The Brussels Post, 1907-3-7, Page 6am or
1 13111)11:
Should Look to Themselves
for Salvation.
The ktugdote of Cod is with you.--
We are always temptee tO make
things instead of welting for them to
groW. • We would lave a boy info the
character 'd a men willend weenie for
111e developmeet I will teem, tenni'
ally, and wo wduld peek the frulls ef
civilization !where we have planted the
The problems of civilization aro vital.
not mit•hanieul; [hey eave to do with
persoies. with livee rather than with
things ce• conditions., Yet we often ex,
peel e,Olve all leo problems without
releeence to the people who cause them.
Wo le give the world perfect health
.Ity prating it into new clothe.s or by
making it walk in paths of our choosing.
II, takes right men lo make .11 !eget
world. We talk about giving men en
environment Mal would lit:prove teem,
forgetting Mel men melte Mae ,,wit
environment. If yee put pigs in10
Palace yeen do not give them weal
Manner,: yet: only edd te the umnber
• peestree :0 ex•slenee. comet:oust do
tee make .letteter ,, : ' ; ,,letracter deter --
mine. cereideine.
Tee prebrem lite eety—poverly,,
peed, eeeresse veee,----ees deeper lean 1
tee I"..NV deeper teen molin-
ereeee eer. entengs I
e: eteeraoe leet ef. lee teeer! el :eon
i;,-- 10:111,0,-
• 1.11:1.1 emi ee eee'ifei feel
tee.: e.e•. eee ee:1 :nale, geed
eeeee eeee • :lee ereste high:
Ne.e '''' se:ve the peels,
eee• eleIell THE PEOPLE.
eed :1' we woreei
• -7 ..eee, :we
- et evIng
age we's!
neer% Teere, neverj
:e-reies ef emcee:Ted
:::eee1ve, thee Lae paw -
e ee"ete eLee tee Meeent efe
teener. I
Mee id-we:2e •.eve fee saviers'
eee. for great referee 1
CI', I.:41:^s the nVeloj
I;112:1, .8:Ialr• eat ea. or unwilling. itt. tee peek of regin-i
eetteeese. 13,11 tee enly ones who have'
helped the world have been these who
Lave (angel teen M look 10 themsele
for salValion, Mond Ways
am1 sock the eleguenig of their own
hearts, who have Nemeth regenepatioas
rather Man reforms..
Ilea( en welled nei Mel an hone if the
umeeen und nested entered there. The
reign of the pit In our tritest would not
continue - moment if all sellishneee
and peeeion were taken teem us. Thal
kiogdom wthett righleommese. joy,
and Theta %Nails 1101 Tor onievrS, courts,
nee orgenientione; 11 weirs only foe ci-
tri.01.1; already lale. emin, wherever
any man Moe set its ideals first in hie
How Lmg shall we go on with met -
Linens and ratrainte, making erutehee
and stille for the lame and the dwarf-
ed and eats for the lekely Along, and
etill reieing eve cd weaklings to iv
oppreeeed, and heartless (tnes to op-
prese them? The regulation and the
reetraint may be necessary, Ind
our 110/11 on -born duly to raise the
,e Tito noblest charity. is that which
Greeter far Man our problems et.
eommeree or id eivles are our prolderne
of ehaeaeler. Liftes liret business is the
1, eyeing itcev to Lye. Vain our vaunt-
• eeerth and er,,grees if, amongst the
fieJeeee end wane -raises laden with
nierelmelise, we stand ue bees lhan men
end our aiding of much goods hear
etth that eaves fee the soul We have
ee t
Leak within. Set thinge right there.
releanse efe at its seuree and the stream
e e.,11 ,eetue. ln .your own life 1 I.
Lees by the 1E14 williin, live for the
setel an.1 not fee the betty; for db. life.
net for the living. Leber not aloree for
dean iteuees but for clean hearts and
the clean houses will at length take care
e t illemselves.
Evaything that makee one min bet-
ter nraexer the world baler. The race
le saved through the individual. The
jegeed. etolgicus patrielie, end human
„levee!, we ciim Is to give the
good within &minima, in ourselv,es.
:Lake way for the growth of all that is
good in others. and to save lean net
by lawf; Mor by upliftings Mane. bat
'ey leading In larger life, to that whielt
is from above.
MAR. 10.
1.88301' X, tram! Lover of Peace.
Golden Text : elall. 5. 9.
THE I.ESSON weillo srt ,thee,
Based (m the leXt of the Revised Vey-
setn, -
Items Chronelogietil. — The ()nein of
Mime. peoples.—Again we have skipped
wimiter intreemint airliners in the
rapid survey of the beginnings eif the
ilebeew race 10 (vied' 111,, leeeens Mr the
present qtyleter and year are
The aelits eonneel,•el with the destrua
(1,,n of Sodoill and Gomorrah recorded ill
111e Mee -en-
ing 1.-,eetaie. The closing verees that
ehtipk,r (Goa, hi. 3oete) reemel the deeeeni
of the nild AI11111011HOS frau
Let, the larphew of Alwahnin. Foe song.
titne after the deetrunen of ciliee (t1
the plaiii, probably ter the greater Por-
tion ttf Ilit, rest of his life, Abraham mu-
llioned tt, dwell in southern Pideelime
returning again and twain to the Mune-
date eteinity of liebiette For a lime he
dwelt in Genie, the land of lie, Plink -
!Mee, whore tie made a covalent. of
frien&hip with the king of
Ite Philistines. After Me Itirlli (if Isaac
the jettlousy. of Sarell, lik neither, rimile
neeeesary the expleeien of Hagar met
het son eilunitel. mho ,leperlett from tee
tent of ,ebralinne going ultimately into
the dislenl where Istuatiel
dwell, in Ilte wilderness er P1111111. 1108,1?
