HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-4-4, Page 4opeodila mnfldeli, We pltukeil nu• bre k
^ , able things and left the boat et 9 a. m. ;
game bank to it again at 12 80 noout Itt
gaol abape for dinner, 1 spout a day on
TEtURS1)41' APR. 4. 1907 the Ruherte anboat 0ud bad a lively time
With their little e oyOse we Mab team,
^- Two of the boats got behind, and when
night name my home was nuwbare in
eight, Dr. Aux breokbt me home la oua
t of the life aiming b rete. The motto woe
perfeet, and the te,l rooks seem,d to reach
m the eky wi each side of lite lover. The
he °errant was very swift and the six rutin
e had hard work to row us.
Oa Monday eveuiee, we bed it party ;
at it was Mr. Robertsons birtbday, and
ee their Pompey made the party. The
program was formatted by the bachelors
and wee original. Mr. Wallace wrote up
e a propbeoy for (tech of Oe twenty yeere
w beams. Of mouree none of ue ended up its
Missionary work. Ibave forgotten sly
deetivation, but among Ise photos. hang.
ing in the Hall of Fame were Jonffs,
k Wellwood and Morteoo.
I have almost forgotten to tell y0U of
b my experience yeeterday, Wheu we left
the boat, we had to wait a while, and I
t wandered on by myelo!, and eat dowu to
n study Chinese. After a whir, a baud of
coolies camp toward me. I thought I
e would not raise my eyee until they pare
e ed, bat their ourioeity was 001 so easily
d aetielled, I looked to see thew eurruued.
a ing me, and after they bad examined my
I omit, my ooatand book, and eyed me from
a bead to toot, they passed on. The
pativee never seem to tire gazing at us ae
a we pass. Tee message goes from hut to
r hut, and whole fernlike appear to nee the
sight. We on,y used to ltend for Ave
minulee to have an aadienoe of 100 or
e Nova. --Mise Wellwood Wooed bar
letter, Buying that it is dtffieult to write
,f an the river boa. She le in good beuitb,
and possibly by the time this is in the
Ya bands of our misdate, the missionaries
will have reached their destinationinthe
tnterdor of that thickly populated beatben
Wm, Wellwood has another letter fro
hie dsaghter, who et time of moans a
+Stier, Nae still on her tedious rive
:Quemoy into the interior of far off Obin
whittler she ham gone se a Mieeionary
from Wiogbam, Miee Wellwood writ
OS du a of Jan. 28rd
It is two menthe einoe I reed my Ise
hater feral liome, at Vletorla, B. Q„ a
no mail bas overleken ae yet, and
Obeli have to wait three weeks more nut
we reseb Obungkiug, where we May for
few daye or a week, ae it le the (Aloes
New Year and they gan't do snythin
daring their bonday,
We left hitting the evening of the 150
of Jan. It was quite au exeitiug tome, a
our four veaeeis with an extra oargo boa
two life boats manned by Ohivame
with red jaokete, and email boat utteud
nd aeon large oua, moved out from tb
city amid the uoiee of fireoraaker
Brume, and the noise of (modes employe10 tow us op the river. Imagine it, in.
email boat that tree up at our aide a
ntgbt, sleep about 45 or 60 traekere (u
they call those taint pale us up the rivet
'Their ropes are buttoned to our boat, tit
other end reaches to the ebore, with 25 o
30 tandem pulling. Sometimee they sr
up quite a distance ou - the aide of tit
moeotain, walking along a little ledge o
rook. `There la one man who has oloarg
of them to gee that they do their work
we call him the "slave driver." H
carries a piece of sane rope, and if the
don't pull to snit tom, they get it eve
the back, Sometimes they only wear tk
coat ebe Lord gave them, and sometime
they put ou one of man'e making, with
out any troueere. Some places we ar
between high rooks, where there le n
pluoefor the traukers, and then the
come on board and uee large oare, two o
eeoh tide, and about eix or eiebt pull on
eaoh oar. Then yen bear noise, for they
ulwaye make a loud sound se they work,
and owe in a while a thrill whistle which
'means they are calling for wind.
