splints, end, having bathed the limb, gently rubs and moves the joint foy a minute or hvo, Union of the bone and the use of the limb are In that way hastened at the same Lime. You will always get the hearty :Up- provel of at least one person when you please yourself. Prom Boyhood Dr. Nansen, the Polar explorer, accustomed himself to the use 0: snow -shoes, and would often go forty 02 fifty miles on them without taking 'any food with lens The flight Hon. James Bryce hes for- gotten more things than most men have ever had tin chance of acquiring, Fie has been well described as "a grey shag- gy Scot," and he has more the tower tt University professee .than that of a lighting poffliclan, which perhaps arises from the fact that nearly forty years ego ho was the Regius Professor of Civil Law at Oxford, Ile is a num of the most amazing and indomitable energy. Climbing mountains Is his pet hobby. Ile was for years the president of the Alpine Club, endwas the first. English - Iran to reach the top' of Went Ararat. WOMAN'S T.RIALS. Can he Banished by the 1110, fled Blood Die Willows' Pink PIN Actually Malce, The health and happinees of growing glris and women of :nature plum de- pends upeir the blood supply. There Ls a erlsis In the lite of every W01110,11 when ',there aro distressing aerie:Air s end backaches; when life seems a bur- den and wbon 501210 women seem threat- ened with even the toes ol their reeeen. IL is at this peeled that Dr. Williaine' Pink Pibbs 112020 a blessing lo wornen, revery dose Increasethe richneee end the rcebiess of the bioud supple, end this new blood strengthens the ergans, enables them to throw off disease iind banishes the headaches and ,Ixakaanes and dizziness and secret pains bbm hove made We a burden. There a 's thou- sands and thousands of growing girls and women in- Canada who owe their health and happiness 10 Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Mrs, James McDonald of Sugar Camp, Onl., is one of these. She. says: "I was bully run clown, felt very weak and had no appetite, I sutiered from henclaches and backaches awl a feeling of weakness. I could scarcely drag myself about and 1511 11101 my ren- dition was growing worse, 1 decidel to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pine and got a dozen boxes, but before they were el used I had fully regained my health and was able to do my housework with- out the least fatigue. Dr. Williturri Pink Pills have been a great blessing to me." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People from any medicine dee- Ir or by mail from The Dr. Williams' Medicine co., Brockville, Ont., at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50. If You aro weak or ailing give these pills a fair trial—they will not disappoini • you. TONS OF DIAMONDS. An Estimate on the Output of the Mines of the World. Like nil precious metals and stones, the unit of weight usually -employed in regard to diamonds Is the cnrat, of which 151Mgo to make up a single ounce. To think of sacks of diamonds by the ton staggers the imagination; Indeed, the average annual output of the Kiln- berley mines is not, more than half a ton all teld, says the Pall Mall Gazette. Statistics have been published recently at Cape Town piing the output for sev- eral years past of the Kimberley mines and the river diggings. These yielded in the Vireo years 1003-05 nearly 7,250,000 corals, sat a ton and a half. The mone- tary value of these diamonds was X14,- 4:10,000. Since the first diamond was discovered by the banks of the Vaal in 1067 down to the end of 1006 it is esti- mated thaL the total weight of diamonds extracted from the Griqualand mines is over thirteen and a half tons, of a market value of Tully £95,000,000. If statistIcs of this sort can bo trusted ..and in the case of the South African yield they closely approximate to the facts—only seventeen tons of diamonds had been mined all over the world to the end of 1001. With the same relative out- put since that, year from Brazil and India the world's output of diamonds is now more than twenty tons. The figure seems small, considering the ages diamonds have been welted in india and elsewhere in the East, and must, be largely guesswork with respect to the output in antiquity. It is, how- ever, certain that more diamonds have been placed on the market in the last forty than in the previous thousand