HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-4-18, Page 4howilosidditleiceignel THURSO A J' 41 R. 18 2907 90are Wee loth have elreeel is palls popalatlep a0 Ido Brinell Twee. Ia ibat not lar distant day when Britain Pal a her 811,19 :TOM of r ,ha represent♦ Uvea 01 Arty fmthOn Witte plea. ter 1 ret epopd to the call. Tire PrpvinelelPorliameut will likely LondonMAthndlst 1onferenne vvill Mast At Goaarieh, 00001ode their deliberatiope ter tide a ars Mon thie Weak. 14ike ninny another pantie body 11 they worked bait as hard et the early part cf the Bem n t there would net require to be the mad nigh to gat through and the oanaellption or earrylpg over of important gaeali000 to another term, •• Ie le fetid the aeleuce of 540 noterivae Harry Thaw bee post the family ever $909,000 end he is still in jail branded as a murderer, It be had only been worth 80 Pxn5s the probabilities are the eleotrla eh'.ir would dove eealed hie fate long ago. No great Wee would be in. Stated ou the North American Continent if Harryei puetodioe addreee for the neer 50 years was Lunatic Aeyibm, New Yutk WE notice that 96,000 bee brew set apart by the Loose • Legislators for the perobaee of Sags to fly from the sobuol homes of this country. Almost every• body bouore the old flag and an exhibi lion of it on various notable 000aeioue dues good beyond any question bot whether a bit of booting Hying every day in the year, in all kinds of weather from the Sag pole of the school bouse will be much of an object leeeoo on pat e otiem and loyalty is open to discos sten. The better path/opera should be inside the iudividual, Evert the greed old Union daok oan tie made too cheap. A notable gathering will lake p sae lU Gudero0h in a feW Weeks, when the twenty fourth emotion of the Louder, oonterenoe of the Ale/hodiet ohurob will be held there. 'rhe meetidge will take place in the bandeome edifliee eeoeutly erected by ale North street congregation,. Tee eremitic* 01 titre new cherub () ooted fie mach thereat among the Methodlete of Monsen 0o tarso that et the meeting of the Out Terence last year a geuerel deeire was expressed that the meat annual meeting be held withiu its welts. Auourdiugly North street ohar0h wart ohoeen as the meeting plane pf the eouferenoe for 1907 Tire general sessions of the conference will oommeeoe on Thursday, Mey 30*.. ; but the etationing and other eomtnittee, wt4,neet curing the Sret part ul el. week, some of tb• meetiuge beteg heal Victoria etreet Methudtet aburoh. About three hundred mlpiotere ane laymen will be preseut at 'hie gatheru, . which will beau event of intermit nit only to the Metbodlete but to the peeper of the town g neratly. The program of the oonfereuoe bee beau lashed, and to toliowe: LONDue (JoNreaagOs Pa OMB , The twenty (enrol • region ul for Lon don coulereeee et .h • Al. tbodies aburetl will beheld au the North etroet Methane' church, to the sown of Goderioh, sum weneing on Thuredey, May 30in at 2 p.m. deeded/ Moy 27-8 p. m , meeting t etatoouiag committee ,e V,uturie etree• ohurob. Tueeday, May 28-8 q. m. nominet4,, ennd.y Sohool, Epworth League. met.. .tool sod elate of We work uumm• t o wit. oou.en0 in eoutorenwe oho eh 8 p. m Sunday mound mot Epwonh L'••.,_u auuivereary ( ollaa.mau, Env H J Ute, ; addressee by Rev. .1. W Sarre, B A., and Rev. A. E. M. Thomeun, M. d,. B 1), r neey -Deem W d d a9 -ll e s Y May 2 tinea during coder. aur, a dor Ui .a. it ul Ree. J. R. Gundy, u. D. 8001° an der the dereoteoe of Rev. W. E. 0111.em A than eermou or Bible mediate eau. morning, LION exceeding twin y mutate• in length. 