HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-2-21, Page 3• te-D-0 0-0-0-0-00-000000.00.0.0 YOUNG' FOLKS tele 0-000 Ooceeere0 ctee•osea-o-teceo.2 THE LADY SUSAN, Thp Leidy Senn lay on a cellar door. There was a smile an her face, but she wns terzely, nevertheless. No voice had called eel' name the whole long morning, andexcept a venturesome white chicken that peeked at the buttons on her shoes, she had no company. She was quite neglected, but the retlf..011 was not far to seek. The little girls In whose arms she had been pelted and scolded and cuddled through so many happy hours had a new (loll—a doll with a china head and Week china shoes and a salt place in her body that squeaked when you pressed IL The Lady Susan had only a cloth head with blue buttons for eyes, , and cloth feet—though- sue wore real shoes—and could make no noise at all except a thump when she dropped on the lloor. So for many days she had been left on the cellar door, quite forgotten. „If her disposition had been less sweet and her features painted on with poorer paint she would have lost her smile entirely. As 11 was, she still looked cheerful, and that was why something happened as it dld. When the chicken, succeeding at last in swallowing one of the loose buttons, had gone away, woridering why things that loeked good didn't always taste good, the Lady Susan heard a welcome sound. The little gh'I, whose name was Paul- ine, was nettling. She had the other doll od her arm and was talking to it. "Yes," she said, "I am going to take you a. Jong journey, 'way past the barn and pasture to a big wood. You need not be afraid, I know the way and 111 take Caro of you." 13y this time she had got quite round the house, and, when she saw the Lady Susan stretched out on the cellar door site looked quickly in another direction. "Las pretend we don't -see her," she whispered, anu hurried past. But she only went a little way, and then turned back. "I think lel just say good-bye to her." Sho stood still and called out loud :— "Lady Susan, mother's got company and len going Lo take the Princess on a journey. See's a stranger, and, besides— well—besides I want to. Maybe if you're good, next time VII take you." The Lady Susan smiled on and Paul- ine, watching her, felt uneasy. "Dear me,' she said to the Princess, o' iso she thinks she ought to go and I don't want to take her a bit. She's dreadfully heavy What would you do 7" But the Princess seemed to haveno opinion in the matter. She looked quite indifferent. "Well," concluded Pauline, slowly, "1 clan lake her; but it's a great bother, and I shouldn't think she'd want. to come where she isn't wanted." She put the Princees mare carefully on one arm and impatiently tucked the Lady Susan underehe other, and started again doem the parte ' It took a long time to roach the big wood; for the way lay through a garden where currants were all ready to pick, and by an old orchard where apples were ripening, and past a cornfield where a funny scarecrow danced on -a pole. The Princess was always carried. care- - fully, but sometimes the Lady Susan was held by one arm, sometimes by one foot, and often had her head bumped on the hubbly ground; and when they had crawled under the pasture -bars it MS to the Princess that everything was pointed out. The red pigeon plums were made Into a necklace for her to wear, the mealy gray moss eves piled up for her to it on, and 11 was she who eves held over the brook to look at herself. After a while Pauline began to feel hungry and decided it was time to go home; but when she tried to think which way was home, she couldn't tell. There was no .path and the woods looked the same all around her. Her forehead began to wrinkle and her mouth to quiver. "Princess," she said, el can't think just this minute how lo go home." The Princess looked past Pauline as if it was no effete of hers, and she didn't cam.. "But, Prinoess, 1 believe I'm going to be afraid." "Still the Princess looked untouched. Pauline was read to cry, and In her distress she turned to the other doll. "Lady Susan, I'm most, euro we're loaf." And now the Lady Susan had her chance. The smile on her face was so cheerful and the blue -button eyes looked so comforellg teat Pauline hugged the big body to her and deckled not to cry yet. "You aren't afraid, aro you, Lady Susan?" she asked, sitting (town on a fallen tree. "1 won't be, either, The Princess is a stranger and does not know these woods, bul you and I aren't a bit, afeald..