The Brussels Post, 1907-4-11, Page 2....................„. YOUNG FOLKS Oteni.-0-Cette0en0-ceteepeece0.0*4 ELLEN AND. HER FRIENDS, Ellen is an orphan girl about eight years old. Sero lives with her Aunt Ruth in 4 little town en Isoug 'sleuth A's Aunt Rath ilea no children uf her VwneElleri Ls alone a geed deal, but stie le a height, ItnagInatIve child, and she bolds many [um: ettelYerselionn WA) her (lolls and the cat. Tee two breeze werriors on the parlor mantle she callsn"Dvid and iloliath." These figures are the sante size le or - dewy ebserVers, but not to Ellen, The soldier with the cross -bow is 111110 Devitt, while bis companien. With the vord 0.110 Shield is big Goliath. Among Aunt Ruth's treasures Ls an old-fasbioned oak cabinet ginss doors. The upper shelves of this clo- set are filled with little cups and !sau- cers, china done, vases and other knick- knacks. There is 5 China Bo -Peep along side of a sheen bigger num herself, and next tee sheep stands a Chinese -Idol with a movable heed. Bo -Peep and the htnanian are Ellen's favorites. When Mint Ruth, once a month or so'dusts oge the cabinet, she puts all the figures an the .centro linite. Then it Ls that Ellen holds close conn»unlon with her crockery friends. "What a strange child you are, El- len," her aunt once said; "you talk to that imago as if it, were alive." "1 am telling Bo -Peep :evbat I have been learning at school. She under- stands' me. Don't you, Do -Peep? See, the Chinaman understands me, too,' and Ellen laughed merrily as she gave him a shake. One afternann, Ellen, going Into tbe parlor, noticed the key ht the closet door. This wws something unusual, for Aunt Ruth was very particular about keeping the cabinet locked for fear of ace:idol:it to her precious china. The temptation to open the cabinet was ir- resistible. "Now 1 shall have a good long talk with leo-Peep," said Ellen to herself. "I don't think aunty wilt be very angry if I open it." Ellen opened the closet and a babel of voices fell on her ears. "011, what a flb." "No, it ain't." "Yes, It is." "Ho told a 11e," and other exclamations were what she herd. "What is all this about, Bo -Peep?" Ellen asked. "He told n lie," answered Bo -Peep. "No, I didn't," cried the Chinaman. "Keep still, all of you,' said Ellen, sternly. "Let are hear what. Bo -Peep has to say." "We were all playing at telling our ages," said Bo•Peep, "end the idol.sitid he was a lhouseni years old, and carne from China." "1 ani a thousand years old, and I cught to know best where I came from,' said the idol. "Keep still, or I'll turn your face to the wall," said Ellen. "Go on, 130- Wes of childhood and have never known Peep." then) to fail." Hundreds of other 'mo- thers are just es enthusiastic in their praise. Colic, indigestion, diarrhoea, worms, constipation and other little ills are speedily cured by this medicine. It is absolutely safe—always does good HEALTH. IN SPRING. Nature Needs Aisisianeo in Mikhail New llealth-Diving Blood, Spring Is the Season When retie syti• tetti needs :toning up. In the sPlielgyeel must, have:new blood just as 1110 trees must have now sap. Nature deinandS it Without new blood you will feel weak and laoguid; you may have twelv- ei of rheumatism or neuralgia, ()cosi:, onal headaches, variable appetite, Rime pies or .eruptions of the skin, or a pale pasty complexion. These are sure sign that the blood is out of order. A lento is needed •to give new energy, Dr, Wil- liemsPink Pills are the best tonic in all the world. They make new, rich blood- your greatest need In spring. They clear the Shin, drive out disease, and make tired depressed men and 11/0- 1»00, bright, active nod strong. Mrs. John eleAuley, Douglastown, 0)10.. p10100 the greet value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in building up people who have been weakened and run clown. She saes: "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been of great help to me. My blood was weak and watery and I wa,s badly Von down. But through the use of the pills my health was fully restored, 1 always