HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-1-31, Page 5t � ,
540 ex e
Wee 811811, formerly 01 0hlevalo, le
readying 84800 per mouth Crum the
Ouleery ,818111Aa tin„ Cu8ptry. Tits
estimable young lutly •heli only a
summon solved edtteaLlou, and In u
law m,4ni1s with unprepared for the
above eltltatlon, With a low yeeee'
expeoleuos Mies Shell will reeotVe at
leuot 010,00..
stenography Is better than
9choet Teaching.
Want in have done for others we
eau do far you, tauter any 611110. -Iu•
divhlllttl tiled notion
Wits for ea10.l00110,
vingham BUSINESS
OOLlJL++' CSL++'
(affiliated with Menton Rushton
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal
!O\1\\\\\\\\\\\ '--•- \\\\\\\\\\\\mt
The following iulereeti, g letter is
from S. B. Lamont, son of Hugh
Lamont, 12th eon. Grey, who atten1ed
the Normal school in Winnipeg las,
term and is now teaching at Sinclair,
Manitoba, a tmmenoiog atter the Christ,
alae bolidayo :—
Dann EDITOR.— Having spent four
clamber in Western Osuada, 1 false th.
privilege of writing a few notes, ae you
vegetated, for your valuable paper,
which may prove of interest to some al
your raiders, As nearly ail my taut
Inv! been spent iu she pity of Winnipeg,
meet of what I have to say ie Moon.
Onto Cloy, more particularly portiere
about its ey861•m of Bduoation and it's
eohoule. Io upraising of the growth of
rhia, the 'urged, arty of the West, I may
say I ware somewhat surprised Iaet Au
gust to notice how it had been built up
in all direouooe and how he appearance
had been improved since September
1905, especially by paving many of the
important streets. A though targe eume
have been spent on this one thing yet
another will need to be spent 0u Maiu
street which preeeote the poore81 op
peara11oe of Buy, street iu the whole city.
This along with the faro that there are
eo many "ehaoke," sometimes Dulled
called atone, eo oloee to the line C. P.
R. depot and hotel, is the chief reason
why so many prop a care eo little for
Winnipeg on their first visit. Yet there
are attractive plaoee, although one may
have to go some distance from this part,
where there may be found many Sue
shade tree., not quite so grand tho0811
se the stately Maple of Ontario. Bluth
the oompletiou of the 0. P.+R. subway
the Northern part of the oily 11180 beau
rapidly built np, the streets having been
improved and the oar liue extended.
The past year has been the moat pro -
erosive in the history of the city lie
buildings to the velar of $12,000,000
have been erected. Among the finest
wbioh have been completed, or Clearly
so, are the poet .ethos, the 0. P. R.
Royal Alexander Hotel, the Walker
Theatre and the Normal School, Port
age Avenge, next to Mahe street, is tee
bueiret part of the city and has several
line bueities° blocks, although there ie
lanae number of email e1oree. The
width of all the meets es quite notion
able, eepeoially if compared with those
of some .Eastern motes, but yet they
are not too wide for Some fast auto
drivers who ran smash a $200 cab or
charge with full throe an electric oar.
The street railway eluvial is like what"
Toronto's was said haat year to be,
quite annoying to the citizens, as it ie
e o irregular in et me parte while there
ie a shortage of oars in others.
Turning now to the educational in
terest0 of the Provinoe, of whtoh the
Capital is the centre, with 80 eohoole
employing over 200 teaohere, although
in 1870 there tette but one school
mane ed byone teaoher. Beet ee these
g d e
there is for higher education a Pruvin
oial University fairly well equipped
three denominational Collapse and a
Medical College all doing good work,
but all present a 00m113011 appearance,
none of them oompariug with. Brandon's
new Oollege. The uourees of study are
80mew118o like those of Beater) Univer•
shies, except that they cover 101101)
lees work to every eubjeot, yet a fair
standard is maintained by reguirieg
thoroughness in all Work. None of these
Colleges have the feuds that they really
require to carry on their work 8000688.
