HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-2-21, Page 4•"''''771.1"0"*"`"'"`A"-In
Cte Amt's gat
TRUBSDAY, FEB. 21, 1907,
Meeneee LegieJanne haa been diesolv.
ea and the elemitma will take plaoe on
Tbareday, Merida 7th. The campteigu
will be abort tied eharp, probably Due of
the beet kind.
Ten Telepboue emphiyee eomplioetion
hi Toronto ime been settled by obangiug
the period from 8 hours per day to 7
henna 0006 more aonoilliation and
arbitration has proven superior to wbat
redress through the mute or a long
°optioned strike would have szoomplieb-
ed. People are growing whet as the days
go by.
A OOMPANX Is to be organized in Tor.
onto, (monetized at one million dollars,
whose objeot is to eroot Ithosee for work.
ingmen whittle will be offered for sale
to them Do the instalment plan, This
is a move ia the right direction me the
seopring of a permanent home ie worth
mull to a family ae compared with the
transitory obaracter of many of the
TIIRSDAY afternoon, Blared 5th, le
the date era for the Nomination Oen
vention for the Provincial Riding ot
East Baron. The gathering will be halo
in the Town Hall, Brussels, beginning
at 1 80 cOolook. Addressee are expecte
from Dr. MaoDonald, of Wingbam i
A. Hislop, M. P. P. and others. A mem.
ber of the Opposition in the Legislature
may also attend. Five delegates 4,4
eligible from each polling sub division.
Barrister Sinolair, of Bruseele, is the
Preeident of the Association this year,
TIM Algoma people are awakening to
the necessity of wider privileges ano
a larger share of Government aid and
their large delegation that welted 0,
Premier Wbitney tied We Cabinet spoke
with a degree of emphasis that will et
be denied. Alt who ask do not receive
but this deputation received aseuratior a
that eent theca borne well pleased tvbettt-
er their requests are granted or not.
Some of the propagate: Will mean a targe
expenditure at twin if carried out bat no
doubt the whole question will be well
threshed out in the house.
TIM PoeT is glad to mime the in.
oreased interest manifested in debatint
and literary sooletiee ID this loottlity.
It is a splendid sehooling for the yount
people in the development of talent,
giving fieency and aoeuraoy of speech,
stimulating to broader reading and
reiteareh and °p800 the way for needle.
0660 10 the years to oome. If the boye
and girls will take advantage of these
opportunities and windy nee them it
augurs well for them and for the oom-
amities where tbeir lot may be oast.
WALE, GRANDIdas & Go. have been
awarded the ooutraot of oonstraotine
the extension of the Terniskamitig rail.
way from its present termions to a point
on the Transcontinental railway. There
were those who disparaged the building
of the Temaekaming road but the wis-
dom of the work has been proven very
clearly and with the above mentioned
connection Ito asefulnese will be largely
aooentaated. The Government bae a
good right to boom Northern Ontario
end seoure for its broad mores a oleos
of settlers that will be praise to them-
selves and a blessing to the Previews.
MANITOBA ie warming up for the al).
preaching Provincial election and a lively
time to in autioipation. The Liberals
are placing a contingent of etrong men
in the field and will make a vigorous
effort to regain the levier) of power.
Some obanges are prognosticated in the
present cabinet, 10 16 said Hun, J. E.
Agnew, Provincial Treasurer, may saw
oeed Attorney General Campbell and
Hugh Armstrong take charge of the
money bage, The Prairie Provinoe bee
had a variable experience and some of
the acts of the Government will be
somewhat difficult to square with
the eleotors.
WE very heortuy approve of the action
of the town Gamma to the two important
questions they have been consideriag
the Carnegie Library building and the
proposed connection With the 0, P. R.
The emotion of a fine block for Public
Library purposes with an auditorium in
conneetlon will supply a long felt want
It will gm a prominence 10 000 emeelient,
library it dose not now posses° and at the
Ratan time will add re flue building to
Bratteele, None bat the best possible
site should be ohoeen and great care
ohould be obeerved In the itonetruotion of
building le avoiding the blunders made
by some other towue in the plane. Ati to
the reciodifying alarm in the anneal ex-
penditure of a °erten] nom for parobaue
of books, maintenanoe of libitery, Leo.,
there should riot be numb dIffierilty in
arranging for that, We have little
eyropathy with the fanciful objeotion
tbat Mr, Carnegle'e Money ist "tainted."
