HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-4-18, Page 7•
o •
its:' "eeeet ee eiteel, et lee, eeee ;,xeeeety,,",;,e1
Tito buzzing, ringing or whistling 1n
.1110 041;4- 1111n AllS, WW1 the accent on
the ,second'syllubh', It is called --is often
a most dlatreesin)1 and nerve-racking
The occaelonal lempneury buzzing that
one open lips as te1 flea repanimcflt c!
the lath stages of acold in the heed
le disagreeable t;.ue,ugh, but nut inlul-
0rnble; but when this noise goes on
hour after hour, day utter (lay, wt'('I1 raf-
ter wvoli, without t( inetlle111 ces.uliun,
it grows maddening, 1t !s the Kist
thing that is
heard beforegoing
to sleep,
the first tiling on waking in the nlern-
ing, and when a moment's C01'Isciutee
nese wlnus-ln the middle, there is that
S1h11le l'Iflgl'1g of 111'x2011 hefts,
IL may be, or a tinkling, or llie slow
breethiug of a lacanw1h'e at rest, or the
shriller sizzle of escaping stearal, or a
continuous 1111111, now a bass, now a
feeble, but always and forever a hum
wllhaut a second's bilcrullssic n,
Tinnitus is probably uhvayo due to
route disturbance of the nervous me-
chanism of the ear, and In the majority
of Instances to assoclited with deafness.
iL may be due to the action of cornett
drugs, such as gamin, but then et
teurse 11 is only lautpora'y. Sometimes
itoccurs only when
ono islying down;
the cause of this may be that a faint but
• constant ringing becomes audible only
when everything Is 41111 or it nine' be
due'lo 'slight congestion, the blood flow-
ing to the head more readily and in
greener volume than when one sits o1'
The most common form of head nois-
es Is that associated with chronic ea-
tnrrh. In these cases the disease of the
mucous membrane pusses from the
thoat, through the Eustachian tube in-
to the drum of the ear, causing deaf-
nese and Ifnnflus. 'Ilse two go together,
but the noises, being more evident to the
sufferer, are usually complained of be-
fore the hearing fails.
The treatment of head noises is often
most difficult, end not infrequently baf-
fles the skill of the most experienced
aur'ists. The first and most important
thing is to determine what produces the
ring'ng in the ears, 1t the cause can
be found and removed, as when it Is
flue to an accumulation Of wax in the
ear, well and good; but if it occurswilh
deafness due to !»Curable changes In
the ear floe!, the prospect of eonplelc
relief is less encouraging. But even 1n-
Iraclable cases are sometimes cured by
persielenl and intelligent treatment, Of
('curse this treatment must be carried
out under the car of a slctlful physician,
'for there is nothing more foolish titan
amateur treatment of ear disease. -
Youth's Companion.
▪ if liE
Every person requires a certain
amount of oil in his food In order to re
healthy. Oa' ancestors lived, to a large
extent, on olives, filberts, chestnuts,
and other nuts containing oil. The
present generation uses loo little oil in
Ps diet. This can be taken in the shape
(.1 the pure expressed olive ell, as an
emulsified salad dressing, or by eating
nuts, olives, etc. It may be a matter
of choice how the system gets its 011,
Mit a cerdaln amount is essential to the
enjoyment of good health. The good
results of the habitual use of the above
articles in the diet are soon shown,
especially when persons are Inclined to
colicky indigestion and constipation.
Doctors will do well to Instruct their
patients to Ilse pure olive oil in moder-
ato doses, also as dressing for salads.
Various kinds of nuts have a high diet-
etic value, becaue of the oil which They
somain, and can be used to advantage.
When patieels incline to consumption
pure cod liver oil ranks at (Ile head of
city substances, but the lesser oils also
can be taken in moderation. .
Nature_ furnishes many. cures for the
successful treatment of diseases, if we
will but study treatment of diseases, if
we will but study her methods instead
of following fads. The result will be a
greater progres5.in. buildinin up eesisl-
mice and imnnuely from disease.
Cloths dipped in hot, water readily acl
as a poultice and have few equals in
reducing pain. Cloths which have been
(lipped in hot water and then are wrap-
ped around a hot water bottle will inave
all Zito efficacy of those freshly clipped
end rung out, and will retain their heat
rind moisture for hours. 'This is a good
thing to bear in mind when 11 15 (UM -
cult to change cloths every few- min -
ides, Ra when one is taken suddenly ill
in a boarding house or wherever at:
tem:lents ale hard to find.
