HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-4-4, Page 1raz V o:. 4rfi, No 89 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, P'.RIL 4, 190' W. H KERR, Prop + thew Advertisements their barns this' Stttnmer,-Mrs,. Copts has sold her form to Win, Holmes, the newly married cop le will t•eside on y p the old homestead on the on con. of Morris, Joseph and Mrs Sellers having removed to Bleevale, Their minty friends extend to then their best wishes of many years happiness. and prosperity. We have also t0 Mort the marria a i of Robert Uoig, of I•Iawiak; and Miss Florence Sanderson, of Wallace. Rumor had succeeded in performing the ceremony sornotdme' ago, On Wednesday evening the 27th of March they drove lu:the Manse, at Moles- worth, by Rev. lug. 'Mr, Powe11 ave his humorous g• g and instructive Lecture entitled 'Vile man the age demenda. t -ie isa most pleasing speaker and delighted his audience for over an hour. The solos, readings, quartettes, etc, rendered by the young. people were well eliosen and delivered in good form. We hope to enjoy their company again, After a vote of thanks was tendered Rev. Mr, Powell and all who assisted 'in thepro. grain the Brusselites repaired to the basement where the ladies served lunch, Last week Ge4c a, pry , lith live, fell from the granary door to the ground,e distance of 8, feet and re. celeed quite a abaking np. We hp a he will soon be as well as ever, P Goon Time -A pleasant evening was spent in Ebenezer church, i3lue• vale circuit, last Friday eveningat au entertainment given in the interests of the Sunday School lu that place, Lewis e Jewitt, the superintndnt of the school, was chairman, Selections were given by a phouograpb under the anagemnt of Isaac Jewitt: Grey; MathOl. of Sankatoon, ons , ' Tolle, of Ethel, Surviving daughter; are Mrs. rout, McKelvey; of Ethel Mrs. Jas, Milloy,. of llillsbur Oct. . and Misses Maud and Minnes m. nn at e Mary,Jessie and Annie are deceased IluiLamont, of the Toth con, a Greyis a brother fo the subject of phi; notice and Mrs. John Lamont and Mrs Sinton Grant, of Brussels, are sisters Deceased was a very vigorous man It hie da and IA his jovial manner matt many friends wbo will regret to beat of his decease. g Nolico�W, F. Stewart, Col ars-I. C, Richards, C l a F sale- P. e oar for U Lowry. _ Wall acro eb bargains-P. p P Ck u, A goad way -Ferguson & Kass.Yj ( ltitougate-'Phos• McLauchhit, Farm for -The sale -Nelson Hayden. From Aberdeen -Wilson &Flouter. Notice to ereclitors-Peter Watson, ASSIgU@e'S AOtiaex-A: B. Macdonald. consideration being in the neighbor- hood of $4,800. This is one of the best' tarns for mixed farming in the tawuship port -Mr, Hulmas has a .cheap place,. We laevo not heard where Mrs, •Coates and .Pies Mary intend making their home, -Wm. Kneahtel bee pur- chased from H. I. Davis, of Wood. stock, an imported, large Yorkshire hog, bred from same of the host herds in. England, For length and hone he is very hard to beat and we have no doubt but that he will a valuable - -- T3ell rave, lames Wilkinson wbu has been seriously ill,, is I'tiptoving giaclnally.' and were married J. Berrien, They left fora short trip to Toronto on Dhursdgy morning, We wish them a happy married life, _ •Miss ]viva Perrin, of Wingham, visited last wealL with Miss M, Ben• .g gi Jas, and Mrs. 'McCallum spent Easter holidays with friends at New-. Market, Misses Maggie and Irene Vnuor• man, of Wiughan visited erintle in Be1gi•ave last ,veek. Wm. Clarke and Miss Elsie spent the Easter vacation at Hann ton: Miss b,ls,e bas secured a school st i'elh5m, near Hamittoo, and will commence teaching after Easter, +- qty act tion. .Mrs, George Baldwin, of Galt, is visiting g her daughter, Mrs.. (Rev) Currie, at the Methodist Parsonage here, Mrs• Nail McNeil had the pleasure of the company of her mother, Mrs. Thomas Wighton, and sister, Miss Mary Wigbton, of Durham, for a few days this week. Miss Violet Carter, who of late bas heen in Toronto, is spending her Easter holidays under the parental roof. -Miss Francis Daw and Miss