HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-1-31, Page 8Crippo is Prevalent We don't want you to get clog, but it you are so unforbalutte would like to sell you the Med. %eine to aid in a rapid recovery. The following preparations will be found very useful :— Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets Quinine Capsules Blood Root Cough Cure We also bene most of the other good Cough Cures. Stearn's Aromatic Cascara Linseed Meal Ohlorodyne Cough Drops Tecteyino—Gargle for the Throat Atomizers, Hot Water Botttes,Sso. St, valentine's Day Wednesday, Feb, 14 We have an entirely new stook of Valentines ready for display, They embrace a great variety. Comic Valentines at le. and 2e. each, Fancy Lace Valentines at 5, 10, 15, 25 and 30c Valentine Picture Post Cards We have the latest. Pretty Decorated (Wards as well as the Comics. The Best Choice, now. • SNIT DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. - ram! Raps rents A ohiel's among ye fakit' notes, An' faith he'll prent Ba*eeora Connell will hold its regular 8008100 next Mouday evening. Diocesan Lodge will meet Tuesday evening al neat week. Attend. Tat ice harvest is now engaging the attention ot a uumber in this locality. MONTHLY tloree Fair Thursday of this week. Next one will take place Thurs. day February 28th. Y Tatman, February, 14th is Valentines Day, and the local not1on stores are al. ready stocking np for the occasion, Stomata Bru9eelitee took part in tbe program of a tee meeting at Bethel oburoh, Moffdlop, Wednesday evening of this week. ANNUAL meeting of Howlett Mutual Fire Iosurauoe 0o, will be bald In the Towaehip Halt, Gorrie, on Friday Feb. 8th at 2 p. m. A GO0D ONE.—We reo0mmend our teatime to euoeoribe to the Farmere' Advocate and Home Magazine, tbe best Agrioultnral Journal in America. Tat A. Y. P. A. of St. John's oburoh have engaged the servioesof Owen Sillily, a well lament ant Toronto entertainer. He will appear In the Towo Hall bare on Tuesday evening Feb. 12th. A BRANOH wf the Standard Baok hoe been op sed at Strathroy and the arming mimeo •r ie G. N. Gordon, of Forest, former': ot Brueeele, The Siraturoy people *111 find Mr. Gordon an A 1 oitixe.n. Pesetas are out announcing the lectors in Metallic Monroh to be given by John R. Clarke, the taieoted orator and leotar- er on Friday evening Feb. Sob on "To and fro in London." Thie is a rare obanae t0 enjoy a rare treat. OWING to Mlee Downey not being eble yet to re.0me ber position on the teach ing etaff of Brune e Public School and owing to the additional foot that Mies Flo. Buchanan, who was temporarily eupplyiog, has gone to Toronto, the Trustee Board ie filling the poet with Mies Bele Henderson, of town, who is an honor Modelite of last term. FAB*IoNa18 atm.—Ladies who wish to perleot their appearauoe and learn all ,'bone hair should oall on Prof. Doren - wend of Toronto, who will be at the American Hotel an Tuesday, February, 12th, with a large stook of hie Transfer. mations, wigs, ewitohee, pampadonre, from Paris, Boston London and other faehion centres. A'ielt fs sure to prove profitable. Tat Telegraph, the buoy, big, bristling weekly paper published by Beare & Duff, at Welland, has decided to issue a semi. weekly and have installed a new folder. If the Telegraph's appearance is indicts. live of all it euggeeta to TUE PoaT then Welland should be well pleased end the h0etliag proprietors should pot by tome "fat" matter, The second member of the firm le L. B. Duff, formerly of Blue. vale, a eon of R. N. Duff, a well known resident of that place. It he oopiee hie daddy we're prepared to bank him. To PnTROLIA—A. E. Mellish, who was recently pat in obarge of the Metropoli- tan Bank basineee at Guelph hoe moved to Petrolie where he euooeeds Mr. Cbat• tenon who goes East to take oherge of a new agency et Ooboarg, Mr. Mellish will have to get married and settle down In some good town. The Guelph Daily Mercury says :—"Mr. Mellish, who baa been here mob a abort time and beoome n great favorite with the patrons of the bank, will baye their beet wiebee for his success in Petrone, where he goes ea manager." WEDDING BELLS.