HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-4-4, Page 8Beautify Your Hone Our New Wall Papers willdo it. Dingy, faded Wall Paper makes the beet terniebed room look shabby. Make year borne bright and ohoory with fresh Wall Paper. We have all our new Wall Paperopened up and the slew designs and rinh colorings will please you, If you want a good Poper we bare them in the Emb000ed Patterns, Combination Patterns; Stripes, Tapestries and Moire Oellhige, u you Wept a °beeper Paper we have pretty patterns from 6,o a roll up. Bring fn the moaeuromeuts of your rdomm anti you can get ao estimate of whet it will post to paper theta. You will Sod our prices most tea. sonablo. • Use Formaldehyde for the prevention of smut on grain. A fresh supply just reoeived—Iuarge bottloe 403 ; smell bottles 25o. R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN, 17xi Dr. Lambie will .comb the ladder all by thestpdente at the cloth of the ee08iou t right. THE POST wishes him ouutmuea ouaoste,—LrugdiSt and. Mre. Fox were at A ehiel'e amang ye takir' notes, • Stratford, Godenth aid the tot mer at An' faith he'll piens it. Toronto dnrmg the Easter hutldbye.— Mina 0/Blinn' Scott was eujoyfng a soon in Tomato last track,—O'iloe Mary Rode was home ,rum Memnon for Bader Sunday. -Mine Zitme Gerry, of Blyth, le speeding the Heater vacation with relatives in Breneele aura vicinity.—Mre. MoGuire, of Wiugbam, wet voeotr05 Mrs, Demeo and Mre. Rugero.—Mre. T. G. Huimes, of Detroit, lurmorly of Bruasale, wad the guest of Mrs, Ruger. and Mrs, Dnadmau.—Mr. Oopp and sous, of Ter onto, spent Easter with .Mre. Oopp anu Mre. George Rogers, Frederick street,— Mre. Pederson, aid ton John, of Tor Onto, and OiseMorrow, of Mid,and, have thee vi011mg at G. N. fileLaren's. Mitre Morrow is cutinufug her visit. She ib Mrs. MaLaren'e sister,—Mre. Eggleoou, of Luokuov, spurt Ea.ter with relative. in Brueoele. She le a meter to I. 0. auu Oliae Riehorde.—James B. Stratton in Saudi, going to the Weal on a themes. trip. lin will take hoe horses with him and if he duds whatsolidi him wet ,Ike,) remain—Frank Strettua, who is a Wilton. maker, at Grand Valley Out., and b nephew ut W. F. bvrml.uu, jewe.er, B, steels, spent Easter at bio bume here. —Aftse Alta Pryue, ut 'Toroute, arrive° n teeth lads week 400 Mrs^ Pryue alio Meds Pryue are expeuted shortly. Mre. Pryue had beau ou the took net we are sorry to bear ant we hope she will 800n be ooevatesuem.—W. J. Foster, a peptise of Mrs. J. G. Statue, was a visitor bele ,hie week. Hui home le at'Fort Saakat. ohewan and *1d Vlmt 10 Ontario was 00- oamuued by his aoeumpauymg the re. malas of Mr. MuAnieter to Atwood. Mi. Foster .aye the tuermometer registerru 68. at hod unl„hborb0od test Winter.— Mrs. Joon Roberbdou and het daughter, Mise Maggie, of Shrathroy, were Eamm Vie' wed at P3e.maater I''arrow'o, Mre. Robertson id Men. Farrow.it sister.—Wui. Lowry, of Lonaou, woe renewing 0 friendships to Braeaele this week. Be had a busy Winter ae he ran large ekat- ing nuke in Lonna nod Ingersoll. Mr. Lowry wilt coutiuue his work as caterer at,Aprtngbauk Perk, Louoou, again neat Bummer, where he has been for a nom• ber of years, which is the beet evineuun of hie ability to pensee the people.— Robert F. Moore and tawny, 0180 were here for several mouths, Gave taken up reeme0oe at Rainy River, Chat„ where Mr. 8loore hart a poeitlou. He has bee* farming at Souris, M ultoba for the past few yeare.—Teeeuay afternoon J. L. Warwick, V. S.,:who spent the Walter with hie family here, lett for Minluuke,. Idaho. where he le interested l0 sheep. ranching. He , was awompauaea by Stewart Scott, second sou of Peter Soul.[, b ill try out boor life among the who y g mounibioe with the idea of andm5 to the robuotuees of hie berate, Stewart bee been employed in G N. MoLareu'al Dry Goode etur0. He is a pupmor yuuug man and both the boyo and the girls re• grated to the bum go bat with him a 14003 time and first Mate bn00ena—Hifi. Ballard is vleitmg her butter, Mrs. Jou. Ferguson lit town^—Pat, and Mrs. Mum roe, of Somme, are venture le Brussels. The latter has been quite poorly but we hope the ohmage of err and Beane will du her good. lir. Monroe le uuw uuukkeeper for the S,meue Bennet Goa Ou.