9 a. m., Rev. Dr. Gooey 9:45 a. m., miuieter.al emotion ape„. 4:30 p. m., jubi.ee ; Revs. A. Lan.turo 1) D., Jac. Kennedy, E. Femmes, E Hulme°, F. N Smith. 8 p m. temp., anus mid moral reform unulvere•"y u Vioturia street ohuroh ; ,mane re to A. T. Ouoper and Rev. Wm. K tt e. welt. Thursday, May 30-9 a to. devotion. eervice, S. R ItluVatty, 9:45 . m mite ieriele.eatoo opoue. 8 p in. ednaatiunel ahuwereary ; a Idreeeee by Rev. B. W. Look* and J. W. Graham, B. A , A•eu• ufat,• deoretary of Eaucetion. Friday, May 81-8 a. m , Rev. W. A. Findley. 9:45 a. m., general 5000100 of uonlerenoe. 8 p. m , Woman's Mors, u cry Society, temperau0e and mhe, de e gallons, 4 p. m., memorial service. 8 p m. reception service ; the reeolnt.on it, be moved by Rev. J. Ford aux eeooud.o by Rev. M. L Pearson. Saturday, Sane 1-9 a. m., Rev, A. W. Barker, B. D. 9:45 a. m., general see• mon. 10 a. In., election of examtuieg board. 1.30 p• m., anneal meeting ut Lay men'm Amputation in V amnia street 0hbroh, J. H. Chapman, preeiaeut; ('t.bjeats for dieaoe.ion w111 0e pob-ie..ec later.) 3 p. m., Hinton° Society ; sub j ar, "Tae Genius of Methodiem," by Rev. E. W. Edwards, 13. A . B. D 8 p. m. Tbeaogioal Doiou ; "Religion and Mum," taken by Rev. E. F. Alm etrong, B. D. Bnuday, Jane 2-9.30 e. m., °anteroom: love feast, oonduoted by Rev. A- L. Rq- eel, B D. 11 a. m , urdooatiuu seem"m ty Rev. D. Rogers, preeident of oonferetme ; ordmatiou Ot young caro by preeid, nt. elect. 8 p m., Sunday echuol ; addreeee by W H Kerr and Rev J Thomas, M A. 7 p. m., Rev, T. Manning, B. A., wit, preach, to,lowed by oonfere,oe eaoremen tel service, oonduoted. by Rev. J. W. Hulme, Victoria street Methodist ohurob I1 a. m. Rev. S.L.Toll,B. A. B. D 7 p. m , R•v, E, B Leooe.ey ;13 p m„ Sunday School ; addreeee. by John Kert and Rev. R, B. Beaker, M, A. Presbyterian church -11 a. m , Rev J. Livingston ; 7 p. m., Rev. A. Brown. Baptiet church -11 a, m. Rev. B. Balton B 7RSVW. P m. . G, Huw. Two teliowe wuu rata military arm ameut in Canada and are everlastiuely hiutiog about a prouabie "eorap" be tween'United States and this Domiu,..n are no friends of this land. They should be decked In the lake until their war lever bac abated, What do we want on army for moms to built do m. some of these "war lords" and prouabiy that ooald be done haudier by some old lady with a broom stick and this plau would be wonderfully cheaper. Les he keep to the plowshare and pruning hook ; to the international Convention for the d.eoneeion o1 great questions ; .to:she etrengtbeeing of family ties and re lationehipe now existing between our American Cousins and oureelvee and let itbeunderstood teat the ' tower of dieoord will be so promptly eat upon thatbe will feel as Set as the diorama fultopio he ie eudeavoriog to thrust upon a people who love the arts of Peaoe and Good Will. AN excellent illustration of the broad spirit manifested by Great Britain in its feelings to Gen. Botha, Premier OI tee Traoevaa.l Colony, was evidenced last week ort hie arrival at Soathampto0 and London, Ha 0001ee to attend the Groat Colonial Ooutereoae, although