HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-4-18, Page 8NEW W W LL Pal l P J'JR
During the hoot few weeks the bulk of the papering 10 done, We
are prepared to meet your demand With
zany Beautiful New Patterns AT PR CL+' OW
Our stook has been carefully selected and we hove; Taper from 60.
Pell roll up that has Ceiling. and Border to match, Mt well as the
neweet tbtnge in Oreesalotit Paper, Tapestries, Stripes, Moire 001 -
Inge, and Washable Varalehod Paper, It you have any Papering
to do, oee our semptes,
61* F2-14.nivinlas
Are you going to use Formaldehyde thio year ? Others have used
it In the past to great advantage. A solution of it sprinkled on oats
and barley before sowing will prevent smut. It can be done at
Cost of about i}c. per bushel,
1 LB. BOTTLES, 40o. 1 LB..BOTTLES, 250,
Trains leave Brnesele Station, North
and South, as tollowe:
GOING Mourn GOING Nonni,
Mail 7:0e e.m i Mixed &1O 0,07
Mixed- .... 11:25 a.m Mall Hi p.m
lilXprees..,.. 3:02 p.m I Express 9:51 p.m
f a.cii Etta terns
A ohiel'a amang ye takir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent u.
BACKWARD Spring weather.
BERING moving is at hand,
TWE S.•t Werke are in operation.
A. 0 U W well meet b'riday evening
of thi; week.
Brame Fair ,will be held at Gorrie
next 'Tuesday.
75 OENTa WAS TER Poet to Jan. let
1908. Don't mise this uhanoe.
Tax Sanitary loapeator i0 getting
ready to eommeooe the aunoal Spring
READ every advertisement and see the
bargains offered, It may save you many
a dollar in the year.
LEATHER nap for top of baggy box lost
between Brussels and Walton. Finder
will oblige by leaving at Tete Pose, Brae -
Jos. CARTER, of BIyth ; was in Brussels
last week p aoing an automatic boiler
cleaner in the electric light power hoose
for the Thrall Bros.
BOARD of Health met oo Monday even•
ing for orgaoizetion pnrposea. B. Gerry
Wm Bleated Ohairmen and the work of
the year was outlined.
-Qa1TR a quantity of real maple syrap
nae been brought to town tide Spring.
The fake kind and its mau¢fae;urere
should be handled without gloves.
Soaks talk of a test well being drilled
in town for either natural gee or oil.
Those eoppused to know think either
or both Would likely be obtained.
Tutsis the time to build rip the cygf'tem
with Rival Herb Tablets. Sold by both
drug stores in Brussels ; W. G. Nest,
Walbon ; and A. J. 81. Helm, Oraobrook.
Tam nights have been very dark
rendering driving unsafe without a
1001ern. One Sabbatb night even the
riga driven by two preaobere tame into
oollisioe. No Berk0ee damage was done.
BRUas=Le Butter Faotory will nom
mance operations for the season of 1907
on Monday, 29th moat., in the new
premises built last Fad by W. W. Harris.
It will be np.to•date in every particular.
SATURDAY of tbie week the License
Commissioners of East Huron will meet
at the American Rotel, Brueeele, to eon.
eider applieatione fur hotel !Menne. 16
regular licensee are ueked for that year
and a Wine and Beer licenee. This is
the same unmber as last year.
Did it ever occur to you that a 25
pent oan of Oampeell'e Varnish Stain win
restore the color and fluid' to the old
bureau or commode 7 Any lady oan
apply this stain se it fluwe not under the
brush and dries without ebowing brush
marks. It is cold by Marty & Shaw.
WEST about errauging for a dey of
sports, &o. in Brueaele for Jnoe the 23rd.
Several years have passed by (dime any
thiog of the Mud has been held. Our
record was for first Masa e0o0eeeee and
the same could be evidenced Og0I0 no
doubt. A celebration cannot beebooidor
ed off on two or three people however
and expeat it to go with a boom,
Aeege8oR Loxo has completed bio work
thin year.
A xnw telephone has bean installed for
George Ouuulughem, V. S. Rie Ns ie
47 k.
Tine POST has again seas awarded the
aoutram of the Howiek Mutual Fire Iti
eurauoe Compauy'e printing.
IN lees week's Farwet'n Advouete G.
