HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-4-25, Page 4TaunsD4 Y, ,4..1',8, K1907. 1907. TtrgenLx of thio week wail 6t, Georga'a )ay and wag ooiebreted in a number of the cities in royal style, Now. U li, HxAtaB ileo tannered bje reelgaatlen, He 1g tall! in California peeking restoration to health. Leon Saterday Bast Elgln Liberate mot in aonveation at Aylmer and piaoed Granville 1eigbtin the field for the Commons end Mee, Wonnaeolt for the Legislature. Vtgoroua addressee were delivered by ie dine Liberate, Tne Board of !ashtray Commissioners are likely to take into uoneideratiou the question of telephone rates, We believe if the rein Come down twice the badmen would be dant) both as to sea of the tine from the Central and the placing of telepbonea in additional bueinees pitmen and in homes. Ten lithe, >entnlul and speedy Orion. dago Indian Longboat won the 25 mile ra00 at Bobton,at the rate of 10* mune per hour, `.theta were over WO in the 000 bat the Indian ortfooted them all and clipped nearly 5 tninulee off the record wbiuh had beau established by a Hamilton man named Cat. trey. Longboat was pressured with 17500 at a reoeptian given him at Toronto on hie return and it ie said au effort will be made to aid him in Bemiring a good eduoatiou. All the Oaoadiaus who ran in the Marathon at Boston won s prize, Fetch, a Toronto youth, was sixth at the finish. While some people may frown at athletics of any kind we doubt not but Canada reoeived it world wide advertisement by Longboat's nn. equalled exhibition of fleetness and en. durance. ONTARIO La•ldl slutsroan bad Isar p k Saturday before a handful of members. The Lieutenant Governor gave hie aa• ee01 to the measures that had been passed and the prooeediuge were brought to a close, Soma of the liveliest debatee of the session were on the program doriug the last few days. They were 1101 nearly ae one-sided as the make•ap of the hoose. In speaking of those who rendered good 0800900 the Globe makes mention of East Barone .11. P. P., A. Hislop, along with others. While the receipts have been large and are still monutl05 up the ex- penditure is also t00rea8ing at a marvel• one stride, so that 001808 a atop is pet to it the surplus will have a hard time to grow. It's one of Obs easiest things in the world to spend money, eepeoially if the wealth belong! to somebody else. The emeudmeut to the 3/5 olauee oon- 080010g the Local Option law, introduced by Hon. G. W. Graham, watt voted down by 50 to 21, on strict party linea excepting that 111c. Gallagber Ouuaervative member for Frouteoaa, stood with the Oppuoition. LSmall Pox In Huron County. A serious outbreaa of smallpox, totally unoered aim unreported to the health authorities, has beau dheoovered iu Huron 0omity,in the lownehtpe of Hay and Stephen. The Provincial authorities beoam.• e00pioiouo tacit week and being able to 00oure uot au beuti0 luformatiou from looal eoaroee, Beet Pruvinolaf Iu apeotor, Dr. Sell op to investigate. Bio report 1s a revelatlou. He 011890e that 111 the two tuwuehtps radiated. there are 60 oases of the moat ma 950%01 obaraeter One death has already occurred to the vii• loge of Dashwood. Many of the patients have never been .eon by a playmate and are iu a very deuger..uo 00001tion. Prompt !tape cul now be thaw] to cope with the disease and it is notimprobable that the department may order an 911• 08Btiga4100 as t0 the app,reut uegligenoe witch hats ohara0teriz.d the °outmalment of the outbreak. Dog poisoners have been busy. Chas. Uaxweii