HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-3-28, Page 4yttw0ruan(vt b 1lt(
x00 ~ va,.- day la the week. A reQord of Hoarding
Ing r huffier le kept and new elreivaie omitted
i to math, Jam ouquirepe Glenn' ttiie iine
average gonia hundreds per (qugtbe 1
4 1 r e''44 “,,,i) 4(,A.J , 28 1907• might continue to write qI the olty'e
high altitude, iron, inylgurating iter,
bright genehiue, the boautitul view et
A TRIP TO CALGARY, the enow•eapp' d Rooltioe in the distance
but apace torbide. Salim It to ray abet
_ Calgary peeeeeses statural advantageo
IYlit. Enrinet - 1 •.ii,tf pet returned ahioh woulddeemto emigre for it a very
bright and rt.eperoa0 future,
Ipam, Verve truly,
TIM. • W4Teor.'
frrom'a.e:, .>• . 10 Oatgeryy the
meet thee: 4 a .41 the Greek Weee, 1
thellehr q um of thine intermit to
yawl , a ,.. a l t gave yoo a few of the
0511011/ • Famed end some 0f the preotioal
Mt teen o, gtined daring my stay in
an • t' r,•,, UWWkary• le imaged at
eit nl r .:f Oth' kl ea.'?
X018 ,vel ere..,,1 the How, el tnar
a•,cr. IWO or three day0 eau from .the
Rouktag aud as pure as oryinel. The
towel le about 840 melee from Wlneipeg
. on the Eaet end about. 640 miles from
Vete:mover me the West, Ddmontou tm
some 180 melee to the North and the
boundary hue aboat the same distance
00 the Hoath. Tbaa centrally loomed et
im fest becoming the distributing easter
for the Great Weal, Some 86 wholesale
homes east 26 mooatepturiug 00n0ern0
are already established there, Oh Deo.
20th 1906 Maumee, Calgory aud Von•
wooer were eeleoted by the Postmea0er.
f3800ral as oon0000B for the distribution of
stamps to the venous poatof0oe0 in the
four Western Provinoee.
Some aide years ago, on the occasion
of a former visit, Calgary was but a
hamlet, nom 105 id it a butting, thriving
oity of about 17,000 iuhabit0ute, It you
want to get an idea of what is going ou,
visit the poetuffioa end weber' the constant
m0reem of humanity of every nation and
slims, (,)algary'e grime po00a1 revenue
last year was 958,408 or 92 % of all
Alberta and mare teen double that et
Edmonton. Ae a further evidence of the
business treneao0ed a statement of the.
olBuring house receipts for Ootober and
November, taken from Bradstreet, shows
that Calgary'e returns for October were
$6,690,414, aud for November $6,945,824
being greater then Vtotoria, B. U., with a
population of 25,000 or Landau Out.,
with a population of 48,000 and about
75 greater than that of Eamontoa.
Tue freight reeeipte for Qutobsr show
an worsen ell 72 to over thdae of October
1905, Ia amoaur at express business
(Weary stands seventh io Canada, abead
of Vauoouver, Halifax, Hamilton, Bt.
John, Londe", &o, The Cue0um, House
for Ootober 1906 Molars au iacreaae
over Ootober 1905 of 85%. Calgary is
the meobauio'd paradise where no m.0
need be out of work unless be preface to
•be. The value of buildings erected awing
1906 wee 82,242,938 and even ttarlue
titin past muuth of February the sound
of the saw, hammer ane trowel maid b.
beard on every side cad tbie 0omneg
season promisee to be a record hreakmt
along this line. Calgary is a genera,
divisional point of the 0. P. R,, officiate
of all the important Mennen been
located there, the °uncial pay rel amouut
lug t0 over a relation d0,le re. W,tinu a
short time it is expeoteu that the Caned•
iau Northern, Greta Mennen aud the
Greed Trauk Pamfio win aleo be running
into the oity. There are 14 banks doing
bn,i0n.a to Calgary and there are ,ivo
ob0rohra of diff,reut danomtuatloua, two
Cu,.°god, N.rma,, liege aud. twelve
P.....0 so tW10, turnneulag edu0attoua,
e ilat woum uo credit to any
r Amerman pity.
