The Brussels Post, 1907-3-7, Page 5Pie.- t =l $M t. -i Graduates of rr the Popular ELLIOTT .„,01114a TORONTO, ON', oflioadlly 2, t p .I(,una a '141unngrnuk• 00, n0,lt•11e pare, Lwow. Clients, 0 mmeroia '1' aoOII ,8, .uortuoml at nl salarl8e, A s- 'Vouchers aGO, t a k t,1 D111 110y 1svetty amus 8801' oseloy , p sou flown d Our /IA rico pastae , 31'0] I.uG 1 it true Our euPunur Work ,a , V wuh 1001131 owl. uuw. J Oo1u1"gue true 1,/W J lel, .I('B'r, Principal Oma Yuno(c AND .r.axnsn0la awe V :,-- -,1 J �..., ti ry o- �it 4 __ MEDICAL ri:AiUUS. alt. 1t. A. LSUJ(0V;a— ,1ICOl%Saot' to Ill'. J A ilentut;Ulml itru8seis, Ontario Graduate 1 Graduateaduate 0ldawl ,4.ger) , Naw cull Mout 001 u1O he ^ill L Uy-tutaua cud 811 • gmells of 0umtrm &(41109 one rum 1.:.,0w 10411e 10 Iorwwrsy 00 01113d by Or. .du ,8t1.;et0u. 11109148130 of 0,1 ,l., a "peoialty. 'PIione AO. 91 S17SIhlr;4S GA1tUS,- (yf4�/, 3±. Alo013AO.K.1 ' — P i • teener in Marriage Lio0a00a U • sue 114 Bruowy,Turnuerry •cruet, Unbind,/ WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND 15SUElt 01 MA1t1U1AGE LION NSLt'a *nice in lite Post office, Ethel, 80-4 I/tll dA C. ARA.S PRONG 1� 10 prepar04 Lo lvn a/1011018 Ott l'i,w • Ot 13.0011 U.g tn. 1'erwa 031 apl,llaltt;v,- Puet0t1iun add,000-Is 009018. 118,h48808- L008,00u.1.0,-Bray. Pupils wily nave Dunt 1080088 at 11,00 (4100 101106 1, yr 33004e1 MSS MARGARE 1 lYi'LAUCtilli. TEACHER OF PIANO o' y Pupils prepared for the Toronto ' Conservatory of Music. JAMES HAtRUS, Agent IT.owick Mutual Jhre Insurance Company 01800 and 48610101300- . WAI.TON. ONT. ROBERT OUNNINGHAMI I881EANea, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, AUCTIONEERS. S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- 1. • Baa, 11111 sell for better prides, ti neater Sten, In Mee 0111/0 and lees darke0 than any ether Auctluueet in East Huron in 410 won'tohmage anything. Dates and order.. Oen always b8 arranged at this -Wide or 0) pareon84 application, ,ROST. .H. GARNISS B.L 011 VAI4 - CONT. Auctioneer for Huron Count. Terme reasonable. hulas arranged tel at the elbows of 7'0it YoeT, brussels. 2211 VETT BINARY. I. A CUNNINGliAM- N_A • Honor ,31.1eu,9 of Clio tlulurie Vo/ armory .College, le preps(rud 10 VOILE all the eases o1 d0m tisioa1Bd 4901(0010 ill a 0004pel tint manner, Partl•,ulur attention paid is. Veterinary U0.,tl3try cud Vida aodo0 01411, pruwptly at.0udeo t0. 013108 and 180x0419,. -four amore North i1 bridge, ioruberry el Brussels. LE41AL AWS iitNVEYANCINIA, A B. MACDONALD— • liarrinter, 8014411ot, NOtary, fete Suc.90,00 t9 G. 8'. abtir. ()Woe over Stat, Bard Bunk, 141030818. Solicitor for motto polltau nauk. VVIA/ 111.'SiN CLAIR- • Barri/Oar, none/tor, ODUv4yaeee, Si Lary Public, ko, Ulaou-Stowart'8 Bloc, L deer rim 11101 Ueutrai 110101. Solicitor for the Standard Sank. Lawr Tau POST hue made arrangements to club WWI 011 die leading Weeklies and Outbid lull other Jourm110 of every dla- eriptiim, Trig POST mud the following nautili p,pern will be sent for nue 78ar ae fo'- .OWn t WEETLIES Pon Mid Toronto Globo $1 36 I. t 7 1 + Mail end Empire ' i'l'ea Pro's 1 80 a 100111ily Herald and Sow1 80 " Montreal Witu,•os 1 6d " 1.1"nd•n1 e1dvertl,el' 1 60 " Wet Illy lion 1 811 Partnere' Advnuate 2 3., DAILIES foam Ano The News $2 I " time ..... .. . 11 8., ,. Globe 4 60 " Mail and Empire 4 60 " et and - i 10 " Ativortioer 2 8" When Premien-ea are given with any of the above named pnb icatio,o you 1•e- ',1.0 +hem through the chub with 'I'nr Po- T. Call at the office or re:rit the amount oy 1'. 0. 