fully. It is eurprieing to one that a
"go ahead" airy like this ohould have
been so long without a Normsl School
building, tbe work having been (tarried
on timely in some rooms of a Pabiia
Sobool, However, fleshy the D.p8rt
meat of Elueatimi bad gathered the
'mammary $00,000 and new they have
o good building with sui able, clan
roans, library, elo, end eta rooms for
li It 1 11'011 i ailed the
PboBalolwo v1 a o
u Beim! work,
Model Fiuo uI. It will basometi e
though bafore it 'will be
equipped like
1ho0a0118 N 0i ormale and Itleo before
the 1t rm will be lengthemed to nine
months, wbioh to nearer the correct
time then fuer months, Recording to
the course outlined tor 8tu1ent8, Hew
ever, teaches are not yet plantain
enough throughout the West to admit
•d this (Amigo. 'Phe etumlard regiment
("manatees' oertitiootee here 18 rattier
ower than in Qeittirm as very many
teaohera here hold only a third Mame
certificate, like our third of ten years
ergo, tette three menthe Normal training
Several 'hundred in the 'Provinoe are
iodating nu permits, some even without,
any Normal training whatever, The
"o t C n iso vacuity the De
a Rry quem to 1e u x 6
pertinent at present and way later m1
be attended to by the Government bolt
0018ee it 81111 do better then it has done
with the telephone question It msy 08
well let it rest, at least until every
6eaoher loan the Union Jaok hoisted
over his little school, as enacted by
Premier Roblin and his tollowere. It
in strange to notice that come third
(lass teaohera are getting R higher
eatery than some 8eoond olaes proles
-Munal°, so it ie plain that this is the
fault of the teachers and not the need
et legislation to help them.
The system of Pub le and High School
education t8 a good deal like 1110E 01 0,1
ladle, although Some imagine it ie entire
ty different. I have seen some excellent
work in the oily schools, mauunt Wattling
cud art iuoludod, but would expect 6oe8ee
just as good in un E astern city, and have
80011 quite us good in Huron County.
One important thing that names more
a tendon in tide Pruvinoe than 111 01180110
10 the study of music, but thio tun de
pantie an 1118 ability of the teacher to give
",otruoeioue iu 1t. Only abunt a dozen
Inspectors, quite different 10 our eyetem,
ere found to this broad Preview, but
judging from the appearance of Dame
outwore I believe as 81:181131 more might
find work. Yet utter all a "oumpulsory
et end8008" law for both city and rural
whoule is about f18 mob needed a8 any
law or reform. On the whole,, ooe8ider•
mg the low grade of many 081U$oa600
held, the wholesale method of granting
permits and the irregularity of attend.
mime of pupils In rural d180810te, it ie
always amusing to me to heareven teaoh-
era oft ling abmuo "Our up to date 8yetem
of 0duoetiuu" and how far it hi in ad-
vance 01 Eastern Novitiate.
Between here and Winuipeg there ie
the usual number of little villagre with
here and there a growing plane like
Breedon, Portage la Prairee and Souris.
Yet in a most every, village, no m,tter
bow emelt, a rink may be eeeu au Minting
ie the commonest sport of the Western
Winter, on account of the long eoutinued
frost, not alwaye 40° below zero as some
enppoae, as zero bee beau more oomms11
than either 300 or 40° ba -ow up to the
present. Ou the average though it i0
mooh odder it not 00 elormy and die -
agreeable as an Eastern Winter.
Hoping that the New Year upon which
we.have entered may prove a happy and
pro0peron0 one t0 yon and your many,
readers, Mr. Editor, I RID,
Yours Truly,
S B. LAtioNT,
Siuolair, Man., Jan. 7th, 1907.
Oram eau vomiting be stopped in 20
athletes. No vomiting— uothiug . t,-
siolten or di06ree0 your obi.d. A sweet
pleasant and safe eyrup, called Dr.
Shoop'e Croup sure, dose the work and
does it qu,okty. Dr. Shoop's O. ugh Cure
is for Oroup alone, remember. It dues
not dram to mire a dozen Mires/ to It's
roe Croup, that's all. Sold by F. R.
