HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-3-21, Page 8Easter Post Cards
We are allowing a beautiful collection of Easter Piobtire Post Garde, bought
tram several different homes so that our stools hag the choicest kinds to be
had, Come ee early as you oah and look over them while. We have in stook
the prettiest earde. Among them are
Satin Easter Post Cards
Appropriate designs at 100. eaoh,
Tinsilled Cards, dowers, &c.
With Easter Greeting et 5o. mob,
Largo Assortment of Easter Post Cards
Some Emboeeed with Crosses and Flowere and all with Easter Greeting,
at 2 for 5 (Ante.
A New Colored View of Brussels just received.
Easter Novelties for little Gifts
Decorated Eggs, 011iakene, &c.
Para Stivs thins
A ebiel'e among ye fakir' notes,
An' taith he'll prent
Tun Foot Ball boyo should organize.
`'VarlLED oonveyaneee are once more
in nee.
Gee the snow off your share of the
81018E awnings are being brought in
• requisition. Maim more,
Tun voting ou the Market site Bylaw
lakes place next Monday.
Bromide Council will meet next Mon•
day evening at 7.30 o'clock.
FainAY of next week will be Good
Friday and a public holiday.
Jive. ScooT chipped a oar of tine cattle
from Brussels last Saturday.
DONT mise reading Prot. O'Brien's
advt. in another column of this issue.
Qc000E BlauLAY Was awarded the con-
tract for the cement olooete at the Public
SAT❑R1AY of next week the Howiok
Mutated Fire Insurance Go. will hold its
maniac monthly meeting at Gerrie.
OAaETAREa Comma has been busy tidy•
ing ep the Main street by gatheriug up
the retaee accumulated daring the past
Da. 13'MM:'l VISIT.—Dr. Butler, the
London Eye Spenialist, will be at the
American Hotel, Brueeele, on Wednes-
day, May 8th. Glasses supplied.
Banks RATco.—The G. T 11, will
issue return tickets for the Easter hall.
days as fotlowe :—Good going Thursday
March 28th and returning on Tceeday
April 2nd.
Stroma Exafntrios.—April 4th is the
date set for the Stook Exhibition at
Clinton. The promoters are offering
tiptop prices covering numerous classes
and are leaving nothing undone to make
a euoaese. See the list of prices in this
revue of Tae roar,
Honer Fem.—The laet Mouthly Horse
Fair for the season 1E1 Brueeele will be
held Thnreday, April 4th, and should be
the capper of the season, At the last Fair
over 60 horeee are said to have ohanged
hands and 15 bnyere were here. Stable
room was at a premium. Top notch
prices were paid for many of the ani.
LuoeoNw FReE.—Mies A. B. Rose has
put in a new and complete stook of Oor-
tioelli Silks for all kinds of Bilk Em-
broidery and Mount Melliok work. Lee.
eon heats are from 10 to 12 e.. m. and
3 to 5 p. m., in the Foreetere' Hall, io
the Bioehiltl Brock, with Mise Bach.
tor, of Montreal, in charge. She has
a fairly good sized elm to begin with
but is looking for more. The lessons are
free. Stitohee in Bottenbng, Hedebo
and Hardanger taught free AB well, it so
The news—No Pure Drag Gough Cure
Laws would be needed, if all Gough Corea
were like Dr. Shoop'e Cough Cure Le—
and has been for 20 yeore. The Nation.
al Law now reg0iree that if any poisons
enter into a cough mixture, is most be
printed on the label or package. For
this reason mothers and othere, should
insist on having Dr. Shoop'e Cough Core,
No poleou marks on Dr. Shoop's labels—
and none in the medieioe, else it mast by
law be on the label. And it'e not only
ante, but it is said to be by those who
know it beet, a truly remarkable cough
remedy. Take no chance, particularly
with your children. Insist on having
Dr. Shoop's Cough Care. Compare
carefully the Dr, Shoop package with
inhere and see, No poison marks there 1
Yon eon always. be on the sate aide by
demanding Dr. Shoop's Gough Cure.
Simply reline to accept any other.