0 -der, Express Osler or Reg. .10red letter, addreseiug - THE POST, J3reese's, Ont. 11 jOLtOIIDFOO'1, HAYS ,, 18 L3LAIR- BAIIIUIITMR8, 1:101.11011`1,103, NOTARIES. 1W. Potooniruoi,1 . 0. Bt,Am.. R. 0, 1131330 G. Oalae0-'1heee formerly occupied by Meegrs 0111310100 , Q: 4011, uN'rA1uo, Gonnnfoa, GENCISTRY DR`. R. P. FEILD. . DENTIST Graduate of the hovel nollege of Deotai Burgeons of Jetsam cud First•0l00s -Heuer Graduate . of 'Toronto University. 04110,. next -to Brewer's, Ph110grapu (4 allory, 311OSSEL8. 10xstxt,tt�s1 I3er4nod 1 - Aseessor Bouthrotrhae completed his work, and reports 62 doge in Henan. Rev. W, E. Kerr, of Oliutou, will uooupy the Methodist pulpit here on March 17th. ' Wnuo aabkirk had the miefortau8 to break hie leg while at play oil Tun day of int week. Hord Monne left to take a position in the hardware 984ab118hm801 of Hawk ahem & Bon, Exeter. Aire. Hawkbee. rented W. Lammie'e residuum. Mr, Hawkie expeotod home from Kimberly, Akin, in the Spring. 41 1,2 e � fl A FAMOUS SCHOOL :YI STRATFORD. ONT. t1 Is ree0444110001 to be one of the leading 9d 0ommereial 80130018 01 Outorio. Our Gannett aro thorough 81(1) prao14001. Each 00partlueul is fu the laude of experienced h191reeterei�' Onr grade. B (Wooers in demand and are e,00tl84 with great' eutee08. tlauy trochee I3u3in00800140103employ out' grade - .Mee no touchers. Write for free (rata.QI may Logue. You router at any time, ea�o 'EL1r101'r dt tTOLAOSLAfi, Principals.vtr Dia HO, and J. H. Ohapmin, of London, met la the dollool , Room of Wesley Ohnroh, Clinton, on Tuesday of lam week, to arrange the program of eervloa0 In oouoeotwu with the meeting of the An- nual 0onlereuoe ennui takoo pleas in North Street Charoh, Godenoh, in Joao Ont. , L, tea(.U'30'4tl. W. J. Beryls has a04091ed 0 position se traveller for Wingbetn foundry, W, W, Nluhoi, prmo1pal of the Ingo 80boo1, hue intuited to town and. 18 al most reu0vered from hie atta044 of rh814mutlum. J. F. Wilson, President, and W. E Bmuu e, SeU,etary of the Listowel Aormultur.l Jimmy, were in Toronto Ittbenu1Ug 418 041331181 meeting of the 210191440101 Fairs A19001a11011. The dirsutoro al the Liotowol Agrloul tu181 800360y deoldad to bold a Spring tired Fun, awl Simi upon Friday ,marob 16th, ae the uat8. Pone to the amount u1 ((bout $6Q will be awarded for On millirem kinds of grain and grate ends aild p0Gal000, Robert Marko, implement agent, re. moved 8 severe blow 131 1110 fame by habit.; mauls with a piece of aoantliug used at the 811108.008 ill 4418 stable door, whish u ie luded to and fell o n him 418 had eau w p 1 he wad mitering the stable. The blow oeariy fractured bre none, 4190898ila11ng eurglual attention. 431 otderlOh. The Star hats edited a folding ma. 011100 10 1310 egopmeut of It8 OBlee. Edwin Kama, of Gaol, lett for Brant. Iura, where be 1410001140 taking a podium. 031 the G. T. R. The Sterling Bank moved to its new office 411 the arum of Hamilton street cud the Square, Things are humming these d8ye al the Doty Eugfue Worn, fifty hand. being kept buoy i0 the mullion shop of that live eetabuehment. The charge avant Ira Bioe, the Hon sail hotel keeper, ander the Liquor License Act was d48mieeed by Magis- trate Humber. Jahn R. Clarke, the well-known en. 10rta108r and lecturer, will be in Gado, glob again on 'Thursday, March 14th, mud will appear in Kenx ohorob nutter she 808ploe8 of the Lediee' Aiu Sooiety The busmen of the late John Yule in electrical fittings and bioyole rep.lr8 will be earned on by hip sou, Wm. Yule. Our well known dealer la live 810011, J. F. Andrews, 9060 ill the wreak oil'; the G. 1'. It, a ooupme of 041189 Elam of Guelph, on