The Brussels Post, 1907-4-11, Page 3ad, LEARNING TO . • . that it florist, Wive been some- where 10 the north of and near the ford Le/ V E the Jab's* referred to ember hi the MOTO If We Grew t1p to Be Good It Was Due Either to rim MIDDLE AGED MAN. Dalt HJo Life Might Sewn to Ille Young, But 11 Yields Illm Onjoymenl. Accident or to Miracle. Happy Is the man thnt flinieth Wisdom anti 1111111 that getteth understand - Ili., El. ',notedly the text sitys that ito is hart - who LIPIINVS SOrill 1111(lorsLanding, who Is educated through living. With MO oar loathing the greatest leethn be - fere us Is thie moo of living right, er finding our full lierdinge- and filling out' P10011 05 101.01 and woollen in this world. 11 our syslems of oducallon fail to, tetieh us how to the lhey fuil The great mod of our day is that we shall trate lite conscietwe to right mor- al itidgment, that \ye shell othwate all for the business of living, find that we shell so edueble all that we shrill roof only have a generation of bright, smart, nioneymaiting 00 famemaking machines, but that NVo luny 'Mee clean, upieght, 11.11111 loving, solf-tovevencing, God fear- ing orlon and women, 'neve Is little likelihood thni. Canada will fail for lack of abaility Lo do busi- ness. We have Moine and Ivo have beaver. Never was there, on the whokt, a 'teenier people nor a mare intent - gent. The clanger is that we shall fall at 'he point or charneter; that we shall fail where failure is fatal to every other kind or success. TIIIS 115 TIIE CRUCIAL POINT. wo do well to perfeot the ,plans bY which we leach men the encyclopettla er•their bodies, their country, the ‘vorld and Its history. But we cannot !Desoto and recent evenis have reonincled us with a WM1)10.1)010 of warning, that no mouni of knowledge constitutes any sort, even the feeblest kind, of guaran- tee as to rectitude of life. If you neglect the heart, the will, and coneelence, if you neglect the knowledge or end training in eight relations with mete reverence and right relations to ile most hign, your culture of the Intel- iect is WOr50than wttsto; it is the per - Paling of the poLson of our 'social life; 11 is the whetting of Illo edge of a man's lethally and grossness. Above ail things, 'the most desirable thnt men shall lova truth and nate a lie, thin they shall hove honor and truth een much move than fame, !rower, or poseessions that never for an instant -will these weigh in the smile against the former. 13u1 for lone' it. 1105 ije'm !nought, that lids choice flower of no- bliny grew by Mousse; the Pithier of the sold was so nmelerious 015 never le tor• brought under' scleallfic law, rettlin of chummier hue been the last 10 001110 toneitor the coign or law. Nuw we reeognise that we must learn 111 live toe truly as we inue1 learn to rear, and that the culture of tiro eati1 must pont by the wondrous 3 1 rid WS Mal all ertheational ecieneco has made; that all 0111. efforts lo produce charm: - Me must he 30 wisely iiivected that we seems) ihe best und most endue - Ins results. One message romes from the lips rof every seer, from every, page of histovy. JI is that the man or the nation alone 1: wise, ALONE FINDS ENDURING LIFE, who sets before commercial sufireinacy or political powcr or fame in learn- ing the glory of vightecusnees, the beau. ly of praclical holiness, Their wealth Iles beyond enerotpthin and Ilietr days know no end who too 011003 aria V101,1 111 the 'hinge within. The greatest service we can render our day is by giving II, the riches or worthy living, by selling before our- selves the production or high character through all lifo's processes of lorforreng, and by bringing in every way we may h. an ege engrossed In selfishness mad commecetaltsat the significance of the call of cheracter. No Wonder it sometimes seems to Its that WO have forgotten to smile; Met our faces ere so drawn. with Ilse tense struggle or lire that we have lost sight or tho meaning of happiness. How can wo he happy unless we shall Set our whole lives In harmony with the things that nee fundamental and eternal? We must learn to order our lives, not as machines to be driven in the money mill nt the top of their efficiency, but as part 01 11010 great life or the spiritual world, as inheritors of things divine, eublime, and gineious, as possessore • f the joy that made 1110 morning stars sing logelher-and the beuuty that paints the evening red. HENRY F. COPE. THE S S. LESSON INTERNATIOtsiAl. LESSON, o' APRIL 1.3, •'7"-• Lesson H. God Gives Jaroob a New Name, Golden Text: Luke 10. 20. '01111 LESSON W011D STUDIES. Based on the text or the ilevised \ler- •slo(e howl) in Ilatoone-The sojouvii of Iamb ill Huron le of importance in our his- torical narratives at thts point because of 'the fact that il was here that WS eleven sous, roo01 whom descended the twelve tribes of Istael, tore bort). Mention is 0100 made et the birth of a daughter, Dinah, to Leah, the first and older trife of Jacob. Jacob's life In Hamm is im- portant also becauee her he acquired independent wealth, which later gently ougmented the inheritance which ho re- ceived from ids retiree Isaac. 