so recently Oemmaoder in Obiet of the Boer army and fighting his beet' against the Britieh, he was warmly welcomed on hie arrival. As the reception committee gathered round him be jooularly remarked that this was not the first 000aeion on whiob he had been surrounded by Engliehmen Sugar catches more Slee than vinegar aud the eweeteniug of words, tempera and aotione in the public administration of testes would do much in adding to the happineeeof life. We anticipate Premier Bothawill do hie beet to sustain and opbnild the Transvaal and his appear. °nae at the Oonfereooe will be not only a noteworthy incident lint a demonebratlo0 of aonOilliation as compared with the. im erione, drastic treatment adme lt er ed by some powers. The Great Colonia/ Conference. Tbie week in the colonial Office in London Lord Elgin and Dr. Churchill, re reeentin the British overu t, P g G men will meet and °outer with the severe Premiere of tbo sett govereing oolomee of *be Empire and a number of their Ministers who may partloipete ill the Conference but who may net vete if any matter should areae upon which a vote ie required. The seven Prettner8 r epreeeut Britain Overseas, the greateet group of slued dependencies of a Motherland that the world hat ever seen, The number of people for whom Bir Wilfrid Laurier, Canada, speaks se about 6,100,000; those repreeented by Allred Deakin, or the , 4 Australian Clove moufemal ,002,898 ; by Bir Joeepb Werd, Premier of New• Zealand, 888,889: uy Bir Robert Bond, of the must auutent °ahoy, Newfugod. 280,000 ; oy General Louts Borne, of the Teetered, 1,854,200 ; by Dr. Jameson of Cape Oolomy, 2,400,804; by F. R. Moor, Of Natal, 1,108,734, The seven Premiere speak for alightly Mr sixteen mldien people, of tenons at least: thirteen =limn are white men, the bu k of the remainder being Reifies of Booth Africa, with two hundred thousand Iodfate Maoris and similar abot•iginee. A11 the-Premiers'are Britieb barn, but not ell are of Britten stools. In the veins of SriWilfrid Laurier there is no drop of blood that is not Gellio. Louie Botha wet burn in the Britt -h 0110 ny of Natal, bat be i8 01 Dutch end Fr.noh Bogueuut origin. Sir Robert 8 •r,d was burn in the colony of whiuh he is Premier, as were also Mr. Deakin and Mr. Muer. Dr. James In le a Soot, Ae to Sir Joseph Wera'e b*rthplaoe, Who's who and other authorities ere enrienely silent, but bio ammeters were undoubtedly Eug,ieli, The Motherland i8, from the population standpoint, two and a half times au big as her children, bat to area they repre sent over atom mi Ila, et the 11,876,745 square miles over Which the Union Dealt flame. I5 is es 0ertat° as to mor • rew'e e0urise that Maeda atone fifty • eon, Seatorlh-Rev. T. E. Bowyer. Clinton (Wesley) -Rau. 0. .1. Moore - house. Dunton (Ontario) -Rev W. A. G,ff.yre, B. A. Blyth -Rev J W, Ribbert Ho.meev de - 1 m. Rio. J 7 Haeenr Monday lane 81-9 a. m., Rev '1', W. Coe ,,c. 9:45 a m , geuer,i ee.etoe 8 p. in., mire,onary anniversary ; R -v. Geo. J oson nh n u r adn ren n b r 0 13 Keemteyeide, B. A., anti Rev. 1'. E. E Shure, M. A , B. D , Aeeoaiate Snore. tory of Mineione, Tuesday, +lace 4-9 a m., Rev. W, A. Smith, 13 D, 9;45 a m„ general eeteno1. It is enege.ied that dl8lnot meetloge be held between the 12th and 19 h of May. Wen the eUpenu endente of ow faire kindly r member the • ff tinge fur the Barbara Heck ,Nemori.1'and pay the tame to the °bairmen at D•e.r,ot meet. tnge ? D. ROGERS, President. I B WALLwIN, Secretary. NO APPETITE. Your Food Dleagreee, You're 1 teed -Lifeless, Skin 18 Yellow. Teu'II Feel Worse every Day Unless You orate lip Quick The Best Treatment is l'urrozune. Every day Domes the good news of weedcrfol cures with Ferrozone. Ill Peterbora it Worked ma1v01e for Louie Meehan, "I had the grippe which left file 1n a very run down condition that finally . developed ince dyepepeie. I was nuable to eat but a few things and bad a graving for said. I gave tip treating with the doctors because they did tot help me and on advice of a friend need Ferrezone. It only oared me of dyspepsia and bdidm• ETHEL. BRANCH W. N. MoKAY, SOB -AGENT. nese, but has built up my strength to what it was before I had the grippe. I can re0onm.nl Ferrozone se an ideel restorative." Ferroz the givee you forge, .nerov, and vim. Is etrengthene th, etomeoh aures indigeetiun, proem, e trend ohm- gueraoteee good health. Thnneande 040 F*rrnzone-ohev all im. pore -get better heath -lore bow e- ft e better ; try it youroe•t-eold in 50o. foxes by all drnegiate. I.tererr W eel. A new time oard will be issued ebordv b, th et T. R. B me important Man, ea in .he retool+ a of trams are look,d for none them b.ing an earlier day train to •9,ratt[rd, ter 2 20 train for the South to -8088 here shunly after, ole. 00 as to make oruee 0otueouun at Stratford with the - •eneh expreee for 'L'oroote, 1'a8Lla Liana! OP.NeD - ('he new Pao b:y L.brcry was upeued to the poblio on Tue-day eveumg of last week. The ante. tor wee well itlgmu,aled by gas an 1 was vin*ed by a large number of a L art, is u h b went ie ill bese 1 o t 'o• Grind. metuber, onmm, tee TO, Me a u , amt the tipper. Sa r is °templed by 1,8 library Bud re me. The Outer wars a 8 bele of concrete b oaks end the in tenor 36 &,,abed ,n natural w'od,etained the oeuelg bean, Suuth.ru pine The fu, utters and marts 8 are of a quarter out oak. A. hot water evetem h,.. been ti -galled fur beatnik. The a rot of the u'ldtne, rkwua,ve of fnrnrehines, is we nndrre,and , neer+, 98.000 When nom Irted with kronen- ...ended and walks tent, the the $10 050 meta fusee by 'Ir. ilernegte, wed very pr.uab.y beve been nerd. Anneal me ting of the Listowel Bow•. e A8800iano, wee he d ort the 4th wet. 4 laree• and e"thun,as,io Katherine of 'wlere waa pre -eel . Fuuow,n. officers w'e elected, -H",, Pr•.13 e', A. F. tfeeL•tren, N, P ; H.,, Vote Preemie.), Jae. Torrance, M. P P.; Preeidetlt, Geo, Bray • V,oe Pres., Jae, Arotay ;. ieoretery, D. 0. Thornton ; Trbr•urer, U L Soon ; Com,untee of M.naprme„t, R Uve-ere, A. Yule, F K tiler, A. 8t. Geo. Rowkwe, A. E. W'unser ; ekyps, Joe Ainley, F Koller, A Yule, A 131. Gen. Hawk,ne, R. 0 bade, Geo. Bray, W. R Logie, J. W. Meyers, 8, W. Fea,heretone, E 0 'L'horntoe, E Gabel, 1. VI 80hu,neuyA E W ode r, R A, 'I rots ; 0 [Mode O.,m,n,t,ee, R. A 0 Imre, Jo n H twat, J. Le., R pronely .eve tri Wee*, ro 0 ,trio Bowling A+a o scion, R A Ohm,e The queetton ho.dmg a to0rt•ameut in the early •mmmer wee nia.