The Brussels Post, 1907-4-11, Page 4CIE,ntsgelo 4, rheas who Nava Pbe mieforttlne lo be k t uuuble to ears for thettteelvee thaP,Raartt• lanahrp and presootton witiah it to the. duty of it Uhrietiau Qountry to bestow, TJI U S I) 4 ,i.APR, 11. 1907. Finnan 134pux Dle8rvOISTup, "The fermate ul Ontario are badly let another 0010001 we repradU goodly pertiod of a epeae)1 made in Legislature by Arabia Ellolop, reprove tint for the Beet Holum of Hbroti. Ou reedere obould carefully mirage it at the topic is a live one 6900 Whlph the rata payers eheuld be posted and thereby be enabled to intelligently climes ib, pe dlaappotuted in the lianway tax0101.4 ,Alt of lust ee6viou, Tho (aoveruw• lit ilia 0&4601 eeeape the leepuusfbt.ity cit. im. uta• preeaiog the pbopie with the 08180 that when they atcaloed power a must donate railway taxation meaulr6 wan to be placed uuthe statute book. Something iu the nature of the Pettypieoe tui woo looked'tor by the farmere. The Premier and bie fohowere tried their beet to cm. :nit the HOaee to the priuoiple of that bill daring the aeseiou of 1904. Mr, Pettypieoe Wail a very muuh pouted mau When ne 110Ulieedthe aetletanoe of tion, gwutlemeu 0ppoaf10 to 10,08 the member through the House, Ou lhle ' oogg81ou 1 do not pretend to voice she opinlwtle Qi auyeue but wyemd, I wise alwoye hu empathy with the efforts of Mr, Petty piece to uowpel the railway oorporattuue to pay a higher rase of taxation than they were•paylug when be took the quee• Moe np, bus though 1 wee desirous of 1eel811 them ooutr1oo"ug more freely in the pubuo ureaeory, 1 be (eve the sun Would b• amanita* by a lade wetly atm mob gimp er process then the nue Mr. Pestypieoe proposed. Duriug the lass general election Liberal caudidatee were deuonooed by Conservative speakers and workers lie beteg the trieudo cit railway corporations, 00 ameoaut of having voted against the Pettypieon bill, while the uow Premier and hie fallewere were pointed so as the deadly eoemiee of time uorporatioua, ioaemuuh es they voted for the bill. Under these °ireuminenoee, the people were justly expecting the present Government =to go muub further than they did go, and I thtuk they should have gone much further. WHIT Wit HAVE GIVEN IN Am. "Any one who (woke back over the bietory of railway aid in this Province moat be elruoh with the gr, at liberality of she people. Ontario's phare of thin ltd—ooutributed .broagb the Dominion, the Previsions , and mw, eipas guveru menta—t8 at lease 990,000,000, or over, 612,0000 per mite, Ior ever) 0.18 of track. Tee pant op capital of ,he Dona i u runways for she past year W8.01,248,960 413.68 There are iu the D,m,u oo 21,618 wiles 01 railway, 081i 181 11.8 Prov 1 U nus L OOEarfo aisle are 9 346i m Ctl. Su that in tole Provh,on the peso 811 capital of the Oowpauie8 muss be In the u.igbborhood ot 0500,000,000, uear,y ane had the value of the larw (aud8 ul the Promise. (Lummox of FARM AND RAu wAT TAx0e. WItertlaa the Suomi, of cite Domiuloe is of real value to the country ie poaoibly h o00truverteble subject but the ooustan0. references to it a8 "a home for worn out politioiaus" and that 000ge leeligible u,. lees on toward their dotage 10 a character. izatloo fraught with ill both ae to 1h miefolneas of the Senate and the prob. able appointment) to be trade by the Government. Bettor to lane up on a more renewal key and urge the power. tint be to Bend live, 106111ug men there taob as a goodly number are and impress the thought that the work to be done demands the beat iuteheot acid judgment of the members. The Senate theme originate and prove the ulOebeity of he exteten08 by prltotieel illustrations of its worth. If the Uouetitutiou were obanged eo that senators were elected rather 'hen appointed Bonze of the moat nu desirable features now attached intim disappear, as we believe. Every luya. Canadian should nee hie iufiueuce to see that the Senate wakee up, that the "dead" men be decently buried and e new era introduced that will prove a credit to Canada and give Boum satiate° tory ret0r08 fur the large amo0nt of money aunnally