HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-3-28, Page 8s
!' Tbe-jdfigea gas% their decieion for the
,ry BlieThat'll' Gerry, and W. R. Moobeyf
negative ou pante. H. and Mrs.
Jitatoott'played two instrumental select.
Beautify Your Home
Our New Wall Papers
will do it.
Dingy, faded Wall Paper makes the beuiebed roan look ellabbY.
Make your home bright and cheery with freeb Wall Paper.
We have all our new Wall Paper opened 11p and the new design and
rich orderings will pleaee yea
If you want a pod Poper we have theta in the Embossed Patterne,
Combination Patterns, Striptis, Tapestries aud Moire Ceiling% If you
want a cheaper Paper we have pretty patterns Irons 5o a roll up.
Bring In the menuremente of your rooms and you eau get an (ultimate
ef What A will cost to paper tbera You will find our prime moat rm.
Use Formaldehyde for the prevention of enant on grain. A
fresh supply ilia received -Large bootee 40o; small bottles 26c.
Kgral R63$ IttlTtS
' A ohiel'a amang ye takiz' notes,
• An' faith he'll prent it.
Tau Pon gives the nava.
Sue ooi [mere on page 5.
WATCH MU for the April Fool jokes
next Monday.
Book ou einging and speaking found.
Apply at THE Poem.
Tao Millinery Openings are on. Don'
fail O eee oho latent etyles.
IlloNTELT Horee Fair, the last for this
moon will be held on Thursday of flex
Goon Friday ie a Statutory holiday and
ooneequently the basineee plabee will be
Tax Maitland river was at flood tide
during the'past week bat has eubeideu
Beimeene talent will take part in a
program next Monday evening at the
Welton Methodist (Mundt.
VILLAGE Oonnoil will convene next
Monday evening. The annoutetement
for last Monday was incorrect.
Colnim PRINOISea ALEIANDRIA, 0. 0. F.,
Brueeeie, cant oo Tueeday evening
Next meeting will be April 9th.
GoRDoN DICIDOWELL has Mailed the
Stretton house and adjoining property
fronting ou Turnberry street for a term
of years and will move there.
Pam O'Betza, Phrenologist anti
PaInnet, bee decided to Lomita to the
wishee of many and will eontinue hoe
stay in Brussels a little iouger.
POOEETBAoit loin in Brnoueie containing
over 02,00. The finder Will greatly
oblige uy .eaving it at Tat Pon as the
loser is a poor moa and eau 811 afford to
do without it.
Tae death harvest has been heavy dur.
ing the week no fewer Mau four fuuerai
nocieee being posted up In town at one
time, viz Mrs. Blitoheil, kir. Easton, Mr.
Pattereou and Mien Barr.
W. F. STEWART lute on auction sale of
hone, rigs, harness, &o,, on Thureday
afternoon of next week, et 2 p. no. ou
the Market Square. As the proprietor
has sold his alai sale will be unreserved.
TEE De Alva Illedieiue 00. played to
large houses in the Town Halt during
• the past weak. They lett for Palinere-
ton an Thareday. Miss Nettie Brown
won the gold watch on the popular vote
taken each evening.
• BARGAINS IN boo. -The Oarey Shoe
Co. of Toronto, have bought the stook of
hoots and aloes carried by I. 0. Riohards
and have moved them into the store re.
oently vacated by Olr. Richarde where
.they purpose offering speoieny big bar-
gains for the next few wean before re.
moving the etook from town. Call and
gel the advantage of this sale.
Ladies' Aid, of Brussels Methodist
Warmth have engaged Bliee Emma T.
Irons, thataleuted eloautionist, to give a
recital on, the evening of Thursday,
April llth. Blies Irons ie very highly
am:mended wherever she bas appeared
and the people of title looality ehould
reserve the date so ite to take advantage
of her miming to Brnesels.
DIED. -Thursday of last week Bite.
Beattie, of Stratford, paid Nature's debt
after an illness of tuar months, aged 73
yeare. Dropsy was the cause of her de.
noise. Her maiden name was Mary J.
Hine, her home being at °Linton. Mrs.
