HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-4-4, Page 5Spring Farm Spark April Snd Au 088011(01 time to paler the Ortnt ILLTOTT TORONTO, ONT. Oanuda's Boat Bunvol of Buenos° and hh0111)0ad '1'16lo hog, 1)01001111 for our graduate, la f,tr 11800108' 18)64 too p .�� Dotey, Alaguiltieut prepared Fnen t , Doter now and tie prthe B 01 anent , good position iu 3380 Bummer or [1111. N0 Mid•auwmor 8+041140, W. J. 191 1 IOTT, 1'riuolpul. 11 pun 0000E AND dLL8ANn1111 rare, y.b MEDICAL CARDS. 1111. R, A. BURNS— ;tuccussor to 111•. J. A. ,MeNaughloi IIruasele, Ontario Graduate et Pulyelluw Punt Graduate Sellout of Medleiuu mid s6i140ry, Now York Meunier el Oulleee of Physicians and 001• tootle 01 0111141w. 011100 and 1us Weetie Heel lie lurmerly no- onpteu by Lr. elo.,uusutuu. Dietitian of ,vu.ueu u opeolelty. 'Phone No. 21, BUSINESS CAHU3t. }i, MoUItAUI:iEN— v • 18011 et 01 Marriage i4o0120o6 0l• nee et Goner y, Turnuetry weep, brunets. WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Guice to the I'osl Qlllce, Ethel. 80.4 BCRTkiA C. ARMSTRONG 10 prepared to give insane on Haab or 1teed Organ, Tonne on 6p11I1cattue Pennant, malt ee0—uru0eels, Residence— Lot 0,00o.10, tiny. Pupils may have teal, lanolin at their own bourse i1 prolorded. MISS MARGARET M'LAUCHLI? TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. JAMES HA3RIS,, Agent Howlck Mutual Fire Insurance Company Moe and Resideuce— WALTON, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM• INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. �t S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION i • skit, will fell for better prices, t better won, in leen time and loss charge than any other Anotluuee, iu Mae[ 11118011 he won't Waage anything. Dotes and ordor 0811 always be arranged at this Whim or e p ereunal appltOatioa. ROBT. H. GARNISS ELU4:VALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron Count. Terme reasonable. Sales arranged [u, at the ounce of 'Tan Po0T, brussels. 221) VETERINARY. r A. CUNNINGLIAM— Vf • Rimer ,,lnuuu.n of the (iuteriu Vet *titulary college, i0 14 01160011 10 treat ail gib 011.008 el donuen100t011 a0lmale m a compel riot manner, Particular attention paid t1 Veterinary Ueetietry null Milk Never, Ual), promptly ateended to, Ulhee anti luerms,1 —Four doors North of bridge, '1'nruborry 01 B 10000ls. LEGAL AND t;UNVEYANCINIb.. B. MACDONALD— A• lt • Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Site 0000 0aor to 1i. F. Blair, 011100 over Mai. Bard Bunk, ltrussels, bulieitur. for MOM 0 politaa Soak. V�/7 M. SINULAIR— I • burrieter, solicitor, Ouuvuyunce Notary 1'ublio, Re. Ufnou—elew6rt'0 Biot l door. North of 080186) Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bauk, p 110UDi? 0OT, HAYS & BLAIR— BARRISTERS, BULIOITURS, NOTA11119h PUBLh3, GTO, W. E000DF 1100, It, 0. li. O. HAY[ G, F. BLe.m. Olnoes—'!'hose lot nearly occupied by Mann (Munroe de Bolt, G000181011, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEiLD, 011NTI01) Graduate of the Royal 0ollege of Deuta, 8ttrgenue of Ontario and trirst-olaee Room Graduate of Toronto University. 00810, vert to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, 111111818191113. 11 1�ttt�f �a"mac 1 SPRING TERM OPENS TUESDAY,- APRIL 2No 1 iJ CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. 