T tmjud 001,8' y laud atone gaer0iee'
are t.. -.•,t near by duo farmers the
met._aa+ for the flue mistimes blocks amu
public buildiu,;, now being ereoteu,
Calgary mein., to its 8plendeu
Winter Mimeo- - .ae very acuter of the
ranching it, :. , of to a,eo surrounded
by eplen.e.. p growing soil auu
tbe. aver.„ :..8000 rooks forward to
the tiro wil the settlers will have
°roamed -. oat. The order 0f
deve ,i . ',tame to have been firer the
Inia eta buffalo, then the rauohel
an.. 8. - ...ol., aud ,ret and beet of ad
•ue dett,er, aided end higher oIOtlizaOiou.'
i'ue fo, uwlue, 000(emeue, taken from
0 -Jemmying refuted eboty the Oompara
love yield of Edmonton aud U81gery
dietrlol for 1905 ;—
Edmonton Osleety
Spring wheat, 2467 33,92
Winter n 2589 8218
Oats, 85.95 45 41
Bauey, 24.73 32.01
It will be notated ,bat Calgary le in
advance hi every lens whish will no doubt
be tanner m0reased when the O. P. R,
irrigation eobems, effeoting the menu
cores adjetnmg the city, le in full work.
ing order.
The growth of the pity hes been so
rapid for the past few years that many
utilities, snob e6 waterworks, 010000/0 aud
gas planet, street sewers, &o, have not
kept pace with it and a great deal of
work now faxes the oivia authorities.
Already a (eutre00 10 being mitered into
for au abaudaut supply of electricity for
light and manufacturing purposes, A
Tly-law is beteg eabmitted to the people
for the bedding of a trunk sewer ruuotug
right through the city. A. matra00 nae
jam born let for the baildiug of a new
bridge scathes the Bow river on e. 110e
with Center St. 9,04 a street oar eyetem
is 8100 under consideration. Tee amass-
ment figures, me meow,
will give a very
good idea of the growth of
the oily as
follows :-1905, 96,433,496 ; 1906, 87,817,-
456 ;1907, $12,832,496.
The uitrzeus have now formed whet ie
palled the 100,000 club, the objets!) of
Whish in 00 tu0rease the population to
that number within a comparatively few
years and who will ray that Calgary wilt
not be the Ohi08go of the,Weeo in et short
time. You do not long m,X with the
people e until you fuel the euband
go that the people of the East know but
little about and one of the diffioul0 tbiuge
to expiate to the settler from morose the
line ie the dullness and lank of
enterprise, 111 our own Uanadia0 people
in fulling to recognize and seize the
wonderful upportum0*ee offered in this
now fast devetaptug Western country.
Calgary ao a ally le laid out in egaaree
the 8800aee beteg numbered from the
Bow niter SOnthward, end the streets
from Center Bo Nem and Weld, so that it
he comparatively easy to place a given
pont without having to remember the
018mes of so many etre000. A strong
feature for those who purpose waiting
Calgary is the pendent work being done
by the Central Methodist oharob, under
the able mtt0agement of Rev, Ma Kirby.
This ., whio cherub n b e satiated one
b1 sok
North of .11af0 attest au lot 8t. W8et, ba
00, ell +ho Moet up.to•d810 aud thorough.
ty rga', 5'0.1 to Oµuada oontaimng re'
room, parlor, reading room,
gyu, ,Y':am, bathe, Bea. here etrangere
are assured of a Ordeal weio0me every
Tothe Editor of Tau Fon '0
Dan SIG'–fdaviug; been in Medioiue
Het for Dome 0(086, I thought it would be
05 acme intermit to the readers of Tau
2000 to beer eumethiug %bout this ante,
prietu4 town in the Northwest. Situat-
ed 660 miles Went o5 Wtuuipeg and 822
ranee Eaat of Veuooaver ou the mato
line of brie 0, P. R. tbe valley of the
South Seskatobewanriver and it (e 2171
feet above tbe sea levet. le le eurrouud
ed on the North, East and Booth aided by
preoipiloue hills ranging tram 200 to 800
Leet fn beighe, Along the North and
Beet aides of the valley runs the Sane
katobewen river aud on the South of the
towu is Roes nr Bevan pereu00 Greek,
when is a tributary of the river along,
ehtoh is a thiok growth of scrub uais,
poplar and wnlow.. The pop" atiou,
whiob is aboot 4000, unman of Callan
lane, Amerloauo, English, Irish awl
Scotch, out I Malik mostly Somme, Nth,.
are Ioo00ed by 1hemeelve0 10 the Weoteru
part Of the may, muted New Eamburgb:
There is a floating popul00ion of about
1000. A. few Ohiuese are prinmpalie
employed as general eervenes. Iu the
Eastern part of the valley fa a eettlemeut
of aborigiuiee at the Ores tribe of Latinate -
The wdustriee are Roar, woofleusun
planing milts, m8Ohitee shop a brigs
yard, sewer pipe aud tile mm11a180100en8
eetabliohments and au innumerable
number of lime keine ; while the pro•
posed new indoabries are a hriokyarn,
clothing and rimming famines to be
built thee Bummer. 1 mtgh1 alae mss.