WO rather Ocannlend thie liberelity and
Willingueed 10 diaberee it goodly there of
hi eo widespread a buttoner instead of
donations of Clinique to one My.
00 be belled nellaing will Intervene with
the erection of the beildlug during 01*1
oomitig Summer, so 0.0 00 have it own,
pleted before the arrival of next Wearer
Regarding the 0. F. Be there le lint
(leapt but that Braeaele autO Seaforth ca•
show limeade euitheh 10 prove to tiaL
railway people the Ogetraboity of emi0.
mg 0 share OX It, The export and im-
port flguree are already lo poseeeelon 610
the U. 2, R. and are we uuderesaud,
trOnsidered satisfactory. Oue thing le
vermin outside oorporatious will anent
do anyabiug 00 aid in UM humbug up ol
Schmitt sAI 01 oeutre of trade tie a largo,
and wider emelt of nude on the part of
the people of due looallty will count
bog for both Bruesele and the sorround
oomothuity. Book up the Uounou in
tiled progreeeive movements now ou
foot. Reeve Leckie wan et Putraerstou
on Blouday tospuotiog the Carnegie
Lidrary building and gteauiug infornta.
tion of no Small 00000800 00 the Umlaut
Sous idea of Oue itnMeurni Voill1210 itt
business transmuted at the Toronto In.
descried Pate way be ououteved when It
le nadereteed that the total receipts hot
year reached the enunnotio erne u
8187,111 and the exploit:tante $149,946.
While cemasioually there ie 00 hints ova
the large etune granted to this greet
Expositiou it ie not to be gaestIonee but
teat Danada reoeivee targe put:amity, 0;
a very favorabte obaramer, uy thi• anew.
Exhibition. Its growth has been 06 mar
vet, reflecting uo small coedit on lb.
management mid to a Large extent it bee
Peen free from sea:WM or misappropria.
tam uf lioatoces. The Ieduatriat Pal
owed more vo the Towitto prim the,.
pusei.,ly they are aware of ur would he
wittaug ou aoknow.edge but the foot to
uailed there uevertheleee.
-- —
The B00090 Ill CI ,41. 0 :he 1.4 Wu.
AarOatation fur d a b Hue e, tte (1001
-mimed fur D012110...0 map), 0, We..
to,d at Brueeli-on Tu-srlay of ta.; weer
.nd, uotwittertandteg 008 stottn, w
• reptegentative anti tuutteeteere
atheriug. A. aluetaro woe 06 8600.
Yrnatdent, and J. G. 00eubury titer,
nay. It Wm deemed to bold a Ian.
veution the see..ud weak in June fo
01.11111040100 of a Uttud e.
A. 0000.011010 of c Miamian in So.
W drid Laurier wan p.ssed, -1.01
HO expreesed app two of tb
MILD &bare had beet, ne inatemo. olatitte. •
in the tariff 111 101040 Of higher proteutioi,
11. reeolution endorsing the 001400100 01
ado. Mr. Graitora se leader of ph.
Ontario OpposIt101.1 VMS &AO paa-to,
.,bort but ettrriug oddressea were meat
.y Time. Fraser,the cauoidete at the
ouI eleotiou ; Geo. AloEwou, ex el. P. ;
D. Utquhart, Himont! ; W. D. Mc
Lea., of the Seaford] Expositor, and
tt. Hoimee, ex -el. P., Uilntou.
Blood, Pure, Rich, Red
Roil glow to the tau°, eperkliug eyes,
vivaeiutis spirits are all the outcome oi
good blood. No serer way exists to
purifying and ennehing the Blood that, to
use Dr. Hamileou'e Pete. By their
gentle action ou the bewail], kidneye aim
tater Obey 6 ter every 0,01, awl from 111,
-latent, wavieg it wholesome and able iv
to work 000481407 for the atatuteuatiot
of beanie.