In the middle of the deok there ee i e a
hole where they have a stove with an i
manest 00
po top, where they boil rice
and vegetables for the coolies, and whet,
they alt pile in for meals, obey more the,
ebovel the rice with their ohopstioke,
holding their bowie right up to their
The scenery is gorgeous all along here,
and it is hard to do auythiug bat enjoy
it. Every eve*i0g, when we tie Op for
the night, we go on shore for a walk for
Last week when I was looking I did
not study mach but this week am having
a lessor) in Obntese every day, tied enjoy
it very muob, alibougb at seems like s
tremendous leek, and I expeoc to have an
Robing brain many times before I oan do
much at it.
After we left Iobang, everything went
smoothly, with the exoeptwn of one day,
when we got loco a whirlpool and tarn
ed oompletaly round until we anahored at
the foot of a rapid ; they pronounced it
very badlndeelt, and we found 22 boats
anchored before tie, to go over one by oue.
Snob a time ae we had ; our boats away
ed backward and forward, and there was
not mach Bleep that night. Some of the
ladies were quite seaeiek, bat I manager'
to keep steady. Snoh a tome ae Mrs,
McAmmoud and I bad, tr)ing to de
cooking to last be over Sunday, with the
water splashing out of the pots. Sou
day forenoon we moved nearer the foot
of the rapids. As we were amine dinner
to go sbore that ourboats might be
pulled op the rapids, they crashed
against emote sober, and a hole was bruk
en in the We of our house boat. How.
ever it was high enough, so that no
water came io, and atter we had piled all
the dishes (that won d break) in our beda
0100 fixed things up so that they would
not ay around too badly, we made for the
rooks, and sat down to watch our "all"
poll over the repute in safety. One boat
lost its rudder and bad to etay behind.
I oertainly was grateful, when we tied up
in a still, gmet corner on Sunday after.
noon, and after welled the boles patched
up, we rattled down to life agaio. We
were to have bad service in the evening,
bat everything was in mob a tumult, we
could not think of it, so several name to
our boat and we bad a helpful service of
song and prayer, The rapid we had
passed is called the Ohintan, bot we nam.
ed it "Tiopan," because Mre. Mo.
Amwond Iota pan out of the window ae
ale was washing !t. It ie very exoiting
10 see the
come dawn over the
r is'
a d one upset while
we were Ehere
with two Chinamen in it. The life boat
went out and sieved one ; the other went
down with the stream.
Yesterday we paeeed another rapid that
at times is very bad, but it eeemed so
small, they said we need not leave the
boat. Ae we were getting supplies from
nnder ebe floor, all at once the boat
swung to one aide and sent the organ
stool and Iwo chairs on top of Mr. Mo.
Ammond, who was "down below." Our
boy, Ooei, was ou hie knees doing a little
wasbieg, when he received half a pail of
sugar, on hie head, with some 000ked
meat, sweet potatoes and other !blues,
He got up as if his end had come, ouch e
eight, and what a laugh we bad, not.
withstanding we loot so much sugar.
They tbiuk we have peered the worst
rapid and I bops so, but I have not been
nervone. mud have every ooufldenee that
all will be well, The baobelore' boat was
the one that made the biggest hole in the
aide of our boat, and bow they laogled
over it, for they said obey were forming an
entrance into Tibet,
)Teb. 2ud—As they tell us there will be
an opportunity to night to mail lettere
home from With Helen, I must Holts
this. They are trying to reset) this place
to tie up for Sunday, ooneegoently we
were disturbed before four o'clock tbie
morning by the noise of traekere getting
their tepee reedy 10 move on, and by
2,130 we ware on our journey by the light
f the moon. Imagine bow tired these
nen will be when night comes, 506ing
Dorboat op stream against the wind all
di y.
Yesterday, we passed the third and Iakt
of ibe big rapids. They tel, tie the rest
art small. We thought we should have
to inp 0t our boat
t0 go over the last,
b, our little bonne went over gallantly,
Th othee boats toots the other aide of the
titan and were not so fortunate, and slap.
ped , gainot the rooks, and holes were ;
broken in their aides, Whioh had to be
A. reaotiouary storm period ie central
from the let to the ere with probabilities
that disturbances of the host storm per
iod in March will be prolonged pilo thie
opening period in April. Tbemonth will
Acme in with onsettled threatening sot
Aitione. "h conditions These c ud, toot won teen 1 in
quickened etorme of rain, wind eon
snow o0 and touching the 201, Snow of
°aurae, ie more probable over Northern
parte of the oonutry but late equine are
entirely possible in central to duuth,r,
parte. Change to hiuher barometer,
Westerly winds and cool enough for
froete in most sectiune Northward may
be expected from the 21.5 w the 6th be
ginning io the Northwest and advauoipg
A regu,ar storm per,od covers the 5th
)o the 9th. This period le Dermal Dn tl
8th and wail reuoh its ou mouating stager
in low barometer and Apr!. thunder
storms o0and touotiing the 7th, Ste ani.