was iu Drayton attend• iog-the funeral of a nephew whuoe death took plane 011 Monday of 'ant week. Fred. Taylor Io makleg preparation for the erection uew bonen LW hl farm 9 a m on the site where the other was reo8081y deetroyea by fire. Jock Guluranb, of Orange Hill, has retuned home litter spanning the Winter oiler Fort illi W Hm a8tl 98tiug in taking Out ties He looks o ke at) if shanty life agreed with him as he has increased considerably in weight and hie general appearance indioatos health and etrength. V 71%toxa. George Swallow, left for Calgary. Mrs, Swallow in the meantime will elatt with relatives iu the neighborhood of Mitobsll. Mayor Wilms put in his grocery More 00 lade than 180 gallons of ge00i0e Maple syrup, piobably the largest 9ingle ship. merit of they Ornate that Over Dame to town. It weighed Duet a On, and was produced in the tummy of Baetinge, Douglas Goodwin, sou of A. Goodwin, Who r8ceutly fiotehad 9910 amine a0 mechanical draughtsman in Oonoeotion With the 6otauton Oorrespohdeuoe School hue received hie diploma with booms and left Met week for Detroit to take a position. Mr. Cottle, Aseeosor has completed his work for theoerreut year and the fol- Iowiur; figures are takeu from hie returue. Popolation practically the same as last year. Aetna, value of loud 8166,760 ; Value of buildings, 8496,800; Value of real property, 9676,140; 1100100/0 at)• abetment, 972,796 ; leeome, 98,150 ; Total tameasment, 5766,986. Au iuorsaae of over •412,500 se otimpared with last year. The number pi doge returned is 138. Th. anneal ahtlpgb g8yyloy elf fhb Olin` Dau Dodge of g4tlf0iblowe will Iyko plaes. at the ]Rsptiot gburob on the evgniog Of Sunday April 99911, rOr'dwy}9914, ISrenro and foamy let, ler their home iu Calgary on Wedueettay of Leat week, The Pollee Trustees will extend tht 000greto walk Weot of the A8hiou bete ler one auk, Rout, bauder0ou will 00001 a steal. eked thio year. .489. SOtberau jr., 00111 mileage hie barn by tweeting au addition to the bud of it bud Wm. Corbett wad enlarge hie by splitting It 1n the centre mud widening it, Robt, Brow u, of Pordwiob, and Miea Adeline Diebol, of Mildmay, were united 'u marriage on Tuesday April 2011 at 919 re0eenoe of the bride'i parents by the Rev. B A Phomas, of iln11niay. 74 young et uple will 1889(20 w Idepeorta. Grey Council Meeting. Counoil met penitent to ender on Mom day, April 15th, at the 'lwwoobip Ban, Ethel, at 10 (6, m, Mombeto all prea8ut, Reeve fu the chair.' Mroutes of las' 8981911lg'read and peened. Moved by Juba Grant, seuouded by John Brown and reou)vod, that leave to. given to in1rout100 a By Law to borrow tram the Bank of Hamilton the sum o1 54,000 00 to meet the u0rrent expeuui. into for the year 1907 unto taxes art eOheoled, and that anon By Law be now read a drat lima. The By Law was read a first ti 09 Manua of Jeanie MuFadzeau, et) dao by John Cult, the said 13y Law wa reau aeewood limn, Ou mottou of Jobe Brown, seconded by John 0011 the said By Law, N 266 WAS read a third time and filially ane. T. Davidson applied to have guards piaoed on the Calder bridge app' het, John Grout to attend to come. R. Mtioheil applied to have s itch dug opposite lot 9, con. 11, oleo t ay. the road graded at the game place. 