11, This School, which Is the l0180.01 QI ti, moot progressive COmrnex0lal and. 41 Shortened sawn' in Western Ontattu, � befogs the repittatluu of doing the host work 10 Bus10000 Education In �i'� U6neda Our graduates aro in dem6011 IA tee OOmmerelal loaoltere and olnoe as- ii5 f • e eatalo ue fur our le a i mid you Write � bud you will got full information, non- qi 001110g our 80haol. di 1Llitol'r & McLACHLAN, li Prluui nota, WE ARE OFFERING SOME SPECIAL PRICES in Ladies' and Gents' Watches. Be sure and Hee our stock. It will pay you to buy now. H. L. JACKSON, JEWELER ipzstr t:t ;re st Grove -Lot. Mite Alma Ardell is clerking in the Vidette book fare. T. Andrews woe in Exeter last week atteudiog the fuueral of hue slater, Mrs Delbridge. Mlooiooary °ervioee will be held in the ,Methodist oh0roh 011 Sunday, April 71h ration Rev. Mr, Wilson, of Teeswoter, will preach. di. t. w 0041. The town gas plant hue 1104 yet been placed iu working order. A Spring show for Stallion° will h. held 111 Atwood on the Agriculture grouud0 on Tuesday, April 16th. Jake Roeooh hue arrived met town au) has started work at the cement mil. W uudereta011 that he has been appoiutou manager of the mill. Elma cheese Co, began operations on Monday, April 1st, and manufactured cheese on that date. The patrons wil draw their own milk during the fir0, week as the roads are not passible for the milk wagons. The death took plao0 on Sunday morn Ing, 24th ult., of Mrs. Cowan, mother of Julio S. Cowan, of Donegal. The demos ed had reauhed her 85th year .and hau been ailing tor Borne time. Interment took place in Donegal oemetery on Tuesday afternoon. "PREVENTIce" will promptly check u oold or the Grippe wbeu take. early 6, the "sneeze stage." Preveutioe cure Bested aside as well. Proventioo art little candy ould cure tablet8, sod Dr Shoop, Rama, Wis., will gladly mai you samples and a hook on rulde tree, if you will write. The sampled prole merit. Check early oolde with Prevent ice and atop pneumonia. Sold in 5o and 25c boxes by F. R. Smith. EE'.xeter. Contractor G. K. Beaman oommeI0ed the [0000!) work 0e the canning factory. David 0obbledtek, of Ailsa Craig, has purchased L. MoTagidars'e et.mk 0, Exeter North and will modem the- store Some boy or boys while using a itttlr rifle 011 Saturday oho[ through the plate glens window in H. Bpaukmau'e houoe on William street. G. E. Uaee arrived here from Toronto last week and brought wan him a 'hand eome piano ae a birthday pressor. to be- little daughter Maggie, who is liviug wan her aunt and grandmother. R. N. Taylor had a narrow esompe o,. Monday ut last week from etri0Oe injury. He wee sharpening et 03100)ar saw in the Roes Taylor factory when by some meant it 00mme110Bd 10 run end be wag thrown up over it. Wm. Howey and Ed. Jolter were standing near and Imbuing the accident they immediately hied him off and saved him from even aslight scratch, although the Bow had euoaeeded iu mak Ing a large rip in his overalls. Luc Allow. John Joynt ie having the finishing touches put on the interior of bis block. Wm. Joho0ton, of Holyrood, has tokeu a poeitioo at the Luokuow braooh of the Bank of Hamilton. Material ie being planed in position ready for commencing work on the new Carnegie Hall at an early dale. Geo. Potter attended the A. O. II. W. Grand Lodge meeting held us Toronto a0 representative from the local lodge. On the 14111,0[ April at the Epworth League aunivereary, Rev. H. Locke, of Kincardine, will preach morning and evening. Mouday evening there will be a debate. Baker & i3alo, of Wiarton, have par• Owed the bu,oher.tng bnoiueee of 0011fue & Campbell and F. Gordon, of this place, and will condom the beeinese in the obop now 000upied by Mr. Gordon. Win_ haxn. Dr. Obiehoim, M. P., woe home from Ottawa, to spend Easter with hie faintly. John Wilson, V. S,, is preparing to re move buildiuge to make way for his new briok block. Geo. 0. Hanna hap purobaeed the fine corner lot, the Bite of the recent "Hanna" store and will build there for himself. An enthoeiaetio meeting of W iogham BBeeball teem was held. The books were examined, showing a onoceootul season la0t year, and a email balance on the right side. Thie ie evidence that Baseball ie still a favorite game with the people of Wingham. The following offioere were elected for 1907 Hon. President—A. M. Crawford ; Hoo.