ass-rxx. set's. prove benefit to the hograisers of this local- ity, .7tuneaeto vvxt, John McAllister, el services iq Victoriaof HallEthel lastonduoted Sunday, James Lyun and son John, of Ford- wick, were calling here last Tuesday, renewing old frfeodsbips, Several mouth organ selections were rendered by F; Haney and Jno. Stew- ark and a brief address on Sunday School work was given by the pastor All present report having had au en- joyable time, Remember the union Bible vernng meeting here next Sunday evening Rev. E. G. Powell and A. M. Maaq of Brussels, will give addresses and R McKay preside. The pastor wit preach a week from Sunday evening it the Methodistchurclron ""Tho MINI evale. . Lead t>,tar V. NvrrlArs.-The home of Geo, Case- Miss Alive Dundas spent Easter more, Bluavale, was theoscene of a with friends In Toronto. -Addie Hallaper neat and pretty wedding on Wed nes, and John Robinson intend leaving for day March 27th when his daughter the West with a car load of horses Miss Maggie, was potted in marriage shortly, -Isaac McGavin and to Milvert Sellers, youngest sou of Clark intend doing improvements to Joseph Sellers, of ,Morris. The happy couple were unattended and entered Donald Richardson. has bought a new horse from Mr. McLaea zud con, of Grey. It isa good driver. 111 s Marjory Strachan and A. Fraser McDonald are spending theirohn Easter holidays in' Moorefield. Dugaid Strachan, son of Thomas Strachan, is visiting under the par- ental roof, He comes from Arcola, N. W. T. Itis seventeen years since he left Grey township, Next Sabbath evening the annual Bible Society meeting will be held in. Grein, John and Mrs. Glassier, xrth con., were visiting at London during the Easter vacation. Spiels, sr., 14th con„ bas been under the doctor's care for the past week, his ailment beingd trouble. kidney Mrs, Marsden Smith and son were called to Toronto last week owingto the demise of the farmer's little dau hter.gandLATHERAALE Neil probleix of Evil." EINDERTAKING,-Prompt and care fel attention given to ail orders foi Undertaking. Our telephaue No; i 28a and a call will bave our irn mediate response. Our rices art reasonable and satisfaction always as sured. Special attention paid tc oavtty and arterial embalming for which we bold diplomas. BSS EJs�� Moleseiwvortth. The meeting of the Woman's In- st(tite has been postponed till the second Tuesday of April, the rah, on account of the roads. The subject The Garden,"will be presented and as was intended on the 28th of hlareb. Ali' welcome. HYMEN'S ALIAS, -'The hone of Mrs. John Campbell, who recently moved from Wallace township to Gorrie, was Ibe scene of a very happy gathering on Wednesday, March 270. when her slaughter Miss Margaret was united in marriage; with James A. Ma;tofiin, Rev. J, Barnett, of Molesworth, their Former pastor, P performed the care- 'nosy, The state of the roads was no deteri•rng factor. With: cheerful cour- age they face the difficulties of life, Campbell, of Stratliroy, were visitors at the Walton hotel this week, --W. H 'Sholdice, our popular 'livery man, spent a day or so et Lucas, visiting a friend who was seriously ill, -Herbert Christopher is hone from Toronto, where he has been taking a course in telegtaphv,-Contractor Gibson is again here with a large force of men and the work of ballasting will he pushed as. quickly as possible. The telegraph line has been put up, -We are sorry to state Jas. Carter has not been in the best of health of late, His many friends hope he will soon be 0, k. again. A 1.- The people of Walton enjoyed a most eutertihinin and profitable g pro -P gram given by the Methodist young people of Brussels end their pastor, Rev. E. G, Powell, last Monday even• LSQe 3331���11J .