The Brussels Post, 1907-1-31, Page 4fa flowick The Mutual fire Insurance Company. D.' A PROGRESSIVE AND GROWING INSURttNCE CONCERN WARMS=SasagMa.4-y t.,7,'vrtA Ca.=sgs r: sw.N. , t„i.v,.! s.V.W Va sat" saY [Continued from first page) That the Company deserves the confidence of its policy holders there can be no doubt. It is a vigorous and progressive institution and the figures given in its reports are eonclustve evidence of the energy and ability of its directors who have more than once been asked by other Companies for pointers. As a Mutual Fite Insurance Company it ranks among the foremost ie Canada. Its record has always been one of the highest standing and it has progressed in the widest sense of the word, and there is not the slightest doubt but that the honorable customs of the past will he perpetuated and accentuated in the present and the future, and that the Company will con- tinue to be one of the shining examples of Canadian insurance enterprise. The annual meeting on Friday afternoon of next week at Gorrie will no doubt be largely attended when the reports for past year will be presented. Reeve for 7 years He represented the District of Grey, Morrie 1211)1 Brussels, for the past two year term at the Co. Council. In 1x74 Mr. hrydn.5rst took a seat on the Howiok Mutual and with the exception of 2 years has beeu a member since. He has filled the Vice Prestdent,s chair for a nunlher of years and has carefully attended to his work with a fairues' that has deme go much to keep the C'" in public: favor. The English church is the choice of Sir. Bryacs nn•l in poluics he is a Conservat,ye. tie is well known In East Huron and his cante has been mentioned en Vari,'u: occasions as a possible bearer.nf the party banner 111 political campaigns. and has faithfully and .judiciously per. formed his duties sS a director, While Mr. Wylie 1s not a man of many words he has performed his part in life so varying experiences, in Which his toil was rewarded, Mr, Jackson gave np farm life and took up his residence in Harriston 5 years ago, where he fol. lows the occupation of implement dealer, The queen of his household was Miss M Davis,before the wedding day and they have 2 sons aitcl a dau- ghter. In choice of politics Alt•, lack son sides with those of Conservative faith and in church preference he holds alliance with the Methodist denominat ion. Those Who know hint hest say "He is all wool and a full yard wide" we accept their finding as correct, the right place—that's W. S. McKer. cher as Secretary:l'reasurer of the flowick Mutual. Miss BIsia Hazle- wood, of Wroxeter, is the efficient Mi. sistaut iu the office. JAMES WYLIE DI RECTOR, that he enjoys the esteem ot the com- munity at large for his many com- mendable traits of character, JOHN R. MILLER PRESIDENT. Mr. Miller first sate the light of day at Fans, Berwickshire. Scotland, on August 25th 1330. •In 7857 be came to the New World to the Genesee Valley, New York State, and in the Fall of 7854 with the early settlers, such as Robt. and Geo. Moffatt and Jno. Messer, located in Morris township, Heron Co. At this time there was no settlement North of the 4112 line. They had come from Buffalo to Port Stanley by boat and then 6 horse stage to Lon- don. The newcomers walked to God- erich to secure their land and then footed it to their new possessions, the Miller family securing lots 53. 54, 55, 56, in ist con. and afterwards bought No 57. The Sample family and Don- ald McLaucbliu were settled on their farms prior to this. Having bought oxen a trip was made back to London for their baggage. This was no small task in those days. In 755e Mr. Miller married Margaret Moffatt and their family consists of 3 sons and 3 dao ghters. He took an active part in the Municipal affairs in bis earlier days and was 7o years in the township Council s of which he was Deputy Reeve. For 3o years he was a magis- trate ; was Captain of the Militia in the good old days ; zo years License In- spector and 23 years President of the Bluevale Cheese Co, For 27 or 28 years Mr. Miller has sat at the Board of. the Howick Mutual and is closing his 77th year as President. He has taken a deep and. unfailing interest in the Co, and bas left nothing undone in discharging his duties. In politics President Miller is a pronounced Liberal and in religion he is a pro- nounced Presbyterian, being an