HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-4-18, Page 1teemeeeele•weeeeel
Vo 11:5 No 41
New Advertisements.
Well Potter- jas, Pox.
Rt: te lost- W J AleCrackert.
Assignee'S salve -FS Seott,
New Well paper -V. R • Smith.
Dillon fence- Willem & Gillespie,
Netices to tired tory- W. M Sinclair.
Well bred Mullions -Scott & War.
Wm, Thornton, of Bluevale, has re-
turned from Detroit from attending
the funeral of a niece, Mies Myrtle,
daughter of Wesley and Mrs. Thorn-
Rev, G. W. Revers, 13, A , B. D., of
Belgrave, will preach Educational
Sermon"; next Sioulay, a Bluevale,
Ebenezer and jolinston's appointments
On this circuit, Rev. Mr, Baker will
go to Selgrayein exchange.
Tenders are being asked for the
erection of the new brick church to he
built by the Presbyteriau congregation
here. They will be received by R.
Black, Secretary of the Building
Committee, up to 3 p. 01, on Teesday
3001 int. The plans- and specifica-
tions may be seen at the office of
Messrs. Duff & Stewart.
LEAGUE. -At the annual election of
officers for the Epworth League of
the Methodist church, held last Mon-
day evening, the following were ap-
pointed Hon. -Pres., Rev. Mr,
Baker ; President, C. Higgins ; est
vice-pres., Mise Pearl Beker ; 2nd vice-
pres, Mrs. (Rev.) Baker ; 3rd vice-
pres., Mise Mettle Hall ; 4th vice•pres.,
Mrs. J. Stewart ; Sec., Jas. Maeters ;
CoreSec., Miss Annie Stewart ; Treas.
Roy Patton ; Representative to the
District Z. le -Wm. Manly.
WftI ton.
Miss Christian Rea is home from
Stratford Business College baying
completed her course in Shorthand
and typewriting there.
Johnston, who has been visiting his
relatives lu Grey, called on a few
friends here this week. Mr. Johnston
has accepted a call to Ilderton, near
London, -At the last Public Library
committee meeting it was decided.
starting May ist, to have the Library
open only two nights a week instead of
three as heretofore. Wednesday, 7
to 9 and Friday 4 to 7 p. m. -'rhe
Sovereign Bank have bad their new
fixtures put in which are the most
modern. The back part is also aped
np we sleeping apartments for the
manager and staff. -Rev. E. G Powell,
of Brussels, conducted Educational
services in the Methodist cnurches on
Walton circuit last Sunday. Rev, Mr.
Currie filled Mr. Powell's place in
Brussele.-Wm, limigle the popular
proprietur of the Mateo Hotel, hes
disposed of the hotel poverty to. Mie
-'rhamer, of Milverton. The price is
said to be in the neighborhood /If
$4,000.- Joseph Me rugger' and
nuttily, of l3srst idji, Minn„ Are Yield ng
Oran Mcereggart.-Mr. Breathe/M.
f searorth, w48 visitor et Mrs. L
MoDonald's this week. -It is reported
that Angus encCuttig, who eeoentle
sold his farm near here to P J, Ryan,
has purchased the 13e11 livery buelnem
at Blyth. If so we wish bite success,
75 cents secures THE POST to Jan-
uary tat 108.
The Ethel cheese factory will cont-
inence operations on the first Monday
in May,
The subject putt Sunday night in the
Methodist church will be "The singing
of the birds."
"Baron 13Iack" was a prize winnet
at the Spring Show at Atwood this
week In the Clydesdale clam
The Women's 1Vliselouary Society of
the Methodist church will hold their
annual meeting in 'the church next
Monday night A splendid program
is beiug prepared. Rev. and Mrs.
Bonet, of Atwood, will take part in the
UNDERTAKING. -Prompt and care-
ful attention given to all orders for
Undertaking. Our telephone No. is
28a and a Call will have our im-
mediate response. Our prices are
reasonable and satisfaction always as
stared, Special attention paid to
cavity end arterial embahning fot
which we bold diplomas.
LIVE'S BACK YARD. -Spring time
has arrived. It's cleaning up time
but don't tidy up the front yard and
leave the back yard to its fate. Our
first and beet efforts ought to be made
in uur back yards We need
our back yards clean and beauti
ful as well as our front ones for we
look more out of our kitieben windows
than we do out of our parlor ones
Sonne don't like others to look into
their back yards for there are no
flowers there but only disorder
Everybody has a back yard to his or
bet- life and it is the back yards that
count in life. Most of our dangers 13e
in our back yards in life Cut out the
weeds of neglect and discouragement
which chokes the green grass of
thanktulndss and trust Throw away
and hnru up the rubbish of past fail
ures and defeats which contain the
germs of life, future, disease and death.