expended, MR. HISLOP ON RAILWAY TAXATION. Thepolio' o o ado ee d byt P y p h6 Ontario G0ver0meut in the matter of railway taxation wad 8ubjeoted to keen crumb= Ly lir. Hump lit the Legislature r,a0ut• ly. Mr. H1e.op's 8pee011 was based uu a motion tar a ceteraof the re,euue re. oeived by muwopamtlee from Ube new Provluoial tax uu railways. "By the Let a...1 80801000 amid Mr. Hle,up, "au a11dltloua, tax was levied un. railways. It wad pruvIued that 6. (tenses percentage of the tax ulna 10 be dlOtribut• ed among the m0niuipahtiea a000rutud t poptlactou, bat the dletr(botiou wee 41.114800 40 an obagatiuu on the part ,d municipalities to pay the Presquoa, Treaeurer tem cams per day for the mai0tenauae of mem tem paying pa418n1 1801 by the municipality to the Provino sal asyl0010. Ac the tete the bill wee before tee 130088 the Provincial Treas. toner prod 0(84 that the nee800r0 would be of great ueuefit to the menteipal1te0. Time ha8 fulled to juetIfy W8 expeota li0ue. The reveuue received by toe mawutpallt1ea I8 au tonal! that It wad be dnep688611 with without the ratepayers enowl1(1 tune 1t bad beau aoue. I have before m8 a return from rue treasurers) of five townships 111 the county of Hurou, trete whioh I learn that (138,6 1016.1 uet reueipta from tins 800r3e 8mpa01 to 9024 84 or seas thea 4 1 2 08000 per beau ofU e 8tlou p p Tule revnu0n °OUId o0 diapeueed with and I68 equ,veleut raised by a tax cit 25 ciente on 8ynry hnudred acres of ,dud in those m(3ou(paliciee. STATE SWAMP Paoyio Fon Iouse. "This ie a armed matter, however, and tt le 001 my intention to say any mere on cite p0eee of We queatlou. Vey object ie to putt out that I believe au error wait made when thin Aut was pla06d on the acetate books. From the bogieolug ot reepouslbte gov8re- meet in this oouutry down to last east. ei0u It wee 00081118red to De the duty of the state to provide for the unfortunate (muscle. We are hearing 6great deal these days of the 810()808114 fivanmal standing of the lrovmoo. Tile ,being eu in the 0a88.uf those who have b8eu so affimted se to be 110able 10 1x118 (sere of t1em6e1 e i u s v e t e1' ci d ne tua1 am of the G08860 008 t0 oraue a policy ofpro P Y P greae rather than nun of rncrogcesawu, such as they adopted last year. Our asylums have been erected at toe ex. pause. of the Proviuoe. Tile Government appoint all the 0411180.) required to mau• age the 1net110tu0e, and ane Government alone should beat c h6 1'u Cdau of msg ma u. 1 tathem ' "Let meoint out that rat this AoE ie not logioul. Sy 0olleming from mumoipnli• thin for the mainteueuoe of the insane the prinolple is laid down that muulalpali• ties are reeponeible for the keep of these unfortunates. Yet the Ana goes on to provide that hu the event of a municipal- ity being ()barged more for the meiuten. 8(110 of 618 tnnaue than it 1e entitled 10 from the distribution of the railway llwa tax, the debt 00011 be oauoelleu. I know the Government have a 81(011g MA08101100 for 6Very 89pear8008 of evil; yet by the working out of this Am they uuwlt6J4egly placid themselves in the position ett neer- 1ug a bribe to a mn0io1p8uty by wiping out a debt it is justly euticled to pay. "I know from what iotormanou I have on the eubjeot that lips policy is working oat very ouf8trly. The Pro. viuoial Seoretary vein lind many in, Bta0ce8 of a amara muuieipalrty having so • support three or four weak•miuded pet18ut0, while an adjO(o(ug mau(olpal• sty, With perbep8 twenty times the as. sassed value, naeu't one to eoppurt, There eau tie no donut that under Om system the 1881108 will not be go well dared lar 88 they formerly were. Under 1118 9r88e81 eyelem there le 61roug 401.1391811011 for muumI9aittien 10 80(14 the (urine to the Iluuee of Refuge, where they ram be more cheaply maintained )Lan to an asylum. It may be elated that the Goverumeub luepe/110( will not permit any pereou Wile euuU,0 be 1n an asylum to retrain In the House of Refuge but there in 810 Menu, that however Vigilant the in898010r may be, abueee Baan lie 111(190 me800088 will ealeb. In a matter eo vitally effeglwg the oomtort and welfare of our