The Brussels Post, 1907-3-7, Page 1Vol. ea, No S8
New Advertisements.
Card -Miss Spence,
Auction sale -A. L Fox.
Colonist '1'k icas- G T. R.
Phrenology -Prof. O'Brien.
Away off sight -F. R. Smith,
just arrived -G. N. McLereu.
Varnish Stain.- McKay & Shaw.
Spring term-Wingham Bus. Col.
VV nt A qu.
Chas. Case is making favorable pro-
Mrs. Lewis Wiltsie, of Clinton, is
visiting' at las. Harris' and ether
friends here,
The toot of the sew mill whistle
is again heard. This seasun's stuck
is quite large and of good quality.
Rev. A. MacNab, M A, attended
Maitland Presbytery whieh met in
Wingham on Pueeday of this week.
The new topic cards for the Young
People's Society of the Methodist
ubnreh have been issued. A fine list of
subjects 1s given.
Dr. Waghorn is hid up, blood pais
untng haying started in his arm. We
hope that he may soon he able to at
tend his practice as usual.
A supply train on the G. & G. Was
derailed West of here end was blocked
for 'cine days, It required a large
gang of men to clear the track of
Quite a number from this vicinity
attended the Liberal Convention held
in Brussels 'Tuesday, to numinete a
standard bearer for the Loral House.
The West fever is again on. las.
MoDouald and son lames left on Sae
urtlav last ; Joshua Dennison and
family stern Friday -and Mies Annie
Campbell on, Monday, guile a 11010'
ber will follow later.
iUte grave.
The W. M. 5, of Belgrave Metho-
otlist church intend bolding a "Pie
Serial' in the Foresters' Hall on Fri
clay evening, Murch isth. A good
program is being prepared, Keep
the date is mind.
JALllateette W 11.
Rev. Mr. West, of Bluevale, con-
ducted the service here last Sunday
Elder Thomas Strachan was at the
Presbytery meeting at Wingham ou
James Turnbull was called to Kin
sardine owing to the serious illuess
of his brother.
Thos. C. Wilson, who left his home
here last Fall, has been located at Sar
nia. He had the misfortune to have
his toes frozen and may have to suffer
the loss of some of them. We hope
he will soon be able to return home.
The conctrt held in the Hail last
Thursday evening was very heartily
enjoyed. The magic lantern views
of South Africa were very instfuctive
and highly appreciated. Rev. Mr.
During January and February the Wingham Bu-iiiese Oolleee had
twenty -live time as many elite for Stenegraphere. Te egrephers, Book-
ke re nCollege
e a R d Teachers its ha •rad ta
Pwe d), nae tosend.
Attendance is always smallest dtu•'mbApril, MnY
and nue.e
o -e
ly each student gats more individual utteutiuu, This ie the beat term of the
year for the •tudent.
Leary, of the success of our graduates by writing for a handsome cata-
logue of the
The "backward" or "rusty" feel at home with us, as each student is
iuetruoted at his (Ave desk by a painstaking, sympathetic teacher, Gradu-
ates guar'auteed situlttiuns. Enter.auy time.
(Affiliated with Clintou Business College.)
A Study of s Lifetime. Nu Fortune Telling,
but Legitimate Science,
Prof. O'Brien
Canada's Greatest Phrenologist and the
only recognized Scientific Palmist,
From 'I'oruuto, t'b•tse ntath,.(ia .•:e e appfi.v,.
of by J'ndee end ,Jury at the 'Putout, t,eute
Sest.iou M'roh 14, 11101 ; only Lecturer ,d,
Scientific Palmist y in Canada,
is now in Brussels
for a sho• t tirne only.
By the request of several of hie patrons and
their friends Iteis new making a tour through
Canada, and the euseess he has Relieved in
every town inns never been equalled by any-
one in the profession, Pt of. O'Brien 18 rec-
ognized by the press medical faculties and
scientistsgenerally se the foremost Pliren•
olugish and Scientific Palmist of modern
times, mud should vat he classed with those
travelling cheap pretenders who bring dis-
grace oil these soieneee and mislead the pub-
Rundlede of •heptios have been converted
by him. Prof. O'Brien i' an entitueiitstio ITh
veatig,ytor, a emeriti student and a oo0sefen-•
tions busiltese roan. His perms rank rtmnng
them Premier -t, Judges Membare of Parlia-
ment Lawyere, Demote, Clergymen, Beat-
ers, Editors, Phreuulugiete, 1Kereheuts, Meohanlee, eto„ and their fmniliee.