years. TESTED WITH DROPS OF WATER. Number Thee a Sceptical Slluelent in Paris Could Stand. A drop of 'water, even three or four drops, falling on the head seems a thing unworthy of attention; nevertheless In China a slow and continuous dropping of water on the head has been found to be a method of torture under which the most hardened criminal abjectly howls for mercy. ,When e. professor in .the Sorbonne slated thie to his .ctss the other day, says the London Chronicle, one of the students laughed increduouslYe, and said it would take a good deal of tliat eort, of thing to affect him. The professor assured him that even one quart of water dropped slowly onto his hand would be beyond his endur- ance. He agreed to experiment. A quart, measure filled with water was brought in, a microscopic hole was bored into the bottom and the perforns- ance began, the professor counting. During the flost 'hundred drops the stu- dent made airy remarks. With the sec- ond hundred he began to look less cheer- ful, then gradually all his talk died away, and his face 011 a thetInaggualirid, tortured expression, vv hundred the hand ,began..to swell and look red. The pain increased to tor. ture. Finally the skin broke. At the four hundred- and twentieth drop the sceptic acknowledged his doubts ventshed and begged for.mercy. He could bear no more. MOTHERS FEEL SAFE, Mothers who have used Baby's Owe Tablets for their little ones say they feel sato with the Tablets at hand, for they are a never failing cure for an the minor Ills of babyhood and childhood. Mrs. Urias Crossman, Now Hamburg, Ont., says: "I have used 13aby's Own Tablets for stomach trouble and cone sitation with marked success. I al- ways feel that nly little one is safe when I have a box of the Tablets in the house." 13aby's Own Tablets aro Sold under the Vertu -dee of a Governnient analyst lo eontalle neither opiates nor ether poisonous drugs, They always do good—they can't possibly do harm, Foe sale at druggiste ore by mail at. 25 cents 0 box from The Dre Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville. Ont, 121 1807 only 14,406 British emigeated be British North 'Amerlea, The number has been growing since then by leaps and bounds, and last year reached 97,133, of whom 75,664 were Englisb. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS, intereellog Gossip About Some Promi- nent People. A ellort lime ago the German Empress was tilted by a very rich btireirees wbat things in the world she would like best. 41 ban .tell you very readily," said the Empress, 'there 1210 four things I pre. fee to all ethers, anti they all begin with 'le "they are my Kaiser, my kinder, my Itlrehe, and my lout)" ony King, my children, my church, and my kitchen), Mr. F. I. Seems, the hiatus hunter of big game, wilS nieltniunott "/eohone" by hin oompanions at Rugby, ele leuving school HO Wont 10 Switserland to learn Pelmet and Orman. Ile rather Merited the worthy Switzers on one OcenNiftit by jumping into the Rhine clad in top-boels and great -mat, A duck which he Mel shot heti fallen into the river, and he wanted to gel it. out. Earl Roberts, who has given up his town House 122 Portland Piece and gone to live in the (100! 113', has transformed his large collection of curios to his rest - Once at Engleinere, near Ascut, One of the mostehlhly prizedis 8.5(1020 of dilly white rag, very much the worse for weep; and many seeing it have won - tiered whet on earth it was doing among Ili e other curios. 11 15 the "white Mtge that General Cronjo sent to Lord Roberts intimating his 'surrender at Paardeberg. It Is Interesting to note how rapidly the members of the English Royal Fam- ily are dividing up Lhe Royal spoils of Europe, An English Princess is on the thews° of Norway ; another, Princess Margaret of Connaught, will some day wear the. Swedish crown. The deughtei 01 1110 late Princess Alice, King Edwarees sister', is now the Czarina; the son o the Duko of Albany is Duke of Saxe Coburg -Gotha ; the oldest daughter of the Duke of Edineurgli is Crown Pet ass of lioumanla ; the Crown Princess of Greece is a eleieghter of King Edward's eldest Meter ; while a daughter of Prin- cess Henry of Battenberg is On the Span- ish throne. Easily first among lady astronomers is the gifted wife of Sir William Huggins, It Is not only since her marriage that Lady Huggins has devoted herself to star science. The most