-Yme- Pres.—D. D. Wilson ; Prreldent—A. J. Alderson ; Vioe•Preo.—L. ' Kennedy ; Treasurer—Wm. Armour ; Oor,•SeO.— Eimer Mnnre; Manager—Wm. Britton ; Meeeot—"Spider" Webb. The boys in. tend holding a celebration 011 May 24th. Wm, Ornikehank, of 'l'nrnberrye re Porth a pleasant trip to California and return. He went by way of Chicago, Omaha, and the Southern Vaoifio, taking the new short lice serosa Salt Lake to Los Aegelee. Here he met Dr. and Mre, Towler, who are enjoying their repidenre in the Paoi&0 o0aet city. Atter visitingthe chief points of intrreet he turned Northward nearly three hum dyed miles by the valley route to Fresno, where he met Robl. and Mrs. MOInd0o who dewed to be remembered to, Wing ham friends, Mr. MoIndoo hap porches. ed a tortyaore 08011ge grove, that to a few years should prove a money•make. for its owner, Mr. Crw'kehnr,k ,name home by way of Portland (Oregon,) V'0lurlaend V3at5ntiveri three dahghtore of B; and town, to he [flet 8e, Ball, of ca rtew Son000 Raboirr,--Seooeoefdl popile at /loiter Exuma. 80, S. No, IO—Jr. IV to fir, IV --Natio Denman (houurr), Alma Speiratt (hon0r0), Ivah Spuiren, George Pivotal, Wthle Speiran. Sr. 515 to Jr. IV—MRrgarette 1l1tchn,aon (honors), Mary Alachua, Wilfred Whitfield, Jumeo D uh, John Liolleubeok, Myrtle Spoi'au, LLy Bateau. Jr, III to fir, II1—Delia Whitfield, Barman Plehretl. Sr, 1I to Jr, IIT—Henrietta Denman (honors), Margaret Love (honors), Gertrude spoken (honors), Millie 00x, /With Pioltroll, Ps, II to Jr. III—trio Hutch. mewl, Stanley 0peirau, Gruzard L'glt0, Mary Iughe, Verne Ward, Jennie Ward, Glydoe Relianb"ok. 13, 0. bliteGtra.Ivne0, Toaobar, 101 1)1-x-1 M.. SoxooL REPORT,—The following is the report of No. 6, Morris, for Aural:— Sr, IV --Vino Bowman, 404; Frank Bryeue, 362. Jr. IV—Martie Ynin, 919 ; Tena Yew, 414 Br, III—Ethel Bel• tem, 409, Jr. III—Mabel Bone, 314 ; Ruoeel Currie, 263 ; Harvey Henderson, 181. Sr. 11—Ru sal Boue, 406 ;. John Riley, 358. Jr. II—Sadie Riley, 560 ; Gerrie Shaw, 537; Lila Wilkins u, 240. Pt. II—liorold Currie, 460 ; Ward Seller0, 372, Sr. Pt. I—John Yells 965 ; Charlie sellers, 336 ; Irene Wdki000n, 188 Jr. Pt. I—Isabel (haw, 171. 0. MILLIGAN, Teaeber, dcaooL REPORT.—The following ie the result of the examinations held daring the mouth of Meruh,iooluding the pro- motion examma1iou in S. S. No. 4.—Sr. IV—Total 900, Roy Thoeil, 766 ; John ldpeir, 748 ; Murtha MoCOtoheoe, 603. Sr III—Poral 810. Harry MoUatoheou, 721; Wilne'l'buetl, 602 Sr. II,—'Poral 1160. Joseph 'l'husty 662 ; Harvey .410• tluloheou, 646 ; Jenny Suitt, 676. Pt. 11—Total 200. Bertha Slovens, 142 Lame Steveu0, 103. Pt. I—Tota) 210. Florence Boon, 187. ISABEI. MONAB, Teacher, SCHOOL REFonT,—Report of S. S No. 5 Verne for the 0011141 of March IV o ase.—Mary Irwin, 695; Murray Johnston, 365 ; •Berne Young, 215. Jr, 1V.—Heater Johoetou, 470 ; *Norman Wheeler, 350 1 Irvine Ferguson, 258 Sr, III.—Soots Irwin, 382 ; Morley Jordan, 233 ; Henry Armstrong. 187 ; *Viotor Young, 144. Jr. III.—Horace Irvine, 160 ; *Carol Prootor, 158 ; floury Arm. strong, 148; *E,mer Wilkinson. Ilnd.— Mary Cele, 339 ; Jeanne Johnston, 320 ; (Aortae Cole, 265 ; Wlhie Irvin, 241 ; *Gertrude Armetroug, 218 ; Clarence Martin, *Willie Vancamp, 85 ; "Gordon Ferguoon, 60. Pt. HI.—Florence Proctor Maggie Proctor, V Iluey Passmore, How - .rd Wilkinson. Pt I. -Dora Armstrong, Myrtle Johueoo. 