0. mottou of Monera. Brown and 8111, John Grant to attend 10 name. Moved by John Brown, eecood by Juo. Grout, that By L.w No. 261, w, a9 the Mates Mdutotpat Drain By at) be read a third time and finally p neu Carried. Moved byJohn Can, seconds b• Ja nes MOFadzean that B •Law Nu y 264, kuawu as the Micbnl Mm pa Drain By•Law, be read a third tuna and fleetly panted. Carried. Moved Jao, Grant, seconded by no Brown that the appeal of TimothyW. Nolan against 1910 8.0800men; o the Ewen 101uutatpal Drain By -Law, 262, be dismissed, the 9890eesm0t t1. remain at) determiued by the Engineer Oat ried. Moved by Jno. Cott, eeoonded by no. Grout, that the appeal of Wm 6h 9m agal0et bra aese0ame0t on the Eweu e oipal Drain By Law Nu. 262, be an oilseed, the aeeeeamout to remainae determined by ebe Eugiueer. Carried. Moved by Juc, Brown, a800nd, by we. Grant, that the appeal of Wit m Blake against his ad8088meat On h, Eweu M0aimpal Drain By Law No. 2 diemt0eed, the t offeeem8ut so re m e delermiued by the Engineer. r ied, Moved by Jno, Cott, seconded by 8. MuFadzeau that the appeal of n. ollerd against hie aeneoomena 011 1e wen Munimpal Drain by Lax No, 2. 8 dismlae05, the assessment to remain a determined by the Eugtueer, led. Moved John Brown, eeoouded by u rant, that the appeal of Thee, A.curia gal0nt his a8600awe111 011 the E.8,0 antoi901 Dram Sy Law No. 262, t maimed, the assesemout as daln0W n y the Eogiue8r to remain. Carried. 20119100 of Robert Biair tied twenty her ratepayers of U. 8. S. No. 12, uniting aid to bend a wire te. oe u de road No. 2, 000, 17, to providea 91er roan for the 'wheel abtiureu during s Winter mouths read. Moved y nee .moFadzeao, that the Ooau0( 1- w forty omits a rod, (uu ee0ou ) erefore uo8 granted. Moved by Jae. leloFa'mean, -e0uu d Juo, Brown that the Eoguteer's 11 op the Fa1900 Municipal Drain s ad be adopted and 'bat the Clerk e Wormed to have a By Law preps r same. Carried. Moved by Jun. Brown, ee0•utded 0. 0060 that Bt Low No. 265, knh the Fulton Monlmpat Dr;90 ByL read a Int and 2un time and 9000(08 y adopted aud printed and 80rved out w the 5th Mamie of the enact mon 05 said By•Law, Carried. Moved by Jno. Brown, seconded o. Grant, that road divjaeo N.). 5 9 at loth Nos. 19 inouldiy° wane. 7 rid extend to the Weet aide of Queen net in thy Village of Ethel and . d dlvibiou No. 6 begin on the E e of Orient Street end extend to 1 (118(08(ve. 0008. 7 and 8, and I urge IVlitaben be pathmae•er for di u No. 6, Carried, Moved by Jno, Brown, seconded o Oen that the Treasurer be author d to pay the G. T. R. Co. 940 as ail said Co, ie ready to 0800tru00 E ver b t o the Love Municipal Dr 090 their property. Carried. It motion of nleeare. MoFadzeao s 9 the 10(10wiug 80000nt0 were order be paid ;— ma ouu n 000 No. pas oao a 0 }] U rid kilo yL at) d 9m J u N it ma d ala t 26 ma Ca .38 Chan. tl 26 mb Un Ju Ou0 aO 118 ant 0 nu b n dei de ra b res 808 800 uu an lug b be and ha, Bee ill, hal Wei b Y oil he Drain J b P E b 8 G a w d b qt at be tb Ja to tb by po a0 fo Ju a8 be nil set p0 Jo 1918 8a 008 std 23, Ge 410 Jo 1ze me 001 act 0 Out to W e W Wm W. D W. D W. H H. 4, Jno L Joo et Jae. N Wm N Juo N Jae. br 0 28th Roll 0d ed m, J, D. Sproule, attending mallpox patte000 at 95 per ay 9 290 00 m, J D. Sproule, omtb.o dee toyed SO 00 J. D. Sproule, tram fore10 UO El. Herr, printing MO188 rata By Law 18 00 H. Rear, printing Ewou ram By Law 20 00 EL $-rr, printing Michel rata By.Late. 20 00 Eokmter, b0ryu,g dead sheep 28 Dubooh, rep'g. 00(0,01 S. R. con. 7 2 00 kleintoah, preparing by• aw No. 265 26 00 MOlutosh, 9881050 nod ationery 20 00 MoFadzean, 0rrv1, g By Law ], 262 1 00 , Fraser, eorviug by Low u. 261 1 00 Brown, 80rvieg By -Law o. 284 1 25 Brown, Sealing Dilworth idge timber 1 25 oanojl then adjourned to Meet