HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-3-28, Page 5ELLIOTT MIM 7> ft ige'f3s..9 Sprint Toni Opens 'i Aril' lid f4r 4k4k4 ' ° An excellent time to enter' 41 the Great Qhllll ELLIOTT Ire. TORONTO, ONT. E purl Canada's Beet Benue! of fllisineeo 71 Bborthand T('niulug, Demand for. 11 AsUpya, 0UOIaOlO Iiislfueaut6r0a660og40e66rIl0o0a, 1,� 4 tutor sow bud bo prepared c0 uuoopb V. good posltlou ill tr)o 8unfiner 01 li 1 Pill, No Mid -Bummer vacation, yp I, W. J, ELLIOTT, Principal. al II- ()en YON600 AND ALRXANDalt ITN, Y� Ar -9 l i+=til r.'-e'�a• ievf` ,,e MEDICAL CARDS. 1.)I1, R. A. BURNS- Successor 10 Jh'. J. A. McNatlghlon Brussels, Ontario Graduate of Polyolluto Post Graduate School of Modlcfue aud Burgory, New York, Member 01 College of Physioiaus and Sur- . ge000 Of Ontario. (Mice aid residence same as formerlygc- eupwed by Dr. tloNaughton, Di086eee of (10(606 It apeetalty. T110110 No. 2L SUSINESS CARDS. CT H. MoORAOKEN- V Y • Ieauor of Marriage LiconOee, O1• five at Grocery, T,urnberry 010000, Br6Osele, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER of MARRIAGE LICENSES Unice in the Post Ullice, Ethel. 90.4 pERTHA C. ARMSTRONG L Is prepared to give w oo°on on 0lana or !teed Organ. Torino on ap pl,o6ciuu. Pue1odloe undress -111118801S. lleeluouou- Lot 8, Cou.10, Gruy. Pupils may nave their lesevue at their own homes it preferred. MISS'MARGAREI M'LAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual . .. Fire Insurance Company Shoo and IRosidonce- WALTON, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. 11S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • BER, will sell !or better prices, to hatter mon, in lees time end lees chargee than any other Auctioneer in East Huron el 60 17013't charge anything• nates and orders can always be arranged at this Maori or by personal application, ROBT. H. GARNISS BLDEVALE - ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. Torms reasonable. Sales arranged lot at the ohne of Tun PoeT, Brussels, 2901 VETERINARY. G.A. CUNNINGHAM - • Honor eiiaduate of the Ontario Vet urinary College, le prepared to treat all die• eases of domeetica1ed auimals in a comber. ent manner. Partlanlar attention paid to `Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Fever, Calle promptly attended to. °Moe and infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, '1urnberry et„ Brussels, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AB. MACDONALD- . Barrister, Solicitor, Netary, Eto, .. euoeeaeor to e. F. Blair. Oflloe over Steu- dard Sank, Rruseele, Solicitor for Metro- politan Bauk, WM. SINCLAIR- • Barrister, Boltoltor, i0ouveyanaer, Notary Public, 4o. Office -8 towart's' Block 1 door North o1 Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. pltOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR- BARitIBTER8, SOLIOITORS, NOTARIES rUBLIU, ETD, W: Pno00s000, IC 0. It, 0. HAYS G. F.-BLA1R. 06(001-110000 0Ormel'Iy ooaopted by Messrs UOme006 ,0 110(0, QODEIIOH, ONTARIO, DENTISTRY OR. R. P. FEILD, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College 'of Dental Burgeoueof Ontario and Flrot-class Honor Graduate of Toronto Uuiveralty. Office • next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. %ziczt=sr i~:a111F Si mi SPRING TERM OPENS TUESDAY, APRIL 2ND , IT Title School, whioh di is the largest moat progressive Commercial and Shorthand School in Western 00001(0, kenfoys 'tbe reputation of doing the 1. beet work In Business Education hi Canada. Our graduates are, fu demand aeeomt0erdial 166008re and omoe AN. elutants. Write for our free catalogue and. you will get full Information, con. II Vanning ning emir school. 