—hlten Wmule Uastte, ut New-Hamourg, wad visiting her cousin, Mies Bane Pugh.— .1 nu, Duuaideon, formerly ul Braeaele, has doomed 01 his berthas buemese m Guava' and win remove to tea West. cru States of le nail —.vibe Monet Few• nett, uf Mount Fureet, le holdoytng with her aoaain, Mies Mary Fest/mitt' Klug street—Thos, MOGiluou3dy, of '1'uroute, a termer wed Sheen Woe -elite auu one of the first proprietors of Tag Pon, wen oolong on md'caftan fur a for; day. auu riving over the good ole timed of 80 years ago. It ae 16 years mime Mr. Mao. wee here. He bad been leouaug at Tiverton and °ailed here en route. Mauy ohangee were noted in the pae.lug teats yet out a few old lrieude were reedhy recognized. e[e. MeGinienuey is a sister to Mrs. Dnadmau, Bruseele.—Geurge Buohauao was home for Easier vauaaou from Tor. unto Uuiverrity.—W. J. Fawcett, Mena - ger of the Metropolitan Bank, Brut/dela, OOntempio18s a trip t0 Bea ware he pOrpuaea epeuoug a munch with a view of reorultiug hie bealih, While always ou duty be Settle the heed of a net at some ap01 where buiniug up will be at - wed matured. We hope hie honday wed do tor him all shat he 0neiren. The Bank had granted bum leave of abee10e,— Avon Eldora, Who has been Suing a p8810 00 m the hardware more of tbleeere. (bury & Walken bee gout, to Hammett where he bite tukau a elta0tiou iu the same lite.—Jun. Dole has gone to Uo• bait Where ue i0 mtereeted eu property. We bops he'll atriao it 1wh,-1ra. Jouo (rug ado Mme Walnut • have returned from a vials to Detroit and Ypenauti, Mirth. They smelted the Blaehile remi08 at the letter place and fuauu them all welt.—Moog B. L. Find ager, of Lanett, whose pureutal home is in Morris town, ship, teas 810101ng MU. Jau, 1lois in town tills week, The visitor reiatee malty iutereetiug epieooea met with 11 Mission work In the oty of the Strette.—J rank Dordle and bride, who wall Mnse,Blauebe Roukr, of Exeter, have sassed in town au0 taken up thea ree30eti08 0n Atbert Arun. Mr, Duthie as the batter .maser At W. W. Burris' team". The Poei APRIL. SCmoon Board Friday evening of next week. EAaxitn paeewnger traffic was heavy this t ear. Poanro soboole reopen next Monday after the Santer vacation. FOURTH Doodah Ooort on Thursday of this week before Judge Holt. A Nutmeg of farmers have been.aapply. instoe needs of Brdeselitee with maple syrup oaring the past week. TUESDAY evening of next weak will be the regular meeting of Braeaele 0. 0. I', Quart. DID yon visit the millinery parlors 7 Theexblbit was flue aid well deserved the many aomplimente received. A. 0. U. W. will meet Friday evening of tins week when W. H. McOraokeo, the delegate to Grand Lodge, will preeeut hie report. Tam W. 0r -T, U. are 0008108 tea in their ruoma on Thursday afternoon of thio week from 5 to 7 c'olook. 8l1 are weloome. Tins ie the time to build op the system with Aim Herb Tablets. Bold by both drag stores in Brussels and W. G. Neal, Wel on. OONBTABLE . OLIVER DOW Weare ' the offline! ne! cap and when yon see the galdeu lettered Ghief oomiug toward you it ie time to be civil. THURSDAY of (hie week the monthly Horse Farr was held in- Brussels, the °toeing cue for this season. There was a large attendance. De. BDTLER'e VISIT.—Dr. Butler, the London Eye Speciatiet, will be at the Amerman Hotel, Braeaele, on Weduee. day, &lay 8th. Glasses eapplied. THE Carey Shoe Company bite decided to ship the stook they purchased from I. 0. Riobarde to 000100* point Bud amalgamate it with another stook. Bowoeoo.