recoinmend them to my friends who may be ailing." There are fraudulent imitations of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and to protect yourself See that the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People" is printed on the wrapper around each box. Do not take any other 'so-called pink pills. If your dealer has nut got the genuine send to The Dr. Williems' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., and get the pills by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50. AN UNAVOIDABLE LOSS. When Aunt. Hilly began to ask ques- tions site kept at least one person cm- Ployed with little chance for any other word than direct enswers. "What's become o' that likely kitten you bad last time 1 was here?" she de- manded of her small nephew. "I hope she wasn't poisoned like that other one you had two years ago, was "Oh, noen, 0115—" "Was she drowned, then?" "bene, she—" "Stolen?" "Oh, noel), she—" "Well, I should like to know What made you give away such a handsome kitten." "\Ve didn't; she—" "Well, what's happened to her? Speak up, boy." "S -s -she's grimed into a eat!" gasped the small nephew, stammering in his heste. BABY'S DOCTOR. "With a box of Baby's Own Teblets on. hand 1 feel just as safe as it 1 had a doctor in the house." This is the ex- perience of Mrs. John Young, Auburn, Ont. Mrs. Young adds;—"I have used the Tablets for teething and other thou - 'lie isn't any olcier than 1 ain, and he came Iron) Germany, like I did. Look en his back and you will see. nett:tele in Germany.'" Ellen took down the Chinaman and turned him over. She read, "Made in," enannot possibly do harm, and you easily enough, but the last word was have the guarantee of a government too much for her. "'G. -r -m -a -n -ye what analyst that, the Tablets contain no opi- ate or poisonous soothing sluff. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. what does that spell?' .she asked. 'China," cried the idol, with all the assurance of a genuine Chinaman minc- ing out a laundry bill. it doesn't," screamed 13o -Peep. "It's Germany, Taint me down and you will see the same on my back." Ellen took Bo -Peep teem the shelf and saw the same Invention of her back. "You naughty Chinaman, you have told a 111). Aren't you ashamed of your- self?" said Ellen, giving him a shake. The idol nodded his heed, which seemed to please Ellen, for he said, in a kinder tom: "Now, go back in your place and play nicely, without quarrel- ling about your ages. Come. Bo -Peep, 111 tell you a Mee Mlle story the leacher fold us to -day, about—" "What's this?" cried Aunt Ruth, com- ing into the room. "Vou naughty girl, how dare you take these things out of the elosel? Where did you get the key?" "Oh, twiny. the key was in the lack; 1 just opened it in talk to Bo -Peep," erect Ellen, beginning to ery. "Well, well, child, don't cry. But you must, never do thit again. These are all keepsakes, and I worth] 001 1)1111 one of them broken for anything." "Never mind. Breneep," Ellen wins - p011113 through the keyhole, "I'll tell you the story the next time aunty dusts the closet." BRITAIN AND A Secret Compact Whin Supers e Triple Allianeee 11 elallino nt Neplee mind_ nplby interview by its special corvespondent. London with a Brilisleelatesnien who, in allirtuation of King Edward's notable allusion to Rely 115 Bellnines ally in Ids speech at the theture by the Duke 01 1110 Abruzzi, stales that it is a fact, in a Mem] 8011141, nig 801111: alliance, it is stated, covers n11 cases aftholing :Mediterranean inter- ests as well as problems arising nut or European influence in leathern Africa. Should complicatioirs arise Ilaly's obli- gations in virtue of the teiple alliance would be subordinated to ler alliance with Great 13rItain. In fact, the totters direct participation in continental poli- tics has already brought about an im- portant, modification in the text of the triple alliance itself, so that the hypo- thetical clause about aggressive war against Franee is now deleted. Furthermore, the likelihood of unrest, in the near future