Prof. O'Brien gives ihetruoiton in a prautiod way, whioli is
In, Phrenology is worth mere than money to every young man who desires to
at the head.of se0ltre the highest type of macho d, physical a pnoity, mental
.tied motor) nature, Tbo+e contemplating ;hige of basiuess
Hib Profession,• should nob miss eo:eulting Prof. O'Brien. Nutltiug Ageiuet
In Palmistry the Law 17oderralten,
No Equal, event. es marked in your hand by Nature correctly delineated.
Palmistry is mentioned 1488 three in the Bible and was prantieed 2466 years 13.
01- The most oere)ess Observermust perceive that the hands differ in thee, shape
acid lines -fur there tole no 1 0 hands ultlte-flue etagere palms, lines. etc„ differ as
greatly in different people iia the noses eyes, hair, ears. lips and teeth differ ; as the
trill, manner,.stap and gait differ ; so the characters differ also. By the outcome of
their char tel rist'wa, their na
ttrnal aharaotorietu's, their 'chnrR;tern are tamed, A
Q511 oe Pi`rif. O'Brien will prove to the meet ekeptioal that Palmistry is a pare
science and has no connection with the vulgar fortuue teltiug,
Don't mien consulting him, as it may be years before yr u will have the chanes of
consulting 500)1 an eminent man in his profession; An ex,minaticnfrr m luny 11 w
Will be worth thousands of dialers in It years to arty young m01 at• woman, If
you are a.sltoptio, COME lie Prof, 0'I3rien Will enlighten your free of charge on the
soie,00 of EeltnLstry, and explain to you 11 BY and 110W he cite rend your hand.
Call and see the au'tngraphs of all eminent people examined lry hint, Terms within
genf all.
Children, Half Price Hours, tb"a.-m. to to -: m. '
Locating Diseases a Specialty. Madame 0' Arlen In Attendance,,
See what the Sleef,fnrd Beacon of Auguat28rd, 1906, said :-"Popular Pbrennlo-
aeat Ilere-Prof, O'Brien, tie well known (lttnadian Phrenologist nod Soietnific
Palmist, is in liWitiutter() ag in on hie third visit, mid is staying at the Albin» Hotel,
He el eoeompenied by O'Brien. Prof; O'Brien at,uds in the lunnt rack of
Phrennlogi-ts Mid P.,lutivtp, and is wellrereived wherever hu goo, Dui dM his
Mrevive ' y sit here he gilled, the confidence of ihs public nod will be 91 dly welcomed
ore nu this visit," Ilundreda01 other press notices nun be see» at hie office. •
Perrin, of Wroxeter, very ably filled
the chair, An address by Rev. A.
C Wiehrtrt, B A., of Brussels ; solo
"Scotch Brigade," Miss Rue Moses
gnarteoIes, by Misre' Strachan end
Messrs. Eckmier and Strachan 1 and
instrumental by Miss Bryans were
interesting numbers on the program.
Proceeds amounted to el15,
Doc, Messer was a visitor with his
father this week.
Wednesday of last week the bonds
of wedlock were coesutnmated at
the Methodist Pars outgo here, bi
Rev, Mr. Baker, between jno. '1'
Stewart, of this village and Miss Eva
Mao Same, ot Morris. The bride
looked very neat in her wedding ap-
parrel. 'Phe happy couple will :flake
their home in Bluevale. We wish
them many j00s.
The Presbyterian Tea Meeting held
last week was a huge success, At the
congregational meeting held nn Wed
needay, Feb. 28th, it was unanimous-
ly decided to build a new Preshy- church and a Belding Commit.
tee was appointed to proceed at once
to make arrangements for building
next Summer. Mr. Binning, the
architect of Listowel. Was in the ail
lage on Monday and conferred with
the Committee,
The' Willing Workers of the Metho•
dist church held their annual tea in
the basement of the church on Tues-
rl•ty evening, Feb. 260. A goodly
number were present and thoroughly
enjoyed themselves, A sploy pro
gram followed the splendid tea. Rev.