May a0 Uoart of Rovieh,n on Aeseesment 9 Jolla MOINTuoa, (leek. atioureaa. IMPURE BLOOD Clogs the Kidneys 1l0ws the tleart Fags the Brain. II8'enkene Every Part or the Body 18980000 Organic 1)19ea106, Just a0 atrehgtb to 'tie (1x1009.1 outcome of pure blood, 00 1e debility and Matinees the retina of impure blood. To ;know uuw gdmkly, how surely Forrozo❑e maim, to see how It roboode and restores, you. cave oily to read the following lettere- read ahem carefully—sea it thesymptem9 resemble yoare. Miss Evelyn M. Gaeta, of Kingston, writes ;—"I have had au attack Of blood disorder winch broke urn 10 ugly red dlbfiguriog blotches that ruined the appeoiauae of my lane. 1 tried all emu of medicine, but the p•mplee didn't leave. 1 was recommitted 811 Ferrozone hod gave 1t a trial. I noticed an improvement after the second b,x, and k.pt op the treatment whluh dua•1 y neared myogle, An the re 9 eti t of Forrozonoa I have a wear be n a h y cam wexion and can ra anruicend It to all other young women elmdiarlyaffected," Another youngtady welt known m 1u0tety 0troha of Spriukfiold, who derived eauepeh.oal benefit from eerrozoue, able ' I felt 10 my duty to make ammo the value oI Fetruzune. My trouble writ poor weak blow, and as a ouueegneuue wy hpe were paid, and my cheeks bad uu color. I wave'', at all strong and re. (puree a braotog 901990. Forrozoue 00019 Drought color to my oheeke, improved my appetite and made me stronger thou 1 had 0eeu in year.. Ilavor Ferrozuuo unwise It i0 80 simple to tape and works au qutek,y." No blood remedy 8x1019 that had the power to wire, to heal, to restore like Ferrozoue ; try it, 500. per box at any drugtture. Y.1Mear vo•h1. A. J. Collies and J. H. Geuther were re.el, oted Lay demotes to Synod from Ohriet ounreh. A. 01. Oarthew, a000a0taot in the Beek of H..mihou here, has beau pro muted to .h0 management of the .ub germy of the 13auk at Moorefield, wink hereafter will be open daily, and will Oo water the L..tuwoi ake0Oy. Mrs Joarph ,UO',raOkeu, of Wallets, .01. a Hnm,aun in❑u0atur beat Fah and nrougbt out 97 uul0heu0, ¢uU kite Spun. bronrbt Od, 92 of Manulug's thurobted P,ymuotb Rucko oil the 10th of April, and they are due healthy uulekeue. The 820181108 of three m08tbu in gaol meted out oy Puttee Magistrate Terbone to Fred. Jermyn, a town youth, for writing tudeu,ut letters to aahuo, girls, wee rioh y deserved and Moonlit serve 00 !tin attended, as a war0lug 90 o1910r boyo. R. A Ulimie hue removed hie grocery 3000 one dour Su,th ut hie former stand ',1 W. tale ,treat, wh100 be will .000py temporarily 000, Mr. Livingston bad the 9(000 formerly occupied by J. R. Grant, whloh was damaged by fire, re• fitted In modern !tyle, with plate trout. Carr Harris, eng10080 m cha,ge of the coletr.o. lou of the Lietowei branch of she C. P. R., hue ra1ur,.eu to town after ei0lt1110 hid family at St. Jubu, N. B, The eugtueerlug force i9 now aotivety eu gaged in outside work, and the sob 0001 trainers are re organizing their foroe9 so a8 to proem cl with the grading as Boon as the ground ha to shape for the men and ammo w handle oatldlaatorlly, SPRING I'Ala.