'Hoe ac- count of the teeth of Jacob's sous is found in Gen. 29. 8110 30. 34, where the incoming of Oro nom of ench is ex- plained. The names or the eleven sons limn in Bowan in the order of their birth and 1110 meaning of each name os given in (he narrative aro as follows : Reuben, meaning See; fe son; 5110- 00(1 Hien. "Shimeon"), meaning he (Jehovah) Lath heard; Levi, moaning a joheing or binding; Judith, meaning the celebrated; Dan, meaning he Nth judged ; Naphtali, meaning my worst - ling ; Oad, ineaning fortune; Asher, meaning happiness; 15501:t110e meapirtg lie will bring reward; Zebulon, meaning :habitation ; Joseph meaning adding, or the added one. There is 8f1 ethical side lo our nerve - live brought out especially in the men- tion of such incidents as the struggle of Leah and Rachel for their lutsbatel, which illustrates indirectly the evils of polygamy and the ,jealousies and rival- ries to Which it gtves Vise. ± ire character 01 Jacoles uncle, Lettere as portrayed in Worse chapters is anything but, Mien- eeive. His shrewdness, duplicity, and at> quisniveness ilre 11111011W by his. datigit- lees and reflected also in the notton of 1110 sister, Incoly',s mother Self -Interest and unpardonable deeelt ere conspicuous trails in his chummier. imbon's treat mitt of Jacob naturally has a batwing on ,our estionate•or Jacoles bellaylov towards his uncle. It is, Latent who nest breaks fuith with Jacob and who is throughout iho chief offender; end it seems fuir to infee that had Laban tented liftmen lion- eslly and generously ;Jacob would nol :have 1)0011 guilty of peacticitig deeeption egainst Verso 9. My father Abvairein -This phrase throws light on the uso of the words "rather" and "son" In the Old Tee1111110111. The former has often the oncoming 'simply of "eneestor," as the inner has the meaning of "descendant." The 'rearing of 11118 fad upon the chroci- nology of thc Old Testament In which the tepee of Lillie 10 counted by genera - 'lions, is apparma. Sankt, unto me, Rol urn -The express command of jeltovah to boob, givenin Gen. el, 3. Onm e reatolooble reek of Old '100' 1(110111! heroes is theft habit 01 111101. , boding oll success arid every achieve. 1110111, even the prompings to good end . profitable 'undertakings, to the (tired influence and guidance of Jehovah, while 011I110 same time te, necrotic° Working le tiring these very things About 115 111d115' ill1011S1Y 118 II at depended on. their effort. 10. 1 0011 net 1f60'tlip1-Ittcole,s prayer breathes a spirit of humility rood Rune:. _fulness, tied presupposes a conseicousness of sin, while riot containing n direr:Teen- ression of such. There is in the prayer ne clear note or penitence for the deceit by wIticii Jacob hood once grievously re Longed his brother. ' 11. Deliver me. I prey thee. ---The r0. quest following so closely omen the me knowledgment of unworthiness betrays the element of selfislinese, the instinct toward self-preservation Inseparuirte, perhaps, (rum the minter' of any normal man, Tire mother with the clolltleen-A peo• yeebtal Hebrew expression.. 12. And thou eakist, 1 will surely do thee good -sit Ls clear from Jacob's in. sistence 10 maiming the proontee pve• viously niade to him by Jelenali thal that promise., refereed 10 in rem. 31, 3, was certainly move than a 11101'0 menial Murree:elm or 1111101' 1'011\i/41011 111111 00d W01110 prosper him. A definite vovelit- liop and connintnicallon of some kind nom Jehovah musl have been vouch- sufed 111111. After pleading thus oarneelly for di- vine as.sislance Jacob again' proceedso to make all possible provision for a favor- able oucome of tire impending, meeting with his Mother, sending Memo presents of [locks and herds in advance le ap- pense 11 possowe 1011 811(100 of lesati. 'rhus. as In the lives of most Ole Testament heroes, here tIso faith turd \votts mein - fest themselves logelliev. 22. And passed over -He perlethly tie eompanied his family lo a. place of surety on the other side of the stvetun and Hien recrossed nione to the place of his for' 11100' encampment. '1'lle weeding of the nareolive al this point, nt lens'. in ,is to little ambiguous (comp. lite expressions "sent them over the :Mormon" rand "was left alone," verses 23, 24.). 'rho ford of the Jahlook-The Athletic flows into the Jordan from the east about twerdy-Iive miles north of 11101 .1)1011 11en. end only tr few utiles south of Lire Sea of Galilee. For In least rweroyetee or thirty miles of Its e01.1•30 bark fl'0111 the Jordan it flows through 0 deop chasm, or anon, with steepand lofty sides and with telly heve 811(1 11)81'0 11,possible fording place. The ford hero oeforreceto.wnslir all-peo- babiliteeresm nbout 1110e0 miles east or the Iiivdano by which one or the Ps- iononry routes from Palestine to the northeast still crosses the stream. 