Most of life's helpful netts comes from
the hack yards ot tife. lehere is where
the gardens grow and where life's fuel
is manufactured. Beautify . its sur
roundings with a few Rower:, of noble
We buy direct from
the quarry and em-
ploy no agents
We have received a car load
of the best Scott!) Granite.
Also a car load of best
Vermont Marble.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
in out, xibgek,
Wilson & Zunter
Will Siand for Sell/lee for the seaBox
Of 1907 at their OW11 8401E4
I(A.PLAN is 115 of the fneteet Stellions standing for service in Canaria and he is
sego u, good gaited home, havitig got his mark itt a race without hobbles and
only trained by a trainer 1.5 2i mouthe. No other horse got so feet a mark with so
short nettling. There is no other horse better bred to produce speed. Eighty of the
horses with 2.10 speed trece ti 1114 g. g dem (nerve Kaplan has a rrght by Miter -
italics to produce speed mid will surely do so.
flontimmt who have been using him know whet he hne.produced and
) those who have not done So can gee what lie IsAreducittg. 13515 bred in one
of the most fashionable strains at the present day which is the Ilanibletoniane and
KAPLAN kande at $25,00 and COSTUMER at $15,00 to inure,
aoott So Warriolz, Pro-rietors
IVISIIDS. to thank Ids Patriots of the litet 80 years for their pitronsge in hie black -
eine him, lin ioe-s 111.pcs to wive entisfacti in the furore as he IIs tried to dri
in ion rtieu mi. alto ntion psi,' to ,hoeing both heavy and light beiges, Up
keep 5 first -0141M Man in hie employ to immure eatiefaution to all eueteinere.
ambitions, generous iuteutions end
beuetyolent energies thet when in lull
bluern they will„beautify and Leeds the
hiveor others. Don't live too close to
vole back yard hence, lionle never
see over their re ee, it is to them the
/unit ot their horizon. Don't shut out
the beauties of tee itinclscape end the
glories of the blue eky by platting
Inuits to your views, Breeden yew'
mental visit/a and spiritual horizou.
Exteud the powers of your mind and
!ware Live fur e. "roomier universe,"
E. F, A.
We were very sorry to learn of the
demise of Mrs. George Robertson.
16th con. Grey, who paid Nature';
debt, gone unexpectedly, last Mouday.
She wee well known in this neighbor-
hood being a daughter of jno. and
Mrs, Sanders, old residents of Leis
locality, A number from here attend
ed the funeral on Wednesday after-
noon, Interment took place at Brus
sels, Genuine sympathy ig manifested.
MOE rime.
There will be three auction sales in
connection with the Kelly estates, the
dates being Wednesduy, Thursdsy and
Friday afternoons of next week, April
24, 25, and 26.
Harry Duncan, 4111 line. will have
his dwelling veneered with cement and
will build a cement driving bouse.
Work will be done as soon as weather
will permit. George Barkley, of
Brussels, has the contract.
Robert D. Curry, formerly of the
sth line, has left Echo Bay, Ont.. and
gone to Sault Ste. Marie, where he
has aecepted a position in Speirs
grocery establishment. He says the
Spring if very backward there and
weather keeps so cold that the Snow
has not all got away yet,
W roxeet
hero Rise -Wednestlay evening sad
nese rested on our village when it was
learned that Isabel Gibson, beloved
wife of W, 5. McKercher, had beeo
called away. She had been in failing
health for some time and the end came
eacefolly. She was 46 years of age
and was married to her now bereft
husband in September 189t and leaves
2 sons (Stewart and Robert) and a
daughter. (Agnes), to mourn the loss or
one of the kindest of /pothers. Funer
al will take place lenday afternoon to
the Wroxeter cemetery. Widespread
svmpatht for the bereaved ie express
NEWSY Nores.-Jas. Paulin jr..
leaves this week for Treherne, Man. -
Miss Alice Hamilton is visiting with
triends in Stouffyille.-Mrs, Geo. E
Uaue, of Hamilton was a visitor in the
village last week. --Chas. Hindes spent
Sunday at his home in Harriston.
Miss Ada Johnson, of l3russels, visited
at her home here over Sunday. -W.
R. id and family left for Lucknow on
Friday where they will visit for some
time. -John Orr, of Winghate, was
in the village on Monday, -W. and
Mrs Howey have arrived from Mint.
Asssignee's Sale of Farms, Farm
Stock and Implements.