•a+end,and will very orahatey ms'enaltz'. The. membereh.p In year 10.ikely ro ea0eed that of Met, Mum it was over sixty. "BLUE DEVILS" Get Bid of Indigestion and "hinge WIll Look Bright ;Bid Soyous. Even in the present era of prosperity sof gond times everything appears b sok to ohoee who are cuffertug . wretchedly from tonne me form of ioa matte k n. Where d' e.ti.. ie , dieesti.. i Die due nom 1000 and quick, p easy there 18 a jay. 08 and hopeful .outlook, o .t e* digestion mime depression. The went of a ante, eff,ot*ve oars for emit h•adeuhe, indigeetiou end olomaoh tr.ublee, was a'way0 telt until the pre eortpuon known 0e Mi 0,11a footmen s l.r wput t b r g was u w popular form and P PP n proved its invariable bin mane in the le meta, forme et indigestion. Atter a few days tree et Me 0028 atom fors tablets t, a headache, dizzy 1 sling, drow01tese bad taste in the mouth, U 'aced toupee, nerv,n9aee0, eleepleaeneee ,4e rem alter rating -art there eymptems r u a weak .W,m al h-wdl dlenppexr end p.rleet digr..l ion and a good e1*,,, wilt -haw that the vital maobtnery ie on0e mor- room 8100 •th,y M o i ua s 00be t itriton before Blore e h aG meal aid it w,ll sem i ate ale eearetivl' aud'dieeetive juteee arid strengthen the whole of the dugeative }latent 80 that the unpleasant fu.l feeling will be absent and Ind 100;012 prevented. We absolutely agree that your money will be refunded ehonld ytb boy a 60. box of Mi o e.a etomaab tablets and not ha sa5ioil.d' with the rebore Min int is Wold by drake,e,a everywhere, or w'" be emit by mai• on receipt 01 price, 50 °rote. Bnnth'e Mi o to Company, Buffalo N, Y Health Insur:' Ince for Women. "Woman's work is'never done." There is always something to do -running up and down stairs, lifting, bending, straining -no wonder the Kidneys become affected. That is why so many women suffer with headaches, lame back, dragging pains through the hips, nervousness, weak spells. When the Kidneys are weakened or strained, the delicate female em le or"a na are dis- turbed and inflame 1, bringing on a train of female complaints. Insures health to women who work. Bu -Ju keeps the Kid- neys strong and healthy, purifies the blood supply, and acts as a gentle, strengthening tonic on the delicate female organs. BLAHS, ONT. I was not able to do my own work in the house, and was barely able to dress myself. My fingers and hands were all swollen up with pain. I think there is nothing like Bu-Jg• Am able to do my own work now with comfort, which I was not able to do before taking BIS -Jai. MRS. JAS. McI,isc1ugz, Bet -Jit is invaluable during preg nanny. All oxpectantmothers should take a Bu -Ju Pill at bedtime, to insure her own health and that of the child. Soc. a large box. At all druggists, or from THE CLASLIN CHEMICAL CO., LIMITED WINDSOR, ONT. 7r t IMPIIRTAP'Y NOTICES QED PEAS ,--•I HAVE FOR ante a ihutled 9uautfly of good mod pea8 at Grein Tlevater, ,8r•uecela, 15033'3. Grt*l5Alrt, I RICK STORE ¶FO BENT 73Y e 1" br•mry let -,.part Of Smith )hook, 22MB feet ; 2pd 4008 from Alllorloen Hotel ; retell umetl tot Milorh,g and gents' 1mruleb- 1, g eotsblimhme,t For rnr5her purtleglare apply to 1111 '51s51i111.Y.NY,.13rueeele• clfitlE',p 11ORN I3ULLS FOR 1� 'nr,,t4 --One wan a year old in Jaemery, 1001, sad the °thee 15 menthe old .prise anituale wed In god uondittpu. Terme ,r, suit l*nlobaser, - JAMMS k3PHIR, Lot 00, 0021.0, d1 urrie, er Bruosele le 0, 18.52 i�OUSE ANI) LOT TOR SALE Uuuneau0lotuon '1urruber*y gtrest&lems eels, 3.