• LLLJJI ior =�a SG, �I l ���IIIJJJ the heparior duringhhe byplayingof Minnie e ellars, cousin of the groom. Rev. Baker, of Biuevale, performed the ceremony which made them husband and wife, in the presence of numerensdiscussed relatives and friends of the contracting The bride daintily Victoria Hail. Thos. Strachan will takethe chair and addresses will be given by B. Gerry and J. E. Maunders, of Brussels. The collection will be de- voted to the Bible Society. A second operation was necessary on Thos. Wilson, who had his toes frozen, at Sarnia hospital owingto the results of the first not provinsatisfactory. rhe doctors were endeavoring to save as much of his toes as possible in the first instance. McNair, 14th eon„ is at Hespel- 'ler this week where he wept to see about purchasingthe hardware stock of a merchant of that town, Michael Reymann shipped a car of household effects from Ethel to Palmerston where he and his family purpose residing. We wish them prosperity P Bible Society addresses will be given at Union church next Sabbath after- noon and at Bethel in the evening when special celiections for this cause i ranluroolc. Miss S. Seel is spending Easter holidays at her home here. Misses Switzer purchased a fine new Heiatzman piano from R. Leatherdale & Son this week. Jacob Long, who has been quite ill duringthe somehat and his many frienst week is improving' s oho e he will soon be as well as ever. Next Sabbath afternoon Eli Smith will take theservice in the Methodist Just received a Ca1• load of No. 1 White Lime. A. D. /'i. �0 B ZT 5 :i + L S. parties. was gown- ed in white silk, trimmed with chiffon and a h rte, and carried a bo net of pp q q white rusesHer er going away dress waS brown broach:loth. After the set clown talo sumptuous ccongratulationsthey rel wedding was withamusic, esinging andeveniticonversatpent ',on. The bride was the recipient of a number of beautiful presents, f a - , • Wre,xe,cer. NEWSY rued froth Miss Laura Lewis returned from 'Toronto last week where she spent the last two months. -Miss Lulu Hemphill is the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. Cook in Hensall.-Norman Harris, of Chat- Business Colla e, visited over the holiday with his mother, Mrs. Geo- Harris,-Jno. and Mrs Hartley, vacation with relatives in this vicinity -E. Lewis oceapied the pulpit in the Methodist church Sunday evening,- Miss E. Henry is spending the vasa cation at her hotnenear Whitechurch -J. W. Sanderson, of Toronto, is enjoying a week with his parents and two children here. -Peter Smith, of Hamilton, visited his mother; Mrs, O. Smith, this week, -Robert Gibson, of Kleinburg; was a visitor here over the holiday. -Miss C. E. Lawrie is. visiting a sister in Wingbam this weep. -Mrs, john Gibson and children spent several days recently with rela- rives in London. -Rev, J. H. and Mrs. Osterhout went to Chatham last week where Mrs, Osterhout will visit for a month. -Wm. Rutherford returned from Hamilton on Tuesday. -Mrs. W M Robinson is spending a few weeks in Teestvater with Meads.-- Miss Jean Gibson, ot Toronto, visit- ed ber sister, Mrs. F. V. Dickson, over the holiday. -Mrs. E. Lewis had her• millinery opening Tuesday and Wed• nesday of last week. -W. Reid and family visited in Luckuoty last weak.- A quiet yet interesting event took place last Wednesday . afternoon in the Episcopal church when Miss Mary Bennett, of Gorrie, was united in marriage. to John Finlay, of Howick, by Rev. F. H. Farr. The bride was very prettily attired in a white silk gown and was given away by her heather, Thomas Bennett, of "Grey: The best wishes.01 the many friends of the young •couple will follow them on their voyage through life, --Mrs, will be taken, Richard Patterson, and family, 13th con. purpose removingto Brussels • making and making their home there„ Mrs. Patterson isa daughter of Councillor and Mrs. Brown loth con, The auction sale of James Hanna at- reacted a large crowd and prices rang ed high. Inc team selling for almost $50o, F. S. Scott %yielded the ham- mer in his usual good style, at Wm. Mitchell's lot 14, con. 6, on Friday afternoon of this week. As the old gentleman intends retiring retiring from farming the sale will be without reserve. Dr, W. E. Bryan%, who spent the Winter in charge of a large staff of men in a lumber camp at Parry Sound was home for a few days last week. He went to Toronto where he bas a position in the Western Hospital Geo. PATTERSON DEAR. -Mon- day of this week Mrs. George Patter- son, 13th con., died in her 75th year, The funeral took place to Cranbrook cemetery on Thursday afternoon. Net week an obituary notice concern- in Mr. and Mrs. Patterson will be given in THE PosT. Mi xiNc[rts.