HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-3-21, Page 4THURSDAY, MAR. 21, 1507,
I`10 lees than eight members of the
Pt/minion Parliament and Senate have:
died elude the 8eseiou oomminoed, Dr.
@taoktou, M. P„ of St, John, N,, B„
hefng the latest one 80 pay Natere'1
Maumee. (,•tuvetnmaut t8 determined to
keep•up their record aud have'oreated
new p01110tio t0 be known am 7:'etephunee
ono Railways. J. 18. Bowden, of Balking.
fulPlains, wall fill the new eflioe. Maybe
the office is deeded and maybe it is not.
L AM8aIoAN po.*8109 are OUWmenai0g t0
warm op. One press report /aye if
Roosevelt le not a oaudtdate for the
Preetdenoy nOthtug 0413 atop the entry of
W, J. Bryan/ to the. White Boote,
Both are flue mea no doubt aud the Be.
public has good reason so feel proud of
THRICE new towing/me W1u roe opened
up in April by the Provo -Mai Govern-
ment to be parcelled out se Veterans'
homeeteade, They have been named
Lichee, Orawford and Prosser. From
what we oou auderetaed a goodly nam.
ber of the veterans wiil mol looms oil
their promised pueeeseione bet wilt make
the bees dieposntou of them poeeiule lh
burning themInto the ready Grob.
IN the auntie! Lunen, lar beat race
honors between tee Cambridge aud Oa.
ford crews, which wee rowed last Placer•
day, the former won by 4d leugthe. The
course ie 4,j; mules and the time wee 18
minutes aha 47 en00D06, good going we
would say. '1We was the 64tn an-
neal event so there meet be an au.
neual popularity in 16 to ,maintain the
interest for so many yenta.
A L19ELy 86111 yety tntmee lug uampaigtt
is on one program fu England over pre -
posed ieglelatl0d to remove bar mann
from the Ramos. Strange to lay, to
people in this con utry, there is a moue,
oppusitiou party who wilt co their bent to
retain the Imam dtetributor of gro,.
The movemeut is an evidence of the
awakening ml better 0OndIGione in tyle
Old Laud Iced ought to sauteed.
IT le Said *118 le0uumta in Bowe
of the 0o11athtaeuae5 ,n Mao.
toba shoe, that the remelt* 8190110619 Ib
that Presume were not based on the
Golden Rule to Guy alarming extent.
Short sharp work should be done watt
both the briber Gua the bribed and cum
gaalideabton for a long enough per6od to
afford ample time fur raminatUou aud the
formation of principles of honesty.
Saw•uff ehoald be cat out and each case
stand of fall on its mune.
1kl88800 of 0044 We. uuuany team, Will
have to facie a (Marge of mau8lao5hter at
Cornwall for etrikieg a player barium
Ma0ourt while playing hockey, 0ansing
hie death is is charged. Tina shown
prove a lesson to the busying, pugilistic
hookeyiete who are always on the watch
for it scrap. Legitimate sport does not
mail for these brutal exhibitions causing
playera to be maimed for life or ae 111 the
above ease to be horned out of the
A coon deal has bowl lad m reference
t0 the laxity of law 10 North Dakota
relative to the enloroealeut of prob*bit*o,
in Chet State. The foliowiug ehowe that
some of tee J0d5e9 are on the alert how-
ever and the law breakers in Minot will
bave to look oak :-J edge T. B. Goes 661
the district wars a0miuietereel a telling
blow to the mutton of the liquor IoW m
Ward O°R0*y When he dealt eat 88uten.
nae to those wlt0 Wad been oonvtoted of
blind plggiug, ranging from ninety days
to $25 flue up to alt mamba and a floe of
58001801udlu5 octets.
lima Monday, 26th cost., the 81eet0r5
will be caked to record their vote rela-
tive to 8 etre for the propoeed Oaruegle-
Library, the poll being open from 9 a.
in. to 6 p, m, Before voting peopu
ehoald read the ByLaw oatetolly be.
oa068 it will be the only foundation
for motion, whatever the reealte 01 the
po11 they be. A good many reports are
en the go as to what may or may hot
be done but the governing power will
not be hearsay nor what people under•
stood but the elision of the Commit as
obthued in the By•Law which was read
twin at the Commit meeting before
being banded over for publication, harm
the advlaabulty of perusing it prior to
Casting the ballot, Le brief the carrying
of the 13y -Law means the doing away
with t Hie preeent market into'
and We
immediate removal of the !town Rath
No roeolation of the Council clan alter
*hie if the fly -Late to 901tan88. a8 the
voloe of the people is a higher authority
than a motion a* the Ooanotl ,Board,
The Pon is of the ()puke that the
Town Ball ebould not be
putted ad
The mons reoeiv
Money ed for it would be m
mere ba5ate11e demoted with Re real
Worth. Ib ebould be retained fur
the purposes it is alleady filling for a
time and if the Library bbitamg be
eventually made use of for Muutoipal
purposes the present 'Town Hall would
'still be a good asset for 601n44 Matthias.
