HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-4-25, Page 1Tht rot; Vol., . No; 42 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, New Advertisements. LOCAU•-*I, C, Richards, Pigs for sale -.Wm, Robb, aggiee-R, 1 1ftIacis & Co. Girlautw t e - d , A. Itnp tm . Ice Cream- W. A, Grewlat, • Odd Pants -G, N. McLaren, Perfect Sight -H. L. Jackson, For service-jonuthait Wright, 'Venders for dredging --F. Gelinas," Painting, &c• -Thos, Nichoils & Co. Prices for Ice Cream -J, W. Kerney, Make your Donets count -Ferguson & Iters: zsxzt gars, ,IN eel eon. Mise E. Gilley, of Blyth, was a visit- or at Mrs. Emigh's this week. This week will complete the first lift of the ballastiug to Blyth. At present there are about 15o Italians on the work here. A. J3aker, of the Severeign;,Benk staff, Sundayed at his/home m Ltn- wood. Mrs, (Dr.) Waters, of Detroit, Miele, is at present visiting her parents, jno. and Mrs. Serry Hie Lordship the Bishop will hold Coutlrmatioa un St George's ehuich at 10.3o a, m. on Sunday, Jno. Hunter,, of Cranhrook, has oornanencetl the erection of Dr. Wag. horn's new home wbieh is to be of pressed brick, 17prt rt R►rt►etls, Jas, Crerar has purchased the Jas. McNair property. Athol,MeQuarrie spent Sunday no. der the parental roof. Dr, T. T. McRae, of Clinton, spent Sunday at the manse, Whit. Tyerman is home from . Tor- onto for a short time, Erwin. Hunter, has improved his place with a new wire fence. Mr. Parish is settled in his new home on the 14th. He comes from Constance, Hallett township, rtA-'Mi r4 et V } E'ArgefrsAreiza'r erAt Rsa i&4 FD7Mitt'` 'rag 4 k 1FUn R r, iff r ICREkvi For the Com - I ing Summer Ice Cream 5 OTS. Ice Cxeamt oda in In any of the Popular ?Javora 5 'CTS. Fruit Suuda,es and l 1V�ap a Walnuts 100. 3 POR 250. Vie Fruit Bundles 5 CTS... JIWIKERNEY 4 Weeezet•a.ory 1 .,ZeMa , ?d e- .civ IIIIIIIIIMIBIEMINISIMMIIIIIIIMIN Vse BRUSSELS DAYLIGHT. STORE G. N. MCLAREN Ammommeso �1eo',s Odd Pn1s Boys O U KllicKer Puts We have a complete assortment of Men's and 13o3 Odd Pants. Over 600 pairs in stock and our valves are the very hest to be had. ,Mien's Tweed Pants for11 pair -1Ients Pants, made of strong Union Tweeds, dark shades; perfect fitting, all sizes, at per pail 1 00 Den's Tweed Pants at 125 pair -Men's Pants made of gond gamlity Union Tweeds, light and dark colors, perfect fitting, all sizes, et 1 25 • [en's Tweed Pants .at 150 -Men's good gn.lity Tweed Penta; light and dark shades, a large range of patterns, good linings mud perfeot fitting, all sizes, at per pair 1 50. yen's Tweed Pante at 1.75 & 2.00 -Elate good quality Tweed Pante fp light an dant shades, choice patterns, perfect ¢,ttIeg and well trimmed, Special values at 1 75 and 2 00 ' 'J.'WD and of Sit Nellie wEIr�RiIt, l F]ll Pants t Z 50 �& 3.00 -Choice aneortment of patterns in Fancy Worsteds and Scotch Tweed pattern Pants, light and dark shades, per. feet fitting goods, all sizes, ab 2 50 and 8 00 Boys' bicker Pants -Light and dark shades in Tweeds and Serges, all sizes for Boys from 4 to Id years. Prices range from..,..... 25o to 1 00 Highest Prices for Produce, Goodso Right Or your Money Back, G. N. McLaren aitwitspirmssametrowsiwisamisisarrimisimirmunimaimmului .11110.11,11011111..1.01 THURSDAY, .ARIL 8, 1907 vcr,.x Alex, Perrie is getting along nicely and is moving about a little, towel tnhis had aneeon ;surveyor from Isla. Sacratnantp will he ' administered in the Methotllet etturelt Sunday after. noon. We are pleased to report that Jacob Long is making favorable progress to. word recovery. He was beset by num- emus complications but we are glad he was able to pull Omagh theta all. Ethel. Our residents are gettleg busy with their gardens, 65 cents secures"Tim PAST to Jan, uary ist IgoB, The syndicate stallion was a prize winner at Listowel Spring Show. The pastor will preach nextSunday in the Methodist church on "The tnlnistry of Salt." We hope Pathmaster Mitchell will see bis way clear to extend our gran- olithle sidewalk this season. W. H, Routley, of. Toronto, who left here 4 years ego, was visiting Ethel