One of the most healing 01 applica-
tions In the ease of bed burns is made
from raw potato without adding .any-
thing to it. Grate it freshly every time
Om poultice is to bo changed, and, af•
1(r pulling it thickly on a Cloth, layover
the burns. The heal of the burn will
yield like magic to its dripping coolness,
which, however, dries rapidly, It should
he renewed as fast as the juice of the
vegetable evaporates. Burns treated in
this way rarely leave a scar, no mat-
ter Stow severe they have. been.
As usually made, the flaxseed poul-
tice is ail That is should not be -a wet
mass which none can welcome. One
a vv ay of making them is to scald thhe meal
with boiling water, allots to swell, and
then moat to the boiling point. again.
This Is used where something gentle Is
required. To strengthen .Ito poultice
mustard In small proportions may be ad.
clad. The well made poultice Should
he soft and moist, but not wet and hot
The average person should drink about
two and n third pints .of wafer a day,
and ths'e 10 i0 harm in drinking es
ranch as it pini at dinner. lint water.
18 n theliac) aid to sluggish digestion,
and a dr:nl( of water last thing at (tight
end first Ming in the adorning is con.
rluciv e 1,1 good h001ih.
The Nassau flank of Now York has
safe 41) feat long and 20 feet wide.
Many People Weaken :Their Systems try
Dosing inith Potentate) Medicines.
A spring mediel310 113 a necessity.
Nn 11100 demands it as: an tllci to enrich -
big the blood end currying loft the im-
purities that have accumulated during
1110 111(1(or lite of thewintermonths.
Tboustunds of people reeognieing the n1''
eesslty for a spring tnediciue, dose
tllnmseives with bush griping purge.
Lives, 'Phis is n 131lst0he, Ask any der•
ler and he will tell you (hart the use
of purgulive medicines weakens the sys-
Iletn and cannel possibly flute disease,
1n the sprint! the 010(001 needs build-
I5I17 Up-- purge lives weaken. The blood
heu1d be made 11511, reel and guru --
I purgulives cannel do this. What is
I net led is 0 tonic., and the best ionic
'medical science has yet devised Is illi'.
•111i11ms' p
ink !ills.
Every dose o
tip,medicine a1'lI ly motrs new, rich
blood, and this .new bloat strengthens
!every organ and every part of the body-.
!That Is why thee(' pills banish pimple,
1 0nd unsightly skin eruptions.. . That It;
why they cure headaches, backache%
rheulrhntlsul, neuralgia and a host of
(.t troubles her It ul s
that come from
watery blood. That is why the men and
women 00110 UB1. pr, Williams' Pink
Pills eat well end sleep well and feel
aellve and strong.' Miss Mabe! Synnolt,
hale, Ont., says: -"I was pale and
I weak and suffered greatly ieem head-
aches,, and I found nolliilg to help me
until 1 began taking 1h'. Williams' finis
1111s, These have completely restored
my health and 1 bless the day I began
laking them,"
But be sure you get the genuine Pills
with the full name, "Dr. WAliams' Pink
' Pins for Palo People" on the wrapper
!mound each box -all other so-called
pinlr pills are fraudulent. imitations.
Sold by medicine dealers or by mall at
50 coals a box or six boxes for ffi�-0
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Ca.,
Brockville, Ont. .
Man is Not 11111 Only Animal Pond of
Intoxicating Liquors.
Goats, pigs, and mice are especially
fond of intoxicants. Pigs like nothing
better than to drink the "bottoms" of
beer barrels, and then le stagger about
I "drmik /IS a pig." It Is a remarkable
sight to ace a number of drunken pigs
reeling bets( to their sties.
A most, remar]301i1e case of bird in-
ebriation occul'red during the course et
n homing-pigeoih contest. Four hun-
dred and lweniy-nine birds were taken
from Tours to La Iiollalls, France, and
the loss took place at the latter town.