treasured posses- sions' 01 1)0)' earlygirlhood weeo a small telescope and star atlas, St William Huggins's house ai Tulse 11111 is splen- didly fitted for the study of the stars, but Lady Huggins declares that, the first requisite for a British astronomer is a broken heart. If the organ is not frac- tured already, the vagaries of the terri- ble 13rilish climate, to say nothing of Sondon fog and smoke cutting off all observations for sweelts together, will effectually break IL for him. Pe-ru-na Relieves Spring Catarrh MISS DORA HAYDEN. CONSUMPTION IS NOT HEREDITARY Such is the Decision of the Brilleb Meelical Association. The old theory of Co»sutnplion being hereditary has been completely explod- PH by the Investigetions of the British Medical Assoein lion. Consumption 15 purely and only a germ disease. line lung Weakness 111111 00111111e(ell Whiajt remstitutional or 111- 1 0221) eepeceilly ' fuvorite and oundiltiis for the lodgment mei the .des elopment of consumption prints 0,, tebereiliesie. One 01 the sewers most famous physi,..iuns spent his life studying this disiresi, anti finding a ciao. As a result he gave to the vowel tile IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS MAIL, AHOUT 0011N AVIA AND 1115 PEOPIX, Occurrences in Ole Land That [loons Supreme in the CommOrcial World. Five snakes, each 2 feet in length, have been killed at Pori, Isaac village, Cornwall. Livill„-General Dorrien will assume commend of 1110 Aldershot 4e:1ps on De' ((4.11)101' 1, In succeselon to Sir John French. Nineteen MASON, aggregating 43,000 feels, have been linnieliod lrotu t110 Clyde ehipbuilding yards during March. Willie plougheig in a nod at mopics nrsiTlI;11110is8)10tllI,Is1.'ng's1111effiueke) a pthughman turnedkrtiii,11:.aiuTin17:1,1iti,fics the human raee, Tit! one word "Psy- up LoardliOlkiillefil J1011011,1101 Aa.1).231,06\1v, that bead up tit, o Mut hes ever blessed (114.,,e pinbeeeee the we work ot tine church Lads' Brigude drill hall at High Wyreembe, on a site given by Earl - the worel's greatest benefactors. Time- ceerelgron. minds upon thousands owe their life to preneeee oloireijan is to preside at 'Willie -a hesitation 1 write to thank r you for the -great relief I have Mond in your valuable medicine, lemon, and well rail the attention 01 1011 my friends suffering with catarrh to that fact. Be. sides I cheerfully reeommend it to all suffering with catarrh In any Wm."— Miss Dora Hayden, 819 alb Si.. S. W., Washington, D. C. ECZEMA AGAIN OVERCOME ZAM-BUK CURES A CASE W111011 FOR TWO YEARS 11.4.10 DEFIED EVERY REMEDY TRIED. 4 Farmer's. Grateful Testimony. No case of eczema, skin disease, er ulceration, should be despaired of until Zeus -Butt has been applied, The case of Mr. Francis Benoit, of St. Anne's (Mane, is a powerful illustration ot Zem-13uk's efficacy. He says: "I suffered from 007.0)110 fOr two years, and tried a great number of remedies. None of them, however, seemed to do me any good. The aliment was mostly in my legs. and both these were actually raw from the knees down. A small sample box of Zam-Buk was given to me, and even so small a quantity es that did me a little good. .1 then obtained a proper supply, and by the time 1 had used a row boxes 1 was completely cured." Zam-13u11 differs from ordinary salves and embrocations In containing no ani- mal oil or fat. It is compounded from rich, healing, herbal essences, and is an ideal natural combination of power and purity. It is highly antiseptic, find instantly kills bacilli and disease germs, which settling on to wounds and skin diseases set up festering, blood poison, etc. For cuts, burns, bruises, ulcers, abscesses, pimples, boils, skin erup- tions, scalp sores, spreading sores, children's shine troubles, chafing sores, etc.; Zion-Buk is unequalled. 15 also cures piles. All druggists and stores as 5.0c. a box, or from Zarri-1315k 'Co,, Toronto, for price, 6 boxes for $2.50. "Is Mrs. Schnorer In ?" asked the caller. "Yea, 'ma'em," answered the mald-of-alb work in the boarding house, "She's 121 -1181' room." "Are you sure?" "Yes, moan). 