unfoc1uuate fellow be. fogs, f1 8h0nld bathe HAM of the Govern. merit to 110(100the mnnm,pltiwee co do their duty, Bat here 18 an ALM of Parliament tyhl011 home out • an Induce 'Matt 10thereto aut11urity to: deuy 10 "Yet canines, to say, tura huge capita, pay.) eowe 9700,000 Mont illy in taxa., whereas if rallw6.yn were pavieg 181 the tamefacto ea term (ands they mime euutribote al least 8 Lumen that 801ua81. Imagine the railway mileage of Cut86(0, repreeeutmg a capital expetlWtare of 960,000 per mile, paying to mu0101p8' nue PrOVItenet 86.1068 8100, when the average 300 acre farm, rept...ming 08e - 1086th ui the eepitwl, Will pay at Meet em moat for mnulapal purposes 81oue, MILEAaE TAX UAoAIR. "The present flat rate of nu 010011 per m(18, 860, (6 881010. Beim ourpura1ieu should euntrlbate 100000 ins to pnyiug power bated on oat removes. The net earninge of the rail wape in the Domtniuu fur 1906 were 988,193,480, ur 91,770 per mite. Aeouminn 11181 1118 Gutarlu roe18 earned uu more than 41,77e, obey would hi least glue 8 nee manna ul 918,000,000. but this is the ei1u8tiuu ; Rahway., with groes earuungn of 95,881 p, r mut, uuu net earumge.11 91,770 9 1 011,6, 8ullIrib• urn sit thaw fieuleo fur mu, maned cud Pruvinoial 181088, 0100 per 011ie, or 8611(0 it total mat (theme of 913,000,000 they pay 9700,000 in 181088, 11 866016 uufair teat a company with the enruiug power of the U8uadn doutheru ehuuld nue 0ou• tribute Buy more to the public) revenue th8u say tub U. P. R. bambini Tur,.Utu and Owen donud. Tub raawaya should pay a000rdiug to their 8ul.ny, ail well a0 farmers and bue10808 men. TI10ITION AND RATES, "It is ofbeu urged aea(unt Iboreaeed wee that the oump8uln8 would raise their rates as an offset. butt had 001 been the 610986(0066 to the Ulutnd States, and if the lt8uway Oumm,eeieuere of the Dominion end the Yroviu08 uo their duty it 680061 be twos here as these oommleeion0 have the power to regulate au trauaP or t ou ratan. nue I am to "Wells favor of taxing nor. Or tl n p a o e ao00rdiug to thea earning power, I think cub day has oume wheu the Government should Impose u tax on she tiepin's nt08k of railway and ell other o0mp80iee doing buslneee fu the country. We hear on every ems that that and the t 0 heC corporations p oqe lira beteg oa9ltallzed at fiotitione values for the purpose of deoeivmg theuboo and increasingtheir own profits. Tula evil might be lrgely overo0me by imposing a eubelanttal tax on the o8pttal stook. Were belch e system adopted the obartenmuuger 8(111 oampaoy.promoter might find hie craft lees prudtable, bat tele people would reap great benefit. Ooe of the meet (08t0uone evils of the pre8e0t day ie the desire to obtain weu(113 through stook jobbing and other agleam. enterprises 0haraoterieli0 of Northern Ontario." "BLUE DEVILS" Get told of Indigestion and '1 hinge Will Look Bright and, Joyous. Even in the preeeut era of prosperity and good times everything appears b,ack to abuse who are 801166mg wretchedly from some focal ot humgeeaou. Where digeetiu Ohs quiok, complete stud easy there is 6 joyua6 and hopeful outlook, bot ibdrgeetlon mime depre8eiou. The want ot a Bale, effective Dore for took headache, indigestion and etumaoh ironblee, wee always felt until the pre. eOripttou kuowo lie Ml'O•ua 61001801 Labiate wee pm op io popular form and proved its invariable eu00ees In the many forme of indige8tiou. After a few days two of Vii o 0a Mom, soh tablet) the headache, dizzy 14. beg, drOwelpe86, bud taete In tae month, coated -tongue, 118rv8t1801188, 018091eeer101(e distress atter eating—all these symptoms of it weak 8tomaeh--will disappear and perfect digestion and a good ek113 w11, show that the vital maobi0ery he ou1e more running em000hly, Mi•o 818 le to be taken before moon meal and it will atlm0.ate the Beeretiee anti digestive juieee mud strengthen the whole of the digestive system 60 that the INTEREST PAI D QUARTERLY ETHEL BRANCH W N. DfcI1.