Out of all this Iot only forty birds found
their way !tome; the others were too
drunk. At first the ow11055 of 111e pige-
ons were mystified at the non-appear-
ance of their litlle racers. Then the forty
wearily dribbled in home in a decidedly
drunken condition. They were, In a
shooting state of inebriation, but they
gave t1 clue to the absence o1 the others.
investigation allowed that a mess of
black currants formed part of the
freight of the railway ears. The crate
containing the pigeons had been placed
in the same van as the black currants,
end the pigeons had sipped 111e exuded
juice, wit1i the unhappy result related,
A still more shocking case of bird de-
pravity comes Iron colland. A farmer
ens astonished to hear a most appalling
din one day. This 111214 caused by his
flock 01 geese, every Member of which
was screeching in e, maniacal manner as
11 cut fantastic capers. Homewards
they were coming, cackling, hopping,
waddling, fining enil generally •be-
havdng in an unseemly manner -they
were drunk. Ludicrous as it may seem,
it was a serious matter for the farmer,
as the geese were never fit for anything
again. They used l0 spend their time
111 ;Sleeping off the (111015, when they
were not actually drinking. It appears
that they had found a pool which was
contaminated with the dregs from an
adjoining distillery. They became use-
less dipsonnaniacs,
Even the industrious litlle bee'is not
free from Insobriety. 11 is y0 fact well
known to owners of apiaries that the
little creatures often get drunk upon the
inebriating nectar found in certain none -
es. For instance, there is a species of
willow, the members of• which have
large flowers which form a great atlrac-
Ilon for bees. These flowers ex010(0 a
syrup or juice which is intoxicating. A
1:ee, usually a bumble -bee, will sip until
ft falls down in a stupor, to awaken
Many hours afterwards, stltf and dazed.
Flies, as is well known, are inveter-
ate, little drunkards; shamelessly drink-
ing all kinds of intoxicating liquor's.
it .is the elephant, however, which is
the biggest drunkard. The only thing
which tvill prevent an elephant from
becoring inebriated is the nhsence of
all intoxicants. After an elephant has
ncqulrr-d a taste for alcohol it is n mat -
ea 1
ler f the r . (est difficulty to break
a g Y
the habil, 111 the case of a chows ele-
pilaut which was dosed wIih 'spirits un-
der medial] advice this was found to
be impossible, so frant10 did it become
when the usual dose was stopped. Its
violent, bolnaviour wan queued only by
returning to the old stale of affairs.
Saves time, because ft
makes ironing easier,
11 Saves linen, because it
gives a bettor gloss with
half the iron -robbing.
Saves bother, because ft
needs no cookingjust
cold water. And it
CAN'T stick, Buy ft
by name,
'.?la0fa ! .:
ISSUE NO, 15-07,
Tremendous Sumsinvolved in the 'Work -
Ing Out of the Alms 01
Among the charitable people 01 the
world Bloso of 1lrohit Britain certainly,
hold no mean place, says lundon An-
. ewers,
Nowliere, 11 is said, is it so easy far
a piousal,ln rogue to gain a rlLshoncsl
living by means lit begging, and while
this is undeublectly the case the -sums
steouahpendlbuledous, fol' m•gantzed enmity aro
Only 1•',
1 the other( 55,000.-
000 lay the gift at 76,1,100,-
000 f:'om the fete Mr, \Vhiticy was an-
nounced, and a few months ago the
death of the widow of Mr. Sam Lewis,
(bo money -lender, released for charity a
gre0110 sunt than this princely Blit by
ever 520,000,
These, of Oouree, were relnrcl .gills,
but it wilt be inteeesling to peruse a
few' facts regarding the enormous slunk
dispensed each, year by 1(01041 who glue
poetical demonstration of their sympa-
thy with the needy and afflicted.
Homes pend orphanages with genre,
0115 111e0rn50 exist in every town of lin-
or u
! ace!
n the Ur Ile 1
p t d tin Flom o that
a, I
cast two r
v o mill
Ion's sterling must Le
sent in lh1e way. 6
Dr. Barnado's homes cost n212,460 a
Sean tg keep going, and the money is
Snmehaw obtei eel. The Muller Orphan-
ages -one of the sights of 131'15)o1 -regal•('
nearly 2100,000 per annum. The Itagged
School Unien, founded by the good
T.ord Shaftesbury, spends 431,804 a
year. inaddition
to these ora a score
or more of children's bows in different
parts of Great Rt'i10in wllh annual in-
comes aggregating it million pounds.