-• We won't go any further for we' might gel, more lost. We'll just sit here end somebody will come and end us surely. • It seemed hours and hours before any; one came; but always, when Pauline be- gan to 'feel like crying, she looked at the Lady Susan and the tears did not come. AL last there was the sound of voices and in another minute ,Pauline's father and mother and the hired man and the company came hurrying into the wood. They hugged her end kissed her •and, scolded her all in a, brealb, and then hot' father lifted her up in his arms • "111 carry you and your mother can ,„001`Py the dolls." • But Pauline . hugged Lacly Susan tighter, want to carry her niyeelf," She said, remembering how she had Weaved end neglecicd her old playmate on the way to the wood "1 want to." So they went home, through Um fields, a happy procession; and the Ledy &t- une forgetting the long hours on Um cellar door, was as happy a$ any ono. "Ale my love," said, the ardent lover, "It eau only linew liew beceitiful you tree" "You inteen't say thee" protested . the dear girl. "1 don't want to know IL" "Why not V "Beeallee 11 would make me 10o conceited." • Prtrielnee eat 110 • 1111111011$ 'Of ego yeetlyo KING AND TIIE MADMAN, Windsor Bookmaker Makes aneeettempt to Shoot with the King. A sensational incident in connection with one of the King's shooting mule sells in Windsor Forest, bus just, come li light. A nadman, armed with a gun, deter- mined to f70 shooting with his Majesty the other Saturday, and proceeded into the forest, neer 1111411 Standing 11111. Ito actually shot at some birds after the King and Prif100 of Wales had left the forest after the best day's sport, In Wind- sm. Park ever enjoyed. Inc of Ills efteesty's keepens was on his way home when he hoard a gun Med. Ile Immediately went, to the spot from whence, trio sound had cerne and sew a 100(1 running away. Just then a keeper on a nobleman's eetate close hy come up, having heard a shot. lle saw a num with a gun who wns about Lo get mei. a fence. lie went up to him, and seeing he was a sirangem thought, be had better use caution. The keeper suld—"Can I hold your gun while you get over the fence?" and the man thanked him and handed the keeper the gun. Having secured this, the keeper asked him what he was doing there, whereupon the man answered strangely. Producing a handful of gold from his pooket, ho Weed the keeper if he could "square" him. The King's keeper had now come on the scene, From his notions the keepers concluded that the man was insane, and this proved ro he the ease, Ilo bad bor- rowed a gun at Slough and had told some of his friends that he was going shooting with the ---ng. Ile was -subsequently c,onveyed to an aeylum. 11 appears that the man is a local boolcmalcer, who has suddenly lost les reason. .1. DEADLY LA GRIPPE. Canada Again Being Ravished by an . . ' Epidemic of This Disease, Winter after winter Canada Is swept from ocean to ocean by an epidemic of le, grippe, or influenza. IL le ono of the deadlie.$l troubles known to our cli- mate. It steels with a sneeze—and ends with a complication. It lays the strong man on his back; it tortures Mtn with fever and chills; headaches and backaches. It leaves the sufferer me easy prey to pneumonia, bronchitis, consumption and other deadly diseases. You can avoid la grippe by fortifying your system with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. You can cure its elisastrous after effects with this same medicine. These pills protect you; they cure you; they up -build you; they banish all evil after effects. Dr. eVilliaans' Pink Pills ward elf all winter ailments. They cure all eiood and nerve disorders. They are the greatest blood -building end nerve tonic science has yet discovered. Ask ,vour neighbors, no matter where you live, and you will learn al someone who has been cured by Dr. 