The annual meeting of the Lietowel
and South Wallace Agricultural Society
was held in the Town Hall on Wedneeday
afternoon 28rd inst. It was moved by
Wm. Olebtud, emended by Davie Nichol
that the Satiety be named The Listowel
Agricultural Satiny, with beeoquertere
at Listowel. An amendment was moved
to retain the old name of Listowel and
South Wallace. On u vote bang taken
the motion wee parried and the amend
meet loot. On motion it wee decided to
employ expert judges for the Fall Show.
A circular was read by the Secretary
allowing the ohangee in the Government
grants to Sooietiee ender the new regent..
Ilene. The grant to the Lietowel Society
for the owning year will be 9171, being
an inore808 of $79 over last year. A
t iranier was read re meeting of Fan Faire
Association in Toronto. It wee deoided
to send two delegatee to the meeting, and
the President and Secretary were sub.
sequently named am the delegatee. The
election of officers wee then proceeded
with, as follows ;—President, J. F. Wil
eon, re elected ; let Vioe President, Ezra
Arnold ; 2nd Vioe, B Goddard ; Direst.
ore—Walltioe, Wm. Lenderkin, A, Sny
der, Hy. Z nn ; E,m8, A, Bewitt, W
Cleland, A. Park ; Ltotowe', J. Seaburger,
JRoob Brey ; Grey, R. Pirie, Auditors,
A. J. Conine aud Thoe. Mate. On uotiou
Geo. Thornson4's
YOUR N T RH�u 1� e�
to t at long0rhown have suffered
or what remedies you u hloave tried without
relief, Bu -Ju will cure you.
We know what Bu Ju bail done for
people, bedridden and helpless. We know
what 13u -Ju is doing every day for people
tortured with Rheumatism, Sciatica,
Lumbago, Neuralgia, Bu-ju, 111e Gentle
Kidney Pill, cures Rheumatism because
it acts directly on the kidneys andstops
the poisouans deposit of terib acid in the
blood, which causes Rheumatism.
Au-Je will cure your Rheum tis,'', 'rake it
on our guarantee that your money will be prom.
pity refunded should it fail, Sec a large box. AI
all dnig tats or by mil from The Ciafliu
Chemical Co. Lintilod, Windsor, Ont, 60
To anyone writing us answering the fol-
lowing queetione we will gladly send ab-
@eolutoly free, postage prepaid, agctd
of four of our latest edition of bonnlifol,,
2 00 ore o post cards lithographed in brilliant 3
aA let. Name your grocer. e
B 2nd. Name this paper.
w 7'b9NlAfflAuW'WWibleMsW'WW W W'WW1WW9aW'Wbe0
'WW'tea,'Wl3Aagholl,tlu4,'igtt9dll,'3JNf t'lb't�h+9,NPll3Il0,
RAek for rho Purple Package," 2
Makes Food Healthful.
Coate Lees to Use.
Gives Better Results.
Insist on the Genuine.
Than found a tried and tested cine for Mete
mati0101 Not a remedy that will straighten Lim
ietorred limbs of chronic cripples, nor tarn horn
arewths buck to Ile::, again. That is impossible
But I nm now surely kill the edam and pangs of
81,10 deplorable disease.
In CPrmany—with a Chemist in the City of
Darmstttdit—I found the last ingredient with
Which lir. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy was made
a perfected, dependable prescription. without
that lest ingredient, I successfully treated many,
many eases of 1thcumatisni, but now, at last. itwit.
(orally cures all curable 805811 of this heretofore
much dreaded disease. Those sand -like granular
weedee, found in Rhuumatie Blood, seem todissolve
and ems away under the action of this remedy as
freely as does sugar when added to pure water.