•(euseinn maid ea Rime at ouo0 . Pur prim. terms, deo., apply to Iliad, k', SHLI*LR, Walton Ii. O., or to inn Pen, K. 0. T.' M. arenas Tout of the Mleooaboee,. No. 24 bold their regular. meetiuge ill the Lodge I5,(m, basher Stools, on the let and 8rd Tuesday evenings of earth month, A. SO Viet tole 11101110190101)11.10. -Elle, Owe. A. McOIIIRE, 1.t1OR SALE OR TO RENT.- Tbe uuiore,gneu ultere her 100 aura farm; being Loc 20, Ouu. 7, Urey, for Bale or to rent. Cum mrtable home, bank barn, orchard, wells, die. Vann let uuly 8 of a mile tram 0110 btirHug ville,(b of 81cba1 Fur ter - cher Uart,eulare apply to F. 8, eoott, Brae. ante, ur 000. RA'LNI: HOLLAND, 78 Shute* Street, Turouto. • 87-81n YROPERTi• FOR SALE --THE vuderorgued idlers uta b*uee and lot, situate ell Athl.eereet, bruseele, for mule. Lt le well located, a 081,Venlentandcombo: - tante home. Poeees,luu eau be given at 000,, Will ale) deli the vxoaut lot, molter0l 111111 880 wlla,teetll btreete, widen would make a flue tui,diux bite, For further par- twulara a to once, tonne, do., suply to titbit.) AUA.uS, Hardware Dealer, Fore - Bee Farm Labourers and Domestics 1 have been appointed by the Dominion Government to olaee Immigrants front the nuked Meech --m i, porit,oue tor tarot tab- s urer8 or doe emit. ear u t n vunta rachisv tainr t . a- )y;Ansonauu rt quit welt help shoal 1 11•81. * 1. parttime*0or by,,el car 9 wan may ibe atoll pl be,p lie bombers a wanted guy wugeo vaerad ton nett' ure0000. but 08, no eutboie Will to em, all rnqunate hue eve *1 eiy,rt wiltel matin 0 peovwa noon al,plluaut with heel rrquaed. MUMMY W. $LOAN, Oa, adieu Guv.uuwebt amnloymrllt Agent Os•8w till ah P. it, Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Rachel Barnhill, late of the Towuollp of Elmo, in the County of Perth, widow, deceased. Notice is hereby civet', pursuant to Revis- ed Statutes of Umtatlo, 1897, Chap. 129, at d arueudiig ante, rbatall creditor. and othere Laving shy uhumo eguluet the e,ta0e o1 the said B,whot Barnhill, who died one* about the Seventeenth nay of February, 1907. are required o0 01 helure the First tray of June, 1907, to semi by pest, prepaid, or deliver 10 L., ter Wolo,,,, 0! *rte Voiluge of ries ale, or to "erg,r02 Laub... of the Township u1 e luta, In ibe, minty of Parte, Atwood P.O„ the Executors or tun 28,u deueao.m, their Plaistow am suruamm and ad mine with 11111 oar t oilers in 'whine fit their claims, the etsteluent ul their aeeounte bud the uatula. of toe beouritieo (d aa1) bald by 11em. Abu notice ie further give0 that alter the said lust 000110080 date the 80111 Ese0n torr will 01000,1* to dieri)nta the aeeete W 2*1 drawee, bm•+ gett,.8 purtiee ontltled thereto, bavfae rage.. only to tea 0183200 ut widen tsaid0 Executors will u t arae liable Itor the ab000br,r any hurt thereof, to any uer8u0 ur 1/e800301 03 84088 manus 0ottoe libel: not hev8 been received try them at the time of n1tuh d. en•lbnei.m, Dated at oruesele. this 97th duy of 4f0r0b, A D.1907 (;g...) PLATER WA fiON Eaeontora. Maft ualtST LAID LA W Weak Women i Notice to Creditors To 'weak and ailing women, there is at least one way to help. But with that way, two treatments, most be combined. One is local, one is eonstitu• Donal, but both aro important, 'both essenteth Dr. Shoop's Night Coro is the Local. Dr. Shoop's Restorative, the Constitutional. The former-Dr.Shoop'sNight Cure -is a topleal mucous CO men r nD elle suppository