The Brussels Post, 1907-4-11, Page 8io.u.restutisatteeLitoca4
Beautify Your Horne
Our New Wall .Papers
will do it.
Piny, faded Wall Paper makes the beet furnished room loth 0110.11hYt
Make your home bright and cheery with loth Wall Paper,
We have all our new Weil l'ape r (Tema un 014 the naw a(g4igUa a434
riltil ooloriOge will please you,
If you went a iftical Paper We hese them in the Emboased Patterne,
Combivation Patterns, Stripes, Tapestries god Noire Cellioge, If you
wain a °beeper Paper we have pretty patterns how Co a roll up.
Being ioo the menauremeute of your rooms acid you oan get an estimate
of what it will 000 to paper them, You will fluid our prickle moot rea-
IUse Formaldehyde for the prevention of smut on grain. it
fresh supply jdst received—Large bottles 40o ; Mall bobbles Blie.
Aracallteitv Plus
A ohiel's among ye takit " notes,
An' faith he'll prent u.
Langan cap for top of boggy box lost
• between Brunel.' nod INaltou. runlet
' will oblige by leoving, at Tug Pon, 13rue-
• DON'T forget the entertaiument iu the
Piletbodiat mutant Thursday evening 01
this week. Miss Irons, of Toronto,. wnl
present the program.
Da. Bine Vistr.—Dr. Butler, the
Louuou 16o Speotailet, will be at the
Amerman H.otei, Brownie, on Wedoes.
day, May 8812. Glenn eupplied.
Tam is the time to baud up the system
with Rival Herb lauleta. Solo by both
drag stores to Brussels • W. Q. Neal,
Walcott ; and A.. J. W. Helm, Uranbrook.
(.1atipe8/d)s Varnish Statue =Mee a
spieunio numb toe bah ati81 doling them
flours. They ooma in light and dark oak,
also in cheery, odabogemy, etc. Ask 111o.
Ray Straw.
GEM= Bammex Is moving hie hone
haok oo his tot mutt will utiiise it for n
stable after the flue hew resithium be own,
• templates ereocing ie oompieted. The
site ie a moat destrable one for a house,
AT the thincou Bpritig Fair Met ween
are. Scott do Warwiek, of Brunie,
were awarded let prize for bees pacer to
Manse ou the grenade mid also the
red tiniest for best roadster stallion under
16 bends.
.tVinx, TEACH no EMIL—WieeCarrie Ma -
°mimeo, of Brussele, was the ohoioe 0811
of 22 appiication, of unetees of It school
in Bona townehip, ea arousasor to Air.
Love, who had reeigued, and commenoed
work Met Monday morning. We with
her stamen itud bedeve she will make a
good teacher.
Tag Reeve imposed a flue of 15.00 and
ooete on a•bibutoue youth reeentiy. Good
behavior and orderly minima ts an till-
parative neoeesity and those who meddle
with tanglefoot and forget therneelves will
have to suffer the oonseqoatiees. This
'should prove a warning 10 others who
may be dieposed to get gay at timee.
BOWLitio.—Laee Friday evening the
anneal orgautzition Jointing ot Bros.
eels Bowilug Olub wae held. The tee
is QS for old membete anti 52 for new.
The Bowling lawn will be pat in first.
oloae shape. There ore a lot of good
beet growers haa been made at last.
bowlers in town. Officers were elected
Mneantotuas—The Exeter Times
as fellOwe Pree., T. Farrow; speaks da 101181,98 ot the marriage o! F.
Pree„ A. 13. Xaodonald ; Vioe Pres.,
B. Durdle, of Bennie to Mtn Rook :—
R. Leatherciate • Stioretaryareasurer,
A quiet bot pretty wedding was solemn.
W. L. Leatherdale ; Managing Com., R.
ized at the • home of ears. Geo. Rook,
Bonex rug, blot* mi one aide and fig.
n red ou the other hut between Brunele
and Oraubroelt sideread on the 16th
eon. Finder Will meth oblige by inviog
it W, .1. AloCrecken'e groury, Brae -
Exthaerthe mo Galina the 22nn
Mt, the following persons met in the
G. • T. R. Dietriot Pn.euenger Ageut's
°aloe, Torouto, to arrange for the anon'
B xeursione to the Model Feral, Goe'ph
-.-JL 111031111842 Settforth ; R. Garinder;
Farquhar ; It J. Neloon, Pttia ey ; R. M.
'Knee, Carioca ; A. S. Don,CII Rimy te
J. E. Wtareer, Port Elgin and W. 13.
Rem Brussels, The 'dates seleutem
Friday June, 21st for Hist Hume au.
