HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-4-25, Page 6iff
o" s
W00-j li. rete kt\‘1
no cooking—jnet
Ocold water and 'tis
ready. 'Twon't stick
esteeenel yet gives a better
gublossb?nwith lessn iron-
rg, tha
starch you knowany.
Its' price is little. •
Your dealer souls it.
reelTry It this week. 201eiluioid
re ,,,.. . ,,,,,,, ____:„. .. 0, „0. ..,, _ . . . .. ..t. ._ . , ,.t. > ._. . _ . ....,„ , .. . 0 7 3 0 , ,,,, ,... ....3) „ . . . : , k sk\ \
Treehama, or granular eyelids, is tlae
disease which the autlioritie$ ere steer-
ing so hard to keep from lamming Ls.
tubliShed in this country. It, already
prevails here to a considerable extent,
but it could bo overcome 11 fresh cases
could be excluded; and -. le is because
many wouldebo immigrants suffer from
it that they are turned back fraiu
thee() shores every year..
ft Is a disease which .allele chiefly
the poorest classes in Europe, especi-
ally in Russia and Poland, and its
spread through contagion is increased
by the dirty and unhygienic surround-
ings in which these people live..
The disease Is extremely cdnlegious,
and if Letroduced into a public selwol
fe likely to attach a very large number
Of the pupils unless it is early recog-
nized and the sufferers are excluded.
The inflammation, which soon becomes
chronic in its 'course, involves at fil:si
the mucous membrane which lines the
lids, but is almost certain., if neglect-
ed, to spread to the covering of thb eye-
ball. If the lid is examined it will be
seen to be studded on its under sur-
face with a number of little round bodies
of a grayish -white color, embedded in
Me thiekened mucous membrane. The
upper lids droop, so that the eyes are
only half -open. After a lime the eyvs
itself becomes affected and the cornea
grows opaque. This leads to more or
less complete biindness-
The treatment of granular lids must
be energetic, and begun early, if relief
le to be hoped for, since the disease is
a progressive one, which advances
steadily to scarring and impairment Cf
vision Unless checked in time.
The treatment is one calling for the
skill of the physician. Domestic reme-
d'es are useless, even harmful, since the
epplication of them causes dangerous
delay and postpones the institution of
scientific measures of relief,
For the protection of others It Is vit-
ally that'
Ythe sufferer uf[erer freta
granular lids should have his own toilet
articles,—soap, towels, and even wash-
basin,—which must an no account be
used by - (liens. The towels and hand-
kerchiefs used by him should not go
into the common wash, and should al-
ways be thoroughly boiled for ten or
fifteen minutes and ironed with as hot
an iron as can be used without scorch-
ing. It is only by the exercise of per-
sislent precautions of this sort that the
other members of the family can be pro-
tected.—Youth's Companion.
Nothing reacts so favorably upon the
various functions of the body as strong,
vigorous, mental exercise. Nothing
else will lake the place of clear forcible
thinking. It is a perpetual tonic. Use
your brains, and bodily strength will
follow. It is well known that great
thinkers are longer lived, as a rule, than
indifferent thinkers.
A celebrated English physician seys
that to attain a long life, the brain /lust
always be active When not asleep, and
he lays great stress upon the necessity
of everybody having a hobby outside of
the vocation which gives him a living.
This hobby must be one in which he
lakes real delight, one which will ex-
ercise pleasantly and agreeably, without
unduly taxing his mental faculties.
Nothing will destroy itself quicker
than an idle brain. 1f there is anybody
in this world to be pitied, it is the one
who thinks he has nothing to do; no
motive to impel him out of himself; re
ambition which will exercise his brain
or his Ingo -wily, and call out Incire-
sourcefulness or exercise his energies.
The following remedy is said to be a
cure for pneumonia: 'fake six to ten
onions, according to size, and chop fine,
Put in a large spider over
a hot fire,
then add the same quantity of ryemeal
and vinegar, enough to form a thick
paste. In the meanwhile stir it thee.