nomed , while Shoo 's Restorative ve is whollyan internal treat- merit. easemeat. The Restorative reaches throngbout the entire system, seeking the repair of all nerve, all tissue, and all blood ailments. The "Night Cure", as its name implies, does IG Work while you sleep. It soothes sore and inflam- ed mucous surfaces, 'heals localweaknesses and discharges. while the Restorative oases nervous rvo a excitement, sivas renewed ad vigoz and ambition, builds up wasted tissues, bringing about renewed strength, vigor, and energy. Take Dr, Shoop's Restorative -Tablets or Liquid-•asa general tonic to the system. For pos(1ve local help, use as well Dr. Shoo tlight s Cure On common fences the continuous wire stays are sure to bend and the lecke to lose their grip under continual pres- sure of your horses or cattle. And once they do, the top wire, soon followed by those below, will sag and destroy the °Moloney of your fence. Nothing like that can happen to our Dillon Hinge -Stay Fence. The ehort, stiff hard steel wire in oar hinge•atays cannot bend when the lateral wires are weighted down, owing to their being' so short and jointed at each strand wire. Pressure of a horse on the top wire bringe the "hinges" in the stays into action end preventethom from bending, and when pressure is relieved the fence rprings back Into place again. Tho lateral wires are HIgh.Oarbon Hard Steel and coiled to provide.for expansion and contraction by heat and • cold, and aro oleo crimped at the intereoet ion of the staysand strands to prevent the stays from' slipping sideways -therefore 110 100k8 are needed. Bay the Dilloh Hinge•Stay Fence. It'e "twice es strong," Twice as good an inveetnacnt. Catalogue tree. The Owen Sound Wire Fence Co,, Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. WILTONilirgfArK (11 QILo.E.PIE, AGENTS In the matter of the estate of George Patterson, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, farm- er, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to "The Revised Statute. of Ontario," 1897, and amendments t heretobut t all ore ,store and • chore baying a elms fleetestthe said George P,ttt01'aoa, who 0104 nn11or about the Twenty.eaveuth day of Moron, 1907, are ie• aui,ed rte or before the Fourth day of May, 907, to seed by poet. Prepaid, or deliver to A -b. Macdonald, of the 'Village of ntneeele, in the Collett of Huron, Sollottor for James Demme,, N. wry 2.11, and JrespL Whitfield, Mouorleff p 0 the Nxeoutnre of the last will mid testament of the said deceased, hely Ohrf.tan ane bornane• addreeee e Il de t 1 seri *tone• the full their +m of to and e n t the f the menu t rte (2 an) uta and heuutnreorthe eeourities Of any) held by .hem Anel lather take notice that after such act mouthy ed slate the said s,aeeu'ore will roeeed 10 di,tri.ute the aesete of the de. eased °monger the parties em till, d there.. tv;he ll a regard only to the claims of wteob rte t ell Y shall to have unciae el o Chet the said ce ts, or nye will note liable for the roma wb or any pa.t1b, h 1to,.t ,oro t n 1 00 se'claim m hail nut bush earn rreeived by them at the time u1 bout UietrWut,nn. Dated this 9512 day o1 April, 1007. A, B. MACDONALD, 10.8 Solicitor for Isaoontore. Synopsis of Canadian) Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS ANT even num.:tred eeoeion of Dominion Lauds in uwntoba, deekwtobewon