^ tory in addition' to serving the purpose of
being a Fire Hall, The removal of the ; (Arson.
Iiatr means that re new building will I Armetr
have 00 be erected for the fire ,apparatus,
Mule tower, &0., all of w21192) mecum ex•
peoditureof money and ooueegue0t in.
creased taxation, Let ne leave wail
enough moue and if the Carnegie Library
building ie to be erected let it be put on'
some favorable Bight where the price of
the lot will be the 0u1y pree9ut axplint'
08 the taxpayer/. Trine are high
enough now without the :moon nig
Qt debt to pat up buildings to take, the
place of the preeebt Towu Hall, It the
receipt of $10,000 meabe that ratepayer.
have *0 be put to thio a„neuee/cry ex•
pease then we might better be without 61.
.R *epayere should take a broad view w
the situation and they will du thte, in
our judgment, by voting against the
Byelew and thereby net disturb the
present Town Hall, Fire apparatus and
market scales.
Tun grea0Be6 nate theme be exer818ea
iu the greeting of charters to new oou•
carne that have to do with the general
public so that swindling opera,foue a0'
vuooed by aurae of them wilt be put au
end' 40. Thirty IOW new 00113p8ule8 were
gestated lane week at 0116 Pruvluutal
Secretary's uffioe, eleven of them
dompaniee 6btefly ill the Cobalt dt8lr.01,
Theremoat be agood "poli' for eom •
buoy or the pr0motere would 806 be nu
auxlou8 to fined them. A wise matt wi.,
open his eyes before he dip' into coat)
propusluf0u presented by Suint un)
tuugnnd aOVa0oe anew or more doubiiul
proepe0tu0. Thera id uu 00001 legltima.
epe0a,atiuu but many ill 1110 lichened. ba,.
pruned as shallow au they eau be maw.
G1858T preperettuue spa um .% Wada til,
the Colonial Conference which wilt take
pia0e in the course ut e. few week.
Caned. win be repreeeeteu by Sir Weil ie
Laurier, Sir Frederick Borden,idou, WW
Patterson, Huu. W. d. blinding amu L, Y.
Brodeur. Tule quietens of eip8rinuoeu
1eg181awre old represnnl 11118 yumW.uu,
we 8a9e 00 doubt with amid r CO tem -
selves aud honor to thin Dumluiou, Tea
Uoulereeoe will be nue of tun mud. 11tH ,i-
ctal gst8er{Dge et the kind .vie beta amu
should exert a wide mailman. fur gime el,
the Bruieh Empire. No dmau ln684281
will imam round the gathering aud the
eduree of events Will be 0l888ly Wh10,n.
uy Inure 1118,1 brilienete.
tivaranteea' Stomaoh Nhmeay.
Will Refund money 10 SYIOna Vials
to cure.
Yuu may alk way 26 is that Mt o ee
.t0m*O1 (ablate aro emu muter A guaiac
tee 2.0 refund the money Uinta* they tithe,
when 610 other treatment for etemeue
crumbles ie 8010 161 *hip ma1mer.
.The answer fa ei
mpre unu wuannefve,
Other Med,mued fur .&uwaoh tluau,e.
merely caged& the team, whim ,111 oma
0nreugtbeu8 the whole usge0Ll9e ay 1218111
du that 11 60011 be00mee able l0 care for
au the toed that is eaten.
lyla.o-ma co.'. 50u a box end doe. more
real good thou a uuz8u Muted ut ordinary
tlge0ti ve Labieee-
We ebeomlely agree that your *motley
win 08 refunded ehoald you bay a 504 boa
ut Mi -04322 etomaob taweie amu no. be
eatnefied with the reaolte. M*•t.ua *e
eula by draggtete' everywhere, or 19111 be
den; by men en receipt of prioe 50e.
Booth's Althea Company, Buffalo, N. Y.
Grey Council Meeting.
The Council met pureueut t0 Order ie
8 l:uwuebip lion, Etuep uu aluudwy,
arab 4th 04 10
Members all prevent. Reeve i8 tale
air. Minutes of last meeting read amu
.moved by John Brown, seconded by
oho Outt, tnai the 109001 of the eugiueer
the t1 Kse 0100161951 Drano he read
d 0o0etaared, Curled.