To be wall, look well, and feel elwaye
In your best, use Dr. Haroiltoule Pills o,
Slaudrake and Butternut, a truly wonder
rut medictue for young and old. Prior
'25a et 0,11 destine,
Interesting Letter From China,
Wm. Wellwood, of Wineham, is in re.
intim of a letter from his daughter, who
has goue as a missionary to Chius. The
001160 wee writteu on Obrimmas bey,
to the river steamer, about one tithatotho
miles mlaud from the saport where GM
Tbe 11118810460013 seemeo to
enjoy their tedione journey imatnt as mei
ae could be expected, though they are 110
o love with °buten cookery, everything
being saturated wad lard, and having a
peculiar odor, that dose not tend to
timulate the appetite. Several walled
adieu and dreadful lookieg times had
been passed, and from the thruuge of
people it was not hard to realtze that Hu
,argoa proportion of the wotiu's pupa
ellen are in China. They walked
tbrongh one pity, btu the dirt, filth awl
adore were beyond oesoription. At Eno
lititV the party elieuged ears (ou boatel
,nd remained for a day. titre they
visited a hospital and echool under the
care of the Wesleyan Methediet ehurob
of England. At first they were almost
tont to pieces by tile Hobbit men, at
wanting to take them, aunt a P000100008need his olub on the men freely. Here
ware 0(180 01 mud nothfra, with thole of
reeds, annethiug Idle the maittng teat
uomes around tea Mutate. Piles were
terming in and out of the Imitate A
iirty, muddy etream r601 thrimall the
city, and here Were soma! women wash
tug, They Oh 011 0 008 01401 at 010 WO
and after shaking the clothee in the
water ttWitile they lay 1.11,03 ./10 ft Eitotie
and beat theta with a fis. 401011, sha0*e.
hem in the water /tofu, wring them out
end they are d ne. They Web their
vegetables 00 the 001130 0104403, 11,080
Welly/00d writee—Co times have beau
written of China : the belt watt never
tokl. Streete. So narrow Doe clan utmost
reaoh serous ; shops and huts rouge to.
nether on earth ewe of the street, esoep4
Ott ocicattionel Open opt where to MEW
irde furnished reerestion for the pigo.
We ternt Wriggling throtteh p gOr bens.
grata rid Liiiitincoeu, oocasionally• eiep.
ping to one side to avoid t•tepping Oh the
'1102000.01 a Ill01 heti Or souto jure an
bad, e pegged beggars 011 11.100, shoe
ineltere, barber, et, Work, people Oleatting
obtokene, Meanie enre that no lard went
to waste. NOW if yon nail aflame° the
odors 1 1 aould net until they greeted
inY Mate. There is one thing abort thena I
you bath vatiety, to keep it from getting
monotootthe. We reatibed the hoepeet,
While we were kindly reproved, There
aWr,a SO War 0 in women
aud chilerem The obildreu bed jug
received their Zoete preeente, autO saint
for tut la ()Meese, ...Bark Oho Herald
Angele slog" I came batik to the bete
more gratified than ever thet I had been
bvru Ia a Obrtlatti land, II our io laud
needed Obristrao infleeneee, Ohm doee.
In the ettornoon we 'aimed another
lietemtai ender the London Miteneuart
Society. The boat left ilauketv 0
Dee 27010, end we continued our lam
jourudy netted,
Par More And Get The Best
A °Map Lodi bnrinuit oath remedy 1.
never eatietemory. The best ie Putnamar
Panneee Corn Extramor, costa but tt
quarter, must in guaranteed to care
theruughly. 17-e only Powell:0e.
When Your Buck Mutts
Of waren We hard to work. Stooping
over hone, lifting le tediona, and you
wonder what to do. Ever try Nerviiine?
Notbing like it for week or lame book.
It Penetrates to the gore of the
ellen.. from the tiret apptioation, bring,
cure that defies a relapse. No dremen.
10 eo oleau, so enething, so cornett 40 ke
muscular, rheumatic oe math, pops,
Your dealer 8000 Poleou's Rep/Inn° in
26o battles. Why urn try it 7
The annual meeting of Olio Nation•
al Port/and Omani Co., was held Wee.
oesday, Feb. Ilth, in the Temple Butri.
lug, Toronto. There wait quite a dd.
fermate between this Umatilla and Oat
one held a year ago. Tbe payment of
ewe Bee per cent. dividends during the
year did moot' to make the atookboidere
Preeident McWilliams explained to
the etoekhoidere preeent that the moll
was now on a grad paying bailie, as
evidenced by the two anidende, and the
payment of a large legacy of debt banded
down from the previous management,
Re pointed Out moo tort coutuderable
improvement had been mode donne
he year, that 0 new coal storage bade
ink ban b..it ormstructsd and limb tit
m 80 enema bad great expeotatior.