'l'hoee marked by a 0tar missed some examination, H, D. AINLAY, Teacher. The news—No Pure Drug Cough Cure Lowe would be needed, if all Cough Corea were like Dr. Shoop's (tough Cure !W— and hoe been for 20 years. The Nation al Law now requires that if any poreone enter iota a cough mixture, it most be printed on the label or package. For date reason mothers and other,), should wain on inning Dr shuop'e Cough Cure. No poison mer110 e. Dr. Shoop's tabors— and bone m the medlome, else a must by law be on the lube1. And It's u0t only ,ale, but it ie paid to be by theme who Rn°w In beet, a truly remarkable tough remedy. Take no chance, Fartjetlaroy with your children. Insist on having Dr. Shoop'o Cough Cure. Compare earofully the Dr. Shoop package with here and see. No pole°. market there I Yea can always be on the safe side by demauding Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure, Simply refnee to accept any other, Sold by F. R. Smith. Bei grave. BRIEFLY TOLD.—Jolin Cole bad a euoeeaolul wood bee. -Mise Perrin, of Turnberry, ie the guest of Mise Ben g eah.—The borne of T. Brydgeo is glad dened by the birth of a eon.—Jas. Wilkinson is indisposed and ander the Dr'e. care.—Mrs. Stubbs, 4th line Morrie bee beau very sink Lind tumble to leave her bed.—Mrs. Taylor, of Wawanoeh visited with Mr. and Mrs. Solar.—Joyce McLean ie learning telegraph operating at the G. T. R. station bare.—Mise Budge bee been having a bad attack of la grippe and was unable to leave her bed for a while.—Mre, MoAlliuter, of Winnipeg, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sproat.—Oh•,e. and Mrs, Graeby have adopted a little English girl from the Home.—Mise Hamilton, of Ottawa, was opendiug a few days with her brother, Dr. Hamilt, n.—Jam. Owene is slowly re. covering from a severe'tleek of la grippe but is yet vera poorly,—John Campbell attended the funeral of hie Meter, Mre, Suott, of Eequesiug township, last week. - The Fan wheat has come through the Winter fine, and if not too mach frost from date on, 'here will be a furl crop.— There has been a fine ran of maple eap of late. The farmers have taken ad 'amain of It and the syrup hi quite a ,eat among the vnlsgere. —George pli011e luta rutaroed ilotng from the Wlughatn iloopitel moult Improved, al• • though be thloke 411x1 be will riot be able for kipring )Work,—U. and wire, Waldo. 0,10 Irate adopted a bright little girl of Freda 14611'x, formerly of the Srd Hoe of Morrie, Aire, Bell having died rr0e0t, ly,—Mine Mary tottelflald has returned mime from Bayfield after °ponding a couple of 010,10110 WW1 her 0ie8er, Alia, Ferguson, and friend, Mae Fargoeen el that plane, Ilr'ieettorth, Mre, T. F. Oolemau, who hoe been on a lengthy vloit with her mother in ohlmage, hoe raturped home. John Walker, of Roxboro, received word of the death of his eon, Jerome, which immured in Winnipeg, The de. oaaoed had boon ill with an attack of brain fever. At a meeting of Mamma enthusiaele It 0188 dooidod that a junior team obould be mitered In the 0. L. A.. of time dieirtot, tie following officero were eleoted ;—Bon, Praia , Dr. McKay ; Hon. V,oe Prop., Thos. Plukney ; Pres. Wm, Morrow ; Viae Pres , H. Smith ; Soo•Treas„ R. Molieuz,e ; Com., W. Munroe, Ralph Reid and M. McKay, At a largely attended and onthueiaetio meeting held iu the town hell, the Huron Football Olub re•orgaoized, electing the following ufjoers :—Hon. Pres„ Dr, Mo Kay ; Hon. Vloe•Pree., Geo, A. Silly ; Petrone, G. E. Parkes, J. Colson, G Murdie ; Pres., F. Bilie ; let Vioe,Pres., .11, Broderick ; 2nd Viae Prep„ J. Mo. Donald ; Treae., H. Hartry ; Seo., Oboe. Stewart , Coro„ B. Oluff, G. Sills, W. ,Nnoroe, The c tai will enter teams in the eoniur, intermediate and junior aeries. OExT.