Hie border of Egypt. nrether, being
hereelf :in Egyptian, took for Ishmael it
wife tee of the land (if Egypt. Not long
after the departure of Heger and Isle
mute, end the eelablishment at the cove.
nant hetween Abraham and Abimelech,
the faith of the egal patriarch was put
tis severeet lest in the command to
offa up for burnt offering his telly son
and heir, Isaac, Having endured the
test, Abraham receives agnin the (feline
aesurance that. his seed shell Inherit the
land In. which he line been 0 *temente..
and that he Minster shall bevoine lo all
nations the type of stmerlative blessing
femme chime. 21 and 22), 'The nonclud-
ing l'OrS08 of tempter agnin p,iint out
Me descent of varier's tribteefeen Nahor,
Me brother of Abritleine Reference le
the presence of Mine in emalwrit
estIne, and Ihe iterount of the puree:Ise
the, cave of Meettpeleil trent than by
Atiralumi for a burying plitee te found ill
chapter 23. Ilere Mee is lee:tented the
Oenth atelemeitil of ste•alt. The beanie
'Mt story of the 1,,,,,o•tdItill of kniic
1101rkati, (dander 12
peoples and tribes 4 -if Paleeiine more or
tese closely related 141 1I10 IfelireWs, and
ide1W the overruling purpose (if Jeho-
vah in the lives et Abruhani and his
immediate descendants.
Verse te. Isarte---The Hebrew mime
means laughter. It k explained in (1011.
17. 19 as having 1,een. given by divine
eommand beniuse Abraham had tangled
I110 111.1110I of a child being bora
him in his advanced age.
ln that land-, -T110 land of the
tin,_s in Ihe tif nerar.
A leindralfold--Not tieeeesarily to be
interlineal literally, though the richest
sal of Palestine often does produce
wheal, tin an evernge..ef eighty and biti,
ley on en average of one hundred fold.
The thought of the veree that home
p,t,,ele.pered exeardingly as rt. liller of the
13, Grew mere athe mere—In power,
greatness. end wealth.
11. A great imuseholde-Consistieg nf
ee lee etervank and alleielanle, as well
• Ilte Isitae's household thus
numbered eeve.ral hundred persone.
15, '1'11,, Philistines had slimpeele-That
ie. hail tilled up the wells. promp.led by
eevy marked peosperity of Ile,
strangers among than.
10, Abindeech — King of the Philos-
three, probably the soli of the king by
the same name WW1 10)0001 A10'810110
181i/ 01040 a covenant. of perpetual friend-
ship and peace eminp. nen. 21).
17- lit the vulley Gene—The word
traueleted "valley" is in the liebrew
Nellie and signifies simply a Wilier-
tir0o running between hills; which in
the entity 'stetson and espevially after
heavy stoinis is filled d.,y a rushing
stream, big. which in summer becomes a
dry re or.bed, The weed lute boo exact
English equivalent, Inn covreepende- to
lial. the nutives ol Palestine new. cull
wady. In Meer nitreow rirer-leele taller
may bo found even itt the dry season at
comparatively short distance !rent the
18, Which they end digged in the daes
of Abralient. his lathe! — Comp. lieu.
21193,1•Springing water—Ile. living, that
runtileg eater.
20. lesek—elean it t g nail en lion.
2 1. Si11111—Nlenhing enmity.
22. Ileholiolli--eleuning broad piece,
ce• roone
;toluene Italli mule room for. tie—The
(vI1010 history of the pairitirelLe is of he
Meted to the 11111'10 101' 0111Y III So DIV lIS 11
rOV,111.• die1 guillenee ;Mho -
tali and his purpoet, for them and their
23, le,erslielate--A village on the north
leink et Ihe teeny teeeleba in eorithern
1 alesline. The rew,•Ilitig piece stapes-
,elwahlitio, 'kite,. and emetie mid
-envy (-kited by on hie way to
Be., le The eile Itte eiwient village le
mention in (heeler 27, ef the irtalent of nedt,e'l he Hie of 1 ,d1 load nt navvies were eeni to dig ti one
Very Bare That More Than 11011 the
Passengers Are Killed in 1110
Worst Accidents,
dow ancl down the muuntain side. While
the train Itself was buried fifty feet deep,
thee° itvo wove picked up bruised and
snow, scene 150 yards haute 110.0 SO0110 Of
CUL but not badly Injured, on top of the
the Reath -tit,
Many well-known people !give had
very narrow escapes in railway noel -
dents. The preeent Dowitger Empress of
Ilusela wits onee in. a train whieh left
the 11110 ()Wing M the sprouting of the
rugs, fler elitieelyes carriage relied over
and over to the bottom of a steep em-
bankment, yet the !empress was unhurt(
end yoUllgest daughter. Olga, who
al \‘MheLentleyn WOS welt tier, shared her 0,1011P0.
ii•ItAn.i gel iiitlargl gult,i,"11.1111tCr 11((ida. 81 ihleast°111,10111'-:q1LIIL:'0°1(;ena[eskPur enfi 1 tTi1e
of Carneebtieyes visit to Alluvial, two
years ago. On September earti, 1110i, ler.