South Huron otetrous and Tuesday Jun
25th for North Brooe. These popular
minas will no doubt be as :largely at-
tended in 1907 98 20 any al the past rare.,
The Experimental Farm le au Matthew ye
es well tid U. delightful Men to speed a•
day, Special Exoursiou trains will be
run of whitth full parathion wilt be
peen in cur coarse.
PoeT SOMPTs.—Over 300 subscription
have been sent to The Weald,
Globe Ghia year by Tao POsT.-
61.00 seating Tug PusT end the Giube for
the balance at 1907.-12ohool Board Fri•
day evening ot this week.—The Hein
Fair Thursday of Ian week earn:eta
a large crowd notwithstanding bhe into
roads. Big prioee were paid for horses.
Brussels ?deathly Horse Fairs are keowo
far and wide. They will be resumed
next aa usual.—illesers. Sent ,
Warwick, Brunel'', took first prize cm
their fast patoug e1e111o, "Raman," at
Blyth SprIng Fair last weak—Prong*
foot bait matohea have already taken
plaoe on Victoria Park by the small fry.
—illaoolbee At Home Friday eveuiug of
this week throratheing at 8 o'clock. A.
masioal aud literary program wilt be pre-
sented and Muth served. Oue of the
Supreme Tent Offieere is expected to be
iu actendance.—Publio &bout remitter:
operations ou Monday, ail the teachers in
their plaoes.—Additional local news on
page 5 of this isene.—Next Monday at
10 o'olook, a ruestitig of the neither', of
the Reny estate Will be beld to A. B.
blaollonald's law °flies, Brussele. Quite
a number are fietheiany iutereated iu the
rneeting.—The suowatorm of Ian Monday
rather gen a bleak eye to the eeriy
Spring prediotione. Better weather will
nu doubt follow,—It is said the logo de.
toyed settlement with some of the sugar
Downing, D. (J. Rose, R. P. .Fend, 1381
Meth, J. .Rowland, ?Ligon Mo. Rookwooci farm, 2nd Ooo, Usborne, on
Wednesday mormng March 27th, when
Atter and Ed. Earley,
her daughter, Auuie BIanab Wad milted
FOOT Bard,.—The mantle' organization in marriage to Fannie B. • Duthie, Bruit.
meeting of Braseele Fun Bali Ulab woe eels, The ceremony wee performed at
held when the following °M0518 were high noon by the Rev. A. E. Going. The
sleeted for 1907 ;—lion. President, A. bride, who was dreeeed in point de esprit
B. McDonald ; Preenient, J. F. Rowland ; over white caftans, trimmed with
Sea -Trete., R. 1). Utirdiff ; Manager, Iee. duelling Ratio ribboo, looked handsome
Ballantyne ; Managing Committee the as the bridal patty entered the drawing
above oftioers and, R Browu, 0, Quarto room %raid the streine of Loheugrin's
and R.D. Cardiff. The letter was elected wadding meth played by Mies Mae
to attend the annual meeting of the W. F. Wood, cousin of the bride. The cera.
'A. held at Stratford on Good Friday. Bras- molly being over the gluten to about
eels will pay in the toterranilate series thirty sat down to a dainty dejenner,
and will be able to 501,8 lively 80801 111 the After ample justice had been doue, Rev,
field aithough several of the old etemdbye tdedag milled upon thoee preseut to driuk
• will be 018411005 900 will not easily be te. to the teen of "The Happy Couple,"
placed. Brunie bas lead many an 002. Thetnet wee drunk with eotimetaam
- timing team a busy ran. and after the applease bad nand, the
H. 0. B.e.—rhe Huron Club of Tor. groortt thee and responded In a fow •welt
onto, having Would them theme for the °bona worde. The bride waa the
Seminar mouthe, have 880810kind letter recipient of many handeutne presenta.
of thanks te 1118 58800 of the old Canny The groonals mit to the bride was a nee
for the eupply of papers during the of pearl banned tea knives and frolic
Winter. Tan Poet le pleased to know The•bride's mother layered her with a
that the Boys appreciated the home newe costly buffett. The brate'd goingmway
thtia furnished them. The letter oosteme was of black moth hat to motel),
ecichithis item, which to of general io. Mr, and Mrs. Curdle a,nid showers .of
tercet oonnection with the Huron rice and oonfetti, 'eft ou the e0ening-
01d Boye' A.seornation, might say that train for Bruesele where Mr. Durdle ie
We hove made arraugemente for oar An. conducting a cteamery buoineee,
Lual Excuraton to our native Jounty,
Which will be held on July 6 8. Two
',perdu' trains 01111 leave Toronto at 7.80
m. July 6, the official train rousing
to Winglttn, the other to Goderioh."
Roger S. (hooker, dee, H. 0. .12, Asan.
sod Linton Club.
