HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-4-18, Page 5�ikPtY G'Ilf.i. •,.
tip Wee teteinieuo�l teem's'elms ago
1p auu by lit tib„ruu,b work iota tumor.
able deetluge with 100 ha,roae hag
4000m0 one et tee largoet '4ud )oust
wlunlyauown Votnmurelai Unllegee
lu the PrUylnee. i'hu deal to 1 aqua
tie tar uag'inure. Q 10 •ouaraand M.
tV .nen ainiotuutn.gently nxw•edli 040
0ttrllly. Wo u0.int graduates to pose.
))11010, Stadeut4 oro uutorlug eaob 11
week, Cgtelogou true.
144,L0Q PT & Mof,AOHLAN,
i tilt. lt, A. I31JitNS-
hmesO4r to 1)r. J. A Jlts\sut;hlOR
itemesole, Ontario
Graduate otVelyelaau Pen Graduate
School of Medicine end durgery, New York
Member of Uullusu of Obydiotaue and nor -
gnaws of Ootarlo,
011100 and matinee° same as formerly oo.
oupied by Dr, llu Naugbtou,
Diseases of miaow a opeolalty,
'Pheno No. RI.
W 11. MoORACKEt N-
1' v . issuer of Ramage Lioenaee, 00'
Aon *0 Grocery, Turnuerry street, hruseels,
office In. the Poet oaten, Ethel. 00-4
ie prepared t0 give less0 is on. Piano
or Reed organ. Toned on uppliesttua.
Poetuttiuu udd,egu-druooete. Restumice-
Lot 8, Uou. 10, Grey, Pupils ltuy nave their
10080110 at their own beans 4t pret0rted.
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
Agent Howiek Mutual
:Wire insurance Company
()Moe and Resfdenoe-
• sea, will sell for better prices, t,
ovum. Wee, 1n Iona time and less el/urger
Man . any other Auotiuuee, 10 Nat) Sunni e.
he won't uuarge auytltiug. Dates cud order.,
oan always he arranged at tate onlee or ns
perounal application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reaoonablo, galea arranged fol
at the office of Tag Poem, Bruseole, 2iti
• nuuur
.eadue.e of the Ontario Vet
urtuary College, to prepared to treat ail dlo-
00000-of domoo,,oa ed abuttals 1110 e04npet
lint manner. i'ert'•iula, attention geld to
Veterinary Uedt]atry cud Milk Dever: cube
prOloptly 00.00000 to. Whoa and Manua,1
-Four doors North of bridge, Mirabelli sc.
• narrieter, Solicitor, Notary, Pito.
euo.00dor to Li,' F. Blair, Oilloe over Stan-
dard Sauk, brn0eele,- Bulieitor for Metro.
polltau Bank,
• barrister, twitcher,:Conveyancer,
Notary PubIlo, We. 011oe-Btowart's Block
1 door North el Ueu 1ral Bonn.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
PUBW. Pao0n0uo0, K. 0. 8. 0. HAYS
Otices-Those formerly um:meted by Mews
Uam0000 & Holt,
GOngai00,. ONTAmo.
DR. R. P. FEiLD.
Graduate of the Royal tiollege of Dental
BUlgeune of Outar.o and Fh•st-olae0 'Honor
, Graduate of Toronto University. 0110e
nest to drowsr'o Pinimeeapu Gallery,
$ a9c
n NOW Id A GOOD 'lI114 TU
. ��daunts', logo tirade l)'mtuerelo1 re
, and. 0noreb.a.0 Hou u,l, (000 grade- -a
:��-a.0 aro ulw0ye iuoue0xtul. 'elude �y,
. superior )01411'104 o00hiss them. t0
1.x0 and hold uxogfleat pusltl0us. ��
The pupae with gtuuuetrout our
Sabato am hu 011.1 hemi,highest cud boot ��
%genie)mens trainee f.,r duSIAu.. a 1,0,0: No
.00000100.. Uuwm 11001100 Ueta-
Iomu01r0e. IL
W . FI ,.Ir1T'r, Lrmeipul 11
eon YUNeIt MO AciotanDeit om0.
in Ladies' and Gents' Watches.
Be sure and see our stock. It
Will pay you to buy now.
3t5tric[ flews.
IJtt =rave
David 114000er was 111 town visiting
amount; old friends,
Mre, J Oiege and eon visited her
rasher, U. W. Lawrence, of Buihlo.