�Y, `818 t GENi unpleasant fall feeling will be absent and indigestion prevented. We abeolUtely agree that your money will be refunded should' you boy a 600 box of Ni o na stom8o11 tablets and not he 88ti6fied with the remelts, 1111 o na ,s sold by druggiete everywhere, or will be sent by mail on receipt of prioe, 60 Wants. Booth's Mlro•na Company, Buffalo N. Y. West Kent Liberals have nominated Fred. Scone, of Chatham, for the Leg. teletnre, William Wiokereon was killed at the eteel plant at Hamilton being crushed by a(3 electric creme. SCIATICA Inflammatory or Aluscular Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia,—they are all the sante to Don't suffer needlessly when you have a positive and guaranteed =rein "iu-Ju." Worley' back if they fail. hoe. a box. At druggists, or by mail direct from 64 IW !kart Strength Heart Strength, orHeartWeakness, means Nerve -ltrength, or Nerve Weakness—nothing more, Pos. tirely, not one weak 'heart ih a hundred is, in It -,.,If, actually dleeaeed. It is almost always a hidden this' little nerve that really la all at fault. This obscure nerve—the Curdle°, or Heart Nerve —slimily -needs, and mist have .more power, more ,aabllity, more controlling, more governing strength Without that the Heart must continue to fail. and the stomach and kidneys also have these same controlling nerves. This clearly explains why, as a medicine, Dr. Shoop's Restorative has in the past done so much for weak and ailing Hearts Dr Shoop firsteodght the cause of all this painful, palpitating, suffocat Ing heart distress, Dr Shoop's Restorative—this popular prescription—(s alone directed to these weak and wasting nerve centers It builds: it strengthens; it offers real, genuine heart help. If you would have strong Hearts, strong d1. 1881(06, strengthen these nerve ra08mblieh them u needed with Dr. Shoop's storative 2110 CIadin Chemical Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ont. b tc ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE TO GRED— , I1008.—In the matter of the 8mt8te of W John Kelly, of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, farmer, an Insol- vent. Notice is hereby given that W. John Kelly, of the Township of Monis, in the County of Huron, carrying on business as a termer, at the said Township of Morris, has made an Assignment under R. 9. 0„ 1897, Ohap. 147, of a11.1118 estate, eredit8 and effects to Finlay Stewart Scutt, of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Ha•on real estate agent, for the general. benefit of his creditors. A meet. lug of his 086dltm•e will 1e held at the law ofl10es of A. B. Macdonald, of the Village of 11111 ool8 In the County of Huron, on Monday. the Fifteenth day of April, 1907, nt 10 o'clock In the forenoon, to receive the ntntement8 of affairs, end appoint inspector,. and fix their remunera- tion, 88(1 11,, rhe ord,,, 1,,gef 113.' effoiru 0! tlie guile generally, Crtwllto,•. are requested to file their n climes withh [ e thereof rere, or hie Sud, not, onto p efor the darequired01001 by the wild Aut, on or before the day of such meet. H(R. Andnotice is further given that after the 15t11 day of June, A. D.• 3007, the 1180igne8 will proceed to distribute the -assets of the debtor amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regad only to the dams of which. 1101(06 sloth then have been given, and that he will not be liable toe the 11aeete or any part thereof 80 distributed to any person or parsons of whose claim notice shell not beim (leen re001108d. RS. Soon),A. B. Aiwonoa, Ln Assignee. Solicitor. Dated at Brussels, 3rd day of April, 1907. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE TO CRED- IiO1to. In the matter of the estate of William Kelly, of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, farmer, an in- solvent. Note* is hereby given that William Kelly, of the 1uwn nnl cit Alit rri p in the . owly u c of Hufuu carrying ()nf Murrill, b as )fade an at the need' iuwu wp or 0. ria inn wade n 0 a l t a tegument under It S. 0., lb'Ui (num. ,U p. 147,8[811 - pia estate, urediW and effects to Finlay Stew - Scott, of the Village of Bre.eels, in the UuuuEy OCHwon, reel estate agent, for the gotten). benefit MIAs 0reditere. A meeting of bis ereuftura will be held at