Deadman, a well kuown Bruaneute,
has en i0terebtiag tetter oil Alfalfa grow
TRs next regular meeting of the W C
T. 11,- Brueaele, wit be held Friday
evening of next weak, at 7.80 in then
Da BUTLER'S VIaoT,—Dr. Butler, the
London Btu Speaalint, will be 51 the
Amerman Hotel, Brnesele, ou Wediet
day, April 24t3. Glaseee eepplied.
BIIaax rug, black o0 one ode and ft
area oil the other 1091 between Breese
and Oranbroak eideruad on the 16
non. Funder wed mean oblige by 1500 „
is at W. J. ylo0raokeu'e grocery, Btu
CARD OF TEANK6.—We wish to expreo
oar moat eunere thanks for the geuerou.
and oft repeated can of kiudeeee 11111.
ferred upou 011 during the dinette an
5ubsequeut decease of our deUebte.
It wen tong be uheriebed by es and w
hope the good Lord will buuneiful.y re
pay all who were e0 kiud,y, ihouglnlu
and helpful. Y,are gra.elony,
J. W. AND .ilae. BIMMMES
Braeeela, April 17, 1907
BLYTn Wox.—Friuiey evening of last
week a quiutetie from filth drove oval
to Brunetti and played the return metal
with nor king row mae9r0. The resu
was n decided viotory for the mamma
Snore was as tollowe
Brussels games Blyth games 11'
H. L. Jaukeou 2 Joe. Carter 2 2
J. H. Cameron 4 W Johnstiu 1 1
P. Stewart 1 A Mr1euzie 5 0
J. HobWrk 1 A Belem. 4 1
W. F. Stratton 0 W. Begley 6 0
8 18 4
Mtemelostar.—Wednesday evening ul
lout week wedding belie (Mimed m rel)
at the reeideuoe of Wm. Bird, 12th eon
uuole at the bride, when Rev. H. M.
Lang -Ford, of Brunets, tied the mew -
menial bow between Jae, B. Strettou, 01
Broeeele, and Miee Effie may Fox. Tbs
prioaipats took their pate ander an ever-
green and floral arab, from which wee
eaepeuded a large bell, as Mies J5au Mr. -
L' anohlin executed the Weddiug Morub,
Sem. MtOreoken, of Morrie, and Mies
Margaret Fox, were the attendants. The
bride wore a very beoommg drrae uf
cream stilt with point de eprite, ail0
serried white. carnations._ Bridesmaid
was neatly attired in u fawn drew
trimmed with bice silk and tarried pick
carnations. After hearty cougratuio
11000 the lerge company eat down to e
eampbU¢de dinner. The wedding gate
were ohoioe neefol, and valuable. Air
Sweeten will likely leave for Oelgary
next week bat Etre. Stratton will not go
until a few weeke alter. We wieb Mr.
and Mre. Stratton bapploeea auu
d4Aweaasa,—Friday evening last the
Height.. and Ladies of the Maooabeea
of Brnesele Tent and Riverside Hive,
gave an "At Home" to members and
their (elands. About 100 were preeeul
and all seemed so tburoogly enjoy them•
se ven. The early pert of the eveuiug
wee spent with 9001,0,1 games fuelowed
by a program of adage and reatiatea,e.
As ieetrameulat on the organ, by Mrs,
G. Tbomeou, ,p'.ned the program, auu
was Wed exeonied and much appreciated.
Master Geo. Cutvio *bowed temetdereble
admit, for nue 5o young, In a recitation
O. Riohartteou Bong one of the old 50119.
'Bottum Mary of Argyle" whiab ee at
wage a favorite. "A Litt a Here" wee
he lista of a very twooblhg reotlattou
by Mnaa Halliday. The 8001 duet of the
0yenfug was beautiluny rendered by
the Moo Sharp. Mina eleoudere 1110
played elocutionary powers of a high
order in a recitation eutltletl "Tne
Prize." It 125009ht book to toe 011,1110
of the "old boyo and girls" thee..
"heeveuty" daye of yuutli •'wheu the
were tweaty.one," A duet by 81,5,
Cardiff and J. G. Joao was very ar
initiate.). rendered. Thie was followed
by a few to m0rks from G. H, Tuwneeud,
Prov. R. 11. Betting forth the precast
standing of the great As'ooiatiou m the
mune of which they were gathered lo•
gather. He said it bid a memberehip
of npwarde of 800,000 iu 55 'hates,
Provisoes and 'Serriforma and sod a
eurpinefund of over 96,000,000 niveltett
in gilt edged securities, nut better earl
heir mina and plain were snob ail to
na0antee that their reeuureee equalled
heir promieeo. Thee poettio,, of emelt.