2e, 'neve wrestled a man with 111111'- A heavenly visitant In luiman form, whose identity is not frilly revealed to facet). 25. Hollow of his thigh -Thal is, the 'socket 01 )115 thigh bone. 26. I will not let thee go, excepi thou bless me -Jacob perceivee now thet the P008011 with whom Ire hes been west - ling Is move num mortal and seiees the opportunity to ask df him a blessing. efie No more jaeob, hut Israel -As so often in ins dealings with his chesen representatives (none nem, Jenovali emphasizes the special crisis in 'leech's lore end the renewal of o. Poetise of future bleesing lw n change 'of moth. 'to 11115 come !he change is from a mune meaning "1110 supplenler" toone indi- eating his successful Weestling'with Cod, and seggestive also of his S1leC055 111 tile approaching 'encounterwth 1?,son. Stelven with God and with men, 00141 itast prevelled ithob's perseverIng wrostimg 111 prayer e‘ode pthomet Ls 1081 ended. But among men also he hoe per- severed in the past. tits 00)11081 10111) Laban tars burned out favorable to him ; and while that wilit Esau Is not yet come to •ari end,. still the words "hest prevailed" are Words of good omen .for the sUcoessIttl ()Memel° et this encounter alSo. BO. Peri -MI -Lie "the face Of God." All that can be said with regard to the site of this place, se inerrsorable in the lire ot Indef.), and so symbolical of Victory in every setil-strUggle of God's oblldren 16. '1 find as I grow older," said the middle aged moth "lira I fun 113/1e and more a eveature of ruutioe. g 111011 Ille and 1 liked variety, lad now it es change noel irks me. I like now lo olo my impetigo! ovules in Ike yet:Wall way, always the 3111110 /4181 i0 310001 01Y 1103t1re 130115 111 11150 11111111101% "MY WOrk Is 801111110 118(1 1 W011bi 1110 1/50 11 01111011 if I could; ito fuel, very - Mg it would upset me more or less. Al it tre I work eking 'though, the day toy regular, siteeessive snips, cunning el- way.10 le, sane. things at ceelitin regular Items rind minutes, and al night 1 go hurler el a fixed hour, press lire seine buildings. We eame show windows, the thine signs, the same everything, 11, iny hones "Thesoine? Quite the conlvary, Some- times somewhere ftioug my ruute they poll 111 0 11010 3101111 110101 00 some one Sells oul 11110 11 DPW 1111101 toomes in and u new sign goes up and really tliese ihings intevest me very much leo- mouse they batmen la my steeds. Really these Mines seem quite 'like tweets to 11101 11)1d 1110Y lire ell the events I want. "Thou when I gel home I do enjoy my dirtner-for that matter, ill my wny, I enjoy everything -and alter dinner 1 like lu sit down, alway$ in the same chide, find smoke mid read, and here, confes$, I don't Ulm to be d15- '9 gel my 1111101 fixed and my enjoy- ment started on whatever I am rend. ing, and I don't to be Interrupted, Somebody speaks to me and I turn to the speaker, 1311 11 petst be with a 111t10 vagueness; certainly I don't fully un- derstand what the speaker ins said. \Mien they :me 1101 10011 they say good hitmoredly; ' "'Oh, 1101 11051 rend.' " \vherest 1 Politely Protest, with now 'mos evidence of attention; butt they say kindly: "'Oh, go on with your reading,' and they mean Shell do so, for at my age I fon to privileged pet -eon. "Sometimes they try to got Me to gn to a commie. Now, I like a concert. but I don't like to go, become .1110 going breaks in on my routine; and thert they laugh at me and call me an old fogy 311111, 10800 me home; arld roallY that suits me best, because I do like to get to bed comfortably at my repine hour and gel my' regultre night's sleep. "So the routine life suits me best. True, if all men were like this there would be no.progresellett, Id the rest. less young people llend to that. "A narrow view, this? Pet -Mips so, but I scarcely think selfish; and the old - es I grow the more do I think that 8111. ture is very kind to os in tenths us fated within such narrow but friendly limits very great enjoymeatt" '1- '11111 MEANEST MAN. flow Cy Matthews Treated a Man Who ' Saved Ws Barn. The postmaster and proprieloe of Ihe general store glanced disparagingly after the vetreating back of the last man le recethe his mail, oind painsinkingly adjusted a toppling lin that crowned a tower or loterato-cans. Lien ire drawled leisurely to his one lingering ousts:mow: See that toilet' that jest, wtont otil ? Ile's the meanest man ill tho county; yes, eir ! Show me a meaner man than Cy Matthews and I'll advise him to go Into s dime museum to earn ins Ithhig as a freak. 