Davidson, with his staff, eves travelling
1 W'nsitinglen in Mr, Herman Mergen's
special, 'rile train was running sixty
1111180 1111 [10111'. WI1011 00111(111d W1111 a
the death -roll elionkt be heavy, hut ihal,
anyone should avapt, alive. The Tay
linage distieter, in tellielt the whole train
plunged into the lever, is tilitiost the only
reilway iweident on tamed in which
Glove wen., no eurvivors.
The reitastrophe wheel 001.1111.0e „it light engine. By something appronehing
Septeml.,Pr j7d1 1,14, mat (mei., ta a miracle the train was net derailed. 'elle
Tily Bridge iii,i,iiii,mi A iron, piiiiiieed (tows. dishier end tuirrore were broken,
(ecialienta, ellollIgly 00•0101110a lite ShOVIt, a C0111.S0, WIISI 1,110111endous. Whi-
led, with the exception of it maid who
through a treettedwidge over Me CiI11111,
Him fly, tInd her faee cut, not one member of the
teat [thee, and Me engine
,, (\rehloishop's party wee Injured.
coaches out of seven dropped. int° ,ilil
111111-sWollen WIller. beloW. A. NI. Lekt,
one of the very few eunivors, Inal a.
inost extraordinary ceseajet. Feeling the
from tee Foreign Emperors—and 1:ings Assoriated
bridge collapeing. he selling
\Viet Our Army.
train. but almost as Itis feet tonehed the
treetlee We WI1010 MOIL: \\ 011l 1.0 PICT,',8. Th, minis li wit
Ile luellPed rie far as he could, and teek'pla-tqi..'Isn-lbgeMsiVi'lr'ekcellriceiritt;ili‘er'ewdhaicyll,
landed elate of the weeekage in den „ .11 good I:Mg Christian, brother of
watee, Piot of one of the cars came (.1-1111•'-bolovel Omen Alexentira, (vas for -
drifting pest. and he (Method 010 10_11, ninny installed as colonel -In -chief of the
and wee earned ct long way down ine is, nt Duffs, blest Kent Regiment.
river. 'ellen Me tem was ewung ini a c-,,alliliaes as a reminder that not a few
Vapid tIllti 1,0/8t, Wil8 swept off. Mil Os of our British troops can boast of hat,
had managed to gel rid of his clothes, e the foremost monarchs of Europe
and, an eddy helping him. he eticceeded til-
es their commanders.
in swimming ashere. rho military Kaiser Wilhelm II ,. for ance, is colonel of our lit Royal
tistteeirose ooli trileemlindos \1411seeiltittIftfil ml."11'ilcdhge ildttils;
Deagoons; Francis Josenle Emperor of
petted at. Ashtaltukt, in (Min. on Deem -
Austria, is the chief of the King's Den -
bee 29111, 1870. At- eight in the e(Tning a
heavy Main pulled by Iwo engines was
g(mellIke °Clizaalr'd,'''wcive he M lead the Scots
amesing a entail iron bridge near Aside.-
(11:eys, shout ng "Scotland for evert"
hula, when the driver of the first en -
tiler the mmoner of their celebrated
gine [ward a crack, Suspicious that
the pintos of \Vaterloo, would
yore wide open. tom ine engin', jumped root be out of place, for is he not bon-
ettmething Vi'llS wrong, he pulled me cunege on
every colonel of Culedonia's only cute
a.ry regiment?
King Edward's good friend, the King
forward. Next instant there was
A TERRIFIC. Clees11.
Glancing esectolated with the Oxford -
a gam, Is British infantry -
train, including the• Imo !shire Light lefunley; while volunteers
inethately peeled his own. plume, 1 inay claim .King •Ifeakon of Norway as
[be ravine. since the Viking
ile eiel his fivemen,were Ihe only lwo t'ne of IllrmAelves, •
King Is honorary colonel of the Norfolk
on the ill-fated Mien whu esteiped un-
hurt. The wreckage look tire, end 1 YetnranrY•
rho Seaforth Irghlanders must. also
eighty passengers were burnt to (enders.
between the erste be numbered among the regiments with
Had not the coupling
(nod second engines given way, the first'
cetera is II. 11. lf. the Doke of Smee-
forciem potentate fie their head. Thar
engine must have been pulled bacic. As
Cubing and Gotha; and it is interesting
il was. it remained balanced on the very
note Iliat the gay Seathrtbs are °l-
edge of the ravine. In Deeember, five 1 te
known as the "Duke of Albany's
vears ago. the Orient express, on its way flelaliv
from Ostend lo \ Lerma, failed to pull up
al Frankfort. and destoing hdo Its sid-
ing at greet spteel jiMughed right
through the platform into the waiting -
peen. Two gentlemen were silting
the wailing -mom when the whole Mont
wall Caine smashing inwards, 88 , the
great weight of the locomotive forced it
down. One spvitng to the end of the
room and escaped. The other was burial
under tons of stone. Twenty minutes
later, when the musses of 111880111T were
lifted, they Mutat, net the crushed and
maimed body which they had expected,
bid it very much alive, if somewhat
bruked, Individual. The window -frame, as a cavalry leader, Ms mune. being
forced out bodily by the engine in its Inked with the 271 Deagoons, while
nind career. had knocked the man down he may Weill' uniform of the 121.11
and falling across him, lind, in some' Austeien Hussars, and also of the Dan-
extraordleary fashion, sieved him front kb HIISSHI'S of the Guard, whenever oc-
A sheerer point about. railway acci-
dents is the way In evideb the man who
le.• all the laws of probability ought to
killed ceenpes, while another, whose
chanee of gelling off seems good, is
killed. Scene few yeare ago a heavy
glee blew part of the roof of the little
wayside station of PellutowIlie, in New
York State,
The station lies on the inside of a
curve In the line, and opposite Ille plat-
form is a steep slope. A freight train
came round the curve less than,a min -
tile after ihe fall, end by the time the
driver saw the obslimclion it was 100
late to pun up. Phillips was the driver's
none,. lie shouted lo his firemen to
jump, end the man (lid so. Next in-
stant the train crashed into (lie mass of
rooting; the engine left ilte rails and
dashed over the far bank, rolling over
and over fo the bottom.