friends during the past week. Lawrence Dobson is back from an extended stay with his son at Inner - kip, Oxford Co, He is enjoying good health, Mrs. N. McCauley. of Brussels, is visiting relatives, and friends' here. Her health has been first-class during the past Winter. The annual meeting of the W. F. M. S. of Ethel Methodist church was Tuesday evening, The program was very interesting consisting of well rendered solos by Misses R.. Spence and 0, Raynard 1 a pleasing duet by Mrs. Sparrow and Miss N. Simpson two stirring choruses by the choir Mrs. S. S. Cole read a touchingdes. cription of the work among the In- dians; Mas. (Rev) Baker, of Bluevale, the District organizer, gave a brief aceount of the progress of the work in this DIstrict ; Mrs. (Rev.) Bond, oft At vo d sketch o , gave a b of the work in general of the Society and Rev. Mr, Bond delivered a splendid address tell. ingo ther f progress and .encourage- ment nc ra - g ou e ment of the Missionary movement. The ladies of the congregation are to be congratulated on their splendid efforts last sof la t year and they will still accomplish greater things for their less fortunate sisters who are without the uplifting Gospel. Perfect Sight Dr. R. E. H. Grupe tate renowned Optician, will again visit Brussels on THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, The Dr. is a master of his profession sod most thorough and accurate which many patients of this locality do testify. His charges at very moderate. His ao.•uraey and skill unsurpassed. ' Eye tested free. No Glasses given unless absolutely res quired. Do not forget the date. H. L.K ' A C J C :aO1'V', JEWELER PAINTING AND — PAPER- HANGING The undersigned are aireptir• paired to attet,ti to all cork etrtru-ted to . them in the tlbove I i n es with neatness anti despatch. Prices Reasonable. Satisftiction Guaranteed. Thos, Nicholls & Co, B1tunsEis The 9, S. Convention Committee of Ethel circuit will ,meet at the Parson- age 11 ridgy evening, April 26th, at 8 p'eime r to arrange for the Convention "May 24th, A car of settler's effects was shipped from Ethel station this week by lames Henna, a well known resident of the teth con„ who has rented his farin here and Is going to try the West. UNDttaTAK1NG.-Prompt and care- ful attention given to all orders fur Undertaking(. Onr telephone No. is s85 and a call will have our im- mediate response. Our prices are reasonable and satisfsctem always as- sured, Special attention paid to cavity and arterial embalming lot which we hold diplomas, LEA7'rERDALE & SON. Brussels, W rt>xwittor. MRS, MCKsRCtuER's FUNERAL, -The funeral of Mrs. W, S. McKercher was held last Friday afternoon and was very largely attended. Rev. L. Per- rin conducted a short service at the home alter which the remains were interred' in Wroxeter cemetery. The pallbearers were T. A Gibson, Tho, Gibson, Jno, R. Gibson, Roht. Gibson, Kleinburg ; Duncan McKercher and Alex, MaKereher. NEtvsv NdrEs.-Jas, Fox and W H. Kerr, of Brussels, were in the village on Friday attending the funeral of the tate Mrs. W. S. McKercher,- M1S. Thos, Smith' is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. . . Robertson itso n in P ara. red, Orr, of Wingham, spent Suh• day in the village. -Mrs Geo. Allan is at present on the sick list. -Mrs Mahood and three children, of Iowa. are visiting the former's mother, Mrs, R Gibson. -Wm. Pratt. who has been employed with lag: Hooper. of Turn. berry, for the past' week, left for. Regina on Monday. -Rev. J. H, Osterhout, B. D.. will preach the an- nual sermon to the members of Mon- tana Lodge, g , I. 0, O. F., next Sunday afternoon at 3,30 o'clock in tbe Metho dist church. -J, J, Gibson. of Barrie, spent a day of last week with bis sister. Mrs F. G. Robinson. Mr, Gipson was on his way to Toronto where he has a splendid position as manager of a new Trust and Title Company. -George E. Dane, of Hamilton, renewed acquaint ta0ces in the village on Itionday.