—A meetiug for the organize Mon of Bru.eele Bowling Guth for 1907 will be held in the Commit Chamber ou Friday evening, 5th lust., et 8 u'awok. Dox T forget the en1ertaiimeut to the Methodist church, Bru0ae,e, Thursday evening of next week when Mies Iroue will supply a first-olaao program that will not tail to plbaee. JooN M.ILaeuaoa, G. T. R. agent at Walkertuu,13 at preee01 lying in the hospital there where be recently auder- went an operation for appeudioitie. Be Waif a former Station agent et Brussels. "The Lord 10 risen ;*deed" was Rev. Mr. Wmebort'e text for hie Easter sermon tact Sauday morning. I Peter 3 and 18 woe thetouudatiou of the even. ing di000uree. T. MoGillioady, of Tor- onto, addressed Melville oheron Sabbath School last Sabbath afternoon. At the Methodist Sabbath School iast Sunday Thos. MaGtiiouddy, of Toronto, gave a meat 10810008188 add helpful ad draws un "The A. B. 0. of Salvation." He was a former Supermteudeno and teacher. Wee Edna spume, of Gotte- riah gave 0 oboioe eoto au0 Bert Lot, of Brantford ants 1ra Parker, of Wiugbam, ail former mile, aimed a sew remarks. EMIT CLASS ENTERTAINER. — Tie Ladies' Ald, of Bru.:eta Methodtet church have engaged Miee Emma T. Irons, the talented eloouttonlst, to give a reottel on the evening of Thursday, April 11th. Blies Iroue ie very eighty commended wherever she has appeared and the people of this locality ehoald reserve the date so as t0 take advantage of her corning to Brueeele. WEDDED AT MuoeotllN.—Wednesday of lees week Rev. Mr. Thorne tied the matrimonial knot between Austin M. Leader, of Mannion, Man., and Moeo Aline E Toting, daughter of J. H. Young, a former well known ex Reeve of Snot. eels. Ceremony waw performed at 110 bride's father's, Mooeomiu, Bask, Tam POST feels Ada In stating that the marry old friuude of the Yunu5 family here will be a Haft mu extending hearty oongratma- lione to the bride and groom for a happy and proaperous married lite. GOING TO WINGaAtf MONDAY NEXT.— Allier Jive bun w. end its Bruit el r y n e Y of. and Madame O'Brien leaved Bruonefe for Wligham on Olouday next, Prof. O'Bneu wishes to thank the 10181115ent kind sad friendly people of Brineede for their liberal patruuage and genera oonrteoy ehewu both to birthed and Madame O'Beieu outing their five weeks rooldenoe amoiget them and may rest 008000d that they will always leek buck with ploaeure at the enjoyable time spent by them in Brunie. Saturday will be Profs iaat day here Bud shone who have not pad him a vent yin will do well to do so et oboe, as it might be years before the.31006. Weil be able t0 van Braeaele again. PERSONAL PtItA IRAI.'I1S. Mica Edith Deadman Wan visiting l 'Mre, McDonald, of,Jau,nn.uwu•—Dr. and Mrs. Lambie are renewing old friend. ships In Bruaoele end community while enroute from Toronto to Midland, Miop„ where the Dr. retains hie veterinary praotiee. He has been on the toacbiug abaft of the Ontario Veterinary Cottage, Termite, tiering the poet Whiten pad Wall presented with to payee of gold 101 METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITAL , $1,000,000 00 REsSISVN AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS 1,188,718.28 HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Interest Pa d Quarterly on Savings .Bank Deposits Brussels Branch W. J. l./'al'wcelt, Managet es 1 extends hearty 000gratnlatione to Mr. and Mre. Dordle and with them many happy, poe cru ayears.-7Miae Ma y Skene, of Toruto, wee V18161og ander tic, perinatal roof for a sew days. Sbe reels quite at borne now in the Queen oily.— Mr. Jeokeuu, of Petrone, wan a visitor at J. Leokie'e dnrmg the past week —A. A. White, of the Btauaard Bank, Broesern, spent Easier at hie Mime in Ailsa Craig and S. (4. Dovie, of the same iuetitatiou rotund "tbe-old folks at home" iu Albou. — Norman Manure, formerly of town, has beau bleated Seurektry of the auuiot Foul. Ball team at Milverton.—J. Lanus Kerr, ut the BlythBtanderd, wee home for Eaeler.—Bred. Arnott, of A1lauford, nue Mre. Pete,., of Berne, were vleitore nt Jouo Routed., John street. The termer Ie a •aou•in law and the latter a imitation—Percy Richards, of Toroutu, spent Sauday in town.--Alise Leo Curry visited relatives at Atwood for .a few days.—Ira Parker, of Wiugbam, ate hie S eater eggs in Bruonele,—Mutou Ma Guar, photographer, of Toronto, and Nut man MoGmre, of Milverton Sun, were home un a short vieit with their pareute lit Braeaele.