So safety bad been vo•uutarlIy 1411
rimed by bhe Aesutieteon. 'rhe As
ooettion was haw paying out 0960
11,000 every 24 hears. Is paid 10 death
ud dloubuily ola,m, .001 year upwards
98,000,000, Maes Beebeuan gave a
umoruue reading 911114Ied "Biddy end
009101ad" whioh provoked many peels
laughter, A geettetee "Ro.tsod in
e cradle of the deep," was neagua telot.
-add affootively ren tiered by Mieaea ,
harp and Gerry, and Menem. Rioharti I
n and Hunter. This brought the
engram lu a 01056 after which a damp y
nnob.wee surged by the ladies whiab
as rehehed by all. Tile Mdooabee
videnbly have a splendid and Cadre
taro before them,
taiumeut veld to she Methudlet Church
Thursday evening of last week, Ruder
the enepiues of the Ladies' Aid, de.
neonetrated the ability of Elise Emma t
Irons, of Torouto, as a publio enter•
Winer of merit and ono mire to please.
Her program was varied, well arranged
and fall of iuteree to its conclusion.
She will be welcome book to Brnesele,
Rev. E. G. Powell presided Thursday
Two PIANO REoitoLo.—The Jamestown
N. Y., paper gtvoo cite following whioh
refers to T. A, Bawkme formerly of
Brussels, and will be of eOlereet t0 hie
many friende :—T. Allen Hawkioe gave
two pia0o rooetale Friday April the 6th
at hie home 116 Barrett Avenue, the lac
at 3 p. m, and the seemed at 8 p. m. A
large Dumber of Jameetuwu 010510
lovers were present. The program woe
one of much excellence and enjoyed 10
the almost, uonviocing all that 81r.
Hawkiue possesses many of the qualities
which ere found in the beet expouehce of
piano playing. The program wee as
follows :—Moonlight oo the ancient), Op.
60, G. D. Wileoo ; Adieu :o the piano, L.
VIM Beethoven ; Dundee. (Vara), Ohae.
Grobe I Cou'olatiuu, Op. 80, No. 9, F. m
Meodelesuhn Piquant, ; Song of pbe .Piant, Ai 9
foneo Rendono ; Sonatina. Op. 20, No. 1,
F. Haitian ; Vocal SUM, by Mtge Maggie of
Vanham ; She wandered down the h
moaelaiu side, Frederick they ; Nooturn, tieErin Meyer Reunited . Se000d wnhz, Op of
56, Benjamin Godard; Boaatee, Op. 49, eh
, No, 2 L., Van Beethoven ; Spinnlied, 11. ly
Litolff ; Sonata, Op. 14, No, 2, L, Van S
set overt ; Dnet, 8eondo by Mies so
Laminae Rogerson ; Golden 010ttde, Chau. p
D. Blake ; Hunting song, Op. 19, No, 0,
F, Mendeloeofln; Evening by the see, w
Op 25, B. 5 rosy 0.d Blank Joe e
(Veru.) Op. 33, Chau, Gimbel. fa
CAPITAL , $1,000,000.00
RESltnvlt AND UNDIVIDED PnoFITa 1,183,713.23
Interest Pa d. Quarterly
on Savings Bank Deposits
ilial*Hell d Branch
W. J. Fawcett, Manager
(Affiliated with Clinton W.0.1
Individual Met:notion.
Write for buudeouoe catalogue,
GEO. SPOTTOS. Principal.
N 8000LAY ba« a ben the ie *video -
.y epees, u,[ug to eeteb 14 an etre record.
0118 nay thie week she produced an egg
61x8 ieubes, we1Khir)1 d pound. If the
Weather had been more lbvoerb,e deer
tee), hooted whet the taus to would have
DROWNED IN THE CIeTzete —We ere sorry
so hear tips Carl, she 5 year o'd son of
P Tinsley, supermteuoeui of Telephone
OOneb, action, uf Wiu.bam, wee drowned
te 001049rn 1/0 Wednesday, Mr. Tmslsy
h known to a geed many in Brueaele,
-tto will sympathise with him in hie
troub e.