90b. If rising barometer and change to
clearing, cooler weather foliowe them
atoms, they will be of short °oration
The indications are that contortion
threatening weather with April ebowere
will be prolonged into the next period.
A reaottonary storm period to central
ou the 11th, 12th and 19tm This period
embraces the moon on celestial equator
on the litb, and new moon on the 12t3
These tante lead os to b, have that eto. m
oonditioue will be prolonged from the
preoeding period, aim that a marked
omens of April etorme will tai, un and
teaching the 11th and 12th. A very low
reading of the barometer at this time
will presage violent danger. Vicuna,
e,eotrioal etorme with hail, will vielt
many notions during the paeeage of
these storm centers from West to East.
Taking the 12th at the center of a period
of flee days, we may reaeonably look for
reports of eeiemio dietorbanote from
varioue parts of the globe. This ie a
question which every ourefnl reader rf t
the world's daily newe may Boon and
timiefa000rily Battle for himself. The
"old gag" that "all these things are
happenlog joet ae muob one day ae
another, somewhere" is a false aseump
ion. A few "Ofioial professore" who
\V N. hlcK.Y, E4W3 AcniN'i'
nee "old raw" ae a refrain to their stale
and worm ietiteu oritiaiame, know better
bun anyone else that it is not so.
There are regular periodioitiee, or cycles,
which any patient, persevering, oonetaut
oh -tweet may prove for bimeelf, in whish
etorme, earthquakes and ail related
phenomena rase end tall to maximum
and minimum. At one time they prae
tioally disappear, at aaotber time they
break forth in all directions and with
estoniektng forme,
A regular storm period is (euttal on
the 19th extending from the 17th to the
2201. As may be Been by the storm
diagram fur April, this parted le at the
center of the great Saturn period ; it 'is
oovered by the venni equinox, and oleo
by the opening u1 the Mare period. The
moon is 00 apogee, at extreme North
decantation ane firse quarter, se rlydtoated.
by A. N. aµ0 Pia on the 18th, 19.6, 20th,
We beneve that this won prove nue of
the most Oetitdeu, if not vtoleut storm
parole of ibe month. Auyoue who has
oultiveted the least familiarity with the
moods sod uAlast,a, s of t00 r
n may
know if storm °oudttim,e ereP rarest sod
,hrrnteinuc, looxty, tiering thin or any
tither in rem. I1 It grown very warm aµ0
musty, with Maim South wtuue—if,
above al , the barometer to at to very low
readiugs and ominous a onde appear, the
meet prudent aod'oalm watch ehonid be
kept milli the etorme develop ane pass
well to ,h. Heso of beet) °tservrr'e- Iciest
Ity. Ata tame Itke thie merit, Sturm
t aroxybme. may gather end paee over
the same tooatoty within a few boors.
When Me winds shift permanently to
be Moat end the barometer snows a
decided rise, the clanger sae paused to the
EaeiwarO, ane the stiff gale., that may
fuuow from Westerly directions may be
regarded ae harmleea. A eery decided
change to isomer, with obaeues of frust
12 irthward, will follow behind the storm
area of. this period—euy from about the
2let in the Northwest progreeeitrg Eaet•
ward daring the 2200 to the 24th.
A reactionary storm period is central
or, the 24,1,, 26th, 26th. The disturban.
tee of ibis period will ao,mtnate on and
tonob,ng the 25th. Geueral and heavy
April euowere will be naturally attended
by very demdea lightning and thunder.