()uglily, letting it simmer five or ten
minutes. Then put in a cotton bag large
enough to cover the lungs, anis apply
to chest as snot as patient can bear. In
Mout- ten minutes apply another, and
thus continue by re -heating the poultices
and in a few hours the patient will he
eul of danger. This simple remedy has
seldom failed In cure this too -often fatal
malady. Usually three or four impli-
cations will be suflielent, but continue
always until the perspiration starts
hely nom the chest,
Keeping ibe extremities especially the
feel, warm is of great consequence, and
11 the sole; of sloekings quickly get
damp through perspiration they should
be frequently dried or changed. Breath-
ing through the nose when in (Inc cold
13 very essential, as the air can thereby
gel warmed before it reaches the lungs.
Cold: may be caught in bed if ample
rorering be not attended to, and to
sueeeptble persons 111e open window at
night in the winter is hardly advisable.
1 ,beet°. says Dr. C. Stanford Bead,
from whose boolc, "slow to Keep Well,"
these ]Hints are taken, tends to produce
anaemia, but up to the age of forty
much excess of tobacco may be indulged
In without permanent harm. Neverthe-
less excessive smelting, especially of
siglrv'l1es, causes 'tobacco ]Heart," "to-
. bon blindness, and sleeplessness, end
is prejulfdol to the efficient working
of the intellectual faculties,
One small onion eaten et night will
often induce sleep, as onions have a
particularly soothing effect upon the
nerves, without any of the ill-effects
that are produced by the taking of
drugs.' To remove the taste a little
parsley may be eaten, or a few 'drops
. Of eau de Cologne on a lump of sugar.
Belled water for drinking purposes can
be greatly improved by beating rapidly
De this mill, en egg beater just, before
using. Thio, $ekes , away tho peculiar
?Ifeless taste.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Make, Rich,
Red IIenIQ1.Otvin{t . Blood,
Cold winter menthe, enforcing close
confinement in over -heated, badly ven-
tilated roonne-in the 110111e, in the shop
and in the school ---sap the vitality .4
even the strongest. '('Inc blood becomes
()logged with impurities, Rio livor slug-
gish, the kidneys weakened, sleep is not
restful -you awake just as tired as when
you went to bed; you are low spirited,
perhaps have beadaehe and blotchy
skill-itiat Is the condition of thousands
of people every spring, 11 comes to all
melees tie 1)100(1 is enriched by a 'good
tonic -by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
These pills not only banish this feeling,
but they guard against the more seri-
ous ailments Mat usually fellow—rheu-
matism, nervous debility, anaemia, in-
digestion and kidney trouble, Dr.
Williams' Phil Wills are en ideal spring
medicine. Every dosd makes new, rieh,
red blood. Everydrop of new blood
helps to strengthen the- overworked
nerves; overcomes wenkne33 and drives
the gei'nis of disease from lite body. A
thorough treatment gives you teen and
energy to resist the torrid heal of the
coning eunmler. Mr's. Jas. McDonald,
Sugar Camp, Ont„ says: er was badly
run down, felt wry. weak and had no
appetite.. I could scarcely drag myself
about and felt that my condition was
growing worse. I decided to try Dr.
Williams' Pink Pi11s and before 1 had
used a dozen boxes I was as strong as
ever. My appetite returned and 1 am
now able to do nay housework without
fceling.worn-out. i thinlc Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills the best tonic there is.".
It is a mistake to take purgatives in
spring. Nature calls for a medicine to
build up the wasted force—purgatives
only weaken. It is a medicine to act
en the blood, not one to act on the
bowels, which is necessary. Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills mo a blood mediotne
—they make pure, rich, red blood, and
strengthen every organ of the body,' See
that. the fui1 name, "Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People," is printed on the
wrapper around each box. All other
so-called ptnlc pills are fraudulent iml-
tetions. Sold by medicine dealers or
by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Me-
dicine Co. Brockville Ont.