and Alberta,osehu,ieg 8 and 28, not reserved,' may be homesteaded t,y any pole •o who le the mile head of a family, or any mete over 8 yearn of age, to the ,.ateut of nae -quarter eotou of lOO a0,05 more or lege Entry WO he made personally at the "cal laud oin rte for the dlotriut in which the laud is 8ltnate, Tne homesteader le required to perform ,beeo"ditin • a uoaueot0,1 therewith under nun of tile. t •Iluwl ie pia ,a: 171 At laaet .1a mi.utbt' rem (Ieu0o npou bud oult'r, stidu ul the la l to aeon jeer mr three years e re) It Min father Or mother, if the la, her e de00008,1 of the hoinoeteaeer retitle. tweet It term lo the S'lol ity et the land nttiredler the , equ(r.m, 500 as to resit. dehuo why be as i -.fled by euob forma, re. .id*u wlte the totuer or mother - (3)8* the Tattler tam lila permanent nasi. I donee opo„ farming laud uwoad by him n the victut0y of his hemeetoad, the re.. quir,:meetet u9 to residencemay be Male. lied by 100108, 08 upon the sent lane, eiamou5b8'n,l*ee u. 82,018(5 *.haul* be give, to tLe Oun.ude.iot.er of Duwluiou Lemli atOttawa of tete:awe to ap ly for T1epu,y of ibe , r.ulna. 10,l. B, Cu n,111 a la„**u, . 1 lnalie 0 rt o.3 ttillss lid. Vertlsem0nt will nuc 8e pard tor. � 'Y'L,wWx,nr a M LbBPU3tit9R11 ANIy AQMgRTIQB.. 1lttra beep appeluted by 3110 Dominion One r0n+ent to ploue immigrants (1041 the United gin snow ie, i l site 11s eft farm 2811e, arena or id. et srrvau18 10 title vlobllty Any Any legalro,9 Wen troth 81101114 0041• 11 n)a by (atter xut4iay fully tu- Mud M help requlrvU what wa0trd lt''d (inner, offerer t hp upliber0 urrlvlug buy not. bo xu0lu ill to saltily tell rtgneeta but evry etfurt w111 e umde to' tot Vida each epua11o,.iUl with tetl,rrgtlred 0111001111111 V,ruut09tN' O3, t Agent 52.1y ilrOesela tete MONEY 70 LOAN QN IrAF7d? PROPFF?TY. hate of rittereat 51 par root 31er annum, Aret LIFE AND FIRE INS. AGENT 1Jtoelelor Llfn luenranoe company 2'118 eeptity Piro Ineetelese Ooni npy Alt buehles0 et1e9,013 tepromptly.' H. R. BREWER, J. Pi Clore 4111 DIvielon Court Collars to Fit Your Horses what you want to do the Heavy Spring Work. flee our curled hair cushion faced Collars, all guaranteed. A trial will eouvincr+ yin] -of their merits. Our single Harness is par- ticularly worthy Of %o(lr notice just now as we have a nice range of Robber and `Olid Nicl(le trimmed,. all our own make, or will be 'Lased to build to your order 'ream Harness of any style you may. wish. Tr*,i ks and Satchels of all hinds in stock, also Rugs, Whips, ,writ Collars, &c., at h,west prices. liepaire in Harness, Collars, &c., promptly done. I. C. Richards ,% iler Flour Mills Th. nlideri,igtaed begs leave to intimate to the Public that they have purchased tliewell known Flouring Mi : Ir+.m Mr. W. F Stewart and will be pleased to he fay.,red' with the_pdtreuage of the public. Best Brands of Flour • and Feed kept in stock Dur .dim will be to Phan our Patrons 'ling pp Telephone No 4 if you desire anything in our line and have not time to call. WM & R. vN W -i. iJ L �, • � � �.L., 3.. vl BRUSSELS BISIBIMMIBI0•lOr,® SPECIA L VALUE IN Dien r Sets - A T Geo. Thomson s BRUSSELS "It's All Ridht" CAMPBELL9S VARNISH STAIN The orldinal and ,only. real Varnish Stain For Re -staining aid Vornlshing Furniture, Floors and Woodwork Prepared In • ."-• COLORS POPULAR COL ORS for sale by