—Wedoeeday Of last week the reeldeuoe of J. E. Brydgee, East street, Goderioh, was the eoeue of a pretty wedding, the contracting parties being but daughter, M. E, Daunt Brydgee and Bawled E. Armstrong, of Renton, Alberta. The marriage service was per. formed by Rev. S. R. V. Pentland, of Teeewater, ab Imola of the bride, aeeiated by Rev. G. N. Hazen, M. A., and the bride was given away by her father. MISS Franoee E. sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and the beet man wee Alex. i Sterling, a Oo08in of the gloom. The bride was a former Braeeelite and will • have the good teethes of old faeode in this locality. A STRONG, WELL MANAGED COMPANY.— The thirty fifth annual etatemetm of the Confederation Life Association wbiob has just been issued chows the atasire of thlo wet' kuown company to be in excellent aonditlon. The net ledger assets of the Company have reached the eon of $J.1, 313,887,23. During the year $859,781.00 was peed in death otaime, $268,600 55 in endowments and 822,346 57 in annuities $70,907.19 'n oath prolate, The amount of hew btu -mess written exceeded that of 1905 by $65.757 00. The amount ot new bueinees written in Canada, ae well ae the total new inenranee written, ,xomede that of any previous year. The ranee at expeneee t0 premium in0ome and to total income were leas than 1905. The Oompany has a etroeg directorate and le well managed. It may look to do even greater things in the future. See an. Dual Statement on pogo 2 of TIM Pose. READ the advertisemeute and save money. LAGBIPTa has bad many people in this loaauty ill its grasp during the pant week and some are not clear yet. AN Assembly will be held in the Town Hall, Brnaeele, on Monday evening Feb. llth. Maeio will be enppiied by an It. alma Orobeetra from London. DR BDTLaR'a YIeiT.—Dr. Butler, the London Eye dpeota int, will be at the America/xi Hotel, Brneeela, au Weduee• day, Ataroh 13th. Glaasee supplied, Tat monthly meeting of the Directors of the Hnwiok Mutual Fire Inenrauoe Co.,. was Bald at Gorrie last e batordaY. ' Aminal meatna will i iI be held in the same village Friday atteruoou of next week - AN aaotion sate of good oowe and heifere will be held at the Oeuttea Hotel, Brunets, ou Saturday afternoon of thin week, Feb, 2nd oommeuolu5 at 2 o'ulook. J. E. Walker ie the proprietor end F. 5 Scutt will be the auctioneer. BEADING BOLT4 WANTED. -rhe under slatted want, to rurehaes 1,1,00 owe of Baeawood and Hardwood Heading Bots $5 50 par mond for the former and $2 50 for the latter. For further particular. apply 10 P. AMENT, Br -easels. 28-4 Tat Galt ,tet rmer says :—"A. • lecturer, Mr. Clarke stands atone. His illnetratioue were inimitable, being feel of that giant and original drollery dear to the heart of any man or women, who appreciate the fire and pathoe uuexlrtaa toy mixed np i0 human nature. He bele hie large andienoe entranced for fully two boors and it is little to say that the mieeiou of eonh a man is of the highest and most elevating type." THE Young People of St. John's oburob are having their annoel 0000ert In the Town Hall on Feb. 12. They have tune year eeoured Owen A. Bonny, of Toronto, of whom the Hamilton Speotator eaye "He is one of Oenada'e most relined end versatile entertainere," Hamilton Times eaye o1 him :—"Owen A. Bully with his wit, humor end pathoe drew en andie"ce that peaked Centenary Leotore Hall to "standing room only " W. 0. T. U. Leonoat.