HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-2-21, Page 8' C►u roe " "ou . C aid GET A BOTTLE y y 0V OUR BLOOD ROOT COUGH OURE It is s SURE, SAFE and PLEASANT REMEDY Blood Root Cough Care hats been sold from onr store for a long time and gives the best of satisfaction. Keep a bottle on band and perhaps save yourself from having a protracted cold, Large Bottle for 25o. Delicate Perfumes THESE ARE SOME OF OUR LEADERS Pompadour Pink Peony June Clover Dactylis Queen of Violets Four Roses We have them in bulk and sell almost any q iantity. They range in price from 40o to 51 per ouu0e. IH DRUGGIST AND OPel('IAN GRAY, TRUNK RAILWAY. 801TH8RN EXTENSION w. 0. & B. Trains leave Snoods Station, North and South, as follows: Gonce BOVTH eoINa NORTH. Mall 7:05 s.m 1 Mixed 000 a,m dosed 11:75 a.mail .. ......1:44 p.m Express, 8:02p,m 1 Al eixprese 8:51 p.m rag i, etvs g#.CUTS A ohiel's amang ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent ii. Homo Fair next Thursday. J. Y S. Kim fell ou the street and eoetained quite a sheke up but we hope he will eoou be all right. Do2i'T fail t0 attend the Adjustment Sale at G. N. Mot,areu'o. The lowest prioee ever offered for uew meroboodiee. WORD was received by B. Gerry that bis nephew, T. Thompson, of Toronto, died ou Sudsy. Funeral took place on Tuesday. AOOTION stelae are numerous and well atteuusd and Oouolly good prices. The West will see a number of &hoes why have been having the melee. DR. Bvrna8'e VISIT. -Dr. Butler, tbe London Eye Spewatiot,will be at the American Hotel, Brneads, on Wedues• day, March 13th. Gleams obpplied. H. R. BREwza, Dive:don Court Clark, has planed bre uard in THE POST and 5010an088 money to loan a8 wen as be- ing ready to write life or Bre iue0renoe. FRIDAY•eve0i05 of this week a spares meeting of Brneeele Branch of the W.'0. T. U. will be held iu their room oommeuoiug at 8 o'c,uok. Ali will be welcome. LET n8 see, have we a bookey team in Brussels, thie Winter 7 It strikes 80 ...- heard something Tuoeday in which figures were arranged something like this 10-4, but you can'% always believe all you hear. CHECKERS -A meeting of all laceration in orgenrziug a (Mealier slab In toWO west be held in the rooms over the Metropoli tan Bank Friday eveni118 at 8 o'clock. 1f you have a checker board take it alueg. It's your move. TEE Metropolitan Baok is now paying interest quarterly ou Savings Bank de peters et ad its bran obee, no in future depositors in the Brudeels branch will oe paid interest four times a year, on the last days of March, Jona, September and December. Ar the debate Friday evening the negative, upheld by Juo. Wright and J.ee Hunter, got the decision ou the topic '&Resolved that pride and ambition ,s more deetrbotive than i500ra8oe and superstition." The jndgee were F. R. Smith, J. H. Cameron and R. G. Nor - men. WE notice by Monday's Daily Globe that B. P. MOAlpiue, wbo supplied at the Metropr'i1.n Bank here before the present iuobmbeut W. J.Fawoett arrived es the proud daddy 1.t a 800, Their Breese 8 friends extend congratulations. Mr. McAlpine is with the Melropol,tan at Port Elgin. ANNIVEReaiY.-Next Sabbath Rev, B. Bond, of Atwood, win preach Epworth League Anniversary sermons in Brueeele Metbodiet ohurab at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m, Monday evening the amine! outer. 