When help eame Phillips was picked
up stunned, bet without it bone broken;
the fivenina had fullen Ills head, and
though the speed had not been great,
tew had any pan of the wreckage steuck
he lend broken his neck end was
During the great blizzard of March
15111, 1988, some railway employees had
a most extrnordleary escape from death.
On that day the lecotell expecsss was
buried in snow near leillingworth iond a
snow -plough was sent from Newcastle
to the rescue, propelled by four powerful
engines, As the plough neared the train
steam was sliet off and brakes Were put
on. But the ealls were Icy, and the
plough Went elead0 onwards all it
glided right under the engine it, had
cifine to rosette. The latter 11111 up the
ploushare and crushed the wooden house
on top into matchwood, 11 look Iwo
home to exleleale the Inmates, end then.
it woe found that, only one, a Mend of
the ailed engineer, had been Mire All
the other three were practically tin-
ilanrinlill°e's1;nys in the Fnr West have. fee- I have no objections to wet feed ; it is
Own," Ithe designation being derived
from the. Brithsh title by His Royal
With so many foreign emperors and
kings aseociated with our anny, IL IS
scarcely surprising that our own roy-
alties &Mend be in receipt of honorary
commisseens from the Continent.
King Edward, for example, is Field-
marshal of bolh the Gemini end the
Austrian armies. The ist Prussian
Dragoon Guards pay homage lo him as
their chief and lee is also honorary colonel
ef the 5th Hussars. In
Russia., loo, King Edward is recognized
ension arises.
His Majesty's latest appointment is
that of General of the Norwegian forces,
an honor conferred on him by his roy.
el son-in-law, King Ilaakon, during hts
recent v1,11 to England.
The Prince of \Voles cannot be said
to have accumulated n-elny Conenentel
military honors as yet, for he is only
Lieul.-C.olortel of the 1st Prussian
Guards. However. the abilities of hie,
soldier uncle, the Duke of Connaught,
Move. been recognized by Prussia, Ate
stria, and Russia, In whoee eespective
cavalry he bus been. appointed to po-
sitions Of importance.
Good grooming should be clone every
day to keep the pores open, the skin
healthy, end the hair silky. Soft balt, is
very warm and is a non-eonduclor of
IL Ls proper in selecting n bull to lead
a herd to buy the best Mae eon be se-
cured, because blood and !Marge tell,
etticb the first calves thal come Mom your
herd will be sure to receive recognition
from .those eeeking first-class animals to
lead or constitute a herd.
Sheep will eat and SO8111 10 Ince ;pun
Meuge Mel other itultittite reject, and the
oak front horses or cattle nee nearly all
anal up by the sheep. Bonn and pea
vines and many vaelelles of weeds, if
well cured us bay, are eaten greedily.
While Iles reduces the cost of keeping
the sheep, they should net he media to
subsist upon such food. They need some
good hey end a little grain or roots every
(ley during the winter to obtain the best
results in lambs 01` WOOli
VillsbIly IS 1111' great secret of thrifty
feeding, It may be en accomplishment
to know how to balance VI 88.11011. 11111 11
IS 110I necessavy eqeipment, Provide
the chick with the necessary variety and
ho balance his own ration. The rent
practical application of )(aliment melons
is not lo know bow to compound them
but le Icnow how lo adminIsier them in
just stint -Mont quenelles lo nvoid width.
(Well 4 accidents resulting from $100011. 011. omit bul is nol necesenet .1( • beet -,
Derellth'w 3 16I' 18112, 11 Passmg" trnhl s-iille.', end is.; often clun.g'eril'ue jlie,cm'isell•cri
stun( M it drift 81 Bear Creek, in the scan•Mg, hence demitiod.e closer alltnilion
Hence's. A enew.plough ntott a train- in telminleterleg it.
AI einem ee setteed inn reap, min Ile• \\ ,Iltret' 8111:11,1 w'lle ere '11,11 I" le.' Passing Mount llormingthii, whore tete
nt Ilte eletieniles end ether hilt., jue we"el ruildee mee ew Moe rime +dung Ilre eide or 11 Mee') hill,
front Hoe and of the death Abruimu, "v191 (me or' tig filyinun looked in) mid .suksr great
and hie feei,,• mid moo' lee, ie Med r.entidadly avalimele, INN\ typing down 111)(111 Mem
lelinmel, The narrative leen petweett, 1,, shoulott to Ihrt driver, Ito put on
enumeride generint eie et lelininel.
thus giving !lit, ancedry of still 0111,1,
tribes 01o•ely related to the
Willi the to eignit of the birth (It Illeoh
and Estill, end the selling of his High -
right hy the fdder 1.0 Ills ,1,1,11TIPT
1011111101% 1111111,101- Q1111111'0 211.
it'0111 Which ollt` 1,1.t.,0111 11,..111 i•
ri,O1O1118 WO rally refercrwe 1,1 tome in
hi! 111,9114111iIii area fret°
relation to aline, AI valiant hie hillier, or
his sone, eiteolt end Mete, '11,
!impose of flu, tun tithe', lime hie is
clearly to give the geneulegy
tPill le. fee .\rel,e Its lilt'
threleme 01-1<iteld (.11,1011,0n, fr.end).