-Jos. Wade,of For .dwich paid the village R a businss call on Monday, -Rev L. Perrin preached in Victoria Hall. Jamestown, on Sunday evening, -The License Commissioners decided to cut tiff the license of the Gotten House, at the expiration of three mouths owing to the fact that the population of Wroxeter does not entitle the village to two licensed houses, Landlord Esty has bad his papers renewed for the incoming year, anent veto w n Jas. -Strachan is home from Toronto where he was attending Dental College. Last Sabbath evening Rev. 2 Per- rin, of Wroxeter, preached in Vic- toria Hall. Several From this locality were at Wroxeter. last Friday afternoon attend ing the funeral of the late Mrs. W. S. McKercher. She was a most es- timable lady. A young man startled this com- munity last week by stating he was going to end his days by the laudanum route. u He did not carry out his foolish threat we are pleased to state Homan life is too precious to destroy ir. Wm. McKelvey has disposed of his zoo acre farm on and eon. of Grey, to Frank Wright, jr„ Morrisbank. We have not heard as yet where Mr. Me Kelvey will remove to but his health. has been so poor be was compelled to take a rest We hope the arrival of Spring will prove beneficial. Joseph Cootnbes, who is a well known resident of ibis locality, and was dangerously ill, is able to be about Once more we are pleased to state. He was 75 years of age last Monday but is wonderfully spry for a man of his years. Mrs. Combos, who has been an invalid for some time, does notchange very mach for the better bot we hope she will continue to gain. She will be 77 years old next July. foc/oGnaptaPoczta g.tfV ra W.C"Wo'3!•ET' oticaatie tz PRICES FOR 'rt9 ICE CREAM FOR THE QOMINCR SOMMER t Ice Cream, 6c Ice Cream Soda in any arnthe lavnre 5c Yopa,r N Fruit Sundaes ` and Mae -Walnuts W p�ranuts IOc. 3 for 25c Syrup up Sundae.es , G etas it,L'eltesei . '11 giliesedesieetl= e'e=Sl W. A. GreWar 1,4 • ,top Geo, 11. RuTTAN PAsass AWAY, -• Wednesday of this week an old end highly respected resident of this cam. munity passed away le the person of George H. Rattail,. He was in his wet e i year, The fa natal will leave his late residence, South it lot 50, con. 1, Marna, on Saturday 27th that., .at 2 o'clock, service at 1.3o p, m, Inter• went will be made at Brussels mane- tery, GrH V. Caen 01) THANKS -We desire t0 extend our thanks to her neighbors for their many deeds of kindness aod sympathy inonrtime of trouble, We will never forget them. Geo, ROBERTSON AND FRIENDS. Iovttatians are out for the marriage of Jas. W. Hogg, of Milverton,. to Miss Julia A., eldest daughter of Lorenzo and Mrs, Frain, 3rd eon, The date of the auspicious event will be next Wednesday. James McLaucblin, of Langdon, North Dakota, and Woe Campbell, of Cypress River, Manitoba, both former residents of Grey township, are here on a visit combining !samosa an0 pleasure. They expect to take back a load of horses. CARD oe TIIANIts,•-WO take this opportunity of speaking our thanks to neighbors and friends for their kind uess and assistance during the short illness and subsequent death of our father, the late Robt. Ingils, Every- thing that ready hands and willing hearts could suggest St was. done and g d we would be very ungrateful did we not acknowledge it. N e sincerely trust that the Golden Rule may be exempli- fied in their time of trouble or bereave• inent. Yours, gratefully, Limes BRos. Grey, April 220d, 1907, FORGING AHEAD. --We are pleased to state that surveyor S. R. Crerar who has been in Toronto, has gone to Win. nipeg from which city he goes to Saskatchewan a etvan and Alberta Provinces to survey town sites for the C. P, R. He wiJinomtnenee work as soon as the season will permit. The Spring has been very cold and backward, Mr. Crerar writes that Winnipeg is swarm. ing with people of all descriptions ani emigrants are arriving daily in large nombers. The many old friends of Mr. Crerar in Grey and locality hope he will strike it rich in that laud of wonderful possibilities. GONE HOME,-Thopeople of this community were shocked to hear of the sudden demise of Mrs. Geo. Robertsou on Monday, April Isth, she having been in her usual health the previous