in me Levant, r(e)1l1- Ing Upon the deaths al the Emperor Fran* Joseph and the Sultan of Tut, key has not been log sight, of, involving OS it Would concerted plans between the Milian end Firilish Admiralties similar to that preneranged in the case of France between Adiniral F0111`1110r end the 131e- 13sli First Lord of the Adnitrallya naval pact, it, is oddod, independent, of the en- tente mediate. The Intetwiew is provok- ing much comment, Denied letter 'Milers should be cies tined as pesi-geruillatee, SENTENCE SERMONS There Is no love without, duly. Conduct is crystallized character. A living faith puts falln into living. Rich living often makes the poor Jife. Sow helpfulness and you man haPPi- ness. 11e who cannot learn bas ceased to live. Most of our weakness comes from worry. Work for your fellows 15 worship of yeur Father. Credulity stands and wondess; fe1111 starts out, and works. " "Many fall because they plan on mak- ing post -preparation. A lin bath makes a fine trap for a /T1011 le get tengled up in. The poorest use of time is to spend 11 omitting the minutes. The heart, easily is convinced by 1110 eloquence ot living love. Ile darkens his own way who makes light of the troubles of others. Stony mietaloi their verbal resources tnts 'leer resources of virlue. No institution makes itself sacred by labeling all others 118 eeculer. Life always is 5 dull grind to the man who thinks only of las own geleL --ft-tokes the base tine of leen worlds to gel 5 cnri'CCt elevation on any 111e. Iletiveo unmet hear the prayer for the peor that has no effect on 013 store. The only inethou some people have of raising the wind is by blowing up their neighbors. The only lime Sonia folks think of giv- ing a cup of cold water is when 11 gets clown below zero. Health Is a largo part of hoppiness and happiness Is health, while both aro 01' sential to holiness, The most heavenly pictures seen 0(1 earth ere men and women doing coin - mon loving kindnesees. leiStiI/NO. 11 07, BURN ASHES, SAVE COAL WILL liSSING BE PROHIBITED? TUMID IS PLENTY OP nRAT IN T01,11 RACKYAIII) MAP, Pennsylvania Shoemaker's Discovery —More Warmth In Ashes Than In Anthracite, While sitting at his bench aim; out a living with halunier and awl, John cobbler of Altoona, Pennsyl- vania, for twenty yeare has 110011 Pea VOIVing in his Mean a problem that he has finally eolvect to his own setisille- non, and that apparently is deelined to revolutionize the queetion of producing heat, Ellinene says he tuts diectivered a method of making asbee burn, and a preelicul demonstration has convinced former sceptice, ISetnolie not only menthe ashee burn and produce heal, but Ile produces considerably 11101'0 heat, froni a given quantity of nehes limn can be obtained from the slime amount of pure bituminous or anthracite coal. At the plant of the Cilizene' Electric Company he the other day was allotted one of ten boilers, and with three bushels of ashes he produced more heat than was obtained from the other nine. This de- monstration W1113 witnessed by several hundred pelsons. A SIMPLE PROCESS. 'The Osculntory Process Denounced hy SelentIsts es 11.11x(reillely DatI0erOUS 1110 Danger Can he Removed. A loon discussion Is being carried on by eonte 01 the beet scientlets as to the deoger and "crime" of iciesing, len Ly Dr, Somers, Health Ofileer of Atlantic City, and Dr. Nelpasse, of the Medical Fueulty of Paris. They charge lite ides with :weeding grippe, scuriet fever, measles. mumps, \snooping cough, 13'- 111(111 10.10)', diphtheria eryeipeles men- v14111(s. lliherruh/eig and many infect'. e1(5 shin diecusee, They suggest, legis - 11,11011 on ilie subject, and the pusling (.1'. notices iu raiheity stations. street enes and other public plums, but they soy it would be useless to 1)051 (111111 en 01 vendetta In eosy 1000000, porches, shady nooks, or moonlit lawns. They Mee propose some compulsory legisla- tion for methods of disinfection of the mouth and purifying the breath, especi- ally with a view to the protection of innocent bates, who are particularly subject, to