The Brussels Post, 1907-3-21, Page 5Qdp Spring Term Upon April Ind Gi AAI exoe'lent Wale to en or, i11 the Brest TORONTO, ONT, (ianadt'e Rost 8ehool of Business 4,0 and NhortOand Trtttnlog, Demand fur EA our,gradudtee is far greater watt th,•rG up1. Magnldcont oataloguo Fund. Li borer nOw add b0. pe pared to 000. 1.1 n 000,i I'Oeitl,.,lio toe Ou mot Or �t Mill. 1 I NU Ai,t t• 1 ,mar v 1 3333 oa au, t14' W.J 101.1,10 "), Prinelp01. h6' Oen Y0N0a ANn AOOXANonii en, 11 ,ic-`lig. rb"��l�ri..l;•��SB �L�c li'��&,`.rL MEDICAL IABD$. 1.)I1. B. A. JJU1tN8— iluece88dr 10 Dr. J. A• Mc?lniRhlat unmet)), Ontario Graduate .0(t (01yel1nio Y000 311111111te School of Alodlulue sedSurgt,er Naw York Member of (011u.e of .1'•hy.lmmue and Sur. g0Un9 or Ontario Uflloa sad reelduuoo same as formerly oa- ouplod by D. ,Ile Naughton.^ flee Esse of wo-.roe a epeolalty. 'Phone No. 11. RUMNESS CARDS, ','4J 13, MoO1i,AOIi N— • Issuer of marriage Licensee. Of. lloi, 0(t V tottery, Turiwerry street, Brussels, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES Oahe le the Post Ullloe,Elltel. : 80.4 BERT dA C. ARMS T1tON G is prepared to give toeoous o0( Plaut. or ]toad organ,: emus 0n appheatwu Pottonloe address-••1truasel8. lloshienus— Lot 8, Uou.10, they, Pupils may have thea, 10880033 at their own hooves It prd)erted, MISS MARGAREi M'LAUCt1LIn TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company Office and Residence—. WALTON, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM+ 1038VRWOx, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH, AUCTIONEERS. tp B. SCOTT AS AN AUCTIO I A. • nun, will sell tor battot prides, 1, 30tter wed, In -less tune and leas charger Man ally other auctioneer in Past Huron te he' Wun'tcharge. anything, bates andorder.. Gee always be arranged at Mita omo0 or 4. porn.. nal application. ROBT. H. GARNISS HLUICVALE — ONT. Auctioneer 1'or Huron Count.l. Terms roaean ai,ln. 00109 arranged fu. at the ogles of Tan (090, 130019819, . 22ti' VETERINARY. ! ti A. CUNNtNGHAM- smeary (3lullege,,'is prepared 4o treatr ll tits eases of domeotluatod amulets 10 a 000Uet. eat manner. eartl•,utm attention (laid tr. , Veterinary timit,910y moil abik sever Uu13, prowvlly at.euued' to, Ulnae andlucrluarf —Four doors North of bridge, i'nrnberry.at. Sruesele, LktiAL' AND 'i;ONVEYANCIN S, A13. IIAODONALD— . Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta, buusosaor 1V U. F. Blair. Oldoe over Stan thirdBunk, Brussels, Sg1)8140r for Mletro- pulitau Sank. VVk1, SIN GLAIR • 'Barrister, Huliolter, Conveyancer, Notary Public, 610.. U10de—Ht8Wa0t'e'B1oos 1 fluor North. 01 Central Betel. • nolfol.tur for the Standard Sauk. pbt0UDF00T, HAYS & BLAIR— llaltitlBT'J4BB,: SOLICI'ri 4id, NO'TAnmsk, 11UH1.IJ, 10x0(. W. 1'10000Soo0, K. 0, 10, 0, HeYs •(9, V. 110,808. COiaee—Who0a 100019r1y tioeup)0d by 'Meanie Uam9ruu h Gall,. Qonitnrua; 00301113310. tEN[I$TRY DR. R. P. FEILD. 111E1111822 Orodltate of the lioyel College of ➢eclat 8m•geonsef Ontario and FIrst.dla89 Honor Graduate of 'Termite University. Olnoe et next to Brewer'sP1"tograpil Gallery,' 0 (11308018L8, N. WE ARE OFFERING SOME SPECIAL PRiQI S In Ladies' and Gente' Watches. 130 sure and 80e OUr stock. It will pay you to buy now. H. L. JACKSON, JEWELER (iloldolli Wedding. MaNztrr—LAt10N0!,—At the reelden09 of the bride's parenak, Grey township, on February 1910, 1857, by Rev. Mr. Barr, of Harpurhey, Mr. Laub McNeil to MOH Sarah, daughter the late John' Lamout, both of Gr township. The above is the hiatorioal record o matrimonial event of 50 yeare ago, t privapale being old and highly esteem roe:dente of the 14th con. of Grey duri the rapidly passing pure and today til are enjoying the ble8aiuge of a ki Providence in health, aotivity and pro parity. Half a century 'back made great difference ata to