'Williams' Pink P111s after other medicines have felled. It is nn the unbiased evidence of your neighbors that, we ask you to give these pills a feir trial if you are tick or ailing. Mrs: Emma Doucel, St. Eulalle, Que., says: "Words can hardly express my gretitude for what Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills have done for 111C. 1 had an Mei& of la grippe which left zne a sufferer from headaches and pain in nee stomach. 1 used several mecticin•es, but found nothing to help me unlit 1 look Dr. Williams' Pink Pies. When I began them I was weak and very much run down. The pills Move not only fully restored my health, but I gained in flesh while taking them. I recommend them to all sufferers." You can get these pills from any me- dicine &aler or by mail at 50 cente a box or file boxes for 52.50 from the Do, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. '1'— - STONE 13AROMETER. There exists a stone which is said to unfailingly foretell changes in the wee - tiler. This stone was found in Finland many years ago by en explorer, and has since been watched by scientists with great Interest. It presents a white, mot- tled appearance in sunshine, gradually turning from grey to black as a ratio - storm approaches. The stone is com- posed of clay, nitre and rock salt. In dry weather the salt in the stone ls prone- nent, but when the air is filled with moisture" the salt absorbs the 'notate.° and turns beta, thus forming the baro- meter. S. -- Teacher : "Mary, conslruel ot sentence with 'dogma' as subject." Mary (ellee careful thought); "The dogma has three puppies." 44_ 2 POWERFUL INSTANCES - OF ZAM-BUK'S WONDERFUL, DEALING. Here aro two powerful instances of the varied ways in which Zein-Buk Lee great herbal balm, is doing good throughout the Dominion. Have you yet enjoyed Its benefit? Trodden on by a Ilerse—lend Bruises, Mr. 0. Cumming, of Springinceint (OM.), says; "I have proved that Zun- Duk has extraordinary merit. 1 was traMpled on by a horse end my fool was all •blaele and swollen. 1 could scarcely move it, the pain was eo bad. A few applicattons of Zaro-Bult ured the pain and removed the discoloration. The fool was soon alt right again. II is a wonderful balm." Running Sore licale.11, Mrs, S. 1, Holden, of Hanneh St. \V., Hamilton, says; "My little girl had a running 50015 her leg which defied all manner of treatment. Within a few days of trying Zeno -Butt there was a distinct -Improvement and the wound Is T.OW completelyhealed. 1 Mere since used Zam,Bulc for other elfin diseases, elc„ and Ilnd It excellent." Zern-13ult Is me ail -round household halm. It is compounded from purely Mittel eseences, and cures 002e100, ul- ccrs, erees, chapped hande, bruises, Mils, burns, old, 11 also cures rile:Int- tism, eciellen, neurelgia, and rubbed well in over the that in 10001 Of cold eemovee the lightness end (lolling. All drtiggiele and stems sell n1 50en boy, or east free from the Zarn-litift Co., '1,11- 14)11)0, upon receipt, 01 price, 6 1)050$ foe $Z,tiCi. Oxenision (DR. SLOCUM'S 0 1 L'AT SCIENTIFIC EMULSION OF (.01) LIVER OIL) Ts Idle greatest food and tissue 'builder known. It has no equal as a cure for all westing diseases, and throat, chest and lung troubles, It is a germ destroyer and strength produe- ez, noini-hing and restoring the vital organs 11 Is a ported food and valu- able medicine combined, 11 is pleasant to Lake, it is predigested and easily borne by the most, delioale stomaeli. Doctors Prescribe it Many of the most prominent medical men prescribe it in their regular prac- tice in preference to all others. Dr. Norman Allen, of Toronto says "51 stimulant to nutrition In wasting diseases Cod Liver 011 Emulsion in the beat theme builder. In Dr. Fileourn'e Oxonsulf.lon tt no.usentIng tante and smell are avoided, w I otaining all tIm medial - at value of the pure oil. Dr. Bruce L. illordon, Ithyaleinn and