1RE HILLY As'IOIiMENTe—The meeting
of the penultors a. Wni,em Kelly ane bis
eons was largely attended here on Mon-
day of sbi. week. Iu addition to mod
oreditore the fm,owiug genttrmen wore in
+150(1auae from 00leide plans 1—R.
V •nsr,.ne, rep,seeming the Demme n
ti'.uk, bbineham ; Dudley klutmes, the
Bank of Hamilton, Wi„gham ' A. E.
Smith, manaver of the Bank of Com -
0.50', Wiugb'n ; Jee. MoM0rshle
resenting Bryeh oreditore. V. 8. Scutt
wee eppututed ohairmau auu A. B. Mo-
i)•mald aeoretary of the meeting. F. S.
Soo a wee revalued as ee,ignee by the
oreditore sun ill er going hoe the =were
•,1 ,be n,ff-rest 9010155 the tullowtug fn-
-p.-0lore were eppuintsd ;--Witham
K l y estate, Messrs. Fa wont, and em.th
1 'hu Heng notate, Aware. Nepbnru sue
13 ffru,1 ; Frank Belty eetatr, Messer,
Bowland and MuMulobie ; Marten Helly
saute, Metiers. Fowoett dud Mealnrehte ;
Petrick He ly e late, mine... Smith end
elepburti ; Wduam Belly jr. ansate,
vlenere. Row said aid Refire.. '1'be
liana itiee of the mffere01 estates eme0ot-
ed •o over 89 000 apart from the lour -
e1ge in the real exacta with total aesete
aider 53000 Phe 0red,tur5 decided anal
the Swats .h old be realized as tapedt-
t i,ne.y ae possible and 0uooroiuitly there
wit be este e1 the farm, farm stook cad
mplemenle ouAprit 241h, 26th, and 26th.
Further particulate may be found iu
adoto. ,n Ung Po8T of title issue, and
from posters,
People We Know.
Jim. Beattie was in towel over Sat day.
Juo. Wetker, of Teeew*ter, was visil-
i0g here oil Thursday.
Barrister Sinclair was in Goderiob for
e day or two this week.
Mrs, I 0. Shebat& was renewing old
frieodahipe m Winehem.
Lorne Pringle to home from Toronto
owing to the eeriuua fllueeel of Thee.
Mies Minerva Jones attended a party
given by Mies bezel Johnston at Wang.
ham on Tuesday eveniulr, April 16111.
Tao Maxwell, John *tree, has been
hovering nett, the t•order land daring the
poet week. He wan 79 years of age Met
Mre, and Mince Douglase are away
un te holiday vtet watt relatives end
friends at Stratford, Loudon, Ridge
town and Morpeth.
We ate sorry to hear that Stauou
Agan• Henry bee heed quite 111 auu eon-
eegueut.y off duty. line 'moot idents
nope he wet noun be reetered m hie Menu"
gt o a health.
Monday of last week Mr Fiehieigh
oe'ebrate3 hie 88.11 birthday in the sh-
ju9 meet of a 5000 degree of health for e
person of hi- 1155 Hs levee with bte
'laguter, Mrs B Garay.
Cn(wn Jankoo, wbu hes been in poor
110e1th fur the peen few mouths bee been
gone a ittle sufferer owing to a .arge ab•
dens gathering u" his arm. I. Wes lanced
3d1 Tosed ay of 11191 teeth esu le 100W
dome ninety we are penned lu elate.
Rubel A,.deraun, a former resident
of Bruasele, hen decided ne 01158 m00e
nee up 5/131111•110a here 5110 W1 1 be ern
played on Fred. MoOrecile,i'e .00ff.
Mrs Andersen and chi area will arrive
ehortty. We welcome the fami•y back to
W. C. Tbumeon, former y of Braeeela,
heti eugeg.d se traveller with the Caue-
diau Carpet Co., and will take the
Western trip right through to the Proif,i
oatel Ha wilt be absent two or three
months. His home lately has been lu
Hemmen, W. C. should 511 the bull.
Miners at Fernee, Mmbel and Coleman
Voted telmo61 unanimously for a 'Amite.
Rev. Fredettok E, Cory, s Methodiet
mesdllinary, was nrowned et MacLeod,
1. Ilerta,
Twelve 'penial trains, with nearly
5,000 paeesogere, lett Munlreel for the
Wast Sunday.