A French Poet's Queer Excuse for the
In a newspaper symposium of the best
known French authors on the question
of whether or not tine death penalty,
recently practically abolished in France,
ought or ought not to be restored,some
interesting and original replies have
been 'evoked.
Almost all the literary men who at-
tempt to answer the question declare
against the guillotine. They cite as a 1
principal reason the frequency of anis- h
carriages of justice, and take the view
that it is better that many miscreants
go unscathed than that one innocent
person' should suffer death.
Taking the contrary view of the sub-
ject, Mistral, the Provencal poet, whose
mediaeval dialect revival hes won him
1111 enviable reputation and esteem,
/lakes an astonishing reply in verse. 13e
Bolds in his stanzas that a strong peo-
ple of de's will require strong -]landed
'us:I •e. Tile presumable consequence
in the mind of the poet, is that if the
French people yield to delicate scruples
on the subject of beheading, and become
sr, squeamish and molly coddled that
they cannot bear the thought of pulling
to death any human being, no matter
what his lack of deserts may he, France
will have taken a long step on the
downward path which leads to the level
upon which the feebler-nlindeel nations
General nallifet replies hunormisly:—
"\Vbeether it collies to 111e from God i r
from man, death will be no penalty to
Where tiro Mimio Fight is Thickest
There is Sure to he Seen the
Bing of Spain.
Flower's, confetti and pretty masks!
Nowhere, perhaps, is this authorized
Primo of the Motley's reign Mielahucd
with wilder fervor Man in Madrid, 1n
spite of the fact that liberty of speech
is nlalteIi, political lees deprived this
great annual event of .much of its fer-
nier signilicanoe. The "fatal 11101110 (10
pcnsnr" being no longer punishable by
Prompt imprisonment, 'tho ca'ntval
comes not now in the guise of a safety
valve to those who llupersennte Young
Spain of to -day, for they have norea-
son to hold ,themselves in now -a -days
.foe some eleven months in. order to blow
MI the seam under cover of musk and
domino during the topsyturvydonl of
the twelfth.
lib If i has ceased to be n season ( f
political license, it has lost nothing el
Ile Southern gayety --of its dash and its
brave spirit of revelry, it is, in fact,
the city's herald of spring, says the
Westminster Gazette, Those cutting
blasts and driving snowstorms hailing
from the blealc Guarderetene no longer
sweep all before them diem the streets
of old Madrid; the sun's rays have re-
gained their strength, and the flowers
in line Buell Retire blossom forth in al-
most tropical luxuriance—tor February
when roses and violets spend their sweet-
ness and strew a veritable path billow -
ors for the gay lung of the hour, to
whom indeed none pays more assiduous
homage than does young King Alfonso,
whose position in his capital the merry
monarch would temporarily seem com-
pletely to usurp.
Where the mimic fight is thickest
there is surd to be seen the King 01
Spain --doing battle, loo, right manful-
ly—picking out his mask and directing
S withorconA
hf aha—be t �
with a sure (land and that quite infec-
tious laugh which people in this coun-
try have become almost equally famil-
iar with.
This year's carnival, to be sure, sees
King Alfonso for the first time in Inct
role of a Benediek; but there will be
many who remember with what a reedy
wit he has been wont to answer joke
with joke, and even bandy a playful
blow for blow with his subjects as they
crowd about the baso of the royal plat-
orin, where Inc a spun etiquette in its
precise acceptation is suspended -for is
It not, too, a subject, for the nonce, al
is Supreme Majesty King Carnival?
And what should here more particu-
larly be mentioned as redounding alike
in the credit of sovereign and people
is that at a time of liberty and popular
excitement, such as above described,
not a rude ward or unseemly jest has
ever been directed toward Alfonso XIII.
by man or woman from behind
It is in the Corso, 111 the Retire, that
he fun rages most furiously and all the
plendors of the Festa are best seen.