Surge° it to thel,t'1',IL, says: "14olr10 Of the Cod Liver 0111 on the market nre v0et:11mm on amount of ere - 005808 to render them taste ISOM Such proceedure removes the active principle of the MI. I look upon Biomes's; O000,1.1141011 11 tho beet. for the ;Tenon that 11 10 made of the pure oil In the very highest state of einnIslon. As an emulelon of pure Cod Liver 0110 consider Oxomulsion perfeet." Dr. '1'. Wylie, Grand Medical Examiner, Sons of Scotland, nays ; "It affords 10e extreme pleasure to be lu a position to be able to recommend Slocum's' Oxemelsion to invalids atfeeted with oonnumption, ;scrofula, or wasting Mumma of any kind. I have prescribed Onumelsion for Years with groat pleases) to myeelf es well as comfort to my patients. 5 find it almost universally adapted to children and the isgo,1 with whom the digestion la feeble Auld the lymphatic conditions below nor roal." 11 you need Cad Liver 011, or are weak 'and rim clown use Oxomulsion. Al all druggists at 35e and 51.00 ,per bottle. wassoarsear,austerte...srasmsavecessassoussatoszsoessossvaeolesS BELLES ROB RAZAARS. Revelations of Gross Frauds et Berlin, Germany. Astonishing revelations are being made of fraud committed by society we - lime of Berlin, Germany, who make a practice of taking a prominent part in bazaare and other charity functions. It is shown that these "hyenas r1 charity," as they are canoe here, have not only victimized gatherings leg111- mutely organtzed, but that they have been in the habit of engineering thea- trical fetes, where they sold cups of coffee at 51,25 and 52.50 each, and °Moo articles of refreshment at equally extra- vagant prices. 1 hose who were shocked by these and still more astonishing devices for ob. leining money were tad that everything was justifiable In the cause of charity. Unfortunately, further revelations have made it clear that many of these nominally charitable ladies appropriat- ed large sums of the money obtained fn this \\my. One society belie, a pro- minent, figure at all charitable fates, systematically appropriated all gold corns paid to her and only handed over silver coins lo the treasurer. Recently one woman detected in ilia eol of stealing money, was publicly as - nulled at a charitable fete by a wo- man whose indignation curried her away. The sight of one fashionably - dressed lady whipping another gorge- ously arrayed dame al an assembly at- tended by 2,000 persons created great excitement, and led to persistent en- quiries es to the cause of the encounter. Another "hyena of charily" was de- tected in lee net of pocketing money and was compelled to disgorge her spoils on the spot, in full view of 40 or 50 coetomptuous spectators. She was searched there and then, and gold coins were extracted from her pockets, from the folds of her dress, and even from her dainty shoes. Then she was driver from the building amid loud hisses and hoots. 'I.BABY SLEEPS SOUNDLY. Babies who are given an occasional dose ,of Baby's Own Tablets always steep soundly at night, and 11 is not the drugged sleep produced by sleep - mg drops or "soothing" syrups either— the sleep is natural, healthy and rest- ful, and baby wakes up in the 1110r11- 'rig bright and cheerful. The Tablotg are the best medicine in the world for the 0111'e of MI the minor ailments lelle ones. tees. L. Gange, Edmund - sten, N. B., .ore's: "My baby was cross and fretful and I hardly over got a gond nigbVs rest, until I began gheng Baby's Own Tablets. These Teblets re- moved the cause of the trouble end now baby sleeps well at night." The Tablets are sold by druggists or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' eiedicine Co., Broceville, Ont. ITIS 011IM REVENGE. Tho doctor shook les head and looked serious. "Hum," lie said, niter feeling the pa- tient's pulse and taking his temperature, "You're" very ill indeed." "Y -you don't say so, doctor," gasped the man, as he turned pale, "Am i going to have sone serious illness?" "You are liable to, sir, unless you fel- low out iny (emotions LO 010 bel -tar, Lee's sce. Do you go to Scregg, the bliteher?" ?I'nesn, rndoncaticebei'i'y Your meat after this et soma other shop. It will 130 somewhat of a chenge, I think. Does Gritz, We grocer, got your custom ?" ' "Ile does, doolor—ell of It in that lino." "lust. so, I nlusl, eaulion you lo change grocers for a while. Even that will be a 11111e ahange in your dict. Who's your baker?" .,"Why, Dusty, at the corner," "Then buy your breed somewhere else, se as to have a complete change in food n11 rotted. 