1 just overheard her tak- ing a ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in human or onlmals cure din 30 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanitary Lotion. II, never fails. Sold by all druggists. Next to London which has nearly 139,- 000 Jews, Manchester is the town W1111 1111 largest 'Jewish population. It has 28,000: Glesgeoe—a largo oity--has only 6,500, and Liverpool 7,000. You cannot be happy while you have corns. Then do not delay in getting u bottle of Holloway's Corn Cure. IL re- moves all Icincls of corns without pain. Failure with 11 18 unknown. ;fudge: "You saY you are going to marey this W01111111 you have been beat - Ing?" Prisoner : "I am, your Honor. I've got the paper right here." Judge: "Well, is it a marriage license or a lick her license?" Miss Maud Branscombe, the famous actress, relates an amusing story con - earning the ,unappreciated atteneions of a youth who once fell in love with her. The young num'S parents were =oh concerned about the matter, and im- i?lored the actress not to marry him, aosouulantdin 6setd N,1"1.s4s a5tdrantbse, Combe, There is a better way of curing him. After the performance this even- ing I'll NS on an old dress and hat, and make myself lip to -look quite Ogly. You bring tout boy.roundeto the Otago -boor and point me out, to him as I come out." This was done, aied so cleverly was the ruse carried out that MLss Branscombe heard the youth exclaim to his father as she passed them m. --"My golly I I thought she was pretty 1" A CASE OF SPRING CATARRH. Mrs. N. P. Lawler, 4233e, N. Broadway, Pittsburg, Kas., writes: "Last, spring 1 caught a severe cold, which developed into a serious case of catarrh. 1 felt ' weak and sick, and could neither eat roe sleep well. "A member of our club who had been cured of catarrh through the use of Pe- runa advised me to try it, and I did so at once. I expected help, but nothing 1110 wonderful change for the bet- ter 1 observed almost as soon as I start- ed taking it In three days 1 felt much better, and within two weeks 3 was in fine health, Peruna is a wonderful ntedicine." DEADLY -PARALLEL. "You drink beer in winter to make you warm and in summer to keep you mil," sneered the maid. "Yes," admitted the man, "I handle it just as you do openwork." Then the conversation languished. Do Not Delay.—When, through debili- tated digestive organs. poison finds its way into the blood, the prime consid- eration is to get the poison out as rap- idly and as thoroughly es possible. De - 1034 may mean disaster. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will be found a most valuable and effective medicine to assail the inrtuder with. They never MIL They go at once to the seat of the trou- ble and work a permanent cure. The United Kingdom produces some 600,000 cycles yearly, of a value 01 334 million pounds, and of these exports nearly 50,000. ONE OE THE BEST old time remedies for all skin afteetions, such as Houma, Ringworm, Seal& head and similar affections is Weaver's Comte. _It is an ointment that has brought Yalta to thousand.. An editor is a man who is liable to grammatical blunders, toothache, typo- graphical errors, and lapses of memory, and usually he lia.s half a million people watching to catch him tripping. And yet, the world is full of people who want lo be editors I ' Cholera and all summer complaints are so quick in their .action that the cold hand of death is Opon the victim before they are aware eieleet danger Is near. If attacked de not delay, in get- tIng the proper medicine. Try a dose ef Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordi- ai, and you will get immediate relief. It acts evIth wonderful rapidity and never fails to effect a cure. They had a dispute, and agreed to leave it to the Militin'y expert,. "What bullet," they asked, "do you consider the deadliest 7" For several minutes he remained in a brown study, Then he looked up with the air of one who had settled the matter fthally and definitely. "The one that hits," he said. A LITTLE QUIET is the best of on diet, yet 1) will not make alOne And muscle but " Forrorim " volitleZry it. An drug and general stores. 51 11 you come In a year's time and say you have not touched drink, I will refund the money," said the magistrate au Gray's In fining a man for an assault on a constable. The housing committee of the Bat- tersea Borough Council have decided that it will be necessary to increase the rents to make the Latchmere and Town Hall Estates as far as possible self-sup- porting. N„ 'eee 0.0.