, iny •ervinil
w 1,4 er 1111,1111 -
hint heell
111.1,1 1,1,1
lite, e ner his ttlact, 1,1 lieleletien,
Chem( "I \Ills dot fil all lin 1,, Ille
la -,1 eight Intel Io •ny
agrecai,lc, rouldn'l do it, ,onVellow
,1 In•I bede theni goal -bye. Nor,.
; • ! Olen you (lin mimeo! lo say
something agremble titter till I"
trtlT IT WAS TO() LA'I'E,
A nuke of •11,311, caul roel; and hetes,
meighing Ilmiteentle of tons. struck
halm eweeping 11 MI 1,.10 mil,. mid bore
it welly newel meemlnin side. In the
al, of 1111( engine we( 11 110111 T11;111, an
line, lie, lore saw 1110
maiming, coming, lee meld do ne-
ttling. \\Men the snow !Meek Ihe train
11 rainy in 11 ,ort of wave through the
wthd,,w (nw sitle the'rab, and on.
Welly corrird Millt lInd the
firemen clean through the opposite win,
The pollee force of the Brinell Emplee
--Meirepolitnn. nmnielpel and ruffle—In-
cludes altogether about .21 1,000 mon. Of
ties loth! 54,11110 are ln the United King-
dom and 1 17,0011 in India, the remainder
being in the celonles end dependeneles,
But if we mid Me number. of village
nOtflinWl‘tvoini°1 ItlireeeelengietlilYretrelcengsi
315,000 to 850,000, we get gennd
IMO of 5011,1100 hor the pellet, feral of the
E1111/1110, Tills means Mel, inking (be
111'1110 Ellildre as of Whole, there is one
policeman to every feel peopin, and to
every (sixteen sminee miles, The pollee
of the Drilled leingdom cost eeleCI tt year
each on the neeragee
T wir
tic 110111e ..
... .. ..
Sweet, Bolt fue Beead and Meter.—
Take one pound or buker's dougn. met
lowed into one °mere of butler, two
outlive la' engine and a beaten egg. Make
cl,111.1:11.itito a roll the Mee required for
breed and Leiner. Mike la a moderute
Vageletean Ilissoles.—Take ally cold
vegeleblee, with plenty of cold polatoee.
Mop Ole vegetables finely, Mesh Rio
potatoes welt butler. Season all with
peppete sell, and a 11111e tarragon vino -
ger, leant inlo bulls, (lip Inlo egg end
liveaderumbs, and fey la deep fat le a
golden broW11.
lnyelhes Cup PuddIng.—Take a tea-
cupful of breadertimlie, pour over sten-
eked milk 10 0011011, and, niter eoliking,
bent up wile a fork. Grease a Ineetkletel-
eup with huller, Odd lightly beaten egg
to die hreaderumete, sWeeleil and
very slightly, Pour the mixture into the
greased cup, and steam for twenty min-
utes. Turn out lo SO1T.e.
Potted Cheese.--euis is a very good
way of using up odd pieces of (Ned
cheese. Ontle the cheese (Mwn finely,
add sufficient button to moisten it, some
made mustard, sail and pepper to taste.
Mix all into et etiff pesle, neressary
11S111g 21 CrO8111, '11118 dli,X1111.8 will
keep good fur several weeks, end is ex-
cellent as a savory spread on toast.
Onion Sauce foe Keeping.—Put into a
jar half a pint of the vinegar In which
memos have been pickled, one ounce ef
cayenne popper, one tablespoonful nf
soy, two of mushroom catsup, two of
walnut pickle vinegar or walnut kelete
up. Let this stand for six clays, shaking
frequently, Men add amnion, imir pint of
vinegne; stand it another week, strain,
and put in small bottles.
Pickled Caulitlewer.—Drecile the heads
in pieces according to their nutuval divi-
sions. After washing well boil in sailed
water foe nye nolintles, drain off, throw
Into cold water, drain again thoroughly,
and when dry place In jars or bottles,
Boil some white Yillegar 8 Mlle
stew, cayenne, and epices liege,
stvain, and pout, scalding over the cauli-
flowers. When cold cork lightly and tie
down tightly elthh blausmr.
Tencakes ere always popular for lea,
and they are so easily made Mut they
should be screed far 10000 often Man
they nee. Tnke one pound of line flour,
sift Into it two teaspoonfuls of baking-
puwder, half- a tenspoonfig of salt, a
dessertspoonful of caster sugar. and, if
eked, MIK a teacupful of cleaned Silk
limas. Rub into this three 01111(10$ of
dripping, or butter and lard mixed.;
blend NV1111 41 beaten egg and a little milk,
Roll out to an inch thick, cut into fancy
shapes. brush OVer With milk, end bake
in a quick 011111. These cakes may' he
served either hot or cold, split, open und
Int I lend.