—Tbnreday even• ing of this week i1re. McKee, of Barrie, Proviuoial Preetdent of the W. 0, T. U , will deliver a lecture in tbe Towo Hat , Brunets, oommeuoieg et 8 o'olook. A program of vocal and instrumental moria and a drill will elect be given. Silver oolleoti0n will be taken at the door. Al will be weloome. Mre. A. McGuire le President of the lomat Union and Ai on Josie Boobauan Corresponding Secretary. EVENTS roe 1907.—Ash Wedoeeday, ih beginning of Leui, will fail on Feb 13th; Marob 24th will be Pa m Sauday 1 111molt 29tb, Good Friday, arm Merck 31st, Bae ter.Bunday. There ,vi•1 be two eclipses of the sun end two of the moon. The first eo,ipee of the ;sun on January 14th, • wee invisible ill N .rth Amerioe There will be another wipes of the sun annular on July 10th, sad this also wilt be invisible in North Amertoa. Tha lave ea ip0e of the moon will take place un tbe night of Jul 24th and will be visible throughout North America, K. 0. T. 61. At the Met regular meet• ing ot the Ladies of the M aeoabeee the offteere for the eneaing ye.r were duly installed by Patin Lady Commander Mrs. W. W. Herne, after which a program consisting of solos, readings and moral. me0tale was rendered and a pleasant time enjoyed by all. The followutg are the °Bioere installed :—Pact Lady Com., Mre. W. Raude ; Lady Com., lure. A MoGnire ; LianaCom., Airs. P. Arnett ; Record Keeper, Mtae J. MoArter ; Chap• lain, Mrs. Colvin ; Sergeant, Mise P. Mitchel(; Mistress at tame, Mre, W. W. Berrie ; Sentinel, Mre. A. Lamont ; Picket, Mre.-D, Ewan ; Auditors, Mre. D. 0. Rose and Mrs. Harris, EAST HURON FARMERS' INeTTInTt,— Snpplemeutary meetings will be held tie followe :— Fordwiob, Foreetere' HaltFeb. 4 Bluevale, Forester.' Hall,. „Feb, 6 Jamestown, Viotaria HallFeb. 8 Moleawortb, Orange Hall,,Fr b. 7 Ethel, Towu SBI Feb, 8 Walton, A. 0. TI. W. HMI,Feb, 9 Harlook, sohool houea Feb. 10 Winthrop, Soarlett'e Hall Feb. 12 St. Columbian eahool bootie, Feb, 18 Fowler's School house Feb, 14 Afternoon meetings at 1.80 and evening e1 7.30 et each plane. Animate for de mouetration will be at Bluevale, Bebe), 1 Walton, Winthrop and other pones.I Thee, McMillian, President ; P. Mo' Arthur, Beoretary, Have You Bo GRtartb Uel—The following is given • by an Alabama ex. ohange ea the aorreot mode for enter. ing 0 printing ot5oe. Yon should ad. v00oe to the door and give three die. tfnot rape or kook down the door. The devil will attend to your alarm, You will give him your name, poetoflfoe address and the number of years ou are owing the paper. Yon will advanee to the centra of the room and addreed the manager io the following Minter. Sign : Extend the right hand about two feet from the body with the thumb and index fingers Weeping a $6 bill, Which drop into the right handl of the maneger, who graepe your hand and the bill. After giving him the news of your locality yon will be permitted to tante witb a re08ipt tor SMI obligation properly dieaherged, THE METROPOLITAN BANKEsT"'"""18T5 THE STANDARD BANK UAPCI'AL—Aulhoi'lzed CAPITAL—Paid up ItEtiEltYE and Surplus Prollts Director,' S. J, M0011E, A, E, THOMPSON, K. 0, President. Yleo•Prosident. Toot, BRAboHAW, F,L,A. EI8 $08011 ATG, W. MORTIIIRR 'CARE, 8.0. .106. EYRIE MEN FIR5TRRa010 W, D. 11088, • tioueral Manager 85,000.000 1,0410.000 1,133,185 THE METROPOLITAN BANK le open to receive the aoeounte of Partnere, llerabaute and Bnelneed Community gettesally and to give careful ecnsideratiou to all propoeale submitted to it. it relies upon its past record for eourteoue treatment of its Cus- tomers, and will us- tomera,andwill extent every aonalderuttoa ooueleteut with sound basking to those woo may desire to transact 0ueineea wltb M. a PIJ4'GS BONN BarsZ�r"i�°.T�' tato' Intereatat HIGHBdICURREN!' RAPES allowed on ail came of $1 and upwards BRUSSELS BRANCH W. J. FAWCE•TT, Manager, BALD HEADED MEN.