08eutioo of the O, P. 1i. mud house,
machine shop and oar repair shop. Otte
0f the principal induoemente to manta
taoturers to carne here i0 the availibiut}
at eaten" gas 1 at a depth ot 1000 feet
pree(ureis 600 Ibe to the aquae euom
Me pity owe two large weds and offer
the gar to the maoataatorere at 18e
marvelously low figura of 5o per 1000 feet
or $8 per h. p. per minum as agates{
Hamiltuu's electrical power at 814.70 pet
n. 9. per animas, Gas to the 4auera,
pub"" of the 0010 00818 150 -per 1000 tee.
with a rebate of So per 1000 feet if pad
ivaide ofthirty days monthly as agome
75o I knolls fu Torooto. The Kae in mean
for heating, lighting and booking by the
pubho. For taxi under ota0wuar0
oonere, for ligbtiog looumotivee,lot
calming gas 00gi100 aud for barium
onak, tee and lime kilos. On amoeba
ut the large revenue derived from the gak
by the city the rate of taxation here le
very low, only 12 mitts ou the dollar.
The street lamps are left burning night
aud day the y00.0 round ee it Is cheap. 1
than hiring labor to taro them off amu
re -light them. A waerworko system 1e
just beteg °emplaced with au 09 to -date
0,1erer, at et ase of 917,000 (whin had a
0apaai0y of 1,000,000 gats. per 24 hours)
aud a e0andpIpe no a meet of $14,000 wum
oapaotty of 500,000 gala. The 1800,80
nodes $10 per year Eur private fawner
and is oonelder04 the beet water in the
Wert and to supplied by the Saskatub-
0w8n river whiob rises in the Reek}
The osmate here is vary mild generale}
KO the city is in the obmook bele, bat
this Winer hue beam exoeptiou0Uy
severe, the thermometer meatus from
SO. to 40. below zero most of the time
surae Deo. 1st. A traveller 5[001 Calgary
tens 0e that it wits so sold there that rt
anyone went to speak to you outside you
would have 10 bring his words In (uu
Mew them Out to know what be Baia
Mu I do not believe that. I do know
Mere have been times when ft yon were
listening to sense people talk Odteide you
would have thaw to your ears out atter
wards, 0 d eet0lere told me when I CAM
here laet Fall that ";be air w00 no dry
here that yon did not feel the pole."
Now I think if that is not bot air it ie
mama* gas. Footer, our weather mau,
promieed 08 a warm spell In the ,ire
week of February but be tailed to
advance ft. I would advise etraugere
wishing t0 enter the weather bureau to
keep away, trouble peuduug. The
00000ry around here he rodiug prairie,
Boil ie a Bandy loam 00980001 with a
tbiokMort .prairie grass which ie of a
very runni1008 nature aud ra well edam -
ed to sheep, Mettle aud horse 08uohlug,
There have been very Sew attempts made
ab 8griau tura outil Me last few yemra on
account of the small rai1tall urging the.
Bummer moutbo but eplendld 0,0011110
been arrived at by dry emlmg and 00(00
very fine samples of wheat, barley, oa1e,
potatoes and other crops have been (he
result. Vegetables are grown in large
quantities and of a flue quality in the
1L where e 01 all
o w r the a water uuu be need to
facilitate their growth. The prairie
Ibonnde with fluwore of all kiuds, the
moat p0omi0eut of which are the wild
roes mud several epeote0 of caetf. One
11so sees large alomp8 of sage bush
smattered over the same. We have a
oonafderable 0m0n00 of game iu the Sur.
rounding ooautry, a few of whish
are au101ope, peyote, wild turkey0,
wild .dnoks, partridge, prairie
chk ne.gophers, Inagua, et
o. Game
laWs are more etriobly euturaed here Mau
they are even in Ontario. There le
splendid flailing to the Saekatahewan
river and Roes oreek. To speaking of
the antelopes I might Day that large
herds of them have been driven almost
into the city by the revere storms of the
past Winter. We bave a ouu0ide08ble
"amber of rattlesnakes here also, a very
vicious variety of mosquito, principally
found he the aorub aloug Roes creek.