And then, when dissolved, these poisonous wastes
freely peas from the system, and the cause of
Rheumatism is mono forever. There is now no
real need—no actual excuse to suffer longer with.
out holm We sell, and in confidence recommend
Drs Sheep's
!Thematic Eel edy
of Mayor Watson, seconded by 11 Gadd
mrd, A. F. MooLaren, M. P., was appoint
td Honorary President. The Houorery
Direotore are the same as last year, with
the names of Mao or'Wat.00, Jno. Mo
Keever, David Nichol, Fred. Ellis, Jre,.,
Soott and E. M. Alexander added. The
dates of the Fall Show were fixed for
Tuesday and Wedneeday, September
24th and 26th.
151 , 8 h.
I 0 0. F. oou0ert in Industry Hall on
February 7th
It to rumored that a new store may be
opleadin town.
The smite etaok at L. Hill's plaoine
mill wee blown down during the storm.
The roof on the flour mill was moved a
couple of haloes during the wind storm
on Sunday,
At the Boheel Boned meeting Wm.
Campbell was re•eppoiuted Chairman
and Dr. Long, Secretary.
The annual meeting of the North Her
on L 0,14 tele be held ie Blyth on
Tuesday, February 5th, at 10 o'clock a.
m., for th transaction of business.
The Epworth Longue entertained the
members of the Woetfi,4d League on
Tueedav evening of last week. A good
mu.ioat program wa8 rendered acid a
tasty, leech was served at the Woes of the
J. 13 Stratton, of Raueao Oity, Kan.,
reoriv.d the sad newel of the death of his
mother, Mrs Jae, 86retton, er., of Brute
tale, but arrived too Into for the funeral,
Me, dtrebton, accompanied by hie wife
and little daughter, will spend a short
time with relalivee and friends iu Blyth
and Brunets.
Thle Ten 10 Ihdltls 61D
Many Medmutee etlmmate, break down
leave you worse than ever. Ferrozono •
ie different—its a blood former, to nerve
otrengthe0er, n body-builder. Pale
euaem10 girls are given odor and vigor.
Tile lired'and sleepless are etrengtbened
end restored. "Better than cul t0nioe I
found Ferro0one" writes M.re. D. [r.
Castleton, of Woodetaols. I were 0om
plenty run down, cheeks were blanched,
lips white and bed every signor anaemia.
F011'000110 added to my weight, en8e me
strength, 8m11iti00 and Good health)1
Nothieg better, try Ferrozone yourself,
600 per box at all dealers.
DNA= 'Or Wtt, &IOPMv1100N: Wm. fvlo•
Pheret,n, one of the rt speowed platoon of
Tarnberry, peeped away et hie borne, lot
11, son, 7, on 'Tuesday morning of last
Week in Ate 8100 year. Deoeaaod woo a
native of l3o.,thwll and 011.00 60 Wile
00tlt6r9 in early life. Ile had heart to
resident of T'nrnberry for upw8rd8 of 60
year0 and helped to matte the 10w11011p
what it ie to day. 'LIB 100018. d all the
rmlilioipal honors that hie fellow rate
payer0 (multi bestow Upon lii,n, He first
cawed u8 Oom10i110r, then 110 Depaty-
Reeve. He wap the 101111ed Reeve ut the
'1'own,hip, reeignmg fit the 01111 of 1889,
after waving 18 yeIEre eentinuoa0ly In the
Iunion, He wee oleo one year Warders
of the Cathay. Tio wee amen who knew
municipal law and 1tlweye gave gond eel,
0808 bath iu township end 0onuly 111(14180,
Lie woe a Meath 0110k t Liberxi 10n
olio oe and
p i
end u Preeby tartan in religion. Fifty.