Pedant, Awa.—Tueeday of this week
the spirit et theta Viotoria, eldest dati.
People We
Mies Verde, Pollard, of Ethel, woe
vieting her nettle end aunt, N. and Mrs.
alcUaulay.—Mies Bauhelder, who was
here for three weeks tettehieg auk work
for the Ontioelli Co,, left on Monday for
Listowel where ebe will instruct a elan.
1012108 01 J. W. and Mre. Stmniouee 2.8. She had 53 pupils here who were greatly
bert atreet, Brussels, was betokened away. pleased with her instruetion.—R. W.
Her demise Wad not oulooked for aa she Jewett, Boo of Wfo, jowjt1,1310,llotig, will
one been deolming in health tor, over two ,ake to proepeetiog tem to the West to.
;nears. kihe woe to her 15th year and ward the 01060 of April.—Chria, 15111100, 811
was a bright wtheinne, Jamie who bore 2010080, fOrmerly of Braseele, woe in
her extended illness with great potation ,own for a few days this week.—Mre,
and foctilude. The elan Ouzo was a S. Baltic], of Teeswater, was visiting her
member of in the 'Methodist Sabbath mother and Meter in Braeeela outing
Sohool undertook to ruse au amount for Easter bolidaya,—Frook Ham, of Luck-
Malelens and although unable to get, to now, loft lest week for Winnipeg where be
hundoy School demoted took hold of hes a position, Re ie 14 formerBraseelite.
the work actively in her home and eno• We with him well.—Peter Fergnaon, eon
ceeded so well that 510.00 of the 520 tJameeFerguson, lett on Morality for
teemed was oredited to her efforts, In the West. He was not decided where be
the junior League she was always a would locate but aa he has two brothera
faithful member also. The funeral took here abead of him they will be well able
plan from the parental home Thursday to give Mtn pointers. Mr. Fergueou's
afternoon 81 8.80 o'clook, being 812807 moo& bop. bo will do well ae ba
condnoted by Rev. E. G. Powell. In well deserves:, Bueeees,.....w, •W. and
' addition to floral oontributione from Mrs. Bargees, of Mitchell, known
relatives wreathe were placed on the to many 0( 008 readere, have moved from
°toilet by the Methotliet Sabbath Sobool their late borne ou Quebec ab., to the
ttlid actutortettgao, Intsroisish was ;nude property be lately bought on the corner
in 11r088810 betneterY. 8816, 0011 Mrs. of Water and St. David eta., North Ward.
StromOne may 1013 assured of the
a.) rupatity of the community in their
bereavement, the hug of their much
loved dal1gbter being eweetened by the
thought that she was ready and willing
to go tO the Home hoYend the sided,
gArITAL . $1,000,000.00
11,08122.VB AND UNDIVID1:2) P1805125 1110,713.28
Interest Paid Quarterly
on Savings Bank Deposits
BillSSelki Branch W. J. Fawcett, Manager
mummemoommelmgaw 41121MMOWNWEianaisi0mmeniatimosadi
Idillilated with thititon B. 0,)
M "'.....
91 E. Individual instruotion,
2 o.Weite for handsome catalogue,
,d 1018020. SPorroN, Prtneliattl.
get° to the High Coact which will meet
iu St. Thomas 81 Xt Jotie.—A, and Mrs.
MeLeunun, of Settforch, were 111 00010
4111.11.1a mat week.—Mies Ruby PlArn
was ou the 881018het last week but we hope
81117 Will soon be se web i ever..—A.
Lowica, of Fordivioh, was io town ou
He the disposed of hie onee
and tot, tuba etreet, to Ailre, Wats, tit
and Mrs. Gerry were
vieiture iu Blytb. for a fee( da•th
ys is
week —Bioseogo, the little daughter of
Rev. E, G. slut Mrs. •PoWsil bee nut been
well but we hope a °bung° for the better
win non euene.—The YOBT Is pleased to
080 tuat George Thumeun, who coal.
mound hie career with the Metropolitan
Beek, Bennie, lute been appointed
8101284501 of 80001 unwell of the Farraere'
Batik cit Catmint et 110W8010118, 5101(108
'Ju. it a eon of George Thomson,
grocer, Brueeeie. We cougratulate him
0, hie promottou and 881012 him 81100000.—Moss Mike WlillaUld011, of Wingintin,
is visiting her frond Win Mae But.—
J Sharpe, grocer, of St, Thome'', wee
vietting relatives in town for a low nye.