—Ie le wrong to endanger health and eaori6oe appearance when you kuow that the toques and wigs made by Prof. Dorenweud easily replace the last hair. They are feather- weight—afford proteoti m to the bead and to health, Call and see them et Americo an Hotel, on Tueeday, Feb, 12th. .Business Locals. FARM for sale. Apply to Joseph Eng ler, E01.1 P. U. BLAo10NITo'e apprentice wanted. Apply to lieu. W, Pol erd, Ethel. Good place (..r ngbt boy. BARGAINS In Millinery. Everylbing Bold rageruleee of moat to clear out tutll season a stook. Oad and see ne. Melees B Amax Ailsa Mawr Moans will take pupils ill oil painting for a ehors time. Partiee interested eau learn terme, elm, so Miss Roes' store. Caren—Win. Armstrong oan supply pure operator Jereey dream to any. 0e 4.eitiug the same. Prise 25o per qt. "The Maples," Beet of Brneaele. Sews —Sawa exchanged and fast and easy midline eawa for eels. .Saw gam ming mut filing a Specialty. Oar prices are lowest on earth when you consider the beue&t we give. Tiioe. McGaeoon, 01111 street, Brussels. - HORN Doane.—In Dements, on January, 80th, to Mr. and Mre. Chas. Dodds, a son. Puwzor. — In Brussels, on January 25th, to Rev Ezra G. and Mre, Powell, a daughter. SuEDDEN.—Irl Morrie, on Jan. 200, to Mr, end Mre. Jae, Sbedden, a dam. Miter. TAYLOR —In Morrie, on January 14th, to Mr. end Mre. Chas. K. Taylor, a eon. M aR it0XET. EAallo0Y—M0LOAN —At the Presbyterian M,nee Mt. Forest, on Januar% 16.h by the Rsv. Mr. Hann., Mr. W. J Earngey, of Gorrie, to Mies Bell McLean, of Harrieton. FAINDEAReoie—TELYEn—At the reeideno of the bride's parents, on Jan. 23rd by Rev. MacNab, M. A., Mr. James Farquharson, of Morrie, to M Ism Is anal, daughterol Mr. and Mao, Wm Telfer, of Grey. HanBts.—In Gorrie, on January 14th, George Harrie, io hie 89th year. Nauseeom.—In '1'urnberry, on Jawuar, 22ou Wm. Mc,Pbereon, aged 80 year• end 6 menthe. BRGI.—Ili Looknow, on Jan. 1401,, 1907 Mrs. Sarah Bell, aged 75 yams, twit 5 months. AVCTIOST m..x . SATURDAY, FRB 2ND—Firet•elaee cattle at Centro Hetet, Brno/tele, Saturn 6 Y Feb. 2ndat 2 p D Walker, prop., Fs Soctt Bo. SATURDAY, FEB 9TH —100 acre farm South na 1 Lot 26, Don 7, Morris, Sal. at Central Hotel, Brueenls, at 1 p. no, A. B. MacDonald, eoheitor for wort gagee. F. B. Stott, enc. WEDNESDAY, Fan. Hien.--Farm stook, implemrnir, &o., at Lot 22, Con. 9, Grey. Bale, unreserved, at 1 O'olook. F. S. Sooty, Auo. ; Alex. D, Lamont, Prop. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. BRICK STORE TO BENT BY F brnary let—part of Smith Block. 22085 feet; gad door from Amerioau Betel ; tateIl need as tailoring and gents' lurnieh- it g establishment For forbuer particulars pply to DR MOHELVEY, B,uesele East Huron Farmers' Institute Supplementary Meetings will be held as Follows cocastwoo Fordwich—Foresters' Hall, February 4th Afternoon—Thos. McMillan, Seaforth, Breeding and Marketing Beef Cattle W. F. Kydd, Simcoe, Am I Raising the most Profitable Horse ? Miss B. Maddock, Guelph, Address Evening—Thos. McMillan, A Talk with our Young People W. F. Kvdd, Dropped Stitches Miss B. Maddock, Address Bluevale—Foresters' Hall, February 5th Afternoon—Thos. Bennett, Wroxeter, Dairying W. F. Kydd, Am I Raising the most Profitable Horse 1 Evening—Thos. McMillan, Chairman's Address W. F. Kydd, Dropped Stitches Jamestown—Victoria Hall, February 6th Afternoon—Thos. McMillan, Soil