1v• veleta ego he wee married d to Helen
M u1Joukah, who pro dear'xaed him 0u the
lit of Jemmy, 1904. In the death of
lilr. elol'bsreon, '1IIreberry loose a 0ttieen
who 93188 known 60 all the elder residents
f the dietriot. For some eight years he
Me not beau eojoying good health and a
ew years ago 1110 eight failed him and
0 Mel been forced to remain at home.
One eon, Donnan McPherson, reoidos fu
Wingbaw and nuttier sou, Alex, Pilo
Pherson, i8 on the homeetead. The -(un
rad tonic Mem, Thursday afternoon to
WIInghau oemotary,
To slop a oold with "Preventioe" is
a,ifer than to let it rue and Dore it after
wattle. Takeo ut the ''sneeze stage"
Prevention will head off all oolde and
•ripp8, and perhaps 89,8e you from
pneumonia or brenth:toe. Prevention are
title toothsome oe'dy oold cure tablets
ening in 5o and 25o boxes. It yea are
whiny, if yon begin to sateen, try Proven.
woe. They will surely check the oold,
nod ple800 you. Sold by F, It. Smith.
W, J, Meaty, late of Wtoeham bee sold
hie newspaper property at B;igdet.
F. W. McGuire arrived home from
Winnipeg to attend the funeral of hie
'„alter and le spending a few days at his
The glove wens et Toronto of A.
0 Ohepmuo, formerly of Wtegh'om were
+utnaged to the extent of abuat $5,000
y lire.
11. B, Elliott, editor of the Times,
etas pur0haeed from J. W MoRebbon, the
cremo bei ding and lot jaet South of
Hanna's More, pride 92,800,
Tice missionary 000trtbotions of St.
Pau 's congregation this year are 950 In
dvenes of the cam asked for and over
8100 more Lhttt in the previous year0,
Postmaster Fieber on Tuesday of t180t
week received a me0Bage atmoilflaing the
death of his eietor, Mrs. Cameron, wife
of Rev. Dr. Cameron, of Ottawa. The
deceased lady had been iu poor health for
Boma naphtha, She woe Rlvo a sister of
Misses R. M. end Margaret Fisher, of
his town. The bereaved will have the
mpatby of many Weeds in their at•
ii mica. Mies R. M. Fisher lett o0
Wednesday for Ottawa to attend the
Newel. -
'011 Tuesday of last week J. F. Groves,
received word of the death of hie aged
mother, for many Mire a resident of
Winghem, and relict of the late James
Groves. Since the death of her husband,
sine had-reeided with her 'daughter, Mrs.
d,. elowat, of Aotou. The funeral took
'dews on Wednesday to Wiogham ceme-
tery. Two gone and one daughter re.
main. The sone are John F., of Wing.
ham, and W. E Principal of one of Tor.
unto eoboole. Mre. Mowat, of Aston, is
he only surviving daughter. She and
two of her children are ill with pin emcee
116. Thio disease was the num of Mre.
Groves' death.
Fur A Mar Cotnpiexioo
A dear oomplexlon to t11° oobward
evidenoe of inward uleaulinese. lu bad
health the faoe beoomee a sign -board,
tellhig of the disease within. If yellow,
hila is not properly secreted ; if pelid, the
kidneys are f8nity ; if skin fa mirky end
darn circles beneath the eyes, look for
oonetipation. Whatever the cause, no
temed,y osmparee with Dr. Hamilton's
Pine of Mandrake which are mild, safe
I'nnfyine and vitalizing in their action.
Ph y brighten the eyes and establish
health that defies age and disease. Sold
everywhere in 250 boxes.
1¢'t W
The annual meeting of the Elma Agri•
cultural Society was held a000rding to
notice on Wedneeday, January 9111. An
average attendance of members was
present. J, 13. Hamilton, or., effiofently
onoopiod rho their. The Anditore' re-
port showed a ba ante nn band of 9140 06
with liabilities amounting to 92125,
After report was adopted the following
natters were appointed , Prete., Joseph
Horn ; lot Vier Pres., J. W. Dickson ;
2nd. Vioe Ptee., J. B. Hamilton, jr. ;
Direoiore, G. Gordon, G. Loohead, H.
Bobw•nbure, A. Stevon•o11, Walter John.
lion, A. 8trothero, J S. Cowan, 0.
Va lonoe, V. &shade. Lady Direotore,
\lino Aegis Dickson, P1•le Humjlton,
[810010 Stevenson, Mee, G. Loobhead,
Mrs. W. Morrison. Honorary Direotore,
J. 13. Homiliou. er., James Duncan, Y.
Goutier, R. Ford, T. G. Ballantyne, W.