A few pence canine any mask to lake
up Ills position hero—"carriage folk,"
however, have 0. far heavier toll levied
on them, amounting indeed to several
hundred poste, but as your Spaniard
eves a show, and above all figuring in
ne, the town authorities net a hand -
me amount over the transaction.
vette it is whispered tient "poor and
proud" families stint themselves for the
best part of the twelvemonth in order
to shine "for this occasion only."
From the Corso the Polite lies, dawn.
the Camille de Alenia. through the Plaza
de Fero, and along the Prada. one be-
wildering swarm of costumed lguree.
' S ,1111-. and
e 1 senor, n d
e tum i
The b.
' P PY P
may std. nr of .tar .
hose, wills rapier at y
be the barber who shaved your Ex •tl-
]ency ,that very morning. The dark
eyed mantilla wrapped beauty—for you
take it for 'granted she is a beauty by
that glean of even white teeth seen
through the inch or two of lace fring-
ing her blank salin'i a<1 this soiree -
hi then, who nniseheciously whispers
some (Amending fact. regarding your
private affairs, may be no other than
the 111110 laundress whose mission on
earth you have taken to be that of rob-
bing yew shirts of their appointed
complement of buttons; 1;ul, after all.
whet of that? Are They bath not lite
gayest et gay company. and on the
best of terms wills you, themselves and
all the mad, merry would around?
eWhy won't you marry elellelde?
She loves yon and wrath snake you
happy. \Vhet's the trouble with her?"
"Her past."
"ller poll? And whet fault do you
find well her past?"
"The length of it."
"Before I got Baby's Own Tablets my
l:aby was troubled with colic and vom-
itingand cried night anda
was almost worn out. But after giving
tum line 9uhlets for a few days the trou-
ble disappeared and you would not
know it was the same child, he is so
healthy end good-natured now." This
to the grateful testimonial of etre, George
Howell, Sandy Beach, Que., and it tells
ether mothers who are warn -0111 caring
kir cross sickly children, hew they cans
bring health to the little one and ease
to themselves. Baby's Own Tablets
promptly cure the minor ailments of
Mille ones. and there are no cross, siele-
lir children In the homes where the 'tab-
lets are a cd, Said by all medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cants a box
from The. Dr, Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
One of the curiosities nt m0de.rn fares -
try is the care of beautiful old shade
trees. The amputation of diseased or
dead limbs is as carefully performed In
prevent further decoy from the elements
05 in surgical oparalians on human be-
ing. Decaying cavities are cleaned and
filed with a preserving cement. es is done
by the modern dentist. And the latest
advance is to build a tit -roof along the
upper surface of wide spreading
branches where little hollows might hold
dampness and promote decay. Some
handsona patriarchs well deserve it.
They Drive Pimples Away,—A face
ecvero l with pimples Is unsightly. It
tells of Internet irregularities which
should long since heave been corrected.
The liver and the kidneys are lint per-
forming their functions in the healthy
way they should, and these pimples are
to let you know that the blood protests,
Parnaelee's Vegetable Pills will drive
them all away, and wilt leave the skin
clear and clean. Try them, and there
will be another witness to their excel-
Stubbs—"Did you notice the pitch Cf
her voice?"
Prenn "Hos she pitch he her voice?
I should think' she would use axle
grease." '
Stubb "Axle grease?"
Penn "Yes; then perhapil Aire would
stop screeching,"
Melly it women's disposition scents 10
have been mode for cross purposes.
ISSUE NO. t8-06.
Attributes Iter Excellent ' Ilealtit to
Am RS. W. H. SIMMONS, 1110 E. 8 h
1'1 St., Kansas City, Mo., memberef
the National Annuity Associa-
tion writes:
"iclwesy health WO...excellent until about.
a year ago, when I had a complete col-
lapse from overdoing socially, not get -
Mag. the proper rest, and too many late
suppers. My stomach was in a dread -
fu' condition, and my nerves all un-
"1 was advised by a friend to try Pe-
runa, and eventually I bought a bottle.