—Bollowlug is the prize tet ; Dtnui, ub— Imported 0lydee, lot A. U Darroch', Banner of Gold ; 2nd, Wallace Byucloate's Nell)er,aa (12250); Ord, Ethel Syudioate Berou B10ot (12021) Uanadlau Heavy Dra0ght—lit Geo Seuder'e Heather Boum King f3481 1, 2,00 Geo. Hnwru'e Youug P us biaukneim. Coach or Garr hge-190 Henry Lumen Roy Within!, Standard Seen—let, W. 0. Kldd'e Kidd McGregor, 2ud,W. U. KI a'a ()user d O 1 er lkee Wt 8rd W. I,1 ' U. K u d Monbare. ba Haokuey—lit W. O. K,dd'e Langdon Dunageit. Tboroaghbred Blooa—lot W. 0. Kind's Matinee ; 2nd, John Collins' Matt, Simpson, Sweepetokee—A. G. Darrocb's Butner of Gold. Balls—Beet breeds any age, J. F. W neon let and 2nd, and sweep. etakee, Jedge_H. G. Boag, Barrie, DON'T DIE AT 45. tittle the Indigestion whirl' Is so Liable to lead to Apoplexy. Rush of boaineee, eattug too feat and too much, exoese of any kind, soon revels in indigestion. Then when the digestive org00e cannot care for the food properly 1910 00ate of the blood ve01019 ill the brain get lyltle nourishment, boeome brittle, and dually yield to the fierce blood pressure. One i- said to have a "shook," to be paralyzed, or t0die from apoplexy. People suffering with headache, gid• dlnean, pe.plta(luo, eierpleesuexo, bad taste in the m 0991, drowemeee,. coated 'tongue, disIreee alter eating, epeoke be fore the eye8, and any other of the die. treesing re0111ie of a weakened elomeob, showntfi dr t p by the dleoovery of Mi.o ria 8tomaoh tablets Ib reoent years the er.atest advonoe in medicine ha- been in the eine) of die. ea es of iudigeetiol end nmr1liou end no other pre8Oription has proven itself of a. 1/0091 volae as Mi•o oa. It iv re Led op on se a certainty today in re•ieviea the worst tr"obles of digestion and assimil atm), and making acomp'ele cure. We abeulately agree that your airway will b. releedrd should you boy a 50u box of Mi 0 ria atoma0h tahlete and udt be 9ativfied with the results. Mt 1,810 is sold by drogg,ate everywhere, or will be sent bt mail on re00ip0 of prion 60o Booth's Mi 0 ha Company, Bnffaio, N. Y OF COURSE YOU CAN CURE YOUR RHEUMATISM I No matter how long you`have sutiered or what remedies you have tried without relief, Bn-Jn will cure you. We know what Bn ju bas done for people, bedridden and helpless. We know what Bu -Ju is doing every day for people tortured with Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago. Neuralgia. Bu -Ju, The Gentle Sidney Pill, cures Rheumatism because it acts directly on the kidneys and stops the poisonous deposit of uric acid in the blood, which causes Rheumatism. Bole will enre your Rheumatism. Take it (Moor guarantee that your money wi31 be prom, tiny refunded should it fail. Soca large box• A0 9898119 dtuggteta or by mail from 'lha C1af19 c:aenttoal Ca. Limited, Windsor, Oat, da I have notice auu that for rho a ld E To oroveva uestfonably,andbeyondanydoabi that Catarrh of the nose and throat stn be cured. I am furnishing patients through druggists. small tree Trial Boxes of Dr Shoop's Catarrh Co,re Ido this because lam so certain; that Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Core will bring actual 'substantial help, Nothing certainly, is 90 convincing as a physical 9/5E01 any article of real, genuine merit. But that artiole must possess true merit .else the test will condemn, rather than advance it Dr Shoop's Catarrh Curets a snow white, healing antiseptic) balm, put up in beautiful nickel capped glass tare at 00c. Such soothing agents as 011 Eucalyptus, Thymol, Menthol. etc., are incorporated into a velvety, cream like Petrolatum, imported by Dr. Shoop from Europe. If Catarrh of the nose and throat has extended to the stomach, then by all means also use internally, Dr. Shoop's Restorative, Stomach distress, a lack of general strength, bloating, belching, biliousness, bad meta alit surely call for Dr Shoop's Restorative. throat nothing els however onlyof the need