Jim and lire Or we, er Doebinton,
are viettieg et W. Wray'e and Gen
D ,ley's.
Jas McCallum visited in the vioinity
of Newmarket. He reports the Fell
wheat looking guile brown, and, not neer
ly NO good 0.0 it doe. here.
Abou, 25 ladies of the Missionary
Society gathered in the bseeme1t of the
Presbyterian ohnrob and quilted tour fine
quilts for the Hume Miseiou mum.
R. Mo$enzle hag purohaoed the nom.
pstula settles Beigr0ve, and intends pot'
ting them'. in order an teen 0.0 pooelble.
The W. M. 8., of the Methodist abureh
held there Easter meeting on the Those
day following. A good attendance said
a very interesting and prufl pro-
gram, It added greatly to the pleasure
of elle meeting to have Mies Reid, of
Bruit Church, sing two beontiltel solos
sod lire. Patterson gave a very inol0000.
IV0000ay on Mieetoee •and an senu8mg
••.mtatton on °introit funds. The pastor,
R•v. Rivera, gave some enn0nrag.ng re-
marks on the work. The offering amount
ed to over 96.
Pon Catarrh, let me send yen free, jute
00 prove merit, a trial size box of Dr
13hoop'e Catarrh Remedy It it snow
white, creamy, healing antiseptic bale.
.1101 givee instant railer to catarrh of the
nose and throat. Make the free teat and
400. Address Dr. .Sin op', Ranine, W'1 .
L..rge jars 50o each. Sold by F. R.
(tlor r000.
DIgo -Wedneoday morning April 10th
the writ of Mre. Alexander Machan,
Smith, se, was n0 .ed away from earth.
Her age was 88 yours and 8 months.
Vire. 4m.tb'e maiden name Wet L' e
14 line, youngest deugh'er of John N'!
eon end Wee burn in Busby, SOdtlaod,
r. 18.9 She had two Meters who alar
v r 30 yaare ado, end a btorh r wit
rryd iu the Owtl War in the United
States slid died two years ago. Mre.
4rn.th woe married to her deceased.
*manned in Scotland .nd mune to (len
anti, twit tart In the county of Lanark
over 50 years og n. They then moved to
Vlnrris 0 wnghip and bunt up the]
h me on lot 2 mut. 8. tor. Stun b died 1.
1890 Seven ouudree were born but only
floe are laving now, a dauebter having
died to iufancy and John irl 1900. Th•
surviving obudree are :-Andrew, w
tome ; A °seeder, in Hensel' l James,
on the homeeteed;. and Mimeo Militia.
and Margarr0 living on lot 6, con. 8, of
this townempDeaeaeed Wee a membe,
,f 8t Andrew's ohuroh, B.yth. Biro.
Smith had been a heathy woman ail he
hfe but durieg the pest two months, ISM
b.,8 failed and passed peacefully ewe).
The followed took piece on Friday after
a on from the residence 111 her dauehtere
0. Union 0metery, Rev J. L Small
B A , officiating
MG1BIIit) p
P. MoOnllo, of Loadhury, de ivered 10
lames Archibald a very One mare for
whu,lt be reoeived .9306. '1'hle anima•
weighed otoee to 1,800 Ibe. and.was
e,red by " 0unaght.n lends of three
years, Mr. MoOulla ha.'sold to the SKIM'
hnyer tour heroes, ad hie own raesiee,.
wlvoh brought him the snug nom of
George Henderson, a well known rest
dent of the township of • McKillop, died
very soddenly at hie le me, 2nd Oonee0
Bion of MoKillop, ou Wednesday after.
noon of last week, death b. ing due to
heart failure. The deceased wan 56 yaare
old and ie enrvived by ' hie wife- and
homily of eight children, four sone and
h.urdanghtere. For the past two yeare
'dr, Henderson bee been living on the
Govenlook farm adjoining the Maitland
bank cemetery bat p1000008 to that lived
on a farm near Winthrop. He was pre
poring to move 0r the Hayne farm op
posits hie present loostion when hie
death '000urred. The bereaved family
will have the einoere sympathy of the
oommdnity in the Inge they have been
welled upon eo soddenly to bear. The
funeral took ptaee on Friday.
8J Linton.
Mre. (Rev.) Dr Cook, Of Ridvetowo, ie
vi-itinsher many o d Weed...here.
A Oelobratioirot M,.y 24th will be held..
here under the *00pia00 of the Athletic.