There will be offered. for sale by Public
Mullen at 1 p.m. sharp, on Wednesday, the
24th day of April, A. D., 1007. at the South
ludf of Lot No. 15, Oen. 7, town -hip ol
Morris, being the lands and chattels of
Martin Kelly, Patrick Kelly and ?lima
Isolvents. The chattels consist of
lion -es, cattle, omws, about 25 young °little,
pigs, hene, tarkeys and other fowl, also lite
usual farm iMplementil. Everything mu -t
be sold to wind tip the estates. The f ollow
Mg lands will elan be offered for sale :-The
south 34 01 Lot,. 14 and IS, Oon, 7, Morris,
The West 5501' the North 06 or Lot 14, Oon.
Morris. The South 34 oft East M of Lot 16,
Con. 7, Morrie. All these properties are in
excellent riondition, and have good bnildings.
TIMIS or SAL2 t-Chattele-$5 and under.
°WI. Over thet ainount. six iltunthe credit
on furniehinu approved joint notes, (l% per
annum off tor caslt on credit amounts.
LANDs-The above Nude are offered for sole,
subjeut to the mortgages thereon. Further
particitlers will be made known on the day of
mule, or may be obtained from the under-
signed. A..13. SAL:DONALD, Solioitor for
Assignee ,• F. B. SCOTT, Assignee &
Assignee's Sale of Farm, Farm
Stock and Implements.
There will be offered for sale by Public
Auction et 1 p. m. on Thursday, the 25th day
of April, A. D., 1007, at the North f of Lot 19,
Con. 8, Morris, being the chattels tuid lands
of W. John Kelly, an Insolvent, The Chat-
tels nonfat horees, colt, cotvs, pigs, n 51 eat
many fowl and the usual farm buplcments.
Everything must be sold to wind up the
eAntes. The following lands will ale° be
offered for sale ;-The Norfh A of Lot Ill.
Con. 8, Moreie, and the Kest twenty.flve
00105 of the North 34 Lot 12, Con. 9, Morris,
in all one hundred and twenty live neves.
The lauds are clay loam, in Brat class condi.
Mon, with good buildings. Teens 01? SALM •.
-Ohattels-$5 and ander, mai. Over that
amount() months credit on furnishing ap-
proved joint notes. 6% per annum off for
WWI on credit amottnts, LINOS ;-The
above lands are offered for sale, subject to
the mortgages thereon. Further particelare
will be made known on the day Of sale, or
May be obtained from the undersigned. A.
B. MACDONALD, Solicitor for Aseignee, F.
S. SCOTT, Assignee & Auctioneer.
Astelinee's Sale of Farm, Farm
• Lock and Implements.
There will be offered for Pale by Piddle
Anotibn at 1 p. m. sharp, on Friday, the
26th day of April, A. D., 1007, at the North e5
or Lot 8, Con. 8. Morris. being the lands ana
chattels of William Kelly, and William Kelly,
Jr., eneolvente. The following hinds will he
offered for sale i -The fern, property is the
North 34 of LeoS on the gth Wm of the
township of Morrie, containhig one liondred
nores ofland. Ale0 the West A of the South
-1 or Lot 2, eon, 0, Morris, containing forty.
time acres. Also the South • or the South
of Lot 2, and the Smith twenty live Rettig or
Lot 1, both in the tith Con, 01 Morris, contain
ing to acres, Those are all desirable farms,
In splendid condition, and With modern im-
provements. The Chattels are 55 follows
6 homes, 11 cows, 8 steers, 16 yearlings, 4
tutivem ; 82 year olthi,•pige. hens, fowl und
great number of farm hnplemente. Also
gime hey, eats end 905.5. Everything must
be sold to wind up the estates. TERMS Oe
SALO :—Chattels -55 and meter caelt, Ovee
that amonnt, 8 months credit on furniehing
approved joint notes, 097 off for Well on
SI tIhi Anionnte, LAMA ilbotor lends
are offered for elle tirth4ei•t to the mortgages
thereon Norther par; molars will b,. made
known on inediiy re the sem, nr any he
Warn twd frt. it ;lei underelein cl A. 13
,31A0D0NA 0, mott-ti or .er Aisient 5, le S.
1400ar. AbSigliOU er Auctioneer.
— -
township and have moved to their forin-
er resideeee CC the Gerrie road, -A.
Mel.wan is having his barber shop
puttered and painted this week. -W,
Troughton ie at present nes/sting A.
Pauli in hie liver+. hueiness.
eel1 en,
A change of businese is mooted.
Rumor has it that a new brick block
Mae be erected this yenr,
Constructiou work for the new brielt
building at the Hill factory is being
delayed by the backward weather.