Then the Society for the Prevention of
Cruelly to Children finds a305,507 a year
none too big for cls worse. It would Lc
easy enough to compile a long 11313, of
similes. charities, not forgetting the AVM -
emus children's hospitals; but those
mentioned will suffice to shove that ,the
little ones are not in any danger of be-
ing forgotten.
General Booth, as sole finenoiai di-
rector of the Salvation Army, handles
nearly X200,000 a year in its behalf, The
Church Army's income averages X170,-
000 for every twelve months, These
Iwo organizations ere easily the mesa
Imperlant of their class, end lo -day are
h+ 111e enviable positionof being regard-
ed as almost national Institutions. There
are at least 50 smaller societies run on
similar lines, and these cost a quartet'
of a million a year.
It Is difficult to ascertain precisely
what amount Is spent on the hospitals.
A considerable portion of their income
is derived from endowments and from
special sources; but it may be safely
said Ilhat it requires a couple of millions
n year from charitable sources to keep
the chief hospitals efficient. King Ed-
ward's hospital Fund dispenses £80,000
n year, derived from invested securi-
ties, and It is hoped to increase the an-
nual amount to 12150,000, representing
capital of more then £2,000,000. London
conirlbuled A78,380 on the occasion of
the last Hospital Sunday Fund, in ad-
dition. to 424,000 given to the Saturday
Fund. The Foundling Hospital receives
within the region of £25,000 a year for
the upkeep of that famous institution.
the People.
All sorts and conditions of men, wo-
men and ohtldeen are represented by the
hundred -and -one charitable institutions
of Great Britain. flow they all exist is
a matter for wonder, but it is also a
nater for national pride. Generous
Britons of both sexes give ten millions
a year in charity, and the most is made
o' them, for even a slight acquaintance
with the officials responsible for its dis-
tribution will convince the most skepti-
cal of their honesty and sincerity of
Baines do not cry for the fun of it,
nor Is it always because they are hum
gry as so' many young mothers 111111(.
Nine times out of ten baby's cry indtr
cites that his little stomach Is out of
order. Mothers will find Instant relief
for their suffering little ones In Baby's
Own Tablets. A few doses will cure
the most obstinate cases of conslipa,
lion, indigestion or vomiting and a Tab.
let given. now nand then to the well
child will keep 11 well. Mrs. Mary Pol.
lock, Gawas, Ont.; says: "Baby's Own
Tablets have been a great, benefit to my
baby. They have made 111111 happy,
peaceful and contented, when before he
used to cry all the time. 1 have n1050
comfort with him since giving him the
Tablets than I ever had before. He now
sits and plays and laughs while I do
my work. What greater praise can I
give Baby's Own Tablets." For sale at
druggists or by mail at 25 cents a box
Iron The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brookville, Ont.
A good story is told of Rufus Choate,
the eminent American lawyer. By the
way, a. good many stories am told about
11111, but this is a flew 011e, -
Ono morning where ho entered his
ofllce, his clerk rose and said 3 --
"Mr. Choate, a gentleman has just lett
hero who wants yell to undertake a caro
tor him."
"Ah 1 and did you collect the regular
retaining fee?"
"I only 00(31eeted twenty-llvo guineas,
s13," .
1'hc regular fee was fifty guineas, and
1'Ir. Choate saki:-
acci:--"But that was unprofessional; yes,
very unprofessional."
"Rut, sir," said the clerk, aoologeti-.
cn11y, and anxious to exonerate himself
h•nnn the charge, t'I got all he had,"
"Ah l" said 141r. Choate, with a differ
ant expression, "Mat was professional;
yes, quite professional."
Beekem, after a year's absence: "So
she finally gave you her )rand in mar-
riage, 0117"
1. ec15Mn ; 'Y -es, 'i guess so 1 at toast
sIEL 1100 has me under her thumb.'
she Jlonest Physician is Anxious to
Dura and UM the Best Avnll.
able Remedies.