Moved b,, Juhu blurt, seconded by
u Qutt, that the On5iueer'e report 08
Ewen 8laululpat Drake be eduputu
Mat the Clerk be au.huLized to pre•
e a By•tuw aur name. Carried.
uved oy Joh° Gram, seconded by
n Brown that the report of the en.
atm uu.-the lellehel Niue. Drat, be read
oon81dered, carried.
overt by John Uutt, enoouded byvohu
bp that the englue9r'e report oil the
hel Municipal Dram be adopted aud
the Clerk be auldurlaed to prepare u
law for Neale. Carried-
eyed by Jobe broom, 88eonded by
Cut', that Bylaw N.1. 261, auuwu.
8 0luiee Dreiu By•taw, 66 teen lel
tell and printed and nerved a. Net
2uu time amu n8 pruweluusuy
h 161 the 511 0lauae ut the euaoteug
oil of sem By law. Carried.
oved by Jab. Grant, he/mooed by
Brown;bat Bylaw No, 262, 1luuwn
e Eweu Drale Bylaw b. read Iet
and tune amu pr..vulouauy &dopted
printed aud Nerved ad let forth 1U
161 ,laude of the enacting portion oil
By taw. Carried.
vee by Juo. that, 'mounded by Jae.
uz880 that By taw No, 264 knuwu
e 8llutiet Dram by•.aw be reed let
118 time and Provtetonally adept-.
d printed and eerved se let forth
511* unwise of the eue0;mg portion
d By-law. Carried,
-law w Nu.
g path -
re, poa dknn era noo viewers,
12, 2ud mat lard time mud twiny
ae th
ad tb
the 5
as th
Red 2
ed an
in the
of sat
read 1
North bdy.-George McDonald, George
Arwnetroug, Henry Armbtruhg, Juee9u
Oammt.ge, 13. MOGeurath
Wu.i4m Willis, 8, $urge,
E. Bryan, J L ging, Juo. M0llueeiu,
lino. Brown, Geo. Coats, Amos Plmtth,
Conn 8 dt 4 Duu0au Taylor, A,ex,
Mo'Dunedu, to, 6, owl. 4, Jim. Smite., Jut.
Reputed, Jae. 9earsou, SYm. 13temuar,
ll. Plplrlett, Wm, kaie.
Cone, 5 & 0-JOhh 0,1ver, Jesse Will -
bee, A. She.w, P..uwlutu8u, T. "Vodatn,
J0ehuu Fined, ll. 541..0, J. F. Benumb
Una, 7 & 8-N. Omrdtff, lt, I1glfe, A.
Lamont, A. Turnhout, lit Dobson, R.
Bremner, ()ham •$err, Jos, Busier, D.
. 9 & 10 -Wm. Hemingway, Jas.
ou5, J. Steles, Wm, bmandua, J.
Wright, I, Lake, Jam, Gainer,
Hand tine -.-Ohne A (teflon.
0018, 11 & 12 -,Jap, Cheater, H.
Lamont jr., A„x, Perris, Ju,, Bauu, 3)40.
J[r, GOrvatilz, Levi Whitfield, Jim. M.
Qou,. 15 Lt 14 -Ned, Armetroug, R.
(aoohrene, D. Stewart, Rob*. Campbell,
Jacob Zeigler, Jae. McNair, yr. Jnu,
Howard, Joe, W hi111e d. Pl, R ,' li Miller,
Uo89. 15 & 16--T Nolen, Hugh Slew-
ert, Woe, Oliver, Wm, Strath, (leo, Dun-
lop, D. E. Livingston, Geo. Mulley,
Cooe,17 & 18-.Juo• Berrie, Time. Wil-
liamson, bdy„ Alex. Shohanan, Wm.
D1,l58neon, Jae, H. Williamson, Jno,
Wllliameon, Alf. 5mfth, Wm, Magb*D,
Tboe. hMO3'adz,an jr
Gravel lined --Samuel Snell. Jab -
9 rr, Geo. MoFerlane, Wm. Rends, Wm,
Grahame Survey -H. Elliott.
Walton village--Zt. H. Fergueon,
FRN011 9IEWRae,
Dnnoati Taylor, D. W. Dunbar,
57,; oolm Lemont, George Welsh, John
Lowe, Peter $fteolair, William Fulton,
Ineeph Whitfield, Riohord Cox, Rioted, -
McLean, James Smillie, Edward Bryan.
Mre, J. Wallace, J411204 Brown, L. L,
If you want a breakfast food
that will make your mouth water
and at the same time prove most.
healthful and nutritloua . . ,
Ask your gr000r for
,At II�1 SCE
Nete, Daintp, Delicfoas
Package .7co Trp 11
'Moro le a bakingpowder it will
pay you to try because it costs loss
to you, gives bettor results,makes
food healthful and is sold on a
Cash Guarantee of Satisfaction.
Ask your grocer for
If 5011 want a set of
Reliance Picture Post Cards
Writs es at once naming your grocer
and tide paper and WO Will send 700
a est of four, .lithographed in brilliant
colors, free; postage prepaid by us.
International Food Co.
Do youe®
Kidney Trouble ?
It looks as if some people really
enjoyed suffering with their Kid-
neys. Because they wont take
Bu -Ju when they know it will
cure them. How about YOU?
Yon KNOW Bu -Ju will take
away the pain, soothe the irrita-
ted nerves, neutralize uric acid,
and make the Kidneys well and
strong. YOU KNOW THIS.
Then why don't YOU take
Toronto, OOnt.Feb *o, 0906, p
" I have used five and find it has one mesa g xes ofeatrdeeal of
good. My Kidneys have troubled me for
a long time -have been forced to get up
11s many as ten times in the night before
I could go to sleep.
My first box of Bu -Ju convinced me
that it was just the medicine dor ale.
You may use my name as recommend-
ing By-Ju,for l cannot say enough for
it for troubles like Stine."
Yours truly,
You can cure yourself easily at home,
Simply take Bu -Ju regularly and faith-
fully, . and a cure is certain. Moreover,
it is guaranteed. For ff Bu -Ju does
not relieve and cure you, we will prompt-
ly refund the mbne>.•
Sac. abox. At druggists, or sent direct.
Logi;away, Edward Garvin, Jsa A8�u 4i...-,
ab Lough It. A, 'Ghom,/oat . etetlobory for
�'bos, Whliamea0, Edward Quilts. 0. Andltort.,,,,, Notice to Creditors
Barrie, Oleaning fit 1t 6, lute
14, r
Gao Hodge, G6
Moved by Jae. M010 400an, eeeondet y 116 and 26 0011, 18
John Cgtt that the following 90000ute be (lea. Budge, ren:09ing driftwood, 2 00 Hudson, lata of the Township of
paid, Carried. Haaaoh.mp Drain 1 40 Grey, in the County of Huron. For.
PI the matter of the estate of Marla
G, 1(, holland, . Tress,, McIfi1.00.8 LV, F racer gravel Star, deceased
e8t 011 bdy. Gr*y and Aioffu• „ - ••.,,...., .b OU - t.. ,.
Jug, Moritazean, phut/ to 111;0411 26 Notico le hereby given, n11reuan6' 1) "Tho.
iop, 1905 and 1906 .,.,,,,, 08 27 John Smit Y. ootnrnueatiou Statute
navlgail i18 tutus ut Uutarl0,' 7007, and
It W. Piokreli, grave hug "u bay LA bur 1096 nmeudmegte thereto that tell monitors and
Grev ant) E Ino„'... 16 70 T. U3tspwan, mud l on, 'Prep, deli,. 4, 56.,
R. W Piokre I, meg [culvert lot R. Jaukl u,on Bailout Ureinextras
36, eon. 11,,.,,,, „ 80 allowed by engineer 40 00
S, S, owe. bni, 09 oodor poste, Wm. 5lemmon, wielding engineer
Henna Drain 7 96 Love 8.9161
Wm Love, assisting emit; ler, 1 76
Love Drab 1 75 Moved, aecouded tt, d periled that. tbt•
7 comae Muuluipu• 41 omit stat se- Mend
; do noW adjourn' 10 ,cert at
easement fol 7 26 Monday, the 16th dee rl April,
se Jung MJOINTosa, Clerh,
ByrLaw No. --y 1907
of the
Village of Brussels
To authorize the Council o
the Village of Brussels to
• Secure a site for a Carnegie
Library Building.
WHEREAT; Lot number 16, the North-
erly part of Lot 17 aud the Westerly 9911
Of Lots nuntbere 58 and 34 In the Vuu,g,
of 1311188ele were establibhed in 1876 by
vote of the eleotors of the raid Village ill
Brussels as a market site mud fur the
ereoLion of what was then termed a Mal-'
get Building aud Towu Ban •
And whereas the Gouucil of the Vili tee
of Bruabels have decided to erect it CH,.
egie Library Building with a in Hut tole
prouuled frum Audrow Carnegie for that
Lurpose and to be0ure a site fa• *aid
building at the expense of said Corp .1 a -
A*;d whereas the said Council have by
resolution decided to cease tieing th,
aforesaid Lot number 10, part of Let 17
and part ill Lute 33 and 34 ea a market
site and to remove What 218 ter,, ed Whet.
erected the Market Bnilrlihg Hud :Pont,
Hall aud to build the Carnegie Building
to be erected 011 the said site ;
ALM Whereas the bald Market Bite wan
established under aud byauthority I of u
vete of the electors of the said Village of
Brandeis it ie necessary to dis-ebteb-
lish the said Market bile to again 'Album
the same to a vote of the electors.
Tllerefure the lel indult al Council of the
Village of Brue0ele sheets as !ullosve :-
1st -That Lot number 16, the Nnrthe, ly
part of Lut Dumber 17, aud the Westerly
part f Luta numbers 53 tied 84, e..tab+feb-
ed as a Ma, ket tits, be di,eatublished us a
Market site and that the Towu Hail 0,,n
Minket Building be at aloe removed Hoc
the prupoeed Ca, Iregle Library II,nidi] g
be ereetrd 061 said l;,ut l uulber 14, the
Northerly part of Lot number 17 and au
Westerly part of Lobb nun bard 33 and 84.
and That this By-law shell take elf et
immediately on the pa -slug thereof.
3rd-Thatthe 9o1ee of the electors en-
titled to vote un
By-law aw shat b
Y e
taken thereon at the ' full,
4vog time uud
plaoe9, that 18.Lo any : On Mayday. th.
Twenty-fifth day of March, .1907, eon. -
ramming at the hoar ill Ntue In the Cu (-
noon aud ountiuuieg uldil live in the
afternoon of the sane day. Polling *ttl•-
division No, One at the office o1' Rolm.
Thomson aud that Jar. 1'. Rose be Dep-
uty Returning Officer ; for pulling *u' -
division No. Two at the Commit Lhautbel
and that N. F. Gerry be Deputy Beginn-
ing Officer ; and for polling sub-divieit.n
No, Three at the reeidenee of Gro, Birt
and that Peter Scott bo Deputy .Retaru
ing Officer.
4th -1 hat on Monday, the Eighteenth
day of March, 3907, the Reeve of the Brad
Village *hall attend ut the Council Cheat.
ber at ten n'olotk in the forenoon to ap-
point persona to attend at the Various
pulling places aforesaid end et the sum-
ming up of the vute8 by the 1;Irrlt on be-
half of the persons interested in 91000d -
ug or uppnbfug the paeoiug 0f the said
13y -Law respectively,
6th -That the t Jerk of the Council of
he said Village of Bru•8ele ,'hall attend
the Council Chamber in the Towu Hall
t Teti o'clock oil Tue day, 'the Twenty -
1x181 day, of Match, 1907, co sutra up the
otos &.r and ag.111 E the said By-LHw.
Read the find time fu open • uutudi and
aimed this 6th day of March, 1907.
Rend the :mound time and pulsed m
pen Com ioil this 5th day of March. 1907.
Read in open Council and finally pass, d
e day of Apt12, 1907
That the above is a true copy of a pr, -
posed By -Law which hob been taken 41410
eousideratiou and which will be finally
passed by the Council of the Muutuipallly
(in the event of the calla( of the elect,,,-
being obiaiued thereuo to) aft er nue nu, n l h
from the first pnbliattiuu in Tim 1116bs-
SELs Po8T the date of Which first nubile; -
tion t9a* the Seventh d•,y of March, 1907,
and that the vote of the elector8 of th.
said Municipality will be taken thereon
on the day and at the hour* and place.
ereln fixer!.
Bank of
F. S. SCOTT, Clerk.
In ten years the deposits of the Bank have increased
278 per dent. --as will he noted from the following
1897—$ 7 r
437 '
$ , 436
1898— 7,684,374 1903— 15 864,880
1899— 8,770,994 1904— 17,583,149
1900 10,019,581 1905— 21,464,121
0 1901* .11,549,904 1906— 24,386,027
ilium*eat paid or compounded quarterly,
W. N. Man San-AogNT,
Interest on deposits of $1.60 and
upwards, allowed at highest cur,
rent rates.
Nature's Catarrh Cute.
nen.n lu and Scientific W*sy to cure Mh11,
JNeagreeafrte 014wlao,
Nearly billycan eaten, at vita time 01
«11014ler with Velar rh, The'hat0rel we)
to Ogre &hie dreagreeable dieea98 is by
applying beetling medications direct to
the diseased spot.
Put several drape of Hyomei in the in
haler and then for a law minutes, four
or five time a nay, lot the air you
breolhe mune through it. In that way
all the air that enters the nasalpassages,
the throat or the tangs, is filled with
elyomet'a healing. , m8d1008100, 181101118e
1h,• moot remote air nen* of the respira-
tory Cr'gane, dee. royi61g all 0at61rrhei
germ, and *00tntig and heauug the
Irritated mucous membrane,
.5A few days use of Byumei will Ghee
how gniukly a 70llevee an catarrhal eor,
tlitione, and you will not have to nee n
tong- before you 11, a it hat, effeote,1 a I
complete end 'eating ours.
be compute Hyowel outfit eons. Mil
5100, rail& bottle., if needed, 60 rem.
B•anhb klyomei Company, buff....,
N. X.
Rate of lutereet 61 pesent per auuam „ares
M8r6r 48ae
19xoelsior Life fneuranoe Company
The Equity Firelueurauee Company
A11 besieges admen* to promptly.
Clerk 418, Division l end
H ()USE .8'OR 13 A L 5.. OO 5J,
_•,808,. le, *TA Elie. bowie
apply to Juf*N 88181' Leadbury P.O. roti
K. ' 0. T. M.
Mussels Tent of the. Maccabees, No. 2t
odd their tegulur meeting. in the Lau..
it..en, meeker Woe., 061 thelet and ata
tue,eay eveuiuge 02 each In011811,
VI ,tui
n s ulwa a wale
Y awn
A, BU .E16e, Com.A. Mo(iIIIitE R
um,.ers,geed offers bit house Rud lot.
situate on Mill street, Brussole, for talo.
,t I8 welllo0ated,a 000rnnientan6880111,,r•
ogee. mime,
alms 8511the eieu y ant let,au be cursee. ,
make u flue building tate. For further Isar-
Wo0lara 0.10 price, termb, &o.,. amply -t0
88211D, ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, Foru-
rv100. 80.61
Ieeve been appointed by the Dominion
Government to place lmmigraotl from the
Dulled Biugoom In pt.eiticne as farm. 1'.b•
urere nrdumeotloservants iu this ye:deity
Aynme Buy olettert (abate Jg elly the Sled ld l 1 help,
reg011.4,when welted and wages offered
1 he umbers arriving may not be authoiee
0 supply all 641uerte but every effort, wilt
tie made to provide each appliea4t with
bele required. P. 8, er'01'T,
Oauetle= Oovermwent L,mpioymeut Agent
82.1y tiresome P.0.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate of Bache!
Barnhill, late of the Township of
Elmo, fn the County of Perth, widow,
NoUeo to bereby given,pure11801 to. Revile
.511 Statutes of Oumri,, 1897. Obap, 120, and
.,melded Acts, that all eleditors and °thane
having any 0htime canons( the eetate of the
aid itao8et.B,rn,iill, who died on or about
he, 17th day 01 February, 1907 are required
on or before the 10121 day of April, 1907, to
0011bPeet, prepaid, 0r dehver to Peter.
W,teou,. ill ,he Village of leressels, one of
the b%routers of .the said deceased
their Ohr etl..n aed mu names and addressee'
,1te fun partieteare 161 writing o[- tear
0y11618- 8891110 aaryl.. auatu,t the said.
amigo Haueea, who glad on or ,*boot the
Twenty^third day of 1'ybruary' 1707, are toy
nulled on or before the 2'blttletu day 07
March, yaw, to amid by post, prepaid o1' do.
11701 to w: bi. $11151alr,' 'ot Dile Village 01
n,11eeole, le the Oouhtyot Buren, boiloitor
it bluel stmt ill sad ten1ulneht hof theeauld
d,oeu0ad, tbelr Chrletlau and suruutuer,
0ddreb888 unu deaerlplluue, Dnt• Sall portio
We rm' 011he1 mailed the etatemeet u, their
twentieth, and tun uatUeo el Gleans/Wiles (ii
*toy) geld by them.
And lu1'tbar take notice that alter such
last meutiwmed date the cold Exe*uror will
proceed to dtettiuute the tweets el the de-
crafted aw00gat the parties eoutlbd there-
to, huvi6g regard may to the claims of
obd. h u• *ua11 teem have notice it,_d teat
ale aud 14xesutur sin 081.160 matte for the
Sat infants, -r any pats Lucre,!, to any mer
+un u1 ..4,,8e e1u1w uut10e 1141, het have
Jtlbn l'oOelVe 1 by him at ale Glue m1 heel]
Dated tine 8111 day of Mar0b 1907,
W. i1t bANbLAIR,
80.9 Solicitor for ammeter,
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of FSrillium
Furreet, late of the Village of Brus-
sels, ind the O0uoty of Huron, Geutle-
ma63, dece808(1,
1otloe it hereby given, pureeee1 68 "The
ttevised etatutu8 of Uetario” 1897, aud
ulnae dme818 thereto, that all ereditore and
ethers having olulm8 against the said Wu.
Man Fe heat, who died on or about the ^ex.
cneutu day 01 8'noruery, 1007, are required
or bnu.re the 'lhlrtl8W day at ulerult,
19/7, tu•8wd h). pu0t,prepaid. 00 deliver to
W eL- bluolmtr,ol the 'Villaeeol. Blueeele,tu
the Uuunty ill it urea, belief tar for F• 8.80811
uurtut B, Forrest, the Exueulo a el
hat will and testament o[ the said. de-
a,.a.u0, [herr Uurietluu aud em•uume8, ad.
11/08008 aud 88,Orlptio4s, tun lull particu-
lar. 02 that, eia/mb, Sue 0Ga8emeu8 Of them
mammas s and ten nature or uta securities. (1[
Guy) nand ey teem.
•4 o Meaquned date 1110 laid at after ! Y8u1ture will
proue,d to at 6,L,ute the &.sets 01 the de-
una9w umunget tee parties notated teerb-
,Uey 11110.14 teee. nave nuc 00, 14.4 that,to the chillu Ut tee.ala lexbenture 4111 net be made ler the
ur 01 part c 0,81 i, U any
un4 w l etaw, 2e wheel w.im l at th tittle
c wale duitr ti n 001ynd uy talc at Dna time
ut Mica dtgtCluR41w4.
Laced Dula lieu ulty of Maruh,16U7.
W. at, nlaru.ualR,
801io1a,r lel r500111orb.
Application Form
for Memuerabip in the Fineet and'
Beet mimes Training school in
of T
orooto from
Jou 2nd
next to.
gather k with ae
tailed 10lbe enjoyed, 61
the great 111 fby re0 be en all Oil
will be slut free 0y. return mall oil
reque.,t of blend or letter.
Witte to -day to
W. lit Snot Prioglpal.
Youge & Gerrard eta:, Toronto.
Huron Co, Stook Exh/bll/oft
of Clinton
i'Iturlawltt'y, April 4, 100'
9118885 Lull'
talllou, a yrs and over - �1a0a50
Stalllon,:0 yrs aud under
Stallion,13 yowls aud weer
S'allduu,o yrs and ,tett,,,,
Bort 7eraberon '• telt Mu 10 0
Item 11t1Atl0Ars
Brood Mare O yrs awl ever . 0
BroodM.r4,ayea end under 6
0010301, 8' yr!, and over 6
G*JUrgg, a yrs aud Wider " 0
Team In bargees 8
Family 010 oelta, of 1085 0
Team in harness, 101,1(01,8* douat•
ed uy 1 hus luurphy,.100110Deer•
Ing Mtg.Uu., vai00046
brood ,elate, 0 real•*. and 090x..,,,, -5
brood Mare, 2 yea, a LI 1111100 1 e
8IEbeneL PDI*POen
Team le barneee,140u ,bt &. under 0 4
ft0A7)e*Ens •
btalllou, 10 has aud aider, 8 yrs {t
um) over
Btallla-h, 06 lade aud aver, 8 yrs 10 6
and ever 10 0
Steele burse 1, 11 18818,151 oda
over, iqulpnluut.auneedered,., 8 9;
Saddle Horse
T86m 161 hareem], 151 tide th ever 10 6,
best single Pacer to h11rne5e
aqui, wont' maundered ....,,, . 6 3
Jumpiug ever hurdle - ' ' 141 6.
100 40 a
huude166, under 158 Leede, equipment eon-
aldera,, prize el a' blanket donated by 1t,
elraunm, nest head**or eeatn, Ruder 161
heads, whip donated ey James Weise,
Sanaa' Bons
•Bull, 8 yours mud ever - 6 e 2
Bah V yrs wed water 6 8 2.
bull, 1 year and under 0.. 8 2
Cow, 3 years um/ ever 6 8 9
Heber, a yu.tre 6 0 0
Heiler, 1 year 8 8 0
B011, 9 years aud over 5 3
Minh l year and under a '3
Cow,3 years amu over 5 8
Heiler, u0der4 yeere .,,w 5 3
Bull, 2 years aud over - 6 8
0811,1 vett, 610,1* Limier 8 3
Yearw.2 y over 5. 3
Geller, uuaer2yuuYe - 8
DAM)] UOW8,3AT & bTuoB ovuene & BEIPER0
Dat1•y Cuw, day age or Dread 5 y 2
bat Moiler, age 0oo0ldnred 8 2
Nat Meer, a.n. ousaidered 8 -2
2 sluice Staniar 0 yid aud uoUel 3' 2
d Meek Butlers, 8 yid ono under 0 2
Beet Male, any age Clock
Beet Female, any Age Clock
Beet 8 01 any greed, 2 yrs aud ender
with bull Diploma
Farm Labourers
and Domestics
ihave been appoteted by the Dominion
Uutted lmflegdom flu i1o4lt10,,raea]ffrom arm lab -
Or dementia e
Ally ersonre servants] this 1168806
p afro
4 such g Lal
canal vicinitpp
p d noti-
fy me 9ureouol of byo
YIlector stating 71101
Due siud of help required, alum wonted matt
8018lie butllu eat 0ul seemy all requeei8mllue
every effort w111 be made to provide aeon
apphicmut 51111 help regored,
Canadian Guveru,unut Em0oyme0t Agent.
52.am Blyth P. u.
Days' Sale
luck Maws and Hand Saws
A large stool( must be reduced at 1
prides to make roam for Spring
(Stool( Food
Gvmp Goods
Now is your time to secure a hand-
some Parlor Lamp at 58.00.
Pratt's Animal Regulator
In use for over 80 years. Veterinary
Surgeons, professional Breeders and
100ieuti50 Fermate the world over
recommend it and nrgs its ocnetaut
use, Now is the season to use it.
Reduced prices,
Gana ! Guns 1
A few left at very low primea.
Packages usually sold at 05c aud 500,
11059 480 and 38o,
Barn and Manure Forks
A limited number, reduced from
$1,00 to 750,
Granite Ware
Clearing out present etooh to make
way for Spring supply,
Bicycles and Bicycle Supplies
All kinds of repairing done at rel
minable prices,
Cross-eut Saws, "Maple Leaf"
.8. choice lot to be Bold tit greatly re-
duced prices. Silver Steel Lance at.
only $3.00.
n m0, tae 8tatnw0ue u[ 12191• aooauute aud
This reduced oafs is but Lot Thirty Days. First come, first sor9od` no nature u[ the 864uriti9s (if amyl bald by
Atm indica is further given that. atter the ril
Mud let -t moetiohed date the mu
.,r wit proceed t, .die 1 Rita the aesete. `/�-
..1 thr dbooeeed armies] tut an v {{AA..��
potties nmiEl: K'A
d thereto, hoed r5
f S regard only to the u ams
Widen he shah then nave metol alta toot •- -•.� - -
138 fieldld itxeoutur Mil But be liable for -
the aliens ur,auy mart thereof, to *ny Noreen
, eeisehl01 % hne8 o1ei0• n011ue obeli 4406 t'� _
have bane received by elm -ab tue time of
auk theta atom,
bated 181811521 day of Mama, 1007,
80.8 Prl'1'lult WATb8N,
Notice to Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court of the' County of
Huron. In the matter of the estate
of Jobeph Knight, late of the Town-
ship of Grey, lathe County of Huron,
Partner, mm
, daoeu od
Notice ie hereby Given, pareuent to Revla
td Statutes of llutasl0, 1807 hap 149 a, d
atueuded Acte that all0redlchap
an t utbor%
oJ having mu, ney Bq gilt ewhotdied on utr about
dui Sewed nay ut Mhrou, 1007, are re.'
milted on or•eelure tae 8016 hey of Heron,
1907, to baud by post, pre,,afrt, Or deliver to
A, a,etito,ena d, at the Vlita a of Hamel0,
ended ti for t r A <J
Malley, gg
Y, BYnt sole
W l,llam
era 1
Ili u
n U
the lanbir loess ,re a
minim, mud
mecum (limb widens', cad'
surname,10461aud atheir
relax with full part 8, 8 0*'
10 it Alumnae
of their eh a ed the statement o-•
llloo 1 8/13) h and the mataxe et the (lour-
itiee(t Gus) hold by temu,r
Ann nu. ice ,b NI bor glvou that after: the
laid twit welltluued datethe sato kaeou-
tnte 5111 eteeeed to di,u'lbrt4 the towels
till ate
bovinel90010*, au1y to parties
olimsl 8
width they mull (flee have uutloe aud rout
the said Executers will nut ill llable for
the asset.,. b1 Guy putt thereof, to guy person
er pereene of whew manes u0Gloe 811ah nut
have been redelved by (tem a0 *h0 time ut
bauh m,811•1lutlo4.
bet40 et „1uaa,.)l tole 1110 day or Manch .'
t D.lee7
A.11 mit Do1AI,D,
dedoltur fur tee itriuuutol1,
low"-- A T "„
vt.I' ,