Beattie'e first husband 'ivies lttr. Obid•
ley. Deceased was a first eouein
of Mrs. B. Gerry, of Brunets, who at.
tended the funeral Saturday afternoon
Rev. W. T. Clad connoting the service.
Two sone and 3 daughters survive.
people are asked to have changes of
advertieemente at Tau Poor no later the
Monday noon each week. We cannot
guarantee to ttend to the nemeesary
work unless this rule is complied With,
lo the majority of cases the advte. eau
be written its easily on Monday as Wed.
neaday. We deeire to be acioommodating
but oan't do imposeibilitiee. Dont forget,
Monday noon at the sorest and it earner
all therbetter.'
PEOHOTIOAL-Reg. S. Fletoher, of Win•
nipeg, who, for the pain two yeare he
been ooneeeted with the Bietniti Life Se
mane Company of Canada, in Mum.
peg, has received the appointment of
(*antral Inspector for the Monorail Life
Ammonite Co., whioh oempany's bead
office is in Winnipeg. lie will have
charge of the Oorupany's organization
throughout the Province of illaultoba
and veleta West Rd far as the Coast.
Teat Poem heartily oungratulatee our
former townsman and wiatiee him the
very'beet 00 80006504
Ltnitem,-Monday evening a literary
evening WAS given by the Epworth
League in the BlethodIst 012000h eohool
room with the pastor in the chair.
After devotional exercises a male quer.
• tette was rendered by W. E. Dnucon,
• Will. Grithib, 0. Rtchardeon and Joe
Hatter followed by a debate an "Be'
solved that church Union would be an
• advantage to the came of God." The
affirmative Wag nicely handled by Eli
Smith, Mies Rilla Cunningham and W.
J. Ilioaratiiran while the negative Mae j
well entrained by Cheater Armstrong
75 OENTe gate Tait Pon to aim. let
1908, Don't maw this dwns.
FOURTH Division °mut will be held in
Bratieele ou Thursday April 4th.
Tata is the tine's to baud up the system
with Rival Herb Tablets. Sold by both
drug etores in Bruseels and W. G.
Neal, Wel on.
Blum. et unnoosi & GALBRAITH had the
tnieforteue to /me a • hue heavy draft
horee last Tuesday valued at $200. In.
digeetion wee the 06808,Tan 00011119606 of implement egeets,
general aud h*e beau taking tta
vautage of the eeeeon in putting the
sale of harvesting machinery.
klett's new Spring bate.-Illack EMU
oolored, t and hard -linnet for tette the
oorreot stylee-OOrretit prices.
G. N. McLean.
WORDAIEN bave been Inlay puniug nowt,
the old [Kene stable at the Blethuditi.
Parsonage which bed served its day,
to make rooM ter a morn modern mimeo
oue which will be built at Once.
OVEB 30 ladies are raking advantage of
the 05856 of Mise Bachelor, the represeut
alive of Oortioelli Oo., to BI 068016
to acquire a wider aoquaiutanoe with ihe
totem styles of fauoy work iu 611k.
WILSON & BUNTER received thio welsh
by G. T, one our ioad of granite
monuments from Aberdeen, Scotieno.
The blame Wes shipped on Feb 8o41
81001080 Si. Corinthian. The ern -mo;
of freight paid on shipment was 0232 60
BT Law CARRXED.-The property °wt.,
ere of Blyth voted on a By•Law
Tuesday co make a loan for she en-
largemeet of the planing tummy.
Vo;ee oast for By•Law were 166 for, 8
against and one spieled. Work will be
Pushed ahead ou the improvement et an
early date, Blyth people are to be oom•m
mended ou their uuity ot Luen tutu we
expect they will be the gainers thereby.