infection. greatest and meet effectIve purifier and germ de- stroyer known to medical science for the 1000111, throat and breath, as well es for the blood, stomach and lungs, Ellmore is earefelly guarding his se- is Psyclilne, that triumph of the niedi- cret, and has applied for patent rights. cal world that is attracting almost process Is very simple. Ile takes versal attention because of the wontler- ten parts of ashes to one part of coal 1 MI results attending its use. Ono Of 115 and over this sprinkles a small quantl- recent triumphs is told as a mailer of ty of a compound whicli causes the eeperience in the Wee wing brief state. combustion. lle says that for 25 cents mein: sualcient of this compound can be pre. "I suffered for over two years front pared : lo lest an ordinary family one catarrh of the head and .threet, and evinler, with a coal consumption of less stomach, and an obstinate hacking than one Ion, In his glum he has used coup. The slightest cold or change ef less than hall a ton of cord this winter, weather would cause the disease to re - and he declares that a ton will Met him turn worse than before. Doctors wive two years. 110 1141 relief. 1 eaw Psychine and On. DISCOVEGY NO ACCIDENT. mulsion adverttsed M the newspepers, and detected to use them. They had a When he opened the (leers el the bon- splendid effect in my ease. I obtained er In :which his compound was burning the permanent cure I had so 'long and brilliantly and bad a so anxiously desired. P831111110 appeals tho other day, spectators gazed upon a bluish tinge. A lump of coal eves sur- to be a perfect germ destroyer. I shall lire ;that glowed rounded by ashes and the ashes glowed do all in my power to incense tree po- was apperenny ne diminution in the aicuesSialy°-srnkeeienn';sdyieris111iliee like a brd of burning enthracile. They, ptbuilsarviliyeinoiftylhe IDr 0010001 of heat clueing the several beers in our house. IL is our only doctor. that the demonstretion continued. Ell- • "1.1eGER L. HARDY. more saye, hie disrovery was not an ac- "St, Basil de Paraneuf, Que." cldent. Ills father before him had con- Peychine' pronounced si-lceen, is eom- cetved the possibility of obtaining heat mended by all doctors and scientists nein have interestea themselves still -lel - from aellee, but had not lived to demon- mit 11 1 . and • y In le mo ess on m the strate 11. welfare of the public to investigate its GREATEST FIND IN AMERICA. marvelous qualities, and consider 10 an The younger Elimore hen been ex- unprejudiced mannee its results, as the perbeenting for more Ilene twenty years, most wonderful of all disease and germ - and it 10110 about eight months ago that destreying agencies. For building up he finally obtained the right, solution. tho run -clown syetem and curing nil Before giving his secret to the world forme of stomach troubles and diseases Ellmore demonstrated time and again of the nee!, throat and lungs or head, ils practicability, and W MS satisfied af_ It is simply unapproachable. It is de - *We'll° had mode less then a 11011 ton tanned to revolutionize many of the old ef coal produce more beet than he beep_ theories, and furnish a Tellable home tofore had eblained from ten or fifteen treatment. For sale at all clruggiiste, Ions of coal that he held probably tee 50c.. and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, greatest, discovery tbat has been made Limited, 170 King -street west, Toronto.' in a century. ONE ENOUGH. "I say. ;mine, uncle said this morn- ing that there wasn't (mother women like you in the world." "Ahe the dear fellow 1 Did be rettny, Freddy ?" "'Yes, end be said it NYOS a jolly good job, too." --'1' OWES CURE TO ZAM-BUK Prominent Manager's Telling Testimony. Mr. D. R. Gourley, advertising man- ager for the well-knowa plimo'firin of Gourley, Winker & Leeming, Toronto and Winnipeg, Is amongst the promin- ent men and women who :testify to great curatIve power. 