They sit ou the urea and bark and at.
teak you atter you have poeeed. A large
number of this variety weigh lbe. We
have some flue public bmldtuge here, oity
and fire belle, general and - maternity
0800pitel0 and "armee' home, pubijo and
high eoboole and good a000mmodetton
toe the travelling platen in the way of
four hotels,bore. are
1 r five Otiurohee,
Presbyterian, Methodist, nE'?nglish,
Baptist and Roman Catholic,. adimne
thole the headquarters for the North-
west Moa0ted .Tuner for Alberta, We
have Geo a splendid rifle range to the
North of the pity. It belonge to the
0APrr0r, PAID FP; '5OTAI. ASSETS t ' aBsimY11
stow,* 'ritllty-two Million Dollars, 02,059,
RECEIVES accounts of corporations, firms and in-
dividuals, on. favorable terms. Deposits of $1,00
and upwards received, and highest current rate of
interest allowed. 96 Branches throughout Canada.
\V N. 1JCZ1 lY, SUB• AGelle:r
government aud i0 used for rifle praotiee
for the Mouuted Pollee for the whole of
the Wert. On holidays the people io
and ar000d,tbe Hat torn out en mases.
We bave the annual held day in ,whiob
all kende of athletic epode are iudolged
in, Great importance ie placed on horse
✓ aring and until last year they had
bronobo races by the eowboye, the priu
(tpel feature which wee by tbe aid of
whip aud spurs to melee the horse kink
and bank or do anything that a tricky
brouobo ie capable of doing to throw its
rider but this wild Ween feature has been
abolished. I might say in 001204101011
that the oity ie expending *hie year for
sidewalks $12,000 (a similar 8080001 teas.
expended loot year) $2,500 for sewerage,
$100,000 for 900 foot steel bridge now
ander QOue10001100@aorose aha Saoka1ab.
eaten river to replace the old ferry weed
heretofore by the public. The bridge
will be somewhat similar to the 0.-P. R.
"ridge further down the river. The
Sauk of Commerce inteud building a
block to cost $25,000 the coming Sommer,
There ere a number of other buildings 10
tee worse of oouetruotion, mining which
are A. Y. M. 0. A., Hall, Poet Office, two
,urge hotels and several Midwest' blocks
and beeidee a large number of
celeste dwellings. Thanking you very
8iudly for so much of your valuable
epaa0. I remain
Yours reepeetfnlly
The 29th annual eemeiou of the Grand
L -edge of Moe Aonteat 'Order of United'
Workmen was herd in Toronto 001 Wed
u eeday and Tburodoy of last week.
in the Pempld Building. Grand Master
Workman Obae. E. Cameron, of Ire -
90010, preened. Over 600 members were
in attendance, blending graud officers,
Magnet deputies and subordinate lodge
delegates, two•thirde of wbom were
novitiates at Greed Lodge. Prooeedinge
were opened by a prayer from Rev.
(Jamie A. H. Allman, of Bork'o Falls,
who-afeerwarde preeeated a (medal re•
pure whiob stated that the number of
de80he in tete Order had been less than
last year, while on the other hand the
BeneOuiary had been more eabetao0ially
ln0reaeed than during the year previous.
The order bad been able to add $100,000
to the Reserve Faod withoar an extra
sesese11006, ,eavlug a balmier) Of Over.
8380,000 on beet in the Beneficiary.
Fund. Several imp0rtaot proposals were
thenneed during the eeeeia0. These in.
eluded the manioc of a Workmau'Pemple
(d Toronto,. the appoin1mo111 of per.
automat organizer, for tea new Manias
which it was propueed to form, the ap.
poiurmentof a Medical Board to aot
with the Grand Medioel Examiner, and
various changes en the ooudtitalion,
The A. 0. U. W. spent $8,282 lo organ.
10105 work the past veer. The board
auk• d tora larg&r grant for tbie work.
Ingersoll Lodge'@ proposition to admit
members at e1Etee0 years of age parsed,
eater a epeeob in favor of it by Mee.
Alfred E. Cox, Ea. Thomas, who suggest.
ed that ea young ladies are se old novo
et sixteen years as {bey formerly were
et twenty five they could be admitted
before they were othsrwi1e engaged.
Biennial oeee0 ue were again disapproved
of by the Grand Lodge. Proposes to
reduce the Dietrioa Deputies to halt the
present number end do away with the
three Graud Trammel were defeated.
A committee will report at the next
Grand Lodge meeting on. a proposition
to provide a permaneut home for the
order in Toronto. The report of Dr. J.
M. Cotton, Grand binned Examiner,
mated that there were 472 deaths
en the order Mid year.
GraudMaeter made the following ere
polntmente :—George Burne, Ingereo11 ;
Freuk Moses, . Toronto; Themes - E.
Bloodworth, Toronto ; John-Piereon,
Smibh'o Falle. Ase etaettGrand Gu,oeo,..
W, N. Irwin, Toronto; George Patterson,'
Beafortb ; Aoeietant Watohmen; D. ` 0.
Smith, Ham ltou t In ide W etehman.