oomtorte, 0001om and conditions ; bad roads, Almost u broken forest, abeenoe of hones and 10 dletanoee to procure eupplie9 eou9titdt a few of the drawbacks to be met wi by the pioneer and yet the men an women of that day laced thew privatio with a determination well worthy sanitation, and the reprodootion of a fe 0(illdente are ululated to do readers • lima Pon good. Mr. Malloil wits born in the townehl ot00111ou910, Lanark Oo., Dot., Septum ber 15th, 1882. In May of 185511e au his brother Hugh took passage on a sma boat at Onver'e- Ferry and landed a Hamilton, and from there took stage t Mitchell They walked from M,10he11 t Goderioh to make enquiries at the Lan Oftlee relative to farm, The brother deoided to go to Alnoai'dine and as th Mee wee rough the steamer would no venture oat 90 the would•be passenger made the trip on foot along the beaoh o Lake Huron, au Iudiau ;tarrying them torose the Pine River. Atter a survey 8803)008 of Brut} Co. not proving esti factory Mesere. MoNeil footed it back t Goderiah and via Hnrpnrliey made tbei way Northward to the late Donald Mo Lauahli0's, 7111 con., Grey, who ha wane from Lanark Do. and with whom they ware acquainted. Prospeatiug trip.' were taken through the township, follow ing the blase, on different 0 1aeie08 get ting lost and having to sleep on bemloo boughs, alongside a Lire, with their axe Moen at hand to be ready for battle i wase of a strollia. bear or wolt plating in en appearance. Lona days were spent i0( these tramps. Sometime„ 011111only on meal in 24 hours, ptoe poeeibly a 'turnip if a patch were found m their juurney tug9, but au the end lots 17 and 18, 14th on., were soonred by Laotian MoNei and lot 16 by Hugh, all being solid beet' The Suobanan, Hislop, Peter MoDon• a1d, Gager, MoOrae and Altney fumuiee were already 8911iere %ebb a few others, and their beepitaiity was most generous, glutting the they had. Mr. Nubian 0aye after a tires ice Iie.00c one night they got to the Buchanan shanty, 18th sow, one morning and the good lady of Elie houesho d made them we0ame -t0 a breaktaet of potatee9 and tea which the young men were most thankful toxoeept. Another night they got lost bank of the Uavid80t1 farm, 121)1 bun„ tvhile travel. pug toward Ainleyville (n0w' Br0998)9) mud spent the night in the woods. Next morning they a heard a wow bell and taking this as aharbiuger of good sown found 'tiemalvoeat the home of the late John MoOrae, Ooh line, Morrie, where their hunger was appeased. I0( the Pall of 1854, alter working one during the Summer at MItobell,the 'Mo Neil. Brea.' bought a tun ,i1 supply, of :$,gr Sud pork and started for their lana. Enough trees werofelled to make room for elisaty 10a14 feet, and epeeist delight was left when, enough basswood teoughe were put on the roof t0 tutu the ehowere. Many a night. the howling: of the wolves wee the only . music,they, beard. Good progress wag made in get hug a elearen08 and a small crop i0( and alter the building of a hewed. log house, 18x24, arraugemente were made for the installing of a.boneekeeper. The belt im lady wee Mies Sarah, aughter of the late John Lamont, whose once 01x0 on the fine farm where her tether, Angus Lamont now resides on he 7th ooa„ of Grry. Like tome of - the thee 'pioneers Tnn Posz hag referred to, 0. MoNeil:'had' to take a pedestrian rip to 0li.ton to noun the neoe09ary eines, which out then the extravagant OM of $7.00. On the return journey ev, ear. Barr, Presbyterian minister et arpnehey, wee seen and arrangements made for him to take a trip Northward 1 horseback on ,February 19th to tie'the atrimonial knot, the fee being stated ea 'k�i�i5'?k1i3 Pia daughters, (Mrs, Dungan, Osumi), Man. ; Miro. Hamilton, Medlatno Hat; Miss Jane, who le mate and waiting at the Indian Mieeler, RP at Ahouenht, 13.Q. ; 'Mee J 