Sold by F. R. smith.
and Lecture on Scientific Palmistry
given by Prot. and Madam O'Brien on
Tuesday evening of lhie week in the
Tows Hall proved a delightful treat to
the targe and repreeoutetive audience
though the high wind at rattling windows
[Wade it somewhat hard to bear at 120300.
Shortly atter eight o'olook Mies Ida
Bailey opened the evening's entertaiu-
meet by a welt rendered piano Bolo,
Prof. O'Brien lectured for 2} hour%.
Among hie remarks he pointed out that
it physicians and other scientific men
devoted thsmeelvae to the study of
eoientiflo palmiatry they -would benefit
mankind, He epuke for an hour on'Tbe
detenoe of rolmietry" ; then for an hour
took up the theory and procto of palm•
kitty, quoting the scriptures to prove
that mention was made of the Seienae
in the Bible. His delioatioo of character
from the formation of the band and the
lines therein was a revelation to all
present. There were 'levered oharte of
hands hanging around the stage;—(1)
Elementary, (2) square, (5) spatulate, (4)
Knotty, (5) Conte, (6) Ppbyeia, (7) Mixed
Hand. Ewe differeutthtimbe, stiff, wasp
Arm, Dapple joint, club, also eight differ.
0nt,11nger nails, Prot. O'Brien ie meet-
ing1,witb anomie bn his pra0tioe et the
Central hotel, Madam O'Brien is a
lady with a charming and refined pereoo.
elity and ie gifted with a tdnef❑t,,eympa•
tbelio voice. Her firet 0e10otio0 "Robin
Adair" was given with good 0ffeet and
Was rapturouely applauded, rsepoading
with "No Sir." 'Home Sweet Home"'
Wee Bung with it great depth of feeling,
reeei Viug applause bat, Madam did not
teepoud. ;13ra0eelo people will not seen
forget the treat afforded thorn on Tuee.
day by Prof. and Madam O'Brien.
• ROUND gold broach Met iu Sru00ela 0u
Wednesday. Finder will oblige by
leaving it at Tao PoeT,
Sae Me Millinery Opening announce-
ments in this issue and don't fail to cake
in•tbe Exhibits, They are going to be
gorgeoue thie year.
Do not tail to ooneult with Mise J, J.
Allan, Retooling Optician, on Friday
March 22ud, 01 American Rotel, Brea.
eels, Consultation free.
Mes'a new Spring bate. --Black and
colored, soft and bard—flues, for felts the
correct atylee—oorreot prices.
WEER before lost D. D. 15, el. Uamer•
on, of Wirirton, paid hie official visit to
St. John's Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Brae.
Bele. The brethren enjoyed the evening
with the Grand Lodge 'representative,
Hotiega EPRae win ftud Campbell's
Varuieb Scams most excellent for men,
lug and varuiehiug flours and interior
woodwork, These Statue dry hare over
night and sever become tacky. McKay
& Shaw carries a fwd line of all oolora.
A ooacaor will be given in the Metbo,
diet church, Wroxeter, under the
aaepioea of the choir on Friday evening,
April 5th, Miee Emma Irons, the
talented and brilliant 010001180l88 W111
be the 8peoial 0ttro8"o0. Don's fail to
hear her. 1(005 the date in mind,
'rare week P. J. McDonald and eou-
tingeuc left for Moose Jaw where they
writ be busy at the large waterworke dam
Mr. MoDouald brie the 0Onlra01 tor. Iu
the company wee Rueeel aud Roy Mo.
Donald, et Be8seei8; Ed. Bryane, Morrie ;
Sam. Pope, of Wroxeter ; Jno. Campbell,
Cbae. Eakec, L. Elliott ado Wm. Me.
Donnie. A car of 080080arte8 wa0
shipped from Brueeele for werkl0g on
the job.
I. 0, 0. F. AT Homn.—The annual At
Hume of W eetern Star Lodge, I. 0.U. F.,
Brussels, was held iu their evaded.
Lodge room Thursday evening of last
week and proved to be au enjoyable
ocaaeiou. Attendance was targe ; pro•
gram was varied cud well rendered, hue
the Much tasty and bouuttlnt. Noble
(*rood Nicholson, welcomed the peopio
004 handed over the ehairmauobip to
Barrister MacDonald. Program was as
follows :—Oreheetrol eeleociuu by H. L.