the Lew 06- licea of A. B. Alaulmnald, of the Village of Brussels, in the County of lemon, on Mw, .day, the 15th do of April, 19U7 et 10 u'cl04ti1(the forenoon,to receive Yhn' °tem nt entm of r8 atu,I and , appoint 108(1801003rd and fix their remuneration, and for the 'al y. eofU the e(8I'e of the estate1018generally. with the Aesigu e, or to fill their with with the thereof required liy the tai wtt1 the 06 be - tore tny e 0 the tin Act, on or be - torn the sty et bush menung. And notice is further given that after the 15th day of June, A. 11, 1007, the At819088 will proceed to 4181811146 1118 assets of the debtor nwoagat the pietas entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of Which n06mb 11 e 1111 than have been, e v n and taut i g he no will 1 not be 0 din for the .0 a n p any part thereof w se claim to any person orimmunea evese claim nolle eLall 1101 have been regeived. F. S. 1300TT, A. B. MAODONALD Assignee. f Dated at Brussels, 8rd day of AprI1,i11107, ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE '1'O CRED- 11'008.-1n the Matter of the 801810 of Frank Kelly, 06 the Tuwnehlp or Morrie, in eke County of Huron, farmer, An ineolv8nt.. ' Notice is hereby given that Prank Kelly, of the Township of Morris, fu the County of Buren, earr3 ins o11 1100ltseea to, a lamer, at the wild Township of Morns, hue matte an .0881gum8nt under R. S. O. 1897, (.hum, 147, cit tulles )white, orewte and 860060 to Finlay Stewart 8eu1t, W1 the Village of Bree- se 1,,, iu I, of (Monty of Huron, Beal lestlte Agent, fur the general benefit of his erbd- (curs. A 18801198B of hie ered(tore will be held 01 the Law Uffioew of A. B. MacDonald, of the Village of Brw eel8 1(l tLn Uuwlty of Tipton, on ifiuudry, the 15th day of Am111, hilt, at 10 o'ulook 811 the xurenoon, 10 recel7e the statesmen.. of 1HYura, enu appointteepee• iota and fix their real un8('8timt, and tor the ordering or 1110 affairs of the estate general - ly. Uredlt01-8 Elle 1'0E10e4ed to file (11811. elating with the Assignee, or h18 delicate 1 with the pr 0010 Mei eel legnu•ed by the end Act, en ur been e the 1483 01 math lueol- 1aAt1, nd notice ,6 fm't118. given Unit after the 15th day of June, A. D., 1007, the Aeoignue 1 will proceed to 1118ti'rbute the :meets of thedebtor anon et the path* entitled thereto, gg having shall wily have to the claims of which 1 notice shall then have been given, and that 1 he will nut be liable for the sweets or any n part thereof ao 818 claim to tiny pereen o 0' or pera,a Of whume claim notate shat! not 11 have been received, , 11 F. S. SOOTT, A, B. MAODONALD, Aaaignee. Solicitor, Dated cit Bru80el8, 2rd-day of April, 1007. vat pt nl 1'6 alta her, ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE TO CRED- ITORB.—Ii, the matter of the estate of Martin Kelly, of the Township of Morris, in the Oouney of Huron, farmer. An ineolven1. Notice le hereby given that Martin Selly' of the Township of 31006,is, in the County of Huron, currying oh 11uefne88 as a ftunnel, at the eel d Township of Morrie, hag made an Aeeigment under R. S. 0. 1897, Chap 147, of allhim estate, reedits and effects to Finlay Stewart Scott, of the Vil- lage of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Real Estate Agent, for theeneral benefit of his creditors. A meeting of his oreditore tvi11 be held at the .Law Offices of A. B. Mee - Donald, of the Village of Bru'.ele, in the County of Enron, on Mondry. the 16th dry of April, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to receive the statements of nffniro, and 8p - point inspectors and fix their remunneration, and for the ordering of the affairs of the '0- 88te 00106011y. O reditol•m are requested ted Hie heir us withthe Assignee, or lie solicitor with the proofs thereof required by the Paid Act, on or before the day of such meeting. And notice is further Riven that after the 15th day of .Tune. A. D. 1007 the Aemiunea will proceed to d)etl•ihnt, the assets of the debtor amongst the parties retitled therein having (tidy ':(1 to the claims of whish notice 011a11 then have been 91,60..8101 1110E he will not be liable for the tweet- or 811y part there- of PO distributed to any portion or persona of whose olefin notice 011811 not have been re, oeived. P. 9. SCOTT, A. B. MAODONAL», AssiIg.nee, Solicitor, Dated at Brussels, 8rd day of April, 1907. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE TO CREDIT - (11 -,—Io th« mater of thenotate of Mi- nitel Kelly, Jr„ of the Township of Nor. ria iu the0ouuty of Huron, farmer, an I1180017014. Notioe is beret given that William S i m ell Jr.„ R y f the Tow4eyt 1818 h of tie 8o 8a Ooun p `01Ba cm, on 19.113888 um y g tr tt a . ha said nen1Townshipo, r .Morris..0.oar made an ussienlnent under It. 8. U. 1897, P. 147, of all Lie 08tuta ere. and 0t - sets to Finlay 818war4 90818, of the Village 1 Bru68818, in the Comity of Pura,, 10111 state agent, for the general benefit of his reditore. A meeting of hie ore horn will e held at the Law Offices of A, B. Maodru• 114 of the a i Vi 11 a, f Bteasels, .381 the f April, 9 Y • f Harm an t Mob da .. e 1 l6 h da o6 A 191 y. y p 190 at IU�o'clock 700 au the to appoint 1.pp 1,1 xeep ive the statement l affairsand 11 ,o at pl � ieepeo• tore awl fix their rewuubraEiuu, cid for the rearing of the affaide ut We salute leberul- ly. Oreditoro bre requested to file their claims with the Assignee or hle 8udoit*r, wi t1 the proofs thereof ,squired by We 08111 Aot, 081 or bolero the day el beth we8E1(3 And notice le further eiveu that alter the Ib1h day of June, A, D. 1907, the 088,guee will proceed io distribute We )ewe le at the • ebtor enummi1 the parties 680,tled thereto, Laving regard only to the Wishes of wui¢h 001108 thug then have beets pews, and that he will nut be liable for the assets or ally port thereof eo uletrfbuted t0 any per80n or pereo06 of whose ohm's 1(0(1881 011811 not have been received, b,SOuTT, 11,B.IIAODONALD) A8oi nee, !mentor. Dated at B russele, 8rd. day of April, 1907, ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE TO CREDIT - O aB,-1u the matter of the 861808 of Pabrlok Kelly, of the Tole/neap ofMos, rie,ln the County 01 Huroe, farmer•, un Iheulv880, Notice is hereby given that Patriot. Kelly, of the'lOwneoip 811 Moeda, iu the COM, evof Buren, aa,1'y(ua on 0(18106888 a lalmnr, aF he 01t1e A'owbehlp 0111 A,urrle. J1118 10847 art ehie a 0811 under 10, S. 0.1997, .3 Imp. 147, of ell W 080810. 0864118 and alfuute to F(81in Stewart byutb, Of ilio Retake of Retain a Brussele, 1n he Moietgenera of Buruo,1080, mtes agent, for .he (1608801 bnneaao ill b 110111 the 11.uent- be o1 bis 0rem(ture wilt be i,01,1 84 We Law Oh10ob of A, h. Mathew/Oil, 0t the Vlnago of Biinsets, ul the bounty O( Hurat, 081 Alou- U8),y, the 1800 day it April, 1007,. „610 o'eluuk b the (.880000, Lu es us .lee 81LLk.mu1't8 11,1 06888 cud apposes 180980ter8 11,14 fix Lelr f sel LIA e, Lunt 008 448084re 8ig Uf, 4L6 °Haitile utell 00 1/1.1. Welt'411y, (la•eolt- to urn siteue,(squeaked w ale tool wui0,1 Wltb h0 A1118 8 6, or hln 1 Ell lit., 1 Aue tin pro vl.1u08ut, 1ug *181 by rue cad AnE, 8181 11' (r•1' sue Jay,,, 88 0 e wlus, /1/10 . nula (0111, 1 klle7 wet alter1861680 86L dog 018 J1 ,0, A, D., 19817, We 100 84 11 8 101' ptu0e60 to eletrie to the wheats 'Ul 6100 del bier um8413 o tum Values Minuted therein,. laving. regime bury 481 me Male, of wheel utile than then have heat glean, mud tout 0 W,ll not hu i18bre ler Dub (0,01.10 or any alb 4 41108 01 8 0 01n10l1044011 EU .113 ,,6,1100 61 *Immo 41 W(3008 0.01(0 lut,ne bea/1 slut aVe ben.IOOu, Ves, n ream), A, 13, w00110NALn, A.elan,.0... 801181 tar, ,Lathe et 1,ru,8ule, aid day el Apel, WO 010,6601.4, IMPORTANT `NOTICES QEED PEAS ---I RAVla FOR K stele u Iln filed gaauWte of good 08014 poloist Grahu Elavatuur, iirueaele, 10011'1`, 0IiABAM. 