Tuesday ditereoon of last week. Mr. Andrews wan in the 8800ud lad) oar, jamb 0 seat in front ex Mayor O'Douognue, of Stratford, 8110 woo 8111834, while the little to0r year•o.a eaughler o[ H. 0. Walker, of Peterboru', ono Moo wag to led wee just a0ro80 from Mr. O'Donoghue. nosy Checks For Yate Girls Don't bo debarred Crum sunned) and writ, don't give Into dlue80 and deepa(19. Ferrozuue euppingtune and vigor through w41ou all !onetime of wunutiuy life are mMt118ih00 cud fondled, from Now liiuhmouu, Qno., comae the toho,vlug 08,40001881 Crum Aire. Iedore Boi3aueeau,l "I take deep pleasure In te0tilyitg to the towertul iudueuoe of FerrozoIe. Fur years my daughter hoe been pale and oiokly; -slowed *Agile of advauoed anosmia. Her lips gut eo white and her ethane to devoid of dolor I (eared sou• gumption. I pan certify Ferrozuue made kW excellent mire, and tu•dey my eaughter'e health f0 the beet." 60a per box atall dealers. Clinton. Mr: Maeuu has dikpoe0d of his milk bueira80 to Bee. Ohuroblll. James Yuuug, Idssome year8 a reef. dent here, fs movtu8 hie effects to Blyth when he: bas opened .a -boot and shoe bneiusoe. Mien Jennie Robertson, who hoe boon cashier for Hodgeue Broo, for dome year4, hoe given up her position mud will re. ouporate. Mies Edith 13odgeue taken her 0100. Mr. Roes, who has been in charge of the meohauluai branch of. Harland Bros, business, has moved to Toronto where he I/48 a situation with the (3, P. R. He is enoceeded by Mr. Hooking, of N0werk, N. J. The Maeonio Lodge met for the last time in the hall in the. Searle block, whiob has been their habitation since Juin 13th, 1886. The 'March meeting' will be held in their new hall in the Sovereign Beek Book, which' is now being got ready for them, Now carpets, new chain, to foot pretty nearly every. thing hew have been ordered, so that it is confidently expected It 90(11 be: a plane of meeting in which the brethren will take much pride. The Balt Works at Btepleton are 41019 down, the reason being that brine no no conger'pr0ourable. About Len days age it wee discovered that the tubing- wag split, eo the pump had to be rained. This was 000omp11ehed without any meccas', trouble tented, and the pump wad towered again -but lit about 806 feet it stopped and to eon of all m,vem0nte known to a long experience, refuood to go too torah lower. John R8(18furd at ono oo04mu010mted with Pinholes and has engaged an export. The Methodist Confonna° - Speoial Committee in Oollneetioli with the Lon. don Oorllere0oe, ooneha4ing of the Preei dent, R0V, D, Bogen, and Revs, Henn end 01rah004,0o31eri110 And,.reoa, Biyo) and 111rke, 888100th, Obatrman , of this Shako Mande With .18liiuu0 Awfully (11001008184 le 48lh31ta, But worse tt possible when combined with Uruenhltie. Relieved Tanker by 011,11,00h- (Muue than anything e18e-cured 00 thoroughly by •Uatarrhozooe" that it 4081104 return. Oaterrhuz000'o b.anug Vapor 18 breathed right tufo the kluge, deetroymg the nom of, asthma and masted. in the most chronic oases. Try it. Two wen 26o and $1.00 at all deal. era, .0t. L W Qty l L. Elma Ora0ai1 met 031 Monday. clue. Roue, woo 4190 ban blood poison. mon me baud for sumo tune, ie rapid - ,y Improving.. Rev. Win. Harvey, pastor of the yl2Guudiat (Moron, Brantford, spent a few daye with hie brother Cyrus, on the 10th. Alex. Btruthere, con. 10, Ellet, wee xakeu 111 and 9000 under the (Motor's care for mime time. He souk a apell of eoughtug cud coughed eo hard ae to rep sure the uiil10g of the !ung. He le now ,mpruving rapidly. Dim Earl boozer on Tuesday evening 0l 1804 week mooned word from