—Mrs. Thos, Danford hoe been quite
poorly. Her greed (laughter, of Mitten],
halt beau 108111115 OLI her. Her molly
friends hope elle will soon be °uvulas-
imut.—Bruf. mid Madame O'Brien,' who'
emetic five week* in 13CUBlield, left
usi Wouday for Winghom. They
were greatly pleased with Broaseie.—
Jaa. B. Stretton, of Brunch), and Mule
Bdie Fox, .,f Orenbroult, wen married
Weduesdey eveuing of this week by Rev.
Laag.Ford. Farther particulars
mixt. Week.
There will be High Masa in the
Uattunia cunt* Brunets, 1,000 Suuday
et 10.80 a. 01.
Next Sabbath Rev, Mr. 00rrie, B. A.,
ot Walt0D, will oeoupy the polpit of the
Methodist thorn' here. The pastor will
preach Educuitioriel 80002008 on Walton
etranit the game day.
The Bible deepoeitory, located in F, R.
timith'e store, baa beet, olosed and the
batemae ot the stook returned to the
head office, Torouto, owing to the fool
11180 the 11808081(7 for keeping a supply of
cheap or free bibles 1188 oeaeed tu the
tow. nd vinegar'.
Sabbath netting last Rev. E. F.
Artnetroug, B. D., of Ethel, preached
o Meivine °berth and Bev, D. B. -Mo.
Rae, of Oraubrouk, supplied the _Meth°.
met thumb pulpit. Ths. loos! pastors
00060 et Btble Society meetiuge at
Uraubrook aud Ethel reepeetively,
Rev. E. G. Powell preached the closing
00802010 of a short email on Jonah lost
Sabbath mottling in the Alethodiet
oharob cleating viiih."Jonali the preach
er." In the evening Rev. D. B. McRae,
of Orarook, eave a (veer goepel menage
from the text,'This is a .faithful aayiug
and worthy of aciception,
8.81400ceo." •
aet Sabbath 816811000u was the
mouthy Alteeiottary 0080.00- 18 the illetho.
din Sabbath Sohn, here. additiou
to an interesting address by Rtv., E. •Jr.
Armetrong, B. D., of Ethel, a abort pro..
mein wenn:mitered ad f0110148
"Nellie'e gift," 1010041,00MoRtnzie i solo,
''Ie year lamp butniug Miss Lena
Balker • reautog, kiln Bolen 1). Ford ;
"12080, Dever could do without Jame o
011.1dii Lizzie Dowing aud Pare. Will.
beatherdale. The monthly oolleatiou
wee $20.16 making a total for 1310811018 by
he nohow ul $105.00 tor tine eouferenee
3 bar, Iu tho coo tributioa woe 5102
tint 1', 1905 5101, no that the record ie
beitig well tuatutained. The Halloo' is to
120 oungratniatett oo their liberality.
MeV, Sabbath afternoon it special oolleo.
'ion will be taken tor the °Whoa PennineFuod.
ST. Jonere VIM= Maarnia.—The
annual busimme meeting of St. John's
• Micah, Breeeele, was held on Monday
eveunig of last week 10 tbe vestry 80002.
The Wardeue' report relleoted meth
credit upon thous 111 °barge of affairs
whieli were shown to be in e healthy and
10100508000 condition and 00 len en--
touraging were the reports of the varmint
• rgauize.tions in 00110000100 With oho
Mirth such tte the A. Y. 2, A,, the Sou.
pay Bobool, the Guild, the Women'a
Auxiliary and Bk. Andrew's Brotherhood,
For the enacting year the followiug of-
ners W686 sleeted (—Wardens, Moen'.
Jones and Cardiff i vestry olerk, Henry
'0(08a; eideeMen, C. )3ryaus, El, Trainer
15. BrYttosLa. Quetio, W. F. Btretton
11(1 15, 2, Feud, Dr. Fetid wan appoint.
d lay.Del.gate to the London Synod
whioh meets la June. A. reeolutioo woe
need at this veatry meeting regretting
he Manna, through 08813008, of au old
nd faithful officer of the ahuroh,
n the person of 'Monne Maxwell,
nd 51912115 on reword the deep appreont
ion on the part Of the congregation of
le long and untiring Bettina aleo exprea.
,ing a hope for hie speedy recovery. lite.
1, 13argesa has 110W 0111E1 of the Aunt ore adjournment tt unttoin3oue and
propettles in thae section of the town.— 017 heart). vote 01 thenke WKS
At the olootiog of coon ?Hoopoe wow, endered the rotor, Rev. EL M. 2.8505-.
la, 0, 0. F., Brueeele, on Tuesday ' ard, for the diligent and effioient man.