10 .13.z.LASS CaRRTED 137 11 t-Ltiet
Monday she vote ou the eite 058.
establishment took petite Bruseele 165411
after beetle to get the vote re,
corded the neon was declared at 6
o'clock as follows
Poll • No. 1 No. 2 No. 8 Tow
For By.low 42 48 27 117
•Againet " 21 81 54 106
Majority for By•Lew 11
The carrying of the By.Law gives
authoray to the Ootimil to remove the
Town Bali immediately end meet on site
the proposed Carnegie Librery. If this
ie done a new Fire Boll will have to be
built at mule and anion the cost oan be
paid oat of 1907 Moat tax rate another
By_Lo,w will have to be enbreitted to
permit the isenanoe of debentures to
provide for the expeuditure, Next Mon
day's Ocemoil meeting will prohably out.
line the iutent of the °outwit, Try POST
need hardly say that the mom (metal
geoeralehip will be needed to keep faith
with the people and provide the 08086.
8160)' sinews of wed,
DEATH OF RoBEBT Roes, -Death 05018with apparent seddeenees to Robt. Roes,
of Guelph, at 11.30 Friday night, 15th
lust. Mr. Ross' health had been failing
in the past few months, but nothieg
alarming developed until Tneeday morn.
ing, when a complication of troubies set
in. He wee immediately 08600003 to 81.
Joseph's Hoepital, where everythiug wsoe
done that medical skill tumid do, but ou
no avail, and be paused away peacefully
at that institution eurrounded by the
members of his family there, and son,
W. A. Ross,,Fergue. Mr, Roes was born
in the thirties in Tain, Scotland, mid
same to thio country when a young man,
settling it, the village of Ayr. He moved
with his family to Guelph about nine
years ago, taking up hie residence on
Dublin etreet. Mre. Rose predeceased
him three yeare ago, and there are now
left to mourn hie loss three 0008, Tbomae
A.., of Brantford ; William A., of
Fergus, and Osgood A. Rose, of Lauerk ,
and three ditaghters, Anuie, M.
Jessie M., and Jean Mo at home.
Though of a very retiring diepositiou,
being of tile Highland type, the tate Mr.
Rata Made mail frieude in Guelph. In
religion he wan a Preebyterian, in
politics a etannob Reformer. The Inner
al took place from Knot March, Ayr, on
the arrival ot the 10 train fdeuday morn -
lug, Marob 18th, to tee family plot. To
the bereaved Litnei,y the sympathy of all
their friends ie extended 10 their hour of
trial. The fnueral eerviee 9908 held at
the family residence, Dublin street, on
Sunday evening and was attended by
the family and many intimate
friends, The remains lett on she 8.20
0. P. Et, train fm Ayr, Monday morning,
itecompenied by the family and other
friends, and were met at Ayr depot by
many sorrowing relatives Bed frienos,
Whit solemnly followed them to MUM
Church, where the aervioed Were held by
deoexeed's former pastor, Rev. John
Thompson. The unusually large number
of people in attendance testified to the
very high esteem in whioh the family are
held in thenative village. His three
8008 and three nephews acted 58bearers, and the beautiful burial Amnia
of the Presbyterian Church ermined
specially impressive. Among the flora!
ofletings woe a spray from the Sabbath
School Association of Ohalmere Church,
Guelph. To the three daeghtere now left
n the Dublin street hoine, to mourn the
cies of a idled, gentle father, ie extended
he sympathy of a great many interested
Hands. Mr, Roee and family were
former reeidente ef Bruseela where hie
brotheram Willistill resideM
s. Y, Jbe.
die Kerr attended the faunal.
Mkov' - 11011110101011111111110111111111111211111MINNIMIIII
CAPITAL . . • , . $1,000,000,00
Interest Paid Quarterly
on Savings Bank Deposits
Brussels Branch W. J. Fawcett, Manage=
RRAD the supplement thie" week,
Cbovn and Timothy seed at Mo.
WAVIER A, LOWEY received a oar of
horeee last week front Meoford.
IL 0. T. M. will hold it regular meet.
ing next Tuesday eveuing. If you belong
Tait former hitoben at the rear of
Thos. kleLetiohlie's residenae bee beau
token down and a cement one will take
tut place.
Tag loners! of the Inte Wm. Easton,
formerly of Moilillop, who died at the
General Hospital, Toronto, kW Tuesday
tads plum front the home 'of Robert
Gentlemen, Bru-eele, Thuraday after-
noon. Mr. Baotou was 62 yeare of age
and had been in failing health for the
plot year.