W. A. Finlay gave a fine address on
"Work" and Mrs, Finlay renderer)
some solos with good effect. Short
speeches, in which the work of the
ladies was highly spoken of, were
given by T. Hlggios, Mr, Jeukins
and Arthur Shaw. Recitations were
rendered by Miss A. Stewart and Miss
Peacock, and vocal and instrumental
cele tions
c by different members
choir a ndv Stewart t and F.
Haney, The lardies have raised suf-
ficient funds to pay for the new fur-
nace in the Parsonage.
Glenn nn¢rn.
Rev, W. J. West, Si, A , attended
Me)tlaud Presbytery last Tuesday in
A large number front thls locality
,were at Brussels un Tuesday in attend
ante at the Liberal Nominating Cnn-
ventiou fur East Huron. The meet
ing was one of the best in the history
of the riding,
Rev. Mr. Wishart, B A , of Brussels.
co ducted anniversary services to
Eadies' church • on Sabbath Feb. cath
and preached an excellent sermon
At the tea meeting on the following
Tuesday the church was comfort
ably filled and the audience listened
to a well rendered program of music
by Blum/ale choir ; recitation by Miss
Doff and J. D. :Melville, and ad
dresses by Rev. Mr. Radford and Rev
Mr. Duncan, A unique part of the
program was the presentation by the
Yung people of the etieregatlon to
the pastor Rev J, W. West, M. A, of
a beautiful persuan lamb cap, a pair of
gauntlets and a gold watch chain, an •
eornpanied with the following address;;
titliv. W. J. W EST, M A ,,
DEAR PASTOR We the young people
of the oangregat•on, desire on this
Festive occasion to in some measure
exp -ens our appreciation of your work
among us during the ten year, Don.
bate been the honored pester 0i this
church. We recognize t•nur ability as
e preacher of the Gospel in the faith-
ful exposition of the Word, which
God has enabled you to deliver to ue
front time to time, and 'we realize that
vouraninistry and wise counsel have
been a great blessing to us Your
noble qualities of head and heart have
also endeared you to ns and we rejoice
thet the work has been prospered so
harmoniously and with such success,
AS a slight token of our regard for
you we ask you to accept this cap and
gauntlets and watch chain, and we
earnestly pray that von ;nay be spared
for many veers to labor in the Mesterei
vineyard, Signed on behalf of the
young people of Eadies' con green t{en.
An appropriate reply was made to
this very thoughtful, kindly and highly
appreciated act.
lttT t-a►xetMr-
Chas. Hindes spent Sunday with
relatives in Gerrie,
Mrs, W. H. Carr is the guest of
friends in Toronto.
Mrs Rasmussen of New York is the
guest ot her fiither, Alex. Smith.
John and Mrs. Davidson entertained
a number of their friends Friday even-
Mrs. E. Lewis spent seve-nal days in
reroute attending the millinery open •
ing s.
A load of young people from 13ru5•
sets visited the rink born last Thursday
Gavin Davideen left on Monday for
Reg)na, Sssk , where he will spend the
Su miner,
A load from here attended the Liber-
al Nominating Convention at Brussels
on '1'uesdnv.
Jae, and Mrs, Ballantyne moved on
'ruesdav to the farm din Howieic which
they have rented,
Alex Brunk intends }hiving tin Aur
tion sale of 'household turttiture on
Friday afternamn.
Miss Annie Voshurg returned from
Stratford on Friday having renoVered
from a serious illness,
''Mrs. 1. Young returned to ber home
in Winnipeg this week. She was tie-
cnmpanietl by her sister; Miss Maud
Miss Beatrice Howe is on the sick
list. We hope For her speedy recovery.
Mr*. `Phos, Sanderson, of Kinistino,
Sask., renewed acquaintance, in the
village this week,
Mre, A. Stewart, of Collingwood,
who has been the guest of Mrs. C.
Stewart, is now visiting relatives in
Miss I. Howe is teaching the senior
department of the school owing to the
illness of Principal Dobson, who is at
his home in Fordwtch.