110 writes to the Company as follows: "C,entlernen,-1 have pleasnre in slat- ing that upon Ulm vecommendation of a relative 1 purchased a :box of your remedy (Zinn -Mike and by a few appli- cations celirely cured n very severe sprain of the back. While not given to indiscriminate use of, ,er belief in, pat- ent medicines, 1 Can conscientiously re- commend Zarn-13u11. "Sincerely yours. "Signe(I) 1), II. Gourley." That 10 just where Zem•IMk proves its suprelilly! It is treated by 111011 1111(1 women who have tried it, ns ello- gethee different to nelinary prepara- li0M=. Doctors. hospital musics, train- ers, »nitrous at convaleecent homes — all give Zein -11111: a good woieI; end bei - ter etill., they use if. Veral-Bu11 is as good for inuscultui giantess, sprains, iheinueliein and et:ea:licit no It is for elan thoublen Baseball ptheere end elbletes 1n general find it invaluable. For spring el 0 pone, pustules, scalp sures, - lch, eczema. ulcers, boils, abseesses, blood potent, cuts, burns, 1»itilsce, and abra- 510110, 11 is a srecely cure, Takes the sorenees out of mem& almost instant- ly, and Mile all diens° germs, prevent- ing fedeeing and Milminnation. All druggiels and Mores sell at 50ca bee, (1' post free front the Zatinlink Co., Toronto, for price. 0 boxes for $2.50, Setul to stamp for trial nos. THE RUSII FOR GOLD. The "Poseidon 1111811" is the latest Australian golden sensation.' It is sh- uttled in Ills Tarnegolla district of Vie - Mein, end the gold is being found re- mericebly close to the surface. The biggest nugget so far discovered -- one or 061 <emcee—wee, it Is Stilted, found n1 n depth of only 15 iocheS. Another nugget cif 373 ounces was found 30 feet distant, ta 11 similar depth. A large number of smatter nuggets have been tinehrihetl. acti there are about, 5,000 diggers nn the ers', previously velley. ;Mistress (Who bes given her maid a Helot for the theatre); "Well, how did you like tho performance?" leitild P. was 51)100(1141, 010501. You should have itherd how a servant girl sauced her inth.AM ••••111 CHALEUR BAY'S "FIRE -SHIP." According to Prof. \V. F. Ganong, the traditional "fire -ship" of the Chaleur Bay, New Brunswick, appearing usually before a storm. has a basis or fact. IL Is a hemispherical light, with the flat side teemed the water, glowing sometimes without much change of form, but at other limes rising into slender, moving columns, In whim an excited imagina- tion might recognize the flaming rigging of a ship. The general explanation offer- ed is that, this object, is a manifestation of St. Elmo's fire, an electrical pheno- menon ; but the 10115011 for its appearing only on or near the Chaletlr Bay is not known. --- Howell : "A good deal depends on the feematton of early habits." Powell ; "I knew It ; . when I was a baby my 111011101' hired 11 woman, to wheel Inc about,.and I have been pushed for. money ever. since." Is there anything more annoying than having yomi corn stepped upon? Is there anything more delightful than get- ting rid of it? Hollowny's Corn Cure will do it, Try it and be convinced. Ile talks and -she listens ' during the courtship, but after the maeriage the plan is generally reversed. Fortify Yourself against pulmonary troubles, fooluding consumption, with Alien's Lung Bal. earn lt will loosen the cough and phlegm. „Cure soon follows. "George," she said, "before we were married you were always giving me plo- sives. Why don't you 0001, being me anything now?" "My dear," replied George, 'did you ever hear of a fisher- man giving bait to a fish he had caught?" Then the kettle boiled over. Externally or internally, It is Geod.