9 ELLIOTT & MOLACHLAN, 1j Pxinolpalt, {`t WE ARE OFFERING SOME SPECIAL PRICES in Ladies' and Gents' Watches. 13e sure and see our stock. It will pay you to buy now. H. L. JACKSON, JEWELER rural Rears 't.ems Hones Fair Thursday, April 4th. MONTHLY Horse Fair Thursday, April 4011. Nnwey local items are always welcome at Pas POST. THE 33rd Battalion will go into oump at Loudon on the 4,0 of Jnne, Tuft POST telephone is No. 20. Ring as up if you know a newsy item. READ the advertisements. It may save you many a dollar to know where the bargains are. JOSEPH B. OSTER bee been appointed loom) agent e0 Brussels for the Imperial Lite Assurance 00., head office, Toronto. "FAN 001810(060" and "Knuckle down tight'! are once more to be heard in con• trovertable evidenoe that Spring is near hand. DR. BlTLER'S VISIT. -Dr. Butler, the Loudon Eye Speoialiet, will be at the American Hotel, Brunie, on Wedues• day, May 8th. Gluetteo supplied. ' EASTER RATE,. -The G. T R. will home return tiokete for the Rueter ho days as follows ;-Good going Ttiareda! March 28th and returning on Tuesday April 2nd. Tao Wingham Advance has celebrated 'mother anniversary and is ae bright es a do4ar. Bro. Hall has made a deoidea Humes of his Weekly and the advertising uatronege says hie work is appreciated. [010 Poem wishes the Advanoe continued pro0perity,1 THE Blyth Spring Stook and Seed Fair will be held ou Tuesday, April 2nd, when prizes will be given for entire horses, bulla, grain and seed. At 2 p. m. ad drawee will be given in the Hall on "Eradication of Weeds'! and "How to oeleot good seed." Swoon Exn1DImraN.-April 400 is the date set for the Stock Exhibition ai Olioton. The promoters are offering tip top prices covering numerous donee and are leaving nothing undone to make a success. See the list of prices in this i8e0e of THE Poor, AT Winter raoes on the km at Fort William recently a bay peon once owned by the late Neil MaLauohli0 of Braesele, showed too Last time for its competitors. 1'be brown Wilkes horee once the prop arty of, W. H. Kerr, of THE Posm, won the race he watt in. Thin EXTENDED -We are pleased to etate that the time fur our special offer of Tan Pon and Weekly Globe, forthe email Bum of 51.35 for a year, has been extended up to the let of year, The il- lustrated magazine section la well ,worth the money itself. Free samyleo may be had at Tan POST. THE Pioneer same up the'resuit of the recent Local Option oonteete throughout ws the Provinoe se folio : " Whisky wine in 18 places." Legislation defeats in 95 pierce. Bar rooms must go in 42 places. Bar rooms kepi out in seven pl0uee. Bar rooms rept-mod in one plaoe. Fon Catarrh, let me send you free, jest to prove merit, a trial size box -of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. It f8 snow white, dreamy, healiug antieeptio balm that gives instant relief to catarrh of the noes -and throat, Make the free teat Bum VW: Address Dr. Shoop's Ranine, Wt.. Large jars 50u each, Sold by F. R. Smith, EDITOR POST, -Awake 1 Awake 1 Oar Winter sport is just about over. What about the future 7 What are' our foot- ball boys- doing 7 Have they gone to sleep 7 If so it is time they hod cameo themselves, ae the W. F. A's mee0iug is near at hand. Why not organize and get the ball a•rolling 9 Come on boye I ATHELETmUB, PEOPLE want a Varnish Stain that will stain and varnish furniture and wood• work without covering up or obscuring the grain of the wood. In these days of pigment. verniets stains, whioh are in reality varnish paints, it is worth while to remember that Campbell's Varnish Shaine give a beautiful color and varnish effect without obscuring the handsome grain of natural woods. Sold by MOKey & SHAW, DEALEne cannot recall the lime when eggs