—W. J. Fawcett, Mrs. Fawcett and Mary were in Barrie ton for Good Friday visiting retativee.— J. W. Weigle, of the Staudara Bank, •Puruulo, was here for Easton—Mies Nance (ampbeil, of Loudon, spent the Easter 1oldayd-under the parental tout, lir street Brunaele,—Mre. Wright, mother of Mre. (Dr.) Graham ie ,;.joy•. rug a holiday vitt, with 'friends iu Sea. 1.l4.—Mies Maggie MoL000blln has gone 10 Toronto where be wilt attend the 0coeervatuly with ibe intention of wining un the Intermediate piano exam. neat Java. Ber ohne here will be -taken uy Mite Jean McLauohliu.—R, D. Cameron, uf Laokuow, sus visiting hie. brother, J. H. Uamerou, on Guud Friday.. — Prluulpat Cameron is attending the E daoattoual Aeaooietion-at Turuuto time week.—W. B. and Mre. Thomson, of Woodburn, spent the Exeter holiday here will W. W. and Mre. - Barrie. Mr. 1'boweou bite bought the cheese factory at Wuoabnru where a good business ie duue, We with him auuoeee.—Miee Jean Rnobte is eujoylog a holiday with rent - week 1u Toroulo.—Stirling and Mies May Reading, of Wingbam, were visiting their mime, Geo. Brown, daring the past week.—W. J. and Mre. Norton, of Liebe. wet, were in town for a holiaay last Mon- day. They were former reerdeute and ook ea It 0t3 Father Time was deahug very kiuoty with them.—Bev. W. A. Cml(h, B. D. of Luokuow, coupled buei- uees and pleasure in a trip to Breneele on Monday. He is °toeing hie fourth year au the Anbliem orruaft a paetorete of marked mums. The reverend geuite. man has been hneted to Daugaunou for neat year. Bre home was furmerty in this ,u0ailty. —M. Buubause left for NorthBay where he hie a eitoat,on.—A, N. Currie was at Alton. for Eaater.—Ex- Go. uuauauror T. E. Hays, uf Sea.orth, was in Brnmeele uu Tuesday. -Dr Campbell, 01 New York, a former wets &motets Seaforthlte, woe boned Thnreday iu Seafortb. Mre. Oampbeil is a mauve to Oouueiuor Pam, of town. —Herb. Witten le baying bmidnye owing to a felon on hie finger.—Master Joe Haukirk Is bolidayieg at Blyth.—Herb. Wilton aua meter, &flee Euphemia, are at Berlin thee week atteuning the funeral of their o00tin, Mien E1h8 bompeo0. &ire. John Meadows was visiting her daughter at Louuou for Eater.—Rev. Kr. Aollsuh was veining hon meter, ince. Jubuotou, Turnberry err, et, Braesel6 — Mine Edith Freeman, ut Ethel, bee been 01011105 Blies Flureiae 'Tbumeuu.—B. Rowland, Of Newoaasle, Wee a VIditur with we brother, J. F. Rowland, of the litho lard 13auk, Bruesela.—M. Johnson, of Preelu,, spent Easter With hos meter, sere. John liabkirk.—&(tee Jean 13abklrk +m 'motion he Blyth.—David auu Mre. Roam were dating their eon Rouen ROSS atm wife at Kmeardlue.—The Winsbem Ad.au0e of tine week .aye Dr. dloNaugm tau, of Formate, formerly of Brueeere, wan In town nh GUCCI Friday enruate to Ulmtuu hospital for meuwal treatment,— Mrs. Thos. Forbes, of Win bum, epent Lanier to Bruenels with retatwee.— Iuop0atur Robb wee 10 the Queeu'c pity tine week attending the .Edaoetiuoal Aeeoolatiou. Brussels Oouncil. The regular monthly m0etiu5 of Brae. dela Uuuuau wee bele ou Osuuday eman- ate, alt the mnmueno ,preemie... Minutes of leen unman and optimal meeling0 teal attd, atter some cumme0b ad to the reeuiutluu concerumg the recent By Law. were pawed without alteration. A000uute were pt minuted a8 !unwire 1— F. B. South, emotion 0xpeuee8 re By -Law $ 47 82 N MuUalllay, coedit 4 75 it diver, salary 83 83 Globe Uo , Toronto, advt, re m• IIUBtriee 4 66 Star, Montreal, twat. re 10duetrlbe 2 00 A. Strachan, countable', nap2 00 Thce1 Brue,, stemma light 101 25 Moved by Ail. Baeker, seconded by Jae. Balla"tyue, suetthe above a000uule be paid. Oarrted. Several csommnul0atione were read from varloae pointe "in reepuOe td adveriteemeute poking ter induotriee to loomte in Brownie, The Clerk was in. ,trusted to tem to three of them on 80(1100 et Madera. Bellautyue and Plum. Tue scale r80etpte for March were re- ported se $2315. A letter wit, reuetved from Mr, Brown• ee 1taitpg that the an808ue sldewelh wend be pat