51, Ee13l 1211) Doh, Gray ; and Alga McNeil, home) and three sons (A,robie3 of R Wuwa009h , Ileator J,', of Qakvd Mani and Jolla at home) 0on0ti33ute 33h tamely, Due daught01' died at 2 yoae9 age, M. McNail lite been n groat hor fancier and boo owned no less than ni imported animate whose superiority w re00 n•ze. 1 many g 1 . tl u to y a show ring, In '1 number. were 'Whalebone 011ief "Tlnto," "Bay Cornet," "Scotland Glory,' "Edgutnd'o Glory," "Ulanema0 "Sir Patton Oouohmrm;' "Obed0nger aid "Darzlo" Fiume' bred Purim cattle and iiarhehire and Chester Wh1 home were also (hues of stook keeping th brought large returns. In ohureh relationship Mr. and Mr MoNeil have rendered faithful 81139)auo to Uraobrook Presbyterian (March nn 3evi903) generous things in the support the gospel, For nearly 40 yeare Mr. M Neil tilled the poeitfon of Deacon an this worthy couple still feel a great i Wrest in the ohuroh and the ever ex ponding Miseioi field. The writer learned that when the p0( of of on m0 't, at 991 le, 91r of se ne a0 "Re/Aland 1 'u m 18 at e, d of O• r• lin eon who performed the marriage none of many reoeived bra $7, Mr. M0Ne8 bad $2 ey. left. Haff of this bought some neeese0ry proviaiou9.and o0( being appointed to (mime fur Mi80)8011 the loot dollar head. f a ed the list. This,in the opinion of the he scribe, is a aide light indicative of the ed zeal and faith of the gentlemen of whom 31)1 008 are ' epeekiug and shows the good. ey start out in the long ago so well main rid rained through the speeding yeare. a Politically Mr. McNeil is a ethanol] a Lfbetal. Mre. Mango has nobly done' s, her part in the maintenance of the home n• and both parents and children enjoy .the. ng Nigh 0steem audgood fellowship of a large ed oiro a of relatives and friends, whioh we th trout way be extended over a good many d yeare to Game. no The Golden Wedding was not observed of on February 19th owing to the inability w of a' number of members of the family to of get home but Mr, anti Mrs. McNeil were not forgotten in good Mabee, 000518talu. p bone and valuable gifts, 11 nothing' pre yenta a home gathering may be held be, d fore the close et 1907 to celebrate an II event eo few oonplee have the privilege of t commemorating. a POSTMASTER Celebrates His 74th Birthday, On Friday, 8th lust., Poetmeeter Ear. f row, of Sequoia, well known in this 10- 33 Oality• and throughout the County of e, Huron, permed another milestone baying O attained to his 74th birthday, and we ✓ doubt nob the foliowiog personal sketch will be read with interest by'his many d friends and ehou.d be stimulating to the youth in ehowiog wbat a person may a0nomplish by their own effort. He was born et Laugham iu the parish of Humby, • Zmooloonirr, E.111aad, on the 8th of March A, D 1888 ; 00m8 t0 ()amnia with s hie parable in 1849 and settled in the lwire I1 331 t b p of: Q •eke; Co. of Durham.: worked on tiretarm during 1850, went (o 80hool 9 mouths during the year 1851 and e begat) teashl030 school in the towuoh,p of Hope, "U0(. of .Durham, in 1852. H0 teneht.tbe same Bolton' 4 years. Mr. Farrow says for the edifloatlon of parents , mud school teachers, that his salary for' 1852 wee ,$1200 per month and iia. board, which was regulated by boarding iueaohfamdy Due week for each eoboar attending nohow' Getting tired of tine pa' he made-9rrangemente. to •have a permanent boarding bones. which he found much more ea1isfa01ory. The raumatmuo thou were m teach ,every So urday and only two weeks holidays l0( the Suminer, After flaunting ting these four yeare he engaged to teaan the vil age school at Newtouville, ata salary of 5480 a year. It was a large edictal, the number of pupils at some periods of the. year being 180 and the teacher had all to do from the A 1010 t0 the higher