Ae egg laid be bleak Minorca hen
owned and reseed be Mre. Wm, Jackson,,
of town, meatturon 6j:
Rev J 4 Fisher, Lambeth was. in
town palling on hie old friend Rev. J.
Greene Mr, Fisher had conte op pure
pneely to attend the fun ra' of Mr.
E ford.
On Sunday. April 21st, Moa Rev. T. Il
HOrri«on, of L'nntou, will ()teach Sohbarh
Bonenl0l,n,versery oermono in Unterie
treat phuroh.. A public entortalnmsn'
wil toiloW on Monday evening.
While D. 0aatelon 00' buoy 10441110
11900, he shoved about 985 loosely Otto
nue of hie pooltets, and %time lime after
wards discovered that he had the )nee
termite to lose it. Diligent. ['earth failed
o dies any sloe to it,.
The 13ewlr.r', and Portiere by few
pas.ed tr the meeting of, til., 'Omit oil nn
i.tiu 1st, wenthet • olio, .ff• el tors
r.,neOt u 100, ped r "no hr stilt brfm'
at,'Audien,:, 0,.0161 tib l.000101001., b;,
fronsh wliaatley, and: S lips of (Id
and 0.11ta9)0lompoeed.
linrue t,rnu ago W A $Illoneht it
a0wp left here and WOO Wang t Wee., k10 n
h !p0'r80d lu the rl0rghhotheeq of
Seskettoru,, but in making the entry he
for some the on or other leave hit name
aBeh Bnb 0.ljlty woolpleated in
03..,tnd0) Aay'um as bring of uneopnd
mints, lilt wise, who In tee mewnt,un,
It re (4,013 hero, learning what lied
seen ,long, tea to ,tllp.ioaoftiott to
Depertm00t of the ieter100 40 be allowed
00 perfecto the 00401 mime .duties, 6O that
0110 sud her family Inrght have the
beeellt;of the land, ,The Department, on
morning of as soosoo1 0troam-touts,
gay hos until the first of Moy to either
go on tit« heme+tead tweed or put one
on who wort.% perform the bumexteed
demo, and she hoseaonrvd WM. Bender
son, of Iowa, for, this purpox0, and he
lett for the Woes oil 'Pelee lay morning.
The news -No Pure Drug Oouoh 0.. u
Laws would be needed, if ell Cough ()urea
were idle Dr. Hhoop'e Cough Cure br-
and hag been for 20 years, 'rho Nation
al L w pow requires that if any pm00oa
enter into a ae4ab mixture, i0 meat be
printed On the label or paakago. Fur
rh,0 nation mothero and others, eboul,
motet on having Dr 80. pp't Cough Cure
Ne poison marks on De. 8huop'o'abele-
end.none in the modloine, else it must by
law be on the tithe'. And We not only
' ere, but it is said to be by those who
knew ,t best, a truly remaikable cough
remedy. Take no chance, perIioularty
with your children. Instal on havine
Dr. Bhoop'e Coukh Core. Compete
carefully the Dr Shooppa0kago with.
..here and Dee No poison merits (hers I
Yon oan always b0 un the Bate aide by
demanding 1)r. Shoop's Cough Cure.
S'mply refuse to swept any ether,
Sold by F. R. Smith.
Since skating broke up nearly 100
dkflte'of'klees have been broken iu the
rink. 0411 o,,t the police,
Gorrie ha. it again got a jeweller, A
8'ppel, of Folmerete', having started a
Atop in the Vedette: block.
The Hayrick Agricultural Society will
find a 8p ing, Stallion Show 'in V.Otorie
Park, here. ou Tuesday, 'April 23rd
Pr'zee are offered in six nlffereet olooeee,
Imported 01'ydee ; Ounadootf Bred
U ydee ; other heavy draughts as Belgian,
Peron r .0, Shires ; Osrri0ge ; Roadeters
oan B mode Three d,fferent p lzee ere.
offered in euoh Osage, let pr.ze $7, 2nd
pr'z-, 95 and fird pima 98 1 in ah 990 in
prize m0eey, •
O.. Sunday mnreing of east week the.
4pmt of Mary Phillipe, re set of the late
Phos Na -h, paseed'uway to the greet be
ymld, aged 84 yaare and one month, Dd
eased had been in poor beanh for eon
•iderable 00080 end her taking away re
moves ono her of How ok's old pioneers,
who was very , highly respected by an
who knew her. She leaves to mourn ber
loo three d oghtere and two eons, who
,re:-Mre. Carter, of Brendon, Man ;
Mre. W Arden and Mrs E Garrett, of
town ; Go..., of Ekoba ; and 'l'bos, of the
6.11 non.' The. tune,at toolr.pi00e un Togo
ley afternoon and wee largey attended,.