—The death took place on Friday, 22nd ult., of Mary Olaff, relict of the late John Hareu, at her reeidenoe,.Jarvie etreel. The deoeefied had reauhed the good o•d age of 89 yeare and with the ex oeption of the past three monthe, of ill 11800 from the infirmities from o,d age, had been it remarkably 100)188 woman, The late Mrs. H6rau wee born in the ouunty of 9ermauagh, Ireland, in the same year ae the late Quenu Victoria, and 061:130 to Canada shortly after her man Hoge and wuh her late hooband settled in Hungerford towoebip, Hastings ouunty. They remained there for a namuer of years when they removed to the tuwnobip of M0K1llop and Battled ou a farm on the 13eh conoeseiod, where they ountiuu,4 to reside uutrt shortly atter the death of Mr, Elargan, which event 000urred about thirty years ago. Mre. Barge. [ben moved with her family to town and hail been a continuous real. dent here with her two daoghtere, Mies Horan and Aird. M. A. Coulter, until her death. The deceased was the mother of tau children, pix of whom are mill dying. Those who were present for the funeral were her only surviving mu, Wm. Horan, of Iugereoll, and Mr, and Mre. Morrow, oleo of Ingoreodl, the latter a daughter and Mra. (Rev.) 0, M. Thomp• eon, of Alpena, Mioblgan, also o daughter of the deceased and bar graudeon, Ander eon Coulter, of Ingereoll. The funeral toms pl6oe ou Monday from her late real• dance, Jarvis street, to interment in the Maitlandbank cemetery. WO1UANLY TROUBLES SHOULD 110'1' BE ALLOWED TO UN. DERRHINE HEALTH. It is imposeib,e to go into details on this subject bot the experience of many a poor woman who is crippled for life, just beoause she didn't nee a good remedy 1n time, should be a warning to others. When the first maga of womanhood appear in a young girl, a great deal de- pends in getting her over this oritimd stage, eo that in years to come she will not develop green eickurss or 000eump• tioo. When she complains of flashed face, headache, bearing down feeling-, give bur a course of Ferrozone wbiob will oorry her past the erode. Ferro zoite is the ideal regulator end o0ne00 al• organs of the body to perform their work properly. It purifies the blood, tones up the nerves and vital ' euergi10. The stomach is strengthened, and digestive and assimilative promisees are improved by the good work of Ferrozone. It reg• olatee the bowels, cures constipation and piles, and replaces disease and decay by health and strength. There i0 nothing better for the complexion than Ferro zone. It removes the dark circles from ander the eyes, removes and wares all m0noer of ekin eruptions, game bright 11x00 and brilliouoy to the eyes, a rosy tint to the cheek°, whiten° the teeth and develops m well refined, plump and 1260810ome form. Ferrozone le the ladiee favorite, and should find a place in every household, It is prepared in the form of a oh000late coated tablet, convenient and pleasant to take. Prioe per box, 50o Or three boxes for 61 25. Sold by ali druggiete. Weal York Liberals met at Weston and onammooely nominated G. W. Ver roll for the Legio•atorr. A new cotton oomp• ly bee been form ed at Montreal tom0u0taotnre hi .11 grade goods with a capital of 91,750 000. -1 IiIJLU.N ERY HAVING DISPENSED ttjth the Formal Olielliug, we' wish to announce to our Customers that we are again prepared to show the Newest Styles in all classes of Spring Millinery procured from the most up -to -dine Worth 'uses in Toronto, Chicago and Detroit. We feel convinced that we can suit the most Fastidious tastes. If you wish to secure the season's best give psi a call. We have also a full line of Fancy Straw Braids, Un- trimmed Shapes, Flowers and Ribbons. 