A quiet event took place at the home
of Mrs A. McMichael last Wednesday
evening, at six o'clock when her young-
est daughter, Charlotte, was united in
marriage to J. Smith, of Wolseley,
Sask , furmerly of Turnberry, The
Rev 1. H. Osterhout was the officiat•
,ng clergyman, The bride VMS given
away by her broiler, A.. McMichael
and was unassisted. She wore a beauti
tul gown of greytaffetasllk, The bride
was very popular and will be much
missed in the village and the hest wish-
es of her many friends will follow her
and her husbaucl on their voyage
through life.
tlrrttltlreo 1t,
Rev. J. F. Knight, 13. A„ of Tor-
onto, was here this week attending the
funeral of his uncle,
Mrs. Ballard and Niles Mina McRae
arrived home last week after a visit to
',endue and Toronto. •
Duncan Johnston entertained a few
of his friends on Wednesday evening,
They had a good time,
Jim Long leaves next week for
Manitoba. The girls are all sorry to
see him go but wish bim well.
A IJENtAL.-I understand that Miss
Sara Long has circulated a report that
I wrote an anonymous letter to her.
Phis report is wholly unfounded as I
did not do so, nor had I the slightest
connection, directly or indirectly with
the alleged letter, MAGGIE MCNAIR.
MATRoatONIAI,.-A very quiet wed-
ding took place on Wednesday March
6th at II a. m, a
t thebome ofJohn
McNair, r4th con., Grey, when their
only daughter, Miss Jennie. was united
in marriage to James Hyslop, of Mani•
toba. key. D. B. McRae performed
the ceremony. The young couple left
in the afternobn for their honeymoon.
Mr and Mrs. Hyslop will make their
home in Manitoba. We wish them all
kinds of prosperity.
Saturday luseph Knight, loth con.,
-vas called away to his reward in his
Saud year. He had been in fading
health for some years although the end
came rather unexpectedly. Deceased
.vas born in Devonshire, England, and
spent a good share of his life in Canada,
about 35 years of it in Grey township
3n years ago he was united in marriage
o Mrs, Duperow They had no
family Mr. Knight was a good far•
mar and was highiv esteemed in the
neighborhood and church. He was
a staunch advocate of Temperance,
His brother James, is in his (pod year
and his brother John is getting well
along the pathway of lite also, both
well known residents of this locality.
Mre. Rann is a sister to deceased.
'Phe funeral took place Tuesday after-
noon, Rev D. B. McRae conducting
the service. Interment was matte at
the cemetery here. The pall bearers
were Robt. Menary, laugh Porter;
Harry Smalldou, Chas, Alderson and
A Fox. Mrs. Knight desires to ex-
press her thanks to all who. by word
Ind deed, did so much in the hour of
1ercavement, Mr. Knight triumphed
in the confidence he had in the Re-
deemer of the world.
A new preacher has come to the
Pat son age.
John McDonald has been on the
sick list, but we hope ire will soon be
all o. k.
Geo M. Mitchell has turned ,out
quite a lot of harness this Winter.
Geo, is a Mettler.
Mrs Alf Cole left for Guelph this
week where she will undergo an opera-
tion for appendicitis,
W el, Love is busy at present pre-
paring his store for a choice stock of
furniture naw on order,
Miss Mary Brown, cousin to Miss
Agnes Walker, has taken a position
with W. P. Fraser, tailor,
Mrs. Laird and daughter, Miss
Nellie, intend taking a trip to Dakota
and other points next Summer.
The subject next Sunday evening
in the Methodist church will be "Daily
Living a return for baily Food."
Travellers gettiug off at Ethel station
are surprised to see two busses wait•
ing to transfer them to the hotel.
Don't forget the dtbate to be Feld
in the Township Hall on Saturday
evening, March gth A choice pro-
gram will be rendered.