0x0 teeee.
Jerry Ellett wad appoi0ted a village
o 'x1110814).
Sunday avenin the ohoie in the Mein
street ohnrob wee eompooed of male
The Chinamen, who recently . per
'Matted B Meknes laundry. bpeiuese
11040 taker) poeeeeeion.
Ernie, he son of Samuel Hicks, 0.-
beetle,englained a broken ankle by jump
ing fr m the rig when his team became
Rev D W. Collins will preach to
the members of the Exeter I. 0 . 0. F
Lodge in the Trivet) Memorial cherub
un Sunday April 28,11.
The woodwork at the oenniog foo
tory was O mmenoed last week. It to
being done by day labor, Wm. Balk.
loll being the foremen,:
Considerable Complaint has been
made agalo80 the rnsvdyiem- of the
boys at. the North End of the town.
The ..ew y appointed constable, Jerry
Kent) wfl, hereafter look after them
Hermit, the 000ker opauiel, formerly
owned by W. H Levert, of Exeter, now
he property of Mr. Douglas, Woodetook,
is now the champion of Amenia,,, gaining
hat eistinotion at the Dog $how .In
'AI a me.tng of the L '0. 0+ F held'
eneedey ereuine it was Bolded to Inge
a D:•0orttion Day in Exeter . early in
June. 0 bet lodge.) wilt be invited to
inti Cicippio ambit! . 0000act committees
aro formeda date will be set;
Reeve Bolder meted to the 00u11oH
that he had seen the G T. R. ofhoiele
who were here and that they proposed:
spending several thnueand dollars et
tbo station in dramirid, bdildiitg ewitob
ea, etc. The new otetiun lie to be) platted
midway between Victoria street (whiob
ie to be opened) and Station etreet ; a
freight elation to to be ereoted separate
from the passenger station. The Reeve
aleo rep ted regardi, g the visit' of the.
0' P R. omoiale, who took meseneemente
of the town recently, and that the -of '
dolly; had net decided where - they.
would Drops the 0. '..It , it belnif neons.
sere Y W a0y r1 a � T. a
0 h i or
if G} R tear*
underneath ibo break, 1'hs 0x111 tom
taws il
ers at lila Hoptn of bile 0001* or et the
river. The 0. P It. oon4 mutates build
hid gwbribes In til- Bose Taylor Oo's
t 0tgry tend to fiery, y Brew) mill
I''tflt'4ti'Y.1Sty'tr .
Geo Matlliows is eertonely 411 with
pneumauta but 'tepee are en ertained for
big recovery,
Many of the old setl1,0 eay that the
country roads are worse title Bprlug
than they We been for many years,
Bev. , Walleoe Jahnalvn, of Lacombe,
atter [seven yeer0 aboenoe in the Weet,
is vinlO»e his puren'e, S. end Mre,
Johnotnn, and other relatives In and
ironed F,rdwioh.
Whi a ep owing wood Poalmaeter
0il.00,, had the mi0fortmne to ono bee
toot. sad strange to say, the slut ie
preoi001y in the ammo pla00 no a ant he
reoeived 46 years ago,.
John G boom, who hag served bio
apllrentle0ahip with A 0• Hulohineon,
lift for Ethel on Monday of last we.k
Where be will At.tet bis brother, It. G
Gauen). He bee our beet withal. for
apoeeee The perp e of Ethel • end
vioiaily wilt find him ml. right.
• eelettillortll.
The Woollen Mi•I plant began opera.
urine w'bh Mr Lookridko a.) measlier,
Mien Irene Haldeman Iolanda omen to
Aylmer where ehe has been engaged ea
book keeper for J Y Brailey,
Mrs J•'meo Woodier ho been offering
from n very gore Noe,' the result of hay
ing it poisoned by a poie000nn plant.
Wil lam MoMichael Imo p.rohaaed the
reeidettoe at proem 000gpied by W illism
Henderson and the property of 0. W.
Papel, of Os Bernie.
Reginald Bodei,r, youngest eon of Rev.
J. W. Hoddino, of Ohath'm, a former
rector of St Thomas' ohuroh, hae been
i11 in Chatham boopitel for the peat
roar week.] with typhoid fever.