1 took it and then another, and kept
using it for three months.
"At the end of that time my health
was restored, my nerves no longer
troubled me, and I felt myself once more
and able to assume my social position.
, certainly feel that Parona is deserv-
ing of praise."
There are many reasons why society
women breakdown,wh .
systems Tail, why Y their nervous
they have systemic or
pelvic catarrh. Indeed, they are especi-
ally liable to these ailments. No W011-
onder they require the protection of Peru-
na. 11 Is their shield and safeguard.
If a man has one enemy he has
Poverty has taken many a hard tail
out. of ambition.
An easy mark by any other name
would ,be just as foolish.
Women learn more as they grow
older; it's different with men.
Lazy men are always talking about
some other men who are fools for luck.
Flattery catches silly people, but dis-
agreeable candor never catches anybody.
An appreciative audience is always
highly intelligent -from the speaker's
11 makes a girl feel awfully sad at
times not to have anything to melee her
feel sad.
Some people think that it's never too
date to mend a matrimonial mistake by
applying for a divorce.
Oh, no, Alphonse, a man isn't neces-
sarily one sided because Inc has never
crossed the ocean.
The marriage of a tailor and a dress-
maker surely ought to be in accord with
the eternal Illness of things.
A "NEW TIllE011y" '11IA'T' IS NEAV
The Toronto General Hospital is mak-
ing a series of tests of -a 'new theory"
in medical edema, which they claim will
revolutionize the theme, and practice of
medicine. 'trio system is, "Find the
germ of any disease, then by a method of
increasing the patient's aNilly to digest
o: kilt clef We microbes by increasing the
while corpuscles of the blood and tilling
with serum, make his recovery cos
sible," Thls is in reality Dr, T. A. Slo-
aunl's theory of thirty yeiu's ago, Dr.
T. A. Slocum said : "The white corpus-
cles of 1110 blood aro the foe of disease,
11 1 con sufficiently increase these and
strengthen digestion and circulation, i
have solved the problem of overcoming
disease," Dr. Slocum devoted his life to
the working out of this problem. When,
after innumerable experiments through
days and nights and months and years
of patient labor, he discovered that
wonderful re'ine(ly, Psycl'iine he ex-
claimed "Eureka, I have found it." Foe
a quarter of a century
y has
been doing exactly what the authorities
al the General Hospital are at present
racking their brains to accomplish.
Psycliine is exactly what they aro look-
ing for. It enables the white colpusoies
of the blood to bacteria o ercoine
v and
disease of every kind. Spenidng' of a
number of cases that camp under their
observation, 5. R. Andrews & Co„ of
Bishops Crossing, says :
'!5'ho.pa'ty whose ease was most re-
markable, having been given up by
several doctors, among them consulting
experts from Montreal, and who, so far
as can be determined, was restored to
comparatively good health by the ,use of
Psyahine, most of wlhich I supplied. I
have to direct you to then' new Immo in
Edmonton, Alta., formerly Coolcshire,
Que. This woman: was past audible
speech, except a whisper, was only
clays as a possibility, friends
had been to say good-bye and so forth.
Mo other remedy, so tar as I know, was
used. Well-known case, prominent fam-
ily, well-to-do also. Yours in baste,
(Signed) 1, R. ANDREWS & CO.,
Bishops Crossing, Que.
Psychine is a certain euro for all
throat, lung and stomach troubles, and
a'l bacterial diseases. Al all druggists,
50e and $1.00 a bottle, or Dr. T. A. Slo-
cum, Limitefd, 179 King sheet west,
err. Kicker—"Your hill actually makes
my blood boil," Dr. Slicic—"Then, sir,
1 must charge you more for sterilizing
your system."
Dickies Anti -Consumptive Syrup needs
110 recommendation. To all who are
familiar with it, it speaks for itself.