Jackson, W. A. Grower, W. Griffith and
Mrs. Jaokeen ; chairman's remarks. ;
eolo, 0. Richardson ; trombone Bolas by
L. Duutord ; humorous reading ay Mise
Joie Buchanan ; ladies quartette, Misses
Hmgeton, Gerry and Sharpe and Aire,
W. L. Leocherdale ; piono duet, Mrs, and
Mise Duncan ; solo, Mies Vmie Cardiff 1
mala quartette, D. and A. 8traahan, J.
Habkirk, and J. H, Cameron ; recitation,
Mies Nora Maandere; Bolo, Dick
Davies, of Ethel 1 eoug, Jno, 13abkirk;
vote of tha0k8 ; National Anthem.
Everybudy did their part eplendidly and
the evening was a splendid one. West-
ern Star Lodge bee a large, healthy
membership which 0ontiu❑00 to grow
Steadily. Meetings are hold Thursday
eveuiug of each week. Several have ex•
pr880ed their intention of joining the 3.
liuken brethren, and if they do they
will make no mistake.
Pocula MEarnio —Monday evening a
public meeting was held in the Tuwu
Hall to dismiss the Bylaw to be voted
00 and also the proposed Oarnegie
Library, B. Gerry wee called to the
thaw and filled the position. There was
a goodly good natured audience vomit.
Short addreseee were given by Reeve
Leokie, Councillors P,ew, Ballantyne,
Clerk Scott, J. D. Ronald, J. T. Roca and
W. H, Herr with o few worde interjected
by a number of others, Councillor Seeker
and Postmaster Farrow were called for
bet they had lett the Bali, Air. Leckie
presented a very lull report of the stage
taken in the matter, Mr. Rose taking
the other aide of the question, outdid
himself in speech making in presenting
hie view of the 0008. T11oee opposed to
the Northeriy site agreed that it wa8 pot
010 18100(100 0f the ()outwit to pelt down
1he,Towu Hull at present but to build
the new Liurary alongside of it on the
same lot, Unfortunately for their awe,
however, the Bylaw and their arguement
are net in !me as the By-law eaye the
Town Hail i0 to be removed at mule.
The question ae the optmoo of the audi•
enol on the advieability of buildiug the
Library; irreepeetive of site, was pre -
minted and ooueurred in by a large
majority by a standing vote. Voting
takes place next Monday, polling puma
being at the Council Chamber, R. 'Thom•
eon's office and Geo. Birt'e residence.
N. F. Gerry, J. T. Roes hod P. Sam will
be the Deputy Retnrniug °Meere,
,People We Know.
Pe06ONALe.—Alex, MOKeoeie, of. jWel•
ton, and leanly have moved to Brue-
ael8.—Jno, Ameut, of Milibank, waif in
town for a day or two last week,—E5h.
Closer, of Moorefield, was shaking bootie
with old trreude bo Braesele beet week,
—F. Durdle, butter maker, was here tart
Week. He will take n5 housekeeping on
Albert arrest, having secured a helpmate.
—Wesley Walker, who liar been at Blew.
doe, woe hero beet Thnreday.•—Dudley
Holmes, Barrieter, of Wingaa03, gave
Tor Pon a call last Friday. He was a
format Brueeeli18 One being hie birth.
place.—George Brown attended a
Ansonia At Home at botdwioh on Fri.
day evening. --Mise Winnie MOGulre left
town on Monday of last week for Dun.
gaunoo, Where 8118 ie filling au engage.
meet as milliner. The Dengaunon
people Will land Mies Makin ei valaabb8
CAPITAL $1,000,000.00
Interest Paid Quarterly
on Savings Bank Deposits
Brussels Branch W. J. Fawcett, Manager
addition to their village,—Bishop and
Mrs. Ward, former well Mimeo reetdente,
are here from Bt. Thomas waiting Jno.
