HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-3-21, Page 1Vol. 88. No 87 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 21,: 1907 W', H. KERR, Prop New Advertisements. No smut -Jae, Fox. le Nottco-4V01, Mlillinery-Misses Habkirlt, Seed grain --D. W, Dunbar. Millinery—Miss I, Straehao. Easter Holiday solos—G, T. R. Laster poet cards—I'. R, t;mitb, Well made harness ---I. 0, Rita -made. Bull for servioe—F. Mo0utcheou, Conduced success—Prof. O'Brien. Spring Millinery—Mrs. McKinlay, Farms for sale --Jas, A, MoLaoblau. Organist wanted -Rev, l). B. McRae. Aunouncstnent—Wm, & R. A. Pryne, 311)uirict gars, • IuCII,•i. Rev, E. F Armstrong's subject next Sunday evening will be "Temptation." It is rumored that Ben. Dark and wife will move into Ethel this Spring from Molesworth Miss Belle and Allan Lamont, of Toronto, were here attending the funeral of their father. We are sorry to leers of the demise of John Lamont, an' old and highly respected resident of this locality. Several Ethelites attended the Odd Fellows At Horne at Weasels Thurs. day evening of last week, Dick Davies sang a solo. A welcome visitor to this locality was Quintin McBlain, of Tuscarora, Brant Co.. He was a former resident here, Mr. McBlaiu has done well in his new home we are pleased to hear and we wish him continued prosperity, All interested in the formation of n Lawn Bowling Club are requested to meet at Inn. Mclntosh's office next Monday .evening at 7,3o Lawn'bowl- ing is a most enjoyable and healthful exercise. Come out and get inter- ested, The trades procession and concert of the Frost & Wood Implement Co. as announced for the near future will not take place until Tune owiug, to the haying and harvesting machin- ery not arriving until then. Further particulars will be made known later. Un IIILO ILO 'W11. Last Sunday evening J. E. Maun- ders conducted the service in Vic- toria Hall and gave a good discourse. We are sorry to record the death of George Wilmer, Infect son of William and Mrs. Hamilton,- of this locality, whichtook place last Friday. Funeral took place last Sunday afternoon to • SPRING T . \M BEGINS APRIL. 1ST During January and February the Wingham Bnsineae Collette bad twenty-five times as many calls for Stenographers, Telegraphers, Book- keepers, and College Teachers as we had graduates to- send, pAtteudance is always smallest during April, May tad June, coneequeet- ly each student gets more individual attention. This is the best terns of the year for the ,tndeut. Learn of the encomia of our graduates by writing for a liaudsome cata- logue of the BEST ACTUAL BUSINESS SCHOOL IN ONTARIO The "rusty" feel at home with as, as each student is fastructed at his own desk by a painstaking, sympethetio teacher. Gradu- ates guarauteed situations, -Enter any time. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE (Affiliated with Clinton Busiuess College.) GEO, SPOTTON. PRINCIPAL ring ,y.ery Y. Our Millinery Opening will take -place Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Mar. 26, 27, 28 We Cordially invite the Ladies of Brussels and locality to call and see our Fashionable display. Have engaged the services of MISS HYKE, of Toronto, who Domes very highly recommended. Our ' Millineryis Up-to-date and sold at Reason- able Prices. Brussels cemetery. Rev. hir, Arm, strong, of Ethel, conducted the set, vice, The parents share in the sym- pathy of the community. Carey: 7$ cents ;moares Txjt POST to 'Jan- uary 1st IgO8, Minutes of township Council may be read in this issue, Percy Mitchell left an 'Tuesday for thelWest where he will spend rile Sum - titter, He has a brother out there who has taken up land. The zoo acre farm of James Mc- Lachlan, 12th con, is : offered for sale by the proprietor, eitheras one or two farms . It is a fine property. The 7o acre farts belonging to John B. Smith, 4th con. has been purchased by R. Pearson, the agora paid being IBl3,ioo. Mr, Smith still has zoo acres, Auction sale of farm stock imple. ments, &c., at A. E. Fox's, loth con,, took place on Wednesday and that of Nell Duncanson, 14th con,, the day previous. Last Monday Albert Michel and bride, Jno. Campbell and Peter H. McNeil left for the West, Crossfield Alberta, was their destination where the first mentioned has land, Don't forget the unreserved auction sale of farm stock, implements, &c at the farm of James Hanna, lot 3o, coir, f2, on Thursday afternoon of next week. He intends moving to the West in April. We are sorry to hear of the illness of Miss Florence Armstrong, teacher at the Barker school house. Her many friends hope she will soon be better. Her sister MIss jean, is supplying this week. • 1. Henry Hoover and son Everett, of Pigeon, Mich., who were visiting the former's brother, R. J. Hoover, gth con., a short time ago, has removed to Edmonton where they purpose, making their home. Mr. Hoover sold out in Michigan and moved his family to the West. We wish him well. Juo. Lowe and family have got nice- ly settled 'on the Ferguson farm 9th con. Wm. Lowe and family have moved to the farm vacated by- his brother, and Jno. Menary has taken possession of the 'Lowe farts.' We hope prosperity will attend the labors of thein all, the school here on Friday,—Mrs. R. Rae and sen, T. Rae, of Listowel, visited this week with Miss Tina Rae. —John Gibson bad a sale of farm stock aid implement on Friday. We under- stand Mr. Gibson intends spending the Summer in the West. -Miss Ada John- son went to Brussels on Saturday where she will learn the Millinery MRS. nKTTi NL A_Y V s fly tileSuccess —AND— Da''''ys els � puss Last I'��Tl�a Sin —0E—. Prof. O'Brien business. --The I. O. 0. F, Lodge here tare having their lodge room returnish. ed and decorated.—Mr Jex, a first. class painter and paper hanger has moved to Jas. Paulin's residence from Listowel,—Editor Carr has •been laid up for the past weak with a sore foot, —Misses M, Mutch and T. Elliott, of Gorrie, visited in the village on Mon. day.—L, Shier, of Gerrie, paid the village a business call on Monday.— John Douglas is in Goderioh this week attending the assizes as juryitian.— Satiz'Pope left for Moose Jaw, Sask., on Monday where he will spend the Summer,—Nicholas Young, of Toron- to, visited with W. C. Hazewooa last week.—We are pleased to learn that Lawrence Lovell, who has not been well for some time is now intproviog.. —Win. and Mr's. Gibson left for Klein. burg on.Friday 'where they stent a few days, leaving this week for their home inSPaswegiu. Sask.—John Patterson returned from Toronto on Saturday. —The' inasquerade carnival held in the rink last Thursday evening was well attended. .The judges, Mrs: lex and C. Reis awarded prizes to the following t -Best dressed gent, S, Koine, Gorrie, Cavalier ; best dressed lady, Miss M, Keine, Gorrie, Hunt- ress ; best comic, Miss Georgie Howe, best dressed boy, Mlothar Goose , Stewart McKercher, vote for Local Option ;'best dressed girl and boy, Miss lennle and Harry Town, King and Queen of Fairies. VProxei.er. J. R. Clarke gave a lecture entitled "Hits and Misses" in the Town Hall last Tuesday evening. Owing to the rather disagreeable weather the at- tendance was not as large as it other- wise would have been but those who were there thoroughly appreciated the evening's entertaiumeut. It is under- stood Mir. Clark will return sometime in the Summer under the auspices of the Westminster Guild, The pro- needs of Tuesday eveniftg's lecture will be devoted to the Library fund. A sad incident occurredlast Wednes- day night when Mrs. Frank Beal de• parted this life at her home in Turn - berry, aged 33' years and It months. The deceased had assisted nursing her husband through a long siege of typhoid fever when she was stricken herself with the same trouble and owing to her weakened condition was unable to stand the ravages of that terrible disease. A husband and four small children are left to mourn her demise. The funeral took place to the 'Blnevale cemetery on Friday after- noon. D. C, 'Taylor, of Lncltnow, will preach in the Methodist church next Sunday night. Mr. Taylor is Presi- dent of the Wingham District League.. --A large crowd was presentat the Methodist church last Sunday night and all seemed very much interested in the sermon by Rev. T. H. Osterhou't. He took for his subject "Sleeping in church," and the discourse was highly spoken of by those who were present. —Miss Jean • Davidson is visiting ,with Wingham friends.—Jas. and Mrs. Hastings left for their home in. Pott - land, Oregon, this week after spending the last three months with friends in this vicinity, -Inspector Robb visited CANADA'S GREATEST PHRENOLOUIST and the only Genuine Scientific Palmist' who has ever yourtown. visited Everybody is delighted at his graphic, in- struotive, interesting, eoientific and truthful de- lineations—which they olaim to be 'a revelation from the non-sensieal clap -trap praobised Were in the peat by uneducated mountebanks. S eomlators and those contemplating a change in business should not miss t'onsulting him, Calland see the auto rahs ofjprominenf people who have become rich and others Cul g, ctioal an sound advice, Prof. O'Brien's Flo skis all do neo is positions through henes the d me should brio their work is all done on a scientific basis, hence truth, Fate life g Fowl- cbildren and find out what they are beet adopted for to be a 000ceee in ertsNew York latest phrenological chart used, Your PAST, PRESENT and indications of 1PUTtIIlL IiVEN'TS as marked on the hand by nature correctly delin- eated. LOCATING DISEASE A SPECIALTY. Marriage adaptations explained. CHILDREN HALF PRION. u , Oharaeter read from Photos, Terms within reach of ail, . Private Office at Central Hotel. Brussels, in As lilaa Our Ol nae to eOnnIt snail ban eminent man in his profession your own town, you °itonid sot tubas the opportunity given you: Everybody knows Prof, O'Brien and his ability, An examination from him how will be worth bbouets de of dollars to anyone in after years. OFFICLI HOURS, 10 a, tn. to 10 p, m. M.orram. Dame Rumor has it that another wedding may soon come off in Morris. Robert Cole and Lyon Findlater left Belgrave Taesday morning with a car of settler's effects. The congregation at Sunshine last Sabbath was rather small owing to the bad state of the roads, "Westward" is the motto of a num- ber in•this township during the months of March and early April Mrs. M. S. Watson and children,, of Sunshine, are spendinga fete weeks visiting friends in and around Blue vale. This week Robert McMurray, 4.111 line, is at Toronto attending the Grand Lodge of the A. 0. U. W. as the representative of Belgrave Lodge. Robert Clark and bride, of Sun- shine, left last Tuesday morning for their new home near Clasaholm, Alberta. We hope they may do well. The opening of the new school at Belgrave has reduced: the attendance at the Clegg school and will reduce the salary somewhat as well under the statute. Ed. Bryans left for the West Tues. day of this week as did George Car- diff and Joe Petah. They have been out before so will require no guide to direct them. last week i An Invitation was received Ins by YE. Maunders to attend the semi- Centennial of the Newaygo, Michigan, church iu which Mr. Maunders:labor- ed a few years ago. He ryas unable to accept, much as he desired to go, but forwarded a note of congratulation. 'We were sorry to hear of the demise, last week,. of Mrs: Frank Bell, of Turnberry, typhoid fever being the cause. Deceased was a Miss Cloakey, of the 4th line, before her marriage. Mr, Bell has also been on the sink list for some time but fs improving of late we are glad to state, Goon SToctc.—At the recent dis- persion sale of thoro' bred cattle held by A. H. Jacobs, near Blyth, Henry Johnston, a well knotvu resident of the 5111 line, purchased a fine yearling heifer beating the name "Lady Broad. hook." She is a dandy and Tire John- ston's enterprise is to he .commended in his determination to get the best. One night last Week while Patrick Kelly, 7th con. was returning . home from Brussels he met with an accident by colliding with a cutter belonging to G. Robb's livery,. Brussels, The two drivers were thrown out and both horses away. Robb's horse made for home, but Mr. Kelly's was not beard of for two days when it was located at Mr.Campbell's, 16th con .of Grey, Last weal. Wm. Keys SOI d his zoo acre farm, lot 23, 5th Line, to Wm. Pipe of the same line, for the sum of.$4,600. He gets immediate possession. This farm was formerly owned by the purchaser's father, David Pipe, who sold to Alex Grant and he in turn disposed of 11 to Mr. Keys 6 years ago. Mr, Keys will likely return next month to Battleford district, Sask., where he has land and where he spent last year. We wish all concerned success. Goof) Ax1MAl..—Frank Moeutcheon, Mb line, has invested in a pure bred Hereford bull, bearing . the name Sptu•lieus 2nd, buying from H, 'I', Per- due, of Wawanosh, at a good price, The Herefords are attracting no small attention and give n good ,aocount of, themselves. Lead/urn. Neils,—Mias Hattie Sibbens, of Stratford. is visiting with friends and relatives here. --The school concert held here last Friday night was.a decided success, The proceeds amounted to $34•oo.—The home of Wm, Clark' has been gladdened by the presence of a Itety farin hand, -Albert Dundas has purchased a very fine young bull from tbe well knownbreed- er Peter McKay, of Tuckersmith. He is from imported stock on both sides his dam being Royad Don and his sire is Loyalty which heads Mr. ..McKay's herd and %yes bred' by Senator Ed- wards, of Rockland'near Ottawa- Mr. Dundas has got an exceptionally fine animal for which he paid a large figure and while he has him largely, for his own fine herd, he will also prove a valuable animal for his neighbors.— The last meeting for the season of the Young People's Circle was held at Wm. Rockwell's home on Tuesday evening. There was a large attend-. ,ince and a most enjoyable time spent. The program for the evening consisted of readings, recitations, singing and a spelling match, Miss Mamie McEwen of the Leadbury store and Miss Hattie Sibbens, of Stratford, being the last to leave the floes on their respective sides, ---Miss Maud Davidson has gone to Seaforth where she Is employed on the tailoring staff in the store of Stew- art Bro's,-David MoCutaheon has re- turned to the West taking with him a car of settler's effects. Wel ton. A. Hoard was on a business trip down East. A, Baker, of the Sovereign Bank staff, Sundayed at Linwood, bis hotne, Etliss Margaret McDonald is at pre- sent in Toronto, where she Evill make an extended stay. A week ago last Sabbath Rev. R. J. Currie, B. A., and his brother, Rev. F1, E. Currie, of Londesboro', exchanged pulpits. Rev. R. J. and Mrs. Currie, Mrs. Berry and Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt and Miss Lettie Fulton' attended the Hp. worth League Convention at Blyth. Rev. Mr. Currie gave an address, Jas. M. Dennison spent several dayss athome last week, He has been laid up in Stratford with an injured knee as a result of the railroad accident in Trainer's' Cut on the other side of Guelph sometime ago. Themany friends of Rev. Mr, Cranston, wbo supplied - in Duff's church here for some time, but is now of Cromarty, will be sorry to hear of his serious illness, having taken a relapse of fever. We hope he will soon be better, The old school house was disposed of on Saturday, 9th inst. Thos. Mar- shall purchased the East part at $so I and D. McZeneie the West part at $too. lvir, Marshall is now busy re- moving iris phrt, The other piece will be used until the new. school is ready for occupation, Monday evening, April rst, a musical and literary entertainment will be given in the Methodist church here under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. In addition to local talent Rev. E. G. Powell, of Brussels, has been secured to give his witty, practical and popular Lecture entitled "The man the age demands." Musical and literhry cumbers will also be contri- buted by a number from Brussels Hp - worth League. A good time is pro. raised to all who attend. ADD1tBSS. Thursday evening 7th inst., ata gathering in the Methodist church Geo. Barrows, who has.remov- ed to the West this week, was present- ed with the following address which Mrs, Wm, Neal read bys. was M To Ma, Gso. BAltaOwa MILLIHERYI HAVING DISPENSED with the Formal Opening,` we� wish to announce to our Customers that . " we are p again prepared to show life Newest Styles in g e of Spring Milliner proem ed from the all classesp g Y 1 most up-to-date Warehouses in Toronto, Chicago and Detroit. We feel convinced that we can suit the most . Fastidious tastes. If you wish to secure the season's best give us aeall. We have also a full line of Fancy Straw Braids,, 'Un- trimmed Shapes, Flowers sad Ribbons, assumemmoseimawimmeaswerwmussEsmarimmommussiormarempreg Miss l A Strachan I Grand R System Il Trunk , Easter. Holiday Rates Lowest One-way Fare for Round Trip Between all stations in Canada; also to Detrolt, Port Huron Seamen aloe. Bridge, Buffalo. and Niagara Balla, Fl, Y. GOOD GOING March 20th, 25tb, 90th, Met and April bat i RETURNING -Until Tuesday, April Sad. - For full information as to rates and tic. trete call on W. EERILY, Depot Agent. J.D, Motonal.D, Dfetrlet Peseenger Agent, Toronto. Organizer Torrance,, of Listowel, has been canvassing this vicinity in the interests 01 the Canadian Order of Forrester's. A number have rid- den the "goat." No'rzs,—Alex. McKenzie and family have removed from Walton to Brus- sels. 'Their many friends here will v miss them. David Crawford, purchased the house and lot from who Mr, McKenzie, has already moved in. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Crawford to our midst. -Steel laying is again in progress on the G. & G. Railway' which is laid to within. about 8 miles of GoderIch.—John C. McGavin, of Winnipeg, paid a flying visit to bis old home here last week:—J. W. and Mrs. Morrison of Milverton spent Sun- day with friends dere. We are always pleased to have Mr. and Mrs. J. W. back in our midst.