-We are sorry to re- cord the death of Ethel Louise, daughter of Loftus and Mrs. Stark, 17 Hayter street, Toronto, which oce curred Thursday of last week. The bright little lassie, who was nearly 3 years old. was only ill 6o hours and despite all that could be done passed away as stated above. The cause of death WAS asceptic meningitis. The funeral took place on Saturday to Mount Pleasant cemetery, Rev. Mr. Bartley conducting the service. Ethel g was au usually clever cbild and will be greatly missed in the hone. Mr• and Mrs, Stark will be accorded sin - core sympathy prom many frfends in their bereaveineot. Mrs. Stark and son, Wesley, came back with Mrs, Marsden Smith, the farmer's mother, and "ll spend a few weeks here, church. Rev. Mr. Wishart, B. A., of Brussels, will address the union Bible Society meetingin the Presbyterian Y Y church in the evening. Collection in aid of the Society, Wm. Cameron will preside at the service. OBwee,av,-As was mentioned in last week's, issue, an old and highly esteemed resident in the person of James McNair passed away, Sabbath morning, March 24th at the advanced Although 1n failing health some time past, he retained all his faculties, tea marked degree,. an attack of la - grippe, with other complications, be - ing thecause ofhis demise. Mr. Mc - Nair was a native of Kintyre, Argyle - shire, Scotland, being the eldest son of the late Neil McNair, The family came to Canada in June 1852, crossin the Atlantic, on the sailing vessel "Marion," of Glasgow, the voyage occupying 5 weeks. On arriving in this country he, with his parents, re - sided in the township of Vaughan un- til the Spring of 1854, when with nis. brothers Duncan and Donald, he came to Grey township and took up land on the t 15th 4th and 15 cons. the deceased taking lot 22, eon 15, where he eon- tinned to reside until b years ago, when he retired and carne to live in CrsnUrook. In October 1852• be teas united in marriage to Miss Mary Mc- r Taggart, of St. Thomas, who pre- deceased biro by 3 months. Out of a family ot 6 children 2 survive. Mr, McNair was a roan high in the esteem of all who knew him, being well read and of superior intelligence. He was always deeply interested in matters ecclesiastical and was 5 faithful and consistent member of the Free Church of Scotland, having, with his parents, left the Established Church of Scot- land at the time of the Disruption. He was a member of the Young Men's Christian Association of Campbelltown being •presented by them with a band- %ninety bound Bible on leaving for Canada. On making his home in the S BEGINS .APRIL 1ST During Januar and February the Win hum Bu.ineea Collage had twenty-live twenty-five rimae as many balls fyr Stnngr phare, Telegraphers, Book- and College Teachers es we lied graduates to sand, ' Attendance is always smallest during April, May and Jane, consequent- ly coot student gets more individual attention. This is the best term of thetabesplace year for the rodent. Learn of the success of our graduates by writing for a handsome para- of the BEST BEST ACTUAL BUS/NESS SCHOOL /N ONTARIO The "backward' or "rasty feel at home with us, as each student is instructed at hie own desk by a painstaking, aympulhetic teacher. Grudtl aces guaranteed situations. Enter any time, W 1 N G H A M B U S I N E S S COLLEGE (Affiliated with Clinton Business College.) GEO. SPOTTON, PRINCIPAL, FROM # vi. a !•�' "- rt 4'baro `` N ar_ _ isa S Ci ®1 LA N 0 have83for26 best Granite, We buy direct from i he quarry and em- no agents SEE OUR STO' X BEFORE YOU BUY •, of the Also a car load Of best Vermont Marble. 9ntteracuen Gnm•antica In oar worts, `"\" 1 Q� y Y ° 1'°s�� 6X7 �°� 6r�r w ._ ,• ii it p a s Hh y 5 - For the - '1 e C �, ~!