The Grand Lodge of the Ancient Order
of Dotted Workmen contended its sea•
stone in the Temple bidding Friday
afternoon. The 010031ou of deem(' was
the principal hneineee tranaaoted during'
the day. It was decidedto have Tonmtu
ae the next plane of meeting. Fewer
changes were made in the oonstitutioe
during this session than at key meeting
for two deoadee, Past Grand Meter
J B. Nixon' installed the grand officers
and Grand Master Oomeron addre-red
the distrust aflame. The matter of
organization, whish we. dismissed, roes
with the Executive. The eleotlon of
officers mended ae follow@:—Past Grand
Maeter Workman, Aid. J. M. Peregrine,
Hamilton I Grand Master Workman,
Obarlea D, Cameron, Iroquois ; Grand
Foreman, S. B. Morrie, Rodney; Grand
Overseer, Major J. J. Crate, M. P. P ,
Fergus ; Grand Recorder, M. D. Carder,
Toronto ; Greed Treasurer, Bred. G. Io
wood, Toronto ; Grand Solicitor, A: G
F. Lawrence, Taranto ; Grand Medical
New Kidneys for Sc. a Day.
Weak kidneys that are making your.
back ache—that are making you suffer
with Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago—
are changed into well, strong kidneys
by Bu -Ju. It is Be-Ju—the Gentle
Kidney Pill—that heals the kidneys;
gives you practically a new pair of
organs and corrects all Bladder Troubles.
If you know you have Kidney Trouble,
or if you suspect it by the pains in the
back,headaches,frequent desire to urinate
—take BuJu on our positive guarantee
that it will cure -you or money refunded.
5oc. a box—at druggists. The Claflin
Chem. Co., Limited, Windsor, Ont. 58
/have found a tried and tested mire for Rhos
thalami Note remedy that will straighten the
distorted limbs of chronic clippies, nor tarn bone
growths baekto flesh again. That is impossible
But I can now surely kill the Paine and mom
this deplorable disease.
Germany—with a Chemist In the City of
Darhlstad6—I. Sound the last ingredient with
which Dr, Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy was made
a perfected, dependable bresoriptlou. Without
that last Ingredient, I successfully treated many,
many eases of Rheumatism; butnow, atlas{. Eliot.
leanly cures all curable cases of this heretofore.
much dreaded disen0e. Those sand -like granular
wastes,. found In Rhountatic Blood, seem todissoly.
and pass away under the action of this remedy,.
freely as does sugar whenadded to pure water,
And'then, when dissolved, these poisonous Wane..
freely pass from the system, and the cause 01
Rheumatism is gone. forever. Titers is now no
real need—no actual excuse to suffer longer with-
out help. We sell, and in confidence recommend
De. Snoop's
auntie tie Reined
Natioudl Boller Plour �9ills
The undersigned begs leave to. intimate to the Public
that they have purchased the well known Flouring
Millfrom Mr.,W. F. Stewart and will be pleles,',i'til
be favored with the patronage of the public.
Best Brands of Flour
and Feed kept t
p in stock
Our Alm will be to Please our Patrons
Bing up Telephone No 4 if you desire anything in
our line and have not time to call.
etteO•le'Ie'1 11.10t.'6.7didtAs,N.
� R. A. F RY N
Miner, $, Milton COMP, 115. El,
'Pomo(); (rand Guide, Wm. 0, shekel
Belleville ; Grand Iueide Weiobman, "W,
W. Bprgeee ; Poet Orem) Meeker Wadi.
men, Lteut•colonel Al, P. Lewaon, Lon.
don: 16, W. Porter, Detroit, M101, ; M,
P. Carder, Toronto ; John Milne, Lan.
don 9, G. Inwood Totooto ; Judge D.
MooWatt, Saraire ; Tbomete 0. Irving,
Toronto ; James i'inoblau, Ridge►own ;
holt, Geo, P. Graham, 81, P. 2., Brook
ville, Dletriet Deputy Grand Masters,
John Watson, Dresden ; Geo. I1toAuley,
iiopielute ; Jaime Armitage, Lotldon ;
Geo. P. Burne, Ingersoll ; \Ym. Gelpuby,
Hamilton ; R. L, Shriner, Thorold l E
0. Hawee, Galt ; Parry Morrie, Loyal ;
J. Ar Chapman, Port EIgin ; John Rob
erford, Owen Bound ; Jae, Hood, Broome
ing; Nilllam Tooze, Toronto ; Henri
50500,er, Concord ; T. Moliutgh1
Uooketown; George Brown, Saieet.
field ; J. J, 'Turner, Peterboro' ;
Alex, Moore, Plainfield ; R. W. Long.
mare, Camden Euet; 8: T, Quinn, Ad,
dieony ; Wm, (hark', oardivat; E, F.