'limes all, 1 believe. Follow those directions faithfully, take this pre- seriptien and 1110100 11 made up, end you'll be a different mon in a week." And, es Ihe sick 11100 winced MIL, the deoffer rubbed 1118 halide end chuckled to hinted) "Tills is the fele 1011001 1 hove given the same dvice to in the last three daye, Sue Ine for their Mlle bills, well they ? Well, it's my opinion that, by the end of the month, Avenge, Gritz, and Dusty will be sorry they worried me," lIone be too sure of , the men who boaele of being elite of hinieelf. Many goed,loeking peOple a10 riot AA good as they lank, , Docs fit Doesn't shrink Pen - Angle Underwear has tho soft II° warm eeei the skin enloys. Doesn't itch. Made for men, -wo- men and little folks, in a variety of styl ee, fabrics and prices. 202 Wcautborizeevery dealer in Fen -Angle Underwear to replace, at our cost, any Faecal faulty in material or making, "Queen City" is better 11111O o Oar! Manitoba HOUr—il is better than i stne ()mane flour—beins blended it combines the best qualities of both, °Queen City" is an all.purposes flee. Dealers Es crlorkert Sapplied ,.75.Or your grocer for The Campbell Campbell's Milling Co. Litalted Toronto Junction, Ont. QueenCity Mellemees..1159=erias .tro-ants.roVaratIMMOSOOroa...0. THE TETIM DEFINED. Naggeby—"The Rev. Dr. Fourthly has quit beating the Bible with his fist since the congregation protested so vigorous- ly against. It. Waggsby—"Yes? 1 s'pose that's why he's called an ex -pounder of the Scrip- tures." EVER HAVE HEARTBURN? 011 ACID nurTiNGs OP FOOD? Bileens End These Symptoms. How? Because when food returns with that, sour taste, when you have "heartburn," wind after food, or any -.I these unpleasant "feelings of fulness," it is because your digestive system has given way for the time. The "food tax" upon its energies has been too heavy. Biteans just enter the stomach, and, dissolving there they liberate certain herbal essences which at once correct the gastric glands. These essences also pass into the blood and are carried to the liver. There they operate on Inc bile -secreting cells, and are carried to the delicate vessels of the intestines. Al. along, these herbal essenoes act beneficially, so that digestive disorders are corrected, the bowels are gently opened—not violently purged—the acid and fermenting substances are removed from the body, the bleed is cleared of pcisons and a feeling of •lightness and restored vigor, with return of healthy appetite and freedom from all digestive troubles is the result. Means also cure constipation, debility, female ailments, piles, headache, and all liver, kidney and stomach disorders. Of all stores end druggists at 50 cents a box, or post free from the lellean Co., Toronto, for price. 6 boxes sent for 52.50. LONDON TDB GREATEST PORT. _Tonnage for 1906 Was 27 Millions, the Largest on Record. Lord Desborough, who was re-elected chairman of the Thames Conservancy the other day, gave some interesting figures in reviewing the work of the year. The registered tonnage of ships en- tering and leaving the Port of London for the year 1906, lie said, was 27,145,- 000, which was not only a record for Um River Themes, but was greatly in excess of that of any other port in the world. The figures- • for the previous year were 25,867,000 tons. Ile was pleased to say that the num- ber of large vessels entering the port had also greatly Increased. By large vessels he meant those Of 5,000 ions •end upwards. Of such vessels 262 en - tend the port during the year 1903, as against 64 in the year 1900. INSULT TO INJURY. "That is what 1 cell downrighl impu- dence," said