°' \t. tiptt C., •(111 ?Mahe Do VolaY se " lans, sod 'OW ISSUE NO. 18-0% PsVelline. Sluice Permits only oue ti!14- the annual SitallnOT sale of the Royal Moony now: Sehnol of Art Needlework, which is to "Several yeas ego my wife was be limo in may so seriously 111 of lung trouble as For sixty ye. ers without a break the for months In he unable to walk, aped sextets of Easton Church. Suffolk, told me that. the next deess that I hue sung in the elicit, which he joined shroud. She used Psychine and is shot this summer by the leing—one for "Ttwhoe avglit:ils°r02r5e. to be paid to Alder - would buy for her %weed be a now reasonably well. my melte was Mr. Galbraith. 10.1flding aihnoa royal review . "Another case Boit came under 011,10 11.)auffralInn'sse Funeral valleys fired over the grave "Ills was ari extreme case; ap- of a young naval officer at Apuldram parently, so far as 1 could judge, have had the curious effect of cracking a hopeless case. and yet he Is new one of the church bells. solatnieltvisbl.nip IpTOrOeOl.djounsb0,0g s tboeingawayhe An army vethran has died at 1pswiah in his 86111 year In the person of Alfred was gaining at the rate of 33e Johnson, who served at Inkerman, 41 - pounds per week, and was again ma, Balaclava, and Sevastopol. quite well and able to walk about. A screen of her own working has Th.o doctors absolutely gave him Iven given by the Princess of Wales up.II to the London eectIon REV. C. E. BUR 11ELLe Exhibition of Women's Work to be held of the Australasian Baptist Minister. in Melbourne Forest, Ont. . Bravery characterized the conduct of Psychine Is a world -famed remedy Police Constable Plackett, of Meknes, sweats and all stomach IDE saving lead to Consumption. such as coughs, who, in stopping a runnaway horse, He holds re- fer the cure of all those troubles that toanIddsI w, as.atin Ggrolpispeen,s cosh.ills, b Al titl'oenderhtlitIgsgisctas: tenth, night ;vitdsdrfargoginedth5e0 yards. Royal Humane Society lives from drowning. 50c and 01.00, or write Dr. T. A. Slo- Bummoned at Dover for not sending his little girl 111040.oee. aged eight, to cum, Limited, 170 King street W., To- sehwli harry Philpott said the child ron to. practically ltept house, at the same trine looking after two younger children and AS TO EXTRAVAGANCE. her mother, who sons Subject 10 ills. Spendall : "If I'd known Dover has been selected for this year's llery extravagant I would never have married you were so competition of the National Arei Association, the high elevation of the you." Nis. Spendall : "If I hadn't been, papa would never have let you." --- DON"P OVERDRAW YOUR BANK ACCOUNT. guns on the cliffs making it more sult- eble than Shoeburyness, where the pre- vious competitions have been. held • Om tit Doesn't shritilt Angle Underwear has the soft woom eel " tho skin enjoys. Doesn't itch. Made for mon, Ivo - men and little folks, in a variety of styles, fabrics and prices, eve, 1 ro 202 Weauchonze every dealerin Pen-Angla Underweer to replace, at PM cod, any entalent faulty at material or making, A pure, hard Manitoba floorTri; b4sieers and others demand- ing strength, color and uniformit . E STRONGAIIIT AT YOUR QROCERS DEALERS EvERYWHEnE i'VErLicia* WITH ELoVn 580 2EE0.;"'W1117c 110. WE ALED MAKE NDJEENEITYSIOLENDED ROUE THAT HAS GAINED GREAT FAVOR 85 8 &NEW. HOUSEHOLD 'Alt. FURPOSEW 210011. CARPET DYEING and Moaning, Th1.1.4 .pcnielty tbn BRITISH AMERIGAN OYHINO CO. Sone particulars by poet pad Wo are aura to asiday Marna am 101. Montreal. V OUNG MEN WANTED—FOR FIRE - men -1- and brakemen; experience un. necessary; over 5018 positions open at the present time; high wages; rapid promo. Lion to engineers and conductors; $75 to $200 per month; instructions by mall at your home without interruption with present occupation; we assist each stu- dent in securing a position; don't delay; write to -day for free catalogue, instrue- (Ione and application blank. National Railway Training School, Inc., 1432 le,, Besion Block, Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A. When a wedding party arrived at St. • Mary's Parish Church, Scarborough, the bridesmaids were told that they could not enter, as they were not wear - To overdraw your bank -account. whe- ing hats, Mit col ywreaths of marguer- ther mentally or physically, is more sub- ites. They then picted handkerchiefs tidal even than to Overdraw materially, over their heads and were admitted. Repair wasted tissues, strengthen shot- The Finance Committee of the Ber- teredenerves and rejuvenate your