� Gentlemen. ''Ca7a . '•"a`�V Orl?Z 1:Rell 4 {, t�� dr YY J ry� 'M London Eats �'� are ao'papular that "'CHRISTY STIFF'" is house- // bold word used for hard Hate of all mattes. If you a want the Geonine Christy see that it bits the ac- • compxuied registered trade mark nn• inside of bat, .leo remember that theymake SOFT Mute of the reliable character as 1)1ei1• world renowned STIFFS. We have them in blank and colored. IS {wt and New Spring Pm9ui s and A$ well as our regular lines we have somethin and Up-to-date in the '"Pico, dilly" Brand. These compare favorably with Tuilou Made goods in regard style and workmanship. ' See our Splenial Suits oadilly" Brand at $13..50 and our Nutty Spring ut $$, g0, • L r "ee, 'r4%i_ m P _' f ._ (- ®L - ' �r .1,/4`l Ovo.cooaldhs + ver Stylish 6 ying Suite to quality, in the "'Pia- Overcoats ..an U +- ' �'f • ����.. �' ii will .iQ 1� t + �\ y 'Lulu Aa 0same t r ,•. \ilif .' wv txy 3rYr r q ria 1 r xFt " Y aee -.Fu iY"'� 1, '1t�'• t `. r3 "y c , 1 ro , a ete•" �« ' $ �' ',� ° "-` ;. �F x 's;.,., , ai L'es< � } 1 ;Jksa w u $ 3 . 4 � , 3 � � �' • ' k " �� t`:s p A� K a ; _. x t 'a w , F1 111 ,,,,,u;.' ," , • :_" ,, , J A. Miller returned from a few days Monday,-Miss..t in London on Lulu Rutherford, of Brussels; is spend- the vacation at ber home here,- The monthly meeting of the W. E. M. S will be held at the home of Mrs, John Davidson on TUuradee after- anon. -E. and Mrs. Koehler, of Ayton, are quests of the latter's sister, Mrs, A. H• Moffitt. -C. Hindes is in Harriston, this week. In his absence ivir. Booth, of Gorrie, is looking after the butcher shop, Ehel• o, Slemon is here from the West Jnm on a short visit. His many old friends are� lad to greet him. Miss Ida Cole is home for Easter vacation and is accompanied by her room -mate, Miss Ethel Thomas, of Seattle, Washington, The farm of Mrs• Steinman has been leased by John McCallum who bas moved to it, Dr. Ferguson has rent- eded nta two or Ethel. Mrs. S cCellu Cos le residence then wilderness of Grey, nue of his first considerations was to have divine service, which in those days was a matter of great difficulty tor the few pioneer settlers, He labored with un - ceasing diligence to obtain the necessary funds to pay for the. site of Knox church property in Crsnbrook. After collecting in Grey and Yarmouth townships, until sufficient money was obtained, he walked to Goderich to secure the deed. On October 8th 1853an Elder in Crsnbrook Presbhe was yterian church, Whim ' II or rink. Township Council will meet on Mon- clayof of next week. settled d inn theirsnewott have bome ogotnicely the 7th con, Miss Belle McCall, who spent Easter at home, returned to Chatham on Tuesday, Mrs, Tames Ireland, 3rd line. was holidaying with relatives in Kincardine duringthe bast week, Everett Walker, who is attendingLamont, the Normal College at Hamilton, is home for the Easter vacation. Assiolvso.-We are sorry to hear that Wm. Kelly and sons, of the 7th lice wbo were large farm owners, having become involved In the pay- picot oftlie same have handed over all their possessions to their creditors. F. S. orlon, of Brussels, is the assig- nee A meeting ofcreditors will be held in A. B, MacDonald'% late office, Brussels, on Monday, 15111 mat, at xo c We have pleasure in stating that son of Quintin Anderson, 3rd �ine, was successful in passing his final exam, at the Ontario Veterntare College Toronto. Be captured honors in four subjects in his difficult exam. (011 0n. We have not learned where he will locate but in the ineantimo is assisting a Veterivary at Tavistock. Mr. Anderson isa hard worker, level hearted and bright and should do well. Re is to be congratulated on his sac- nese and it was no discredit to M. H, Moore, V. S., Brussels, Who was his h,•PnP,'1in,. days at St, Thomaslastweek her daughter who is attending College, and took in the Concert. The late Miss herr lwast largely Rev. Mr, McRae was in service, The pallbearers Brown, W. McDonald, Lamont, Harold Menzies Dunbar, MAt,cot t LAMONT DEBT -On Good Friday ati old and well dent of this community, from time in his 82nd only ill for two weeks, ing the cause of death, took place Sunday afternoon, B. McRae conducting the home and Rev. Mr. Brussels cemetery, born in Mull, Argeshire, ing one of nine sons, came to Canada in xSss, Glasgow on June ig and onto in Siiiweeks, Three spent to Pickering township, Co., before coming to where 50o acres of bush taken up on the 7th They were the first settlers locality. 