Edward Bayly hail been eppoinred
soI,utor to the Attorney General's de.
partufeut at a metary of .53;000.
Repre.entot vee of the dot Nation In•
Matte reeked Premier Whitney that they
be granted the electoral franchise.
The Beedgonohe. Woodworking CoM•
party's laecory at 1) tlboneis, N 0., was
deotroyed by Lire L .se 589,000.
Sidney Joke was eeneruoed. at Barn
lltun to 1wu yearn and a bolt 1n the p6111
tottery for ateempt,ugao blow op ane
boil*n al Lha 00111 ma tnjllo.
Mee. Bates was eenteiteed at Wood.
atouk to two years in Kiegetou P1ni.
tsntiary for titewpting to kill her eau
with au axe.
Charles Masson was acquitted et
Cornwall of the charge of mauetooghter
in oouueotpm with the killing of Owen
Mu0ourt at a heekey natal],
The Depummeot of Inland Revenue
baa Must *amp ea t.1 butter aeu,terated
with wromargariue, and will institute
pro9e00uoue of the parties reepoheibie.
Id capes tl.
The South Huron Anti bar ro m
League met iu their annual oonvebtim,
Mire. The year's work wee reviewed,
whioh showed epleudid roam through
mutumpautiee whittle carried Luele
Opiton with the required three /lithe
majority viz : U burse and Bbaufey
towoobIps and Retie/ill village. Tucker -
smith also had u majerity of .sixty ibree
which is two ellirde rcgn,red by law,
The ex -native Committee have held a
number of meetings du; eug the year, and
hove beau it great help iu osrryink to
oompleunn th. Local Option measure
in the differ, nt mon101115nt155, II wee
deoided to continue the effootive oroaute
aiios, ,,d 11 poeaible, to e.oure Local
Option for the other muueolplinee iu
South Huron, The tut owing officer.
were elected ; Premdent, Rev. W. Mar
tin, Exeter; Via., MnB5 Murray, Hrt+aal• 1
Secretary, el. Id. Whitmore, Bieo,fled ;
dor. Sastretart, Roy. 8. F. To i, Reuse° ;
Trenton or, F. O'Brien, Ohtselhrtrei ;
Pre Neil; of Icon, erk'I Z',tiobe, R
E A Fear, J Gann, T Rumuaon, Bev
Mr Bean, J. Uoveumok, A. tical els, Jae
Wallace, stud Mus Murray.
Business Locals.
('Lovsk and Timothy eeed at Mc
Two oomlertuhle homes for Bale.
Apply to W. A. UEsw'ee,
Slum grain for 'a e, otos with little
barley .1 BREW ENGLER, Ban
BERLINER U,,mopho,.e with 12 inch
retard; lu,. Stale at a baraaan. A flue
instrument ae g..od ae new and in A 1
condom.) E quire at lag P 5T
DRaerMARINO.—dire. AN. Woodley is
prepares w mho in (11e130111aku,g tun wi
give Carets 511001/0 , to ell ureters, A
share of your patronage eohotted. Mae,
M. WOODLaY, Mill Street, Broeeele,
UDR LBEsu1NG—Switehe made out of
oommege auu ant bu,r. Ad orders vent
by mail prompt.) atteuned to.
Ales. R. HINOOT'te
Mtn 01108•, Braeeela, `
Comex SExex Flom 1'o ALL —Sawa
for sale or the I exuhon,e sawn. They
ere the ties end tatty cutting betters. Sew
gumming and Ming a epelelty. Our
prune are 10we6, un earth when Mut fit la
uoteidered, T MCUaeoon, corner Milt
dud M,in at., Bruooeae,
"PaavrNTloe" wilt promptly check u
cold ur iue Grippe wbeu mean early at
the "sneeze 51.ge," Prevcutioe cure
teased outdo se well. Preventius are
int,e candy 0"18 aura tablets, and Dr.
Sheop,Raolne, Win„ will gladly mall
you eawpiee and a book en colds free,
if you will write. The sample. pros
merit. Cheek early Colds wish Prevent
,tae and atop pneumonia. Sold in 50 and
250 boxes by F. R. Smith.