'Twas Iasi summer., 'bout the necktie o' the long drought, ho and elelludy went over 10 his merriest son's to slay the day and overnjght. Well, nobodY knows Jrst (low it came about,-leamps, most like, - but the Mum got afire they teas gone. Joe Salterlee (hove by freely, starting into Iowa on his milk -route, and he saw 1110 blaze just beginning. Well, theee nden't any help anywheres Pear, and the well was doled top, so there wa'n't any Water, ellheie nearer than Smith's crick; nut Joe, lie's oval re- sourceful, an' he 51IW \NItl 0). everything cloy as linden the whole place 01115 bound le go if suthing wa'n't done quick. So out, he jemps an' pours ore non till he put it oul-Mok every drop he had in tho wagon, 1)111 010 squenened the last .flicker 'fore he left. Well, you'd kiral o"spect Cy Matthews would ha' been grateful, considering now, wouldn't ye? But he wa'n't. Said 'owes jes1 sensational, pulling out lives at sox cents a quart; sensation, and nary grain o' sense. Said he'd ha' paid the veep of Joe's fild hosebianket willingly ir Joe'cl beat Ilia fire ou1 like he'd orrgIneet hut a wagon -load o' milk -no I lie didn't either. Joe scooted to go to law foe tl, and 'Iwould ha' been a dead loss if ell 1118 eitstOmers hadn't: been $o dispsied tot they paid jest as usual for the iffilk they didn't get. Well, everything's good roe something, so my wife says. Mebbe Cy fithithews is gcod for eanting off other folks 100011 be lag us 1116011 as he Is., A PREFERENCE. The work was over. foe the. eley, and the great comet will& the 'farmer was giving 10 all his farm hands \vas about 1) commence. Ills wife flitted about everywhere, do- ing bet' best to nuthe everyone foot per- fectly at home, and, in order to bestow spodeh honor on the head man, she graciously invited him to sit on her rept hancl. 13111 Broadley, however, ecennined ellent for teethe, to all nppearances goitre overwhelmed with iltis token Of celoein. "Conte:" sold the hostess encouniging- ly, "don't be bnellful. 'You've a roight to the place of honoreerou "Many thanks, toire. and Faience Opedr man," he said 1 "but, if Ws all tiro sante to you, I'd rather sit opposite' that pucl- den." "Miss Short, says she's thirty, but, I'm Mire she is thiety-she every year of it." "Web, yell Seel, 0110 W115 815 before sho learned to count." "1-034441. 04011,114.144K ,PVIP11 frii-N Home dife/4014044440ifedele4044440 SOME DAINTY DISHES, Ginger Snaps.- Bub a quarter of a pound or butler or dripping into moo pound of flour, add huff a pound of muffin% Miff a pound of wormed treacle, anti ono teaspoonful of carbolutte of :mole dissolved in loot wake'. 1Nlien all is Well 1111380 POW' 011 01 buttered 1111, and helm in 01 stoutly oven. Boiled Apple 1ffidding. - Chop fleely half a pound or teoples, halt a pound of beef suet, rood 11101. tvillt half u pound of liverifiertimbs, two crapes of flour, a 1111arirr of ft pound of nurist eugar, Iwo Pegs, andif nlr'.ssso'y a V117 little nefik• steadily e won-greneed mould tor three hems. Servo will1 sweet melted Mittel' Saner Stewed Glioese,-'rnIce four ounees of mated cheese, %violet] has become too hard and dry rOr 111130 use, set nee 11001 SieWPall Wiiil one gill of new milk, lialf an ounce of butter, and stew the whole 11 t it is dissolved. When IL Is nearly cold mkt beaten egg, :Set i a Pie -dish, and brown in the oven, Inexpeneive Icing kw Cokes.- 'rime - roughly beat 110 while of an egg, 1100 LO 11 0110 tablespoonful of rind water, and stir into it gradually sufficient sugar to theiken it. Lay lies on tho cake end smooth i1 with a knife dipped into boil- ing wider. Set, the cake in a cool oven to dry. This icing cuts easily without breaking. Griddle Caltes.-Take half a pound of fine oatmeal and add to it one teaspoon- ful of sugar and the same 01 baking pewdev, With 0. pinc11 of sale Mix all these Ingather, then beat Into it enough skim 1101111, or Mater milk to make a ligh1 hatter, mai bake by spoonfuls spread on the griddle. Or on the baking sheen; In the oven. Care should be taken that either is very clean and slightly greased. Savory Shoulder of Muttom-Bone a small shoulder of mutton, and place onton stuffing in 1110 cavily. Roll up the meal, and make 11 Into a ilval roll. Slice turnips, carrots, and celery, and place In a baking tier with one pInt of stock. Shunt the meat on the vegetribles, cook gently till thoroughly done, basting fre- quently. Dredge the meat well with flour, th that it Will be . frothed, unit serve with lire strained gravy round. Salt Beef [ragout -Take some slices of cold boiled beef, two onions, a taste. spoonful of vinegar, and half r, pint of gravy. Slice the onions fuse and fry in a little dripping, adding enough flout' to thicken 1.410 gravy. \\then all is a nice brown, stir in the vineger and gravy, and boil up. Place the slices 01 11)081 i11 this, and Ammer gently till tender., (la- ver with 41 111110 ketchup and made mus- tard. ' Have ready soone well -boiled and mashed turnips, urrange a border or border of this around a dish, so us to form a wall, pour the ragout in the ccertre. Garnish the dish further, if you like, with slices of hard-boiled ogg. To make Brawn. -Required : One pig's head, two sheep's tongues, a teaspoon- ful of chopped sage, 301110 finely chop- ped parsley, pepper and salt to taste. Well wash the heed In salt and water remove the blood, rub the [lend with. common salt, and helve it for thecte days, adding a little fresh salt every day. Ptit the hend i11 a slewpan, just cover ft with cold water, and let it simmer unlit quite ((quiet'. 