°toning; .R. Leathetdale 01115 eleeted dole- et io winch h performed lite OterfCial
t ttatieg during the peels year,
, • •
Rev, E. G. Powell preached to the
young people Emitter Sal:Muth 8081601125 012
the text, "The blood of Jamie Claim,
God's Son, oleanseth us tram all eia,"
By the uee of theitatoele the sermon wee
Meetly sad forcibly illuetratecl and will
oever be forgotten, we believe, by those
who were present, J. Leelie Kerr, of
thyth, rendered the solo ',Galilee," The
Sabbath Sohool °robotism' woe present
and added to the interest, In the even-
ing an Matter Frame servicewas present.
ed, the pastor giving four a•nriuute mike
oil Enter and its lessons, which were
most. opportune. The menial program,
outside of the hymns, consulted of the
einheme, "8815121 1300181 Moro," olleater
Alieluieb," aud "The Firel Fruits 10 ou
"Enter Beeponoe" and a duet, "The
Song 12 fieuveu and Home," by MI138013
Bertha end Pear, Sharpe. Oofiection
010111 10 the thou aud amounted to 56 41,
Business Locals.
Crohn and Timothy seed 110 Mo.
Two comfortable houses for Hale.
Apply to W. A. GlaaWAR.
sant> grata for aIo, oats with little
barley, JOEOLPH Emmen, klthel,
DluteettAlime. — Mrs. M. Woodley id
pieparno to tithe in oreeernaking and wid
give Candle, attellt1011 80 811 others. A
than of your patronage eolunted. Mae.
AL WOonma, Mill meet, Brogue's.
HAIR DaNdaIta0.-5w1telo88 made out of
oonaidoge aim out ham Ail ordere seat
by mah promptly ottoman' to.
• OOoo, R. lioleetcutt,
fain mint, 13r0seele,
Comm Smith FREE To Aug—Saws
for ewe or 01181 exobauge tome. They
are the fan aud easy 00883)15 65018, Bow
560111111.19 BEd 61805 D. epeoialty. Our
pmeee are loweet on earth when benefit is
entwined. T. AloGueen, miner Mill
and Mein et., Braude's.
..PRIGYBNTIC113" will promptly check a
Oola or the Grippe when 601180 early at
the "Bonen stege... Preventin oure
anted colds ae well, PteV8114108 are
tittle moldy mild core tablete, and Dr.
Shoop,Raolue, Wis., will gladly 111011
you samples and a nook ou oolds free,
.1 700 will write. The enmities prove
merit. Cheek early nide with Prevent
ea tool etop peach:made. Sold tu 5o aud
250 boxes by F. R. Smith.
Brussels Connell.
A speoial meeting of the Council was
held Monday eveuiug aa per muse of
!Market 8115 By fate. All the menibete
were Renew.. The Reeve asked motive
io reading the By law the third time Mid
after a short diethasioh as to the non.
arrival 01 man for proposed new build -
tug, ete., 18 wee mono by A. Beaker,
etteended by Jae. liailantyne that the
third reading of the By law be tieferred
00110 lYlay 4th. Carried. .
Moved by A. Baelser, enonded by
Beliantyne that W. 101. Sinclair be•
eolioitor for the village for the current
year. Carried.
(Amnon then adjourned,
alltre vale.
TtiaNBEMIX Coutdoxx,.—Billuo tea of
Commit veld Aprit lat. Weathers of
Uounoii 120 ptesmit, Reeve in the ohair.
Miutites of lest meeting teed and adopted
ou motion of Masers. Moffatt aud
Witham. Teudere for township prim..
lag were received from Wingham Times
Advanee,aud Wroxeter Star.
MeMiatutel—Mtiffett—That the tender
ot Wiogbam Times be .aocepted itbeing
the lowest, Carried. W offett—Relly—
That 00 1101100 be taken on Dr, filitahelVe
elaim. Lott. 110101310h1801—Ruthertord
—11, 0.111000 went, that the claim
of Dr. Mitchell as recommended by the
.Looal Board of Hewitt.) be paid. Oarried.
Reny—Moffatt—Thin By -Law No. 6,
1907, be petaled tor the appoinimeut of
Wm. IL Ikluudell, Thorne Aitkin, Thos,
Goy, Thomae Haugh, Samuel Tantrum,
810(008 Elliott, Juesph Lovell, Peter
smut, E. Orvie awl Robert Leathern
,encie viewers iu the township of Torn•
berry for the current year. Carried.
Rutherford—Mthlithael—That By Law
No, 6, 1907,be peased for the 10550008.
01008 ul Juba Little, Henry Lawrence,
tgeorge 13, Scoot, Hugh Tucker, Alien
Frallek, James Kitten jr., John Blundell,
Peter S. dioIlweu, Peter Boot, E. Orvie,
Janata Williamson arid Win. Maxwell,
Ponedkeeperd in the townehip• of Tutu
berry for the portent year. Carried.