br,100he8, Algebra, Eouud, Geometry, History, &a. Ther. is 0(0 doubt but that during these two years be. fully earned ilia 'salary 01111011 rine rr okoled to be Large in those dep. M..'Ferrow was urged to keep the eohooton and he also bad a good'. offer from the Newuaet,e Board of True- teee,.Newoastle at that time being it moat, flourishing town. The homey Mouutauturiug Co. web touted there Rad other industries, bat 'netwitbetandieg' these choice offers, like many. another, be moved Weet into•the "Queen's Bub" and took up an abode i0( the townebip of Morrie in the•Winter of 1857-58. Built a log house and went to work to make a 010aran00 and a banish) the.bush. In the Summer of 1858 there was a demand for a teacher at Blauvelt), 8o the eubjeot of tint notion again got into the hulloes and tagg110 the first school that watt opened in that township and ooa• tinned there till the end of 1808, dearly 7 yeare, He then engaged in mercantile Wittiness at Bluevate, whioh et haat time Wee a more premienhg plane than Wing• ham. d h b 0M li R H 01 m $7.00 (a sum not Often reached in aoo.n80• Eton with the modern wedding.) Joe. Lamont, brother to the bride, who was ill a Well knownresident of the 71h(0on., floia33ed as groomsman sed Mr. Mo eil's sister, now Mre. Logan, of Chinook, Montana, {who is visiting now in Grey) wee the bridesmaid, There woo no bridge over the Maitland river- at Cranbrook so Mr: Lamont'a ex team eon. veyed the bride tied groom to the river where they had to "obange ware" and atterwalking across on a their of timber found Mr. McNeil's father with his okeu ready to convey them trout the river t0 their, new home on the 14t1, oompleting their wedding trip and entering on the battle of life in tint clew relmtionelsip, industry, thrift, economy and a deter. infoation to be Iruet° their Maker brought t0 them ne small measure of pr00pertty eo that to day Mr, McNeil le possessed of 500 acres of choice land, a fine Dom. !getable brlok bootie, erected tea years ago, end rho attending oomtorte, attest. ing 10 the well deserved reward of over 90 veers faithful labor, Altbodglt Mr, Mallofl is In his 75th year and hie good ady over 70 they are wonderfully active and in the enjoyment of a large degree of health: l r`-laaN LI SPRING TERM OPENS 1V 11 TUESDAY, APRIL Zan CENTRA! STRATFORD. ONT. ly TWA 881100!, which is rho largest p � 4b Moot prtgr,sstvo Oelnmoreial and 0, Shorthand School 1n Western Ontario, �t enjoys the reputation of doing rho II nelnoe9 Edeea11iou in Canada Our gradnate0 ar8 in demand best work -'10 B 11 as commole's.' 103(0110x8 and ogles a9. V' I detente, Write for sur fr00 catalogue 14 add yen Will gut (0131eturnlatnfn, eon' 99[[ oecnmg JILL Coil' & h1CLA0nt.14r If Principals. During the yeare from 1888 to 1872 Mr. Farrow was chosen by the County Coning' to be Superintendent of eeboole for the townships of Wawenoeh, Morrie and Tarnberry, including the Public Schools of Wingbam, Blyth, Brussels and Walton. ladWAMMAIMMEMMOWISte Is 2972 when the new order of Inepao. tion WWI : illtrodueed the late Dr, Ryer. aon, ata pere0nai interview' urged Mr. Farrpw to on Xnepeot0rebip, and prorafn• 00(33 men of the then County Coupofl urged Jlltn aloe. The eatery woe good, 51400 a year and' it permanent pa81331on, however, wieoly or unwisely, probably the latter,. Mr, Farrow 9ugge0te to 0(9, h0 listened to the eire0 80(00 of pforrtMe ieP,1d forNtheelNorth ooeda Riding da 01 Huron. The eleotion name oft in 1972, and be wee egooeeotul In writing M. P,' after hie name, At that session of Parliament carne what was Dulled the Partite Soandel and there woe a new election they havlog 00000eiytasted ofthe mute of oftlee, ("sweets" Mr, !!'arrow nye for the people then thought 51,000 an extravagant figure.) The 919011on was run i0( Marsh 1874 and Thos, Farrow and Rufus