Mrs. Biggins. "What has occurred?" inquired her hueband. "The nefghbors who recently moved next door are going to have Company, se -they soni Itt lo borrow our clewing - room rug, I let than have It and in a little while they came beck ancl•seld they. didn't think it ems handsome enough to go with their furniture, and could I teed them the money to buy a new one," In the tenth century a at was held equal in value to two bons. She: "Why, 11 \easel two minutes fore he repeated it." viCTORIA MOSS 113011 OLD I15ED5.1 CAu Heroes of the Army are to be Remembered. The King hw., been graeirnisly p!ettgrd p'' 'i uf lee dee, rih,n the Victoria Cryan Laing delivered in 00 representalivva ol the tuniernmai,,ned efileees and nirli who fell in Ills perks, Mango of arts of valor, rind well wee - (nee to whom it was neiiiied en vari- ous dais.; in Um Leiden Gezeile ltiiiI they weed been rs,dultlenflo,11 to her tele ',Neely for the Victoria Cross had they survived, '11,0 arts f bravery an1 reerzueled in in a ieeent issue of the Lerelen Gazette, and, brief- ly, were as follows: Private Ede tied Spenee, 42011 Regi- ment, at nitack nf the Fort of Belot, April 15, 1851, volunteered with lemee- Corporal Thompson to assist 10 reecu• ing Ute body of an officer, Private Spence dauntlessly placed himself in an exposed position so as to cover the party bearing away tha body. Ensigna Everard Aloyslus Lisle Phil- Ilps, nf the 11 th Regiment Bengal Na- tive entuntry, performed many gallant deeds during the siege of Delhi; wound- ed three times; killed la streets, Sep- tember 18, 1850. Lieutenant T. Melvin, 241h Fool; ef- forts le Faye the Queen's Color at is- andiwanha, 1870. Lieutenant N. J. A. Coghill, 241h Fool; efforts to save a. brother officer's life, Islandlwanha, 1879. Trooper F. W. Baxter, Bulawayo Field Force; dismounted and gave his horse to wounded comrade when close- ly pursued, April -22, 1896. Lieutenant 11. L. S. MacLean, Indian Staff Corps; heroism in rescuing com- rade at Vama Kill, Upper Surat, 1897. A bottle of Sickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup, taken according to directions, will subdue a cough in a short time. Title assertion can be verified by hun- dreds who have tried it and are pleased to bear testimony to its merits, so that all may know what a splendid medi- cine 11 15. It costs you only 25 cents to join thei ranks ot the many who have been benefited by its use. A woman doesn't greatly object to confessing her age 11 she doesn't look it. A Nagging Cough drives sleep.and oomfort away. Alleles Lung Balsam relieves bard breath- ing, pain in the chest and Initation of the throat Give it freely to the children. Mice have twenty teeth; rabbits, 28; sheep and oxen, 32. A Sound Stomach Means a Clear !Ind.—The high pressure of a nervous life which business men of the present day are constrained to live make thaughls upon their vitality highly det- rimental to their health. 11 is only by the most careful treatment that they are able to keep themselves alert and active in their various callings, many of them know the value of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills in regulating the sto- mach and consequently keeping the head clear. ONCE WAS ENOUGH. "May I kiss you ?" he asked. "Yes, on the forehead," she answered. "Nothing doing," he rejoined. "The last time I kissed a girl on the forehead I got a. bang on the mouth." Poets aro born, but good husbands are made. The Wretched Condition of thousands is due to the tact that they neglect the simplest care of their health. When in this condition "Irerrovire"' will build you up and give you streugth. Unless a man has money he can't af- ford to be eccentric. Known to Thousands. — Parmelee's Vegetable Pills regulate the action of Ile secretions, purify the blood and keep the stomach and bowels free from deleterious matter. Taken according to direction they will overcome dyspepsia, eradtcate biliousness, and leave the di- gestive organs healthy and strong to perforin their functions. Their -merits ere well-known to lhnusands who know Ly experience how beneficial they are in giving tone 10 the system. This is the glorious season when a scenes worth of flowers cost a dollar. What Is the Beet Thing be etrongthen week backs? "Tbe L" Menthol Planter. It will oure lumbago and rheumatism. 