The other evening a special train
was ron to Blyth from Witigham to
accommodate a company who desired
to attend an At Home given by A. and
Mrs, Mclelurc:hie,
The railway rumor is that as soon as
ballasting is completed oft the P. Re
new line that the regular train service
will be extended as far as 13lyth. It
can't come too soon.
An effort is being made to organize
A jnint stock knitting factory here
which is meeting with considerable sue
cess. If eligoort stock is raised the
town will be asked lora loan of fils.000
fur a terra of years. Blyth is waking
A number of Blythites were at
Brussels on Tuesday attending a meet -
leg of the Kelly creditors. Prospects
do not appear very favorable for large
dividends and there 'may be trouble
for some before the case is finally
Thursday of this week the induction
of Rev, Air. Small into the pastorate
of St. Andrew's church, Blyth, takes
place. It is hinted. that the new
queen of the Manse will come from
Auburn the pastor having decided to
go into double harness.
CS r a, „
Regular preaching service at Bethel
church next Sabbath evening when
Rev Mr. McRae will preach.
Miss Beatrice Armstrong, loth con.,
, has been holidaying for a couple of
weeks with Constance friends.
At Atwood Spring Fair W J. Coop-
er took the red ticket on his fine shire
etallion. "Childwitec elatherton "
Mrs Geo. McIntyre of Buffalo. N
Y., is visiting at the home of her
!pother, Mrs Jno McKinnon, 8th con,
William and John Inglis end Adam
Patton, sons and stepson of the late
Robert Inglis, attended the funeral
last Saturday after000u.
Mrs. Wi. Ronlv. of Toronto, who
has been visiting relatives end friends
at Ethel visited her cousins Mrs. John
Sanders and Mrs. George Robertson
during the past week.
Miss Ella McKilition, 7th con'left
on Thursday of this week for Bruce
Mines where sbe takes oharge of the
primary department of the public
school. We wish her success.
The Fulton Dreln By• Law wee read
at the Council meeting last Mondast
and will be dealt with on Mee 28th
in Court of Revision if appeals are
entered. The total assessment is es-
timated at $2378.60. Drain deals with
nearly 20 11130 00 cons. 14, 15 and 16
rhe eo acre farm of the late Joseph
Knight. East lot 15, con, to. has been
sold to Willie,» Smaildon, welio owns
the adjoining so, for $2.500. This will
give the purchaser a fine Too acres
now. Mrs, Knight will continue to
reside on the Farm for a few months
until she definitely decides where she
will make her home.
Miss Etnylene McQuarrie sailed
April Toth, per Baltic. on a trip to
England to visit her sister, Mrs J. G
Fxiihis She will he away two or three
months. We wish Miss McQuarrie a
pleasant voyage sad a safe return.
She will call on Miss E. Welsh and
other friends in New York Miss Mc-
Quarrie is a daughter of elector and
Mrs. McQuarrie of Grey township.
Monday Cora Sanders, beloved wife of
George Robertsoti, 16th con , died in
her 24111 veer, leaving an infant. Thew
were married 3 years aeo. The funer
al took place Wednesday afternoon,
Reeds, Messrs McRae and Armstrong
taking part mn the exercises. Deceased
was a fine young woman"' whose de.
mise is sincerely regretted. The lady
was a d,ugbter ditto Sanders, toth
Curter -eete -Wednesday afternoon
W. 1-1, Baker, gth con., and Miss Susie
Rowland, of Henfryti, were united
in marriage and will make their home
no the farm recently purchased from
Edward Campbell, lot 33, eon. 9.
May their jots be many. On the same
day Trio. Ellecott, 14111 con„ Elma,
took -Miss Esther Baker, con. to, Grey,
as the sharer of hie jrws and sorrows.
They will reside in Elnut. We wish
thene many matrimonial blessings.
Morris Council Meeting.
The Council met pnranant to adjonrn-
mein in the Council Room on April stb,
Members all present, the Reeve in the
elude. Minute/1 of last meeting read end
oneermed, Jan Murray appeared in
rap! euee to et outlet for a tile drain at
lot 28, eon, 30, On 'notice' ef
how rind Taylor, Mr. itioCuteheon was
hi-trueterl to a Mend to the inetter. Copy
rT th e Engitteer's report on the Env,,
D. in wee reed by the Olerk. 0,i motin
.f Messrs, hi altii chenn Red Cemphell
the Aimee mentioned report was adopted
end the (llerk was inetruated to prepare
o By-law in anew-a/tow therewith. The
Engineer's Report on the proptteed Cole
drain was receivt-d mid nit motion of
RIA Welt, 1110 sI, mo was
nrderei tn he rote at next oeulteil meet,
Ing of which the iniere--ted pa, lies will
have due eotiee. 011 motion of Misfire,
Campbell and MeOutoheon Mr. Shaw
WAS instrimted to inter iew the Commit
of Grey in respect to the rirriennt of
money 01l hisrul foe Ihe Oneeteneti-n
of eighwey meyoret 1,1 the Morrie portion
ef the toment Arun. 0 mine of
Mesas/. Toler mid CeeePeell the 0ouuoll
deelded topurolume foie get of moulds
for melting oeineut nee The foliewhig
toements were ordered to be peidl-etno.