Cultivation and Crop Rotation W, F Kvdd, Dairy Cow, her Summer Feed and Winter Care Evening—Thos. McMillan, A Talk with our Young People W. F. Kidd, Dropped Stitches Molesworth—Orange Hall, February 7th Afternoon—'rhos. McMillan, W. F. Kvdd, Evening—W. F. Kydd, Thos. McMillan, Ethel—Town Afternoon—Thos McMillan, W, F. Redd, Thos. Bennett, Miss 5, Mnddnck Evening—Thos McMillan, W. F. Kvdd, Miss B. Maddock, Breeding and Marketing Beef Cattle Cultivation and Manures Dropped Stitebes Demands of Canadian Agriculture Hall, February 801 Breeding and Marketing Beet Cattle Am I Raising the most Profitable Horse Essay on Weeds Address Demands of Canadian Agriculture Dropped Stitches Address Walton—A. O. U. W. Hall, Fehruary 9th Afternoon—A, H. Crerar, Molesworth, Cultivation and Rotation W. F Kydd, Am I Raising the molt Profitable Horse ? Evening—Thos McMillan, A Talk With our Young PeopleW. F. Kydd, Dropped Stitches Harlock—School House, February Ilth Afternoon—A, H. Crerar, Cultivation and Rotation W. F. Kvdd, Atn I Raising the moat Profitable Horse ? Evening—Thos. McMillan, Demands of Canadian Agriculture W. F. KVdd, Dropped Stitches Winthrop—Scarlett's Hall, February 12th Afternoon—A H Crerar, Cultivation and Rotation W. F. Kydd, Am I Raising the most Profitable Horse ? Evening—Tilos. McMillan, Demands of Canadian AgricultureW, F. Kydd, Dropped Stitches St. Columbian—School House, February 13th Afternoon—Thos. McMillan. Breeding and Marketing Beef Animals W. P. Kydd, Am I Raising the most Profitable Horse ? Evening—Thos. McMillan; A Talk to our Young People W. F. Kydd, Dropped Stitches Fowler's School Afternoon—Tilos. McMillan, W. F. Kydd, Evening—Thos. McMillan, W. F. Kydd, House—February I4th Breeding and Marketing Beef Animals Am I Raising the most Profitable Horse? A Talk to our Young People Dropped Stitches Afternoon Meeting•• commence at tam and Evening Meetings at 7.30 A Musical Program will be given at the Evening Meetings EVERYBODY WELCOME Animals for Demonstration Purposes will be at Bluevale, Ethel, Walton, Winthrop and other places, Thos. McMillan, President. P. A. McArthur, Secretary. OF CANADA DIVIDEND No. 65 Notice is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of Twelve per cent. per annum upon the Capital Stock of this Institution has been declared for the quarter ending 28th February next, and the same will be payable at the Banking House in this City on and after Friday, the 1st day of March next. The Transfer Books will be closed from the 18th to the 28th February, both days inclusive. By order of the Board, 0, P. SCHOLFIELD, Gen, Men Toronto, 23rd January, 1907, `WANTED, — A GIRL FOR 0 eneral Housework. Apply to MRS. DR, B1JRNq, 80•ef K. O. T. M. Brussels Tent of the Maccabees. No. 21 bold their regular meetings in the Lodge R oto, nneker Bleck, nn the 1st and 8rd rue,day evenings or emob in, nth Viettors always welaa on, A, SONS ERS, Com. A, MOlDIRE, R B T'AFM FOR SALE BEING 1,0T 56 Can I1, 'trey, enn'nming 100 Beres. On the proodea. Is a on mfor•nhlr Lam. house, aced 1nit born 40E80 rapt, cement nil pen 20x40 feet and an implement ebe 1 30540 feet Par well web .rod and -Mooed. Pall piowlag all d .ne nod 85 scree of Fal wheat in. W,thl•• a few rt•dn of a Mises, fa01nry and enuysnlent •n 011111011 an I school. For further particulars apply on the premlene to R. W. PIOKat pr , 10.4 Heofrye P.O. • it VCTTON SALE OF FARM Pre08, T1t0LRMRNTe FURNITURE, .4c. —F .F „ compeer. B d TT. A. t it m„er ha been l , 9 1 %1 at'llat• ed ba tba node Matte.; 9 t to sell by Feats Ane- tien, atLot01, Oen 9 Crev, on wed11,,wi, February 18th, et 1 n'cir rk, the lel Inwin unlit 'ble property 1-1 it. mister mare ricin 1 12 years, aired by Hooker, an,po'ed In teal to ria setts Junior; 1 roadster stallion ricin t 2 veers, aired be Gazette Juni, r Rooker lam; 1 roadster dIIv tired by Meeb,ra on Rooker dam rla,ue l 'ear; 1 ally rising I. year sired by Sarno Fife ; 1 g.