tltopbeneoe, of the town of 0hotham, were the only eneeee8fnl ones Weet of Toronto or, the Conservative side, and from the whole of Omuta Bir John A. MoDonatd had only 44 supporters in the whole Renee et whin when they met in oauoue for the first time Sir John abed tears. In 1879 the Conservative° were eueoesefulagain aleo i0 1882 and thee Me. F. pot in 15 yearn in parliamentary life when he was defeated. by Dr. Mao Douaid in I887 by a small majority. After reefing a while at work on the farm and struggling with the afliiotion of death In .hie family he beoame Poet master of B00800)e on August let, 1889, 110W verging o0 to nearly 18 years. There years have been yeare of hard work, long hours, no holiday8, and smell COM u"eratloo. Summed up Mr. Farrow's life's oo °opatient, solar are as follows :—Taught eahool 18 yeare ; mereantilo bee oeee 8 yeare ; as representative Dominion Parliament for the North Riding and East Riding of Heron 15 yeare ; Postmaster of Brussels 18 yeare, making a total of 64 yeare in active pobiio work. Beridee the care ol'raieing, with God's blessing, a family of six children to manhood and womanhood, who are all. living, toor boye and two girls, . e no. email task when the mother was taken away in 1874 and the father left to atm. gee alone with hie charge. Married in 1858 to Mies Mary Mo. Donald, a daughter of John and Nanay McDonald, of the township of Hope, County of Durham, Mr. McDonald was a Highland Switchman, pore from the old sod, Mise Nancy Walker was from the County of Wexford, Ireland, so the children can claim three' nationalities. Tbeir names are a8 follows :—Bina, 0001 Mre, Brownlee, Montreal ; John, of Lon. don ; Robiuton Resew, of Ottawa ; Martin, of Toronto • Melissa, now M. .Leslie O'Connor, of Thorold, and Henry Ward, of Windsor. Postmaster !'arrow i9 a zealous and active member of the Methodist church and has had ofitotal conneobion for yeare. We ere sorry to state that MrB. Farrow ie not enjoying as rigged health -es her m80y friends would desire but we trust the 0omfng of Spring will prove bum Swat. THE POW wishes Mr.. Farrow. mauyhappy returns of the day and as be ie hearty and well preserved and betonge to a longlived lved generucion,tbe prospects' are favurable to a realization of the same. SURE :`CURE ECR SCIATICA. Sciatica is really inflammation of the Baia1)0 nerve. the largest nerve in the. body. This (1308)ve Inflammation ie the prodnot of a ran down 00nditlo0, and in every ossa you may be sore the nerves. are worn down,' fine. The pain ie the Ory bf the nerves for more food—for richer, redder blood. Rubbing on a greasy liniment can't help very worth— you must treat the blood and rebuild the nervous system, This eau - be properly done with Ferrozooe. No builder of nerve force is more powerful. No .tonic go goiokly fortifies theweenl8r eyetem,. invent' each strength, snob endurance and vigor. Any traces of Urio Aoid and rheumatic poison are gnlokly driven out by F900000ne. Tho lowered conditionof theeyetem ie changed' into a reserve of vigor that defies further attache of Sciatica. Mervelo08 in Its reoonetroo33- ive god rebuilding power, gniok to give relief, absolutely euro to 9009,—where can you find a better 'treatment than Fe0rozo1e ? Sold by all druggists in 50o. boxes ; try Ferrozone, Brussels School ROard., Reg0(8r meeting of Brownie Pub$e School Board' was held hu the .Board Room Friday evening, 8th ineti' • Members present D C. Rose, Sae. Elliott, '!'hoe. Farrow and J. G. $gene. Miohtesof last meeting read and ad- opted, The following tenders for water closet were opened -G. 0. McDowell 5105,00 ; Geo. Barkley, $100.00, Moved by D. 0. Roes, eeoonded by Jae. Elliott, that the tendo( of Goo, Barkley be a0• oepted. Carried. Moved by D. C. Rose, 8edonded by Jae Elliott that Ino, Wright be paid 