Keny—Pdoffatt—That By -Law No. 7,
1907, be painted for the appointment of
Reny Lawrence, 'Jobe W. atter, ' Wm, H.
Mundell, Aherew Campbell, John Little,
Davie Holtnee, James Stapleton, Henry
I hompson, James Godkni, George Mar.
them Booboo Stokes, Jetties J. B00%
Wm, Mitchell, Edward Jenkins, George
apor, Joho Wrey, James, T. Wylie,
George Casement, John Holmes, Fred.
Latvia jr., Jame Caldwell, Peter Bast.
Inge, Hugh Tucker, Frank (Jartuthere,
oho Pringle, RobertiBreeti, Robert Yeo,
jr., Samna/ Vanstone, John Banbutn,
dad. Thalsol, Jae, 13111018, Audrew Hooper,
oho MoNaughton, Wm, Wright,
Gideon 286118, 180180 Byelop, John Mo.
ByVell, Peter Soott, Thome Higgiue,
Andrew Gray, Peter D. Ring, Henry
Bosnian, Wm, Maxwell, John Molleuzie,
Robert Leathern, Hoary Wolfe, George
Yeo, John 3, Moffatt, George Walker,
JoO,88 2. Malvey, J01.111 Lithe, Andrew
Bea:mill, Henry, Mair, Jeffeey Musgrove
Alex, Moffatt, John Finley, Samuel
Rernighan, 0813 8.8 Hart, George Still.
ey, WM, 13011, 1880101 Winiameou and
Robert Bloggrove, Pathmasters in the
• • .
ES1'AM.18 111113
}lead Office Toronto
in our Savings Department. Deposits of $ t and upwards are reeeived,
on which the highest current rate of Interest is allowed.
No Delays in making Withdrawals
Interest added four times a year
Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches.
J. F. R.owlarad, Manager
Township of Turnberry for the °arrant
year. Oarried. Following acoounte
were paseed and cheerio@ homed ..--Theo.
Hall, printing, $19.00 ; Mrs, McLeod,
Board of Llealth, ntiree leen, $85 ; Mrs.
Rutledge, nurse feet', 65000 ; Mise E.
Maxwell, nurse feral, $100 ; Min Maxwell,
nuns ten, $100 ; Miss Maxwell, aurae
teen, 568.25 ; Dr. Mitchell medical fen,
0160. MoDdloheel—Bleffatt—That thie
meeting do now adjourn to meet in the
Clerk's offioe, Glossal'', on Monday May
27, 141 10 o'clock a. ro. tor regular Mad.
008111 and at 1.30 p. as °onto of Re•
viaion. Jam Bonses, Cum
Are 'You Weak
instead Of Strong ?
You are discouraged. You feel old and
worn. Yon are eiak but not aware of the
fact. You Gan drag yourself around—
but work is impoeeible. With your
etomath titling out for aoeiatanee and
the nerve(' all on edge why not try
Ferrozone—it will sorely do you good.
Ferrozotie is a woudeffol oombhuttion
of extreme, forti6 d by excellent tonics
for the nerves and atonieb. When you
fegl deepoodent, Ferrozone cheers you op.
When ahem and oppression weigh you
down, Ferrozone braces yon up. When
sleep is iropeeeible Ferrozone oalme the
nerves and gives rest. For bounding
health, good looks, good spirite, nothing
equate Ferronone ; makes the weak
strong and the Wok well. Good for men,
women and children ; try Ferrozone 50o
per box at el I dealers.
nomxmc .
flatoom—In Hallett, on Moral 24th, to
Mr. and Mre. A. W. Beacom, a son.
OAMPBELT.i.—In Grey, on March 28th, to
Mr. Rad Mre. Lis Campbell, a
MA011.1N-3ioLna10.—At the Manse, Oran.
brook, ou April 3rd, by Rev. D. B.
McRae, Mr. George Meehan, to Min
Frances McLean, all of Grey.
E001002.-211.1 the residen-
ce of the bride's parents, on April
Std, by Rev. Mr. Bartlett, Mr. Julius
E. Stedelbaner, of Ford with, to Wise
Iua Margaret, &tumbler of Mr. and
Mrs. James Elliott, of Grey town-
Ian's —In Grey, on April 8th, Robert
Inglis, in hie 7761, year.
Srtamona.—In Brussels, on April 9th,
(Aare. Tanana, eldeet deughter of J.
W. and Mrs. Simmons, aged 14
yeare, 5 months and 2 daya.
• ..a..17 ,x,xox-o•
TUESDAY, APRM MD.—Parra stook, im.
plemente, furniture, &o., at N. tot 22,
con. 8, Morrie. Sale unreserved at 1
°Weak. Junin Clenuan, prop., F. S.
Eloott, thotioneer.