Wiat: ham.
u ei1
P. Buchanan w0. n n o a a n Toronto attend ng
the funeral of the late Speaker 8f John.
The next concert by W tneham 0trt
zone' Band will be held April 19th in the
Town Hall.
The Lord Bishop of Huron' Will 00001
Wughem it is oxpeoted on Sunday,
April 28th, and will administer oonflr.
math n in St. Penile ahuroh.
Wingham will ehortly lose another
good oitzen in the person of Jenne But
too, who leaves for Lnoknow on the flret
of May, taking an intermit with hle
brother in.the furniture factory of that
Albert Porter had one band eeverely
bruised and pat, while at hie work in the
Bele rectory A piece of board breaking,
or catching in the sawis responsible for
the eo,4dent.
Mise Lillian Baer met with a painral
aonidenr. She was eterdmg on a fence
adjusting a carpet on the line, when she
felt herself falling,'ehe jumped forward
and in doing ea, the jar snapped the
tendon of the shoulder.
y 0 W00(1.
Miexev Sarah and Mary Stewart have
rented their property in the village to
A ber% Fox and lett for Ven000ver,. B. 0.,
where their brother Charles reside,.
The Bee of feet meek Paye t -The
whinge of the cement mill was beard
again oil M. nosy morning and ri, ht Biad
we were to hear it. Wo, k in and around
the mill ie being rapidly ruebed forward,
0.,,d the m"oabrotore of cement will a or.
be begun in two rot0rieo. The road bed
et the railroad to the beds ie being bat
lamed and pet to good repair, a steam
shove' will be pureheeed and everything
pet in fires olaee shape to ensure a steady
sewwwn's. run.
Ameeting of those interested in the
Bowing Clnb was held in W. POOP'S
hardware store. Trennerer's r' nor
showed something over 923 on baud, won
one or two 0000unt0 still uneettled. The
e'eatinn'.f oiff»•ero resulted ea f'•Ipwe :-
am Preside, t, R vs A. MeoVioar and
Tl P Weetgole ; Prated, nt, J. 0. Rover ;
V'ae Prea,dent, W N M. Key ; 8 0.
Trees., W Price ; Committee of m'nage
meet, Metiers. Binolair, Anderson, Porter,
Hunk and Erekine. It woo decided to
p Doe the membership fee at. 98.
The Ore engine wse taken oat and the
halftime of the large gas tank was filled
with water. :It took over 1000 ()mile. of
'water to fill 'be huge tank which is nine
feet in height. , Mr Groeih wen able to
empely gas to Howie who had agreed to
nee It and on Saturday night of MOO. We 11
the pliant was in full operation The
light given was quite eatietaolory and
there eeeme no re000.1 to doubt thatthe
bnoiueee men will be 'supplied with a
obese, reliable and brilliant light. We
sinnerely hope that Mr, Currie rosy fled
it 0 pitying venture.
By the•reaignation of Jae. Longmire,
eeetion foreman at Henfryn the G. T. 1Z
has lost one vii their beet men. He wee
alwave found at Its poet, never shirking
hie duty. Sometimes taken away for
weeks at a time on nt:• er rondo, still he
never had *8' 000ideot 01 Aug kind, not
AVING DISPENSED with the Formal Opening,
.We wish o announce to our Customer's that
we are again prepared to show the Newest Styles in
.al classes of Spring Millinery procured from too
most up-to-date Warehouses in Toronto, Chicago and
Detroit. We feel convinced that we can edit the most
Fastidious tastes. If you wish to steure the st'aaon's
b"at give us a' call.
We have also a hill line of Fancy Straw Braids, Un-
tritnlnr-d ' b.pee,• Flowers and Ribbons.
iss Strachan
0.,+v r+4.0'
even it oar oft for twenty years er more,
poneidering the number of men, some.
timet) one had hardly enough to get 044
lrt n r 0 0.w Menne. Al , T,aagmlr0 bps
bought the property on Queen street, At.
wgrul, 8110104 as the Hastings property,
14 sora- ill parkfoto, lie intends unlld.
Jog a 0010 book reeldenee ,hie Bummer, ,
hav}tig all the material ou the ground.
Right Breathing Cures
Slbiple gray to 55011 Catarrhal 1Oerms 10
Nose, Threat and I;unf;g.
The only natural and Oornmon 00000
method known for,be bora or 0atarrhel
troub es le Hy o mei, Iv to breathed
through an 11 gainne pooket inhaler, 00
that tto m ediiat d air raaabeg the
0 .mote air•oeils of the 1100e, throat and
Mugs, killing all catarrhal gentle, moth,
mg the irritated moue m.mbrunoe,
and re,tormg a healthy eoudition.