and Dr. Shoop' Catarrh Cur "HINGE.srAYS" MAKE DILLON TWIGS AS STRONG abort, stiff, hard, steel wire stays make a"hinge•like" joint at every lateral wire on the Dillon fence. These ' Hinge•otaye" give our fence a greater degree of elaetieity—enable it to withstand' greater strain. They eat like, and really ere, hinges—make our fence swing or spring back into shape after receiving a beavyblow, orthe unusual pressure caused by a furiousbull orotber animal endeavoring to Push his waythrough to freedom. Catalogue tells Morro ab9❑t this twice as etrang"fonoe. The Owen Sound Wire Fence Co.. Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. WILTON ct GILLESPIE, AGENTS, IM ORtA rl7 NOTICES e -)B.IaK ST01IE "TO�"BENT BY 7 Fa400808 let par4 of SMilli Mock, to p l Au t giants from the 6485 Net ; 28,81 door from amorist's Hotel i united ninsee(ut iu 11 chit ria ns farm 1'b' 11/151, b^ed OE 'mamba; awl gents' Monne, 01010 or domeatne strViella lei One violet' )' 9 g 1•et•lnliOhmru 8 For fnrt°,05 9180tmente1 1119 9000 (1 it(]ttil ria 09,9 21911' should nett' apply le, Olt 0o11LV1,Y, 11(11800le I it ere Ityp letter et¢ttng fully too kind of help (� , etgylrett, when wanted at.d womb, offored 6t lal'R'I' HORN BULLS FOB, bo um11b1.04 0(01vmr may not 1,0 8,, ieut T 1 1�AfiM r4400tTIMIR'L ANL) D0MA117'IC5.,. I have boon M1,010105 by the forululou ey„rn1110nt t 11!1001 III I to sup ,ly all red00Eta but - eV/ ry Went tent �rY, , am,5, , —One i Was year old Julia E id h Il r1 with h other 10 wombs obi Prise of re t it d F s � ' l” R l(Lli, Lot 80, 32•!y 09000nts N, (l, Oen, 0, elcrrie, oe 19rmoiels P.O. itioo at t 0w t IntV 0 reek upr oat animals end in good gumption. Terme 10 ' O,Fued,guu t1.Xurn ntset flmploy moot A eAt Neil pnl ilius r, JA Sl+' 8 MOUSE ANI) LOT FOR SALE llupooauu Q( 1)0 4ugru4 00y streetplStup Bete, Possession wield be Riven at mica, For price, terms o., apply to Mli8, P, 011I1OL.y, Walton 11.0„ or to Tna POST, Ic, Or T. M. Brunetti Tent of the Maccabees, No, 24 hold their iegula0 Meetings to the Lodge 44 ,nm, banker t 11,01 , ou the tet and mrd pue.tlay oveuingo of euoh month A, SO a Eiss,tCOW 00µY0 A 9910515RR, R. H. ��i0Zt SALE OR TO RENT.— The undersigned Oruro her 100 acre farm, bong Lot20, Pon. 7 bray, for Bale or to rent, Oomlortablo b00ee, hank barn, onward, wells, *o. Farm is only f 01 a mile from the otirlug villageofEthel. For tur- nble, nor AIRS.rEAttea1HOLLto AND, S. 7 'Seater Street, Toronto, 87.8m 'PROPERTY FOR SALE—THE Muderelgned offers bio house and lot, elluate oe 51911 street, Brunette, for dale,. It 1s we111ocoted,e convenient aud comfor- table home. Poeoe6oio❑ can be glveu at ouoo. Will also sell the v¢oant lot, corner G4 02111 and 9llaabeth streets, widen would make a nue ouhdlug bite. For further par- ticulars a to prloe, t8rmo, &o„ apl,Jy E0 50021).A9Ame, hardware Dealer, Pord- mon, 90.4 Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of George Patterson, late of the Townohip of Grey, in the County of Huron, farm- er, deceased. Notice is hereby given, purx0001 to "The 5018199,1 Stutntoo of Ontario,' 1897, and ameudmen9, Mar. to? that all oroaitora-98..11 oteae 0avi11g o alms 018(030 the sold George Patters ,u. who . i, d n ,'r about the Tw0uty-Nevnatll day of Merron, 2007, are ,e• (108 ,0 oil or beton, the Fourth day ut may 1007, to Eo' g by poet, prepaid, of deliver t, A. is . me dun , o a 11, ,,the Village.'t K. 1 easels 18 the , C nut y P. 0, u e Jute/oil WIit D y meN u]oxn No e�� P. 1 and J v U. tlnpo Wbltdnld will 0 011 