MaM28710100.,18 12..¢..41..3=3E1W8.
Fall Wheat 70 70
Barley 44 45
Pea e 76 75
Oats 36 87
Butter, tubs and rolls20 23
Eggs per dozen 15 17
Hay per ton 8 00 9 00
Floor, per bbl 4 50 5 20
Hogs, Live 6 50 6 50
Wool 24 25,
Potatoes per the 46
Apploe (tir bbl.)1 00 1 50
Salt, per bbl., retail 1 25 1 25
12 good Grade 00Wd, also Seed Oats.
4041 Lot 22, Con. 7, Grey,
1 Fon SAM—Helen months old red
in color, aud will be sold at a bargain. AP.
ply to J. B. 1110112118, Lot 22, (2081. 10, Oro%
or Oraebtook P.O. '40.8
.L. 1 1001100 Of my Flour 2.1111 I dea ire all
108101)104 to me to kihdly call &Od&Mlle
their accounts tte I wish to close tip my
business, W. P. STEWART,
Teacher of Piano or Organ
—The undersigned offers for sale her
house and lot 00 Turnberry street, Brus.
oolo, 5008888l0t1 mulct be given at Guth.
Fax price, terms, dm., apply to AIRS, V,
SHIELS, Walton r. 0,, or to Trot Poo,
Ontario Liquor Limo Act,
License District of East nuron.
E02/031 is hereby given that Louis L.
Longewar. of Ethel, Township ol Grey, hag
made applioation tor perminion to trens.
fer Ins Tavern Litmus° for the _nremises
known as the Soyal Hotel, in the Village of
Ethel, to Jath,, A, Blume, of said village.
and that edict appiteatiou will be eonsider.
ed at the meeting of bbe Beard ot biemise
Cotumfaeleners, to be held at the queen'a
EtotelOn the 'Village of Brasfield, on the gerd
day of Apr1.1,107, at the hour of 1 o'olook
p. 101. All persoini interested will govern '
themselves thocodingly.
Dated 118 1309,1,10 this 9th dav of Apr11,1907,
W. CLEoli, I
Notice to Oreditors.
41 the matter of the °Mate of Malcolm
Lamont, late of the Townehip of
Grey, in the County of Huron, farm-
er, deoeiteed.
Notice ie hereby given, purthent to "The
Revised Statutea of °Mario," 1897, and
amendmentthereto, that all creditors aud
others having Maims agatest the estate of
the [Mid Maloolm Lamont, who died on or
188,001 0110 29th day of March, 1007, are re.
tithed on or before the Fourth day of May,
1907, to Bend by Peet, prepaid, or deliver to
A. 13 Mead onala,o ( the Village of Brussele,
or Elizabeth Lamont, Adminietratrix 01 0128
estate, Ethel P. 0., their Christian and sur.
name% addressee and desoriptions, the full
particulars of their claims, the statement
of their amounts and the nature of the
securities (if any),he 11 by them
And further take nottee tinit atter Kith
&88 00001000011 date the laid Adnainistra-
irix will proceed to distribute the assets of
he dimmed amongst the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to the claims
of whicb she shall then have notice aud
that the said Admieistratrix will not be
llablo to the said 1108818, 08 any part there-
of, to 8.07 508000 of whose claim notice
hall not have been received by her at the
time of with distribution.
Dated at Breathitt, gth 23147 01 April, 1907.
40-8 Soliettor for Administratrix.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate of James 610.
Nail, late of the Village of Oran -
brook, in the Comity of Huron, Gen-
tleman, deceased.
Both:ails hereby given, pursuant to "The
Revised Statutes of Ontario," 1897, and
mendments thcreto, that ell creditors and
. there having glob= against the estate of
the said James McNair, who died on or
about the Twenty.lcourth day 01 13186011 1007,
ate required on or befere the Fonrth clay
May 1907, to Bead by post, prepaid, or
(diver (10 01 B. Mesconald, of the Village
Brugge's, or Neil McNair, Oraubrook P.O.,
Adtuin atm' pi the estate, their Christian
and surnerees, oath eases and deseriptions,
the full particulars of their anoints, the state
ment of their theouuts, and the hature of
the neuritis (if any) held by them.
And fluther teil notice that after 00011
last mentioned date the said Administrator
wi 11 proceed to distribute the assets 01 208
0080000c1 amongbt the parties entitled
Otwit% having regard only to the olaims of
which he shall then have notice and that
the said Administrator will riot be liable
for the said moist% or any uart thereof, to
0413' Person of whose olaim notice shall not
Lave been rtheived by him at the time of
i'Dlichdatedi at April, 1087,
40 9 A.B. MAl DONALD,
Solicitor for Administrator.