down from Turnberry street to the G. T R. depot thea Sprit g, which wee good °ewe. Oommunioationo were also read from 0ni. Mo )uuald, of Guelph, re railway ex teueme, and from the 0e, President relative to placing 'Ethel Burton under the care of the Chi areas' And Snoiety. Atter the•aw aoltoerulug the ratter was read it was deotaea t.0 carry out the r080,111ion paused prevloanly and havetbe obi d eeut away, The Clerk reported that the By.Lew deahug with the deo•eetabliehmeot of the town Market bite eubmiitee to the rate• pauere wee earned by a majority of 11, After a general aleouenion on the Oeruegie Library it was muved by Jae. Banautyee,eeoo,ded by S. T. Plum that Animism, 'remelt be asked to prep.re palm for a building u°t to exceed 4845 feet, with duel tenure, 0080 nut to erased $10,000 oomplete, uudding to be placed uu corner of Turuherry OHO Flora streets at Town Hall. For the mouou Ounofi. ora Ballantyne, P,om and Backer voted. yea aura the Reeve and Councillor Graham voted nay, the Reere taktpg the ground that the By•Law should be read the 3rd 11030 Sad palmed thereby 00rryiu5 oat the mandate of lbe people before any further tuition was taken, Oouuoil adj tined to meet next Mon- day evening the dale eet out In the By Law for the final passing of the By Law, 810 80 days from the first date of publics tion. The idea of the Council appears to be to allow Towu Hall to steed until Carnegie Library is built alungoide and then maize new building' for Town Halt per. poeee. This is not iu line with the By• Law nor Mr. Caruegie's i.ffer of the $10,000. $TABLI$$441 9THE STANDARDBANK OF CANADA Head .Office - - - Toronto JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Deposits may be made or withdrawn by either of the two members of a household. This form of account Is specially suitable for those living in the country, as either member can attend to she banking when in town, In case of death, the money may be withdrawn by the survivor without delay or cost. Write' or mill for farther particulars, Interest added four times a year Savings' Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. 130 BRUSSELS' BRANCH J'. F. Rowland, 2+itutaager Business Locals. ('LOVER and Timothy seed at Me CgAOEaN'e: Iwo e comforts lhouses sal o, h ase for ea e, Apply to W. A. GRlmon. SKIM grain for -are, eine with little barley. J+•emra ENGLER, Ethel. naARRIormD. FINLAY—BENNETT,—In the Epieonpal ohureb, Wr,zeter, on March 27th, by Rev. T. B. Farr, B, A., Mr. John Finlay, of Howiok, to Mise Mary Bennett, of Gerrie. LEADER—Tomo —On Wedneeday, Maroh 27th, at the residence • f bride's father, J. H. Young, 418 Stanley Road, Mooeomiu, Sask., by Rev. J, I. Thorne, of Fleming, Mr, Amain M. Leader, of Memeon, Man., to Mise Alice E. Young, !omerly of ter Brsesele, 001. SELLER.—Ceentone.—At the home of the bride's father, Bluevale, a March 27th by 'Rev. Geo. Baker, Mr. Miners Salters, of Morrie, to Mies Maggie daughter of Mr. Geo. Oaeemore, Bluevale. axsta- LAt1oNT.—In Grey, on Merah 29th, Mal. omm Lamour, in hie .82, d year. Eteximeo5 —In Grey, on April let, Ie- abella Imlay, relict of the late Geo. Patterson, in her 76th year. AV'CTICN FRIDAY APRIL 6x8 —Farm, Farm etnek nl implements, lot 14, eon. 6, Grey. ale at 1 &moult p. m. Wm. Mitchell, It prletet, 11. e• biota, aur ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE TO CRED- ITORS.—In the matter of the estate of W. John Kelly, or the Township or Morrie, in the County of Huron, fernier, en Insol- vent. Notice is hereby given that W. John Kelly, of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, carrying on business as 8 fanner, at the said Township of Morrie, hag merle an Assignment under R. S. 0., 1897, Chap. 147, of all his estate credits and affects to Finlay Stewart Scott, of the Village of Brussels, In the County of Huron, real estate agent, for the general benefit of his oreditora. A meet- ing of his creditors will be held at the law offices of A.13. Macdonald, of the Village of Brussels in the Comity of Huron, on Monday. the