•ldheg riefng 1 year abed by Baron pun ; 10 onwn auppnee•i in calf, 2 'resb el ws, 2 Rtes. s ricin'. 2 year,. 2 heifers tieing 2 years. 7 oalyee rifling I year, 8 you, g oaivts, 2 thoro' brad abort Horn bull naives, 1 pure bred Tamworth enw dna to farrow in March, 8 store pies, 4 noun, pate bred Berkshire sews bred to hog, 8 pure bred Berkshire Bucking p,ae, 2 turkey Lens and 1 gobbler, 1 snows and 1 sander, a number of Hawed Plymouth Bock bene, 1 MaeteyUarrte binder Ofootaut, 1 Wiener seed doll, 1 McCormick mew -r 6 toot oat, 1 hay rate nearly new 1 Clluten fanning,nil•, 1 root scalier. 1 bay fork, cal', t'ulleve and 180 toot rope nearly new, 1 grain cradle, 3 bu.glaa one nearly now, 1 cutter, 1 root pul- ler, 1 cook stove with reservoir, and a quan City of household turni,ure. Salo uuus tinnier. ve es proprietor is going West. TOMS— all sums 01 e6 and under oaeh, over that amount 9months' credit will be given oo ,uruiehmg approve.. joint notes • Spar seat Per' annum off for oa-h un credit amounts ; er4.ito U opitAuctione;ALEX. cash. Prr' Or. To Contractors. Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned un to Saturday, PeInul y 2301, at 1 n. m , for the erretinn of a Cement au I brink sal, "11 house nt Walton Plans awl sp. oiseat•one mnv be seen at the reatdenoe of the utdereig,ed The inlok is furblahe and del vereri on the grnuud by the Tru tees. The IOwint or any tender not m084• sarlly ueoepted. TB OS. B. 141LG kilt, Sea;Tre, F. M. S. No 11, Morrie, Grey 85.4 Jt Ae10111op. Walton P. 0, ZEWLEUIV1 SLEEP DIP For Cattle Hogs and Sheep Read the following Testimonial' from the ex -Minister of Agriculture : "We have been permitted to use at Maple Shade during the Iasi year your disinfootaut (mown ae Zenoleutn. I am glad to say that we found it all that you represent. It le en admirable mixture tor the purposes for which it is intended and may be put to so many pees on a stoop farm That no advanced etookinan sl%Mnlrl undertake to carry on hie bueineae with et lc aping a Supply oonetautly on hand. AB a destroyer of vermin on cattle and as a general dieinfeotaot I can not recommend it too highly. (Sigued) JOHN DRYDEN." 32 ounce t'an 50c at F X' Drug Store R£ —OF— Sim Biiiiies For reasons which apace bele will not allow us to exulaiu we will re- move the Shoe Business this weelf b'iek into the Harness Store where it formerly was, and will con- tinue to oondunt the two businesses together. We will keep an up- to-date stook of Boots, Shoes and Harness and everything in these two lines that the public require. SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR 30 DAYS in felt Boots, Felt 1hoea, Heavy Rubbers and Overshoes and all Winter Goods. HARNE' S DEPA11TMENT—•Robes and Blankets at Greatly I.e• diced Prices to clear. I. Ca Richards IMMISISEMISEEMIMERIIMISIP BRIJSSF1LS NEW DAYLIGHT STORE G €i No . c L A R EUSSOMNIGILVEXISEMIIIIIMMOSI �DJUSTMENT� SALE 19raysBat Givill On Saturday, February 2nd. we commenc then Grent.est Slaughter Sale ever held in Brussels We are going to reduce our stocks of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes and Furs From Saturday, February 2nd, to Saturday, Fehruliy 23rd, Vali days inclusive, Everything in the Store goes at Reduced Prices Terms for this Sale will be cash and no Coupons can be given. Watch for our large Circulars for Particulars tONDWZMIUMMIEMWMOCESSEMEINEM. N.oL AR�'�I' N N f;X'l' DOOR TO AMBRIOAN H0'1'1+]L isseleanseavemexeusamasisinsanweo