P U the f nue Btu of the lent will uuu tstl,,u nut of tea Hard midmos . thele C riptl00 tow to perm: , addrtheir claims, s, th p tat e, the toll heir 019 era 01 their ol¢ime, 411, statement w thea and mate, and 1940 1 attire 01 tin seourillee (ll any) held by them, And arthor take notice that 8(180 soon MBE MOuliouea date the said ' xnuu'ora win p, cloned to dintduute the eaten' O7 the de Cta•.ed 80.00008 the par lies 00tttl,11 t ler, to, hd0iug regard , my to nue eludes 0. which til, y shall tune . have whine at d that Lin bald Maern0urs win nut be !mute ler the Maid anent', .•r ally plot iker0at, t0 any , er bun of wu ee alum uutice halt nut have 00,.0 rtaeived by lien at the dine ut tooth dlttrtbu tam. bated tits OEh day of April, 1907. A. e. mAUDUNALD, 40.3 Sullcitor tor Ga8onlore, Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of James Mc- Nair, late of the Village of Cron - brook, in the County of Huron, Gen-_ 110131 9, deceased. 9900 0E is to ruby 11000, pursuant to •'The Itev'eed Statutes of Outario," 1897. and ane, dimwit. thereto, that •41 credit fro and others Lavlug 01.0(10, against the estate of 1118 tai:, James MoNair, w,.o died eu or anent ,.I -e 'rwentyl'ourtb day of Maroh 1907, nr, roquir cl 0M or before tee Fourth da) .f may 291,7.to send by post, prepaid. or del lo,,- to A Il. Dino), mild. of the V,llago , f Brussels, or Not, McNair, Cra491041 t P.9;,. Adu4h lel - ato, to iii, ,tint-, their Cbrietiao m. 0ur940m1•b,Odddes0o9 and ,iesuriptiooe 100 tune artioula re of their olaime, tho 'tate meet of 9..eir aea•outs, and the nature ut the osou ities fir any) held by them. And nuttier tike motio,• that after en❑h 1914 menti( sed cote the said Adminietr199or wi II pru0000 to dtetr,bute the eesel0 of the deoeimed 8moug4E the partied entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims 01 which he shalt ,heli h v ti the said Admtuietrator will n.,t be llubio a 0808 e, ur 9803 part Eber600, to any pereuu o1 whuoe elulm uot,oe eh811 net Lnebo v been received by him at the time of leek distribution. Dated thio 9th day of April, 1007. A.B. Mat DON ALD, 40.3 Solicitor for Administrator. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Alexander Hyslop, of the Township of Grey, in the County of Baron, Farmer, Deceased, Notice is hereby given pennant to "The Revised Statutes of Ootario 1807" Chap- ter leo, that all creditors and others Having 0y eiaims against 00 estate of the Enid Alexander Hyslop,who died on or abut the rolbt ofayu1uobefdo theFournay Ma,97, to endby poet, prepaid, or deliver to W. 114, eiholafr, of the Village of nmooelo, iu the County 00 Flume, ' Solicitor for the Executor of the teat Will and Testament of the sold daceatiest, their Christian ane seream80, 04 - dr, eine and deecripliune, cite lull portion - are of their olaime, the 0tatembnt of their accounts and the nature of 9ioaeouritia8 (tf ail) held by them, Aum nonce is further glveo that after the said loot mentioned date the gain Extant. aria will proceed to dietribtte the 008000 , the dt ceased amohget tee parties entitled thereto, havio • regarp only to tee olaime of widen m. ha e, itltunuh ave n On LL d t ut he bald EaauuGrax will not ue 1iu41e ter Iho 00004 ,01 any port tier. of, tunny person or nanous of wnOte. m.,lmo uot,00 84981 nut have been reoeivnd by teem at the time 0l that distribution. Dated -this 19.0 day of April, 1907 W. M. SIN GLAIR, 41.3 Solicitor Lilt Executor, Notice to Creditors In the matter 0f the estate of John Lam- ont. of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, Fernier, deceased, Notice is hor by given par u,r t En "Vile I0,•vi,ed 81tituiee of Outer; 1397." Chapter. 