Our readers, eepeatahy those whore in.
termite are most at eke, will not forget
the Not that deetruottve bail mama are
apt to aooumpany eientreoal clouds at
this and other April pentode. It ep,
proaabing thunder Montle take on a de.
oideaed oupperieh hue, it wel its eafe to
aeoripate bail eeoeee and use euoh
meant as are &vet able for the proteatiou
01 exposed glass end other !rune, perish -
mole property. A marked nee of the
barometer, with cbange to cooler mud
ratite Norihwerd will be doe about the,
26th and 2703.
A regular storm period ie central on
the last day of April, extending from the
28th to Nay the 8rd. The influence of
the mercury period Seo aovete the teat
four clay. of Apra., with full moon on the
28th and in perigee on the 90th. Storms
of rain, hail and thunder will moat likely
develop by the 28th to the 29th and eon.
tinne daily into the opening daye of May,
k'rom about the 22nd to May the lei or
2nd constitutes another period in whiob
seismic probability fall on Rowley, Mon.
day end Tuesday, the 28th, 29th and
Fon Catarrh, let me send you free, just
to prove merit, a trial size box of Dr.
Shoop'e Catarrh Remedy It le anew
white, creamy, healing antiseptic bairn
that giver ing,unt relief to oatarrb of the
,,nee and throat. Make the fro- test ant.
see. Address De. Sh, op's Raoi°H, W,
L re, jars 600 eeoh. Sold by F. R
3c. a day will
Cure Rheumatism.
The aim of most "cures" for Rheu-
ma 'its ut seems s io
be to relieve the
pain. When they have done that,
their usefulness is gone. And the
next time you take cold, or your
feet get wet, or you over -exert your-
self, back comes the pain.
is different. It does relieve the
pain, as quickly as tate best lini-
ment. And it does MORE. IT
matism, uric acid in the blood.
Every drop of blood passes through
the Kidneys. These organs should
filter out impurities. When they
are weak, inflamed or diseased, the
impurities stay in the blood and are
carried to the sensitive nerves.
Rheumatism is simply this irri-
tation of the nerves, caused by uric
acid and other impurities being de-
posited upon tient—their favorite
place being the joints and muscles.
Make the Kidneys filter the blood
properly, keep the blood pure and
rich, and there can be no Rheu-
-motism. Bit -Ju does this.
Buy Ru -Ju on an unconditional guaran-
tee that they will cure you or money re-
funded. At all druggists, roc, a large
box, or sent on receipt of price.
The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion
No, (19521)
THOS. McLAUCHLIN, the well known importer and dealer in good horses, has pur
chased the Imported Clydesdale Stallion, Ctnnugate (No. 10521) and will keep hire at hie
stable, Brussels, during the season of 1907 Following is the pedigree and description :—
CANONGATE (row) (3770, Vol. 72, Cly-
desdale Horse Association of Canada), brown,
stands e7 hands. weight 2200 lbs. Bred by the
Marquis of Londonderry, IC. G.. Seaham Harbor.
Sire, "Holyrood," (9546), by -Gallant Prince."
Dam, "Camilla" (11435), by "Prince of Wales,"
G. Dam, "Nannie Blackhall" (tog87) by .'•Bonnie
Breast Knot" (t03),
CANONNGA'rs is a handsome horse, with great,
style and quality, with clean flat bones, excel-
lent feet and pasterns, and true cart burse
action, He won first at Northumberland show
as a yearliug, first at Glasgow, first at Paisley
as a two-year old ; also the Duke of Argyle's
Premium in 1900, and in igo2 he was selected
to travel the Turrilf district for,C4Oo.
Sire, "Holyrood," the winner of the following
prizes: -188x, rat at Darlington as a foal, 1st
at Bishop Auckland ; 1892, tot at Durham County
as a yearling ; 18g3, tat at H. & A. S. Show,
Edinburgh, as a 2 -year-old, ist al Yorkshire,
est at Dewberry as a 2 year-old ; 1894. ist at the
Royal at Cambridge as best Clydesdale Stallion,
rat at H. & A. S. Show at Aberdeen, 1st at
Yorkshire Show at Beverley ; 0895, list at H, &
A, S. Show at Dumfries, Champion Prize as
hest stallion at same allow, President's Medal
at same show, Breeders' Medal at same show.