McCaughey, rep/di-leg oulvert, $8,50
T, Hell, debenture forme, OA; JMO,
Thylla, gravel, $2,10 ;3. Miller, ()given.
$3,00, (11) motion of Oampbell and
Taylor the Reeve and Treaeurer wee in-
etruoted 011 b.,rrUrr /4.000 to meet ourrent
expeudittne, On -motion of Marrero,
Shaw and MaatUniteen the Clout/oil then
adjunct/ad to inset again on May 27th
uext for (loud of Reviainn and other
busineee, W. CLARE, Clark.
Brussels Council.
A apeoial meeting of the O"unoil MLR
called for Tuesday evening to look over
the new pl511.1 fur Oernegie Library
building received from Arobiteut Irelaud,
etrinford. Considerable time waa upset
in the discussion of them, several mem•
bele the Publio Library Board being
pie ant. The question of the jurisdiction
of the COUBOI1 to deal with the Library
mending wee discussed at some length
atid the final week wan a motion
moved by le. Graham, see tided by
8, T. Plum that all plans, &o„ be
heeded over to the Library Boiled. This
was carried and the meeteug adjourned.
1‘,: the Editor of THE PONT 1
DRAB Enrroxe-I take this opportunity
of penning you tt few limn with regard to
our trip to and prospects in Moose ,law.
Leaving Brussels on Tuesday, March
19th, with a carload of eettler'a effects,
for P. J. McDonald, in which Was 8
homes, we arrived in Pelmeraton at 4
&Moult, p. m. Leaving there it took us
until 12 a, m. Thursday to make North
Bay, Here we unloaded our homes and
fed and watered them. Loading spin
we left about 7.30 p. ns. for Sohrieber
where we arrived about 8 a. m. Sundey,
having had a fast and dangerous run
through the rock., from White River be-
hind an intoxitetted engineer and being
aliesed by an eItgete.0 train ethrise head
light n onmilig round a curve, (which
are very numerous between these
stations') shone clear in the beck of the van,
One man riding on our train had hie
ROD, who was about 10 years old, le Ili,
arms fie itbont two boUrS ready to jump
if the express mime too oloee. On come
ing into Midd eton the freight slacked
epee& the breekman, jumping elf ran
ahead and opened the gwitob, he no
warmer had 18 olneed again than the
express went peed like au arrow. VS,
was all due to our engineer 1 -tinning past
Littera. At Sehrieber, which ie a email
poen nearly sarromirled by ruche, we
4paBb Sunday miloacling Im. rsee and feed-
ing them. Hay coat us $24.00 a ton.
The snow at this place was over 4 feet
deep on the level, Here we also sew a
lot of dead home, mei valued at $2,500.
We were told that the freight which went
out on Saturday going West with a train
load of Battlers' effects, bad a head-on
colltsion with 11130 her freight and 49
horses were killed. Some others getting
loose got away oub on the lake and were
drowned. Leaving Sohrieber 51 6.30 p.
m. we arrived in Winnipeg at 8 p. m.
Tuesday, where we met with a blinding
snow sterin. Again unloaded our horses
and found that our car had to go to the
reedr shop so we were delayed until
about 6 p. m. Wednesday. Leaving here
it took ns moll 10,45 p. m, Friday night
to run to 51no,-e Jaw, a distance of 398
miles, arriving too late to unload our
he gee neeP. J. McDonald, who had gone
1,11 ahead and secureda nab',, bad almost
given up hopes '1 Oa coming, so we had to
put in the rest oI the night 10 the car,
Our horsea were beginning to get pretty
tired and cranky having been on the road
for 10 days and 11 eights. In the morn-
ing we unloaded them none the worse
when they got a rest. We were just 2
weeks from the time we left Bne•sele
nodl we bad car oar all unloaded.