Elder to the Wroxeter congregotion for years, To see his stalwart form and the activity possessed you would hard- ly guess he was past his 76th birthday but he is hale and hearty and attends punctually to his work. JAMES EDGAR DIRECTOR. This gentleman has continuously been a member ot the Howick Mutual and from a comparatively small be- ginning has watched its progress with more than ordinary interest. He was the faithful President for 52 years so knows its history. Mr. Edgar is an old time resident of Howick township having spent 35 years on con 5. Dun- lop, Ayrshire, Scotland, was the place of his birth and the year was 1834, Two years after the family emigrated to the new world. North Dumfries, Waterloo Co., and Ayr claimed them as residents before Howick presented claims that could not be resisted. Mr Edgar secured a helpmate indeed when he joined hand and hear: with Miss Agnes Black. Their union was bless. ed by 6 sons and 2 daughters Mill. tary instincts were not wanting in Mr. Edgar's makeup and consequently he was appointed Captain of a Militia corps in the good old clays. Ile is a member of the Presbyterian church and a Liberal in political preference. Mr. Edgar is regarded as a man of the highest integrity and his record shows deservedly the possession of a good will of the policy holders of the Howick Mutual. - EDWARD BRYANS VICE PRESIDENT, The Co. of Fermanagh, Ireland, was the birthplace of Mr. Bryans and on crossing the Atlantic with his parents lived for a time at Ancastet•, Went- worth Co, In following the Westward tide the family came to Morris. town- ship, Httron Co., in 7856, where the home was Located about a mile South of Jamestown. 30 years ago lot 12 con. 2, Grey, Caine into possession ot. Mr. Bryans where he has continued to reside. Mrs. Bryans maiden name wail Miss Mary A. Gallaher, her girlhood home being in Howick, They have `3 sons and 5 slaughters, 53 or 14 years Were spent In Grey township Council by Mr, Bryans and he was Deputy WILLIAM MCKERCHER It/RECTOR, Mr. McKercher was one of the Board who took an active interest in the organization of the Howick Mutual in 1873. He has been President and fur 70 years capably discharged the oner- ous dnties of Secretary -Treasurer so Is well posted on the workings of the Society past and present, Strathtay, Scotland, in the year 1828, was the Spot where he was born. By his jocularity it might he imagin- ed he was a soil of the Emerald Isle. Coming to Canada in 7851 he spent a while in New York and afterward located in Co, of Oxford, Outarin, moving to the- township of Howick In 1858, Miss Jessie Stewart was the person of his eholce in matrimony and their family is made up 0t 3 sons and 3 daughters, Mr, McKercher is a member of the Presbyterian church and votes Grit. He has a grutzzical method of dealing with perplexing questions at the Board but his judg- mens is seldom at fault and he is a welcome member of any company 011 account of his geniality and good sense, Mr. Wylie, whose home is on Lot Cr con, 6 Turnberry township, to which Municipality he moved over 5o years ago from Durham Co, He was horn in the parish of Gretna, I)nnllrIeshil'e, Scotland, and came to Canada in 1851. - His first wife was Catharine McEwen, of Stanley township, Baron Co,, who died 7 years atter their mata'iage, The present Mrs, Wylie was Arius Rebecca Green, of Hamilton, Mr, Wylie is an Elder in the Wroxeter Presbyterian church, His political leanings are Liberalward. He was elected ai 111011R- ber of the Howick Mutual 7 years ago JOHN JACKSON DIRECTOR. '1'he newest member at the Board is the gentleman whose portrait appears at the top of this paragraph, Mr. Jackson, of Harriston, who was elected last February at tha annual meeting by a large vote, and during lgo6 has dem- onstrated his fitness for the office. He is a Canuck, Cartwright, Durham, Co. being his birthplace in the year 1853. The family came to Minto township in 1862 locating on a brush farm. After W, S. McKERCHER SRCRETARV.TRRASCSRR, In an institution of the character of the Howick Mutual much of the work necessarily falls on the shoulders of the Secretary -Treasurer, If he is competent, faithful and energetic then a long distance is covered in the prop- er discharge of the large volume of business passing through the Board's hands, That Mr. McKercher, the occupant of the onerous post for the