Dam, Camilla, is an exellent breeding mare,
She won bast and cup at Dumbarton, second at
I Durham County and rat at Darlington. She is
sired by the world-renowned Priltco 0f Wales,
whose reputation is such that comment ,s nu-
G. Dam, Nannie Blackball, a typical brood
mare got by Bonnie Breast Knot, the Strathern
premidm horse in 1877, the Dualities 1878, and
the Glasgow prize horse 1879 He was got by
Time 0 Day, a well known breeding horse,
which had the Glasgow Premium twice in
succession, first at the A. & H. S. Show at
Glasgow, and was afterwards sold at I Soo fa:
exportation to New Zealand "Gallant Prince,"
the sire of Holvrood, is a moat successful breed,
ing horse. In addition to Holyrood, be is the
sire of the well•known Knight of Cnwnl, un-
beaten as a two-year old. and since the winner
of numerous prizes and district prenhinoos ; also
a Good Gift, the Duke of Argyll's premium
horse, a a three-year old, tet at the 14 & A S.
Show at Glasgow•, and in loom the Mowravehire
Farmers' Premium. Gallant Prince also won
drat prizes at Glesg6w as sire of 1 he hest five
family groups of yearling. and two rear nick.
Holyrood's dam was the need Darnley imee
Jennie Darnley, the winner of the first prise lot
the Roval at Norwich in 1886. first, at the l)tr
loam County show in 1888 Champion at Kelm)
show in 1887. first at Northumberland show in
1888, itolyrood's g. g g. dam having won so
far back first at the ti. & A. S. Show at Glasgow
to 1867.
CANONGATE is deaeended from 1 he heat breed
ing strains of blood on both sides, and having
a strong dash of Prince or Wales Blood, he shuu,rl
prove a most •impressive breeding horse, and
prove worthy of his most dlatingrished lineage.
While in Scotlnna the terms for Canongnte
were Z'3, payable at service, and ,a'3 additional
when mare proved in ford.
Some of the best two-year old mitres and
stallions sired by hint have been imported this
year. King's Herald, sired by Canongete, was
imported by Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm,
Loddon, Ont and is spoken of by the Farmers'
Advocate as one of the best stallions ever
brought to this country,
Breed your Mares to a draught horse .that will
weigh a ton or over and produce saleable stook,
IMPORTANT NOTICES FAtUt( x.4uaaNIttgamna lag .
F, bemire 101 -mart of t}mltb Bleak,
22x88 feel ; and door from.Amerine, ROM ;
latah used 4e tattering mod gouts' furnish.
Ia g eetabilobtnent For !orbiter parttaflare
apply to Dl! fileEELVEY, Brussels
-7'i, undersigned nfkere ler Halo her
Neuse and 101 nu 1•ureberey street, Brun.
Hale. PI eeaee1Au °rind be gleet at pone
6'„r prime, terms &o„ apply to MR13. 5,
Hfl118LN, Wel ton ll. O„ or toa au Poe',
t.. sAr,tt.—One was a year old in January,
1000,am' the other 10: mouths old. Prise
animals and In good (rendition, Terms to
'et puionater. JAMMH1N 01i'181R, Lot 80,
tion, 0, Morrie, or Brussels 1'. 0, 18.61
nudersigued will see!, ler gervioe on
Ni Lot 28, 1 u0, 7, Morrie, the pure tared
N rrtiot a bull, HNartlena zed. Pedigree mita
tie went op upi,llcutlap. Tet we, 0l s0, with
privilege of rein milli �g If necessary,
97.4 r'. 00 lull EON, Proprietor.
I'woaoreeof baud with good frame
d gel inn bone,., frame stable, about oho
sere of food young orchard, awl guud'wen,
ening seat of Lot 81. Coo 14, hicKil10p. Bur
urttier partioultera apply to S(1HN SHORT.