'aliment will be held in the school room t ommeooing at 8 o'olook. After lunch an intimating program of music ratlike 'lone, readings &o loin be given all of old lime character, Admieeion 16o. Ml will be welcome. NEwoPAPORIAL.-The Fordwiole Record has enlarged 11B borders and now baa 7 o0,0mn8 to the page. -Oar No: thorn Dori lrere, Bro, Mooney, of the Ripley Ex- press, has been making a number o1 noticeable improvements from which we hope he will reap good retdrne,-The Seaforth News, owned and edited by Applefard Bros„ for a number 'of years bite been sold to Mr, Veal, 8• gentleman Who has bad a wide experience i1. ems paper burliness, having been 001neoted with the Detroit News for some time. Nue THE RIMY MAN. -Harry James and Jno. HOW! IA went to BarrieOu Mon day to identify a slick gout that was "doing" tbe people as a fake agent for the Ladies Journal, expeoting he was the Home fallow who played the dead beat game hear for the Daily Mail Empire. He was not the same fellow however, 700ord1115 to the Brneeele wit 00ese9. Toe Mail Empire made good to all people trapped here by sending on the paper. It le a pity such eouliywuge can not be 8pprebeuded and 511owed to work up 10818810 on a atone pile l" the penitee Mary yard. AT the Assembly held in tbe Town Halt, Brueeele, Tuesday ,everting of lett week 176i ere ueets 5 w n attnudanoo re reeent1(5 Ste Mery'e, Stratford,.Pa,tnere• ton, Moorefield, Listowel, Alwoed, Wrox ate:, Wu'gham, 131386, Uod€rieb, Sea lorih and other pants, Toby VIM'S 6 piece orehe8008, Ot London, supplied ,he' the mesio. It fuetutied violin, dote, eleriouet, cornet, harp and drnme. Lunch of hem landWiailee oslteend coffee Was sera, ds l'be bdi wise very net ly deo0ra,ed W1111 878r5rten8, fauoynode, lane Odrtalu8 &0, Souse Fair in Brussels Tbnreday o next weak. DO,'. 108881 11. 1'aa Yen (imbuing offer with 111 Weekly Globe for $1.30' holds guud t MarOh lot. 58.tte 1 FOURTH Dwieioo Oonrt was held i1. Batmne.e 1.0 We,lue°day of last weekbe. lure Mie Honor Judge do 1. The deuke was very light. Tao ulterior of the Town Hall, bots, dpetalr8 and down le a 0885ra08 10 Br lid ee.8 and we hope the Uouuotl wall nee t lt8 (mpr0vemeut at au early date. As 81uug8 ale out Yen0088 se towas w wad 11 oke them to be, we have deemed to 801111000 the low proses of our Aujuev meat dale one weak lou5er up to warm, 2nd. G. N. .&°Lerma. M8. Pam, wbo has puulbaeeu til. fleurmg not., of W. F. Stewart, amine) to knee this week and In new l0 po • 8888(00. He has bad a wale eapetlel.0 8a the b8em8ne and 001088 very bb•uly reuummeuded. Mr. Pryue'd lawny wf arrive from Tormtit° eburn). Tits POUT wel0u1008 the new proprietor to BrUeer,8 and hoped we may .e able 80 knee Mr and Me. S.ewaro Wire at, weal. "BILLY" WHITS DEAD.