day. She was united in marriage to her now bereft partner over three years ago and leaves besides her sorrowing friends an infaatson to he cared for. She was a loving, faith- ful energetic wife and will be greatly missed among her relatives and friends on account of her amiable disposition Ile -funeral was largely attended showing the sympathy that was extend- ed to the bereaved husband and friends, The pall bearers were de- ceased's three brothers and three brothers in-law viz ;-Eb„ John and David siders • John and Russel Robertson ober tson and James Bastin. Inter- ment was made in Brussels cemetery. *este-rtes. Spring work will now go abead with a rush. Some farmers complain of clover being badly heaved this Spring, The aiictioo sale business was going with a rush this week on the 7th line. Stone stabling jtvill be .built under the barn of Wm, Dark, South of Brun sets. Allan and Mrs. Adams, sth line, were at Wroxeter last Friday attend- ing the funeral of Mrs. W. S. Mc Kercher, their sister-in-law. Mrs. Bennett, of Detroit, has been visiting her father, 'James Clennan, 7th line. Mrs. Burke, who has been keeping house for Mr. Clennan for some time, will accompany her father to Detroit where her home is. OBIT. -Ocie of the most highly res- pected residents of this community passed peacefully away last Saturday morning in the person of Mrs. John Bell, sr., sth line. Deceased had an attack of la grippe and b'•ouchitis dur- ing the Winter which left her heart in a weak condition, though otily laid aside from active duties to days, and in spite of all that medical skill and kind friends could do she passed peace- fully away to the land where there "rentaineth a met for the people of God." Mrs. Bell's maiden name was Frances Shaw and she was born in the Co. of Wexford, Ireland, in the year 2840 and at the age of six years emigrated with ed her parents, Four brothers and a sister to Ontario and settled at Kingston. After 7 ,years there the family removed to Hibbert township, Perth Co., where deceased was married at her father's home, the -late James Shaw (then a local preacher) to ber now bereft husband 53 years ago mid they settled in Hib- bert. g children blest their union, being bereft of two of, there. They moved to Logan townsbip where they passed through a heavy affliction, diphtheria claiming four of their lit- tle ones within a few days of one other. Shortly aft$ another child and a daughter to mature years was taken away, Removed to Morris township e s p 20 years ago and •settled in their late home. Here they also passed through a severe affliction, a bright, promising Voting than, their son Fred, being taken from • them just a short time ago. Deceased connected with the Methodist church in her girlhood and was of an un. usually bright and cheerful disposi- tion Being a great reader she was 1 np to -date on all the-qnestions of the day hut, most of all did she read and tneditete on her Bible. Her life was. EARLY CLOSING The following have agreed to close their respective places of business Sharing Hue Sutnnaer months at 0 P• m., excepting Wednesdays and Saturdays -Dry Roods, Boots and Shoes,. Jewelry, and Furniture stores,' Harness shops and Milli - eery parlors, The ,purchasing public should govern themselves accordingly. The rule, goes into effect Monday, May 6th. In koepibg with the life our Saviour led while here on earth,' Truly she lived in a spirit of devotion and self sacrifice for others being one who knew nor spoke i11 of ethers but lived a iJfe of Faith on the Son of God, Her death bas oast a gloom over the neighborhood and leaves: a vacancy that eaunotbefilled. Truly we can ••ay "her works do follow after her." The remaining children are Mrs. McGee, of Blueyale ; Charles in Belgrave; John on the homestead and Miss Mary at home, who with tbe sorrowing father have the sympathy of the community. Rev. Mr. Rivers conducted a most appropriate service at the house, Rev, Mr. Beneath ad- dressing words of counsel and syn patsy to the bereaved relatives and friends also giving a strong testimony of deceased's