'Men remove the bones from the meat; cut up the meal, into enntli pieces and the tungue in slices, and mix in the chopped sage, pavsley, pepper, and sale Place all in a 'mein ov tin, and pour over it half a phii of the stook In which the head 1.0115 cooked, using a Inns coloring to make it a 1011'3 brOW11. Dripping Cerise -Tire quantities ew thls me about six ounces or beef dripping le ono pound of flour, a pinch of stole and 11011 a pint of cold while moony like to add about half a teaspoun- jut of baking powder, which, however, shotild not be added lilt the hest thing. Place the flour in a clan, dry bowl and add the ,ealt. Rub the dripping ln as described, woke a hole in the centre, and add the wale'. gradually. Mix With the knife' till all the 110111' gradually is incorporated -111e bowl shonkl be quite clean and dry -then flour your hands and lirt on 10 11 810811, flowered powley board. Knead till it looks nice and smooth; then flour the roiling pin and roll ou1 lightly to the required size and. .sionpe 136)mo cutting pastry ninety's put tito knife in flour. . • • 11011"r0 Miele. A SIIIIITWAls'T. 'rhe milking or the unlined Shirt W11151 Or Mouse is very simple if the propev at- tention 15 given to the 111110 detnile. ft ik 111051 important that the pattern be lind according to 1110 thread of the ma- terial, especially In wash fabrics. ShiviwaiSiS (We 051111 113* 11111111Pli, al- though those of silk anti (tunnel are sometimes imide with a lining, If the shirt -ovals', closes in lire front, the eight edge is generally finished by a box plait stitched en each edge. But- tonholes otre weeked through the centre or this plait, end buttons sewed to the left, iddr, which is hemmed ov Ilnishen he a. lap. French 10111115 UFO ilSed, and the gathers nee put in nt the wonst according to the perforations In the pat - term The belt and plum that is now treed lo Melt the lower edge do awny with any umweessavy follnese below the waist end give a Wim appearance mod smeoth flt ovor 1110 hips. The molting of the sleevue is meetly considered by 1110 amateur as the most dialeult part of the wnist, Find the sleeve lining meet be 11011111'0101y 0101 01010! lorded, care being Olken thel the to. 01101111111111(1 notches come together', and then tried on to see thal the dhow is in the eight position. After the seams nee otilehed and pressed they :depth] be bound with the seam binding. Ab inter- linin(1 re m111011111) 81)0111 [W0'1001100 \lid(' $11001d 110 placed in the lowev'esigre loo sowing thp sleevesre, ise neneineo, bold the waist, so that the sleeve is lownrd yon and bind with a bias strip 01 1116 II1NTS, Mix skive blacking with vinegar.; thie will make ihe Necking Mick better, and mouldy er dry wrap 11 1(1 0 010111 dam" TO Prevent, 01)10000 from beet:rifling pencil witir vinegar end keen it ill 4 covered dish. Starter and iron wide lamp -niche arld wicks for oil femme. They will net there valise trouble in littiog Went irdo the burners. Every saucepan Ilan has Moen ueed and finished with ,should bo filled with told water' lurrip or soda put into it, and set to boll out, When 4111 0311140113110r is not used in blow it upwards, It wth then !wither p011111114 cut a reunite, the best wily ie smoke nor snouted/1r, o,,o notes, to marry 1011101' Ile Is In 1110 110''• al'OlO 100 11311111 fiat insole peetillar ow 1.1 boiled wider pour a 0110(01 11111,„ e, w eetiles down in the thilettos bachelerdoon, from one jug to another, in &wrier to lel the Mr parrs through il. Kw tired feet, put a liateltui sof 00110' '110(000 snit into a quart of hol 11.10h.r, and white it ie LIS 130 LIN 01111 111‘ 1/111`1111 place tIto feet in il. AfItorwarde rub dry 001111 a rough towel. Egg -steles may be removed from 091q0116, C0111100.1 by Using 1111411 1V1111 soft - Witted eggs, by taking a little mellower salt betWI'ell lloe thumb and finger and briskly rubbing the stain, which will pool disappear. The efficiency 01 11 water filler may be tested by posing through it 01 stoltriMn of consly's Fluid Hon 111'cipti 10 a pint of water); 11 11 comes out or (lie filter with any pink color or 11113' !trete it 18 a proof that the filler does not not at all, find that it cannot arrest the fralf15 of dis- ease ; 11 11 comes out. a yellow or brown color it shows that 110 1001 poisone the water. MANY MEN DON'T MARRY 'I HEY ARE USUALLY '000 OLD , AT THIRTY YEARS'. • Iletween Twenty and devenlyerin Man Acquires Expensive 11 13 Verl' notiecaler± Ilea 11 11 man MILLING COMAIANDERS, Condemned to Death for Attempting the Impossible. Other times, other mannets, eve01 in nuesla, Admiral Niebogatoff has, It is true, been sentenoeel to death for slot achieving the impossible by retrieving with the shattered remnants of a broken nee( Boehdesteensky's defeat at the bat - Ile of Tsushima; but the death penally bas been commuted to one of ten years' Imprisonment