1IRIOIt STORETO RENT BY A N, bl'Ubry 1st -part of Smith Mock. 28886 feet) Sud door from Anl7rluau Hotel'; awl l tined as 16(torleg and pants' furnish- ', g eetsbllehlnent Per fernier ptiw/mere apply t0 D10 NAMOLI/KZ, .881188818 IIURT BORN BULLS FOR tJ hwr a,-088 Wee u year old 1n Jauudry, 1908, Bud the other 10 mouths old, Prise animals and lu good oOudltloo. Terme to null pur8ha806, .1AMU(18 8pM101, Lot 80, pun, 6, aloris,.or Brussels P, O, 10.tt 1_1ULL 1'OR SERVICE—THE eel umlurai)uud will new, for Berme ou MI Lot 08, (88, 7, 181ol rlo, the pure bred 14 ureter° ball, 8p'.rt,0u. lad. Pedigree may be (emu uu ap1'1 nittium Tel we, Ai 50,witb pr1Y1(el, - of r,•te rube; 11 nee060ary. •-874 1P. MO0DTORJOON, Proprietor, K. 0. T. M. Bruehels Taut I f tali Maccabees, No. 24 bold their regular warthogs in the Lodge It row. 19aeker 10(wh, on the het and 8rd rue buy 0v0uiug6 01 each month A, SO EBB, LLum,way. woke, A, IL WOR SALE OR TO RENT.— .a; uuu re Yarm, be,ng Lot 80, 00(3. 7, Grey, fur fur gale Or to rent. tten W1•LtWe 1,uuse, bank baro, ot0)1 aid, airing -Norm bluely }MI 0 mita from the nEir•Suvillage u y Nt Sobel Nur ups War or apply to L• 9.N , 78 Brus- sels, tr MAS,0100 HATS HOLLAND, 78 Mutter18 Street, Toronto, ._. 87.8m DROPERTI FOR SALE—THE ubuurolgued taelo bis house mei lot, situate (,0 A111) 8,reet, B10888 e, for Bale. I t la well Minted, a mnive8lent suit emu fors table hurne, leoseeselou eau be given at onus, Will also sell the enema lot, 001(10r o1 M111 uud Lliaabeth 8tre810, widen would make a Hue uuildlue efts, For Iurcher par - 11001 are 11 to , 1H terms, Cu., apply to FRED.6(1,ADA.ud, Hardware Dealer, Funs - ketch. 09.4 Farm Labourers and Domestics I have been appointed by the Dominion Governmebt to place Immigrants from Elle Hei.e11 Kibgd*m iu sepia ue a 1 p d arm Is omens ,r due eehiu earvuucn lit this vlotuity Any ow sou regal., ma eu0(1 bele should opal• fy we poreonaly or by 104ter elating (011y (b0 h11.d of h0,p required, wean wanted ems wage8 uttered. Pito numbers arrlvfog may nut un eumefeut to supply ell requests but every effort w111 be made to provide ea6u oppliauue with help retie 108l, ANUI18W )V. 9LOAN, Oaladiau 0overuwent L''mpluytneul Agent 31.9m Bllth Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Rachel Barnhill, late of the -Township of Elms, in the County of Perth, widow, deceased. Notice ie hereby Nivel, pursuant to Revis- ed etatute9 of Ontario, 1897, Chap 129, tied umeedu,g Acts, that all ...mature an 1 esthete. Lavine boy Maws wittiest the estate of the geld IEuohel Barnhill, whit Bled on ur ab011 rue Seveutueute "al 01 February, 1907, urn required on 01 1oture the First may a June, 19117, to send by posit, prepaid, or deliver to to Peter La dlaw,+01 11181Tewu Uip 01 alm8,,n the Ouuuty et 01erti, estwuud P. O , the Esteem ors 01.the MU 088enet0, their Ourietoes and aureame, cud adere800 with lull part,o0lare m writing w their elaime. the statement of their 800uun18 aura the nature of the 86806/4/88 (10 buy) held by them. Ana notio8 fa further glveu that niter the said Met mentio0ed data the emu 10an0n- tura will ruue6u totlialxiu uEa the a u ghat e el re h aee6m 01088(18(81.8to tre6 a Mamie 1.m whites , Lavlua refine only w the OIS1we cit whites Way shad 10011 ill n uutme debt cunt ihe suet 21x,601618 will nut ue gable fur Lha 018811, 00 au), pert 11186601, to nay ('08(811 Ur p08bolte of ammo 6lalme. 801100 alai het buve been reoeivnd by teem et the time e1 bn011 d161r1b0t1Un, Dated at nruoeele this 07111 day of March, A.11,1907 (ngu,) P1TER WA1'10N tExecutors, idAl0t8AR10T LAIDLAW Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Rebecca Beil•nes, late of the Township of Grey, lit the Ouuuty of Huron, Mar - "Tied Woman, deceased, Notion 18 hereby elven, pursuant to "The 11, J 1 vise Statutes t u Ontario," ” 1097 and nmeudmnut n thereto, that all utuela na ¢rout torn u. d viuon *mime d m or the. the tial eco aalrun d n ho a tied , 00 aabout the Toe .troth day 10 October, I' 1006, are le' qui ed. on or belore the Titdrtenntu guy of April, 1907, to eerie by poet, prepaid, or de. dyer to W M. 6molalr, of the Village of Brussels, lit the Comity ofHurou, 9olieitor for Ju1u Ferris Bermes, the Executer of the. lent will Bud 1881umeut of tbo fend de00a8ed, their Christian end etuman 06, addr88nes anti deseriptioue, the full. artie- p 811000 , O• or e ) 'me h oat the statement neouunta 08114 the within el c cit their MIA held by them. h¢ eeoaYitnn (if And further take