life, The remains were followed to their last resting placein Brandon cemetery by a large rampant/ of sympathising friends, Recently R. J, Scott, 6th line, dis- posed of four horses to a Seafortb buy- er for the tidy sum of 50,225. He re- ceived ✓l600 for 3 of them the last one reaching 5325. Whatever is worth adtage. Mr. Scott evidently believes fn itdoing is wortb doing well is an old Tuesday afternoon of this week James Clennan, lea aa, an old and well known resident of the 7th line, held an aucttod sale of farm stock, implements, &c., as he has decided to cease from active farming. The farm bas been leased tleMcLean Bros„ of the same line who are ow in possession, Mr. Ciera Ban will make his home in Detroit where he has three daughters and a son. He has been a resident of Morris township over father tak- ing up this ears his father 5 v is farm in the pioneer days. While sorry to see Mr, Clennan remov- ing from us bis many old friends hope he will enjoy himself and take a good time out of his well earned holiday. Mrs. Clennan died a few years ago after an extended illness. Induction at Myth. A Popular Pastor. Thursday afternoon nf last week at one o'clock Rev. 'John Lincoln Small, B. A„ was inducted pastor of St. Andrew's church, Blyth. Rev N. M. Leckie, Moderator of the church, presided, while Rev. Mr. Urquhart preached, Rev. Mr. Anderson address ed the minister, and Rev. Mr. Smith addressed tbe people, In the evening at 8 p. in. a reception was held when addresses and music were gives. On Sunday November lith, leo6, the pulpit of St. Andrew's church was declared vacaut by Rev. Mr. Martin, REV. J. L, SMALL, 8, A. of Exeter, and since that Cline the congregation has been listening to er s mons preached by ministers of the Gospel, who were willing to be called to the church, At the meeting of the Presbytery of Huron on March stb Rev. Mr. Small, Moderator, stated that hadhis name e ' been inserted in the call. At this meeting Rev, Mr. Leckie of Londesboro' was elected Moderator of Blyth etrurell, and at the Presbytery Meeting held on April tet the call to Rev. Mr. Small, signed by 265 mem- bers and 73 adherents, was presented Bud sustained. Rev. John Lincoln Small, B. A., the new minister of St, Andrew's church was barn 38 years ago in the village of Arthur, in Wellington Co, ,Five years of his young manhood were spent as postofficc .assistant in his. native village. After ohnosing the ministry as Ms life work he studied in Orangeville High School and in Manitoba College, Winnipeg, graduet. ing front the latter in arts in '93 and in theology in '96. 'In theology Mr. Small won first-class honors and a couple of scholarships, Soon otter graduation Mr. Small was milled to Keewatin and Norman, on the Lake of the Woods, where he had already, spent fifteen months as student missionary, 5011 remained as minister for foul' yore and a 12515. In iyoa Mr. Small settled In Auburn ssaster of Knox oharch, Amhara, And p Sntith'a Hill. During his rive years in this Held there have been tan additions to tbe membership of the church, and the splendid new ehureh, at Aubm'n, epsting 56,00o, has been built and almost paid for. Thus the new minister of St. Andrew's brings con- sidereble experience to help him in his new pastorate, and Txtt Pon' wash- es him great success In bis work in Blyth. The reverend gentlemen is an excell' ant preacher, good pastor and a well balanced 'nosiness man. It is said he will shortly install lvliss McDonald, of Auburn, in the Manse as Mrs. Small. SOUTH HURON L/OENSES. South Huron License oammissionera met fu Ha„ eaillastFriday, They decided to am off five Beau -as, wbioh with the five effected by Loom Option, will make a re. duction of ten in the Riding. The Licenses to bo out off by Loom Option are two io Stanley, two ]o Elegised and one in Usborne. The Oommisaionera also re- fused liesesee to Albert Moser, of Corbett B. Cunningham, of Rhin (in Stephen 'townebip), the Metropolitan of Exeter, and there wad be only one shop lioeneein Seaferth, instead of two, ae formerly and only ape tavern lioease in Bayfield