Absolute proteetion against
smut in wheat, oats and barley is
given by Formaldehyde. 10 c
oleo a preventative of blight or
sold) ou potatoes.
We Have a grade of Formal-
dehyde that we can guarantee 00
be of fall standard strength.
Oomplete directions; for using on
comb bottle,
pound bottle sufficient for
40 to 50 bulimia tor .....26
1 pound bottle sofficient for
50 to 100 bushels for.... 40
Drug Store
ewAri"owee. Piiiv1/4!";•~4.
1 't'wo 1'w° amen of land with good frame
dwel Ing house, frame stable. about one
oath of good young orchard, and good well,
being part 01 1,08 31, Oon. 14, klelfillop. For
further pant/Mars apply to JORN 8100135.
70.05110, 1012, Lot 24o Con, 9, Morrie, or Walton ' •
.150 Al Pe tRo gEL oPt sA1R4 de le ,M 11. COollu 28,1kGrjrogy
About 100 acres cleared, IC mires Of bush,
balance pasture land. There is a goodframe
home, /rums bash baro 4040 feet, au rime
01orchard, well, do.,ou the premises. Ely.
or ruus through It. Poseession could be
given on Manila let, 1908. Farm la 2 milts
from postofBee and church and a mile from
tchool. For further partioulars apply ou
the premithe to NELSON BATDION, or
Jameetown 5, 0. 89-2
Notice to Creditors
In the .matter of the estate of George
Pattereon, late of the Township or
Grey, in the County of Huron, ferni-
er, deceased.
•Notlee le berelii givea'nernant to "The
Revised Statutes of ontario," '1897, and
amour:intents thereto, that all creditors aud
utile: baying Menne modest the diti
George Pattersuu, who died on or about ch.,
Twenty-seveuth day of ktarob, 1907, are re
gutted on Or before the Fourth day of Play,
1907, to seed by post, prepaid, or deliver t
A. 8, Macdonald, of the Village of Brothel8.
in the County Of Maltizi, uoliaitor forJame.
Duncan, Newry P. 0. and Joseph Whitfield,
monorieff P.O.. the Executore of the last
will and testament of the said deceased,
then Christian end surnames, addressee
and descriptions, the full particulars of their
claim, the statement in their domino, and
the :future 01 8110 theurities (limey) 1281(1 01,
And further take notice that after thou
last mentioued date the said v.:rowers22111
proceed to dittritilltii the ataidts Of the
ceased amongst the parties entitled there.
to, having regard only to the claims of
which tam 811.11 teen have notice and that
the held lexeuutore will not be 11111318 101 611.1
said Remits, ur any part thereof, to ally u0r•
bun of whoa* claim 1.100100 Shah 006 have
mien received by them at the time of 000011
listed 11810 0011 day 02 45811, 1807.
40,8 Solicitor for Cation ma
500 yards of India Linen,
full 45 inchee wide,
beautiful sheer quality,
Special at
20 piens Newest Organdie
iu pretty floral
deeigna, on white gruunds,
ou sale at per yard
Increasing Bargains and
Increasing Interest •
• in Dress Goods
The Dress Goods Department radiant with the new
Fabrics for Spring and Summer. Some details and prices
we quote below but seeing for yourself is the' best way to
judge—the real test is in comparison.
44 inoh Tweed Suiting, oopies of Lon-
• don Tweeds, deeirable new greys,
mixtures and many mannish ef-
fects, in richest ooloringe ; a good
650 Fabric for 50o
44 inch French Panama Oloth in
• splendid color aseortment, makes
a very smart shirt waist suit, es-
peoially desirable owing to its clod
resisting qualities ; per yard only
Shepherds' Checks, the .popular Dress
Fabric for Shirt Waist and Eton
Suits, Fine per yd....25, 50, 75, 1,00
48 inoh Venetian Cloth in full range
of leading colors and black, heavy
enough 101 370081 Suits and Unlined
Skirts ; extra aped& value at per
yard. ...... ..•.. 75
45 inch Bleck Voile, "French make"
very rich hie& crisp finish, extra-
ordinary value at per yard.. 50
The Newest
This week very rare choosing is promised Women with desire
to adopt the vogue in Corsets, Aside from a most comprehenaive
diiiplay of prevailing modes many donning advanced models have
been assembled. We hint of only two, •• ,,
10 dozen Corsets of White °mail, At $1.00 per pair -8 splendid nail,
bias out, habit hip, thoroughly nindele mostly Medium length,
bound, on sale at per pair with or without heat) supporters
only ,,, attached, every one a cliental
• °I, value at 100
Dry Goods , •. ' ' Clothing to Order
Highest Price 'for 'Butter and Eggs.
',I 181.' •, 0,,