-- When applied externelly by brisk re1)- 1eng, Dr, Thomas' Eeleetric 011 opens the pores and peeetrathe the tissue as few liniments do, touching the seat cf the thimble end immediately affording elief. Administered internally. it, will .0111 the irriletion in the throat which induces coughing and will cure affec- tions of the bronehint tubes and resplr- atory organs. Try it and be convinced. When a girl gels hold of a young melee, heart strings she proeccels to tie them in a beat; knot. After Wasting revers haseh recovery to health by tho 0110 01 ' Verrovim., It lo the host tOttfa. It builds, Strengthens and gives now vitality. My it, 11 .1001 make you fool 0tron2. Ninny young men Elio not propose be- eause they tear that the girls will say --- Worms ceuse feverleliness, nionning and restleesnese during elm), Mother Oraves' Veorni Exterminator Is pleasarn, sum and efte51o101; if your druggist line nond In stoek, gel Inin to procure it for you, - Miss Oldgir1 : "Yes, 1 a single en- lirely from choice." Miss Pe "Whose choice?" ler. This cold -water stare 4;6'15 gets ironing -day aver /1414r. quicker, with less wear on X,V the ironer's muscles and far )•V leas on the starched pieces, 14, Gives a beautiful gloss. i Needn't be boiled, .yet cannot I stick. It's a starchyou'll like, Try It 200 STRAWBERRY pi , RASPBERRY an s 101, BLACKBERRY 37 leading varieties. 7 gititliat flop of Need potatoes. Cato. logo° And ((01(1,00 Those interented will please take noticees this advtwill not appear again. 40(15 flOWNRAM, strattwoy, Oral YOUNG MEN WANTED -17011 FlIlle- men and brakemen' experience un- necessary; over 500 positions open al the present time; high wages; rapid memo - lion to engtneees and conductors; $75 to $200 per month; instructions by mall 1)1 your home without interruption with present occupation; we assist each stu- dent in securing a Newton; delft delay; write to -day for free catalogue, instruc- tions and application blank. National Railway Training School, Inc., Boston Block Minneapolis, Minn., U. S. A. "Ifeery," asked the Sundepschool teacher, "what is the conscience?" "The conscience," answered little Henry, "is what you have after you have been eat - leg cake and jinn and things ou1 of the pantry, and then you have to take cas- tor-oll, and that cures the conscience." To Those of Sedentary Occupation.— Men who follow sedentary occupations, which deprive them of fresh air and exercise, aro more prone to disorders 01 (110 liver and kidneys than those who lead active, outdoor lives. The former wilt find 11) Parmelee's Vegetable Pills a restorative without question the most effiencions on the market. They are easily procurable, easily taken, actex- peditiously, and they aro surprisingly cheap considering their excellence. Prisoner : "My lawyer is Unwell. I ask for a forinighles delay." Megistrate: "Put your case off for a fortnight 7 Wily, you rascal you were caught with your hand in a gentleman's pocket I \Vista, could your lawyer say ?" Prisoner "That's what, I'm anideus to lmow." Tiny tubercles on the skin of mrofulous pets ple produce the hideous disease called lupus. Weaver's ()erste, used in thus, will save the skin from dostruotion, Apply to all affected parte. Cleanse the blood with Weaver's Syrup. "I presume, sir," began the young moll, timidly, "that you will consider it very presumptuous for a fifly-dollar rain t‘cead clerk to ripply for your daughter's hand in marriage." "Not at all, my boy," responded Senator Seel:guy, kindly. "I deresay your side grafts 0110 guile re- MU110111 live." eekeente,nenefeleeleneeeiresetere tre Your Doctor Can cure your Cough or Cold, 110 question about that, but— why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of hay ing hisprescription filled, when you can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE for a quarter. . Why pay two to five dollars when a twenty-five cent bottle of SHILOPI will care you as quickly Why not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for- past thirty-four years: let SHILOH be your doe - tor whenever a Cough or Cold appeara SHILOH will cure you, and all druggists back up this statement with a positive guarantee. The next time you have a Cough or Cold cure it with 11,01110111005151 C5,5)'414 Freitiereeele EC rosoorrm FORCEPS. AbsentAlinded Surgeon Lott par ot Forceps itt W011111I1)S B0(13, A remarkable case of neglect de the poet Of a hospital surgeon is mention- ed Irr the 11r11 ole Meanie) Journal, Dr. Stewart, of Midland Mutton, 'West Aetstrelia, records 1110 eiretuostenees 41 the cane. He ()petaled on a woman and fovea 11 peir of forceps 10 lier body. The romps were :nearly a mow, 111 leugill, and the width nomeg the atualles nes ahota 2 inches, and they hail been len in the woulan's body after no opera- tion ,ten end ft 11011 yeius bother, "That the, Weep: Alined have allitlual blir pe- sliion in which they were 11011111 \Tiny. 0111. cauelng death 1s extraordinery," Dr, Stewart.1yi'1l4'sierhagh 111111. ent's herilth hnd even wrehilled clueing these' yeare and a inrge pate of (he 5(11(1)1 hi 1,011. 