Fifteenth day of Apr11, 1907, at 10 o'clock in the fo•e,oun, to receive the statements of affairs, end appoint inspectors and lix their remune'e' 3101, and for the ordering of iho n0i 1,8 of the estate generally. Creditors are requested to fele their claims with the Aseigaee, or his Solicitor with proofs the sof required by the said A0t, on or before the day of such meet- ing. And notice is further given that after the 15th day of June, A. D., 1907, the Assignee will proceed to distribute the assets of the debtor anconges the parties entitled thereto. having regi,ard only to the claims of whish notice that' then have been given, and chat he will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any perinea or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received. F. 8. 50080, A. B. MACDONAL0 Assignee. Solicitor. Dated at Brussels, 8rd day of April, 1907. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE TO CRED IPOR$.-In the wetter of the matte' uf William Kelly, of the Township of Morris, in the Oumity of Huron, farmer, an De solvent. Notice is hereby given that William Kelly, of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, parrying on buuntons 0s a farmer, at the said Township 01 Morris, ham made ml na- slgnmeut under R, 8. O. 1897, Chap. 147, of +ill his estate, credits end effects to Finley Stew- ar South, of the Villeof Brussel in th County of Huron, r 80, eetele agent,, to' the general benefit of his o•tdtlore. A meeting of hie oreditora will be held at the Lew of. Aces of A. B, MuoDonaid, of the Village of Brussels, in the County er Huron, on Mon- day, the 15111 day of April., 1007, at 10 °'cluck hi the forenoon, to reue1V8 tltn etattiments of affairs and appoint inspectors and ffit their remuneration, ane for the ordering - of the affairs of the astute generally, Creditors are requested to dle their claims with the Assignee, or his eoliettur with the proofs the, 8ol required by the said Act, on or be- fore the day of such meeting. And notice is further given that after the 15th day of June, A. D„ 1007, the Assignee will prowed to distribute the assets of the debtor arongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the elates of wkiel1 notice'ohall then hat o been given, and that he willnot be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any pe'aon or persona of whose 01101 notion shall not have been received. F. S. 800a08, . A. B. MeciDotoArn, Assignee, Solicitor., 'Dated at Brussels, Ord day of April, 1007. ASSIGNEE'S NOTION, TO CRED. I'POtt .—lit the matter of the estate f Frank Kelly, of the Township^of Muerte, In the County of Huron,,. tamer. .An insolvent. Notice i0 hereby given that .Prank Kelly, of the Towuahip of Morris, in the 0eunty of Huron, carrying on business as a fernier; at the stud !township of Morris, hair elide an Aeatgmueut under R. S. 0. 11,07 hop. 147, or WI hos netet°, credits' and efl"(Amp. to Finlay Stewart Scutt, of the Village of Brue- 001s, (u the County of Huron, heel Estate Agent, for the general benefit of 111e men. itei•8, A meetingof his creditors will he held at the Law ffiees otA.. B, MacDonald, of the Village ut 0a uneelt in the, County of, Huron, on Monday, the 16th day Of April, 1007, at 10 o'clock 1n the lurenoon, to reteve the Statement, or afftine, and appoint -*10p00- tura and fix thein remuneration, and for the ordering of the affairs of the estate general - 1y. wet:Wore are requested to Ate their alvaims with the Assignee, or his'00110110' with 11,0 proofs thereof required by the geld Act, on o1• before the (ley of such meet- irindnotice is further given that after the 1601 day or June, A. D., 1907, the Assignee will proceed t0 rnptl'ibute the - assets of the debtor anonggst thepa'ties entitled thereto, having regard only, to. the allies of Which • °erica 811811 Cher have be0,8 gwbt, std. 13l 1 Ilewillrutbeitable'for 010 abgdte 0r tiny part thereof 50 blst•Ibuted to tiny per0un 00318110118 33 W13,aa chantnoticebloat not Have been received, F. S, 9003)0, A. B. MACDONALD, Assignee. Somlt0r, Dated at Rrusa010, Ord day 0Apri1,11)07. • ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE TO CRED- ITOR't.