While Sonp.—Take a small knuckle of
veal and about a quarter of a pound of
leen hum. Put these Mlo a swept -in
nad cover with cold =ler. Add a bunch
of sweet herbe and an onion stuck welt
cloves, together with a small piece of
mace. Let these simmer gently unlitethe
Meat parts easily from the bones. Take
the soup off the fire, sh•ain, and leave it
till coed. Remove all the let and place
the steel: in a saucepan, and thicken le
with half an ounce of nom. rubbed Into
half an ounce of butter. Stir while IL
boils, 'then season to taste. Pour into
a haven, nnd ileld a gill of cream, or
hell a pint of milk.
Spice- Ceke.—Take three-cemetas of a
pound of flour, a heaped leuspounful of
haking-powdee. a pinto of Fall, a cpuw-
la of a pound of aneter sugar. and one
teaspoonful of mixecl spice. Stir all to -
gaiter into a basin and rub in lightly
throe ounces of good beef dripping; then
add a quarter of a pound of stoned rai-
sins. Deal up an egg with a gill or milk,
pour this into a hole in the mixture and
slit' well, adding more milk if necessuey.
Deal thoroughly for a few minutes, put
into a greased tie, and bake Mr one
hour and a half. Thee:were must be quick
when the cake Is first main, bet it may
cticitlotel.soinewhat lowerds the end of the
To Boil Cracked Eggs, — Put a tea-
spoonful of vinegar in the water, and
however badly cracked, the eggs will
not boll out. •
Diety wicker' choirs and Robles are
easily cleansed end mado to look Eke
new by being scrubbed with salt, and
water, and then set, In the sun and air
kild'orye'llean Discolored liends.—A little
borax or rock ammonia dissilved in the
washing water will grainy aid you in
getting off the steins from. your hands.
Obstinate Mains can be removed wilh a
Wee of out lemon.
Lime Alla and Glyeeeine foe the Heir,
—Mix together half a pint of lime Jule°,
quarter of a pint, of rosewaler, - two
(Awes of rectified spirits and Ihirty
tozsc of oil of lemon, Keep tightly
Bolled pudding sleould he plunged at
once into boiling water ancl ehould
lost, not 81111111a. WOU l'011101111108
Mal boiled suet puddings enn Imedly boll
too long tie too feel. Watch leo pot and
add fresh. boiling wetter as it is re-
New palent leather boots should ree
the leathery end prevents IL clerking ns
win else, rubbing wee sated on lime,
wearing the nest few Mims. if good,
mean lordlier (voiles vete, well end entice
Mee to lbe lase
To Ilemove taint From Your econ yo 1
.0.1 8101 wilmillall, (nal is It
Millie a steong y111111011 of poluelt, ley it they aril n jubilee?"
on the steps end in it slew'. limo the "Well, it's Ilik, ' eel(' her neighbor.
will be soft, mod Call IT castle weslied orr "When folk leis leen merried 25 yams
with seep water, 1001' Inerhs 11,111lS 0111(111 11111.111111l; 1111(1 11111011 they
Tiled on Ihnneinn apply a lithe motor been learned fie years there a
spirit with a levee or flannel and they golden eruchilith if the moles dead,
Havelings of woullen garmeaLe are MI
only Meanie Mut mill metre a dere whin
can coueettled perfectly, From 11,,
roll of pieces you have lake one that wit
give ruvelings eight or len Maws lung
11 I \\titsio
Me or lerge aisle into its geed shape a.
110 willittrewu niter the work Is an.
Possible with a line throad, whieli into
Metal mere eueile Man a course ont
could 1)0,
warm water und nothing but pure with,
soup. and imn with ppd. u. wenn iron
11 Is the Pliillt/W too liot water mid
ytte,oliolli\o..1, irons woke M.! Mik two.'
in me propurmion \OM the Ilan
'lel is trailed and it. rives the :ilea. Tht
neet way le to put leaves ef linen .01
0111111101S In the nentledeed( tied Men Ile
needles rettrien smooth end bright.
When emit or cord thisl has neer
spilled oti the floor, eepetially on it cm'
pa, it should he covered plentifully mill
etienineal. This should be sweet tie vele
carefitily on 1.1 dlislnan wink a
Kcon adding ani
steaming as long ite duet sweeps le
There are few heueeheepers
red familiar with some cif the
lag, 0 1,,ny rein CLIIEAS W 114 ISO it 2 ri
11,..4'S Of tureenlium mid ite its cider it
clean noel wholesome il. has an (elven
are offensive.
110W TO 17.1—elli
Dieleweshing, by the geneial eemeen
or opinion. would ,oein lo
most tusk In lite \\ holt
realm of housework.. An inexperienced
give or a very young girl. may be core
sidered good In so fur 11,9 being able al
tonal to wash the (1/S1108, 111111
SOO is (1110W011 10 Wiltill I110111 18.1. OWli
way without lot or hindrence. Itul ever,
Myatt dish-wnshing Mere u right wee
met several wrong ways.
Ono of Me latter consists le pulling
everything. from teacups and slIverwan
to eooking ittenslle, theough the sem(
water, which grows more and 111O1'l
atellit,shoe 18,1(1,,,,l(i•oessdigsinice; (.\i‘iri,theoittil
Ong them !though Mg rineitig water.