Years of use in the treatment of colds
and coughs and all elections of the
throat has • unquestionably established
its place among the very best medicines
fon' such diseases. 1f you give it a trial
you will not regret it. You will find 11
25 cents well invested.
Borely (at 11.30 p.m.)—"Yes, my hair
to getting quite thin. is there anything
you could advise me to put on it, Miss
Smnrl?" Miss Smart (stifling a yawl)—
"You might put your hat on it, Mr.
LN TFItz_. rlNr IZ
rt !,'a: .c Vele.
+• \\rrr. r
4 ..
Lrrr (t7 Qa'.. ` '4 +=1 'he Wit -
son Feed. Gene. r...' eel, pint ly the
Gene -Lan fnevernmexe. 'r i era
ing expe:,hfiee v' et, tr.e heal-
ing and ant= rq, r"' vel r ef Zeal -Fmk,
the herbal balm. Ile- s.,v5 'i twe
peisonrd wounde en my leg v 11t werr,
very sore and inflamed 'They eanseli
rne` much pairs awl suffering. and al-
thnligil I tried several salves they re-
fused to heal. Tarn -Bak was recern-
niende•l .and I applied 0,1(1(1. 1t earl
splendidly and in a very Atoll time
healed the wounds.
"At another lime 1 snstainrd n nasty
cut. 'Lam-Buk Malt away the soreness
almost inetaltiy and 50011 010000 and
healed the wound. I have also used
7.an-Rule 101 other injuries, and I have
lir, hesitation in expressing 111y high
()pinion of its value It is without
doubt, a splendid household balm!"
Y.atn-Butc curd blood poison, cuts,
birllisee. old wounds, running sores,-ul-
errs: boils, spring eruptions, seep
sores, eczema. Itch, barber's rash,
burns, scalds. and nil shin injttrics and
diseases, All druggists and stores sell
un fitly cents a box, or from Zuni-I3uk
Co.. 'Formate, for price. Remember, It
Is purely herbal,
The Popo is sold la Indulge in his little
superstliens like the rest of us: As he
was returning line other day from his
daily walls ill the Voltam Gardens three
Church dignitaries or high rank inquired
atter his health, "Thole you," the Pope
is said to have replied, very mildly : I
need have no tem, for I know yet six
years to live." When some astonishment
was expressed as to what led hint to
such a pnsilive prediction, he explained
"1 was vicar at Tomblo nine years, fiend
priest nine years at Solzano, nine years
canon at Trevisto, and 131sh0p of Mantua
01d Patelarche or Venice for the some
length at lime. I haveebcen Popo for
three yeers,•So you see T here slx years
left to nee in which to ac 011191tsh my
"Thal, 1s rather 'n shabby poi' of
trousers you have o11 tqi' n men of your
Position." "Yes, sir; but clothes do not
melte 111^ 11len. What i1 Illy trousers
Ire shabby and worn, sir? They cover
A warn) hea'tl"
Do not delay in getting relief for the
little folks. ?denier Graves' Worm Ex-
termirialor is a pleasant and sure cure,
1f you love your Child why do you let
it suffer when a remedy is so near at
hand? e
f r.". r • the Jacksons?" fs r kn .w Jack . P
ens. asked
f rl
Irene f a. t i l
1 f eft man who lived in the
neighborhood. "No, I em not personal-
ty wit/ nib with all the members of
(Inc family," he replied. "flut 1 always
speak to the deg at the front gate as 1
go past."
"rl:r?nn v Tel" Is A dT:1NTLFI
STIM ULA NT to the stomach, thereby
riding digestion. As a tonic for
cuneate recovering froln fevers and all
diseases lowering the vitality, it Is
without a rival. At all drug and gen-
eral stores.
Lawyer—"What was done in the in.
toren?" Witness -9 don't, know, sir. I
didn't go into the interim. 7 stayed :en
the anteroom."