and titre. Hill, Queen street, and other
old friends. It is 10 or 12 years e2n08
they removed from Brueeele. Mr. Ward
hoe been laid up with sciatica bat is re•
aruiting nicely now.—Roger Deedmau,
who boldo a poeitio11 in the Dominion
Batik, has been moved from Toronto to
Montreal.—Mise Olive. Mooney lett beet
Mouday for her Milliuery ettna1100 at
Loudeeboro'. We wish her an enjoyable
etay.—Mine Lillian Byke, o1 Toronto,
hoe been engaged by Mrs. McKinlay ae
milliner for thio eeaeon,• She 000308
highly recommended.—Monday Alex,
Stewart and 6 children, who have been
ependiug the Winter here with relatives
and friende, tett for Maidstone, Back.,
where their home ie.—Harold and Jno.
Iouie, of Stanley, were visitors at R.
Henderson's. The former lost a good
share of both thumbe by having his
mite caught iu the gearing of a wlod•
mill. He hoe spent 4 weeks in the
Clinton Hospital. Hie lett arm was
broken in two pewee, Mr. Inure is mak-
ing good progress,—A 8ueiety note of
interest has appeared in the doily prase
as follows 1—G. A. and Mre, Powell an•
eouuoe the engagement of their eldest
daughter, Ethel Liman, to Owen Arthur
Smily, eon of Thomae and litre. Snell,
Avenue road. The wedding wilt take
place in May. Mr. Powell and family
were former residents of Brueeele.—R.
W. Jewitt, of Constance, woe viewing hie
parents io Brunei) for a day or au
this week.—Mre. James Hart and
daegbter, of Owen Sound, have been
vieitiug relatives and frieude in Brueeele.
—Mise Lottie Brown was halldayiug
with 001081068 and friends at Wiugbaeo
and Gorrie,—Riohard Nicholls, of Heu•
soli, was vieitiug hie brother, Thos.
Ni0holle lase week iu town.—Mise Myrtle
and Master Charlie Haiet, of Atwood,
are viebtiuk their graudpareute. David
and Alva. Hale,, Albert street.—Alex. J,
Ruse, of Ottawa, was iu town vieitiug
his par0010 this weak.--Neory and Mre.
Heist have returned from attending the
lnueral of the letter's mother, in Grind•
atone, Mich. Mire. Geo. Haiat'e brother,
Geo. Stewart returned with them awl
will epeud a couple of weeks vieiting
ti BURCH 01131 LS.
Bev. Fr. NorlbgraVee, of Seafortb,
aoudoeted the services in the R. U.
oharub here let Spoday and Monday.
At the Methodist uhureh last Sabbath
morning the pastor preached a Mission.
cry sermon and in the evening his topic
was "Leesooa from the eturm" as illus-
trated in the life of Jonah.
Rev. Mr. Wishart discoursed lost Sab-
bath morning !rim the text "The Lord
hath done great ,hinge fur me whereof I
am glad." The subject 1u the eveuiug
was "The sinner and the pardon,"
Next Sabbath 8(00208 the Annuel
IIutou Bible Society Meeting will be
held in Melville chetah eommeueing at 7
o'clock. Addressee are expected from
Revels. Metiers. Wishart, Laug-Ford and
Powell. The usual service in the Metho-
dist oharub will be withdrawn. Collec-
tion taken in aid of the Society.
Business Locals.
CLOVER and Timothy seed at Mo.
Two oonefortable boasee for sale,
Apply to W. A. GREwAa,
Sxe» grain for ale, Oats with little
barley. JOBBER ENo»Rn, Ethel.
We want you to Bee the new short and
long Goats for Spring, the !meet,
G. N. Maim:.
FOE BALE on tot 19, eon. 8, Grey, a
g8autity til seed peas, seen oats, Soo"i-h
Chief and Ligowu aim two rowed barley
mixed. D. W. Danaaa.
Tag largest stook of ready-co•waor
clothing for boys cud men, we hove ever
had. New goods oorreot 0lyle0 and
loweet prsoee. G. N. MOLAREN.
DazaetzARfNo. — Mrs. M. W000ley 10
prepared co cake in dressmaking and will
give careful attention to all orders. A
share of your patronage aolioited. Mae,
M. WooDLER, Mill street, Br00ae18.
Fog Catarrh, let me seed yea free, (eat
to prove merit, a trial size box of Dr.
Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. It i8 snow
white, creamy, healing entieeptlo balm
that gives 1001001 relief to catarrh of the
nose and throat. Make the free test and
see. Address Dr. Shoop'e Ranine, Wie.
Large jars 50o emelt, Sold by F. R.
Fish 'C.L4A'argAygerrgAvgAiv22v &�(bz,r' 2-03-2 .tIm4x762�E^a�(e;'QF
Misses Ha kirk
The Very Newest Creatlo. s
in, Spring Styles
and we want You to see them
Our Hats have a "Smartness" and originality of
style peculiarly their own. '
We aim at exclusiveness of design and are confident
that we now have one of the handsomest and most orig-
inal assortments of Hate in town. If you're looking for
something Stylish, "Chic," Nobby, favor us with a call
when in town and we'll show you "What's what" in Up-
to-date Millinery.
Naflollal Roller Flour Mills
The undersigned begs leave to intimate to the Public
that they have purchased the well known Flouring
Mill from Mr. W. F. Stewart and will be pleased to
be favored with the patronage of the public.
Best Brands of Flour
and Feed kept in stock
Our rim will be t3 Please ourPatrons'
Rigg up Telephone No 4 if yon desire anything in
our line and have not time to call.
%M. do R. A P)YNE
�S1A�r,rgH r�. tl$'f$
Head Office - - Toronto
This Bank offers special facilities to Stock Graziers and Feeders.
Money advanced for purchasing, feeding and finishing cattle.
Savings Bank Department in Connection with an Branches.
J. F. Rowland, Manager
Eye -sight Specialist
Friday, March 2211d
American hotel
All Errors of Refraction correct-
ed. Glasses prescribed only
when required.
Common finnan FREE To ALL.—Sawa
for sale or will exchange eawe. They
ore the fast and easy cutting eawe. Saw
gumming and filing a epeoielty. Our
primal are lowest on earth when benefit fa
oousidered. T. MOGnsaon, corner Mill
and Mein 8t., Brueeele,
"PeeveNTfoe" will promptly cheek a
oold or the Grippe when token early at
the "sneeze stage." Preve,lties acre
seated colds as well. Preveutiae are
little candy cold Dore tablets, and Dr,
Sbdop,Raoine, Wis., will gladly mail
'you samples and o book on ouldo free,
if you will write. The sample; prove
merit. Cheek early colds with Prevent
ice suit atop poeamonia. Sold in 6o and
25c boxes by F, R. Smith,
DARE —I" Grey, on Starch 4113, to Mr.
nun ,tkb1.6. Jelin Dark, a daughter,
OAtte8oN—OArn'coL6.—Al Cranbrook, on
the 1581 Met, by Rev. D, B. McRae,
Mr. Allan Cameron, of Oranbrook, to
Mise Minnie Campbell, of Logan.
STEWART—SODOH—On Feb. 271h, at the
parsonage Blaevale by Rev. G. Baker
Mr. John T. Stewart, of Bluevale, to
Mies Eva May Bomb, of Morrie,
BELL,—In Tarnberry, on Wednesday
13th, Clementine Cloakey, wile of
Frank Bell, aged 38 yoare 11 mos.
HAtt1LTo3.—Io Grey, on March 15113,
George Wilmer, infant eon of Wm.
and 61re. Bamiltou, aged 2 months
and 19 daye.
LAMONr.—In Grey, on March 17th, John
Lamont, aged 73 years, 2 mouths'
and 27 days.
PARR.—At Bradwardine, Man., on Mirth
2nd, Oherlee, Mout eon of H. J.
and Mre. Parr, aged 3 months.
a vcmxoN sax >r-
WeneomaY, MAR08 27T11.—O0we, bouoe•
hold furniture, &c., lot 19, eon. 12,
Grey. Sate 811 p: m, At Reymann,
Prop. F,13. Scott, Ana.
Tanasoax, MARIM 28ra,—Farm stook,
implemente, &a., lot 30, oon. 12,, Grey.
Sale uoreeerved at 1 o'olook. James
Hanna, Prop. F. 8. Scott, Ana.