in a Melrose, There WM 110 811011 cononutation In the case of the Brillsh Admiral Byng, who „ wee condemned to death for lois failure IlleY tica InereiY two Plows of ll• to accomplish an equally impoesible task Think of the very youthful bride- -the relief of Minorca against over- grooms ef acquaintance, town of wheiming odds -and duly shot in Ports- from 21 to 29, and consider the factors olleirpuHbyaai rilarboerof ,olitasoboazimril l hinsoitesvp flag- that wehm re at work to bring them1 th sle altar. fionghly speaking, they mom be In extenuation of this barbarous Judie divided into two classes, the man with dial murder it is generally fund that from titles and money, oe money alone. and that moment, dates the invincibility of those contented to marry upon 8111811 In - 111,1 British Navy. Mune! But 11 111 the comes. historical event Britten aclopted eirnilar WIFE TONES HIM DOWN. thee nevertheieoss, that long poke' to this methods 10.0 "encouraging others" in Al11 apparently all, the snatches con- shnilar positions to do their utmost, iracted were between really happy putts, 1 108caorinspitattinicr nee,isioly,ofart H.M.S. bttinDtho year deepiy le love with one another and 70 eriance, right glad, in the cese of theirnpecun- and Captain Wecle, Of H.M.S. Greenwich, isms, to face married life upon a sinall oroogurar erei:Ix.decuted after a like reshion on the income. Ready to travel third-class, In- ecic of H.M.S. Bristol in Ply- stead of first, ready to fordo only two mouth Sound, their (offense being a lack rieW Suits or toilettes a year, instead cf of zeal in not sufficiently supporting belt a dozen, ready to save 'a little LI Admiral Benbow when that grim old sea- (be latiniley bill by patting paper cuff dog ettacked the French fleet under Du rovers ort iro grimy offices, by learning la the- sister service, too, things were f•clOirceigolliirtageltitsviongeoulTstells°-dall'esdsilTrInaclocrin-g' 11-70 Casse off Jamaica. a much the nine. Neither Marlbar011gil flest and the lost, the soup and the 000.' not' Wellington thought twice about hav- 5001-1)y a multitude or small economies ing an officer shot tor proved incepacity. that in the aggregate mean a substan- And the it'rench, tt will be remembered, lial whole. surrenderin,q Metz lo lite Germans, so Every little luxury forbidden seems sentenced eitteshall Bowline deeth for late as 187/. He escaped his punishment, af two -and -twenty, and by the 11000 11° 85 dross the nrdent young husband ft, is true, and dieri peacefully In his bed is thirty he has no care for seli-Indul- in Math•ici, whither no had fled nom his "once at all, because the sweetoess ef peeseculoes. Bur 1151 100 did so was due rife, se fur es he Is conceened, lies in The he•ns end the twenties are amide first inenor•ssionulde owe. \Shen a loon lice' and eloicelly 311),S gOOd.11Yr 111i03420n11:1.58 111 Lill, iilirlil'S lo'' 1W1:0111°5 eri- in all likelihood he has suffered lat- twecon h0 tweutielit and twenty-ninth birthday the sting of ourequited jew- eler); and tviint is performs 01 ('100, has outgrown the morrow le les rebuff, only ober1,11 10 eynical determination Ill'Ver to be hurt in that way ngain_ fle 1108 case. unvoneelously, during the P0111111100 01 )110 years between 20 and to. acquired expensive testes, and what with the ditlicully there Is to please him 111 the choice Of is wife, and lite seinde. nial he dreads to face in 0011110011(111 With muking an income that 11111T1Y suillees for one meet the requirements of two. he gladly turtle from the tortuous path of matrimony arid lakes the easy road of bachelor existence with cheerful ala- crity. LIKES TO FLIRT. Tito first bloom is oft the rose al thirty, and 1100 open-eyed cynle do'clares 1110115011 far too dieillusioned In /Mackie himself With the claims of mairiniorSY. Ils• has probably no objection iu flirta- tion, with pretty givie, at whose Irmo - cent delight in. everything he menially sighs, though outwardly Ire is pleased to be sympathetic, 118 likely as not he will cherish a gveal, friendship for 0001110 W0111811 much older lhan himself. 13011 these emotions are Ire far remov- ed as can he, so he (Minim, from senti- mee(, though_ as a matter of $01)00 fact. to the brnvevy and devotion of his nob'ln 1 givingeducation, arid of pulling by a lib his children the ndenntage.s te g luorled wire, and not to 0103'compunc- eod tion fen towards him by the eloverninent 110 for a 1.11111), dny, or 10 'Ware 1110 011.