�o zz i<
BAKER —Is Bowiok, on April 7211 to Mr
and ,tire. Rubs. Baker, 14 11 eon., a
BEECKRNl11000—In 'rurnberry, on April
510, to Mr end Urn. Win B,e0aen
ridge, u ,len beer,
CASEMOlek —1i Harvie, on April 7111, to
elf 51111 Mr.. J. J. Caeemure, a
SALTER —Iu Beet Wawenn0h, on April
6th, to Mr. end Mrs. Wm. G. Salter
a nuuelner.
RSTA01,1046 $101.
Head Office - - - Toronto
Deposits may be made or withdrawn by either of the twomembers of a household.
This forte of account is specially atdtable for those living in the country, as either member
can attend to the banking when ro town. 8n cane of death, the money may b* withdrawn
by the survivor without delay or tort. Write or call for farther particd)ats.
Interest added four times a year
Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches.
J. F. Rowland, Manager
STRrtxxoN—Fox —At the reeid• nos of the
bride'. snide, Orsv, on April 10th by
Bev, H M Lang -Ford, of Brnesele,
Mr, J.. B. Stratton, of Braeeela, to
Mise Ede May Fox.
n0•q 0,
CAbLPDELL.—In Lower Winghom, nn
Aprl 9 h, W. H. Campbell, eg••d 62
DUNCAN,—In Wnodelook, on April 711,,
Int rs F Dunoen, relict of the late
Rnbt. Danven, Bhnevels, ag,d 78
11c%ERoagt —In Wroxeter, oo Apri 17th
Ito. heel Gibson, 6 loved wife of W, S.
Mr'8errher, aged 40 veare,
NAan,—I. Gerrie, on April 7th, Mary
Philipe, reline of 'Ite .a a Thomne
Na.h, aged 84 veers and 1 month.
ROBERTSON —In Grey, on April 16th,
Once Saedere, beloved wife of Geo,
Robertson, in her 25th year.
ToReneY, APRIL 23nn —Form stock, im
plerneuto, tart mina, &u , e. N Ill 22.
con. 8, Morrie. bele onreserted al I
o'elook. Jemee Olennan, prop., 8' 8.
Scott, two,ioneer,
Fall Wheat 69
Barley 43 45
Gare 35 86
Bunter, tune auu ru 20 28
Eggo per doze 16 16
Hay per LOU 9 00 10 00
Flour, per bb. 4 60 5 20
Hoge, Live 6 10
Wu. i 24 25
Potabuee per n09 40
App.ee (per bbl.) 1 00 1 50
1 ion SALE —H a ie 11 mOuthn 1$111 ; red
in color, nn t n111 be sold at. a baraai.. Ap-
ply r J. D.MONAIK LOC 22, Our:. 19 .Gray,
j or t r¢u b,uok Y.O. iu 8
P00ED f my Flour M111 1 desire all
indebted to me to krntly call and eaten,
their eo00aute as 1 Wieb to close up my
business. W. F. 0TI4WARP.
Teacher of Piano or Organ
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Alexander
Hy. lop, of the Township of Grey,
in the County of Huron, Farmer,
Notice is hereby given pennant to "The
Revis"d Statutes of 0. talo 1897" Obnp.
er 129, that all oreditore and others having
en, cla,we against the estate et the said
Alexan.ior flyslop, who sled bu or. 11b0ut the
t1M1 d., 0< Aebrna,y, 1907, an r gaited on
'r hefo a the Fourth d y o' May, 191.7, to
end 03 pi se. p,a.•"i-., o, d'live, to W. M.
bicolour, of the Villas• of hru.eels, in the
of the�11 t Will ty of and and 0115 tor for hof inn said
deceits d, their Chris eau nod enruamen, ad•
dree,ee and desertl•d,•ue, the full parta:M.
are of 'heirelefine, the stet.uai nt of their
008005ta end the nature of the maturities (i1
at/Obeid by them,
Awe eutloe is further given that otter the
said last mentioned date the said•Easoq-
tpix will prro. ed to dietriet to the eseete
w th• d'ora,mr eel'tgettne parties autolet
thereto, bavi , regare duly to iue 0latme of
which enc shrill then have u'tice aid t •ut
,he Bata itxecutr.x w111 not be liable for
the 04081 .51 sty part ther. of, to any pereen
or per"un5 of wteose maims notice shah 001
have been received by them at the time o,
pnOb diBbrlbubi011.