Tho dlscusslon of the bill now before
the Dominion Jlorllamont for tlic re-
gulation of filo nlanu(acture and sale
Of 001(0111 or proprietary medicines 14
one of the utmost importance, and Ls
reeelvtng a great deal of attention, not
only by the proprietary medicine mane,
factures, but also by the retail and
wholesale druggists. Every manufac-
turer o$an elia le 1 ls re -
d In1f, 1 Gas
acedias 11301 anon i:ho bill as a stop In
the 515335 direction, The discussion lies
br'ough't out the fact that the best
phystolane In Canada and on the cone
anent approve of and prescribe Psy-
tabine In cases of the most dlffioult
character, I:$' ..a recent 'instance of
very serious throat and lung trouble
the pa:tient had been using PHyehlne,
Two leading Hatted States speotellsts
ware consulted, in addition to two
eminent Canadian pllyesiclans, Upon
learning what 1110 patient Was using, a
sample of Psychine was tal(en and,
analyzed, with the result that the
h sl
A y aiuns advised tts1 tfnuana
C01 e,
They prescribed no other mecliclne but
Paychlne, with the result that the pa. -
tient has fully recovered and is a
Splendid walking and talking adver-
tisement for the wonderful curative
power of a remedy that will "stand
up' before the keenest professional
criticism and analysis, As a builder
up of the system and restoring all
wasted conditions, Psychine has no
equal, and the best and most earnest
physicians recognizethis fact. "At
the Lege of 26 any lungs were In a
terrible state. I had 111, :510310 the
Year 'before; It Battled on my lungs
and I kept steadily growing worse
till 1 cot down so low I was In bed
Tor six weeks. I had a rgnsultat(on
of doctors, and they said they could
do nothing more for me. Titen. I start-
ed to use PsychLne. I took the medicine
far more than a year, It certainly did
wonders for me. I am now as strong
0A I Was before mar sickness.
" MorDath, Ont."
Iisyall(rle, pronounced SI -keen, Is the
greatest of tonics, building up the sys-
tem, increasing the appetite, purify-
ing the blood, aids digestion, and acts
dlrootly upon the throat and lungs,
giving tone and vigor to r the entire
system.. ,At all druggists, see and 81,
or Dr. T, A. •fitocum, Limited, 170 Mac!
Street west, Toronto.
Excellent Menu, Cords and Other Recre-
ations and Afternoon Trips
to the Gates.
13y the arrest of two escaped convicts
named Grunder and Gerber e1 Ka'ndo'-
stag amazing revelations have been
made regarding convict life at line pri-
son Ot Thorberg, near the Town of
Wassen, Switzerland.
I11 this penal paradise the convicts
did as they liked. They fared sumptu-
ously, liqueurs being one of their lux-
uries, and the accommodating waders
allowed them to visit the cafes and
plazas of a, nusement • in the town.
Grunder and Gerber were the "favor-
ites" at the prison because they had
money, which they spent freely on
wines and tobacco, sharing them with
the other prisoners and. the wardens.Fln311ng their resources diminished,
however, they secured "leave of ab-
sence" holo the prison in order to ob-
tain funds by highway robbery and
T.hey "worked" the entire Emmenthal
Valley, and were returning to Thorberg
with their booty when arrested Both
oonvfots .denied vei1en10ntly that (hey
Intended escaping, declaring that they
were never so comfortable as in prison.
1n Iris defence Grunder related a re-
markable story of life in tihe prison. In
proofof his honesty he recalled that
on one occesi01) Ileo chief warder allowed
hint to go to Wasson, where he bought
ave gallons of wine, tobacco, cheese, etc,
On his return he was censured for not
buying schnapps for the coffee as well,
and early the next morning lie went
hack to the town and purchased two
quart bottles.
Ile afterwards met some fellow -con
victs who were out for a morning stltoll,
and they emptied one of the bottles,
Grunder gave the second bottle to the
head warder, .
Grunder added that -b0 'would never
have loll the prison to rob houses and
travelers it 11e had not lost all his mon-
ey gambling with the other prisoners,
Here is the dally routine in Thorberg
Nurses' & boilers' 0rreasure
hoot reliable medicine for baby.
Used over 5Oyeere. f'fret compounded
by At, P. 1~. Yicault in 1855,
Makes Baby Strong
Restores the little organs to perfect
health, Cines sound sleep, without
resort to opium or other injurious drugs.