• 01 1110 Republic. Lure heppiness of his fropily, should his ' SIR WILLIAM RUSSELL. personal support be enalched nway from them. King or Greece. mo.0 moos the 111811 of thirty, who LOVE'S DREAN1 IS O'ER, Improached for Being Dandy by the 't,lit bas entirely put away childish things, The late Ste \\*Wenn Howard Buseen, including the toto that endures, know the doyen of war cnrrespondents, once what he tostre. Ile has DILL aWaY confessed that, the most unenviable pose mon, those tortutifte dreams of the lion in which he was -ever pieced wire things that may be. that gild lite lives brought about by to 111110 joke on tho or so many men who marry young. lie pate of the King or Greece. When folie has put away also a vevy possible accompanied King Edward- lIze,tion of those dreams, and instead, Ihen, or 0011050, Of W11135-10 In. what has he achieved? die in. 1875 as private secretary, they An instinct for emomereial ;legman - stayed at the Pairier 111 Athens. Desirdizeinent, perhtms, tvhich will Make Mg 10 have a talk with the Nitrous war him rich some day-solitaloy rich, with - correspondent, the King of Greece made out the gvendest enjoyment there 15 in 1111 rippointment for half -psi six the fob- the possession of riches, that of seeing towing malting in the garden. During others enjoy the pleasures they eon (Ti- the night Sir Willium was mooch troubled. with the mosquitoes, which MI him badly about ihe hands anti arms. Huppening bo Move a infir 01 while kid gloves in his bag, he put them on, hut overslept hinieelf in co/lee/memos' of his brotaln slumber's. "I woke in the morning," send see William, when relat- ing the incident, "willi the knowledge of !meow somebody by toy bedside. 11 was the Klieg, occempenied by his big clog. It was he six. I sal up in bed. '01 half en hour, Mr. Ilulseelle taild the King, smiling, as he loll the mom, shall econe heck foe you.' Al level:fast that morning, during a ntrommit 01 Memory, the King, addressiog 1110 Queen, with n sly glance in my ditetelion, sake 'Well, I've met n geont maw (bodies in my lime. Nit Mr, Russell boils them all. Ile actually' sleeps lir while kid gloves I" COURTSHIP IN HOLLAND. "The. liollaneers have one occulter enslom that ought to appeel 1.0 ii10 bash- fylertniy.Tuinago nitne011. ttrifilAniT,,or,roiscatty\sylu.3)0101171d .1161% Leeurvin or Amsterdam, "When a fel- low pleki oOol the ire ettends to mare), lte pos lo sea bar fur a Caw limes, nntl then one evening puis oil loos court - Mg dress,' tr Prgeous nerangement, luon(leti down horn father to eon for generations. 'rhos nernyert he enter on hie clineniere mod logolliev they, sii down before a hr. (It ceurse the Mel con tell al a entree, from the nmounl or linery W81)1113.0[1 by her bony Mill 111, has de - ('11101 lo keno his RIR, but she doesn't give lem tiny. sign 111111 :she 11 1411, They' ell weal Milt about the meet corn- nempince things unlit the the throe down, Then 11 Ilre girl gels up and puts ore more fowl Ihe num Knows Iteri he is ac - emoted. If, ort the rothet• lipoid, she els trews Ille blaze lo die out .tntively and ninse, no move lo repitedell 11 the un- terimmie Nein)) onmeeeimel • Orel she is giving 111101 the I to enly-liworo. There is no tree trying le reorsunde the matolon. 11 3110 0000011') pol 00 11111 ihe 111010 ii120 1411'0.5 11 better polish. migh1 as well lake his Intl end go." SAN FRANCISCO VOTED WOOS? EV1,081101 SINOP, 701:7 11A11 OF 110.9S TWEED. Public Officers Found Opporlunity ION Personal Gain In the Public Misery. • At lost, through the efforts of Prose- cutor? Ileeey and Detective Borne lite MI is completely off in San Frarielseo. There ie a foot rthe atnong the guilty es to willeti Shell confees first end huy immunity by infornrafien, 1114' N"w ork Commercial Advertiser, Tho iirst inolletinenle \yore in Lite nature of bluff$, it behof now admitted that the evidence supporting them ditt not Stance for eon* 1011401, hut they achieved their etrd,r 'Hie frightened robbere, as ready lo 115. 101)' their fellow ormspirakIrS VS 1110 public, are hastening to tim grand jury.. lit toll their storiee. Boss 111101 has lost . lois impudent essurnece, ere.' Mayor Schmitz, three weeks ago pompuoulety, wing to Washington and etretchinglile legs under the White House milhogany, already in imagination reels ills hide clipped, The exposure Is the worst known in America Shirt' 1111 (b)e or Tweed, 'rho corrupt "thinning" among the aldermen of SI. Loubs, uncovered by Governor Yolk, wee not one-quarter so bad, 1,4155 than a year agn S811 Francisco 0100 everwirelmed by a celeste:mire that made her A MASS OF BUINS. lb the first days of the cal/golly, when looters appeared to prey on tire wreck, the world applauded as they evero SUM. Lustily shirt down. But the worts!, loot- ers have not been those Ma1 tried to wrench rings from (Inc fingers of the dead. The distinctive infamy is reSeri. ra for the francbise seeking- corpora- tions which saw a chance to pick San Fromeisixes bones and began to traffic with willing public officers who round epportunity for personal gain in the public misery. At no time in the his- tory of America bus there beee a reves tattoo] su appalling and discouraging -- the only consolation being that it is so bad that it Is 'hardly Conceivable that it Is illustrative of Other munictpal cots ruption. The bribed have been caught to san Francisco, and will not escape except as pardon may be granted them for furnishing evidence. Effort is now be. Ing emicentreted, and properly