54.50 and Geo. McMillan, $1.00 for care.. taking of the school when Jos. Marr 0101 elok. parried, - Meeting the) adjourned, J. a, Sum Secretary Ladies are Dellahted with CAMPBELL'S VARNIS II STAIN for to•sta(nlnd and ftntahtad Furniture, Wood• work and Floors They can do the work themselves with excellent results LEAT.HE RDALES' FAMOUS FOR HOUSE FURNISHINGS SPRING I1ViP(?RT.ATIONS Our Spring Goods have arrived and are ready for your criti(ial inspection, They comprise a line: never before shown in this community and unequalled in the history of' this store. A brief summary of our lines in this department is given below. Carpets English Brussels at 90c and upwards. English Velvets at $1.25 per. yard: English Tapestry at 85e and upwards. Wool Carl. etc, 2 and 8 ply, at 65e and upwards. Union Carpets at 80c and Upwards. Artq uares We have for the Spring trade gone into this line more extensively than ever. We have them in sizes from -2 x 2i yards to 18x15 feet in WILTONS BRUSSELS WOOL VELVETS TAPESTRY UNIONS and at prices, Quality considered, the Cheap- est. Linoleums Linoleums 2 and 4 yards wide at 85c, 40e, 45c, 50e and 55c per square yard. Iulaids from 80e to $1.25 per square yard. Oil Cloths 1 yd.,.1 yd., 13 yd. and 2 yds. wide at 22c and 25e per square yard. RUGS A large assortment of small Rugs, very suitable for wedding presents, useful as well as ornamental. The Largest and Finest Assortment o tment oI Furniture in the County Variety is the spice of Life—You get it at Leatherdale. & en's Liberal Discount for Cash. UNDERTAKERS AL AN MAITL LINE Virginian onlan Victorian Parisian RATES OF PASSAGE !et Cabin—$65 to $80 and upwards, accord- ing to steamer.. Parisian (Intermediate une olaee) 940 and up. 2nd Cabin—$40, 549,60 and $46 according to. 01900100. 8rd Olaea—$27,60 and $28.76. TO GLASGOW Mongolian from Portland.,.... Thera,' Afar. 21 Laurentian iron Boston Thure, Mar. 28 Cud Oatilu-$86"and upwards 'third Class—$20,60 haetward; -Westward,. $27,00. dor odoiessnaLnseer r Battings, w Liverpool, full lomao apply to TO 1.IVERPOOL Prom St, Jobn From Halifax Sat, Mar. 28 Sat, Atar.la Sat, Apr. 8 Bat, Afar. .AD W. 11. IIRRR, Agent Allan Line, itruenole, MONTHLY NORSE FAIRS The regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be held for the season as follows : THURSDAY ..,...APR. 40), 1907 Leading Local and Outside Buyers will be Present Brewer's Reliable Art Studio If you Etre visiting ib this neighbor- hood it would be worth you0 while to look up our Studio, Wo are mond to done and our prices are lower than other towns. Wo would be Mowed to have you eel) and see samples, oleo see our Marge tissortnleht of views on Post 0a0t18, They matte good Bouve111rv, 1)011't fail to have seine. WE FRAME PICTURES Rularging done in first-o(a99 Crayon or 1Vnter.00lor, Give 138 a call. H.R. BR WER WELL MADE HARNESS Is a pleasure to the user and a standing advertisement for the good of the Manufacturer. This is the kind la of Harness we make and when you want something neat and durable remember Richards' Harness will please you. We are offering extra induce- ments on Single Harness for the next80days, Come in and see them. A few Robes and Blankets left yet which we will sell below cost t0 clear. Nice assortment of Trunks and Satchels at low prices. Repairs in Harness and Collars clone promptly. The Old Reliable I. C. Richards Doyou like and - ? good dread Pastry If so you must bake with good Flour. I have in stook now the Celebrated Puritan. Brand Manufactured by the Western Canadian Flour Mills Co., of Winnipeg. Also the well known F•ive Roses the output of the Lake -off -the -Woods Milling Co. A trial will convince you of the excellence of these Qualities. All kinds of Feed kept on hand and• sold at Ilea' satiable Prices. ALFr.. BAE" KERq BRUSSELS