Drake, Ottawa; P. 0. McGregor, pi.
moots ; Fred Ganders, Braoebridge ; A.
MaOregor, Sobr,ebsr ; L A. Kinsella,
North, Bay, Repreoeetetive to Mani
tube Greed Lodge, P. G. M. W, . F. G
Inwood ; Grand Trustees, Themes
Riley and J. Lookie Wileou, Toronto ;
11. MoEwiug, Drayton,
"PBE9ENTIoe" Will ' promptly check et
soli or the Grippe when taken early at
the "eneez0 maga," Preveptioe mare
eeebed colds se well. Preventive are
little sandy sold 0000 tablets, aud Dr.
Shuop,Raoiue, Wis., will gladly meal
you samples and a book on oolde tree,
if yon will write. The. samples prove
merit. 011eok early colds with Prevent
lee aud stop pneumonia. Sold in 5o and
25a boxes by F, R. Smith.
Don't You teep Well?
Bolter Correct Matters Before. Nerves
and Health Are PoIluWered.
Without sleep there sen beno-bodily or
mental vigor, consequently eleepleeoueoe•
is a dangerous (Amd,tfon Nothing so
surely 000100ee sleep ae Ferrozone ;. It's
harmlees-juet a nouriebing,strengthen
09 t0uid.
Ferrozone vitalizes every part of the
body, make@ the nerves hardy, complete
.y rebu,lde the tryaem. The clause of
•++eepleeeueee is r, moved-41001th ,0 re
,toted—you can work, eat, Bleep—feei
like new atter urine Ferrozone. Dont
pat off—get Ferrozone to day, it does
ears ttteomnia, 50e per hex et ell denten,.
Grand Trunk R. System
Faster HolidayRates
Lowest One-way Fare
for Round Trip
Between all stations in Oanadit; also to
Detroit, Port Huron, 6uepenelou Bridge,
Buffalo and Niagara Falls, N.Y.
Marc 28th,Setk, 80th, 81st and April 1st,,
Until Tuesday, AprlI led.
For full information se to rates and tie.
ken; call on
W. EDNEY, Depot Agent
J. 0, M0DO0ALD, District Passenger Agent,
Rate of interest el per cent per annum , first
Excelsior Life Inearance Company
The Equity Fire Insurance Company
All business attended to promptly.
Clerk lthreiviedou Court.
is., sale a nmlted quantity of good seed
peas at Grabs Elevator, Brneoet�RAHAM,
(7 Nv,81,—One wee a year old in January,.
1000, and the other 10 months old. Price
animals and in good eowdttiou. Terme to
snit pnrohaeer. JAMIilel SPEIB, Lot B0,
Con, 8, Morrie, or Smile's P.O. 18.15
Doti°, Oou. 10, Grey, eoatafuiug 10o
acres, 82 of which are cleared- and balance
elm bneb. 'there le 'a comfortable brink
house, u bunk barn Okx80 feet, orchard, well,
etc. Property Wed (080ed. '2t mads from
the village of Oranbrook.. Possession can
be given March Mb. - Por further partials.
,ere as to ,rice, terms, deo„ apply to WM.
WOODS, Proprietor, Craobrook P. 0. 28-tf
undersigned offers hie house and lot,
cit to
un l l Mill a convenient
Brueeela, for comfor-
to well located, convenient aud 1,01
Onceb, tall. Possession eau to given at
once ' Win also bell the vacant lot, coiner
m Mel and Euildingh site,
,. which would
make a dee building Bite. For ., appyneutto
. ae to ,price. forme, &a„ apply 0'
wloh,ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, Feed.
wish: 30.4
7�w'0 100 LORE FARMS FOR
Beta—@eine Leta 11 and 18 on the 10th
Con, of dray. Will be sold either esua0ate•
1y or together, These farms aro in the pink
01 Condition, baiting ug been peetured for
Ysore. There are b 8 wells ou each one aria.
ed uneaof and a Wind polder on each farm.
11 ,0 o o of lthe beet inuldiSarmenlo and aro, Lot
11 is among the beet farms Pu � tho county,
Au early sale desired. If 001 Bold they may
he rented eondi0tbnally for a few pears to
a suitable tenant. For tonne, Are,. apply to
JAB,A.MOLAO13LAN,.Lot 11, or Oran brook
P,0. 37.2
Farm Labourers
and Domestics
1 l
have been appointed by the D.ominton
tlovarnmoet to plasm Imuetgraut0 from the
United Iil0gdo08 in poeitioue ae farm lab.
ourer0 or dom00010 servants in this vicinity.