Mover tun that tier grandmother, Mrs, John Jrnilh, had died 8t that place. The 0100880011 bad nut boon in good health fur some time, bat of late she nod been somewhat better. Bert. Turnbull, eon of J. A. Turnbul , Etch coo. Wear, fa eumetgiug 8,811 at 101011to vasty. He 18 taping a mnui0al 0041res mid at the Smits exam, u8 was one of ten 00ade1110 who ob. tamed Minuet perfect marks. HO also sneceeded in writing off We supplement exits!. hi Latin. UIerb Ratcliffe was in Stratford Moo• day stud. 1u98uay of last week giving emend() in los Can of Cliapm8u ve Bane. The mound soed,for the death dl a team Of horeeO w111011 ran away Iron him Ht Britton when be left them fur a few minnow to go into the pistol. Sae. They were found next morning dead ill a (theta on the 14th eon. He valued the Learn at $300. The to90118htp won Obapmen haviug the mete to pay. Chas, Buobauau, whu works for A. M. dweecou on the 101h, met with a nasty uoumeut Oil beturday, 28rd alt. Lis wan chopping woad and fu Owing lug the axe did not mimeo the Mathes 11119 user at baud. The axe ((aught fu 4118 tine and wad awuug lull `o0 1u hie tontine. Furtuuatoly 30 wad turned to u8 course and the full forne of the blow was nut lett. It was 0014,1102 to out quite a deep perpendicular gash in hi. forehead over the eye and the wound bled oopiouoly. "PxEVBBTIoo" w111 promptly check a cold lir rue Grippe when taken early at the "000009 crake." Proveutiod Dore mated outdo as well. Prevention are Sate nutty not aura tab1011, mud Dr. Bhop,Ramue, Woo, will gladly mail you sau,p(es and a book on o.,Ids tree, If you will wren. T'110 89mpie0 prole merit. Cheek early aide with Prevent foe mud etop pneumuOta. Bold to 613 and 25u boxes by F. R. Smith. Wm. Gpggin, who bag been laid up for It r i1 0 1B ae rias few nearly a month with iprving. Mr. Goggu jumped off a lout of straw on the hard ground and 8uatatn011 the it:jury, The Tuwnehip 000no11 in a body rondo an tuepeetiO6 of ib0bridges in the E.et•. cru end of the township on 1 Tnest a f y and report the most of tbern in fairly good uouditioo, A few of the bridges will need eotne repuire. We nederetaud the Spoon bridge oil the 4.113 nom will be rephseed by 0 new steel etruotare this year, About fit y permits met in the Forint. ere' Eah 43'iiday night, Feb. 22nd, louder tie 90opio08 of the A. 0, U. W. and eujoyed o flue opoial evening, The ladies bad prepared on exeellenteproud,ioalud• nig oysters, to 111101 fall floetloewas done by everybody. After leaving 8118 1ab.ee the oompauy enjoytbem.eveo by p,uyulg variant, gamma, iildulgiug in social chat, and in Detamng to the 890081 amine of mem. The Record says: -Tenders for the towu0hip printing were opened by the 001313011, The tender of the Wroxeter Star to do all the Township priuting and advertising was $72 ; the Gorrie Vluette tender $100, amt the Fordwtoh Record $106. After auneiderulg the above ten dere it was moved by Downey and Gregg that tide Outman do not ao0ept any of the tenders 1 township hi Ci tin as due Oux1a rl IOr ba own a p p u g Conned aouelder them too high. -Car. road. 1E' o r ttwlola. Howiok towuehip printing was let to the W101ham Advance for the paltry 8000 of $66 00. 