in. stead 01 two. The folJ fn ow a were granted ' licenave for the' year :-Queen's, Royal, Commer- cial and Diok Hume, Seatorth; Pitapat' rink, of the Grip Roses, mite only grant. ed a three months' licence ; Nfanelon, Commercial and Central, Exeter t Hill mod Redfearn, of Crediton ; Zimmer, of Dashwood ; 0, Fritz, of Grand Bend ; Brenner, of Shipka ; Deitriob, 0f Menai Carmel ; W M, ff.tt ; the Dixon House, of Brnoefield ; Red Tavern, of Tooker. smith •, Johnston & Rau, of Znrlah ; ere. Nicholson, of Rieke. No action was taken in the St. Josepb applicatioo, The Metrop aitan of Exeter wee cute off Nemeth sheqla 10 O 4 p p n does not en. tit e she village • to the fourth linenee, Saa(eid alsoJosea. one edemee uwiug to •he population, bot the Board has not decided which license wit be effected, L will decide about the shop license at -teaforth- et the next mooing Com• rives/otters Doa fan Coming, Dei bred ge , god Inepsotor 1orrauoe were at the meeting, and a strong temperance depu- tation r•preeenting the Routh Huron anti -Barroom Lesane. UIiURUah CRIMES Wingbam DIstriet meeting of the Mrihontet oburuh will be held in Link. now on May 15.harm 18th. Envelopes were dtelribgted last Bab. bath asking for contr1b0riooe for the funds of the Lord'a Day Alliance oentral Organization. The Lord Bishop of Heron will preaob in St. John's obareb at 280 p. m.. oa Bnuday next. There will be no service to the oburah either morning or evening. A practical dieooaree was given by the pastor in Melville church last Sabbath morning on the Sabbath Obeervanoe question. Proverbs 4and 20 was the 5round work of the evening discourse. Last Sabbath morning Rev. E. G. Powell dealt trenobentiy with the pea. ticu 01 Sabbath Obeervauce and the new dtntute relating to it. At the evening service the text was "He.could not be aid" The Senate of Viotoria University has decided to con& r she degree of Doctor of Divinity on three well known ministers: -Rev. William McDonagh, of Stratford ; Rev, Thomas Crosby, of Chilliwack, B. U , and Rev. James A, Rankin, of Toronto. Rev, Mr, MaDonagh'e Mende in Western Ontario wial be pleased over the recognition of his' long and valuable -melee in the Methodist ministry. Rona. DEANERY vs' HnaoN.—On Sun. day, May 5111, MOaiona ry aadreeeea will be delivered in the parishes of the Dean, erg of Heron as follows ,-Bayfield, Rev, W. H. Hartley ; Blyth, by Rev. John Berry ; Brussels, by Rev, T. H. Farr ; Clinton by Rev. Canon Brown ; God. slob, Rev. W. T, HiO ; Rolmeeviile, by Rev. 0, R. Gonne ; Dungannon, by Rev. w J. Doberty ; Exeter, by Von, Arab. Richardson ; Heneaa, by Rev. Mr. Hinde ; Gerrie, by Rev. II. M. Lena -Ford 'entomb, by Rev. T. S. Boyle ; Wing. nim, by Rev. Wm. Lowe. The Deanery meeting and annual 8. S. Convention of Huron will be held in Brownie on Tuesday; and Wednesday May the 7th and 84h. The S. 8, Couventiou will meet on Tuesday the 7th and Dr. Tooker seneral eaeretary of the 11, S. 0,' 0., will address ,the Convention and speak et the evening service on the work of the Missionary Society be represents, Ln©kseow. M. J. Bryan, formerly of the Sentinel staff, lase taken a position at a Toronto printing house. The Agriontturai Society are oentem- latin the t arae ion of a e P g new hall as the meant bnildiog is required for stook and poultry exbibita, The Luoknow retitle Sobool has re. relived from the Geologioel Survey of of Canada,throttgh the inflgeoce of P. H Md$euzie, M. P., a cabinet of 145 minerals, together with a oatalogue eon. mining the names and places where said minerals were toned. The Roman Catholic; ohurob at Sherbet Lake was burned. Mrs. et . E ero ai M N 1 founder , 4I the W. 0 T U., la dead et Fredonia N. Y. Jo.epli'0 Montardo, at Meares!, was mei tenued to flee year& in penitentiary for torgsty H W. Briclt wag committed tor trial et Perth on a charge of robbing the Want. pie Drug Company. Mrs.' Mettle Perkins was adgaittert of the charge of poisoning her huabeed et tbe Cayuga Aesizea, Mr. Mn bolltus', of Oampbeilfore, was nominated by the Liberate Of Riot. Northumberland ter the Commons,