Common sake slimed show the neces-
sity of dimming the washing water fee -
(madly, because it grows celd net well as
dirty. Common sense should Mee hid
Nee [hat a geod lee tensing water is
tweessity that will free the dieltes Iron
Without, plenty of hol wider and plane
of clean towels, chem. sWeel dishes art
an impossibility, met no one who line,
ever hud eel:enema. with rough dishee
need be told of their disagreetoble eure
A lionle or !dialer that is to hold milk
oe water needs grmal (mete You may Loll
eecry drop or your drinking water, and
yet. your' trouble will count for nothilip
11 IN Willer is .40red ill 110lLies IriVe
not been properly weetwel,
The British Navy's—New Commander al
the Nore.
Adintral SW Gerard Henry Uneted Noel
is the neW COn111111111.1er ill chief at the
Nore, the naval station nearest London.
iT1 times pest 11 has been the scene of
many attempts to strike a blow at the
capital, and the appoinimene of such a
fine type of the old sea clog to such n
responsible post is an exceedingly pou-
ter one.
Admiral Noel is 62 years old. Like
Nelson, he is the son of a country per-
son and was born in Nelson's own
county, Norfolk. lle had no pull to helP
him .along in the itary. He had made
his wny by merit. \\Milo In commend of
the British squadron in Cretan watees in
1598 lie pneticularly dIstIngiushed him-
self. NeWS reached him of a Moslem
rising elegalo-Kastreen. where, es it
result of Turkish treachery, 100 British
soldiers and 1,000 Christians lost their
lives. Sir Gerard Noel acted willt char-
acteristic pronmellude. Surrounding the
Tuekish barracks by a forced tight
march, he presented an ultimatum to
Edhan Paste, the Turkish leader. Ills
1.01111S Ware 111sl£111 surrender or imme-
diate attack. lenient Pasha sent a mes-
senger suggesting Mal they should talk
things over. The answer he look back
was that the British gime would begin to
speak in eve minutes it the Turkesh fing
did not come down, 13efore the itvo min-
utes were up, the Ottoman soldiers wove
stacking their surrendeved Seven.
teen of the ringleaders W0110 lounged in
the market place of Ganda to leach the
Turks proper respect for the power of
the Widcler of WIndene. For this exploit
Sir Corned neeived a knighthood, .
Iled 110t I/8811 for Ihe adiniettes
prompliteide in the presence of denger on
another occasion, a sad tinge in the hie -
tory of the British nnvy, which is set
aside for the mournful story of 111e Vic-
toria and the Campeedown disaster,
wOuld haVO been sadder still. When
Order Was given which made collision
between these tee° ships inevitable, he
was commending the Nee, which was
following C1050 in the wale of the Vic -
lona, and Ceptain Brackenbury was In
charge of the Edinleirgh, Had they cur-
ried out the oi•der signaled the Edinburgh.
mid Me Nile would have shared the fale
of the Cemperdown and the Victoria, Ind
al the critical moment Sir Gerard altered
the course of Ins ship end CapInIn Renck-
enbury followed his lead. leke Nelson
before 111111, lege disobeyed cm older to
avert a second &sesta'.
Some yeers ego beetle, Queen
dente. and about. the lime 111111
Litton's jubilee (ens to be velehreled,
14 Hoeing converention bele etet Iwo hild
Stench «emelt W88 0\11'1101M 0115 (ley
n. street corner In London ;
will elieedile (16111,110er.
'ro Clean Pluseelle Cowlitins.---s11111e
ihe curleine to he elation]. 111y them eel it
able, end bruell Sthingo
them 1111 (troy with worm wider rind mil.
Monis. '1'11,111 ,p111g0 1110 v111'111111, Nv;111
Vit cart. nol 1,i look, too
spotitth wol, hang
curligns (ley. le Ithe en( e•tor Moue
higs will ensily be made to 1(101 arm the
1,Wo ['tree ecues.
leen il'i( julitlee.''
t "1111. To111111Y lete.' 111'e ielhe
Id ,I1111
1, i'l . \\Mill 1 1/111
IV: t'd •ii.- I., all
. Steel le, more immull
I N Non Nvit:1, non'
I to yott lett
11,.e le bee
01 Some. Use IlevituSe Absorbent
Pipe Makes a Gond One.
Physicians 111 -ti ilf1481 1151081 WI1811108
there really is (my virtue in whet- ere
celled iniuktonee, one or them, writing
lit die eledleal detiliteee Mid Meets
elenes are tlf Value, lad 11111 I, Ilicy would
of 'novo value if Mete were
te nt. puelleular atria), of
etone oe ettheten,•0 ((Odell may 1,0
110411411111.0d PX(.1111si1'01,1' 110
10 SIVA. here seal welly of 1110111,
8,.; nailed. rind no leo were of exaelly tho
ennui composition, geologivally (4111-
"Mailsloile9 art. un Ilie .01.1110 111'111(111110
Mai ft Mulling paper dove whim unstint-
ing title end three le igniting that ;nukes
It Mice one then 1,, keit pipet:ley, A met,
any pipe, prociwalee foe 0111' eOld
nearly itny sloe( where Wawa, le sold,
can not be exeelleti Ity iondelora, ere
mullet. how groat ils iTpundion,
'rim Iloilo], cull be (dourly det11011-
:drilled by pacing 11 centime dry red.
Meek In willt the margin of
jeuldle of wider end !ethane what cupil-
lary will accomplish. There.
fore, to be ancient, the telly nece.ssily is
fer tile stone to be Porous Illei have
strong cuillesive absorbent qualitiee.