Noose Jew, ia the 'argot oity in Sas-
lottebetwen, as -hown by the Dominion
mimes, token atute 24th, 1906, population
estimated at 7000,. It is a divisional
point an the night line of the 0. P. R.,
898 miles West of Winnipeg. It is the
terminus of the Soo line direol, from St,
Paul. It is up-te-date in civic govern-
ment ; having municipal owned water-
works, sewerage end electric Heine
many miles of ranolithio wslka, many
blocks of solid brick bnildings, six cher-
tered banks, one private bank, a daily
and two semi-weekly newspapers. roller
mills, goee Itotole, bait --olionle in the
Provinee with 21 teitohers commodious
011IW011eti, OLIO of which pi/me tot yet
completed matte $86 000 and a mood
general hospital. Merchants in all lines
of business carry a complete stook of
goods, stioh as dry goods, groceries, boots
and ehnee. gents' furnishings, hardware,
farm implerneets, lumber and buildere,
suppliee, flour and feed, drugs, stationery
and harness, An extensive and fully
equipped meolible ahop and local black-
smiths' Owlet attend to all demands in
their lines. The city is surrounded by a
rich agehmltural district, comprising a
million and a half eons. Lends in this
district can be purchased from real estate
agents in Moose Jaw at from $10 to $40
per nem Lit/ea/el supply good teams
with driven, for intending settlers to look
over lands, The Y. M. 5', A, is hailding
1 terga np.to.d.te huildihe this Summer
edeling $75,000, The re P. B is spend-
ing half t in their yard's which in-
cludes the Melding of is large hotel, eitti
imitedytt 8176.000.JYravel lees Ray that
Withal; a doubt M7inse Jew in a few
y nem will be a teemed Waage. The
weethei here i's pretty oold-'end !stormy
yet the snow is ell gone in the 01 y but is
very deep in aorne planes on the priirie
yet. The e will be it great bnoin when
the merenry g es/ up. Boatel is high
ousting 56 a weak for board end room
but we have a hone° rented and are
boerding ourselves. There it, 8 of us in
Sin finnan, P, .1, Ruseell tied Roy Mo.
Doettirl, m,i firinwels JerrieS A miersott,
and Wi Sam Pr.iser of filtlevele ; Mao.
who spent the Wieter at the.
Oeuedieu See, mud formerly of the 12th
eon. of Grey; Lytele Eaten. of Melee'
worth ; aed Myna from Jere/et/town,
so you tee we have one hones well repro..
eeettle front those parte 10 MQ000 Jaw,
and as we have en up-to-dete batter in
the person of Boy MoDopahl, we fere all
right. We can board for about 55.50 e
week. We are going out eometime in
June to look for land, going South about
et) milee. Theoking you for apace in
your valuable paper, I will perhaps write
itgain end give eon details of 005 land
seethe g trip, I remain, Yours, eto,
01148. W. Riese,
Moose Jaw, Sask„ April 12th, 1907,
lertmeete School Guard.
The rapier meeting of the Brussele
Public School was. held in the Board
Room on Friday, April 12th, Members
proaent D. 0. Rose, R, Leatherdale, Thus,
Farrow, Jare,,Elliott and J, Skeue,
Minutes of last meeting were read and
adopted. Moved by It. L. Leatheidale
'wounded by Is, O. Roes that the resigna-
tion of Miss Downey be accepted.
Motion carried, Moved by D, 0. Bose
pecended by Re Leatherdate that the
expellees 01 .1. H. Gemara', to the Tot-
outo Convention about increased grain ,
amounting 10 119.00 lee paid, Mutiou
Moved by R. Leatherdale, imoonded by
Jas. Elliott that HISS /3„ Hendereun be
kept on to 811 the place of Miss M.
Downey until Mid -Summer. Salary at
the rate of 9350 par annum. Motion
Moved by D. 0. Roes, secouded by B.
Leatherdale that this Board sell for
tenders for a 80 ton ear of eeg Mal, rail-
road weight, to be delivered is the ileiud,
Tenders received up to May the 9th.
Metion curled. Board then adjourued.
3. G. ra-UNE, Betsy.
— • -
To t e Editor of Tun Yon, :
Dmilt Sta.--Well we struck rather hard
look this trip as there is nothing doing
here juin uow and not much sip of
Spriog. Weather is cold, we had 01 520
below zero since we mew and a shower
of -now every few days. Snow is very
deep in the country and is about 8 feet
deep on the roads yet. Hard frosts every
night freeze ice strong enough to carry a
home, Every place le full of teeter
when the sun ie out a while, and there ie
lots of sketiug in the mornings. Our
horses came through pretty good as
they were 11 days and 12 nights o0 the
road. We cannot get out to see the lane
where we intended going for about two
mouths as the water will be so high When
the snow is gone, that is if it goes this
eummer, and the grass was all burned
last Fall so that there is no feed for
horses. The trip is too long to carry
hay enough so we will have to leave it off
till the grass grows. I have been ad-
vised by Commissioner McKellar to wait
till the first of June as there is plenty of
good land there yet to be surveyed and
cumin be all surveyed this season.