1110 Gala' "Burly Bee Club" purpose bolding u concert on the e9ening of March 220d. Dudley Helmets, of Wingbam, hoe been 8ugaged 00 Solicitor for anon township for the present year, Shelly Booker has purohaoed the Wen - Zen 60 mire farm ou the 2nd coo., Mout of a mile Baal o1 bee own farm for a :air figure, John Juh0010n, Wm. Strong and Wm. Wooers waited on the Coaua)I aching for a gram of $60 for the Howiok Agrloul. Hirai Bou4ely, Moved by Underwood and Gregg that the Ooanoil give the Agricultural Society a kraut of $25.00, - finned. The news -No Pure Drug Cough Cure Laws would beueeded, 1f all Ouogh Ouree were like Dr. Sboop'e Cough Oure and hos 410031 for 20 years, The Netter] al Lew now requires that if any potion* enter in10 a 00Ogh mixture, it must be printed on the label. or package. Fur (hie 199a80111 mothers and others, should maim on having Dr. Bhuop'e Clough Cure No pennon nooks 031 Dr. Bhoop'a Inbe,e- aud Domain the medluine, else i1 must by ,811 be on the label. And It's not only safe, bat it is el,id to be by those who know It beat,.a truly remarkable Dough remedy. Take no abauoo, partiouta19(y with your children. Ll.lot on having Dr. Shoop's Omagh Cure. Compote carefully the Dr. Shoop peok19ge with others end see. No poison marks there I You o8n always be oil the Bale aide by demanding Dr. Shoop's Oougb Ours Simply refuee to 44080 any' other. Sold by F. R. Smith. V)l o r 1"e. SOBoon REPO/W.-Following is the re. port for February of S, S. No, 6 Morrie : -8r. IV. -visa Bowman, 611 ; Frank Bryoue, 408. Jr. IV -Margie Yui", 476 ; (Ir.1l1.-E4oel Sellers, 828, Jr. III. - Rance Ourrie, 428; Harvey Heodereon, 836 ; Mabel Bone, 324 ; Roy Sellers, 160 sir. IL -John Rosy, 523 ; Russel Boas, 379. Jr, II. -Badge Riley, 466 ; Gerrie Elbow, 860;Li;a Wdkiueon,40. Pt, II. - Harold (turtle, 167 ; Ward Sellers, 181 Sr. Pt. I-Juhu Ywll, 442 ; Oberon Sellers, 216 ; Irene Wdkiusou, 104. Jr. Pt.I,- Idabel Shuw, 84. A. 0. &11LL10111, Tooaber, 810(1iere, , )aero It Is 1 A friend tont 00113(001er, an Oneea8ine aid lu every house for the hundred 080 0110 48(1me1110 that do turn up N8raflmr Is too valuable to be without. 11 Borne tbing eaten noses trouble, it mumps, inclination or 4eadeohe NervlIi„e cores. For cold on the obeel, oohing limbo or lame beak rub on Ner villie and get ease et ouoe. A0 a fendy eafegeard nothing is known to exa0(1 Puleou'8 Earl/dine. Get the large 260 bottle from your dealer. Caaladian Newss. Mrs, J. M000unell was asphyxiated a• Welland. A valuable strike of silver is reporttd near Banit.Ste Marie. Edward Sweet was struck by a falling tree at Violet and killed, Joan N1ooDu0ald, a prominent don. tractor of Lindsay, i0 dead. Dr. Young was 090or0 in ae Provinoial 8eore1ary of British Columbia. 0. 0. Robingou,the well known Tor. onto lawyer, died suddenly ou Saturday morning. H. F. W)Ilfame, brakemen, tell 9119 a Gr8014Trunktram near Hyde Park ono 90ae k lied, W, K. George was ()leafed President of the Toronto Industrial Exhibition Annie (fou. C"1. Hughes was elected President of rhe Dominion R(88 Aseooiation to 800• end 0o1. 011b80n. The St. Thomas Board of Education has granted a liberal iuoreaee of salary to the teaohere. Fifteen thoa0and dollars' worth of rare win were stolen from the Mune0m of art at Vancouver. One hundred and twenty.00e China men were arrested at 101 Queen 81re81, West, Toronto, on a charge of gambling Willie Wright, aged fourteen, corner of Bpatliort avenue and College street, Toruuto, broke through the i0o oil the j10Y 8118 was drowned, Rev. R. E. Knowles, pastor of Knox Unroll, Eton, is reported by hie ptiye. mon, Dr. V8rdon, to have m,dsrgone con. daemon of the epics in the repent wreak near Gdelph, E. B. Anderson, 43 ye0rl of age, form. er manager of the private batik of C. W. Audereon tb Son, Oakville, 1114041 failed a1ou0 four y, ars ago, died on Friday from patio ou8 annumw, "It's All Meiit" CAMBELL'S VARNISH STAIN The original and only roil Varnish Stain For nd Vornishind