At esteem', 2516 hooka $1.25,
1'48tiena1 Oras 0, 0(1:,1,81 Cc, 1,1d,, Montreal
A pure, hard
flour for batters and others de naud-
ing strength, color and uniformity.
(LOUR AND rr,1O. WWI. 05.
HOUSEHOLD 'ALL eueroscs'. rsoue.
Prison, as Grunder end Gerber describ-
ed it le the examining magistrate: -
7 a.m.---fuse; receive Slot wafer htoin
a warder; clean cells.
8 a.m.-Breakfast, consisting of cof-
fee, intik, hot rolls and a liqueur.
0 l0 12 a.m.-Cards, games of bowls
in the prison yards, ocher recreations.
Noon, -Dinner, consisting of soup, a
roast, with vegetables, plain, sweet cof-
fee, with liqueur; wine.
Alternoon,--Wali5 through 1110 1011n;
V(Sit IA the Cafes or an excursion thee
the mountains,
0 p.m. -Supper, followed by a stoke,
and more games of cards,
0 p.m.-Itelirc.
50.110 of ills prisoners objected to re-
tiring lio early, but the chief warder
pointed out apologelicelly that it wits
necessary for the prisoners to make
some conr_essions to discipline. The
convicts held a meeting, and after a
bitter debate it was voted to adhere to
file 0 ()'cloak ru1F
Grunder and Gerber are to be tried
for "escaping," and further interesting
revelations are expected.
The Church of England bLshopric of
,Mackenzie River In British North Ameri-
ca is Ave times as large as the United
11 our readers could spend one morn-
ing looking through the letters receiv-
ed from all over Caladm by the Zam-
13 1c Co,; it would bring home to then
with irresistible lnrce the healing vir-
tues of this great household balm. 011.
women, young women, wives, mothers
and even young girls have something
to say about haw Zan! -Bak did Ibis or
that good office in their beam. Many
el' these writers give permission to
maim extracts from their grateful tes-
timony. From these the following
were taken .at random:
"I was troubled for some weeks with
salt rheum in bands and arms and was
using a salve vv)nich did me little good.
On receiving a supply o1 Zam-Buk I ap-
plied it, and It really seemed to act like
magic! Tho Itching and burning ceas-
ed, andin a few days the sldn was
cleared and healthy" So writes, Miss
le. A. Butchard, of North Keppel.
"Three boxes of Zan -Bloc cured me
of Eczema, from which I had suffered
aof IaIulangnsonv'illtime.e" SoQuo, says Mrs. Gladden,
"Zam-Buk cured a case of blood poi-
son in my fancily, arid I ivisll to thank
you for the groat blessing it has
proved;" is the effect of et letter from
Mrs. Webb, of Dovercourt.
And so one could go on quoting ex-
tract after extract, showing how Zam.
Buk Cures chronic sores, ulcers, ab-
scesses, had leg, dcll, and blood poi-
son; lakes the soreness out of cuts and
burns, and grows new, healthy skin
over injured or diseased places. All
Moves and druggists sell at fifty Cents
a box, or the 1.0)11-Bu15 Co.,' 'Toronto,
will snail tor price.
Tom : "11, as you say, Pea') is such a
jewel, why don't you marry her?"
Jack : "Im afraid there is a flaw in the
mother -of -peal."
The healthy glow disappearing from
fhe_cheek and moaning and restfulness
at night are sure symptoms of worms
in children. Do not fail to get a ba-
th. of Mother Graves' Worm Extermin-
ator; it is .an effectual medicine,
Nodd; "You say your baby doesn't
walk yet? Mine does. Saone age, too.
Your baby cut his teeth yet?" Todd :
"No." Nodd : "Mine has -,all of them.
Your baby tont? Todd ; "Not yet. Can
yours ?" Nadd t "Great Scot, yes 1"
Todd (desperately); "Does 11e shave him -
sett or go to a barber's?"
Sleeplessness, -When the nerves are
unstrung and the whole body given up
to wretchedness, when the mind is Ailed
with gloom and dismal forebodings, the
result of derangement,. of the digestive
organs, sleeplessness Comes la add to
the distress. If only the eubjec6 could
asleep, there would be oilhlon ter a
while and temporary relic!, Parmelee;s
Vegetable Pills will not only induce
sleep, but will act so beneficially that
the subject will wake refreshed and re-
stored to happiness.