1 9. that ell credit rt awl o bete tl,viuu ally ela,me neatest lbs 808498 of the s,d•1 John Lan out, to 0 diet 00 or about ti,e 17 11 Jno- of Mara ,1007, ru t equated on or het 0,8 the Foarlh day of 11ey, 19 q E,t bend by post prep id o deliver t' W. el. Si, o3 the Village of resettle. to the Comity or Horde, Solicitor I r tae Ex• clung of the hitt WI 1 ' and 7'eutamel.t 0f the '.aid ",00,ted, their' Christian and 8m uamos, andreo9ea 811,i dee, t oripliouo,i ha ell ',anise! era 01 th Ir blahnx, .the stet •mon' of Good. .80 u me, 0 1 1 th, or•turo 0. tb, escort, wall any 91018 dry th9m 99.99 lu ill 1 80,0 unlron El,a alter Ouou lost meutiut l dote, th0enid l'xr(utur 19111 pro d ,. to dl •trluut the dement tf tun said ne axed 0/009. .0 til, partie 00tltl8.1 the eto hkvn,g regard Yn Iy w the 0101019 Of whet! bhu 191.1 thou have Lotion and rho taut Lxeoutrlx will not b, liable for i the said assets or. Bay pert !hefted, to any ; person or p120000 01 001)090 01.11111 11011e Shall net hay 11 en realNod at the tone "l 80011 dies butt to Dated 111(0 tab (bay of April 19187.' SV Dl S1ht11.aIlt, Solioiter for hxooutrix, .t ( /I/YON ro L.OAN 9N P.4n44 f1R0F'EATY Rale of Ill(0r00t Al per cent per a11a0911, llret mortaseo LIFE AND FINE iNS. AGENT 1xp01e1or Life fueurauoe 09'upelty The 19q11lty Piro 100uranee Oompnny All panuee9 utteeded to promptly, 1Y, P. BR,E'WER, J. P. Clork 4th Alvlo10e 00000 Collars to Fit Your Horses Is what you want to do the Heavy Spring Work. See our curled hair cushion faced Collars, all guaranteed. A. trial will convince you of their merits. Our single Harness is par- ticulul'l,y worthy of your notice just now as we have a nice range of Rubber and solid Nickle trimmed, all our own male, or will be pleased to build to your order 'ream Harness of any style you may Wish, • Trunks and Satchels of all !rinds in stock, also Rugs, Whips, Sweat Collura, &e , at lowest prices. Repairs in Harness, Collars, &c., promptly done. • C. Richards N'al!ollal Flog fills Tlo- undersigned begs leave to intimate to the Public that they nave parchased the well known Flouring Mi,I lrt,m Mr. W. F Stewart and will be pleased to be favored with the patronage of the public. Best Brands of Flour and Feed kept in stock Our dim will be t) Please our Patrons fling rip Telephone No 4 if you desire anything in our line and have not time to call. -,e'U,'IdMPd'IL'OP4rt,'Id4A9AUPti, WM.& R.A.PRYNE BRUSSELS [M1LLI N ERY HAVING DISPENSED with the Formal Opening, we wish to announce to our Customers that we are again prepared to show the Newest Styles iu all classes of Spring Millinery procured from the most up-to-date Warehouses in Toronto, Chicago and Detroit. We feel convinced that we can suit the most Fastidious tastes. if you wish to secure the season's best give us a call. We have also a full line of Fancy Straw Braids, Un- trimmed Shapes, Flowers and Ribbons. Miss I It Strachan McKay & Shaw Solicit your trade. We carry the largest and most complete stock In this section. comprtslod Hardware, Woodenware, Cutlery. Garden Seeds, Iron, Steel. Carpenters' Tools. Paints, Varnishes and Brushes If you need a 1108(041 for FURNITURE. FLOORS, OR ANY INTERIOR WORK We sell end recommend CAMPBELL'S VARNISH STAIN 20 years on the morket.lt always dives satisfaction It dries quick aad hard Makes a durable finish 10 COLORS CARD FREE McKay & Shaw