11 you l.nffe, from catarrhal troobioe,
euuh 0.e • ffeneivebreatb, rai0ing of mu.
omni, frequent sneezing, husky valeta,_
dieobaree from the nose, drooping in the
throat, logo of terengih, epaomo,1i0 cough-
mg, or a feeling of tightneee so,oee the
upper part of the obeet, yon should be.
gin to nee Hyomei at once. It will
destroy all disease perms, in the no0e,
throat and longe and provide the blood
with additional ozone.
We do not want anyon0'e money nn.
lege Hyomei gives relief and oars, and
WA abeointely agree that money wid
be refunded unleee the remedy give0
All drugeixte ohonld be able to reapply
you with Hyomei or we will send it by
mail on ree'ipt of price, 91 00 and every
package le sold with the distinct ander.
standing that it emus nothing unleeo it
entree. Booth's Hyomei Company
Buffalo, N. Y.
Lime for Sale
Just received a car load
of No. 1 White Lime.
Farmers or Storekeepers
by coming to the
Brussels Salt Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
ne o �/
Foreman, • - Brussels.
Application Form
for Membership in the Finset and
hest liminess Training Bohoo] in
, ,anada-Poe
of Toronto, from Jan, nod, next, to-
gether with detailed int,rma1ion of
the greet advantage's to be enjoyed,
will be sent free by return mail ou
request of irieud or :letter.
Wine to -day to
W. H. SHAW, Principal.
Yong° R. Gerrard et0., Toronto.
From Bt.Johu From Halifax
Virginian Bat, April 18
Pu..ioisu Bat, April 20
Vietorien - But, April 27
From Montreal from Quebeo
Ionian Mays 4 0.,m. May
Virginian May 10 0 4.m May 10
m rmisien - MitV 17 4 a m Mny 17
Viotonan May 24 0 am May 31
Vitt Londonderry
Corinthian Thursday, May 9
Proturlen Tburoday, May 16
Sicilian Thnreday,May, e.9
Numdtan Thursday, May 33
For tailings, Bate and tall information
apply to
W. 11. ILIUM,
Agent Aifau Line, Brussels.
Art Studio
If you are visiting' in this neighbor-
hood it would be worth your while to
look up one Studio. We are second to
none and our prices are lower than other
We would be pleased to have you
gall and see samples, oleo tee our large
assortment of views on Poet Cards; They
matte good Souvenirs. Don't fail to
have some.
Enlarging done in first-olaee style--
0rayon or Wator•oolor..
Give n0 a oath.
a.>,,9.:eF�,i .Yn+•••ef kms,,... - ,,.��...,.,.......+......�
to be Stylishly and 'Becomingly Dressed and to
have your Clothing as thoroughly made and as carefully
out as possible is to come here with your ideas,
First-class r i9e i f 1
Workmen 11 w 11 turn he material' which
you choose into pleasing, lasting realities.
Our experience is pretty good assurance that you
will be sorry for nothing and prices are always at the
bottom notch.
The very next time you are passing step inside and
let us (show you our large and exclusive styles in Hats,
Caps, Ties, Gloves, Ready-to-wear Clothing and Clothing
We take pleasure in showing you.
Ferguson & Ross
To the people of Ethel and surrounding country we beg leave
to say we have opened up a Furniture and Wall Paper business at
Ethel. We also keep a supply of Window Shades -orders for
t pecial sizes and colors promptly attended to.
We cordially invite you to call and see our goods as we feel
certain we can please you both iu quality and price.
We would also kindly call your attention to our
Undertaking Department
We will keep a good supply of everything necessary in that line
constantly on hand and all orders left with no will be carefully and
promptly looked after by MESSRS. WALKER LIZ BLAOK, Brussels.
Wreathes and Funeral ;Designs also supplied.
South Side,
WM. H. 0 OtIP y
Red Brick Block, ETHEL
Do you like good Bread and Pastry ?
If so you must bake with good Flour.
1 have in stock now the Celebrated
Puritan Brand
Manufactured by the Western Canadian Flour
Mills Co,, of Winnipeg. Also the well known
Five Roses
the output of the Lake -of -the -Woods Milling Co.
A trial will convince you of the excellence of
these Qualities.
All kinds of Feed kept on hand and sold at Rea-
sonable Prices.