)e003100 the Homo of All the Creatures
of the Poep,
. What bec:rinhcs 01 the ship that 81n15s
in mid -ocean? II It is of wood It takes
ilio Asst plaen, 11 considerable tone
for it to reach the bottom, 1D a lam.
fired or more fathoms 01 wader, a quer-
ter of an 1141111' will elapse behere tee
ship 'l eurhes the, ()veto's: bell. 11 eines
slimly, and when the lrotkee is reach.
eu it calls gently into the soft ooze ire,!
with 010 Fra*h or breakhlg, (inen sunk-
enh, a strip becomes the prey of the
countless inhabitants of the ocean, who
swarm (nor and theough ,the greet boat
and make It their home.
1-3:4i1,'s this, they egv(1' every he 11 of
111 boat elle a thick Myer et 11110.
Ibis takes time, of course, and w11rt1
Mie te eolh,l dies another (l conbnuFs
work II hall 1 e
1, l] unlit finally p ship s
V ( 1 .h 1'l, so Y 1 laden
with hervy ul('rushltilms, corals, sponges
and barnacle.:, that the creekh,g 1!n-
( r
tiers fait apart and slowly hut, surely.
are absorbed in the weete et the sea -
Someperworts are more susceptible
in colds Man ()(hers, eanin'artng de-
rengemelllS of the pulmonary organ,
from the slightest causes. '!'hese should
always Love at baud a bottle of 131ckie's
11 1i-ConouIIlpt (3m' Syrup, the present
day se eleigu remedy for coughs. Ca-
h:rl.11 and inflonirnelion of the lungs. 11
will effect a cure no matter how severe
the may 1 tt be. You a nnoi afford ata
he without a remedy like Mettle's, for
it is the best.
At Santa Barbers, California, is an
orchard containing 10,000 olive trees,
3,000 walnut, 4,000 persimrnon 10 (300
almond, and 4,000 °thee fruit trees.
Your Strength by taking "Forrorlra'
tho best Oafs ever compounded. It nourishes
and strengthens tho whole system„
"You thinly your next speech will make
en Impl'ession?" "1 do, answered the
candidate. "have you any new argu-
ments to place before your opponent?"
"No; but I have a lot of new names to
call Mtn."
The Flagging P•,uergles Revived. -
Constant application to business Ls a tax
upon the energies, and if there be not
relaxation, lassitude and depression
are sure to intervene. These conk's
tom stonlachle troubles. The want of
exercise brings on nervous irregulari-
ties, and the stomach ceases to assimi-
late food properly. In this condition
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will be found
n recuperative or rare power, restoring
the organs to healthful action, dispelling
depression, and reviving the flagging
Fifteen years ago the average number
of fatal accidents in the Swiss Alps was
24, Now It is nearly three times that
Put mot the fire in a hot, itching, unhealthy
skin with wo,wor'e Curate. Use it for eczema,.
nettle rash, totter and salt rheum
ilanhurg has more firemen. in com-
parison with her population, Than any
other city. There are 300 firemen to
every 100,000 people!
A Good Name is to be Prized. -There
have been imitations of Dr. Thomas'
Eeieciric 011 which may have been 'in-
jurious to its good name, but if so, the
injury has only been temporary.
Goodness must always come to the
front and throw into the shadow that
which is worthless. So it has been with
Eclectrfc OSI; no imitation can maintain
itself against the genuine artele.
An applicant for the post of mistress
in a country school was being ques-
tioned by those in authority. "Ansi what
Is your position in regard to the whip-
ping of children?" one member asked.
r`iy usual position," she replied, "is on
a chair, with the child across my knees,
face downward!'
Are your corns !larder to remove
than those that others have had? Have
they not had the same hind? Have.
they not beencuredby using Holloway's
Corn Cure? Try a bottle,
Vienna will shortly possess a museum
exclusively devoted to music. in the
modern world, at least, no city, could be
more appropriately chosen for its must -
Col associations. Instruments, MSS.,
portraits, sculptures, and, in fact, every-
thing associated with great musicians
will be represented. The collection will
be especially rich i11 its historical side.