Furniture,itnFloorsnand Woodwork Prepared in fl Mit COLOR For sole by Iiay 6haw ta01,.1,,.11 1j Telephone .,; Company CF CANADA IS ABOLT'i TO ISSUE A, New Telephone i dineot41r3' for the District of Western On- tario, including the Village of 13rultsels. Orders for new connections, elningee of firm names, chltuge& of etre( t addresses or for dup1i cats+ entries ebou'Il be handed in 10 the Local Manager AT ONCE. JAMES FOX, L00AL I(IANAGE11, ®.on®ter A BLANK Application Form for Membership in the Finest and Beat 31ue)1000 Training School In Canada -lee CENTRAL MINUS COLLEGE totoi4'ie:s=----00. 01 Toronto, from J0.0.2nd, next, to- 9011101wlth detailed Information o the great ad0000tames to be enjoyed, will be sent free by return mail on request of friend or letter. Wilts to -day to W. H. &new, Prinolpal. Temge& Gerrard etc., Toronto; ALLAN REATJA LINE TO LIVERPOOL HMV FAIRS Prom Bt, John. From 48010ax Vistoriao Sat,Mar. Ta040lau Frt,Mar, 8 Bat, Mer. 9 I inBfantR„. asat, Mar, 28 Sat, Mar.18 .1,«V V s A :'+ M .IJ RATES OF PASSAGE let Cabfa--806 and upwards according to 2nd • Oebioor-540.190 tom 447.60 �amora109 to Women Brd 01088-897,10 and 52840 Minding LO steamer. John Sample, of Fevereham, was ao• quitted of a oh8rge of neon, tried at Owen Sound, J. E. Sullivan hiss been appointed manager of 00009ra01100 dor the O. P. R. Eastern Ives. J. A. Molutosh woe eentenoed at Ham - thou to three years in penitentiary for working a ewiodltug game. A large deputation of shipping 04031 waited 031 the Gevernmellt•ai Ottawa to urge the enlargement of the Welland conal. Tures men were buried by a nave -in of a noel pole at Lachine. Ernest Malone was. killed and the other two .ujur911. • A rancher named William Patterson, whose headquertere are at Irvine, Al. aorta, hoe been committed on two chargee of horse eteuimq. Captain Boalt, of the Golspie, has been uouoreble acgouuted of the 1108th of MauDouald, tome BloNeil, one of the vmtlm8 of the Golspie wreck. Breen Ironeide, U. 2..R. operator at alaokeuzie, rude, stabbed to death and Me buoy plaited o0 the ra419, with the object of covering up the crime. Andrew Oerungie hes offered to give $60,000 to the Mcdati1 University Cob ,840 01- Britteh Columbia on coodition th.t a like sum f0 raised in a given time. Thomas Willie, ex•94. P. P„ formerly uol0uet of the 49th Regiment, and for half 8 oeutnry county treasurer, wag 01r10ken with paralysis at Belleville on kloouvy. He is in hie eighty Arae year, and may not recover. A. W. Campbell, Deputy Minister of Public Works, left for Halifax to ooueult with the Nova Scotia Goverumen: teltb reference to the proposed Inbroda0tioo of good roads Ieg1Olatlou in the Eastern Provlu00. Mr. 00mpbell gone at the re• quest of the Nova Scotia Government to give them the benefit of Ourario'e experi0ilae in the operation of the Act. A Goon ONS. -We recommend oar readers W 00010rlb0 to the Farmers' Attv8oate and dome Magazm0, the beet Agricultural JOurual m America. Fon 08larrh, let me send you free, just to prove mere, a trial size box of Dr. Shoop'e Catarrh Remedy. It ie snow white, enemy, heanug antieeptio balm that goon ineteu4I13IIOt to outarrb of the nose and throat. Make the free test and gee. Address Dr. Shoop's Raoine, Wis. Large jars 50u *soh. Bold by P. R. 141111011. BIG CRAM. -$1.86 in 8dv831oe enures Ina Pon and the Toronto Weekly Globe woo d10,11r810d supplement for doe year. This big offer bolus good during February uudtbo88 who have not Wont advantage of this bargain should do eo at 011013. Sample 0Opiee may bonen at Tac FOWL TO GLASGOW Corinthian from