so, on gelling the bribers into the beg. Ac- cording to Detective Burns the steed railway of San Francisco paid 8700,000 for privileges it secured, and the light.o ing and telephone compannes huge sumSe 111s obvious that the principals and not merely the petty ollIcers of the cod!. - panics authorized these _expenditures knew for what purposes they Wore made. , THE SUPREME OBJECT should be to put these business crint, bats, and not merely the politicians, ILL the penitentiary, if we are, to nave soundness and health in municipal goy. el -Torrent WO must go higher up than tho office holder. The buyers rather than the sellers are the fountain of cor- ruption. The apprehension 01 1100 bribed must ill all casee be but the first step toward the punishment of the bribers. Another lesson ouistands in San Fran - 00500. Neither of the old parties was in 0011i1N11 or tim city. Slayor Schmitz was a "tabor" candidate. Himself a member or a labor union, he won and held pow - or by posing as the champion of work- ingmen. The warning 15 10011 large for the instrurtion of every man who works with hie hands not only in Son Fran- dsen but elsewhere. The mink 'end filo of tailor unions ehould look more cure- fUlly to their leadership. The men they depute to epeak in their name are too ellen grafters of the worst type, ready to traffic with predatory capitalists. In- telligent labor unionists know this, yet they permit themselves lo be played up- on by appals to their prejudices. le is time for workingmen's organizations to clean bouse-to repudiate practically, all of present day labor Politicians. EARLY GAS LIGHTING. sure. 10 1101 enough tu compensate Over Hundred Years stop J0011ary, 180, him for the loss of love's young dream? It Was First 'Used. LOVE SKIDOOS. Cars, as a preened] illuminant, passed Men. or 1111y are, in numerous cases, Ile century mark on January 28. On that day in 1807 there was in London. "01511011) and singular spectacle," accord- ing to the account of a visitor, "the whom range of Pall Mall, from St. James' to Cockspow soireet, was light, ed up by means 01101011(15 fed with gat; instead of cotton and oil, and certainly, la a style of much superior brilliancy.", flcielity, These trouts Illey know are 1115.1111is waS the first instance of street very salt 01 11141, ingratiating them with 11Verting by coal gas in London, mo In ' rav more sentimental than men or line- ty And why? Because they have ar- rived al n lime of life at which they 11)0 uble lo weigh in the balance the advantages of existence that they have missed, They make the most delight- ful lovers. generous, considerate, and kind, prone to eelfelemal, anti of a true the object of their affection, and eoieur- 111).) the clot-olio/1 of the beloved ono. 'rhe grand mistake the mom of thirty minces 1$ that he fakes himself fee too any other city. The merit of the ens . lorprise is due to \\Insole a G01'111801 cempny-promoting expert, who \Mee speothlly interested in the qtteslIon cf seriously. tle asks perrrehon, and so ,pconotrue fuel. Ills parnphletts, how- cannoi bring women to matte leve to over, conteiner so much .metravagan6 • of esairso, is far serow too siand. fannticism and quackery that they n- erd. Twenty doee not eine to weigh the larded rather than furthered lits schemes pros and cons of the situation, but thir. ty thleS1 SO hngthily, so moodily, .en foolishly that gay Love dances by and evades him. POOR FELLOW "eh- husband," meld etre. flatinboOlo welch mot with en extraordinary, amount ser opporsition, even from not,ligllbo-, nroedtP]os-oott Str Wrote that ther'et woos (1, nletiman proposing to light Loi;-. don.Avith oemoke. Awful coneeqUences woe ptedicted, The gas would poison air and blow up the inhabitants; W015 OXP0'RSIV0, dallger0115, OrfelISIVO 0011(1 onnumagenble; the pipes cenveying ni, so covemss about, his clothes, eellis it wneld be hot and opt .10 produce Con, • flagrationS. The Inistplighters to a men bothers are foresee coining ori," "Perhaps," suggested Mrs. Knox, opposod the new mode of street light, • eireteete, not 11001011 011 0017 well in um tog. and it. is cueloris to notice tho peel hoeitalion as to lis possibility express-, eit 111 to.ntemporavy scientific and pope Tor lileratuve. When or chnetered company 10115 00(1 rengni fanned in lb), the isfurreholdetet were pitied ns Miens; and Derthl Pollock, ' for thirty yenes Rs govornor, received sena extennedinery answers in degger, el rhyme from olheeWists sabot and elaid individnals whom be had ositecl to lake sita_moS*.. p "Thai's just 11. 110's (heedfully slip- shod one of the . best, types of self -ebonite! Is. denying outosolves the Measure nt suying harsh things of others. ' Cassl(lY "110110, Casey,. bow's 1111110)5 wid ye theee deys tifisey 1',toe, 101003', very hooey, indade," Cessidy w'res don't tell me t" Casey "Aye. Suee (Yew lione rin at layerive 1 hov 10 It's 10 pod deal easier, to g:Ve a mat% roonty then 10 give !dm ohaptly 1115 name is at 5111004