1010910, JE., Let 24, Con 9, Morrie, or Walton
P. 0, 3918• K. 0. T. M.
Brussels Writ of the Macoubeee, No. 29
hold their regular meetiege its the Lodge
Ileum, Banker Hloeh, on the let and 9rd
'tuoaday evooinge of each month.•
Vieltere always welcome.
a, SO'tt ESB, Uwd, A. aleDVIltE, R. E.
uuderaigued offatre Ole hones and lot,
intuit° on Still eereet, Brussels, for 'Sale,
it is well logatad,e, eni,venient and.00mlur-
able h, Me. Poeaeeuiuu oat, be' given at
tame. Will aleµ Bell the vaeaut-tut, Corner
I Mill tied kliz.aueth atreete, woke would
make a nae teLdiug site. For farther par-
tial -dare asto price, terms, Jo„ apply to
bHl91). AOA.514, Hardware Dealer, Ford -
50511, 80-4
Farm Labourers
and Domestics
I have been appointed pp d b t1* Do 1
Duero y
o m nine
mtlui E luau ( tui r
p w ante !COW the
Dui nu Maud.
n , i
m i ea 00 nn in
b Yw
0 1 u lab.
ur.oe , r du Badu e, oaoh lo to this vicinity,
any pereuulia yl ur
; rue tier tatwg lud-
t as 1 0.0 00 beth
eqbyo, letter etatmg lady
ue anal of heap regmred,wueu wanted aµ1
wages offered Tun numbers ormolus may
out oe eulloieutto supply all requests bot
every effort will be made 00 provide than
applicauc with help requ,red,
Oatadlau (iruveruwei 1 ampluymeat Agent
82 -Ow Blyth l', u.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Rachel
Barubill, late of the Township of
Elmo, in the County of Perth, widow,
Notice to hereby given, pursuant to Rinds-
29, heamendtug statutes of
that crratlton1ite
having any elaime sgatuet the estate of the
aid It,whe, Barnhill, wbo died µnor about
be Seventeeutu oat of February, 1907, are
equired on or before the Fir.t day of June,
907, Mimed by poet, ',repaid, or deliver to
Teter Watton, of the Village of brunets, or
o Margaret Laidlaw, of the Towaebip 01
Mina, in the Ouuuty of Perth, Atwood P.O.,
he Exeou.ers of the said deeeused, their
Christian and surname, hodadurseaa with
till part colorant writing 01 their claims. the
tateuniet of their .muuu000 and the eaters
.,1 the securities Ciao)) held by 00800.
Aum uulioe.ie further given that after the
uid lust n,entiuued date the said Basco -
ors will proceed to distribute the sweets
1 the di crated amongst toe parties eutatted
,hereto, hostel) regard fluty to toe claims of
wbioh they thall time have notion and tout
he said Executors will out ue duble for
the tweet,, of any part thereof, to any patine
hr persons of weose Molina u1t1Oe shah nut
ave beta received by them at the time M
such distribution.
Date„ et Brussels title 27011 day of March,
A 0.1907 (igo.)
PMEAHTERtaAHWe'1'H'r LAdrtMIULA W 1 Eleontor6'
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Rebecca
Beiroee, late of the Township of
Grey, in the County of Huron, Mar-
ried Woman, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to "Tho
Revised Statutes of Ontario,' 7597, and
ameudmeute thereto, that all creuitore a d
,,there having cainas a581080 the said
Rebecca Belrnes, who died on or about the
Thirtieth day of Ootober, 1005, are re.
tiaired on or before the Thitteentaday of
April, 1007, to scud by poet, prepaid or de-
liver to W. M. Sinclair, of the Village of
Brussels. in the County of Huron, Solicitor
or John Perna Seines, the Executor
wilt and testament of the Intl a moot o
the .a
e !d
deceased, their descripChristian and eareamho.
uddreoft and deeos,ptie attainment
the funt 0f their
slurs o; their Ole eutectic)! the encurites (n
auy) held by chem.
and tnrtlier take notice that after avab
art. Ineutio,-ed date the said 1,Xecu•or will
proceed to diatieute the assets o1 the de.
eased nit MOO the parties entitled therm•
to, having regard ugly to the claims of
wbioh he shall teen have uo.ite mil that
he said elxuumur wilt not be hulile for the
aid ameba. .r 507 Vat t thereof, to uu 7 car-
ton of wb ,ee claim outme that Mut have
seen receive 0 by 1000 at the Elmo of such
Dated tits 22nd day of Maros 1907.