5o years ago was married to Miss Betsy moved to the fine farm, upon which the deceased then a bush lot the industry of the owner family became one of the the township, it children py to Mr, and Mrs Lamont, ..we A11,..a nC b,,....n..t.. visiting Alma famous Easter attended, ndedof e charge of the g were Wm. D. Davies, W. and Garfield PAYS NA'TURE'S Malcolm known resi- passed away year, He was pneumonia be- The funeral Rev. D. the service at Wishart at Deceased was Scotland, be- The family sailing from reaching Tor- months were ,grave Ontario Grey township land were and 8th cons. in tliat Mr. Lamont Sinclair and lot 15, con. 8, jeers died, but under and lois best farms in ,dente, were born' The sons position he honorably filled until his decease almost 42 years later. For a great many year., he was Superiuten- dent the Sabbath School at S. S. elansan thre! ndlso 01 bisubirtbbt th He was earlylead to follow iu the footsteps of P his Lord and Master and sought diii- gently both by precept and example, to lead others in the ways of righteous- less. In politics he was a staunch Liberal, always taking an active part in furthering the interests of bis party, beingforaperiod of some thirty year - Deputy Returning officer, The sub - jest of this notice 5555 one of a family of to children. The brothers wbo came to Grey were Alexander, Dun• can, Donald and John, and the sisters Mrs, Donn, Mrs, Andrew Histo and Mrs, John McTaggart, all of whom, with tee exception of John have paid Nature's debt, Two brothers died in Sootlaud. Tnesday afternoon the funeral took place and was largely attended, the service at the home add beiugcotiducted by Rev. D. B. McRae, pastor of deceased, Intermnt was made an the cemetery here. The pall boaters were Lauchbn McNeil, Thomas Strachan, Wm, Cameron Tas D. Memoir, Wm, Perris and John P. McIntosh, Thus has passed away front time another of the sturdy piou- who did his share of teloating the forest and transforming the township in which he lived Iront A howling wilderness to a desirable plane of real - He lived worthily and passed awe fn trustful confidence fn the God of his father's, The UereAvaci have thg oil � p ; ,.� Fit'"• " }�' ® y �I , ,t'1 your \ k ®r s e ` it IS what. you want i t ' to do the Heavy Spring See our curled hair cushion faced Collars, trial will convince you of their merits, ticulurly worthy of your notice Just now RubberZtubber and Solid Njcitle trimmed, 4111 our pleased to build to your Dreier Team Harness wish- • rprlrults and Stltcliels of all kinds in Sweat Collars, &t�e., at lowest prices. Zieptairs in Harness, CollB.rs, SLC., promptly ... • .moi, • �"�."�F ® i e �► t u µ'. 4t, ��, i ,: > t d / I# f.. $' - ld f }• ; v r , `� a 4. --: •- mss_.:P Work. till gap raltteed, A. Our single Harness is par- as we have a nice range of own make, or will be of any style you may st0(Slt, also Rugs, Whips, done, r (! 8 �i to be Stylishly and Becomingly Dressed and. to bave your Clothing as thoroughly made and as carefully .11,1 t asp 188ible is to come here With your ideas • First-class Workmen will turn the materials Which you choose 111t0 pleasing,lasting realities. Our experience is pretty good assurance that you Winbe sorry for nothing and prices are always at the battolll .nokch. , TI'1e-ver neat time you. are passing stepinside and y Yp g het us showyou our large and exclusive styles ill Hats,tes, g y �"ilpsy Ties, Gloves, Ready-to-weliT Clothing and Clothing \lilt1-tO-OI'der We take Leasure 111 b17c W111,r On, lip r S - eoefeatoreverweetteereenet �°'� a.a v+wn' idl v `leirz" so (�� Ross Peter, of syrttpnthy of rhe community. s