—In the matter of the estate of Martin Belly, of the Township of Morrie, in the County of Huron, farrier. An insolvent. Notice is herebyiven that Martin Kelly, of the Township of Morrie, in the County of Heron, carrying on business as a farmer, at the said Township of Morris, has made en Assig,tient under R. S. 0. 18117, Chap 147, of ell his estate, credits and effects to Finlay Stewart Scott, of the Vil- lage of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Real Estate Agent, for the general benefit of his creditors. A meeting of his creditors will beheld at the Low -Offices of A. B. Mac- Do,eld, of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, o1 Monday, the 15th day of April, at 10 o'clonk 1n the forenoon, to receive the statements of affairs, and ap- point insppectors and fix their remuneration, and fa -the ordering of the affairs of the es. anteenerally. Creditors+ are requested to file their elating with the Assignee, or his solicitor with the proofs .thereof required by tate said Aot, on or before the day of such meeting. And notice is further given that after the 15th de, of June A, D. 1007 the Assignee will proceed to distribute the owlets of the debtor emu°SoE the parties entitled thereto having regard ot ray to. the claims of which notice ellen then have been given, and that he will not be liable for the assets or any part there- of so distributed to any person or persons- of whose claim notice shall not have been re. neived F. 8. fi, 008T, A. B. MAODowotn, Aa,+ignpe. Snneitor. Dated at Brussels, 8rd day of Apri1,1007, ASSIGNEE'S NOTIOE TO CREDIT - .—In the mat, er of , he ,.eta+.. of lit a Kelly, Jr., of ah. Towoehiu of Mor. oh( 13 the County of Huron, farmer, an Insolvent. Notlre is hereby given that William 'Kelly Jr,,. of the Township ut Me rte, to the Conn. ty of But so, earrving on , ooieeee sea farm- er, at the said Township of Morrie. nen made an us,tentnent under. R. A 0. 1897, Chap 187, 03 all hie estate, credits a^det- eatp to Finley Stewart Seott, et theVillage of Brue,ele, In Ole t aunty et Buret, real eet•te aaeet,.for' the general betefit of his creditors A m eating or hie ore ;tare will he held at the Law Offices of A. B Maoden- a14, of the Village of Brussels, in tbe0ounty of Huron,eu Monday, the.f9th day of April, 1907, at 10 o'eo- rick in the 1018000u, to receive ahe etltemeutof affairs and appoint Mimeo - tors at d fox their remit, eratiou, and for the order'° r to the affairs of t be estate general - y Creditors .re requested to file their claims witb the Assignee er his Solicitor, with tl e t roofs thereoftqulred by the mid Aet, on or before the day of tuoh meeting. And notlee le further given that after the lath day of June, A, D.1907, the Assigne will proceed to diatnhntetbo inmate of the 'debtor 0mouget the partial] entitled thereto, having regard oniv to the claims of which notice shall thee have beau given, and that he will not be liable for the attests or thy part thereof Bo distributed to•any person or penmen of .whose claim notice 'Mall not have hewn reoeived, F, 8..8anxr, M0000N180 Assignee, bolteit0. Dated at B t'ueeele, Ord day of Apr11, 19077. ASSIGNEE'S NOTIOE TO CREDIT- • Oke. -1u the matter of the estate. of Patrick Kelly,of the Townablpof Mor- xls, in the County of Huron, farmer, an Insolvent, Notice 10 hereby given that Patriek Kelly, of the Township 01 Morrie, iu the County of Huron, oar) yieon bneibeae as a farmer, at the amid Tewustip of Morrie, has made an amien m BLE under R. 8.0.1097, Chap. *47, Of all bia estate, credits and effects to P,u1ay Stewart hootb, of the Vi,les° of Brussels, in the Couety of Huron, keel D,etate Agent, for the general benefit of his oreuitore. A meet• tag of his oreditora will be held at the Law 0laces of A, B. Maeduneid, of the Village of Bn ueaele, in the rlouniy of Huron, on Mon - del', the 19001 day 01 A pini 1907, at 10 e'oluek r the h,reuuon, 00 