Any pereob requiring such help should mitt-
, me 0 0 ,
re ha or letter t
Y p.. Y t r a olio toll
1' B
toe kind of help required, when wanted and
wager offered 'l'be numbers aOrlviug may
uo0 be (sufficient to (empty all requests bat
eveee effort will be made W provide each
appn0000 with help required,
ANla10 EW W. SLO+AN,
Canadian Government employment Agent
28.em 111ytl1',0.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate or Qlntrlot!
Padgett, Iatp ot the_ Tvwuehip of
Gray, in the County
,nor, deceased,
Notlpo io hereby given, p0r0uant to "Tho
aoyfaed 8tathere of Outurio;' 1897, aud
ethers bayi thereto that all ar3dltor0 aud
a000ere having ola(me against the said
TMerles Hudson, who Wed on or about the
woelty.tblyd day t February, '1907, pro r0'
mitred on or before tbo 'thirtieth day of
March, 1907, to wind by post, prepaid or de'
liver to W.11. 61"01, ir, of the VlliaRa of
B,oesolo, 10 th0 Oonutyof tiurou, 801101/00
for Wtlltam 71dward Hud0on, 1110Dxu0utor
of the last 18111 0000 tpet8m0ut of 0110 0101(
deeeneed, their Obrfetlan aud muruamp0,
addt'eoeoa and doeorlptioua, 1l ofullpartid
111a1'e of {Holt Olafma, Eke at' tenant of Elicit
s6aouuts, uud tbu'uature of tbu 000uri0180 (11.
neo) 11014 by them.
eud lortber take 0011,00 that after such
last meutfouea dµte thn Bald Ex0ou'Or. will
0,0000011 to dlotribute the 800010 of tbn Oo.
(waded amongst the parties 0180itlnd' there.
00, Miring regard duly to the chums of
0e Ven d 10x000 W r wI11auat 00 t liiableufor too
mold assets, ur any pert thereof, to all y per•
eon of whose claim nonce ;hall not have
0000 resolved by him at the 11me 01 ouob.
Luted Oma 911* day of Marsh 1907,
W M blNf1uA1a,
50.8 6olfolt01 for rraeuutor.
Notice to Creditors
In She matter of the estate of William
Forrest, late of the Village of Bros -
sale, io the County of Huron, Gentle-
man, deceased.
Noticeie hereby given, pursuant to "The
ROvieed Seatatoe of Untltrio" 1807, aunt
amendments thereto, that all creditors and
others haying 01,,1a1a against the mild Wil-
liam Petrol., who died ou or about the 1318
tee01le day of February, 1907, are required
n or before the Thirtieth day of -swell.
1907, to seed by poet, prepaid. or deliver to
W. M. Si eclair, of the Village of Brueso(o, to
Mo Donuts' of Duro); Solicitor for F. 0. Beebe
and Ciliates B. Forrest, the Exeunt* a 01
tele bat wilt and testament of the said de-
eeaeed. their Ohrletlau aud euruemee, nd'
drawee end dc.orlptioui, the 10111 partied..
Lary or their claim., the statement of their
at•001nt8 and the notate of the ae0nrltiee (if
slits') mild by teem
And further take hotioe that after ..such
teat U, utie..nd date the said f• 000eutur0 Will
pru0o0d to dln1rl a e° she wants ell the de•
008000'81000000 tun partied ,utltlndthere-
w , huvmg legion only to tela e181utr of which
Wily Beall 111 .. hays notice, aud that tela
. am Plaauuture bill nut he nut to for tent
dale+ deo000 00 soy part Ward,,,.. CO any w-
ant et pet sous of whose maim uutnue seed
out 01Ve been ,euelyed uy them et thetime
of bush d.0triuutiou,
nate. tuna Stu nay of March, 10u7.
W. N,',1Nuo,d tit,
Sol,oitur lot 0xeoutor0.
Application F o FBI
for Me pobres ip In the Finest and
Beet Bueineoo Training Bebop' in
ofTorouto, from Jan.2nd, next, to-
gether with detailed information 0'
the great advantages to be enjoyed,
will be mut free by return mail on
request of friend br letter.
Wille Io -day to
W. H. Snow, Principal.
Yongea Gerrard ate., Toronto:
KO 0r 74 IC[
bold their regelar neetle00 /ubthe J..odge
Boom, !Maker Meek, uu the 103 aud 994
Ttle0day'e 00111111@ et uneh month..
Visitors Owen' welcome,
A, 8QM1e18, Qorn, A, Oe1o0Ulftfll, R,
rANi7 DQMA$'T1013--
I have boon appointed by the Dominlott
Government to place Im*nlgraots (from the
United Elugdom lel poeltione as feral lab,
curers or domestic (nirvana; to tale yloleity.