888 Solicitor for Itxeoutor,
E4 LEO TENDI RR a'ldreteed to the
Mole, mailed. am! oedermma "Telmer for
i'emp,et", n '0 Wodarinh breakwater', wilt
I e „-ceived a th,e Mee I:0 l 1ltureday,
.. April 18te, 1007teolaelvvly for the ouwyle-
•41w of Hunte water tit Ondrrteti, Huron
O, anty. mania, , icor, hie tit u e au rad
ei'eoiOcanun i„ be seen at the ohblees of a
08. Hh.u, It.q keuhlent bot einem, , oufed-
enatli'n 1., le tluilulug, Torohto, Out., H. 3,
bomb, Req, lcesluebt Engineer, London,,
Ila! ,e„ ape featioh to too Postmaster at
(iuderteh,and et the departuleut of Prllto
Works, Ott,wa,
'fender,• wet net be ounairered unless
ma- a uu thin pruned forth ,.applied, and
sigueu with the eetuel efguatutee ut !end-
An naoepled cheque 0 a (mattered batik,
payable to the eider of the Hut ournbli the
hl,uleier of Putin° Wet ke, for eevaa thou-
sand ave bummed uuhxrs (457,000,00), .must
flee wl ane each twitter. rue mite qua will
be fey,, it,el ll We petty te"oeiug deo.!.°
the emit tut, r lu,l-te complete the week
eoutreetel ,,r, auµ will be returned in Ouse
of sou-aeoaplwee of tender.
Thu lhepattm. at dues not bind Itself to
accept the lowest or any tender.
ba Other,
Seirt tory,
Department of Public Wnrl.e,
Ottawa, ,Norah 18th, 1857.
Newepepi ra will not be paid tar thin ad.
vertleeine '.t ti !hay ibae.t it without
authority from the 1Oapartmeet,
1 !lave beep appmooted by the 000)10101
Onvarnweut to plans lwrnlgraata 00001 the
Uulted Eingdom in t taltli•ns has farm lab.
aurora or damastia servants woos vlolpiby,
Any pereeu 109010ine euoh hello 510001,1 Ceti,
fy toe by letter etatlilI fully the kind 01 help
requite d, whets welted slid weytea mole ed•
teopuy alltlreq Iva! ti tlY Y rbeetturleiwill
etaadde Ou pri•vide epeb applleap4.witu
bele regalred 10, 8. 03' 00'1,
Oauedtan buverpment Emplaymeta Agent
82.1y - tfrueeels P.O.
Rete 91 J0teratlt al pet most par minuet, Area
Bzgeluior life Insurance Company
The Equity Fire 1peuraueo oomPaoy
All buelneee attended to promptly,
Clerk Oth. Division (Mart.
aa7arAtviceo-s-Naafi%--rise c^a4lsv tosvorizommeg^a'P,2ar�'�a•'P 'rcrarAwA
. 6
1�i es H hkfrk 4
The Very 'Newest Creations
its Spring P. -tyles
and we want You to see them
• Our Bata have a "Smartutes" and originality of
at) le t,eculilu'ly lheir ntyll.
We nim at exclusiveness of designslid are confident
that we naw have , tie of the handsom, at and most orig-
inal assortments of flats its town. If you're looking for
a' inething St)li.h, "Colic," Neilihy, Naar 00 with a call
when its town nod we'd show you "flfhat'e what" its Up-
to-date ltilliuere-
?d aydvarbvavbguyAsrr4e vita! s�v rbv r4� ;� 4rur0v;7d�Av s�v! �igAvuvAvu7pv
.1‘11ioudl Roller Flour Mill
The undersigned begs leave to intimate to the Public
that they have purchased the well known Flouring
11111,1 friim Mr. W. F Stewart and will be pleased to -
bo favored with the patronage of the public.
Best Brands of Flour
and Feed kept in stook
)ur Aim, will be tJ Please our Patrons
Ming up Telephone No 4 if you desire anything in
our line and ,have not time to call,
vii hohoo,ii pi iii la.aet sours,
8c R. A. PRYNE
�"tt_ A T ■ w
Geo. Thomson'
Sotto! your trade.
We carry the largest and
Moat complete stock In
lids section, comprising
Hardware, Woodenware,
Cattery, Garden Seeds,
Iron, Steel, Carpenters'
Tools, Paints. Varnishes
and' Brushes
11 you need a finish for
We sell and recommend
20 years oa the market, tt
elweya divert aaHatectOan
1l dries quick and heldd
Metros a durable Haien
McKay & Shaw