Dated this 12111 day of April. 1907
W.M.. SIN t1 LAIR,
41.3 Solicitor for Executor.
Determined to Satisfy
Every Customer for 1907
Ask the Clerk to show you the most artistic patterns produced
by us this year in Wall Papers. They are specially attractive in
shades of Cream, White, Pale Green, and Red,
Coracle The very finest Burlap, best weave, richest
p lustre, purest colors, back strongly sized.
Sar itas We are handling the new Oilcloth Wall Cover-
ing, Saudi's.
Varnish Tiles The beet quality Varnish Tile
for Kitchens and Bath Rooms.
Moire Ceiling Papers
150 Rolls at 40. per roll, suitable for Bed Rooms.
If you have not seen our new lines for 1.907 it will pay y 1 to
look through our stock before buying elsewhere.
Paper -hanging and Decorating a Specialty.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate of Malcolm
Lamont; late of the Township of
Grey, in the County of Huron, farm-
er, deceased.
Notice is bereby given, pur3naot to "The
Rev sed Statutes of initaria," 1807, and
amend emote thereto, that all creditors and
others having 015(018 against rite eetrite of
the sal) Millenlu, Lem. .1/1, who died ou or
about the 29111 day nt Me rola, 1007, are re-
qul ed ou to her -re the Potent) no ill May,
1907, to tend. by pest, prepaid, or deliver to
A. to blood old, or the 7911 age n( Brn-se)e,
or F.liaaheth Lamont, A,Imitt i stratrlx of the
sedate, Ethel P.0, *hair t'nrletlau and our
05 es, ad"rases and desetpttoue, the MU
particulars coo uof their„. . claims. 112the statement
of 1Lee
see untie., (if any) be il by them.
And twine, tike Roth,. Lh t after snolt.
last meotiuned date We aid Admiuiotra-
trix will (u owed to dist Mute the assets o1
the, inease8 cru, 0g"t the patties tut ted
the,etn, having regard only to the Claims
of which bee shall then have tome, non
that [be sold Adeniutatratrex will not be
liable for the Nnl,t 11501 Le, ur any tart 15 -to-
ot, to any ptrlon , 1 lent se elilw 1,41,5
shell 0..1 have .hem, r, ceived by her RL th.•
time 01 a ub ei,tribut i00
Gat. d at brueeele,O.h day of April, 1007
A. B. A0.10, OAALb,
40.0 bolleitu, for Admiulalrettix.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate of James Mc-
Nair, late of the Village of Oran -
brook, in the County of Huron, Gen -
Hemet', deceased.
Nebo.. is hereby elven, vinous 01 to "The
e.oe( lntetnthereto,
of Outar) ,” 1887, end
rete, that +11 creditors and
others having claims against the estate t t
the ,cin James M¢Nutr, w o died nu or
shout ti.e Twouty1'uurth they of March 1917
or, requir el on or bah re the Fourth de,
of Mat 1907 to send by poet. prepeid or
deliver t. A 13. Mean Hold. of the V.1+age
of B,'usorle, or Nen M0Nan. 0,ahbrnuk P,a,
Adu,iu1st 5tot h. tb. ,slut-, tb. Sr 0hrlstfau
are stn, bit,, odd,essWS one evsettptious,
tie all 1 articula,a el tueir ellilm B, Chu state
OL 01 air 1100 01311. end the 0at0re of
the 5100 iti sett not) held le) them.
And twiner take 1,01ic Met alter suoll
last menti. ned , ate Ll a said Aumlel'LreLU,
0! l 111.011" t Abbe into the r nets of the
eleeeasod among t toe parties so titled
Meret•,' avt. g regard only to he clu,mn of
which be dhall ,he , have notice sun Ghat
the Nein A'miiistr,t,ir will n t be /bible
for be a d.1 swats, or any port cheroot, to
any pe,euu 0 Yaw/en claim uotee ebau but
have heed t,oueived b3 hiw at the time ur
bated thio 81,11 day or April, 1007.
90 3 Solicitor for Adwinlstrabor.
Wall rayor
see them
Come and
We have a stook of wail paper
that is worth selling and worth
allowing and you tau feel free to
come and look at papore to your
hearts content, even though you
have uo present thought of buy -
hug. It will be a pleasure to
display our Mock, and the believe
that inepeotinn of it will matte
it obvious that when you are
ready to bay you will be able to
do beet by nothing to us. Assort -
maul, quell y aid price will be
iu your favor.