botioe .that after than lint m6ut seed trate the wild executor will. pitemed to distribute the 11880E8 01 the de Cea888 01.waist the parolee 0111141014- teem - to, buvibg regard 181y to the Weems of Wilde he 681811 them burn nntioe and that ,he said lexeuulor win Lot be liable for the bald meets, ur uu�yY part thereof, i0 shy per - tun of whose olulm mottoes 11811 nut have oen0 received by elm 0.1 1110 (1m0 01 auo1 dioD o1' utluu. - Dated 1111820u4 day of Numb, 1987. W. M. 8INOLAI8, 88.6 Solicitor for l:center, 1*'.. •, ,aM1,,' • . til SynopsisofCanadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS ANY even numbered section of Dominion. Lauds in Mauftoba, Saskatchewan all Alberta exospl fug 8 and 28, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any pereen who is the wile head of a family, or any mule over. 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter eeotio0 of (00 soros more or lase. Entry may be made personally, at the looal land aloe for the distriot in Which the lend is situate. The homesteader is required to perform the :oonditiousoonneobed therewith under one of the following pl818 1 (1) At least 8111 mouths' re8idenoe upon and oultvatiuu Of the laud '10'oa¢h year tor three years isi2160808e father otheIlowoatendere redlde upon a farm (u the viol sty of the land entered fit the requironlente as to reef donee may be ea Wiwi by ouch person re- editing with the father or mother. (9) If the settler has. his permanent res,• dance -upon farmreg land owned by him in the veifui1y of hie homestead, the re. guireme0tene to re0ldonoe may be oaths. Had by (186(88000 upon the 864,0 )and.. Six moiltho' 891(01, hl welting ohould be 0(880 681 t1,e Connaoflatwitted of apply lot Lauds at Ottawa of la twitted to apply for patent, lW.0010Y, "'bounty of the in 'ter of ibterior, N. B, Unauthorized pub110(01lon. 01 this old. r hello w 800 17414ftM bABOANUEDOMASTIO9»- lhave beep appointed by the D0411000 (lnvrnment to elect. Drmlgranta free) the United Elner'nw in 1 I alt1, ne lie 18,8m 1,0• 01088 or 48(8 retie eervanto in Mile vlelulty APS Person rvgq(rmg 01(881 help alienist 11061' ly too 1,1 letter stages fully the wed et bel' tapir. ti, wheel wanted led Wage, offered 'l he uumbere anrletng Puy u0t be 0001010ut to bup}'ly all reg0eato but 0Y.ry effort will be mate to orivide rush Op llioauc with bo(. required P. S. 8'HD11, Cab8dmu euveruma,t I''mple)mout Agent 62.1Y 00808(018 P. 0. MONEY TO LOAN ON PAR /14 PROPERTY Bate of interest 61 per pent per (10nunl, drat Mortgage LIFE AND FIRE INS, AGENT Bs/Meier folio Islamise() 00 mpaoy The ligulty Fire leeeratem Company All bnelti000 attended to promptly, H. R. BREWER, J. P. Olork 4th Dfvielen 001186 r ezi`fm4R"'y130701's^tYAvX^t'Pi''L`rAA'41:'a'QA'SivaiE:A'18A'QR''aVRA'4¢'A, bS.t'4guV64A9ti+l`( 4' The Misses flabkirk ARE NOW SHOWING aThe Very Newest Creations i tv Z in Spring Styles I and we want You to see them Our Hata have a "Smartness" and originality of style peculiarly their own. We aim nt exclusiveness W of and n a d are confident that we now have one of the handsomest and most orig- inal assortments of Eats in town. If you're looking for st'Inething Stylish, "Chic," Nobby, favor us with a call when in town and we'll show you "What's what" in Up- to-date Millinery. "LOOK US UP" SOON MISSES . HALKIRK g?b 71VAA'0'.bvfJS 4,,,,WA;'i, 4W6v Y tv 46'Q,yA AY4t $sv7i.A�sv 904,y,MMV.24g,y,.bviVg, .e or Naflollal Boller Flog i11s The undersigned begs leave to intimate to the Public that they have purchased the well known Flouring Mill from Mr. W. F Stewart and will be pleased to be favored with the patronage of the public. Best Brands of Flour and Feed kept p in stock Our Aim will be to Please our Patrons Ring up Telephone No 4 if you desire anything in our line and have not time to call. W M . & R.A.PRYNE BRUSSELS a' SPECIA L VALUE IN Dinner �y . L Ino." -AT ,mow Geo. i•1 ho rnson/ s vdlltf�l�►, BRUSSELS Ladies are Delighted with CAMP.B ' ELL S. VARNISH STAIN foe re•atalntnd and finishing • Furniture. Wood work and Floors They can do the work themselves with excellent reignite