Boston... ...... There, Fob.28 8iollieu from Braaten ...............Thure, Mar.34 one masa Cable (second) 8819, Third Class -$26.60 Eastward; Westward, 527.80. For fall Information as to rates, meom- mod4t100 and 88111age apply to W. es. KEttlt. Agent Allan Line, Brussels, Heaviness, Lassitude, Drowsy and Dull. DO YOU FEEL THAT WAY 7 SALT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, How provoking these symptoms are 1 You Bleep well but when you awaken here is non of the exbiliration that leap and reef ehoold confer. Instead 04 being alert, having quickens of appre henoton,there is I8ogonr dnllneee, a dteieolinaliouto do tbinue. Monotones qr this feeling. Lazy liver,lazy kid mays, and- 8 mighty lazy 8tomaoh which noes ire work very poorly Bud oompele ,be other organ8 kb do things they are unequal to for any length of time. Note the 0008eg0etiee-blood Le Sled with wastes -poisons weigh down the Ilerv008 oystem-rebuiiding prooegaee are absolutely stopped, You'll note an in slant obange when yon take Ferrektule. Appetite improves, digestion becomes at; con se ever -skin grows ruddy and clear h sense of laugodr, 008teadineee and '.0preee4031 fnlie8 away and SOally die ppeare. FOtroz0ne 0(8rffie0 the brain, implies tone and 'visor, impute oleos 1.8113 end strength, Yon feel like a now 03'0(31, full or )ofd, full of ambition, e0dy t0 do 1h1ng0,--'itnd,able to do them leo. Think it over. Perrozone le a t 110ari8h•l owe that uplifts, tunhands,t.119 Band restores the siok by supplying the Temente their weakened 'system needs it don't help but do you good. For melt women and cldldrnn, in Not any one 0, icing etrenglh and health, Ferrozone ie nvan311ble; try it, Bold by all druggists in boo basso. Brussels. The regular• Itloothly Home Faire will as held for the season 418 follows t THURSDAY APR. 4th, 1901 Leading Local and Outside Buyers will be Present rewer's Reliable Art Studio If you are visiting in this neighbor- hood it would be worth your while to look up our Studio. We are second to none and our prions are lower than other towns. We would be pleased to have you oa11 and Bee samples, also see our large aoi.orlment of wows 031 Post Cards. They make good Souvenirs. Don't fail to have some. WE FRAME PICTURES Enlarging done In first-class style - Crayon Or Water-oolor. Give ns a call. FIR BREWER BARGAINS N WINTER GOODS FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS Special Bargains will be offered in Robes, Rugs, Horse Blankets Bells, Mitts, Gloves, Etc. to clear out Winter Stock. You can save money by buying now. AVE retained the services of R. Crone, who has been in the , shop for the past 6 years, to take charge of the Mechanical Department. Satisfaction assured to all customers. Large stock of Trunks, Valises, &c., that intending Travellers should see. A. J. L WRY DONALDSON'S OLD STAND. 'Tway y Meg go ® w tic All these odds and ends. Our policy is to clear them out at any old price before alley get stale. Better to sell these odds and ends when people want them and get part of a price than keep them till people don't want them—and all the time after—and .let ' them go to waste on our shelves. That's not our way. Wekeepby r; a prices when Vi� a our stock clean carvin th we want to see goods move quick, 1''r -ices like these show what we mean by "carving"i----' Men's One -buckle Overshoes, regular $1,65, redriced to $1 25 Women's Buttoned Overshoes, " 1.55, " 1 4S Boys' Overshoes, ono buckle, 1.40, r1 90 One case Children's Rubbers, odd sizes, 25 All our Winter Goode at Bargain Prices to clear balance out, L C. Richards