It is Known Everywhere.—There is
nee, a city, town or hamlet in Canada
where Dr, Thomas' Ecleclric Oil is not
known—wherever introduced it made a
foothold for itself and maintained it.
Some merchants may suggest some
other remedy as equally beneficial. Such
recommendations should lm received
with doubt. There is only ono Eclec-
tele Oil, and haat is Dr. Thomas'. Take
'nothing else,
"See here," Grind the cat, "are you
really determined to drown me?"
"I am," replied the num. "You Idlled
our canary, and 1 believe in a life for
ai lite."
"But you're bent upon taking nine
lives for a lite."
The rope on which Charles Blondin
crossed Niagara cost $5,000.
OP illi' RISE iN LIFE.
Advises Young then to be 'I'eelotallers,
Earle Risers, end he
Early to lied.
Sir. Alfred . Ranee, K.C,M,G.," once 11
struggling unknown ship's apprentice,
now .0na of IncInest successful men el
the day, has the following in the over-
seas etitlion of the Lendoll Mall on
Ono of the first principles of success
in life is to imp healthy and strong,
and the best prescription for this is to
be temperate in all things, 1 would ad-
vise any /Hall who weals to be really
successful to bo a teetotaller, an early
riser, and to go early to bed. If you
want to bo .successful you must ha
ahead 01 your neighiwrs everywhere,
and. you can only do this by enthusiasm
and activity.
Enthusiasm begets activity, fMr i)oono
who is keen 7n his work can ever waste
much time.
Is another valuable asset, for if people
see that a man ttnoroughly believes in
hinmsei ill b
f, they w e 1 arch more in-
clined to believe in hint.
Another thing. of primary Importeece
is that a num .,should start eery. Many
men waste years of their lives; at ex-'
pensive schools, instead of worsting at
the professions. essions for which they
are in-
Indeed, I wtl7 go so far as to
say that after the age of sixteen any
Time spent otherwise than In the work
of ht's profession a-flleli is wasting. AIL
the education necessary to the practi-
cal. affairs of 1110 can be obtained by
that time. Such studies as Latin and
Greek are of iso real use b1 everyday
natters; it would be Inc batter to de-
vote the time instead to French, Ger-
man and Spanish.
In many cases financial assistance at
the outset of a man's career is a great
etrawback. The best way to keep the
brain busy is to keep the stomach
t3, in fact to throw the youn
his own resources and let himknow
CAL he has to work. There is nothing
worse than for a young man 10 feel
that he has a private income of, say,
£500 a year, which makes it unneces-
sary for him to succeed at anything at
which he may try his hand, No, if he
has to mance his own living he must be
up early, he /lust go to bed' early, he
mast use enthusiasm, and 1110 very best
of his brain -power, and, he /lust be
very wide awake indeed
Of course a certain amount of ' out-
door exercise is essential, but the young
men of to -day devote far too much time
to football and cricket. They lose sight'
01 the fact that games such es these
ere only a recreation, a diversion, and
not part of the serious business of life.
Success was never reached by putting
play first and work afterwards. And,
after all, the pleasure of work is greater
than the pleasure of play, The busy
man may not have five minutes to spare
from the time he gets up in the Morning
1111 the time he goes to bed et night,
but you will not find him miserable on
that account. You will find him far more
cheerful and pleasant than the man who
has nothing to do all day. Work gives
a zest to life that nothing .else can give,
and only unremitting work can lead to
Finally—what is success? Well, 1 will
define 1l as getting what you want, do-
ing what you set out to do, and then
having the disposition to matte the best
use of it.
For Inflammation of the Eyes. -
Among the many good qualities which
1moleo's Vegetableetab1
Pills possess, be-
regulating the digestive organs,
is their efficacy in reducing inflamma-
tion of the oyes. 1t has called forth
many loiters of recommendation from
those who were aliliobed with (his com-
plaint, and found a cure in the pills..