11 w4(11113 or no- tice that she lind ceirasionelly fell well enough to parlieimite 111 denies. 1 linve '105011 to believe Ilea 110 mimed of 1110 (.4110101' 0(1010 11)111 Call lie 10111n1 1110 hooks at the hospital where 11 was per- formed." YOUR SUMMER OUTING. If you aro fond of fishing, eanoein11. camping or the study of wild animals look up the Algonquin National Park of Ontar- io for your summer 1,0111g. 1(1100A 111,11 1,n(1 game preserve of 00 Sprinted with 1,200 lakes and rivers is awaiting you, offering all the attractions that Nature can bestow. Magnificent eattee trips. Altitude 2,060 feet above sea level. Pure and exhilarating atmosphere. ;rust the place for a young man to put, in his summer holidays. An interesting and profusely illustrated descriptive publioa- Mon telling you all about it sent free on application to 5, Iv, McDonald, Baton Eta - Mon, Toronto, Ont. '' Sympathetic Friends: "I am sorry to hear of your loss, Mrs, Flanagan." Wi- dow : "Loss 1 Sure, mum, don't 1 511 (10 thousand dollars insurance and him nivel' worth thirty cents 1" In its initial singes a cold is a local ailment easily clean with. But Many neglect 11 end the result is often the de- velopment of distressing seizures of the 'bronchiel tubes and lungs that vender life miserable for the unhappy victim. As a first aid there is nothing in the handy medicine line so ceeteln in eura- lIve results as 13ielcle's Anti -Consump- tive Syrup, the far-famed remedy for colds and eouglis. When a man is hanging by his thes from the corner of a building, and mo• mentarily expecting to drop, nothing eatislies him more then the discovery that he is safe in bed at home. For Years Canadians have been 11$111g "The & 5" Menthol Plasters and the solo Mr t110111 is greater than all other plasters combined; 0. sow ciLfer backache, headache, sciatic; pains., Mistress ; "Did you turn 011 the gas in the bedroom, Bridget 7" 13rIdget: 'Shure an' I did, mum ; can't you smell it?" A Euro Cure for Heaaache.—Bilious headache, to which women are more subject than men becomes so acute tn. eolith subjects (hat they are utterly pros- trated. The stomach refuses food, and there is a constant distressing effort to free the ;stomach from bile whicli has become unduly secreted there. Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills are a speedy alter- ative, and in neutralizing the effects cf the Intruding bile relieves the pressure cn the nerves which 0008013 11)0 headache. Try them. MICE1AEL FARADAY. From a humble blacksmith's 8011, Far- aday rose to be one of the most distin- guished chemists and netural philoso- phers in English history. He made great additions to the range of human know- ledge in regard to the science of elec- tricity and magnetism. Magneto -elec- tric. induction, magnetism of light, diamagnetism, the condensation of gases into fluids and solids, warn all Feraeley's discoveries. Then, again, Faraday's "Experimentel Ilesearches on Electricity" were not, only of extreme importance in themselves, but they have been of the utmost. consequence to science by leading 10 the latter-day de- velopment, of this great force. GOOD BUSINESS RULES. Do it better 1 Letting well enough alone never relsod a salary br declared an extra divi- dend. • • And what was wen ettough for yesiee- clay is poor enough to-day—do IL better. Rescue teat 11ilb tusk from the maw of dull routtne—do it lseiter. Seelc out the automatic eat of 110.1)11 -"- de it better. Put another hour on the task well done—and do 11 better. Strive pot to equal—strive to sunless. Do it better 1 'Moro you get Pon.. An gle garments all the s