have commanded so high a pride for a prolonged period. Should present prices oonti000 it is claimed that Amari• eau eggs can' he bought in at a profit, as large quantities will be released from storage tor Doneump0ion on the . advent at warm weather. I0 goes to show that egg produo1i0n is one of our moat profit. able Botta, and those who give the bast nese the attention and earn now devoted to lees remunerative pareiiite will be rewarded for their trouble, There is no better revenue prodooer on the farm, investment aonoidered, then the, hen. Use her well and she will feather your ueet as well as her own. The news -No Pare Drug Cough Cure Laws would be needed, if all Cough Ouree were like Dr. Sboop0e Cough Cure is- and hes been for 20 years, The. Nation al Law now requires that if any poieone enter into a sough mixture, it must be printed on the label or package. For this reason mothers and others, should male, on having Dr.Shoop'e Cough Cure. No poison marks on Dr. Shoop's labels - and none in the medioino, oleo it must by law be on the label. And it's not only cafe, but it ie ee0d to be by tboee 'who know ih beet, a truly remarkable cough remedy. Take no chance, particularly with your ohildron, Insist on baying Dr. Shoop', Cough Core. Compare feudally the Dr. Shoop package with others and see. No poison markt] there 1 Yon can always be on the eate side by demanding Dr. Shoop'' Omagh Glare, Simply refuse to 0o0ept any other. ata by F. R, smith. M r ll f lf4rs lit year married friend to to be peen three days walking about with a gloomy countenance and wrinkled brow, don't worry, Ha'0 only suffering from Spring bonnetitis, Its very uontogl0a0 Rod the expellee ineidentel will be in diroot ratio to the stylishneee of the antidote, wbioh ID title 0000 is R new hat for the better bolt -of the pooket book. t;, aaerie,t, Anima FOLLOWS Fpuz,•-,A most die. tr000ieg fatality occurred k'riday 1510 inat, resulting in the death of Ohne, A, Humber, 0130 of Ghia t0wo'e must esti. enable 00(00000, 1'dr, Humber had been conducting tome repair work at one of hie re6idert008 here, when in carrying a heavy art0olo down u flight of 8tair0 he acoideetally fell headlong to the bottom, striking with spelt tom upon hie head as to fracture the 0ku11 and masse eon oueeion of the brain, As the deceased woe working alone in the houeo it 11040 nut for some time atter the uooident oo. ourred that hie delayed return home caused anxiety, On eearoh being mule he wee found un0oneoioue on the oel0ar flour. Although medical aid was im• mediately summoned, it was absolutely impossible to relieve hie suffering's, to which he e000umbed a few hours later. Mr. Humber was one of the most pro gressive citizens and an untiring worker tor the town's welfare. For years he served ae Qoauoillor and latterly die. /Merged the dunes of Paioe Magistrate in most honorable manner, He 'stood high in Manilla oirtlee, serving high oiliuse in the Maitland Lodge, No. 83 ; Horou Chapter, No. 80 ; St. Elmo Pre oeptory No, 22, and with Bavaria degrees iu the Scottish rite. Besides hie wife, Mr. Humber ,envoi. a large family, re aiding in different parte of the United States and Canada. Deonaeed woe an 60tive member of the Methodist Mauch and in politica wait a staunch supporter of the Liberd party. The funeral was field Tneoday at 3 p. m., with Maeonio coins, Novel Cure For Colds. Ilealing Medication that 119 Breathed, giving quick railer. It eeeme just as ridiuuloue to put med101(18 into the 010maoll to ours a void in the head or lungs aa it does to go rut to the rain if wo want tokeep dry. The right way to aura a cold in the head ora Dough and irritation in the throat and ,pugs, ie by breathing