rheu- mondsey Borough Council recommend mak system by visiting the famous ft reduction of 7d. in the £ in the rate Mineral San Springs of the "S1. Cath- for the next year. The council, before arines Well?' of St. Catherines, Ont.. A declaring the rate, will endeavor to In - postal card to J. D. McDonald, District duce the Board of Guardians to return Passenger Agent, Grand Trunk Railway a surplus of £23,000, by which a fur - System, Toronto, will bring illustrated tier reduction of 54, can be elfreeted. descriptive matter. PA STOOD THIRD. "I've got a wonderful boy," said the father of five. "My oldest, I mean, Ile came to me the other night With a sub- a. ect for composilion. He asked me off- , Easier ironing gives better finish on things starched with Celluloid Starch, the only no - boil cold -water starch that can't stick. You will like it best, once you try it. Buy it by name. Any good dealer. aves iti•=0111}211 Celluloid tarch hand to write tete bun. 3 put down my paper and wrote it. I flattered myself that I did rather well with that composi- tion, it having been some time since I had had occasion to write one, but 1 hardly expected the enconium I got from him. The next day at dinner time he came rushing home, hurried up to me and slapped me on the hack. "Hurrah for you, Pop 1' he cried. 'You are all right. You stand third in the class.'" THE REMEDY. Tramp : "Madam, 1 am suffering from indigestion." ' Lady: "Why, Pmsorry. What can I do to help you Tramp: "Madam, you can cure me in- stantlyby giving me something to digest." Prevent Disorder.—At the first symp- toms of internal disorder, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills should be resorted to immediately. Two or three of these salutary pellets, taken before going to bed, followed by doses of one or two pills for two or three nights In 5110088 - Sion, wilt serve as a preventive of at- tacks of dyspepsia and all the discom- forts which follow in the train of that fell disorder. The means are simple when the way is known. Publthehouses in the United Kingdom numbered 96,727 in the year 1881. In 1904 the number was only 01,502, and it Is still steadily diminishing. Help your children to grow strongand robust by Counteracting anything that causes 111-heattis One groat cause of dis- ease in children is worms. Remove them with Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor. It never fails. Tho Achniretly is controlled by four Sea Lords, ono Civil Lord, and a Parlia- mentary and Financial Secretary. The latter gots the best pity of all—namely, $10,000 a year, IL Lays a Stilling Hand on Pain.—*Pcie pains in the joints and limbs and for rheumatic pains, neuralgia and lumba- go, Dr. Themes' Eclectic 011 Is with- out a peer. Well rubbed In, the skin absorbs it and it quickly and perinea. ently relieves the effected ,part. Its value lies In lis magic property of re- moving pain from the body, and for !bat good quality it Is prized. 'Young Doctor (to patient); "That pres- cription I left, last night, sir, was a nets- tiske. ' It was intended for another, pa- , tient suffering from D. oomplaint of quite a different kind from yours. 1)1d you leave 11 2111240 up?" "Patient : "Yes, doc- tor, and I 'look the rriedielne." Doctor "Well, how aro you feeling tisis morn- ing?" Patient: "Very meets better." • 1' b o m e Linen, Too 000 STAMMERERS The ARNOTT flETHOD Is the only logi- cal method tor the cure of Stammering. It treats the CAUSE, not merely the HABIT. and Insures natural speech. Pamphlet. Per - Molars and references sent on request. THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE BERLIN, ONT, CAN. ' FOR SALE, SOD MDT DYNAMO In good running order. Bar- gain for cash. S. FRANK WILSON, 73 Adelaide Street West, TORONTO. There are at least 40,000 'habitual vagrants in Great Britain, and in times of trade depression the number of tramps nearly doubles. Chaplain: "This is your third term in this prison. Are you not ashamed to have your friends see you here?" Abashed Convict: "Indeed, I am. Tlie prison is disgraceful. The reception - room smells like a lap -room, the cells are dark as caves, the governor is no gentleman, and the table is not fit to sit down to. Ashamed to have any friends come here? I am mortified every time I see them; but what can I do 7" The largest salmon on record was a. 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