.,r the future ...neuese of the mile
He moo refined to she weary le
creased utitplIt of 1908 over any pre
8008 year, and eeve is at his optn ot
that the roagoifitatta mill ie capable
of vitt area, er renu 0. He 0180 110
ctiouted t hot Ole 13 art' has 1 en 0..#
to at'ullre 000. 0' fOl10000ioat mart beds,
and that thet had entered into Dep.
lotus 1 .r the 10018. 110106 of the 00111e.
41111 expected the ties' to be redden
9 the etorkhrtidere at tate meeting.
"Ibuo.-_h Home bj-el ions were madt
00- otat was r.0,84 an 111010110.1y,
Secretary -Treasurers
in El t Hit on inspectorate
Following is a list of Secretary -
Treasurers of the various Public
Semite Boards and their postoffiee arl
dresses in the Inspectorate of East
Huron :—
j. Hoover Brussels
2 Oliver Harris Walton
3 P. A. McArthur Brussels
4 john Jamestown
5 John Dunbar . Ethel
6 Angus Shaw., Brussels
7 A. McDonald ....... ...... Cranbrook
8 Edward Fulton Cranbrook
9 David K. Livingston Monerieff
to Albert Whitfield Cranbrook
00 Conrad Bernath Ethel
02 Chas. Case .. ...... ...... Walton
U. 4 Allen Mitchell . Molesworth
U. 3 Donald Ross ....... Molesworth
U. 4 James Donaldson .. , ... Atwood
o Hugh Halliday Belmore
2 Fred, Mahood Lakelet
3 Charles 0. Hooper Clifford
4 Mat hew Dene Gorrie
5 John Watters. Gorrie
6 Robert Graham Fora wich
7 Robert Wallace
8 lohn F. Sothern
9 Arthur Johnstou Fordwich
to lames W. Edgar
rt William Edgaro Frd't.ivrireihe
02 Ernest A. Hanle ........Newbridge
13 George Doub,edee Belmore
15 August Wilkie Huntingfleld
6 George Robertson Molesworth
17 William Walters
t8 John Maguire Fortrigi
U. $ William Ronald Molesworth
William Wilson Constance
2 Janie,: Cornish Clinton
3 John Britton
4 William Carter Constance
5 William Lee Londesboro'
o Thomas Netlaos Harlock
7 John Brigham.— ... . ..... Blyth
8 Charles Manning —Londesboro'
9 George Henry Ball Auburn
to Fred Yungblut Lotideeboro'
02 R. 3. Draper Summerhill
U. 5 John Wilson Auburn
U. to George Potter.... ..... ..... Blyth
Francis Murphy Seaforth
2 10130 1. BrOW0 Seaforth
4 Robert S. Habkirk ..... Seaforth
s john Nolan .... . ......Beechwood
6 Santhel Smith Winthrop
7 Albert Dundee Leadbury
8 COO rad Eckert Beech wood
9 W m. N. Knechtel. ..... .....Leacibury
to Rotten Searlett Winthrop
12 Arch. D. Somerville Winthrop
t3 (oh] Scott Seaforth
O John A. Brown Shah
3 lento 13. Kelley Brussele
4 William hnell . Brussele
50 li. Wilkinson..,..... Belgrave
6 William Brvans •..... Brussele
7 Robert B. Warteick........Wiihngelviaantei
8 Sarnwave Paul R
9 101111 R. 13e11 .,...,...,,,..,•,•r3 1'0 SS018
10 Wria Jas. Johnston
11 Thebes H. Bolger.
02 Russel Richmond .
17 Wm, Wightman....t...
e Robert Vint .....
Walton .0.0.00000 evel convince every li no eolvifeinClanecla that llitellance Kinking Powder.
le far superior to any 0013010 0018 bee eror 'moll, It Is prepared 100,0 0.0(8 hest and purest
Blyth materiale that money can buy, multi. the direction 101 010 export minute/amino chemist,
tielgravetherefore 088 008 Mile 10 sell 110 001 a Oo.sh atparanine of Satisfaction. In order to
• introduce ..111ella0(co EtetitIng Powsior,. wo are making. WonderfullY attraetbra
.........Blyth prenthina offers to nova arid Girls. Xf interested drop us a postal.