L O. RICHARDS has Bold his stock Of
boots and shoes to the Oarey Shoe 0o,
who have moved it into Mr. Richards'
ehoe store. The Mimosa busieees
will DOW receive Mr. Rieharde' Jull
attention and it will be his earned so
teivions to please all customers who
fsvor him with their petronage in the
inure as in the past. As he hue 0 good
long experience he hopee to be able to
inanity all parties and will be found at
need mond, next door to Ballantynaie
Wit are pleased to leant that &mold
timoittir, who some 05056 ago move
an application for a position in ihe
Gonad mu Bank el Cemmente and who
had been enooessfui 60 pae.ing the prim
cry examination et the head oftioe of the
thatitution in Torooto, has IMOD appoint
ed to the Walkerton Breech and leaves
iut that town on Monday next. Be is a
manly youth who Mimed do well and we
uelieve he will. Mre, Jae Jones gave a
[mewed potty for him on Thursday
evening of this week.
Moes DOWNEY Hie RRelatinD.-Owing
to the changed situation on &meant of
the demise of her eimer.in.law, Mies ed.
A. Downey hoe teudered her reeignatiou
86 aseaher on the staff of Brussels Peblie
edam5 and will O006Willa to reside in
Ohs.tham with her btother. Mies Belle
Bauderson, who pee been eupplying
Mies Dowuey's place in the teaching
etaff einee New Tema, and wham work
has been so eatiefuotory to the Board,
will continue in the poeitioo. We wieb
her sad the other leaohere (motioned I
The Wallamburg Newt' saye of a for.
mer eeteemed pastor of Bruooele :-The
querterly official Board of the Metho•
diet church met on the evening of Tune,
day Feb. 4th. The pastor, Rev, T.
Weeley Cesene pre ided. Aii the &M,,
oiel .oterests of the church were foiled
to be in a most Bound:wig commie..
Perhaps the most plea .aiit featere of the
evening was the inotinannni in vi fallen
extended by the ,Board to Rev Mr.
Omens to remain pastor of the church
for the emend year, Tbie invitation the
reverend iieutlemen toutepted in 5 5499
well °lumen words.
Business Locals.
Two comfortable houses for sale.
Apply to W. A. ORRWAR.
Sten grain for naie, oats with little
barley, JusliPli ENGLER, Ethel.
WE want you tu am the new ehort and
long 00006 for Spring, the latest.
0 N. McLean.
Fon SALE on lot 19, con. 8, Grey, a
quoutity of eeed parte, beau Oats, Soolti-17
Chief and Ligowo aud, two rowed barley
mixed. D. W. DUNBAR.
Tax largest etook of reedy-to•wear
clothing for boye and men, we 1)690 5950
bed. New goods °area styles WA.
lowest prices. G. 1i. rI101,A0EN.
prepared to take in dreesmaking and will
ewe caret cu attention to 811 ordere. A
share of your patronage eolicited. Mits.
81. WOODLEY, 81,55 etreet, Brueele.
ODAIMUN baton Fun To An.-Sitwe
for ee,e or will exchange tome. They
are the fast and easy ousting sews, Sew
eumming and filing a specialty. Our
prices are lowest on earth when benefit is
auueldered. T. MoGnecioa, corner Mili
and Mein et., Brueeets.
Charlet' Jones, manager of the St.
Thomas etreet raliway, hoe resigned,
The re.count in South Brandon Might
ly moreaeed the majority of Mr. Corral,
Conservative 01.1. P. P.
Lindsay Maloolm, M. A., has been
appointtd City Engieeer, of Stratford,
in place of Blr. Parsons, who has resign-
18 10 reported al Sydney that Geueral
Manager Jones, of the Dominion Steel
Company ie to reaign aud be stemeeried by
0.15. Oemeron.
1411001,101110 1S7*
Head Office - Toronto
In our Savings Department. Deposits of Sr and upwards are received,
on which the highest current rate of' interest is allowed.
No Delays in making Withdrawals
Interest added four times a year
Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Brandies.'
• , J. F. Rowland, 2611.anader
Edward AlcArdie hoe pregented 136.;
et {bermes with a valuable site for 00619
• ... ........sS, lc isrx• a; ,.