Any persons wishing to loan or
raise money on first class mortgage
will receive profitable advice trent
W. L, Spence who is well acquainted
with all fortis of real estate transact-
E'rttee.-Some manufacturing estab-
lishment such as has been or a sugar
beet factory. -A choral Society and
Orchestra, -A bowling green.- A
park for football or baseball.- A
cemetery. -A fete more things,
Mrs Win. Spence has received the
location ticket for one hundred and
sixty sores of Veterans' land in
i -
Man Township, Wahagocn district, bo•
leg tbe grant from the Government to
Mr, Spence for services rendered in
tate Fenian raid of 1866
John Jamieson. mailcerrier who has
been lard of from the effects of a
fail from a sleigh About two weeks ago,
was able to resume his duties on Mon-
day morning. We ane piesel to sets
M Jamieson on the jobiigal1, Will
Spence took charge of the snail carry.
ing 'luring Mrs. Jtunieson's illness.
THE Tweeter. Muss,• -Brace up
there I what right have you to paint
the whole world bine when God's Own
light is white 7 The white light of
might shines in you. Breathe theair of
Faith, Hope and Courage to make you
resolute and strong to conquer the
losses of life. You need the tonic of
the imperial muse to stimulate
your eiergiesto live for worthy pur-
poses. The rough any is generally the
path to anything that is worth while.
When you get a whack from fortune
don't squeal but hold on tight and say
"I must fight of I would win," All
worthy achievement has come from the
men who have lived under the spell
of a sublime determination. The Pres
eat is but the sum total of the pee
sisteccy of the ages that have gone be
fore. Where would civilization be to
day but for the men who hwe said •'It
must be done." We. should be still
rifling in stage coaches,' tramping ac-
ross continents and crossing the ocean
in sailing vessels. `these men have
dreamed of the possibilities of the
future and have marked their dreams
with world blessing realities, Their
castles in the air have oecome castles
on the solid ground, while their heads
have been enshrouded in the clouds
their feet have rested on the earth
During a discussion on the proportions
of a human body some one asked the
great Lincoln how long he thought the
leg of a man should be when of a cer•
tale height. "Well" he said "a man's
legs ought to be long enough to reach
the ground." To make our dreams
practical we must keep our feet on the
ground Do not be discouraged with
the height of the heavens, soar up.
wards in the creative power of your
imagination, laugh at the impossible
and you will be a benefactor to human i
ity, E. F. A.
Mt, r r lwi.
Township Council next Monday.
Richard Proctor oc
reJ' ' over err the
birth of a sou.
Samuel Jordan gave a dance to his
friends last Moltday night,
Trois week Wm. Evans and Wm.
Kellington left for the West. We
wish them prosperity.
A number of young people of the
and line, spent a lively time at Jobe
I. Bell's one evening last week,
Mrs. Joseph Clegg is recovering
from a serious attack of plurisy. We
hope she will soon be as well as ever.
ieo. Black, of 'rhessalon. Algoma,
who has been visiting relatives in Mor-
ris end Grey. left for his home on
Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Wm. Watson was suddenly
called away to Monkton last week
owing to the serious illness ot her
daughter, Mrs. Blake.
It is said that Alex. Conon, 5th
line, has leased the Platt farm, on
the same line, and will work it in con.
jenution with the home place.
Several people complain of trouble
on the 4th line over the running out
of dogs at every passing sleigh, The
practice should be stopped.
A number of people in this locality
complain of grain being stolen from
their granaries. If the sneak thief is
found he will be made an example of,
Last week James Sherrie, 4th line,
purchased an imported Yorkshire sow
'rom H. J. Davis, the well known
'breeder, of Woodstock. Mr. Sherrie
is determined to have the best.
ino, and Mrs. McCutcheon and
daughter, Evelyn, who have been
visiting in this locality, for several
weeks, left for their home in Frobish-
er, Sask„ on Tuesday of this week.
Mrs. Cunniughnm, sr., was taken
to the House of Refuge, Clinton,
on Wednesday morning, which she
enters as a ming inmate. She was
dissatisfied to remain at the home of
her son and Mime to go to Clinton,
We are sorry to state that ,Miss Liz
zie, daughter of Quintin Anderson,
3rd line, bas been real ill bet we hope
a change for the better will soon en
sue. James Anderson, a brother of
the young lady, who is attending the �
Ontario Vertermary College, Toronto,
was home to see her this week.