1, •
9 Isaac hloore Senforth
to John Robertson.. Chiselli Lust
1 Jellies A. Edgar— ..... Wroxeter
James F Hooper ,„„ ....... Weeeeree
3 Robert .. ..... Glentinuatt
4 30110W. ..... ......Bluevale
5 lames McDougall Winghttm
John Porter W tram
7 Gavin IV ikon . . ... . 11'iogbittn
8 Wm J. ilendenvon ...... Wingham
9 James 'le' Welke, Gleafarrow
11 Wm, S. Linklater W g ham
U. 12 John Abram . Behnore
john Cunninghamgha.......„., .... .Clin ton
John Rankin 'eoforth
w e hem
John R. Groves
Dr. Long Blyth).
G.'ellrene Bruseels
Alex. H. Gibson Wroxeter
Tho Cnerante•—$1 85 in 411041/44 fle041.40
T118 YOST and the Toronto W.eltly ()lobe
with Dustrated au pplement tor one year.
This bis offer holds good donne February' ,
:ter( those who have 0,00 taken ad vautuge
of this b•reein 81000101 do so at
epee Sample ooplee may beacon at Tan
Cure yourself
at hoe for
3 cents a day.
If you, have Kidney or Bladder
Trouble, the greatest physician
in the world can do no more than
cnre you. And you might have
to pay him. $400 or $5oo for a .
single examination.
will cure you of every
trace of Bladder Irritation and
Kidney Disease for 30, a day.
Losing Uuseular Power IMPORTANT NOTICES
The First Sign of Mental Docay
—Tho Waroiug of tibil"
era! Break -Down.
Olteneee in the nervune eystein 0050, 1000
ibettemitrie el, wty. They show Am by
tatemular wealthoeu—a feeling that
thtemene pariojete, or by s full:Jeep in
otoo II• Iamb Intimates epproaolaiog
upop.eXy. to (theme late anffuese but
you soon dieouver thelo
re'e a ok of
power—that 'the eudantime t due ur
that moue th what it ought to be,
LIM blend,' met, maker e•Ight thick
mien of opiate or thee your memory le
neeniedly failing, Theme sy mooing may
grow worsevery if they 0005 1104
Whited by Fetrusrue, You rout Mom
up the ilervonn eyetem. 'Phut eau 000totoutnplished in no other way UM
thorom.h,y and permanently its by the
400 of FerroXone 1 his realer!.
remedy, whitai otireo tens of thous
011 dB of Coe all Jae peop‘e, inereasee
enormously the aikestive power, slime •
awn the torulation of b•ood, the rioh, red
lue that puts new life into the tweet..
Tne at 000000these (Menges is iit•
00080.d Strength. Nat uret oirenIstiou
quote y luilowtr, tied 01000 mn
at !aet14.
head, dieturboug 8110 alarming, too,
9000013' piteese awey. Thou °henget: are
wrought u naturai way, for the 08080;othat Eerrosour 000,00 the 044848 that ex
eite theme tr. tiblee, For the ag. ti 000002weak who 0,660tun:meth—for than rue
dove and thln,—(tir the eicit.y and tier
'0" wba '308 Waling ileWer—u..thing
evroparett with F rruzam. No wino
41,08 euolo lasting Ruud health ; try It
oureetf. Soul by ail dealers iu 60u.
No physician will promise to cure
you, and they all send in theirbilis,
bills, whether they cure or not.
TORONTO, ONT., June 41 1904.
Raving caught a severe chill en my
back, and my Kidneys appearing to be
affected thereby, was induced, through
seeing your advertisements iu one of the
daily papers, to try a box of your Betshl
Pills, and am pleased to tell youthat after
taking only two boxes of ;them the trouble
entirely disappeared, and I have not been
troubled since. ALFRED CARTZR..
nu -Ju is guaranteed to 'make the
Kidneys well and strong. If you honestly
think, after a fair trial, that 13a...ht has
not helped you, return. the box and we
will refund your money.
soc. a large box. At draggists, or sent
on receipt of price.