They affect the nerve centres and the
blood in a surprisingly active way, and
the result is almost immediately seen.
Perhaps for concentrated inaccuracy
a1 statement nothing can surpass the
following sentence, which occurred in
an account of a burglary given a short
time back in a paper: "After a fruitless
search all the money was reooveed, ex-
cept one pair of boots."
PLIAAS12 1114AN. IN 01TNn that what
Is ca1151] .a skin disease may be but a
symptom of barl blood. In that cane,
Weaver's Carate, externally apptled,
should be supplemented With weaver's
Syrup, tauten daily.
Traveler (lo volel)—"That's a rather
large statue, Pal." fent—"Yes, sor. They
loll mo the hand Is eleven inches wide."
Traveler—"I wonder why they didn't
mance 10 twelve inches?" Put—"Because
they didn't want to /lake it into a foot"
There are a number of varieties of
corns. Holloway's Corn Cure will re-
move tiny of them. Call on your drug-
gist and get a bottle at once.
P_..N twwwwwwwwwwormarowrowwwwswoott
TMda 5
In D variety of styles,
fabrics and prices, for
women, men and
children. Form -fitted:
Dealers are authorized
to replace instantly and
at our cost any Pen.
Angle garment faulty
in material or making.
Pen -Angle Und
wear is form -knit
so it can't heli'
fitting your figure,
-it's nnade of
long - fibred woo!
so it won't shrink.
-and it's guaran-
teed besides. The,
whole idea is to,
make it so good
you can't afford;
not to buy by the.
trademark (in
red). 206
A pure, hard ?'
Mah•itoba +• �..
flour for bakers and others demand -
Mg strength, color and uniformity.
Sii' k c
rR® G
Before deciding where to locate
in the West, let us tell you
about these lands. The best
wheat fields, the richest grazing
land, are in this province.
Write us for full information
about crops, climate and -special
reit road rates.
Local representative wanted in
each county.
Telfer 8E Osgood
Eastern Selling Agents,
Brooke' Appliance. Now FOR
dl000dory.. Wonderful. No
obn5sl00e sprloge or gado,
Automatic A17 Cushions
Binds and draws the broken
parts tosolher as _you would
a broken limb. No salves,
No lymphol. Nollos. nor-
able,checp. Pst.Sop6,10,'O1.
C. E. BROOKS, 0010 Brooke 1114„ luzass1L, aces.
The ARN`)TT METHOD Is the only logi-
cal method for the cure o1 Stamm ,ring. 1t
treats theCAUSE, not merely the HABIT,
and Insures natural speech. Pumpkiet, par -
Dealers and references sent on request.
tlreo two dent rampwlth Ll rob from and I ale
m,f ren o pen pieterr or your Ila /rem til o endue
to ,hr nrrv., All of kt by love, ,nnr
est oloF rnviae„' Patron: m'04 0 n. d :ii.a ml,
Dyeing ! Cleaning I.
For the tory beet rend your wort to th.
Look for Moat In your town, or egad dboM.
M®tatreal,Teronto, Ottawa, Qualm.
men and brakemen experience un-
necessary; over 5110 positions open at the
presenttime; high wages; rapid promo-
tion to engineers and conductors; $75 to
$200 per month; instructions by mail at
your home without interruption with
present occupation; eve assist each stu-
dent In securing n position; dan'1 delay;
write today for free catalogue, inslruc•
lions and applicellan blank. National
Rallwey '.Training School, Inc., Boston
Block, Minneapolis, Minn., U. .S. A.
"Whitt do you wash WO would have
for dimer, Johnnie?" "Conlp.any; linen
we'd have pie."
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Forwardingour savings s mail to the Union Trust is just as
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Interest compounded quarterly. Balances always subject to cheque.
174.176. Bay St., Toronto.
Send for Booklet, "'Banking by Mali."
Money to 100/. Safety D opoelt Vaults to Rent.