8'4 Miss I. Strachan LEATHERDALES' FAMOUS FOR HOUSE FURNISHINGS SPRINGIMPORTATION'S Our Spring Goods have arrived and are ready for your critical inspection, They comprise a line clever before shown in this community and unegtialled in the history of this store. A. brief summary of our lines in this department is given below, Carpets English Brussels at 90c and upwards. English Veivets,at $1 25 per yard. English Tapestry at 35c and upwards. Wool Cart eta, 2 and 8 ply, at 85c and upwards. Union Carpets at 30e and Upwards. Art Squares We have for the Spring trade gone into this hue more extensively than ever. We have them in sizes from 2 x 2i yards to 13x15feet in W/LTONS BRUSSELS WOO/- VELVETS OOLVELVETS TAPESTRY Un/ONS 11.ud at prices, Quality considered, the Cheap- est. Linoleums Linoleums 2 and 4 yards wide at 35c, 40c, 45c, 50e and 55c per square yard. Inlaids from 800 to $1,25 per square yard. Oil Cloths 1 yd., 1} yd., 1i- yd. and 2 yds. wide at 22c and 25e per square yard. RUGS A large assortment of small Rugs, •very suitable for wedding presents, useful as well as ornamental. The Large. t and Finest Assortment of Furniture in the County Variety is the spice of Life—You get it at Leatherdale )' Liberal Discount for Cash. UNDERTAKERS A a,•owalidp et the Bri,Jienna Dopper lMmuanv'e Damp at Howe Sound, B. 0., swept the engine howls away. Poor men, including ono Jap were killed. A BLANK Application Form for Membership In the Finest and Beer. Business Training School In Canada—The CENTRAL BUSINESS HUES of Toronto, from Jan.2nd, next, to- gether with detailed lolormatiou of the great advantages to be enjoyed, will be sent free by return mail on request of friend or letter. Write to -day to W. H. SHAW, Principal. Yong° & Gerrard ore., Toronto, ALLAN TIE- LINE TO LIVERPOOL From 80,John From Halifax Virginian --• Sat, April 18 Tunielau Bat, Apr1120 VlotorIan — Sat, April 27 0rom Montreal From Quebec Ionian May 0 4 0,m May 2 Virginian May 10 0 a.01 May 10 '1 uni8lan NI ay 17 4 ,0.m May 17 Victorian May 2A 9 sail May 24 MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Corinthian Thareday, May 9 Preterlau Thursday, May 10 Sicilian Thursday, Eloy 2a Numldlau Thursday, May 811 For sanitise, tints and full information apply to W. 11, KERR, Agent Allan Lino, Brunets. Brewer's Reliable Art Studio If you are visiting in 11110 neighbor- hood it would be worth your while to look up our Studio. Wo are second to none Bud our prices are lower than other tow nee We would be p'oaoed to have you call end see 06mples, also see our large ne0ortmout of views on Post Cards. They mike gond Souvenirs. Don't fail to have some, WE FRAME PICTURES 'Enlarging done in Ant -Mass styla— rWater-color, Caoo or Y Give NH It call. H,R BREWER FURNITURE WALL PAPER PICTURE FRAMING W'h,'t''li 4� e; 1a'm� hdh•'1r4n4r't•4i v, To the people of Ethel and surrounding country we beg leave to say we Lave opened up a Furniture and Wall Paper business at Ethel. We also Keep a supply of Window Shades—orders for pecial sizes and colors promptly attended to. We cordially invite you to call and see our goods as we feel certain we can please you both in quality and price. PICTURE FRAMING DONE TO ORDER We would also kindly call your attention to our Undertaking Department We will keep a good supply of everything necessary in that line constantly ou handand all orders left with us will be carefully and promptly looked after by MESSRS. WALKER & BLACK, Brussels. Wreathes and Funeral Designs also supplied. WM. H. LOVE, youth Side, Red Brick Block, ETHEL Do you like good Bread and Pastry ? If so you must bake with good Flour. I have in stock now the Celebrated Puritan Brand Manufactured by the Western Canadian Flour Mills Co.,. of Winnipeg. Also the well known Five Roses the output of the Lake -of -the -Woods Milling Co. A trial will convjnce you of the excellence of these Qualities. All kinds of Peed kept on hand acid sold at Rea- sonable Prices, ALF. BAEKER. BRUSSELS likeelowwwowookovvikAAAAA