-Wodueeday 8 teiepbuue m0da85e wan received here giving the Bad lutlm,tiou that WI. 1810 Whirr, wbo 1,018 near Me8Obeu, bautune ori 'Tuesday 1.l pueumunta. The tuuera tug plane o1. Thursday. Mr. and Me White were here for toe Ring's hallway reueWtug old frieutinblpd and eujly,n the best of health. The termer wed a,. u.d 13ruaee88 boy and took great pina8ur0 re moue 00 [moue of the long 85. , tutu the clews of file deatu came with mere Mau wintery regret. H. wee 65 year° of age and had uuly been (10 fur a 88W days. Deceasedwas one of 16e mutt prumineut men 10 buu,13 Perth. He cad aline the p10118081 of Lioeuse Iuapeotur for about two years, He wa• a 1081000. of Cue Quality Council for 1908, 844 ata part Or 1905. He also 000up,eu the punt ,iou of Secretary Treasurer of tbe dozen Perth Farmers' Inatome. Mr. White was 0Orrlln eibbert 18114 bad resided on Me farm there for many ytare. He wee a pr0Mi°eUt member of 108 Meth08(88 church and a 80r0ug enppurter of the Orange Longe. A Mau 0l 1000801., char ±8100 ,lob genial perau008103, lie wan nue` ut ;be must popu,er men 11. toe Bomb • Rrdlug and hie dente will be 0euera,ly re,rrelled. He le .urvirea by bin wife, 8781.3 wee a Mede 00elgulou, of B,augbard to whom the 8ym9athy of the8ummuulby will be extended. • The fuueral wee un- der the direction of the Manama Order. Wm. Fu5RE,T EA8008 UVEB Tu THE GREAT MAJORITY -lhe musing 801 0l ah 18 rife to Ww. Forrest at hie home in Brneeele, last Saturday did 8101 00Me (18 au uueape0ted tweet, as be had beeu boverlug aloes to the borderlana aur sown days. He lode born m the village of Btautyre, aoomuud on Jut) 22,10 1827 and Wad oousequently m his 80,81 year. In Juue of 1857 be came to the 2nd ,tun 0l Morrie anempau8ed by ole wife (who wad Mies Jerre MoNtehol, of Argyeeebire) and one oho d, and where by iedu.try pererverauoe and e080omy lie moue a comfortable blame, 811,1 m the purimeat0n of the family. That Waaler Mr. and Mre. Forrest sod daughter moved to Brueeele where he hats a bowie and lob Mrs. Forrest, 88000 sous (Wo., of gime wood ; Juo., et Oraibrvok ; Jae. of Iron lertd588, Algoma; Arable, of New Out80(0, Taos., of Ubloago ; R000., of Breutford ; Nutt Welter on the bumeeteas) and one daughter, Mise Moroni tie home eurvive. All were present at the funeral on More day except Ambito who weld not be reached by telegram in elms. Mr. Forreet Woe an honorable M8°,reepeoIed by hie neigbbor8 and 1810838 wh,in5 00 do a good turn. He never loeo hie Interest u the land of hie bulb, visiting it several Mone and re0(1,01 the newepepere from here with great zest. Rev, A. U. Wlo• art, B. A., attenuated the fuueral eerviu8 and the interment Wan made in Brueeelg mastery a large number attending. Pleurisy end pneumonia wan the Mime f death, Deceimed had a woke of 1880513818 swum lube time ago that tour .,n his Oonetilnli0u. The 181a0ivee desire o exproee their Omani for the great kindness in words en8 donde i0 the lime ofeloknees and bereavement. OIIURCl1 CHIMES. Last Sabbath W. H. Herr w8e at Park hill al the Missionary anniversary. Rev. S. J. Allin, formerly of Bradawls, e the esteemed pastor. Rev. W. .7. Wee ,t M. A., of Bluevalo, wilt preach in Meivlhe ahnroh, lertne ale next Sabbath, the pa.tor taking ate Illver8ary 88:08000 at B1n05018. Last Sabbath morning the pastor , reached in Metairie o(iOreh from the mat "He must need(' go 11(000511 eamaria." The evening 1opt0 was "The great t010" R v. eke Wright, of Wallterton, o0n E8' UO 868 service t e inS . Jaw's cherub Thursday ev8n,t15 0l &hie week ,neteed f Rev Mr. Boyle, of Wil.gba0», 890580 01801 week, Rev, Mr. Powell otiose a9 the fouud8 100 of hes mor long 9 dleoonwee last Sab. Ottawa, at, Wlnulieeter, 0188,, Was a caller I et6, in the Methodiet church, "Lut'8 8 1010 Kat 00 Tuesday Witt 10 visiting 011 n Dice and et the r v a Ivrnfu service' lie t hie un01r'('. Mr it g , S and i a W a son of No, Din un ry ' n rl r it r foregoing W, d et a Anl o s decilitre d the fats a t t , r g a net to I f t true lid a aro t bab- -poisek ont t R EI a n he corn of he err dssv 1 m o Sed the 180,. d i Dila B vwart n r p and heti made elract ttr.tetnrteL sit the Recoil)! n,nd Exppl,ditnro and til -n of the A,:gots diad Irfdbil• 4 the d. mutt, 1318888 L8,y and Peed .seed nee ; f hos time its overtime hie way ilio- of the Tuwrtebip of Mere 1x for the year ending 17er, Slut 18011, Rbt.rpe Miloa most 80188.110 ;duet et ...• he Irma I1„ 11)12 813011e 10 her Ri HA W 14 0814 'OTON5TUN, 1 Aaditars the eveure5 8807800, anhalor wa 4 11 w ver -METROPOLITAN BANK 8, J, M00RE, Pre- Iden&, 0508, 1311ADB8AW, IL/4A. 528 505011 UR, W 820RT11tER CLAIM., 8.0 Jo11N PIRBT1R00E W.D. R088, • tienerml &tanager CA PITA L -Ant liorized 52,000.000 0APcr41,-teuld up 1,000,000 RESERVE and Surpliki Profile 1.283,1135 Dlre0fore D. p1, THOMPSON, R C. Vice.Preeteent. JAB, EYRIE THE METROPOLITAN RANK le open to receive the sceptre is of Farmers, Rerobnute and 308)0848 0ommunity ge8e-ally and to give earela, c0nsioera'iou to all propagate e•lbm•t'ed to it. It reline upon ite past record for 000rteonn 0eaowent of its rue. tomere, and will extou l every couoldureteou oo"0100eut with sound bau Hug to those woo may desire to tr,00ues ud0ines, with it, 6ffS'arzwQ,$' ZAIN.I er5.f'f ragir2'w tvr Iutere81 at RIG 13E31' CURRREN 1' RAPES allowed 081 all auma of $1 end upward BRUSSELS BRANCH W. J. FAWCETT, Manager. A BLANK Application Form for Membership in the Finest and Nest 908(0888 Training Bouool la . uniela-rue CENTRAL BUSINESS EULER of reroute, from Jam, 2nd, next, to. other with detailed iufarmattoei o the to be onj'yea, will be scut. Ireo by 18turu mail ou reque.t of mend or letter, Witte to -day to W. 13, SHAw, Principal. Yoege & Gerrard Stile ['8008 o,' i People We Know. Fred. Edina is home from Stratford. Mre George Thomsen was a 91011M u 'a grippe. D. A. and Mre. Lowry are vieitiug 11. He rrletou, We ter Lowry was in Loudon, „for few arty, lent Week. • Mao. Mary Rube in in Toronto attune tag the munuery ruuma, Mine Gioropie, w Seafortb, is a visite with Mrs W. Gitleopie. Mime Davlueuu, of Milbank, are t88n guests of Mrs. D. Walker. Mise M0G8d,vray, of Wmgham, Was , visitor with 'Wide 5811le Brow°. dire, 5. V. Cannier, of Buffet°, la th.. 508dt of Mre. B. Gerry, B. unable Joh» Ritchie, 01 WenaaQ Id holiday nig under the partake( root iu town. Ansa d.rau Du.,ley re home /turn Tw• Oa to 8881t.1.51.0 her mother Whu In 111. Mre. G. N. McLaren atm fanif'y bay, goon to Maenad to visit at the 9areute. Lime. Wm. Lake was away to Wallace towu- ghlp ,Nei week venting re,ative8 mud (mode. Mre. Gillespie, of Seafort6, was a vis- itor et the home of her gun,- Jima 8ireet, Brueeelg. Wan. Burke has commenced hie upon. tioeeh,p in W. Denman barber. alloy, 88181 0huula 110 well. J. T. Wuud and Master Fred. went to London last 88 urday. The latter se ea. IBu4a.g hi- vie.&. Mre. 'rhos. E11uIe, daughter awl ,r,(1deo0, were Vlalbure In otratfurt( dor• ins the poet weak. Hrrnert Lowry avant Sunday at hi - hums 11. Bru•nels. He to aueudiog the Wingham Bdn10eue College, Urn. aka, of Oraugevill8, and Mrs. Slodearu, of Winnipeg, are vld1&000 with Mre. Geo. Bruwu, 13(088810. are. Juo, Fergnnml has been ill with qulney and little 501(08813 With pn8010Ob. la but we hope 00181 W111 88011 be all 1i5h0. Mrn. W. Henry and little daugbter, Mildred Mural, and Mt88 Mudrtu boot are . ujoyiug a met; with frieuda to B1rat' turd. Mrs °has: . 0 Re. Amity, of Harrieton, oahna On renames 80 town this week. 26 years, has mane very little obeuge in her appearance. Fred. Wood, of Oheeterville, Ontario brother to J. T. Wood, of B00888 e, ban been quite fel but we hope he will soon be BB Wb.' at, ever. Mrs. Geo. Robertson and daughter Mildred, of Elgin, Mau,,, are clatters a F &stater 8parnug'O. Mra, Sparliug and the vleltur are sisters. Mae Edith Bailey, who has bean vett- i05 at Guelph and etuokwood, 50ee 1u- Torouto to attend the M111wety show foom0 and Spnug dleplayo ut headgear. J, D, and Mre. Ruuaid, wen knows' 'ormar Broeoo,ites, are making' a visit in wive for a t.w menthe with their daugh- ter, Mrs. W. 51. Smolair, and other old Bloods, They (008 (70100000. Mies Laura Umff, daughter of Rev. W. T. (huff, „1 Olrettord, formerly of Brue- vele, la renewing old friendships in town, She is a tierce of Barrister and Mrs, Siuulam sod tae 5rowu into a due young lady. Dr. Feild was in Lietowel on Toeeday Will. Sloan, of Toronto, and Dr, W Blotto, who ie home to Blyth on a hoe day,were in town o1. Wednesday. The former is a ecu of Dr. Sloan, t [ Toronto, a former wail kuowu medico, of Blyth. liminess Locals Penn for eels, Appl3 "' Joseph Eng. el. 5 it • P. U. 1 LOVER and 1'1 Mealy geed at Mo 880801 (11 1o1,10X•N1T8'e dppree floe wanted. Appy to (den. 1t' Pu, -aro, Ethel. Gaud peed fel. .15111 boy. 88880,INR (0 Millinery. Every11i1.9 ,010 roe+ra.e.e of 0081 lo. 01880 OUt 1(18 .#NM01.'8 e(6010. Call (.1111 ace aa. MISSES 88101I88 ,.188 MARY Moats will take pop, .. 1.t, 98(.uu( for a hurt time. Feriae alternated DSU .811011 080000, 000, at Maid Buse' store. C86451 -Wm. A,m.rong can supply eeporetur Jerery 008001 to auy..ue mal it g the same, Pries 26o per qt. "Toe.M±pme," East of Brooaeie. 1)1188rt1e81110 - Dela. 08. Wuudley id ptepaleu 10 884,8 11. 0reamma841g 81111 wi slue oarelo at1eu11ou to ail omen. A 8 .ere of ).our pate, uage solicited. MES. Al. WoODLRY, M.111 8tteet, - Brneeele. hews -haws exchange(' and fast end raay ordain. Bowe fur eats. Saw porn ming awl 8 1,.g a specialty. Our prices are 10We81 011 mush when you UOnehler the 08,,e11 we give. `l HOe. MCGREGOR ,1111 street, Brnegele. - 1f you are tele ipa'ed, eon, or bilious r nese a askew efete88 mimeo 'x.on, Fey Lea ale just once t0 see 'what they wilt 1.o fur eon. Lax OW ere little tooth. ,me (hinny tablele-taco to ear, Lies t8. • Rect. No eremite, 00 pal. Just a geniis laxative .ff,01 that is platten g 'mumble. Sauey for the vest emitter, 0r puree. Lex 888 meed every d. torn. Lex 8104 Oum8 t0 yon to oeautflur nth, gruphru metal buxe8 at be and 25 OOute. Flow by F. R. Sm'th. Ha12N MOALPINE -At Port E'gin, on Monday 1''euruary 11, 1907, to Mr. Run Mrs.. B. P. MoApine, (of the Mebraponlan Beek) a sou. WILSON -.Eu Brussels ou F.brnary 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. S. 0. W taut, a daughter. eaA.m. ,zfla. Foo ioa -Rolii eoN;-At the reideooe o' lair. Win. Kure, "Maitland band. farm," 01. Feu. 14,h, by .Rev. E. F,. At metering, B. D., Mr. Juo. Ferree'. of Portage as Prairie, Man., to Mien Ll nab R Meson, of the same town. L8180MAN-B BAIRN, -At the reeiueuoe o the bride'e parents, Wingham, on February 20811, by Rev. W. G. How Bou, Mr. Jets. Le,ehman, o1 Reuse Seek., to Mies Martha, daughter of Mr. and Mre. Edward 50810813. =tea_ BISHOP.- Io Grey, en Feb. 16th, Eliza We•.h, beloved wife of John Bishop, In her 77th year. r. FORBee7-I1. Sineeoie, on Feb, 161,11, W,i ,810 Forrest, in his 80th year. WRITS; i1. H,bbert, Perth Co., o0 Feb, 19th, Wm. Wilde, aged 65 years. svcT=Orr Bel. TOMMY, Fee 26TH.-Horeee and (fate ole, North 1,a 1 Lut 27, Owe" 8, Morrie Sale as 1 o'clock, THoe. HELLmaTON, Prop. F 8. Boots, Auu. WEDNESDAY, Pas. 27TH.---FBrm stook 100ple00eetii, o0,., L 1 15, 0,,u, 8„ Grey Slur unreserved at 1 - o'u.00k. JNo. R 8AV10E, Prop. F. 8. Somtt, Aao, ESTABLISHED 9870 THE STANDARD BAt' OF CANADA Head Office - Toronto x $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department. Deposits of $I and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in making Withdrawals Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. BRUSSELS BRANCH 3. F. RowlaYxel, Manager MONDAY, MAR00 4Tu -Farm et80k, L', 22, Oon, 12, Grey, Sola unreserved et 1 fee eek PETER - MCDONALD, Prop. F. 9 Scott, Ann WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6TH -Live stook, hnneehnle furniture, eine at Walton Rale num., rued et 180 d'olank Gen. 0. RAnnmve, Pr n. F 4. Bonar Ano. 'w1,NDAY. ` ARCH 11Ta.-Farm stook. Lo' 8 Cnn 8, Grey. Sale n8le,erved Rt 1 n'el mk. ROST. (CARR, Prop. F, 5. S Lott, Ane. 73R JBS7r7S.,S 7.6:41.1M.7C'ST'8 Fall Wheat 68 70 Bar ev .. 48 45 Peal '74 75 Otte 84 85 Butter, toot, and roils19 20 Ewes per dozen 20 22 Hay p• r ton 9 00 10 00 Fivar, par bbl 4 60 5 20 Hoge, Live 6 60 - 6 80 Wn• I 24 26 Potatoes per one 60 Apples (per bbl 1 1 00 1 50 Balt, per be'. retail 1 26 1 25 TIIE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. PRICK STORE TO RENT BY F betarr eat -part of Smith Plank. 22x81 feet [2nd door from American Hotel ; lately u -rd lie tas1orine and gent8' furnish. It g eetollishmant For :artier ',anteaters apply to DR :LORELVEY, Brneeele. K. 0. T. M. Rr,owls Tent , 1 the Macoehees• No. 24 held their reen1ar meetloge 11. tbe Lodes Room, Necker Rloek, on the 1st and 8rd Toe.day evenings of melt month, Vie,t,ne alwoye 8701088,80. A_60 - ENS, COW. A. No(UIRE, R. E. TO WHOM 11 MAY CONCERN Notice is herebv given that t will „ot he reeronelble ter debts eoolreeted "7 any per8,.0, presumably for me, without my written order or eennenr end the poblio is asked to govern themselves aronrdiugly JO'0FPH RAYN AND. Grey, February 31et,1907. 88.2 Tenders Wanted Tenders will be 088819od, up to 7 p m„ Mame 2nd, by the oudersigued, for the erection of a cement stable at the Mrtho' dist P.'reonape, Nroesols, Tenders to above figures both with mud with, n, material sup- plied. Plane end mpeo190010118 may be seen on application to 28.2 R. LEATHERDALE, FARM LABOURERS 1' AND DOMESTICS- Ihave been appointed by the Dominion hove-rmwent to piece Immigrants from the Milted Einadom in enelti008 as farm lab. oaten or domestic servants in this vtoluity. Any person ,,squiring snob help should with ly me by letter stating fully the kind of het required, wIeu anted and wages offered The uumbrr, arriving may not be su131o1ea t to supply all rcqueat8 but every effort will be wade to provide each apinismtwith belp required F 6. aeons, Canadian (8uveroment Employment Agent 82.1y Armorials 7, 0, MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM PROPERTY Rate of interest S4 per cent per ammo , first ortgaae LIFE ANO FIRE INS. AGENT Excelsior. Life fnth raboe Con pony The Equity Fire f naur anon Company A11 busiuese utteoded to promptly. H. R. BREWER, J. P. Clerk 4111Division Court AUDITOR ' AB: >TR,AOT -OF TUE_ TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS FOR 71-1E, YEAR 1906 RECEIPTS Balance un baud Taxer 1878190 Mteeellx%moue EXPENDITURE $.7795 65 R ode and bridged ' .5 2151 18 209 18 738 00 94 50 73 00 8371 88 2700 00 78 10114 88 - 5,7 00 1213 78 5242 10 visiting an 0W trieud, 0. Alexoboor wbo. Refund o1. culvert •L 00 Officers' fees e home trout an extended Linty in the interest 135 52 Priming Klondike. The latter retnrhe to that Trete, E. Wa,venosh B1ly, line Board of Health .Rud of guld shortly. He tae done welt expenditure, 1901 4 80 'i'axe0 there. License fund 75 00 Borrowed money Tam P, ST had a (tali on Tuesday from Borrowed money r., .. 2700 00 'Lite est ' au Ota !need in the pereuu 8i Wm. BD. A. L8idh0w as c0t'5ellydrain 85 00- Dr. ihage hop, Poouoi Boer of Komoko, formerly of Co. Treats., Legislative and 001- Debt, tures Grey, who was here attending the fuer er school greats .. 548 00 Law done.. al of hie sister m law. Time deals very Balance isf School money i11 8ohuols kindly with ham. '1'rsaourer'e halide 84 08 Wali, Whaley, plank ..... 7 25 (4eo. Helly, timber sold on 5.11±. 12 00 W. H. McCutchomt plant out of d•ails ....... 0 60 Hallett Blow deboolme U.S.S. No. 12 171 60 Harry James has received lettere from the father 81110) brother of the late John ()rose, who live in Eu5land abd the respectively. Tile former desired to know the expense inugrred in the burial f hie son so that he 80111(1 remit the amUnnt to the Treanorer of Brueeele, J. W. Ora 51•, who haobeen teller in the Standard Bank here for over a year, :eft ,hie week for Termite where he will fill a ASSETS, cotton a1 head odire. He was B very OOeh au 1110::& .. 14,t n 884 77 18 tion t tut , . 'i 44 24 eoen0 tens(, „$ 8 9 y VOW WdB tent 1,� I 1 a x sof ore Uuu01140084 toxo 1514 41 Dnh,ntne'n on faltmmlt Duuni ,, 64ri 80 move from sown ed A White, a Dale. 8810, gradm .............•>,150 00 R.,iltyny;dahentnro 257 818 meta, baa a 101'8008 Mr. Uraigle, We I To3vnehip mai 900 00 (38801981 & Gu8eriell Ry. Cio,.,,: 8500 00 .vmm�me him to Brussels. - _ J.1.1 Stewart, misnomer of Its Batik of 525881 26 Notice to Creditors 6 In the matter of the estate of Ann Dron, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, Spinster, deceased. Notice ie hereby riven pureunnt to Revis- ed Statutes of nnt,ric 1897, :'hap 129, end amended Sots, tat hall creditors Sul !Ahern having any elalme egniest the estate of the mild Anti Drnu, who died an or about the 0eve0th ,la. of 1'ehrnary, 1907, ern re. gutted on en heir re the N n, h da y of Meroh , 1907; to send by poet, prataid, or deliver to Anthony llaymano, or Rev D. It McRae, 01 Orau brook P. 0 , Onterlo, the F.xeoat0ra of the paid' deceased, or to W. M N1,olufr, of i3rus8, le, their S. Roitortheir,' brief fan and mitigate sad ad. rapes wi'b Poll part colas 'u wr Woe et Men claims the stamen, 18.1 their amounts and tits rattan of the soca?. sties (if anti ha11 by ta'em. And na+loll fa tn.'ber giver, that after the aid bet mewl one-' dote the gold Esr•oo- tars will pr'eord to distrib to tb, asset Of d or aped emei.gott• a ponies ent'tled thereto, bees e. regarn only to the claim of which they-1.1.l11neu have r • two and I. at be said Executors will not 8o Iheble for the Reset , 01 any purl then of to aoy i oreun or perao0" of whose o" efine 'lobate Bluth nut have been reooivrd by teem at the time 01 iamb dialrxbntlu0. Doted et orient -els 168019th day o1 Febru- ary, A. 0.1097. W M SINCLAIR, 88.9 Solicitor for the b:xecatore. MONTHLY HOSE FAIRS BJ USS LS The regular Monthly Horse Faire well be held for the season a8 10110118 : THURSDAY ..r...1EB,28013, APR, 4813, " Leading Local and Outside Buyers will be Present How= Cure For Cows Only Don't forget Kow-Cure is a Medicine especial- ly for OQW trf,ubleH- nothing el8e. That's why it cures, 60c per package -AT- Fox's Drug Store :4 Farm Labourers and Domestics I have been appetuted by the Dominion n0vernme0l 10 oleos Immigrants front the tint ed Weed. m fu poelt•oe8 8884 term lab• terrors - r d,', a 1. 8e0081.018 in Chia vleinity, 119 oars e r qct, me each help shout 1 1.1,01. iv me 8" nwoady "r by letter elating rmly Cue Find of Ile;p requtr,d,w,teu w„uted'aud wages ofer,d rhe numbers art, vi gmay ot be - ueleleut t , simply all requests but ev rr effort will he mote to provide ease a!'pileant wl n help r•q•r red, AN1►1te1W W. $LOAN, Oaadieu Government Nmuloymeut Agent 82.901 13,166 P. 0, Brewer's Reliable Art Studio If you are vi.iting in ibis neighbor- hood it would be worth your while to look up our Studio. We .are second to noels and our prices are lower than other towns. We would be p'etsed to have you call end ase samples, oleo sae our large aeoor0ment of view. 1.b Poet Cards. They melte gond Souvenirs. Don't fail to have some. WE FRAME PICTURES Enlargiiigdone in first-018ss style - Crayon or Water -color, Give nes Ball, H0 R BREWER eretaweeleriviAelvieetateeWeiteresseeteeeeagieetenie Do you life good Broad and Pastry P If so you must bake with good Flour. I have in stock now the Celebrated Puritan Brand Manufactured by the Western Canadian Flour Mills Co., of Winnipeg. Also the well known Five Roses the output of the Lake -of -the -Woods Milling Co. A trial will convince you of the excellence of. these Qualities. 1 All l6nd1 of Feed kept on -hand and sold at Rea - men able Prices. ALF. BACKER, BRUSSELS 1 Now in Stock b FIRST ,EARLY SHIPMENT Newrin p ,nf' Prints New Dress Goods Newy��} Muslin sly•, l.J 13 $17607 08 LIAI3ILTTlMB. 51028861 - $ 8789 57 As Strachan