receive the atatemaute. of affairs ultra appoint itapeeters andfix their remuneration, and for the ordering of the affairs of the estate generally. Credit- ors are requested to Ole their claim with ,he Atnpu°o, or hie boltcitor, with the proofs thereof required by the said Aot,on tr beim° the any of mob meetiug. And notice is lumber given that after the 10th day of Jose, A. D. 1907, the Assignee. will proceed to (*atrlbute the assets of the uobtor Amongst the partlao emitted thereto, saving regard duly to the datum of whiola. soden shad thou Liam) been given, add that e- will tonne habit' for the mallets orany , at thereat au distributed to any person or mons of whose -main notice shall not 1DAebee u leoerect 3. . 5. *cormA. B.MeonoxoLD, Assignee, sweater, Dated et Jimmie, 0rd day of Apr11,1907. 8 e'tys3S77T..m S6.A.1Z KS -TS, Fall Wheat Barley Pest Oats Butter, tube and rove , Egge per dozen......, Hay per too Flour, per bbl - - Hoge; Live 70 44 36 20 15 8 00 4 50 6 60 70 45 75 87 23 9 00 5 20 6 50 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 'M OTICE--AS I HAVE DIS - 1.1 POeHD of my Fleur M111 1 desire all indebted to me to kindly moll and settle their aeo0unte as I wish to c,o1.0 up my� business, W. F. STOOWART. ta®.Saara• ,i'en- Wim"-`—�"--`tLLt�bM.na . No Smut. Absolute p roteeti0n against Mut in Wheat, oats and barley is given by Formaldehyde. It s also a preventative pt blight or with on potat009. We have a grade of Formal. debydo that we eau gaarenteo to be of full ataadaid strongth. Complete directions for tieing on each bottle. pound bottle sufficient for 40 to 50 bushels for ,.,, 25 1 pound bottle sufficient for 80•to 100 bushels for,... 40. —AT— ' Fox s Drug Store wnwnrww+� 15O ACRE FARM FOR SALE befog Lets 14 ffi 15, son.' 9, Grey. About 100 antes cleared, 13 sores of bush, balance paetet° land Therein a good frame' house, Immo hank barn 4000 feet, au sure of orchard, well, tae., ou the premises Riv- er rune - throe, h it. Possession eoald bo given on March let 1908. Farm la 8 miles from postu0ioe aura church and a mile from .ebooi. For further particulars apply on the premises to Nr1L8ual HAYDEN, or Jamestown P, 0. 19.3 Watch this Space — -- FOR Mc C racken's Wall Paper Advt. Next Week. You Will be Interested in what he has to say. 500 yards of Indra Lfuen, 20 pieces Newest Organdie full 45 inches wide, Muelins, in pretty floral beautiful cheer quality, designs, on white grounds, Special at ou sale at per yard 15c • Inc Increasing . Bargains and Increasing- Interest in Dressd Goods The Dress Goods Department radiant with the new h brio__ for ipring and Summer. Some details and prices. e qu ore below but seeing for yourself is the best way to j u•ige•—the t ertl lest is .in comparison. 44 ;null Tweed Suiting, caplet, of Lon- de , 'Tweeds, deslrabte' hew greye, mixtures and many' manumit et- feute, 1.1 rioleet colorings; a good Oso h'abriu fur 44 hob French Panama Cloth in splendid Dolor keeortmeut, makes a very smart shirt waist suit, es- peoially desirable owing to its dust ,eeietiig qualities; per yard only 500 60 Shepherds' Cheeks, the popular Drees Fabric for I•hirt Want end Eton Suits, prioee per yd....25, 50, 75, 1.00 48 ;nob Venetian Cloth in full range of leading colors and bleak, heavy enough for Etoo Suite and Uuliued Skirts ; extra special value at per yard 76 46 inch Black Voile, "French make" very rinh blank crisp Huish, extra erclivary'value at per yard 50 The Newest in r t Co se s This week very rate choosing ie promised Women who desire Ii adopt the voueiu Corsets. leets: Aside from a -moat comprehensive lioplay of prevaili(tg modes many charming advanced models have been assembled. We hint of only two. 10 dozen Onsets of White Ooutil, Mats out, habit hip, thoroughly, bound, on sale at perair only perp air 51.00 per pair -8 splendidnow modele, mostly medium lengths, with or without "beim eupportere attached ever. one a special 50 � Y p value at 1 00 FERGUSON & Ross Dry Goods Olothing to Order lilhhelllt Price for Butter and Eggs.