N McNay. Auditors, A. M. Sweeten
and W. Morrison. Owing to the new
Agtiaoltnral Act it Mumma necessary to
designate the name of the Society and
the plane of bolding the Fall Fair. On
motion of J. B. Hamilton and H. Bonn
euberg the Society shall be known We The
Elma A.griaoltaral 800iety, with head•
gnitrtere at Atwood. A. Stevenson was
appointed a dole -gate to atteed the
convention of fairs and exhibitions to be
held iu Toronto on Wednesday end
Thursday, February 20111 cud 210. The
Arlt Tuesday and Wedneeday of October
next were fixed upon for holding the Fall
Fair Reeulved OM no expert judges be
employed, but selected from the beet
iireeders and ferment available. At a
ouboequent meeting of the board John
Morrteml Wee reappointed 0000088ry
Great Distress In Iter Threat
No( nn uncommon experience wan that
of frIre. H. 8. Wilmot, of Shalee, N. 8.
Doolore failed, still a quick mare was
found in I1O0tarrhoeone.” Notice this
statement : "I have been a moot dread.
ful eufferer fr0m,bronehial trouble and
0aear111 On damp days I would hawk
and suffer great distress in my throat.
Application. Form
tar btombertibip to 1110 rinoot and
Boat Business Training School is
of Toronto, from Jan. end, next, to-
gether loth detailed 1111 4104110n 0'
the greet ad van Canoe to be enjoyed,
will he Rent free by return mail on
wen00t, of Weal or letter,
Wdbo lo -day to
W. H. 4HAW,Prfeelpal.
"veep tk Gerrard 818,,'i'oronto.
ed i
I treed all oda of a e
m dto in bot didn't
"tt ern nen
t relief till I used -
Cata rb
, /0)10
It bite strengthened'
enrid my ooagb end made me eniirely
1.011," Refuse sabetttute8 (or the 0110
n liable bramble' and throat cure. All
deelero aril OClerrhoz,ue is 25o end
$100 sizes,
Piles eel gaiolt relief from Dr Shoop's
Magic Ointment, Remember it's made
alone for Piles—and it works with
certainty and satisfaction. Itching,
K blind o lea
painful, protruding, i di
p dinap
ear I e a byits like m fat use, 't
Tr t and
p R
nee, Sold by 1'. R Smith. y
Like A 'Thier la The Night
That's bow pain oomee. We sit near
and open a window, get stiff nook end
sore bank. Perhaps coot off too goickly
after an eltertiop.—rheamatiem devnlope.
Spend what you may, bat money aat't
bay anything an thin better than Poieon'a Nagel.
(leer IceRP
enelratin ower enables It to
each deep tiar a e�.- beG a whyit 20100
aches that all 01 0104
touch. For out.
ward applioatioo we guarantee five times
more strength ;bee in any other linlmrnt.
Inwardly it'd harmleoo god as sore Le the
hereafter to ease at ecce. Don't accept
a eubstitule for Poison's Nervidno which
is the one great household panacea or,
to day.
Winter C5
The Holiday Rush is over now and we
have gone through our Stock and
placed on Sale Genuine Bar-
gains for the Public.
90 Men's Suits
All sizes from 34 to 44 at 25 per cent.
discount. Regular $6 to $20 Suits,
now going at from
$4.50 to $15 each
45 Men's Overcoats
All sizes. from 34 to 42, at 25 per
cent discount. Regular $8 to $20
Coats, the lot to be cleare.d at from
$6 to $15 each
25 Men's Fur Coats
In Coon, Wombat, Wallaby,
Tallup and Calf, all sizes
Clearing at
Dont Wait
Until your size in a Suit, Overcoat or Fur
Coat is picxed up. Come to -day and se-
cure a choice while they last.
Terms Strictly Cash at Sale Prices
E. e. Danford & Son
The only Exclusive clothiers and Furnishers in Town