51 rolls makes oven ese plasters. Davie st Lawrence Co. nontreat. Asparagus is 117e oldest known plant Mat bins been used for food. Great heed!cine.-- Tonti, one of the pioneers of French Canada, lost a hand and wore an iron hook as a substitute. He was in the habit of boxing the ears of refractory Indians with this iron hand, and they heve remarked that It was "groat medicine." Dr. Thomas' Dielectric Oil Is great Medicine; it takes hold of pain with an iron hand and knocks it out of the system. A man who acts small mekes a big mistake. Women can always see the point of a pointls 90100. A cemol can carry twice the burden of an ox, or 4001b. sasisksawaresses.assuseesormaa. .0.01...11.0111111.1CMI.1[16111 Nurses' & Mothers' Treasure —most reliable medicine for baby, ilea over 50 years. First compounded by Dr. P. E.Picault in 1855. tikes Baby Strong Restores the little organs to perfect health. Gives sound sleep, without resort to opium or Act injunous drugs. 44 At drumlin', 250, 6 lettke $1.21. '• National Drus St CharniCil CO. Ltol., Montreal 'S523rhinaggiMinat Sportsmen -9 wonder what's beeome of Mike? I told him to met me hem." DrIver—"Ach, 'tis no use fain' 11111i any- thing! Sure sore, ut jest goes In at wan ear 01111 out at the Mho' like IVR. Iher off a (Metes baekl" WANTEO, tattles to ao Walt 101t1 115115 flawing at honio -whole or spare trtiod Work' sant any dieter:de, elevrete pad, Send stamp fee full pitetleulare, Nettonel GUT BY THE ORP=. RELEASED BY PE RU -NA, Effective Medicine for La Grippe. Robt. L. Madison, A.M., Principal of Cullowbee Irish School, Painter, ef. C., writes "Perlin& is the most effeetive medicine that I have ever tried for la grippe. It also cured my wife of nasal catarrh. Der condition at one time was such that she could not at night breathe through her nostrils." La Grippe and Systemic Catarrh. Mrs. Jennie W. Gilmore, Box 44, White Oak, Ind, Ter., writes : "Six years ago I bad la grippe, followed by systentio catarrh. The only thing I 'fused was Permits, and Manalin, and I have been in better health the last three years than for years before." Mrs. Jane GIN Athens, Ohlo, writes "Six years ago I had la grippe very bad. My husband bought me a bottle of Perli- n& I was soon able to do my -work." Suffered Twelve Tears From After Effect. of La Grippe. Mr. Victor Patneaude, 328 Madison Topeka. Ban., writes "Twelve years ago I had a severe at- tack of la grippe, and I never really re- covered WY health until two years ago, rbegan using Peruna and It built up niy strength, so that in a couple of months I Was able to go to work again," Penumonia Followed Lo Grippe. Mr. T. Barnecott, West Aylmer, ontarlo, Can., writes "Last winter I was 111 with Pneumonia after haring la grippe. I took Peruna for two months, when I became Quito Pe-ru-na—A Tonto After La Grippe. Mrs, Chas. E. Wells, Sr., Delaware, Ohio, writes "After a severe attack of la grippe, I took Peruna and found it a very good tonic." SHE DELIGHTS IN IT. Gladys : "What an unhappy disposi- tion Gwendolen has?" Esmeralda: "She? Nothing of the sort. She merely has a disposition for making other people unhappy." 110011W PAM CURE °abu'rotraution'srlinoPc'ensiPeleaso: TereFiTOBUR I. Brooke' Aplanc.a. w diseovery. wotecrful. No Binds and draws the broken Darts together as tots would n.lneenvllmpb..t.21.0.0 1,-,oen. No lymphol. No nem: 1),r' ON TRIAL.' nA.-11L. 0. .E. 00000S, 8613 ar.k"Idg., CATALOGUE 0000s ....