MATRIMONIAL, -On labuary 3rd, in
the city of Winnipeg, Rev Dr, Sperl-
ing tied the marriage knot between
Rev. A. R. Maunders, of Theadore,
Alberta, and Miss lean Wallace Park,
of Toronto. The groom is a former
resident of this township and his many
old friends will wish he and anis bride
a long, happy and usetul;life,
1300300E REPORT. -The following
is the standing of the pupils of 5, S.
No. 8, Morris, for the month of Feb
rumry :-Sr. IV -Edna Johnston,
Elden Nethery, Mabel Scott, Sr.
III -Emma Johnston, Stanley Rut
ledge, Tessa Jermyn, Will. Mac -
Michael, Florence Sonch, Wallace
Agar, Harvey Gariiss, Fred. Agar.
Jr. III -Harold Jewitt, Abner Knox,
Wilbert lvlathers, Clara Agar, James
MacEwen, John Thyne. Sr, II -
Mildred Sonch, Charlie Brewer, Laura
Jermyn, Willie Brewer, Ada Mac.
Michael, Enoch Knox, Earl Mathers,
John Rntleflge Ernest Churchill. Jr.
II -Annie Brewer, Edna Rutledge,
Robbie MeeMichael, Wilfrid Mac-
Ewen, Mary Thvne, Elsie Holmes,
Annie Rutledge, Irene Scott, Abner
Neubert John Warwick, Freda Tur-
ret, Clarence Jewitt, Pt, II -Leslie
Sotrah, john lMacMiehael, Pt. I-
Georee Agar le MURDte, Teacher,
Smoot REPotT -The following
is the standing, based on examine
Lions and eondnct, of the pupils of
S S. No, 3, Morris, for February.
An asterisk s)gnilles absence during'
an examination :-Class Ve-Cecdl.
Wheeler. Se, IV --Maggie Michie,
Dora Watson, Willie Speir, Selene
Wheeler*, Robert Michiee, Clifford
Sherrie, Tease Wheeler. ' Sr, III -
Mary ^Speir•, Lillian Wetsot, Lizzie
Denman, Maggie Connotes*, Ella
Clar*, Wesley Shedden.+a, Jr,
III-Iticlrard, Alcock***. Sr, II -
W H KERR. Prop
GrandTruk R. System
One-way Second Class
Colonist Tickets
On sale daily until April 84U1 to pointe in
British Columbia,California, Washington,
Oregon, Colorado, Montane.
Spoil Train to Northwat
Mandcrtrnuihyooisarch Toronto (at every Tuesday
sleeper) for accommodation of settlers tra•
veiling with tire 50185, Passengers travel.
ing without live snook should take trate
leaving Toronto daily 146 , . m, or 11,50 9. m.
For roll information as to rates and tie-
kets. Dail on
W. HENRY, Depot Agent,
Myrtle Wheeler, Tanie Alcock, Ag•
gie Bradshaw, Kenzie Sburrie, George
Alcock, Hazel Nichol, James Nichol,
Harold Kerney, Willie Connon, Jr.
II -John Passmore, Janet Cannon,
John Little, Willie Denman and Mag
gie Speir (equal). Pt. II -Ernest
Michie, Willie Clark, Andrew Nichol,
Clam. Alcock, Elsie Connon, Gladys
McNeil and Russell Bradshaw (equal)
Sr. Pt. I -John McNeil, Norman
Speir, and Ivan McArter (equal). The
best spellers for the month are Lizzie
Denman and Ernest Michie. Average
attendance 3t. MINNIE L, KEY.,
G: rev.
Misses Rathwell, of Varna, return-
ed to their homes last week,
Mrs, George McFarlane is visiting
at Kincardine and Pine River,
Miss ' Christina st na Buttrey,Paisley,
ot F isle
is solida in¢ at her benne,
me 12th c
Next .abbatb evening
the regular
service will be held in Bethel church.
Auction sale of estate of the late R.
H. Wright on Tuesday afternoon of
next week.
Jim, Osborne, 16th con., who has
been ill with pneumonia, is improving
quite nicely.
Miss Emma Buttrey has got back
from Brucefield after a pleasant visit
with friends there,
Monday, John, son of G. W. McKay
left for the West. We hope he will do
well. He is a good worker.