11 proveuneurstionably, andbeyond any donh!
nett Cuarrh of the nose and throat.can be cured,
fon furnishing nattents through druggists, Small
free Trial Boxes of Dr Shoop's Catarrh Cure.
119 thl$ because nan 00 0801008, that Dr. Shoop'S
Catarrh 0,10' will bring actual substantial help.
1,1.0.hitut certainly, 0( 00 convincing as a physical
tett of any article of real, genuine merit But that
article 100180 possess tree merit else the test will
larleinn, rather than advance it Dr Shoop's
Catarrh Cure is a snow white, healing antiseptic
balm, put up in beautiful nickel canned glass Jars
at Ole. Such soothing agents as On Eucalyptus.
1 hymn'. Menthol, etc., aro incorporated Otto a
vel:nly, Pram like Petrolatum. Imported by Dr.
noon from Europe If Catarrh of the 10000 and
throat 1148 extended to the stomach. then by all
meansalsonse internally, Dr. Shoop's Restorative.
Stonetch distress, a lack of general strength,
bloating, belching, biliousness. bad taste eta,
surely call for Dr Shoop's Restorative.
For uncomplicated catarrh only of the noseand
throat nothing else, however. need be used but
Jr.Vgatle-sTMEMEARSEESe veethe
42,100,0(0. Thirty-two Million Dollars,
A General Banking Business Transacted,
SAVINGS Bank Department at each ofmir 96 Branches.
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards, at
highest current rates, compounded half -yearly.
W. N. ioIcK Y, CM-AG/3NT.
O Robert McLaren
2 Thothar. Elder .
3 Edward Popple . .
4 Whitfield Crich
Kip 2001 To any user of baking powder we will /dulls, eend, absolutely grew. Innal
Clinton 13°8" t
Brucefield prepaid a set of f108,1r Of Mir Wog& 0411,100 01 Wotan) pest etude, lithographed 56
h co80100'o. Simply' write us, Demonolaters follewing @cations:
5 Wm. R. Archibald......
6 Ira Tohns
7 'D. 1 Metlregor
Riabert Bloke ...
la*. Nara° your (honor. 2ritl. Ntinut *hie gaper,
....Clinton International Food Company, rforontoo Canada.
HAttlx for *Ho Plarplo Pritokagmo 8
1 to4,44.41Aviow6461/tetok,avit.wv4,wviriv•
8.412Ann bowls en Albert street
Brownie, fOr oo,10 F or further 018,148030108 •
apply to Joau RUNT Leadbury P.O. 8001 :1
ulidereigned will keep for service On
itot Al, Cuts 7,0080,5 pure bred Berkshire
Boar, ONO, ADDY, Proprietor,
83.81D 101101.
Apply insuiediarely west of asilway Oros -
sine, 8n1 Line, Morris, 00 00 DUFF A OTJOW-
1081, Bluevu.la Be 4
k for eale from 0 to 17 menthe old, In-
tending purchasers ebould see them,
Lot a 0012.14,13m, or 11, nasals P, 0,
sar,,%—flite Wee It year old In Jana try,
Ka and the other 10 minutia old Prise
oituojole end in good =With'''. Terme ,r.
•tilt, purchaser. JAMI,18 SPEIR, Lot 80,
con, 6, Morrie, or Brussels P.O. 10-61
Buns for sale, Twn were prize win-
ners at Brussels Fall Fair. They aro elan -
Mee. Red and wan or cider. Also a few
one females ler sale Lot 8, Oa.,, 0.0107,
10, 11,0hERTSON,
14.61 Brussels P.O.
To Contractors
Reeled tenders Will he reeeived by the
undersIgnell lap to Retards , February 28rd
1 p 111,, for the en otion of 2 cement and
'.100 closets at B. e,No. 8 Morris P11015
!I1.0 specificati. ne Mat be even 6( 001.. reel
.44100 01 the uneosigued The lowest or
any tenger not nee. aserily neoept. d
82.3 See.-Treae, Brussels P. 0,
80, Con. 11, Grey, containing 100 acres.
014 the prewisea to a comfortable frame
house, good beak barn 40x60 feet, oemeut
• hi pen 26x40 feet and au implement shed
00040 0001. P01911 Ivull wormed end 18110ell
eon plowing all dune and 38 85000 00 Fall
wheat ie. Within o few rods of a cheese
fluttery and eonvenlent to therou and
°hoot. For further particulars apply on
the premises to R. W. PIOlilikiLL,
80-4 Ileuiryn P.O.