Pali Wheat 70 ' 70
Bor ey 44 . •4•5
Peas •75 . • 75
Oats 36 • 87
Butter, tnhe and ro is- 20 - 23
Eggs per dozen 4 15 17
Hey per toe 8 00 9 00 '
Flour, per bbl 4 60 6 20
Hogs, Liver 6 75 6 75,
Woul • • 24 26
940T80. -At the General Hospital, Tor.
onto, 00 waren 23td to Ur. and lire.
W, 10. Salter, formerly of Brueeele,
a danghter.
Baes.-At Ethel, on March 2711), Helen'
W., e.deet daughter of Robert Barr,;
• aged 19 yeart, 9 mouths and 7 dart,-
EASTON.-In the General Holpital, Tor.:
• 0060,00 Match 26th, Wm. Easton,
aged 62 years.
111cNarst.-l61 Oranbrook on March 241
James oNeir, in hie 84th year.
MITORELL.-ID Gin, on March 24th,
E ia,s, beloved wife of William
Mitchell, agea 72 yeare.
PATTURS0N.-Ill grey, on Blatt% 27th,
George Patteraon, aged 87 years, 11'
mouths and 2 days.
FRIDAY, MARCH 29TPL-Farm stock,
eto , Lose 6505.0 67, Con. 1, Turnberry.
Sale nitreeerved at.1 80 o'alook. 0. D.
Parke, Prop. F. 8. Scott Atte
THURSDAY, APRIL 4n-liorse, riga,
hernees, &o., ad orhet Square, Brussels.
Bare unreeereed at 2 p. ru, W. F. Stew.
art, prop , F. S. Scott, nue.
FRIDAY APRIL 5TH. -Farm, Farm etook •
and impecue.tte, los 14, cob. 0, Grey,
Bale at 1 o'clock p. m. Wan. Mitebell,
proprietor, F. S. 80olt, atm
TUESDAY, APRIL 9113.-Farra Mock, '
irnpiemente, luruiture, &u., 8 lot 12,
tien 7 Morris. Sam nateeetved at 1 p, m,
,ko Teliy, proptietor. F. S. Scott,
• Two amps of land with goed frame
dwelling bowie, frame atable, about one
5016 00 good. young mbar& cad good Wel
being putt of Lot 81, Oon 19, MeRfllop. For
further partfohlare poly to JOHN 85601180.
86(100, Jn., Lot 24, Con. 8, Morris, or Walton
T. O. .• 30.0. .
underatgeed will keep for service o
Ni Lot 38, (005.7, eforria, the pure bre
eretord boll, Spertiens end. Pedigree ma
be seen on amolioatiOn. Ternm, $1 SD, wit.
privilege of rewriting. If oeeeesary,
87.4 , Me017TCHE ON, Proprietor,
1 the position of Organist of Eno
Critithiook, appliounte to prosid..
one or more Sabbaths on trial, Applieo•
Mono to be made to the undersigned not
later than the son march, 1001. Salary
oflered 800.00. RSV. D. E. &WRAF),
• 013.2 Oratibrook,
SEALER TlillitiFlte addressed to the
underaigned, and endorsed ',Tender for
'Completion of Coat/rich Breakwater" will
'he received at this Office until Theraday,,
April 18081,1807, inclusively for the comple-
tion of Breakwater at Goderice, heron
County, Ontario, according to a plan and
epeatication to be seen 08 880 aloes of J.
G. Bing, Eeq., Readout Engieeer, Confed-
eration Life Betiding, Toronto, Ont., B. J.
Lamb, Esg , Reoittout 10nioeor, London,
Ont., oo applioatlon to the Postmaster • at
Ooderiah, and at the department of Fublia
Works, Ottawa.
Tendon will not be ooraldered azaleas
made on the jwinted form aupplied, and
signed 991151 51)6 actual signatures of tend.
an accepted obeque on a chartered bank,
payable to tbe order of the Honourable the
Minister of Public Works, for Revert thou-
sand five hundred dollars ($7,500.00), mud
socempany each tender. Tee cheque will
I0 forfeited if the party tendering decline
Ihe °out, act or fail to complete the work
, entreated for, and will be returned in 0006
non-acceptance el tender.