Hyomei medioated'air, Put a few drops of Hyomei in the neat pocket inhaler that twines with every outfit and breathe this healing air for a few times and ,mmediate relief will be noted. The medloatiou goes right to thespot where he disease germs are located mid renders them -harmless -in the future. At the same time the soothing and healing effeots of Hyomei ou the irritated muuone membrane give quick relief and the oongh or cold is broken np. A complete Hyomei outfit, consisting of a bottle of Hyomei, the inhaler and a medioiuo dropper, caste but 01, while ,extra bottleoof Hyomei, tf needed, can he obtained for only 500. Booth's Hyomei Company, Buffalo, N; Y. HURON SPRING 'ASSIZES. The Spring ABeize Court for the County of Huron opened on Tuesday afternoon of last week, before the Hou. vi r, Jaetioe Magee. There were eleven emcee entered for trial, _nine being set down for trial with Jury, and two with• out. Dinedale ve. Colbert, an action by an exe0ntor of an estate for the settlement of an a000unt was settl1d as follows.; - By ooneent of parties let judgment be outered for defendant upon his counter claim for the cam of 52,0(10, to be paid oy the plaintiff within 30 days of this date.(withoot oats) and deolare that the 80.1138 when paid ,bell be infall eatiefae. tion of the two mortgagee in the pieOd• logs noentioued, uud of the two momis• gory notes in 'the defendant's wooer. Mann meotioued, and upon paymeut thereof that the said notes and mortgagee be delivered up to the plaintiff, and the defendant to reeonvey to the plaintiff the mertgoged laird free of any inonmbrauoe.- Dean vs. the (0. T. R , 1080 au actual of a widow with three small ohildreu, to reoover for the lose of her husband, who, was killed near Belleville last Deormber, by the exploeivn 0, the boiler of an 8ugme un whioh the deoeased wee engaged as a fireman. By content of 9 0001,ff and deeudauts, judgment was entered for the plaintiff against the defendants for the sum of 52,100 damage aud 5200 for .plaintiff's outs of notion between party and party, the distribution of the said damages to be hereafter made by the court. W. Proudfoot, K. 0., for plain- tiff ; W. H. Biggar for defendant's. Bruce, ve. the Dominion Fish Co., an action under the "Workmen'e Aot" for damages for being housed in an uneatie• factory dwelling, woe postponed till the Fall Aseize. W. Proadfoot, K. 0., for plaintiff ; A. D. Creasor, for dtt. nom• patty. Berry ve. Hortuu et al, a charge of libel and Blander in connection with home, watt settled out of ooart between the p8r0iee,the defendants paying all opine. H. J. D. Coolie for plaintiff ; Dickinson & Gerrow for defendants. Ito Champion vo, Moore, au nation for 'lander, a jury woe more in, but after the Gage had progogdgq for all ,)crit' Hie ? ., 4 , Lordship non suited the plaintiff, , Vunoiono for plaintiff; E, L, Diokinsoo for dsfooddnt, Williumo vs, Pigoci, et al, was an notion for do nagoe, to r000vor for the Iee9 of an arm and other bodily injuria,, cancel by the overturning of a grave car on the 0. P.11, trnots, in the town • slip of Colborne, loot Anna, The natter) oummeueed at 14 a. m, before a jury and had 0101 oouolgded when the court roes at 6 30 p, m. Goderioh Lumbering Co, vs. Williams, au wention to forplaintiffs, 16278,20, omier all enwith re ere'. ea to the Master at Walkerton, W, Proudfoot, K, 0„ for plaintiff; defend- ant not repreeentod, The fobowiug were still on the docket when the above report wue taken :- Qaaid vo. Hamilton 0t al, an tuition over the 00018 01 a horse. Smith vs, Pollock, an notion to repever damages for the abduction of plaintiff's. two children, and for an order to pro• duos the children or diemiose their