There are 17 in our warm from Brus-els
and surroundings. A very large amonin
of building Is to be done here this Sum-
mer, the largest in the history of Moose
Jaw is the repo t but all is very
quiet just now. We are all well at pres-
ent. Wiehiog you the same.
Your friend,
P. J. eloDoteme,
Moose Sava, Sask., April 902,
The Bible Society Collectors bevy been
making their annual rounds.
The Methodist Sabbath School Brun
eels last Sunday contributed $80 00 to
ward the Chinese Fsmine Fund,
The Annual Burnley School Convention
and Bari Decanal meeting of the Dean-
ery of Huron whi be held in fit Johne
rhumb at Brussels on May 7111 and 8111.
Rev, Mr. Currie, B. A., of Walton,
oeunpied . the pulpit in the Methodist
church here Ian Sabbath and gave good
diem/areas. The pastor was at Walton.
Last Sabbath 29 nominations were te
calved in Melville ohnrob for le,dership.
8 to be cameo on Sabbath, 28th mete by
That will constitute 11 Eiders
for the congregation. -
"John the Septiet's question of the
Lord" wag Rev. Pule. Wisharee topic
taSI Sabbath morning in Melville church
and in the °vetoing eOtist up the high
way, .kon was the texe.
A. resolution of sympathy to J. W. and
Mra. Simmons Rod daughter was peewit
at the Methodist Sabbath Bottom last
Suedey fleeing reference to the reoent
dumb, of Olara Stamione, who was a
loved pupil of the Reboot.
The W. 0. T. U. eireolated re petition
in t wn this weak aakiug for the entire
gumtrees& n of the este or gift of intoxi-
(MIMI sed °plum to the native rattan.
of the far Eget. Petition was forwarded
to the D minion Government.
Next Sunday the local pastora will
deal with the Lowe, Day Alliance work
and Elebleath Obeervence, Contribution
veil be asked for the furtherance/ of the
canes. tienmoribere of 60 oente Red op
wards will receive the Lord's Day Ad
voorite for a year.
ANSCAL Matscete.-11fonday evening
the animal meeting of the Methodist
&Otani School wee held, the pastor,
Rev. E G. Powell, in the Omar, Tho
Zenon -ere] report (thawed nearly $50.00
In band ager all expenditurefor the
year were met. $12,65 was aunt to the
guilt Obildren'e Beepital ; $80 to the
Chinese Famine Fund ; and 510800 to
81,e -tone. An interesting diseusaion
was carried out 88 to modes and methods
tor the entitling year and l•Forwaroll will
be the sehoolle motto. Crinisers were
elected Re helmet; f-finperintendent, W.
Itt Kerr; 1.01 Et Ito& , Joe Banter and
Mica Minnie eleNsoghten ; Secretary -
Treasurer, W. Leatherdide ; Ant. Seco
W. A. Damien end Ohas, Hingston
Papererians, Mime Lizzie Downing and
Eve MoOrancen ; Contioatot of Orchestra
H. L..Itteksoit ; Organic», Mies Bertha
Armenong ; Auditor Mies jbele Molten -
en. Teaohere, B. Gerry, B.iley,
W I -1,K -QtRR, Prop
Mra, A. J. Lowry, Iniett Intohatten, JSiqa
Hunter, Met, bigegaiay, Ailey NAPO
Martha Smith, W, 11100raokon,
Rime, eetee Nettie letitchrlf, Cheater
Armetrong, Will, Mooney, Mise t8abol
Zimmer fled Miss Carrie niageioo.
Men/tent teeohere, Aire, Aiolay, Dire,
Diemen, dimes Downing, Ford
end Coetee, W. J. Feweett, E. Smith and
The euperintendeoVe ettb-
inet will be composed of the pastor,
aneetant superintendents, Secretary and
13, Bailey, It was Mended to leave a new
cement sidewalk put down from gateway
to sohoel room entrance to replace the
o/d board welk. A a/taint:0mm vote was
plumed to take in the /mourn Mountie*
to Kincardiue. B. Gerry and W. E.
Kerr were appointed a oommittee to
further the plane. The Orobeetra Was
thanked tor their faithful and velvesi
servioes during the year. $8.00 was
voted to the S. ti. Extenaiop Fond. B.
Gerry hart been an ffteer or teember in
the school from ite organization some 60
yesra ago, W. 11. Kerr is enteriog on
hie 27th year in the pohool loud his
26tb me Savant/tendon. The outlook
frir the school is MOO hopeful.