The Dep artment does not bind itself to
wept the loweet 00 8080 tender.
15 y Order,
Secretary. ,
1 apartment of Publia Works,
Ottawa, Mame 18th, 1907,
Newspapers will not be paid 100 this ad.
vertieeme t 11 they insert it Without
euthority from the Deportment.
Absolute proteution ugainet
mut in wheat, °eta anti ',Rosy le
given by Formaldehyde. 11 40
oleo a preventative of blight or
Heidi on potatom.
' We have a grade of Fenno!,
debyde that we 00601 guarantee to
be of full etandard etrength.
Complete direction for Udine ou
each bottle.
91011(1 bottle sufficient for
90 to 60 bushele for 25
1 pound bottle enfacient for
80 to 100 husheie tor.," 40
• Drug Store
-Tee undersigned offers tor sale her
holm and lot on Turuberry street, Bru •
'sole, PCIBBAB81011 could he given at once.
For pr1oe, torme, 88., 1611311)' to 50590, 1',
8HI69L8, Walton P. 0„ or Et) Tau Poem,
A-, February let -part of 8m51h Blook.
30,011 feet ; 2nci door from Amerioan Hotel;
luitily WWI es talioring aud game' furniele-
eatablishmene. For further particulars
apply te Dlt, aleliELVEY, Brnseele,
Teacher of Piano or Organ
Notice t� Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Rebecca
Baines, late of the Townsh% of
Grey, in the County of Huron, at-
rial Woman, deceased.
Notice le hereby given, pursuant to "The
Itevised Btetutoa of Outario,0 1897, and
amendments thereto, that all'aroditore mod
other, having claims against the said
iteheoca Holmes, who died on or about the.
Teirtiete day of October, 1091, are to.
eared on or before the Thirteenth day of
April, 1407, to scud by post, propabl, or de-
liver to W. M. Sinclair, of the Village of
Brussels, in the Couutyof Iluron, 80110110r
for John Ferris B eirucs, the Executor
of the loot will and testament 01 0510 said
deceased, their Christian end unreal:um,
addreeses and descriptions, the fall partici-
ulare 06 11)080 claims, the statement el their
amain eta, and the maitre of tee seourictee fie
any) ncl"ilucirtbilyergitaelinl.
enotice that after each
.ast mentioned date the said ax1..8i0o:titotrow, will
proceed to distribute the innate ot the de.
ceased moonget the patsies entitled 00800.
to, having reglad ooly to Me alainus of
which ha shall twin have notice and that
he Bald Bzeoutor win not be liable for the
.043 assets, or any part thereof, 1111y por-
ton of whoee Mann uotioe than not have
mien received by inm at the time ot suoh
Dated this 21nd d18.0 baLotif1021, aixAte:,11,Lalu,
12T_TPI.1..S D•Iiiallinmaannesiamkammdminninmet
13.S0 A Y LIG-1-1r11 STORE
G. N. 111cLAREN
Just 21rrived
New Dress Goods, New Laces and Trimmings
New Prints, Ginghams and Muslins
New Curtain Muslins and Lace Curtains
New Easter Neckwear
Ladies' Fancy Collars, strictly new, special at 25c and 60o
Men's Ties, the latest, special at 25e and 50o
A ew 1?eadymade Skirts and freaists
.7V'ew Readynzade ClothinO, Boys', Youths' and Men's sizes
New Boots and Shoes for Ladies, Men and Children
Men's Stiff Hats
We have just received our new Spring styles in Men's Stiff Rats, nO to 2 50
fine English Fur
Felts, the correct blocks, imported direot, special LI ti
New Caps for Ladies and Children
New Caps for Men and Boys
Just in, first 'Shipment of the New Shirts
for .Men -Soft and Stiff Fronts
Our Stock of Staple Goods is complete and the
Prices are Right.
Call and Compare our Goods and Prices.
We always Pay the Highest Prices for Produce.
Next Door to G N RA I A rbibirkil
American House