Drug Store
R. good Grade Cows. also Nee I pate.
NOBLE A '10IL50.
40.11 Lot 29,00n. 7, Grey.
Ontario Liquor Liam Li
License DIM riot of Eewt Moron.
NOTICE is hereby elven that Loofa L,
Lor Emmy. of stthel, 'Township o1 Grey, has
mads enunciation for permission to Crane•
for lite Tavern Monne. for the ereeeteee
known as the Boal Hotel, ib We Villare of
Ethel, to Jae , A. $lump, of 501 71 loge,
end that Bail application will be co/wider-
ell at the wetlog of he Beard of License
Comnd.e0'11oro, 10 be held •.t the Queen's
Hotel, 'n the Vitt ge sl H-ueoale, on the 28rd
day of Apr11,1907, at the hour of 1 o'oluok
themselves u000rdlugty 10013 interested will govern
Dated atMurtle this nth day of April, 1907,
W. CLE 40,
License Invpaotor.
Notice to Creditors.
Ia the matter of the estate of John Lam-
ont of the Township of Grey. in the
County of Huron, Farmer, deceased.
Notice 10 1)00 by 01700 pur1u. "t to "Tho
R"vhed .manta, of Cuter' 18071' (Mopter
1 9. that all eo,Altnrq nu 1 o horse/IV/01Y guy
olai010 eeaiust the e91ata of the sail John
Ln moat, w' n died on or about the 171)1 day
of Maroh,1007, "re rerouted o0 or ben re the
Furth day of May, 1007 to send by post,
Melt id or deliver tt• W. Al, aiuolutr, nt the
011 0ge of "0005010, 10 the Contity or aerie.
Solicitor for the Ex-•antrix of the last wi•l
and Te0tame, t of the -aid 11,00054, their
Christian and surnames, addresses 1101 dee•
mint inuo,tbe Intl nartioul,,ro Of th Ira/aims,
the .tut meant of their co tont a, ail 1115
0 •tore o the securities if any held by them.
Andforth• r take snide, that after snail
last meutf"neri date, the oald Executor
win pr. onod to distribute the ttevote of iue
said tensa Bed smote .se, the panic• entitled
the etc having regard only bo Idle Claims
0• which -hs will thou have notice, dud
the rata Executrix will o01 be liable fur
the seta Onsets or ne,y part thereof, 10 ally
perenn or pereoue of whose claim notice,
shall 1,01 hew been received at the time
or swill distr heti is.
Dated thee 12th day of April 1907.
Soliottor for l:xeoutri*.
600 yards of Indite Linen,
full 46 molten wide,
beautiful Sheer quality,
1'peeial 01 i
20 pieces Newest Organdie
Musliuo, iu pretty floral
designs, on white grounds,
ou sale at per yard
Increasing Bargains and
Increasin Interest
Increasing I3, ®rest
in Dress Goods
The Dress Goods Department radiant with the new
Fabrics fur Spring and Sulnfner. Some details and prices
we quote below but seeing- for yourself is the best way to
judge—the real lest is in comparison.
44 inch Tweed Suiting, oopletof Lon-
don Tweeds, desirable new greys,
mixburee and many mannish ef-
feots, in richest colorings ; a good
65o Fabric for
44 inch F. cool' Panama Cloth in
splendid color assortment, makes
11 very amara shirt waist suit, es-
pecially desirable owing to its dust
resisting qualities; per yard only
Shepherds' Oht•oke, the popular Drees
Fabric for labirt Waist and Eton
Saito, pikes per yd.,..25, 50, 75, 1.09
48 inch Venetian Cloth in full range
of leading colors and black. heavy
enough for Etoo Suits aid Uulioed
Skirts ; extra epeciul value at per
45 inch Bleck Voile, "French make"
very ri011 bleak oriep finish, extra
ordinary vainest per yard 50
The Newest in Corsets
This week very rare choosing is promised Women who desire
to adopt the vogue iu Corsets. Aside from a moat comprehensive
display of prevailing modes many charming advanced models have
been assembled. We hint of only two.
10 dozen Corsets of White Conti!,
bias out, habit hip, thoroughly
bound, on sale at per pair
At 91.00 per pair -8 splendid new
models, mostly Medium lengths,
50, with or without hose supporters
attaohed, every one a epsoiai
value at 1 00
Dry Goods Clothing to Order
Highest Price for Butter and Eggs,