We, MoCauley's aloe ranted over 1120
by an Autograph quilt tor Mideiene and
have the quilt to dispose of yes. An
entertamment in the interacts of, the
aehoet wilt be held ahortly,
Shanghai, April 12.-Telegreme re -
Calved here from twenty points in the
famine dietetic report thee the conditions
are growing woree.
The Chigoes Goesrament and people
up to date have ciontrIbuted over 44,000-
000 for famine relief, and the snips re -
arrived frum MI foreign Femme eau half
rnhtlhoo dollars, ineludiug the supplies
on their way here from Amerioa. The
Chinese Vteeroy and Geveruor telegraph.
ed to -day to the &Merman Connie Mr.
Rodgers, their shanks for the relief mot,
saying that it ie diesipatiug the anti-
foreign seabiraeoll which formerly animat•
ed the rametree.
There are fifty roiseionaries, with the
higher otaes of Obluese, engaged in over.
seeing the relief dietributiou, Oonfuoian•
,ele, Catbones and Protmtante working
together. The telegraph officiate are
carrying free ell naliesages to sod from
,he relief works, and the steamship aom
peuiee are furnishing free transportation
for supplies of food, etc., intended for the
'thonsand famine sofferere are
employed in building dame and canals to
prevent a reaurrence of the &ode.
The relief Committee here is prompt.
y sending euppliee to the front, but the
funds are nearing exhauetion. All the
relief momenta up to date are ln.
aclequat e. Ten million persons are
suffering from inadequate aupplies of
food, and three millions are nearing
The m mbers of the committee at the
front report that they fled the bodies ot
the sufferers bloated, end that their facies
turn green or bleak as the result of
tarrattoc. The people are pulling np
dile growing Grope for food. Whole
familia/3 have been found dead in their
nonage, and corpses are seen dead by the
roadside. Probab,y 5,000 persons are
dying daily from etarvation. A few
case, of rioting for food have occurred,
and cannibalism is beginning to be re-
ported. Newly made graves have bean
rifled of the bodies, and parent are ex-
changing their ohildreu to be eaten.
A. dollar, the Relief Committee reports, ,
wilt stow one iife until the harveet, June
25, and $10,000 000 is. needed. The
situation is 00 -p -raw and Americium are
ureed It. give three million dollars in the
next three weeks, not for Chrietian, but
for humanitarian work.
It is suggened that it would be best to
oable money to the American Oonsul
hers, James Linn Rodgers, as soppliee
can be purebesed in Shanghai,
On Wednesday of laet week P. H.
Douglas left for R gine, to resume hie
positron in the Northern Bank.
We are pleased to hear that Dou. Mo.
Lean has been appointed principal of
the Cargill chop at a eatery of $600.
Mite] Pearl Toil has soured a wheel
'n Ftealierton and left for that plum
where she intends remaining until 8014-
Summer holide.ye.
Dr Wil: Sloan left ter Toronto, from
here he 501,3 leave for Ungatte, where he
will repreidee a 0001981,7 10 prospecting
for Mina, ale Robert Sloan joined his
brother at Toronto.
At the olotte of the prayer meeting one
evening reeently te the Methodiet aural,
,be ptetor, Revs AtidarSOn, WW1
egreea biy surprised With addrees and
presentation of $50 111 o55 wine from
his oorturegation. The address was read
by 8 H. Geiley, and the presentation
made bv um irewn.
The London Advertiser of April 511,
gays ; -The death of Perry Bradwin,
removee a young num who heti been a
weil.known resident of Me oity for the
pen ten peva. Mr. Bradwin had been
in only sines the prewous Monday. At
noon on that they he wag compelled to
give up wont, anti later it developed that
he wae eoffertug from plearo puetunonia,
Mi. condition became enoh eon be Wail
removed to tbe et. Joseph's hospital
on 'Nationale% but it Wall nob until
Thureday morning that hie ease wits eon.
tittered critical, The deceased Brae born
at Lyndon, Out., 82 years ago, and for
the past ten yeare bad resided in London,
where be was employed by tee T. E.
Mate Co. wee a prominent member
of the Liberec Otne. Ho is earvived by
,hle invents., Joseph and Mrs. Bradtvin,
of Wteghem, and 'live brothere,„. Frank,
05 Hamilton ; ElWig of New Liekeard ;
Lorne, of Seeketoon ; Peed. Of Ketnloome
and A. E., of dm Galt 'Reformer. . The
teninine were taken to Paris for inter..
Veer Cobalt mines were galtrantitled
en ammunt of au outbreak of seta lime.
Simogesiob duties et 4100,000 were rd.
indeed front the mate of the hits Seuatoe
Mrs, Rands, Mini kditude MoNanglaten, Fnlford,