past 17 years, fills the bill goes with- out saying and adjectives could hard• ly exaggerate his many good qualities in the careful, cheerful and clever per- formance of his nuamy duties. He is a Howick old boy and succeeded the late Thomas F. Miller in the office. Some t5 years ago he wooed wisely and well and Miss Isabel Gibson be- came his wife, Their family consists of two sons and a daughter. Air. McKercher, although always busy, has found time to lend a hand to the administration of Munteipal and School Board affairs and has been a faithful toiler in the Sabbath School and congregational vineyard of Wrox- eter Presbyterian church. He is a son of Wm MBKercber, a well known Director of the Howick Mutual. For a number of years the salary paid the Secretary -Treasurer was miserably small in comparison with the quality and quantity of the labor but of later years this is being remedied. We sometimes speak of the right man in BARRISTER W. M. SINCLAIR, SOLICITOR, Air Sinclair was born in the town- ship of Blanshard, Perth COMM', where he spent itis early boyhood days, re- ceiving his primary education in the 1'ublia schools to that township and later attended for a short time the Galt Collegiate Institute during the late Dr. 'l'assie's regime Leaving school at the age of 14 he entered the employ of Smith & Co„ general merchants, at St. Mar's, putting in a year at this es- tabtishment, The following year he was in the employ of Ina. Rogers. of Seafurth, and during the years 7877 and 1878 be finished his mercantile career in the store of the late F. C. Rogers, of Brussels, In the year 188o he commenced she study of law in the office of the late A. J, McCall, who, at the time of his death was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of British Col- umbia, in 1881 he was admitted as a student of the Law Soetetvand for five years served his articles of apprentice- ship in the offices of E E. Wade and Messrs, McLtu'eu, McDonald & Ship- ly, of Toronto. In 1886 he was admit- ted to practice as a Solicitor and a few years later was called to the Bar. For two years he was a member of the firth of Wade & Sinclair, but in 1888 this firth was dissolved and Mr. Sinclair has since continued to practice his pro. fessidlt in Brussels. Mrs. Sinclair is the second daughter of a former well known Brusselite, Jno. D. Ronald. One sec and two daughters constitute Mr Sinclair's family. He is a Liberal in politics and a Presbyterian in reli- gion Quite naturally he falls in line in military tactics as his grandfather Saw service under Wellington. Mr. Sinclair was Captain of Brussels Volunteer Co for. years. Judging by the amount spent in law costs he will not get wealthy by his office as Solicitor IMIMMONIMP THIRTY-FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT --o1 THE Eowick Mutual Fire Iisu.rance Company FOR THE YEAR 1906 TO Tan Mtntnmsc OF TRE SAID COMPANY: Your Directors have pleasure in laying before you the 84th Annual Report or the affairs of the Company. During the petit year the Company had a low lose rate from lightning but one heavy Lose caused by a coal -oil lantern and a number from unknown causes made the total losses for the year 1900 much above the average. We regret to meet with losses from the latter emirates, as they are to a very large extent pre- ventable by the policy holders. We have, however, been able to pay all the losses promptly and still sorry forward to the now year a fairly good cash balance. The experience of the peat year illnatrates very forcibly the necessity and advantage ora reasonable cash reserve. The office with are proof vault for the protection of the Cotnpany's books, papers and documents, and with suitable scconanodation for the transaction of the Onmpany'a business has been completed. The number of policies lamed during the pest vear was 1827 and the number in force at the end. of the par wan 4884, being flit increase of 280 polleies. The amount of Insurance written was 02,254,010, the amount cartooned and expired $4,709,488, leaving the net amount in force at the clone of the year $7,144,- 888.00 being an increase for the year of $545,472,00 in the amount at risk. The premium notes held by the Company amount to $857,210.18 and the amount available on the said notes$828,170.17. ThAditrs' report with certified statement is appended hereto. The Directors who retire are Messrs, James Wylie and James Edgar both of whom are eligible for re- election. It will also be for the ensuing your duty to elect two Auditors year. All of whleh is respectfully submitted. W. S. MOKRROHNR, J. R. Mni iii. Besu•etary-Treasurer. President. Gorrie, January 10th, 1207. RECEIPTS. Casi1 balance tie per last audit $17010 00 Fixed payments for year 1008 14424 74 Fixed payments for years prior to 1906 407 50 Interest ... .., . 