-ssasene.e.assowslinaasson-reorernateaeasisorater.paSSLossmeit NO CAUSE FOR WORRY'. "Suppose, doctor, this operation does- 111),61yUCCteleedarr fellew, if i1 doesn't you'll never know it." Holloway's Cern Cure is a specific remove even tho worst kind. We have never heard of its failing to ter the removal olcorns and warts. TEN YEARS AlITER. Wife: "I came across a bundle of your old love letters to -day." Husband: "Did you read them over?" Wife; "Yes." Husband: "And what was the effect of that perusal?" Wife: "1 wondered which was The bigger fool—you for writing them or I for marrying you after receiving them." ABUSED INTO SUCCESS. "To what do you attribute your sue - cogs?" asked the plain citizen. "To the abuse I have received," an- swered the political boss. Comfort by day and sound alone by night :i. low the use of Weaver'a Comte, for nicht troubles, ao ;natter how tormetsting they be. Thia oloto wont eoothes and cleanses. 11 411505 400 tons of beetroot to give from 26 to 30 bons of tgar. Pale, sick children should use Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, ,Worres am one of the principal causes, of suf- fering in children and should be ex - petted team the system, POWERFUL SUGGESTION. (lector who was recounting 'some of his eel -Joliette -ea o) hypnotism, relined the iollowmg lsiatodryn, :a—patient who was with consumption, and who ought to have ingonnaenatowattr.aW janrailnl enim. nretre 08,0 bIutraawnhivoesde to try 'what hypnotism would- do for him. I had a 1.101101gme, saunndebhyalltsenelggonialtitnhlel ielen111111101ged0111iiin111510 think it was the sun, which, would cure him. The ruse size- ceedece end he web gelling daily better, when one day. on my arrival 1, found he ""10D1(010611.4.1'antl, atter all, then?" asked Um P1141*SoiTrlipIlliedenmtlise: doctor, "he died ot sun-Stroke:1 INNOCENT, The Colonel (at young Addle Pate's examination for military service): "Is Moro any reason Why you shined not serve your three years? Have you any In firmIty Yourig Addle Pate "Yes, Colonel, I am nearsighted," "Prove 11 1" "Well, do you see that Mel oVer there 111 the well?" .Yes, Desneeeterlee noteptine, Moen:eel,. "Weili don't,"t FOR SALE. Splendid 56 acre Farm, County of Elgin. 2 miles from Duart, good soil, fruit and buildings, price $1,500. Apply at once. Western Heal Estate Exchange, 'Limited, London, Ont. YOUR OVERCOATS :111.00,rtoWl.Pelgttral.11."B".:'161 001T1805 AMERMAN 1058111.00 CO. MONTBEAL. FOR SALE. DELAWARE FRUIT, TRUCK, Pt:111LT= Forms, $700 to $26,0001 splendid bargaine; fres catalogue. CHAS. M. HAMMOND. Real Estate Broker, Milford, Del. FRIENDSIIIP'S TRIBUTE. Nan : "I wonder if that's a real dim - mond that Kitty's wearing on her lin- ger. Do you know who the young man is?" Fan "I don't know of any young man, but 1 know it's a real diamond. I happened in when site was buying it." Dear Mother Your little ones are a constant rare id Fall and Winter weather. They will catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, and what it has done for so many ? It is said • to be the only reliable remedy for all diseases of the air passages in children. It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to mice. ltisguaranteecl 00 0000 or your money is returned. The price is 25c. per bottle, and all dealers in medicine sell SHILO 01 Thin rem scly should he in every bensehoiti OLD ADAGE COMES UP. Creditor (angrily): "say, when are yeti going to pay the 850 you owe me?" Debtor (cahnly): "That query reneride me of the old adage," Creditor: "What old adage?" Debtor : "The one about a foors'ebility to ask questions that a wise men Is un. abte Oe•en I leanswer." ASTONISHED THE DOCTOR, Physician Said She Might Drop Dead et Any Time. 'The Doctor told es. 44, 10 drop en the street easo and was Debit Me I had heart die at any thee," sayl Mrs, Robert Eaton, Dufferin, Ont. "1 was afraid to le -draw ruy breath, 11 10, 01 Ienervolls, ehort f pained Me 511. 1 wee beetle), bad dfzze Mrs. Robert !talon. ness, loss of appe- tile, stnothering and sinking epees, and 1 could not sleep. "Sornelimee I would have 10 Ile dowel to koop from falling. My hands mut feet would seem to go to sleep end sort of Teniebnees would COMO 011 over me, • "I began using Dr, Leonhardtts Anti. Pill, Front tho slant I lleproved. 1 feel Much strongen, look bettor, statl kin together hes made s new wo, man of me. "1 am entirely curod,', ,• • ;• All Defilers Ar 'nee WilsorePylo Co,• Limited, Niegore OM,, 0553.51 NO. 1-41.