Any pore's" requlrlug such help Moulding.
fy 080 by letter stens* fully the kind of help
required, when wanted end wages offered,
f ile numbers arriving may Dot bo mulaniel/t
10 005115 all regdeete but every effort win
be ma0*0 to provide rash aploliouat with
help reneged.. F. 8. 8001'T,
0anadien Gove09ment. F,mploynleot Agent
82.1y /iru000le k.0,
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate of Relabel
Barnhill, late of the Township of
kllmm, i0 the County of Porth, widow,
Notice is hereby given,poreuant to Revile
011' 60011108e of Outarlo, 1857, Gimp. 124, and
ameedod dots, that an orodltore and others
having any claims Demme the estate the
said Simnel Bunnell, who diedou or about
the 17th day of Februery,1007, are required
on or before the 10th day of April, 1307, to
send by poet, prepaid, or deliver to Peter
Watson, of the Village of Brue,els, one of
the N xeoutore of the said demented,
their CM ettm and eurnamee aud addressee
with full purti0ularo ln. wrlliug of their
claims, the statement of their account.) and
the nature of the 0euurittee lit any) held by
And notion to further gives; that atter the
✓ aid loot m,111100004 duce the emit ➢x00%0.
ur will proceed 00• dls,rluate the 8800te
of the dooee0ed amongst the parties eatltl•
ed thereto, having regard only to the maims
of welsh he shah they have oaten and taut
the said Eaeoutor will not be Ilablo for
tele a>eete or any part there rf, to auy person
e• 1.0(880001 8000000 el,lldle 001,00 e0u11 riot
have been rocotved by uim at 100 time of
yeah dletr0.,0tlun.
Luted tut811tb dayof Maroh, 1097.
Pr1Tr)lt WATgUN,
88.8 - - Executor,
Notice to Creditors
In the Surrogate Court of the County of
Huron. In the matter of the ee0ate
of Joseph Knight, late of the Town-
ship.uf Grey, in the County of Huron,
Farmer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, .pursuant to Bevis.
ed Btalutee of Ontario, 1807 Chap. 120, and
amended Aote, that all orodltore 0ni otbere
said J epph ohdms t,g,Ueot the roots o, tut
said d, epu Knight, who. ,lied 00 or abort
the 8800ud say of 020000,' 1007, are re-
quired on or before 1110 80th they of March,
1007, to seed by poet, prepaid, or deliver to
A, B, elaouonuld, at the Villdgo of Brussels,
ullalt ,r for A. M. Mai4ay, Brussels, And
William °Mallden, Oranbrook, F,16e0t11o00 of
the said dooaaOed, their Christian and
euruame1 and adoration witb lull particulars
in writing 'of Lheir elates% the statement of
their accounts and the nature of the Repor-
t lei say) bald by- 8000.
And 001(0010 furthegiven that after the
amid lust mentioned date the ,bald Execu-
tors will proceed to d,0trieute the assets
el the &caused omoogettbo parties entitled
thereto, having regard wily totileMaims of
widen they ebull tutu have notice aud cunt
the eai8 Executors will not ins liable for
0110 at0ete, or auy part thereof, to any per0oa
or peritoneal totem 011111118 110(100 ebatl 000
have been received by them at the bine of
tuob0,1807dt0trtbutioo, ,
Dated at nnteeels this 12th day of Mareh,
.80.9 Solicitor fur Luo Executors.
30 Days' Sale
Buck Saws and Hand Saws
A large stock must be reduced at low
prices to make room for Spriug
Lamp Goods
Now is your time to secure a band -
some Parlor Lamp at $8.00.
Pratt's Animal Regulator
In nee for over 80 years. Veterinary
Surgeons, Profooeional Breeders aud
Soienbifio Farmers the world over
recommend it and urge its constant
use, Now is the season to nee it.
Reduced prices.
Guns 1 Guns !
- A few left at very low prime.
Stock Food
Packages usually sold at 050 and 506,
now 48o and 88u.
Barn and Manure Forks
A limited number, reduced from.
91.00 to 76o,
Granite Ware
Clearing out present stook to make
way for Spring supply.
Bicycles and Bicycle Supplies
All kinds of repairing done atrea-
sonable prices.
Oros8-ant Saws, "Maple Leaf"
A.ahoice lot to be Bold at greatly re-
duced prices. Silver Steel Lance at.
only 95,00.
This reduced Bale is but for Thirty Days, Firet,00me, firotserved.
"Now --A T
eo. Thomson's