Wilson and Mrs. Evans were al
Listowel Friday last attending the
china wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Gray,
Herb. and Miss Ida Hastings are
this week visitors with Ellroy and
Mrs. Hastings, Silver Corners.
The steam sbovel at the McNaught
gravel pit will have Angus McKay,
son of James McKay, as foreman,
Wm. Milne, Mayor of North Bay,
formerly the well known Reeve of
Grey township, was visiting at D. K.
Livingston's, 15th con.
Several members of tbe borne of
Mrs, Elias Dickson, lith con., have
been ill with scarlet fever but we
wish them a speedy recovery.
At the auction sale of P. H. McNeil,
't'hursday afternoon of next week in
addition to farm stock and implements
a large number of cedar posts will be
We are sorry to hear that Miss Mag-
gie Crerar, gib con., has been quite
poorly this week from a heart weak-
ness but we hope she will soon be
all right,
Several more drainage By-laws were
before the township Council last Mon•
day and there are more to follow it is
said, The work will be undertaken
during the coming Summer.
We are sorry to bear that our old
friend Angus Lamont, 7th cone is
not enjoying his usual rugged health
this Winter but we hope the coming
of Spriug will tend to his invigoration.
Gordon, the little son of Geo, and
Mrs Best, has been seriously ill at the
home of his grandparents, fames and
Mrs Ferguson, eth con., with an at-
tack of bronchitis. We trust a speedy
recovery may ensue.
Albert Fox has leased his farm, loth
eon., to John and Charles Fischer, of
this locality, for a term of four years
and will give up possession this month.
Mr, Fox bas at trounced an auetion
sale on March 20th and will go early in
April to the West, The Riding Mount-
ains appears to be the point he will
aim at. Mrs. Fox and family will
likely spend the Summer with relatives
and friends
Miss Gerrie Hanley, ethos° home is
on the 14th con., and, who holds a
millinery position in the Simpson store
Toronto, is making first Blass progress
in musical lines and is now a member
of the Metropolitan choir in that city
and also sings in the choral orchestra
of Massey Hall. Miss Hanley wee
organist at Bethel church at Moncrieff
at one time. We wish her the best of
Saee85S. 1
SCHOOL REPORT. -Report of S. S.
No to, Grey, for tbe month of Feb.
rum•v based on weekly exams: -Class
V Florence Whitfield. Sr. IV --Eva
Rathwell, Mamie Denman, Charlie
Buttery, Stanley Hutchinson, Jr
IV -Alma Speiran, Katie Denman,
Pearl Oxtoby, Iva Speiran, George
Evans, Willie Speiran. Sr, III-
Margarette Hutchinson. Nfary Machete
Lilv Evans, Jones Dotal), Wilfrid
Whitfield. Jr, III pt. (a) -Della Whit
field, Hermon Piekreli ; pt (b) -Hart
Speiran, Minnie Hanna, Gordon
Whitfield, Fred, Cox, Stanley'Machai,
Willie Ward, Sr, TI -Henrietta Dem.
mate Margaret Love, Gertrude
Speiran; Millie Cox, Edith Pickroll,
Earl Rathwell, Milton Oxtoby, Wes.
Ballantyne, Fred, Hollcntleck. Jr,
II--Lnrne Pratt, Bennie Hollenbeek,
t. Il -Eric Hutchinson, Stanley
Average ge attandapce 911.. Wiilpinl;
side of spelling match for month
Eva Rathwell captain,'
H. 0. MACGILLIVRee, teacher.
As may he seen by this week's PosT
a By-law is to be submitted to the
Electors of Brussels to remove the
Town Hall and to disestablish the
present market site aid erect thereon
a Carnegie Library building,
From the discussion at the Council
meeting some parties aro stating, things
uo the street when no person is present
to keep them t0 the facts that are con-
tradicted at the Council meetings,
I think it would be wise for Electors
to withold promising their vote for or
against the Bylaw until they bear
both sides properly discussed and not
to listen to street talk because some
people can say anything there that they
dare nut utter in public where they can
be contradicted.