Nettling mysterietts Weed. 11,
"1 have seen several IMO nopene
0,111011;1111111S, alloy veeleal, remit or 1111 -
MIT and (VOVO f0111ld ill 1110 bladder, Itid-
tir liver of some aninial-elliese When
.11:Mil the deer, eel-west:et to be leo beet.
"When a peeetin is bitten by it reptile
or deg stipposed to he mnd and Ille por-
ous 810110, aPPlied 10 the wound, the
blotting paper eaten begins, and MO
1/100d, Irian 1115 neeillo of lho
ittilmal and witaltwee poison these fluids
',militia naturelly, by eapiletry et-
teaclion, lie abeorbed by end Wu the
substimee implied, no matter what name
yoll tally give it.
"The saying that if a stone stelks the
wound le poisonous, and if does not
take bold ewe is no venom mated Ls.
untrue. 11 the semi, is clean end dry fit
will adhere Mien inolli111191 18 Williill
read' WI it becomes seetwalcd.
Foe instnnee, n 11011' red Meek. will ab-
sorb one pilot ttf watee, After the Vt1110111
11118 1/01111 taken lino the eireultillen limo
mail:done N11/1111110:01; lila 11S 1110 Vi(111111
IS usually 1111.ed with 11 Ilisliey or a1001101
at bile stillie the stone is being used
1.110 spirits may counteract the effeel tot
(lie 1)010(01,
"I know of a etono wheel Ions a 1010
reputetion, and makes n gond living foe
the family owning il. 'rhey LIOVVI' lel it
out of their sight, arid when llte vie-
tim enn not lie lalcon to the stone ono'
member of lhe family van he hived to
lake the stone to the victim. in 11111.1111011
lo travelling extvnses they elierge 95
for the implication mod $2 velen tor each.
hour that the shine slices.
eThts stone is Inky it large. part of leo
Net long eine', the stone hold to a
man's leg for over one hundred hours,
yet the num (led. His life C01114 11110'0
been saved If dependence not been
pieced entirely lhe stone."
Germans Give Warning Agniast Keeping
the Fruit in Dwellinee.
Clammily has foutel n peril in ripples.
They 111'0 11111 principal D1(91111111 I01' 1110
prolongation anti spread of Ihe destruc-
tive house inulli ifilycyphagus dollieS11-
ens) according to onsovvalions recently
discovery eons the vositli of a
plague of moths nt (Item and ihe villages
etireoneding it. 'rho Memo were traced
to the stores of apples kept 111 the houses
anti thence to the trees themselves,
•.rile larvae ere enind first of all tn tho
apple blessems. As the. fruit germs they
Muster in Ilte content depreselon about
tfitl•euitniereieen into Hie hone()
it is tatlen with the eggs, Toe eneentga-
eon of 1110 eggs is said to he preeligious.
When the fruit Is taken into the house
the eggs lind their way inhi clothing,
hangings, eimpels end 111)holstercd furni-
ture, and the insect. is !Intellect nut, with
Itoe welleknown ruinous results. The
eggs are also said to be the cause of tho
whilo mottling that is so often noticed
As a result. or bhp disroverie.q 11 is
urged teat npplos ntwor lin taken into
on dried frith.
develli»gs without careful cleansing, end
evea Men. they ehottld never be kept In.
livihg roems, rind the peelings should
be promptly removed.
Babies Worth 925 — DrullIty Adults
Averstoe 91,250 Each,
Miss Ravenhill gnve interesting
estimate of the video to the Stele cif each
niellIber of the community in 11 lecture
on the economics oilman al. the \Vont-
inen's Dopertment. ot King's cellege,
London, Englund, vecetolly.
"1 should like noty methane lo under,
stand tho connection between thaw two
words," sloo said, "The function of en-
nomies is to collect fuels, and avenge
and drew infcirencee rrom them hy-
giene is lee science and arl of conserving
and promoting health.
"it, can easily be tintiorsinod that we
cottony Loennlyt, comEnislaebnit•esitit•ibuittatillIttatevii5e,
when they are boat. They luny be per-
lionnently inenerd during Hie thet lieu
minutes of their lives,
"Herne therefere, is efficiency, tem.
chewy is tuitional prospeelly. leach ono
of us represents a &Mille, money velour
al our 1)11'111,
"An infant el bine Is worth ,-,e3 10 lag
NO11111T, Wile101O WOWS lo he io man,
if hie position Ls only llonl of Ihe eget-
affluent laborer. lie 1,9 W01911 i41150.
"Jr sorrvi, from innoss mo 111'0 a
halter lo our country, instead of
e valuable [Asset."
tIvagg "1 0‘ as talking to yotti, tee tee
day." Stagg: "they did Iliel lateen ?"
Mtge: "What ilitopeo ?" Stagg "Tlint
yott wore doing (Ite linking?"
" \\ 'core ueing n new elitiving-eregt
nee," eldd Ille burlier. "floe de film
e?" "\\'',11," splullertd Ihe (helm, "I
Mete notice tiny dirrerenre 111 lite 111.10."
NN'I'iles nn illegible Multi does 11 beemem
he 1111111,5 people nee ((Meng to peezle
creel, 11, In cilia. weeds, he is 11 mess et
cement," Seribbler ; "Nol olways.
Somolinirs it num (allots illegibly net le, -
11.11,0 110 IS N11111011011, 11111 lee:nose he Is
modt•el." len 1 tl v r : " NI; (ice ? \\ lie
intoner' Sculletter " (elven lee eeell•
ing." '