brink is taken o u t. e0s /ongbo 1- -1 1 Underwear keeps you coal- ry as well as worm,because the 30( shorI ,fibroS that make some under- wear iteh aro taken out of Pen - o Angle wool. q/,' -00011000 1100 (705e lane n o variety of iobries, styles and prices: itt ell sizes for women, men and: children, and guaranteed by your own dealer., Aims ItTh 751111-1 Wetaskiwin district lists propositions, LANDS --711 TSUI, FAmOupt, 80 0011 application 11. D. Farris & Co, Boo 802, Wetaskiwi n, Alberta. KOOTENAY FRUIT LAND 10 acres In Kootenay Fruit insures an income of $3,000 a year ln 5 years. Write— Wolverton & Co., Nelson, Biel, CHENILLE CURTAINS uod alrkinda 01house) lIssigjoss, •Iso LION CURTAINS "En:. %VAN g* 0500170010 0011109 A010190A5 DIMINO 00., Ilos 109. montroat STAMMERERS Tim ARNOTT rIET1200 is the only logi- cal method for the cure of Stamm 'ring. It treats the CAUSE, not merely the Ii'.BIT, and Insures natural speech. Pamphlet, pop. ticulars au d references sent on request. THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE BERLIN, ON7', CAN, Insure Your Horse for $1 Our 'Veterinary Medical Chart saves doctors' bills and homes' liven. No home owner should his without one. Worth ten times its weight In gold. Price $1.o0 Past Paid. Agents Wanted. The Veterinary titedleel Ohart 00., Mt Confederation Life, Toronto. TOURS From MAX to 83.11, For programme, write Rev. Dr, Withrow TORCKro, lociodes Irish World's Pair. youR ForrRi NE n, Ming two song with brh dato atFT1 ROwELill Wagppoursofyour 010 rwcrvOt to the grave. .411 wette.01 low, aur Wage an( Ohl ty 01. 5,,,'.,tAstrolgerbring. Patrons astonished hid .011.0,0. PM.teeAMES Dat 13, 0111005131107,20(111. MADAM 50511,8100 9 9A310119 RECEPES. 'Ole celebrated old.fashiened Remedies nand for yams; with perfect success. Cures rheumatism, pilo, female troubles; astir° bad developer: 17 - doses ; makes gray hair dark. Electric Foot. Ease for sore and Wooly feet. Liquor and to - Issues habit cured. Every druggist has the ingre- dients, 'Very Inexpensive. Price 01.00. Either of them remedies is worth many times the price. NAY & MX, Caxton Bldg., Suite LA Chicago.. 50 VIP W111 grow 10 the home or out of 5,017 17)7010100, Centel, Pustules, p°I61.174,030,01.': lly. Bewor 141y thoVelley-ollsontined,ste. netnews as coin. Ass premiere with them Bulbs we vrtli seed 0000btg 005100(100 0! flower seeds—over to) 51,00. Somerset Nurocny, Somervilie, P8ase, A pure, hard Manitoba flour for bakers and others demand- ing strength, color and uniformity. STRONG &WHITE AT YOUR GROCERS DEALERS EVERYWHERE SUPPLIED WITH FLOUR A HD FEED, WRITE US. '01 01,50 MAKE 'QUEEN CITY,` 50)005(0 FLOUR '111AT HAS 0511400 GREAT Fhthow AS A GENERAL HOUSEHOLD 'nu. PURPOSES' FLOUR. Your Gra dsons Will Be Old Men Before This shawa" Roof Wear •ut 46 -4140 VSZCAPAWCZT..$4 mipoworrn,41.TNWAt* Send for FREE book— "Roofing Right,"— worth your reading. Roof your buildings with " Oshawa" Galvanized Steel Shhiglos this year, and that will be a GOOD roof in 2ooq. We will give properly put on, will need 210 repairs amino painting for at least tywouenatyw.firivttoeynegarusar:stoaei,vbaancikezedaby $250,000, that such a roof.I 401 1-11 miai , .% , fa. kN STEEL iil a I make roofo watentight, wind -proof, woather-proof, rust -proof, fire -proof for a coneury,—our plain guarantee keeps it so for 25 years without a cent of c-st to the man who buys 11.1 )7, 11 tt LES fE• made in ONE QUALITY ONLY,—of 28-gusgo,'" semi -hardened STEEL double -galvanized The Tshhilleygl lock FOUR sides—the ONLY METAL that need NO CLEATS. Easy to put on—a o1 t111 the fads LESS and last longer than any other roof. Tell ;as the iner and a snips (tinners' shears) are tools enough. Cost 'P edlar before People. of you roof Oshawa tell you exactly what it will cost to roof it right. surface area of any. roof on your place and. wo will thitg, 13 ei Sc. Vt. 11. Colltunte Ett, OS Sussex St ca naxam bt. 70 mantra 111. SP ;Yonder SE. 102 Montreal Toronto Ottawa London yinotnen Vancouver 121. ';41WATIM,5004, EYIPWITAMM, e . • - • -ty.ineeteeseetee