FRIDAY, MAROO 29TH.—Farm stook,
eto., Lots 66 and 57, Con. 1, Turnberry.
Sale uureeerved at 1 80 o'olook. O. D,
Parke, Prop, F. 8. 800t1, Aum.
Notice i0 hereby given that I will not
be responsible for debts contracted by coy
pereoo, presumably for me, without my
written order or consent and the publlo is
asked to govern themselveo accordingly._
Morrie, March 21st ,1907„.
the poeitioe of Organist of Knox
Obureb, Cranbrook, applioauts to preside
tine or more Sabbaths on trial. Apphoa.
tioue to be made to the undersigned not
later than the 30th March, 1807, Salary
offered 836A0. REV. 11, B, 010705E,
87.2 Oranbrook.
Absolute protection againet
Milt in wheat, oats and barley is
given by Formaldehyde. It is
Ialso p preventative of blight or
scab on potatoes,
We have a grade of Formal-
dehyde that we can guarantee to
be of full standard strength.
Complete directions for using on
eaoh bottle.
a pound bottle sufficient for
40 to 50 bushels for ..,. 26
1 pound bottle sufficient for
80 to 100 bushels for.. , , 40
Drug Store
sale a limited quantity ot good seed
peas at Grain Elevator, RBruS sel&G.R'AH.AM.
Teacher of Piano or Organ
undersigned will keep for service ou
Ni Lot 23, Con. 7, Morrie, the pure bred
Hereford bull, Spartioue 'Lod, Pedigree may
be seen on application. Terms, 81.60; with
privilege of returning if neoeseary.
67.4 F. MoOIITOSRON, Proprietor,
Febrnary 1St -part of Smith Bleak..'
23o86 feet • 2nd door from Amerloao Rotel ;
lately used as tailoring and gents' furnish -
fug establishment. For farther partioulare.
apply to DR. MoTELVEY, Brussels,
BALE.—One was a year old in January,
1060, and the other 10 menthe old. Prize
animals and in good condition. Terme to.
suit purchaser. JAMES 8f £3R, Lot 86,
Con. 6, Morrie, or Brussels P.O. • 1040
Lot 16, Con. 16, Grey, containing 100
acres, 82 of which aro cleared and halftime
elm bush. There is a comfortable prick
house, a bank barn 62x06 feet, oroltard; well,
&o. Property well fenced. 25 miles from
the village of Cranbrook. Poeeeaeloa oau
be given March 15th. For further portion -
lore se to price, terms, ho„ apply to W21.
WOODS, Proprietor, Oranbrook 5, 0. 28.0f
BALK—Being Lots 11 and 18 on the 13111
Con. of Grey. Will be sold Dither separate-
ly or together. Tbeee farms are in the pink
of condition, having been pastured for
years There aro 3 wells ou each. one drill-
ed on each and a wind power ou eaoh farm.
Beoauee of location,buildings and soil, Lot
11 is among the best farms in the county.
Au -early Bale desired. If not sold they may
be rented conditionally for a low years ' to
n suitable tenant. For terms, dm.. apply to
JAS. A. MaLAOHL&N, Lot 15, 000000810010
P.O. 37-2
Just Arrived
New Dress Goods, New Laces and Trimmings
New Prints, Ginghams and Muslins
New Curtain Muslins and Lace Curtains
New Easter Neckwear
Ladies' Fancy Collars, strictly new, special at 25e and 50c
Men's Ties, the latest, special at 25c and 50c
New Readynzade Skirts and Waists
.New .Leadymade Clothins, Boys', Youths' and Men's sizes.
New Boots and Shoes for Ladies, Men, and Children
Men's Stiff Hats
We have just received our new Spring styles in Men's Stiff Hats, 2.00 to 2.50
fine English Fur Felts, the correct blocks, imported direct, special lJ U
New Caps for Ladies and Children
New Caps for ,Men and Boys
Just in, first is'hiptrzent of the New Shirts
for Men -Soft and Stiff _Fronts
Our Stock of Staple Goods is complete and the
Prices are Right.
Call and Compare our Goods and Prices.
We always Pay the Highest Prices for Produce.
Ddu to
American fi
House ik