X Lott% Con. la Grey, containing 180
ores, Ell of which are clearer' and balance
lw bush. There is a oorefortable brick
b.o;e a bank barn NOB leek mallard, we 1,
Sze. Property well Mimed. 28 miles from
the village or Combroolt. PObb01101011 eau
0 given March 10111, For further partfeu
001188 CO price, terms, See„ apply to WM
WOoDS, Proprietor, Cranbrook P.O. 85.0.1
1. The undersiguect offers her 100 acre
(arm, being Ian 20, Con 7, Firey, for rode or
to rent, Comlortable house, bunk bare,
orehard, weile, 4SCO. Varna is only 1 of a mile
000,0 0130 etir-ing village of Ethel For Mr—
;her partioulara apply to F. S. Boat, Bras-
.tels, or MRS. RAU 13OLLAND, 78 abater
Ktreet, Torouto. 87-8ui
A. undersigned offers hie house and lot,
situate on Mill street, Brussels. for sale.
it is well loeuted,a 50000(11801 and emu fur.
table home. Possession can be given at
once, Will 0./ BO sell the vacant lot, corner
f Mill mut Elizabeth streets, whim would
makes flue building bite, For matter par -
neuter,' as to price, terms, &e., unply to
0100,101). ADAaid, Hardware Dealer, Ford-
w. 80-4
It, seem a waeto of wrrds to argue
that a Mildness eduantion is 000018
eery for the 0800080 10 life of young
Men and Woillea, 10, roaSnuable
peeeeu 0800010 lo, Nit. a fixed feet
The euly questiou—whe vital 9000.
(118-00 tido:
Oollego 3"
kris t It he 4 sobool where common
MOO. 01•40010111 toetoode are follow-
ed 0 Shill 00. 000 the best Oullege or
00120 080' ?
IL orate nothing in get our new
ggLategue 110 lo itend it
1030003 ltlr000. It teas ab tut the
must 1048000,1 80-00(0 00 Doilege ie
0. loo,0o. WO believe it to. be rue
vary beht Rater any tune. ludield-
aal Met
Wingham Business Collcgo
GEO. SPOTIVON, Principal
\ \
Farmers or Storekeepers
by coming to the
Brussels Salt Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, Brussels.
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
01 NY even numbered notion of Dominion
1.0.101,110 Manitoba, Saskatehewan and
Alberta.exeepting 8 and 26, not reserved,
mny be homesteaded by auy person who In
the sole head era family, or arty mule over
le years of 000, 00 the extent of one-quarter
section 0( 000 acres mentor lees
Entry mav be made personally at the
local land 011Ooe for the distriot in which
the land is -situate.
The homesteader is required to perform
the soud1610 es connected therewith under
050 0* the following plans
(1) .16 (00101 six menthe' residence upon
and cultivation of the laud in each year for
three years,
(2) If the father (or mother, it the father
is deceased) of Ole homesteader resides
upon a farm to the vial .ity ot the laud
entered tor the requirements as to reels
deeee may beim ruled by such Verson ra.
siding with the father Or mother,
(8) If the Battler has his permanent real -
donee upon !armies land owned by Mtn
In the vicinity of his homelitcad, the re-
quirements ea to residence may be foals.
tied by residonee upon the said land,
blame:Aim' untie,' in writing thould be
given to the Oinunds.,ioner of Dominion
Lands 00Ottawa of let to apply for
Deputy of the Minister of Interior.
N. B.Duauthortsed pubihrttion .1 this ad-
vertiteineut will not be paid for.
To examine onrs will
nay you RS it is all our own
make, and combines the two
main points of excellence,
namely, good workmanship and good stock. We coneider that our
experience of over 30 years in the cutting and manufacture of
leather should eriabie u4 to give our customers considerable advan-
inae, and rem, tuber our prices will compete with anyone turning
our a gond article.
B dance of olr Babes and Blankets at Goat
Trunks arid Satchels at Lowest Prices
R pairs iti Horneoo Collar,, Boots and Shoes promptly done.
L O. Richard!
Geo. Thomsons
awiessammaimmanniestomerentassis Wilmisitonisamsamom
evo tea. are'
A 4,