wllereaboate. Kerriak et al ve, M00linton et a1, an notion for damage over the pnrohaeo of a Peruherou horee. Edwards ve The Goderioh Planing Mill 00,, an action to recover damages for the Ions of three lingers by the numb. inert' in the defendant Co'e, mill. Guelph & Goderioh R. ti, Co. V8. G. T. R., au a0tlon for damages for deetrugljan of part of a trestle R, R. treats, and an order to prevent further damage to the bank'bo(ow the Harbor Park, eta, SHORT, PERT MESSAGES, LIVE IN THE PRESENT, Some people live mach in the past. Their ideals are those of their fathers andtoretathero. The bootie they revel In are old and musty. It is right and joss to reepee& the experiences and tra ditione of the past, the old days may have held ,much that wee heroin, noble and good, but Our bueioeee 1s with to- day. Mighty today 1 Strategic today 1 A hundred problems face es and want be solved. We belong not to the past, not to the ancient times but to these times, These mighty days, thio age of electric, telegraphic, telephonic, phonographic, maroonio studies. Who knows what may he unearthed to morrow ? Look not forever behind"! Think of to -day I Look toward to morrow. RE OIVIL, Be who asks a civil question has a right to a civil answer. It iebetter to answer an dnaivil question hi a civil spirit. Self-ooutrol and genuine manli- ness is a sign of good breeding. It is a 0trenger'0 and travail er's privilege to en- quire. I plead for the cultivation of the spirit of civility, eopeoially among our young people. It is a beantiful virtue, it ie pooling to 00o atmosphere . and keeps the heart at pesos. It pleases God. TIM, BEST 101000, The beet Theology, -A pure and be. netiioiens life. The beet Philosophy. -A contented mind, The beet Law, -The Golden Rule. The best Education. -Self knowledge. The beet Medicine.-Oheorfulneee.and Temperance. The beet Art. -Painting a smile apo0 the brow of childhood. The beet Soienae.-Extracting sen• shine from a shady day. The best War, -The war against one's w000000e, The beet Mnsio.-The laughter of an innocent child. The beet Telegraphing,- Flashing a ray of enuehine into a gloomy heart. The beet Biography, -The lite which writes Charity in largest lettere. The best Mathematioe.•-, hat which doubles the mos0'joyo and oividee the moat Sorrows, ;'1'be beet Navigation, -Steering oleer of thelaoeratiog rooks of pereoual oonten• tion. The best Engineering, -Building a bridge of Faith over the River of death. J. E. M. To Enjoy a Good Dinner. now t0 Avoid B18tres, and Indigestion ' Atter Eating. Let ue bell you bow you can en. joy a good dinner, no that the heartiest meal will set well on your stomaoh and cause uo unpleasant and disagreeable atter effects. There is uo hard work necessary to do One 1 010 need of a rigid and 001f•denying diet 1001; no call for nasty and disagree, able medicinse. Simply take a Mi•o•ua stomach tablet before each meal and be- fore going to bed, and it will e0 etre0gt0- en the etomaoh that before long a hearty meal will give you gratification end oomfort, without the Ispat fear of distress and suffering, Nli•o•na is not mere digestive, giving only temporary relief but a specilla for all diseaeee of the etomaoh, strengthen• mg the digestive organs and making a permanent mire. We absolutely agree that your money will be refunded "should you buy a 000 box of Mi•o 00 810ma0h tablets and not be eatie0ed with the results. Mi•o'na ie told by druggisle everywhere, or will be sent by mail on receipt of price 50o. B0oth'0 Miona Company, Buffalo, N. Y. "It's All Ridht" CAMPBELL'S VARNISH STAIN The original and only real Varnish Stain For Re•stainind and Varnlshinfj 'Furniture, Floors and Woodwork Prepared in 1(POPULAR COLORiS. For Salo by A 441 LEATH ER DALES' FAMOUS FOR MOUSE FURNISHINGS SPRING IMPORTATIONS Our Spring Goods have arrived and are ready for your critical inspection; They comprise a line Bever before sho'wn,in this community and unequalled i'ii' the history of' this store. A brief summary of our lines in this department is given below. Carpets English Brussels at 900 find upwards. English Velvets at $1,25 per yard. English Tapestry at 85c and upwards. Wool Carl etc, 2 and 3 ply, at 65c and upwards. Union Carpets at 80e and Upwards. Art Squares We have for the Spring trade gone into this line more extensively, than ever. We have them in sizes from 2 x 2• yards to 13 x 15 feet in WiLTONS BRUSSELS WOOL VELVETS TAPESTRY UNIONS and at prices, Quality considered, the Cheap- est. Linoleums Linoleum, 2 and 4 yards wide at 35c, 40c, 45e, 50c and 550 per square yard. Inlaids from 80c to $1.25 per square yard. Oil Cloths 1 yd., 1i yd., l yd. and 2 yds. wide at 22c and 25c per square yard. RUGS. A large assortment of small Rugs, very suitable for wedding presents, useful as well as ornamental The Largest and Finest Assortment of Furniture in the County Variety is the spice of Life—You get it at Leatherdale & Sons Liberal Discount for Cash. UNDERTAKERS ALLAN MAIL LINE TO LIVERPOOL From St.John From Halifax Virginian Bat, Mar. 16 Ionian Sat, Mar, 29 — Victorian — Sat, Mar, 80 Parisian ,...,Sat, Apr. 6 — RATES OF PASSAGE let "Cabin -$55 to380 and .upwards, 600004.fug to steamer. Parieian (intermediate one clams) 140 and up. 2nd Cabin -8,40, 842,10 and 340 aoeording to steamer, 9rd Claes-827M anal 828,70, TO GLASGOW Mongolian from Portland There, Mar. 21 Laurentiau from Boston Thuro, Mar. 28 2nd Cablu-S80 and npwarde, Third Gloss -826,00 ,eastward ; westward, 327.60. For Summer sailings, Liverpool, Glasgow and London eer vices, with full Information, apply to W. H. KERB. Agent Allan Line, Brussels. MONTHLY HORSE FAIRS BRJUSSELS The. regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be held for the 130000n so follows : THURSDAY APR. 400, 1907 Leading Local and Outside Buyers will be Present Brewer's Reliable Art Studio If you are visiting in this neighbor- hood it would be worth your while to loop up our Studio. We are second to hone and our prices are lower than other towns. We would be 91eased to have you call and see samples, Moo see our largo a00ortnient of views on Post Carrie, They melte good Sonyonh's, Don't , fail to have some. WE FRAME PICTURES Enlarging done in first -disc style - Crayon or Wiotor-color, Give us a oall. :,H0R. BREWER WELL MADE HARNESS Is a pleasure to the user and a standing advertisement for the good of the Manufccturer. This is the kind of Harness we make and when you want something neat and durable remember Richards' Harness will please you. We are offering extra induce- ments on Single Harness for the next 80 days. Come in and see them. A few Robes and Blankets left yet which we will sell below cost to clear. Nice assortment of Trunks and Satchels at low prices. Repairs in Harness and Collars done promptly. The Old Reliable 1. C. Richards Do you like good Bread and Pastry ? If so yon must bake with good Flour. I have in stock now the Celebrated Puritan. Brand Manufactured by the Western Canadian Flour Mills Co., of Winnipeg. Also the well known Five Roses the output of the Lake -of -the -Woods Milling Co. 1 tell A trial will convince you of the excellence of these Qualities. ..Id on l ro roof All kinds of Feed kept on hand and sold at Ee oney. sortable Prices. eneern your �OU 0013 soon as ook, • "Ront1ng ALF. B /�moi•. K E �y4 card w111 dp to keno.M14w, FAN you a8$ BOW?' si qe• y St,IPEG VANQOtUVEN WS Pander' St.