If will include original scores by Bach,
Handel, Mendeissohn, Spohr, Weber,
Mozart, Beethoven, and Brahms. There
will also he o complete collection of
pianos illustrating the development of
btstrumeu1 from 11s earliest begin -
Japan bolds a record in having put
2.000 dons of coal in a ship in 10 hours'
l3eforo yyou gel
garments all
the shrink
is taken
underwear r:
keeps you come
ly Rs well ea
swit aTm,lr
ortteeauib est a
se tllo
r h t a
make 1301110 under, +1
eal' 'Where tarsen
out of Pen -
`a a Ir Angle wool,
i!Qd v
In a variety 'of fabrics, styles 0nd prices
fn ail sizes for women, men•.end
children, and gu rnatead by your own dealer.
7e'1310 TWA.I+AIt(,i LANDS-110'1'IlR'W00215
WSLleldwht district; lLeta propositions
puns on application.. 1.1. D. Parris es 010, Bo 363,
wetaskl e,1 m, AlborLe. ' Q
Ono he down 1,, 100(ly by our Pronati Prooe18. 50718
antrum AMERIOAN 030880 00,
SEONTnZOJ, 501501i'ro, OTTAWA k 411155110
n q�pryry,
0.5 two anp(n,emp Ill lima d,,, so(0 will
cod you a poet Nature of your Ills from the crud!,
to the grave, All Y0tttnre of bu,lna,s Io0o, m,r-
r1,ee l,d be0Rl, mollis told by. its er„tte0
A,trolotoeil,Ilt0, ('0(0,08 ,81an1Wed end ,r.n,ned.
(1007. LEO 4151, 0(00 10, oB100E8ORT, 50Ng.
.n•lC,:ur` SALLA x,nrg o trnhaa,
50 WRI Cs
(k1l1o,SNean,, Hone,
alrroyain 1017.Oso.y,
daunt, Jens Vass,
50 0ia Jens
BIIYp5oOgona (1080,08,
SlNc Zlrmla,'verbentn,
1iooloy Plant, 8,80,1
Rocket )„1mro08, Ice
Plant l;eeualq, Oastor
0(1 yje300, 00717!078,
Cnu ytatt, B�pyw�(ent 5,,..
111,0 Bummer nynclntb,
03800 ny, numminn
Irl, (!t0(110100 0(801
b8r0., 5 by `Bregth
Ozeae all taro
015 eot5eonon °(1O0 0(8
and bays only 30. in
f �Du Oareror0l-a (amp4to
uua 11 aura otr01110 (17004 oanr- only 110 O r"((oo.
CHABLESTOWN MB 10. • CHeellsi005, 11280.
Before deciding where to locate
in the West, let us tell you
about these lands, The best
wheat fields, the richest grazing
land, are in this province.
Write us -for full information
about crops, climate and special
railroad rates.
Local representative wanted in
each county.
Telfer & Osgood
Eastern Selling Agents,
"No," said Hi Tragedy, "I never 10(50
a sleeper when I travel. I don't think
the berths are sanitary, and biosides, in
case of accident—
"Yes," interrupted Lowe Comedy, "I
suppose walking Is safer."
The number of Red Indians in the
States has decreased 30 per cent. !i1 15
De -r Mother
Your little ones are a constant eats i1t
Fall and Winter weather. They will
catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh's
Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonle,. and
what it has done fol so many ? It is said
to be the only reliable remedy for all
diseases of the air passages in children;
his absolutely harmless and pleasant t1'
take. Itis guaranteed to cute or your money`
is returned, The price is 25e. per bottle,
and all dealers in medicine sell 34
Tills remedyshould be in every household.
'r "g
,Mahe of 31)011 Carbon Wire -we'll prove it to you. .- 2 U COILED -net crimped. Tl is
0malroa it utril stronger 11 service. It stays taut. Painted valiTIO over .heavy
I1.&lE. °AG31(3'bYiZfla •-Fr'T,,0)C) C®ivi t1 XV7la 8.$Alt1t"PP,89n
gelvanlzing.-rust Went, Illeperlenced denlors to °tett ((3 Loads all in Bolan
zoo -as in merit. 0 et ilinsthatod booklet and 1001 prelim before buying
`3i entezviont , Tos0radc., RSoxatyeal, tile`, Joh$0. 07AaryaiC+oa