The subject should be properly dis-
cussed at a public meeting called by
the Reeve where all the Electors can
attend and give views if they wisb,
stud hear both sides discussed ss both
sides get an opportunity to do so and
where tbe whole bistory of the move-
ment can be properly explained to
them. They will then be in a position
to vote intelligently on the question,
both in their own interest and In the
interests of Brussels. Item yours,
East Huron Liberals
Meet In Convention.
W. H. Kerr Nominated for the
The nominating convention for
the East riding ng o
E Huron
was held
in the Towo o ❑ Hair
Brussels, March
50, for the purpose of nominating
a Liberal candidate fur the Provincial
Legislature. One bnndred and sev-
entysix delegates answered to their
names after President W. M. Sin-
clair had made a brief and pointed
address. A. Hislop, M. P. P.,
woo bas sat for the past ten years
fur East Huron, had been nominated
for the Commons, hence the necessity
of choosing a successor. The first
ballot showed W. H. Kerr, editor of
THE POST, the candidate by a vote
of tae. Thomas McMillan, a well
known resident of Hallett, stood next
with 50 votes. On motion of Mr.
McMillan, seconded by l'. S. Scott.
the nomination was made unanimous.
Mr. Kerr accepted the honor in a
abort speech. Brief and eithusiasttc
addresses were made by Thos. Mc -
Milian, of Hallett ; Dr, MacDonald,.
ex M. P., of Wingham ; Rev. E. G.
Powell ; M. Y. McLean, ot the Sea-
forth Expositor, and A. Hislop, M.
P. P.. the able representative of the
riding. The convention closed with
the usual cheers,
A Committee on Resolutions was
chosen in thepersous of Dr, P. Mac-.
Donald, M, Y. McLean and, John
Phe Credential Committee was
Reeve J M. Govenlock, W. Ni, Rob.
inson and te, S. Scott.
Mr. Kerr has been fhe editor and
proprietor of THE Pose' for the past
tweuty-six years. He served as
Reeve for seven years, was County
Councillor for thirteen years, and
Warden of Huron County in 3903.
He has been Secretary -Treasurer of
the East Huron Liberal Association
for over twenty-five years.
The following resolutions were un-
animously passed by the convention :
Moved by Wm. Isbister, seconded
by John G. Grieve, that we, the mem-
bers of this convention, desire to ex-
tend congratulations to our fellow.
Liberals of West Middlesex on elect-
ing by so handsome a majority Dun-
can C. Ross, the son of our late il-
lustrious and talented Premier, Sen-
ator Geo. W. Ross, thus sustain-
ing the unbroken traditions of the
riding for over thirty years, and that
the Secretary transmit to the Secre-
tary of the West Middlesex Liberal
Association a copy of this resolution.
Moved iy Dr. P. MacDonald,
seconded by John Leckie, that this
convention beg to express our un-
wavering confidence in every respect
Lthe honored leader, Sir Wilfrid
aurier ; wet admire and affirm in
every act and public utterance of his
since he has honored this Dominion
by his leadership ; we farther wish
to express our confidence and respect
for his able colleagues in the Govern-
ment. and trust that he and they may
belong spared to look after the affairs
of this country. Carried.
Moved by James Edgar, seconded
by M. Mnrdie, that this convention
of Liberals of East Huron desire to
express our approval of the selection
of Geo, P. Graham as leader in the
Legislature of the Liberal contingent ;
we also desire to' express nue full ap-
proval of his policy, outlined in bis
inaugural address and elsewhere, and
believe that the Liberal party of this
Prnvince, under. his leadership, Will
5003 regain that prestige and power
which they once posseseed under the
guidance of his illustrious predeces-
sors; we further desire . to express
our approval of t
he course pursued in
the Legislature by our talented and
^n1011411' represeutattvo, A,reblbald His.
lop, also our-lisapproval of the extra.-
xtravegeta, autocratic and 3l1 -digested
legislation of the present Governmetit,
end to protest most emphatically
:melba thp e
e yeolattons of responsible
Government, as exemplifled ny the
various and costly eormeissloes are
pointed to do the week formerly done,
anti which should be (toile by teepee.
Speiran, Carrie Ward, Jennie Ward. stblo ministers Of the Crown. Carried: