HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-2-21, Page 5eetaveenteeneteweeenerefieEiereeeeneeee
Graduates of Y a•p, _
ELLIOTT'the Popular w,
ELLIOT., d - " .
Rog]ny 6 t p items a t;tm,orfaph•
,3'n, lin,t)t dam pt Ru, luveio0 (terus,
9T '11th. u'sTeL)el ll uoUo, 0, 'i llorthaall
IL 1'ouotle,'o ate„ „t good 0111111180, 06-
111 au, (oily twenty limos oar supyyly.
"11011 t .seta. d d' 10' 11,1000m 4,01301040 �
slut (' to true. Our,impeller wore lb
w611 h14461) 3,3(00 uuw.
U+taluguo frau
y f W. J. It Rhin' T, Pr:ochre! ti,
40Y Cult YONOL+ AN11 AL10(ANnaa Will.
butMINIM to 111'. J. A. McNauk'ttion
nrrroaete, Ontario
Graduate of PulyolIoie Post Graduate
Behind of Medicine awl .1 unary, Now York
timber of Uull000 of Pilyottobaus and Bur-
geons of Ontario.
Moo and rveideno0 00010 us formerly ou.
copied by Dr, &MMNausatou,
1)loeoauo of w0won a apeolalty.
9'liune a'o, 11,
W 11. MoOItAOKLi"N—
V V e leaner Ol Marriage Licensee. UI..
flee at browny, Tur0uerry street, bru3001a.
Ul,co 10 the Poet (Alice, 4ahei. e0-4
LJ is prepared to give maa°as ou Pfau,
60 heed Uig w. Terms on apptloat,uu
Pubtolllu6 audle0s-Sruesele. lteeiuunce-
Lot 9, Uou. le, tars). Pupils may have th01,
10s0uns at their own ilowae 11 preler,ed.
Pupils prepared for the 'Toronto
Conservatory of Mulls.
Agent liowiele Mutual.
Fire Insurance Compau)
OlOoo and ltelideuce-
• '0a21, will Bell forbettor prices, 0,
better mon, in loan time nuc 1ee8 0014,6ge,.,
titan any other AOatiuAe0r in 01ae2 Rurou 1,1
bo won't emerge anything. Dates and Order
tau always be arranged at this °flace or b
p0re.nlal application, •
Auctioneer for Huron Count.
Terms T00.00110b10. Hales arranged fu,
at the Moo of Tun Poem, Brussels, 2211
'Honor .3 ulua.0 of tb,; Ontario Vet
armory Ue110330, is prepared to treat all. die
ea000 u1 domgatleated animals 1u a coulee,
O 110 manner, t'artioular actentiou paid to
Veterinary 0euttacry and hide 00vsr. Uai"
prowptly atr0nd011 to. OWuo and ludrma, o
--Four doors North of bridge, 'Lurnberry 0t.
.• Barrister, 1olloItor, Notary, Ate
6ueeeeeo0 to t}. 10. Blair. °Moe over Stan
Burd Sauk, Bruosele. Solicitor for Uonru•
palitau Beak,.
V V "• Barrister, llolioltur, Uteo0yaJte0,
N otary Publlo, &o. Uilioa-Stowart'a Bioo,
1 door Northol Ueutral Metal.
Bolloitor for the Standard Sauk,
p11011DF00'1', 1 AX13 en BLAIR-
bA1tItLSTi21i6, 1301,I01'P4'R1, NOTARLite
100131,1:3, 11120„
W, P11OUDSOIT, 11. 0. 1i. 0, 11e7s •
G, F. uxdAt11.
Of11660-T1100e foxmerly °coupled by Meson,
.0a1.111800 h Bolt,
GODNntoa, ONwAa1o.
DR, R. P. FEIL.,D.
Graduate of 120 Royal College of 'lleutal
eargoone of Ontario and Gir01.ola00 Robot
Graduate. of .'rorouto University. 0illot
next to B1'ewer'6 Photograph. Gallery,
Gg - A. FAMOUS .SCHOOL. ,Maw'.
,,),)titIt I QiAL
ji'r4 le reeteat1eee. to lie one of. tile, lending
33 Commando! Schools of Ontario. Our a
001,0'400 aro tkurouph awl praetloal,
il 1211011 d6p0,rltu6nl 10. 1u We hands of -Li,
experl0u06d inotruotor0, Our gradu-
ailtes are to demand•mud .ere meeting
with great Stwooe0, alae) Ioadate
111fu0a0la6a6Uo1d0g0wpoy0ofrro6g00(1• li
`( logos. You may outer at any tlni0, , u,
I6I2LL103 3 t \1on+1ORLINr
Prim: Pri4mla, y
4 41=ii-,'1Ii"w2i� u it i
Tali POST has made arrangements to
club with alt tile loading Wes:tars 31(311
ITtiliee (1011 1)23303' ,lourualo of every db•-
'i'iro POST sad il'e following nom td
()13(1:re will be sena- for one year ue fol -
30140 :--
Neer and Toronto Globe $1 35
" " 31011 and Empire 1 75
Free ferias 1 80
Family klorlild aud Star1, 80
" Montreal Witness 1 O5
" " Loudon Advertiser 1 60
,r Weekly Sun , .. 1 80
leernler0' Advocate , , , .. '2 35
PooTAND '.1110 News $2 35
" " titer 2'35
" Globe 4 00
" " 711dt1 and Empire 4 20
't " World '310
" " Advertiser 2 lis
When PrOmialne are given with an)
of the above named publications you tie-
uure them through the club with Tux
Call at the office or -remit the ahtouut
by te. 0. Order, Express Order or Reg-
istered letter, adclre0sing
Brussels, Ont.
.1 u
3J i tSt,CX i`�CbQs,
John Turner, jr;, wag appointed town
engineer for the town of Beafartb for
F. B. Stephens, who has been on the
Domiuiou Bank staff here for over, four
years, lies been transferred t0 the braubh
at Ft Wiliam.
Wm. Uartry was appointed a member
et the Pnbtio Library .Board taking the
vuoaucy caused by the removal of G. W.
Brown from town. -
While lookmo through some old books
'ha other day, Thoe. Hamner found a
twen(y.dollar nth, whish judgingfrom
its ragged and ,vont appearance, mast be
a very old one.
Mtea Olfre Laidlaw, daughter of J. 0.
Laidlaw, is UI with an attack of (Omelet
ever at Amberet, Maes, Miss Ludlow
has beau engaged on a ease in Amherst
college when she was taken ill.
The S8+1for(h Band wee granted the
sum of $100. They are to be tinder the
oo01ro1 of the Mayor in being punctual at
out door oouoerte and a statement of
llobareemeute for the 031id term handed
in at the en( of each term to the Coanoii.
MIBe Evelyn Derwin, book-keeper for
the R. Ma1C6e Buggy 00., of Platteville,
+,aa been offered, and beg auoepted the
poei1ion of first aseie tin book.keepor fur
the W. H. Willie Shoe (Jo. of clue town,
and - 3188113'x'100 the duties of her new
position ou Feb. 25th'.
Group can poettivety be stopped in 20
min0tee. No vomiting— nothing to
i°ken or disuses your (109.4. A 010082
„pleasant and vale syrup, called Dr.
dboop'o Croup Our°, dose the work and
.10ee ie guiokly. Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure
e for °reap 111000, remember: It dune
not claim to mare a dozen eilmer110. Ido
or Croup, that'° a11. Sold by F. 13.
emu. Wf01.
The next D+vielon Oanrt, whiob'1008 to
have been held ou Marin iBth, use bee.
postponed until March 2010.
dime Van Alotyue, of Hamilton, is 8'I
ng the position of eabolItute seminar m
he Hegh School here daring Prluoipoi
Niohui'e illness,
The Trastee Board of the Methodist
ohuroh has eugoged the.0ervi008 01
Mies Adeline Lillywhite, of London, ae
soprano .stolen mud a1eie1ant leader of
the choir.
Mrs. Dippoll, wife of Daniel Dtp
pall, died rather suddenly of heart demob
en Wedneoday evening of • last week.
She had beau offi,oted with the moistly
ler some time, nod her death was not al-
,oget,(31r unexpected.
B. B Benda hoe received word from
New York that hie eon Charles is in It
ltoopilal.4here seriously ill with pneamon
la, Ches. and Mrs. -Same have been
living in NOW York 013100 the San Frau•
oie00 dlsaater. Their trying experieue00
thou affected Mr. SarVie' nervone system
and Ma health has not beau good Bipoe.
The 11uu3u1 meeting of the Blown,
Furniture Uo., Limited, woe held at the
(sugary a goodly tl+,mber of the sheer-
uuldere ,being pr00eut. The financial
etateme01 ehuwed that the past year's
basiueee hue been the beet eines the
company started five years ago, with a
larger balance du the right gide of the
profit and toes °amount. The oumpauy
ttutltipalee a 81111 better showing for the
uexttwel've months. The old Board of
Uirto+ore was re elected, with M. Me
Fleming Profidoot and Seoretmty and X.
Wahl manager,
tea, env (noel.
Hugh Richmond has a thoroughbred
sow that lately gave birth to a' litter of
twenty two pigs. Of 139110 number ten
are alive mid thriving.
Mre. 0. l3. Fullerton anti two children
Frances and Marjory, of New Liekemrd,
are spending a few months with het
parents, Lemuel and Mre. Pelton,.
L, D. Stanley has disposed. of Ids stook
of gr000riee- and confectionery to Geo.
Dark who got poe00601ou thio week. Mr. 1
Dark porpoise 000upyiugthe came prem.
toe ae Mr, Stanley who will likely re.'
turn to 131. Marys.
Jae. Strut1,ero tae disposed of hie prop.
arty in the village to J. A.' Porter, of the
6191 bon Weet. Mr. Struthere has possess.
ion to theSummerl
a1 I whorl lie will likely
so W661 on u roe ,matin ,tour moa 3C is
uite him he will Iodate there permanent
Tbs.Presbyterian ohurrill is to undergo
nemaidermbte improveme0te in the way of
papering, painting and (motive. Nei,
0ind0w0 Will ata° be placed in the build
nig, About. 475' was eub0aribed in all
towards the renovation which Wiil likely
moat well an toward, 4100.
The annual meeting of the patrouo of
the Newry Oboeee Factory wee held f11
Wynn's anvil 113'1 To00dmy Feb, 5th
'there' watt a Targe attendance. Thr
8uautdal eta3mnent showed '(tat the past
year Was a red letter year in the dairy
Ind glary ae the demand wee good and
prieso high. The following summery
w gleaned r
segs d[ atnthe Aadhnrs
lbs, of milk reedy.d 1,521818; be of
oboe° ma ti fao1ured, 140.200, average
the. mink to ib of, theme. 10 40 4108' 3(0
12.110, Averageo eoma
exclusive of healing mills .0124, average
6bat1er fat8401h6 moues n
was very
h.'rmanlous proving that the palmus
%sere W033 411rt88ed with the manegerne, t
Following (18luers were doted, 8 d80mati,
G, Gordon ; Treas., A. M. Sweeten ;
era„ John Morrison ; Managing 00Dt„
Wm. M8rrieou, Alex Siru3hor0 and
Ghost MoMano, Wm. Gilmer woe ap
pointed Auditor in plain of Wm Wherry
who re01gned. It woe resolved that a
per8oa be employed to divide whey when
ever a oomplamt of shortness be reported
et footory end the expellee he paid by the
inn tintment.Can there 2t
The pent between the eyes isn't neural
gia Many think so but it is 0111arrh
What need° attention right now. Yon,
nrnprrlead is to uoe "Cauarrhnzone,"
Gootore reeogt3lze it a0 a ore that a0r.
80008 all others, Sure bottom it doe,'
each the trouble ; safe, benauee no huge
to take, you breathe its healing vapor
direot to'the course Of the trouble and
8(198 38 guorante0d. '1'wo 0(080, 25o and
$1,00, Sold everywhere,
(a oderiols,
Robert Elliott hail Bold out hie 000l
oleos, F. B. Holmes .being the par
The annual exoareion by the steamer
Greyhound to Detroit will be on Jane
18111 this year, returning Jane 20th.
Lorne 0. Todd, for several years in the
meehanioal department of the Star, has
ooepted a reeponeible position on the
Baruta P08,,
W. 8. Mulleraher, of Wroxeter, and P
Camelot), of Gunton, the reoently ap
ooiuted County Auditors, have been et
+ending to their deities in the troaeurer's
Root, Clark lost a team of home-,
whioh were orating toe in the harbor.
The teem broke through the in and ,,no
r the unman; was drowned. and the
.ether died shortly after being got out of
he water.
At the meeting of the W. M. S. of
Vloaoria rarest Methodist ohurob, Mre.
.r C. Million wail made a life member.
The society has been in exfeteeee only
•hree years and already hoe three life
Rev. T. M. Campbell, of Toronto, bite
area visiting hie Bon in-law and densh•
ter, Rev. W. H. and Mrs. Graham Mr.
Campbell has been tailing ohargs of Rev
I, H, Otiver's work at Sarnia daring the
lac'er's illness.
The medical men of town have notified
he beneficiary moieties that homelier
they will °barge a fee of $2 for all me3i
al examinations for odmittanoe to soot
-ooteties, and that they will 110 no 00u-
tr101 medical work for soh eooie4iee.
Amnon sae been taken 0gainet the
township of Colborne i0 the 01aim of
Mre. Wm. Ivero, of Weet Wawano0h, for
'images for the death of her husband,
tauoed by the overturning of his wagon
est Fa11 on a road whioh the p'aintiff
Maim was not in proper condition. Mre.
(sore Maims 410,000 dam0gee At the
meeting of the Colborne township Council
,u Monday it was decided to contest the
maim. It i0 understood that the town
hap, while denying any liability, won d
milder a propooitiou for 0et1h sent of
be maim, bat of oo0ree for a very mach
mailer amo"nt than ie named. The
owusbip ham had a good dea of litigation
stay and is probably not a"xioa8 for
any morn. In' the meantime it looks as if
the matter would go before the 000rt8,
Pilo. net gniek relief from Dr, Sh8op'1
vtagte Ointment, Remember it'smade
elono for Pne8-and it works with
anoint) and eatiefuetion. Irohieg,
a3ufnl, protruding, or blind piles dieap
pear like magic by its nee. Try it and
see. Sold by F. R Smith.
(-1191 i(1Onx.
The Bell Telephune Company have
ppoiotod Mrs. LB. Rumba!' as their
epreeentativo io Clinton.
J T. Clark, of Toronto, brotber•in-law
( T. Jackson, jr., of OIinton, was elected
Preeident of the Canadian Press Ae-
emotion, Mr, Claris is the well known
di2or of Saturday Night.
Saturday, Feb 92h, the executive Dom.
mutes of the West Huron Teaehere' ' f
A LETTER FROM .MOOSE JAW,! The river banks are vary high and
! etoep, The river here, although not
a rnoning stream at the proton time
Leaving Mouse Jaw as the Wit 0.e gives ample water e0pp.y, (co doubt
Benoit or Woad MOuntaia trail, the fl et supplied by epriure) for stock.
two home tak00 one through the bentel
diacritic flt1eei, mi.es 3
m 0 o too ill' .
, h e
The ries is ermine! 1 thorny after ea
tering the hills, the Weed M0nu1ain trail
ot,do to the right. We took the left,
threat towards Willow Bench, passing
Me, Reel-kil'i, ranch ,,boot 115 mites
South of A1,00e Jaw, ph to Mr, Gtahom'o
10004Mo three miles farther where we
reunaioed over Meth. Glimpses of Lake
Johne2ou oould bo seen away to the right.
Storting early to the morning though a
oontiutmae rough, hilly country hot with
mob tenger .topes than for the last
eight miles the evening before, we math -
ed the Forty Mile Bpringo at the head of
the Lake of the Rivers. Following the
Sot 01110oftine hike to the Soutle0ttet
c rner of Tp. 7, R. 28, where a good
0pr:rlg of water afforded a watering plasm,
100 had dinner, Rounding the lake in
the dry bottom of the 804430, we travelled
mime live md10 Westward, pun ing out in
Tp. 8, R 29. On r'8ahfeg too high land
from the lake bottom, we at 0000 sae
small frame honors dotted all over that
townebip. At one point 17 or 18 were in
view. These have been looted during
the present year by intending settlers
prior to the survey. This is a splendid
townebip, every foot of whioh can be
oaltivoted, We ',topped on the South -
met quarter of 20 in 11330 toweehip with
Mr. Waeeeosar who was the fleet settler
therein, and who has beenaotive in loot-
ing others, We remained over night here
T91ueed31y, and on Friday moruive inter-
viewed H. S. Roleroft, the 00800703' who
bar a party of twelve mon surveying Tpe.
7 and 8, in 11 27 to 80 inolusivo He
expecte to 'Web hie work by the 20th of
tine mouth, At 10 uf m• on Frailty we
left Mr. Wa000naar's going Westward,
luep1eting the East and Northeaot part
of Tp 8, R 30. Tbie is only half a
township as the meridian line No. 3
West, rune through the middle of it.
Mr. Wassenaar accompanied us ae tar
as the Soat91weet other of 8eotion 88,
Tp. 8, R 30.
We to .k ear bearings for ae0ti0n 12,
Tp. 10, R. 4, Woo of the 8rd Meridian, a
dimwit! of 30 rodeo more or lees, aid
struck out no make that point before
darlt int Friday night.
We had uo oompa0e sod took our bear-
iuge by the ono only. 'Shortly after
leaving Mr. Waemenaer'e we streak burnt
prairie and the first 6 or 8 miles were
eometvbet billy with long elopee bat no
abrupt bille to break oar line of travel.
Fee some miles before reaching the Wood
Mountain trail the land became m090
'eves and as far as the eye oonld see.
North and Booth, the land appeared the
tame, slightly rolling, with, no mono ill
We.. reaobed the Wood Mountain trail
and telegraph line a few minutes to three.
and continued our journey Northwest
It was a moll with night to make a et. A-
ping piece. Thirty-five miles acmes
burnt prairie, no trail, 110 settlement,
We re31ohed the Frenob Settlement on
the banks of the river in section 28, where
we rem31iued ever night. Next morning
we Iravo,led N 0th five miles to A. R
Grayson's mob the0oe,North t0 what ,0
known as Billy Homos' ranch, now
owned by Wilson t1s Wahhan, therm we
proceeded North and Ease on the runlet
trail North' of Lake Jobueton to Moose
Jaw, slopping with Frank Williams over
u1gb1,. making Moose Jaw by easy journey
,,811t morning.
On entering the Mule South of Moose
Jaw, end all the way booth through Tp8.
18 to 9 inotneive, on the Willow Snob
'rail, the land ie hilly and nut mutable
for agriculture' purposes. To the Rot,
some Six or eight miles could be setae au
elevated ridge of the bide. A number of
level motions of land are Been which
could be cultivated, but the areas are eo
email as praotioally to prevent aotaol
0ettlement. This distriot i0 Suited ou'y
for rano1ing purposes. The location of
the (82,0600 will depend wholly up 'n the
water anlply. Where springs of fresh
water are found will naturally become the
centres Or home of the rata here. Sul
indent level prairie, soil of exe-l'9nn
(panty, is found in to108821pe 8 and 7 R,
27 and 28 to make a good settlement.
Mr. Bickner is loomed on seotiin 1, Tp,
8 R, 28, and has a comfortable hums
hereon. Several other settlers have
squatted (?) on olaime ndj Ailing thereto
n which are seen small ebagko,-email
rums buildings, and some breaking
Turning West- on the township line
between 7 and 8, there 18 mush de0,rable
land for sett .meat, in Tp. 7, Rea, 29 and
30, Tp 8 R. 29 is the township referred
t0 a8 settled by Mr. Wa0B0ualr• and BOme
twenty °titers.
West of the meridian line to the
Frenob settlement, the land i0 not ear.
veyed. Only a few townships, or parte
o, townships on the South there of Lake
Johnston ar0 surveyed.
Weet of the Wood Mountain trail and
telegraph line, to Wood Moaut11in, to a
03.931 fioent stretch of country suitable
for agripiitural pnrp0008, 0 twee told by
the Beaters in the French oolony P8 well
as by rano1ere who have travelled One
h"ndred mites or more Weet of Wood
River, that the land fa egaal•y 0e good a0
the part over which I travelled Going
North to the ramifies, Grayeoe's,
Kennedy's, Holmes' end Grants, whioh
have been occupied for many years, the
laud beoomee more rolling,
As000iotton met is the Model School,
Utinaon,and decided' bo hold the next
meeting in Exeter, May22ndand 23rd.
W. W. Farren, Dr. Gone, D. ,A. For
'eater and W. ,Jackson, directors of
ha Thresher Goy ,. held i1 meeting at
the t fifes of the Company and elected
the 1, flowing rffirars :-President, W
W. Ferran ; V oe President, Dr. Gann ;
ti sussing Director, D. A. Forrester.
W. Pinner was elated Seoret09y at the
annual meeting of the ebarebolders.
Mr,'Beydoue, 1(0 assignee in the Fern
hem watt, has issued a statement to the
ereditors, The reoeipt0 were ae follows:
Bale of 09111,tele, $1555 38 ; Perm, ens
feat to Leguay and Mortgage, $1250
other reoeip•e, $82 25 ; to,i,l -$2887 68
This diobureem nt' were $1599.05, leas
,ug %balance of $1288,58 to be divided
among the 89811,tore, As the olaime
egainet the estate amounted to $4574.87,
the creditors got 27o on the dollar.
Mise . Clare Wtoemon, daughter of
Collector Wiseman, mantis, went - to
Rhode 651nnd on a visit to friends
While there a personal friend; who lite
Mise Wiseman, is a professional nares,
was galled home owing to Moos, and
he baked Mies Wiseman to got ea a the.
ti1dte in nursing a patient through a
'•ever. Hines°, wbioh she ooneented to
da, Thie took her to Florida, where
she le at peanut and may remain some
A. Goon ONE, -We recommend our
readout to eabeoribe to the Farmers'
Advocate nod Rome Magazine, the beet
Agricultural Journal in America.
'1Vle ' 1
Why Iii Pint kt( n(?
Sometimes from ebookor fright, Mot
usually booane0•tho 0yetem ie weakened
and depreeeed,--it laoke.power to root
-from Hadden straits, This onnditi0n
demands rebuilding, dem0nde nourish,
meat, whioh is beet ooppiied by Ferro.
sono. In every form of debility Ferro.
zone ie a tootle. It fortifloe the digoetive
and saeimuletive power of the body,
promotes the elimination of Waste mow.
rale, builds up 3340110, Kivee energy and
resiel 1,06, To bavo doh, red blood, en,
durinu nerve", a 0trong 0on6titation and
lasting good h8al13h, use ForrOz'1ne Sold
everywhere in 50o hetes or MX for 42.50,
Liverpool, London
Glasgow and Londonderry
Prepaid tickets issued from
al) points in Great Britain and
Ireland also Scandjiitviit glad' "ea" --• �-�
the Continent. Children's Cloth
1u Tp, f 18, R n Saud 4,'West of the
thirdm e3'loap
there +e
onto vary mos
tying land wbiob might well be oaltivat
ed. Grossing the Narrow, between Lake
Johrla1on and L31ke Ohap118, a dry level
bottom, with a river depreeelon, wbioh
le at the preoett time dry, the North
shore of hake Johnston ie molted. The
whole North littera le broken and hilly,
The bilk, however, for some three or
Mar miles book from the hooka of the
lake are in
many Warms gradual si 2 e
About four mdse N tett could be satin
the )sigh ridge of hills whioh extend
North and Sae, troth wbioh the elope
treads towards Caron, 13oharm and
Moose be,.
:: toe3' otete,_"a,
To atop a cold with "Preventi3B'i le
at r then int
h o let it r u and llr
d e D 1a after.
ward9. Taken at the "sneeze 01ag3"
Preventtoe will head at all oolds sad
grippe, and perhaps save yon trout,
r b3' n h)z a e a
o p a z, Pr v Ilia r
r sad
title toothoome candy cold. pure 'ablate
trolling n 5
I e, 1 e 11"11 26a boxer. Itoa a
°hilly, if yon begin, 00 sneeze, try yPrevail
tioe, They will euroly pure the pond,
and please you. Sold by x', R. f5m1th,
G. N.
. `I c AR
We Have the Merchandise
We Want the Money
This is not a Half-hearted Cut Rate Sale, but a Reckless Slaehingin the prices of Bright New
Goods. Head this list --all of it. Think it over. Come and sea the lines advertised. There's money
to it for you. Corot in often as new lines are being added to the list every day, This sale will con-
tinue until February 28rd.
Up to 75e Drees Goods for 39e
-Dress Gads in Light and Dark Tweeds, Surges, Cash-
meres; Covert Cloths, Luetees, Fenny Mobairo, 38 to
54 inches hide, regular nine u31 to 750. Adjust-
ment Sale price per yard $ 39
Up to 41.25 Dress Goods for 75e.
-Dross Goode and Snili0ge in Pure Wool, Chiffon, Ve0-
etfaus (all milers), Light and Dark Tweeds, Silk
and wool Clothe, Panama Cloths, 42 to 54 inohea
wide, regular pri00 up to 31.25, Adjustment Sale
price per yard 75
Up to 43 50 131nck and Tweed Skirts for 42 89
-Ladies,' Black lied Tweed Skirts, all new styles, well
made nun perfect fitting. all sizes in the lot, regular
prices up to +58.50, Adjn:tmeut Sale price 2 89
55 50 and 40 00 Ladies' Skirts for 44.25
-Ladies' Finest Quality Black and Fancy Tweed Skirts,
this ee3164,11'0 latest ,'tyles, timely made and perfect
fitting, regular prices 45.50 and $(3.00, Adjustment
Sitio pries 4 25
86 00 shirt Waist Suits for 48.50
-G only Ladies' Shirt Waist Suite in Black and Blue
Serge°, steely "lade nod perfect fitting, regular price
45.00. Adjnetmeut Sale price 3 50
43 00 White Wool Blankets for 42.15
8 peke good gu,lity Wool Bed Blenketo, size GO by 80,
blue nod piuk borders, well scoured, clean stook,
regular price $8.00. Arljnetment Sale price per pair 2 15
Up to 17c Union Flannels for 1211c
-5 pieces good quality Union Grey Flannels, light and
dark shades, Wiled and plain, regular prices op to
17e, Adjustment Sale price 12*
25e Grey Flannels for 19e
-Light and Dark Shades, Twilled and Plein Grey Flan -
eels, regular 250. Adjnelmeut Sate price
140 Standard €Lirtings for 10c
-5 pieces Standard Shirting;., Indigo Blues, good pat-
terns, regular price 14o. Adjaetment Sale price10
28e Cottonades for 21c
-4 pieces Extra heavy Cottooades,.gnod patterns, reg-
ular price 280. Adjustment Sale jet ice 21
Men's Head}merle Shirts
-50o Dolt and Cotton Top Shirts, extra fell Oise and
well made, regular prima 50a. _Adjuetmeht Sale price 38
$1.00 and 41,25 Flannel Shirts for 75c
-Men's Flannel Top Shirts, grey and blue;, extra full
sizes, the H. 13, IL and Deacon brands, regular
prices 41.00 end 131.25. Adjustment Sale price..., 75
1.00 Men's eotton Pants for 75c
Up to Mc Wool and Oft s1110ere Hose for 19
-Extra Heavy Ribbed Bozo, medium weight, Ribbed
and Plain Cashmere Hose. Girls', Boys' and Ladies'
sizes, regular value up 10 308, Adjustment Side price 19
41.75 end 41.85 Men's Fine Overshoes for 41.39
- Men's Fine Jersey Cloth Top Overshoes, back or front
buckle, let Quuliby C'alladuln Rubber Cos, and Gran-
by Rubber Cos, make, all 112806 to 11, regular prices
$1.75 and 41,85. Adjustment Sale price 1 39
Up to 44.00 Men's Fine Boots for 42 50
-Men'° kine VIM IC9d, Patent Colt and Box Calf, leo
and Blucher • tyles, dry soles, million soles and reg-
nh"' makes. all are Goodyear Welted,and the regular
Inked aro up to $4.00 per pair. Adjnetmeut Sale
price 2 50
Up to 42 65 Men's Fine Boots for 41.69
- Men's Fine Boots in Dougola Kid, Bax Calf, I-oe a,.6
B1001)0r styles, mingle ,ted Blip soles, regular prioe0
up to 42,75. Adjuntinent Sale plire
Up to 43.25 Woolen's Fine Boots for 42.39
-Women's choice quality, Bongo's lull Vici $3a, loco
and Blucher boots, single and 01ip GoodyearWelted
soles, all now styles and are our hest lines, the regu-
lar prices were up to 48.145, Adjustment Sale price 2.39
Up to 42.50 Women's Fine Boots for 41.69
-Women's good quality, Dongolo laid and Box Calf
leas and Blucher out boots, single and *flip solea, Self
sad Patent Tips, all new 0tyle8 and the regular
prices were up to 42.50.. Adjustment Sale price.... 1 69
Up to 41.50 Women's Felt and
Congress ,Dace Boot for 98e
-Women's Felt Foxed, laoe and Congress boots, also
some plain styles ill light and Meavy
, regg
169 prices up to 41.50Ad1termellt Bale patio
Cut Rate Prices on Misse 3' Boots Cut Rate PriceS on Chit r
d en s Boots
tIp to 413.50 Overcoats for
6.00 "
8 00 Men's Pants for
175 r
47 50
6 00
8 00
2 00
1 00
Up to 414.00 Suits r 48 00
3'r 919 50 6.50
t' 6 00 " - 3 75
Small Suits at the same cut prices.
Boy's Knieker Pants regular 50e for 25
Regular up to 75c Men's Caps, Tight and dark tweeds,finished with Fur
Bands, Adjustment Sale price, your choice for 25c
OOST oq� E
46 00' 480,00 Ladies' Fur Coats for
8 65) 87 50 " " for
2 761
50,00 t1 " for
Rola r
r R if regular tip to 10 00 for
ti p
Fur Rafe regular up to 6 75 for
Fur Buffs regular up to 4 50 for
27 50
85 00
Special lecial Rail Rates froin port of ,
landing to deatjnntron, 1+.�r.Cerms of Sale will lie Cash and
loon fall information a8 to rates, 'so-
0ommodation and salling0 apply to
.v. L ,allot,
Agent Allah Line, llraseols, American House
Next poor '10
Regular up to $3 50 for $l 25
o Coupons Whin be given.