—R. H. Ferguson went to Toronto on Tuesday to attend Grand Lodge of the A. 0. U. W. in the interests of the lodge here —Rev. Anderson, f Blyth, will conduct the services i the Methodist church, Sunday. be services will be in the interests of missions.—Miss Bessie McDonald has gone on the staff in Miss Susan McDonald's dress making establishment.—Quite a cumber from Walton attended the concert in Lead - bury school Friday evening which was very good, Dtc U Palnttu,—we, the -members and ad- herents of the Walton Methodist. Oharnh have neat this evening to express our good will and love towards you and your highly esteemed wife as you art about to sever your connection with no, Truly indeed we shall miss you tie Recording_Stetwat'd Sunday School Super' tendon b, Olaas Lender, mem- ber 01tbe Trustee Board and in general e ready helper or leader in any part of the ahuroit:work where your services were re- quired. Your earnest, honest, enthusiastic, and loving Christian manhood will ever be eherlahed in the fond memory of well of us who. have been ,made the benefactors: of your genial nature and your tenderest sympathy alone labors of Love and Mercy. At this time we feel as never before 'Tb is the secresympathy, , The shier link, earsilkenend titiji In tn 01)10t 1bllld.'ind tgmind Iv body and in eogl oAa bit;d•' As the Creat West sends birth the Mneedon- hip call te yeu,; 'Ooina over and help us' we are sure you wilt ever do honor and credit to the name of Oltristy Blur le,der. May your efforts in every phn0_of life be a encoesa, and tatouglt t u may not bo present witleyoun in body ye sou % 111 not be forgotten. We will eve, pre that in the future as in the past yyon ma :,ualke tlte-barren end desert liven oft follow ni •t blossom Aa the rose, not fo rg t- ting.that ' The Humblest citizen elad it the mightier than all he of o error,' Weis all ure hos so lnivr, • r 'ab, will wntah your future 1 r sorrows feeling your jour our toys, your sorrows our so hoe e, and embalmed you01100550e air ur ea, You 01' s tieing zeal othe a in our heartsrig,by your glorified you zest bt the onuae of f pea and t lifts' le yourself y your love l ofpeace and o are Satisfied We will feel one loseofages at en are sn de red. that the steps of good min are' ordered by rho Y Genf caiteo uutita we are resigned and and pray God's blessing to rest upon ma and your wife and orations children wherever kinds ed spirits shall mneeb to port no time we Signed on behalf of Walton .Mothodiet,twn• grogntaon.• ..R.:, Guitars, Pastor. Mr. Barrows made au appropriate reply. Miss Lizzie Barrows WAS treat- ed to a• handkerchief shower by the Barrows is a S youtg people. M19a B splendid young woman whose re. lomonawsIMISMOW other items, worth mentioning, There would be less ex one° lookinganter the tare net t e •euil ono o °, gg t r Misery if the w 1 lwllalall iy y as far as the oxrotxkfng is °On0ertled, Now on Monday, 26611,1 oak the - people to come out and vote for the By -Law and sanction the Counc I's intentions end have year u lnoney well spent, Moura, J. T, Boss, THAT MARKET SITE BY-LAW. ro the Editor of Tae POST; In last week's b'oa'r a correspondent has given his views of the By -Law and the consequeuces but he does not put the natter as strong -as should be done, so as to allow. where we are likely to land should the By -Law by any means carry. I know that any- thing and everything is being said by a few towards that object, and some may foolishly listen and be led astray. If one were to believe everything he hears he would expect to wake up sone morning to hear that the pre- sent Hall had fallen down (itis so use- less and unfit) and that a Fire' hall was built that would cost us nothing. These are all fairy stories. To know that the Hall is all right you have only to look at the roof. If a building is settling from age the first place it will be seen is in the shapeof the roof and our roof is as straight as it ever was. The building was filled to the doors with men about a week ago and no one noticed arty settling or lacking in strength. This is only talk for an object, that is to carry tbe By -Law by misleading the electors. The Hell is stronger now than when first built as it was strengthened where faulty in construction a few years ago and since has no signs of a set- tling. Your correspondent has. only shown the cost that a Fire hall, &c„ would be to the ratepayers. I pro. pose to show them what they may ex- pect by the time the Town Hall is re- moved and it must be removed if the By -Law is carried before any Carnegie Library building eau be built on that site. That is what you are voting on and if carried nu Coun- cil can do anything else nor yet dare to do so. Now should an inspector of Mr. Carnegie's call as was stated he was going to do, or should it come to his knowledge what is being done after the report tbat was 'filled out and sent to him at his request before making us the grant, does any honest man aspect we will get such grant, Never. We bave bad an instance in a neighboring town where it was refused. If the old one is removed we must have a Town Hall, a fire hall and tower and we can't get the Car- se nor for such purpose , Car- negie taut P yeti can we build again on the present site unless we take another vote of the people as we have said it is not to be used for market site, Town uildru i f the B - astral b Y Hall g Law carries, To build a Town Hall, &c., will cost at least $to,000 and I think I ant putting it low, which will have to be spread over 20 years which will mean for interest $5,400 or in all $15,400.00 or 2 mills on the $ on your assessment for the next 20 years.. You will agree with me this is a very large sum to satisfy a few individuals who have a majority at the board and who not as if they cared for none but carrying out their costly notions. Now I do not wish to scare anyone but carry the By -Law and get the buildings proposed to build and the village will end In an expenditure of as I have shown, What I have stated will happen as sure as the sun 'shines. In the face of this I think no rate- payer should vote for the By -Law so foolishly submitted. Go out and vote against it. Care not for any site or person but Brussels and your own pocket. Brussels can't afford taking any such chance to get a Carnegie Library on the present 'Town Hall, site considering our present finances. If the plans of any 'other site are submitted and the great refused we lose nothing but we stand more chances to get it as we then have a. municipal building belonging to the town as is now known to' Mr. Carn- egie. Now as Jas. T. Rossseems to bo the spokesman of the very tew parties around the Town Hall corner who want the 'Library building there ' or not at all, as was shown by the meet- ing and vote. Monday night, in fact he seems to be the man behind the gun who got one of the Councillors to go. back on his motion that we pur- chase a site. He tells us also what the Council will do in the future which is more 'than some of thein would say, although Councillor Bel- lantyne has proiuised to abide by the result of the vote and no doubt he will. '' In his speech he has much fault to find that your correspondent did not sign itis name. It is evident froth his remarks he only wants to discuss the party behind his back and not his arguments. I have always understood the rule as to • anonymous correspondents to be that Should a x> party deal in personalities' without an authority be should give his name Mit when he only discusses a qua tion it matters not as it Is only his `a ga- inerts that are to be considered and that can be done as well without the . name ns with it, se his statements as to that matter are as wide of the mark ss many more that he stated. Deal with the arguments advanced, examine them and if seutid accept theist, if uot'retitte them, and never minddiscussing the man or men sup- porting or opposing the By -Law, but the argunents for or against the By - Law as published in 'Psis. Pose, that is what you are votiugon and lPot lite mon. Carry the By -Law anti you are sure of adding to the debt of the vi1. lags if we get a 'Town Hall of at i9 a for the t t And e yeast, , t ooc.no. toast I have given I will also sign myself A t Et,rcroa, TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE VIL- LAGE OF BRUSSELS. In the last issue of Tan Pose there appears a letter signed "Humble Ratepayer' that seems to me to be somewhat mieleeding, that had it not letter statin starts his eft He g y g been for a few selfish people attheaSouth end of the village Carnegie there Libn be no ouldtibe be to wherr taiihie ter 10 y would be built. He refers in kin latter to Dir. Thomson and his Cold Storage plant. Now it Mr. Thomson had established kis business at the nodoubt e he would, of the village w North end g •a a there. But as have built m his Cold nest Mn The Si South . nd of tae had always n sin- been near the South end In the town he hathem Main - ed the pr have eel time, where he rke them at the present time, near the Market site. When you consider moving a public building which has been established for the past thirty two years to the opposite end of the town I would call that aelltshness. But as far as. Mr. Thomson was concerned the people had nothin to say as to where it L should be built. Now the writer goes on to sad, that it the By•Lew is carried the Oour elle intention is first to do away with the Town Hall, and by so doing 1t would coat the town. $2,500 for a new lire hall. Now I do .not know what the intention of the writer was, but it looks to me as if he did not know any better, or it was to mislead the ratepay- ars, and aood deal of that has been done in days gone iy, and only Mose who are here and paying taxes San tell what those rills. representing letters and public speechae hnve done for our village. I think when a ratepayer has the interest of the village at heart, as this Humble Ratepayer pretends to have, he should not be ashamedto sign his name. He goes on to tell you. what 11 will cost to build.. a fire hall and tower but it looks as if his intention were to put In at least $1600 of that iaoney to build the tower and the balance of the $2,500 to build the fire hall, What does he want u tower for unless itis to let some of his valuablehot air through, for I don't think you can find a tower 1n Ontario built to dry hose at the present t will cost time, ep goes on to tell you that 1 n e yob ratepayers the interest co that $2 ,500 51 ten yearn and that it would cost the ben - bur to vote on the By -Law to float deben- tures tutee to raise pa :erthe 1 looney. I would ask Humble Ratepayerifto pay cos tofloat debentures to nect money h pay coats of the law suit in connection h the sewer 505p Law, t you cost tto e town Sloss to $2,6the No,but oe hnve been paying. it out of the oaes tell lett two or three years. y goo et to cost you that we will have h scala lot s.that ofH $mb a nut the weigh scales the Has that Humble 1 sy Ratepayer ever heard Ike Councilsaycases r was their p went site. re- move the alalesfromroompforent arta, No, for there dl ample as it room for Library, oleo for fir lln8aeatwill Now egosnd and for fire hall and t healon, Now he goes nn and d with the buil the Elsa brary one lotus the boyltgel1111eof which is lot7senot having of the lot which the e600, He does not tell you that it rwill building rh o , ratepayers includes $Hes to b bE lot for building wa Tae ald goat of have too a walks as the cid walk will haYa be removed. The re- moval of the old walk does not relieve the ratepayers of the taxes on that walk for the next seven years and new walks • would have 1 . He could o . .the tuxes of flD7 to U e id out tof show you where it would cost h d for e sire hall, but when other side of It ed olid not see. Now when oho Hall 11 mitred of doing tewith the a $2 Hall ha not but y fnd in- tention e buildd $1600 fire hall but shot' *800,the could build a fire hull at a boyo of $800, which would Net be the same as baying lot 7 and fixing it up and they would still have the old hall to disppose of and then we plebe, have a new Are hai1 and "library Dont• nide, for same cost tand. ilted the the village of Bruasels several hundred defeated each. year. Now if the By -Lew is defeated and the Library is built on lot 7 we hnve etch to keepl tithe ,present Town Hall which tab rateplyrn•s calla ''fire trap" and through the columna of Tire Poem some Pew weeks ago it was said that the hall was h dietraoe up atafts and down, At the present r time ' the hall 15 in a very bad state of repair, It needs a new roof which will cost $400. It needs new sills and also needs painting and plastering which if Council repair, windost alone to $bithl nNow can we afford to repute hahlond build the Library ? ,I Say no; if the hall le worth fixing it Is weak fixing, right, and if not let us dispose of it as we will, have to pay $80 a year insurance on it as long its we keep it and Mao lose taxes on lot 7 which Amounts to $00 per year for all time. Now I think that one of the ifrat steps that win be taken bythe Council 1510 the 'vote is taken on Monday next, will he to submit plena to Mr. Omega's asking him Por permfesion to heV° the Connell meet in the Board Room as bee allowed, ethos towns r nd he h a Ow undo eta as do. They ttd 51100 have his ee out t0 nn should hovering) to nom nl wibb Oleg end s u1 n h , i the Uracil s intention with t1101r 'is gran 1G a DO to repose his grunt for we are not nolo to hoop pp twq Minlding:. There are several moval will be cinch rogt'etted. �,.