081 78 Premiums paid In advance 06 80 Other sources 11 15 $82801 02 EXPENDITURE Losses: 3. J. Crulolcshauks, Morrie, dwelling house attd eontente, cause, spark from stave pipe.$ 150 00 Jos. Taylor, Normandy, two ehoep kilted and one lamb and one damaged by lightning ., 17 00 W. J. 3tetton, Howiok, barn and contents, 1igtnlnk Wm. i3rtth, r.,Howick, damage to house and barn- ligding 12 00 N. A. Milne, Grey, pedigreed cow, lightning100 00 Isaac Wade, Howick, steer killed, lightning ,84 00 R. Coutts, McKillop, damage to barn, light 10 00 John Gilmartin, Minto, steer killed, lightning 12 00 A. D, Youngg Howicic damage to barn llght'g 12 00 W. H. Cumberland Wallace, damage to barn, lightning , ,.., .. 28 50 H. Godkin, Turnberry, damage to barn, ligh'g 28 00 JaR, IOili ht, Howick, damage to barn, ligqht'R 17 00 W, C. Allen, Arthur, two pigs and one Minh killed by lightning...., 10 87 .7. W. Groy Mullett, steer killed by iightlliilg 90 00 S. Ruiter, Moto damage to barn lightnin 86 00 Chas. Maxwell, Mete, colt killed by ltght'g 70 00 Jae, Campbell, McKillop, heifer21 00 Geo, .lnhneton, Morris, heifer " 28 00 Wtu. Bryans. Gray, two steers 186 00 Thos. Grant Honyvlok, cow " 50 00 1. McAvoy, �Wehaee, damage 60lieu°° 10 00 W. S. Hearne, Wallace, barn and contents do• etroyed by fire, entree unknown.., 1878 00 Mrs, 0. McLeod, Moeda, 4 head cattleiightig 100 00 J. k. Curtis, Morris, damage to hence, light'g 16 00 A, McDonald Grey, two lantha killed, r' 10 00 Jno. Kargna, bJqliege cow killed,. 45 00 Thea. H. Cole, Hallett, horse killed, 200 00 .Mrs, Flava Carry boll, Egeemeut, dnrnnge to house. lightning 685 00 10 00 Wm. Henceyy,� Normandy, steer killed, light'g 25 00 John Sora, Morels, I 1 4 I40 00 . M. McLaren, Wallace, mare killed 1504 00 Robe Gamble. Howick, steer killed 28 Op W121.• T. Magee, Howick, reit killed 75 00 Win. P. Bray, Grev, cow killed ,,45 00 E. A. King.Howick, demege to barn, tight'g.,. 10 00 R. E. Cardiff, Grey, ]heifer ,tilted, lightning 88 00 W. Long, Normandy, groin destroyed, unkn'n 15 00 A. Hewitt, McKillop, barn and contents, 11 575 00 A. Webber, Wallace, damage to house and contents by lightning ... .. 10 25 J. McLennMoGray heifer killedvby' Belittling 18 118 00 'M. Leonard, Howiok, demean to house and contents by Bre. cause coal -oil lamp 40 110 7, Long, Grey, heifer killed by lightning 85 00 T. Mrinmoltlin, Grey, de/tinge to cult. ligltt'ng 80 00 H. B. Moon, Hallett, dameee to house and con - tants by liehtebtg ., 28 00 G. Lumsden, Egremont, (horse killed, lightn'g 90 00 Jno Holt, Howick, sow killed, lightning20 00 Thos. (Berk, Morrie, barn end contents, light'g 277 00 Peter Onnteton, Morris, barn by lightnin g 500 00 J. T. Bridges, Morita, beton & contents, unitn'n 1500 00 W. H. Harrison, Gloucester, damage to barn and contents, cause, steam tBreaher .. 20 00 Mrs, B. Fischer, Gra damage to house and oonttey tWt byfire defective chimney,. e .. 800 00 Y J. Lovell, Tn dat-ao , barn ie coarn , .gcon- 1800 00 Thos. M. Henderson, Morris, baro and. con- tents, noose coal oil lantern,..2570 00 P. McEwen, Tu, nberry, her tteetroyeci, light'/ 28 00 R, M, owicic, barn and drive shed destroyed Wallace,6 fire, cause unknown ,.• .� 1000 00 Jos. Reynolds, Howlek, oontenta of barnde- stroyed by ere, cause unknown 700 00 D, Herbert, Logan. theel'g house def, chimney 500 00 Jae. Leiner, Mullett mm�age reborn, lighl'g 855 00 TA. & W,Gihson, Howlett, dent'ge to colt 46 00 T, Walker, Turnberry, dwel'glsouse, unisrt'n 150 00 Forty-two losses under tan dollars 228 55 Lew artiste ... , 8 00 Mutual Fire 'Underwritet a teenoiatfee tees .., 5 00 Statutory Assessment end Lteense fee 58 00 Premiums returned to policy holders ........,.„448 25 Commission to Agents . ... 001 25 Printing, atfttionety, and advertising ,,,,,, 175 50 Pottier, telegrams, telephone and express 08 11 Directors' fres „ ,,,, Auditors' fees... .., r' 81800 Senreta•y-Tree nror, anlwy rent, &c..,,850 00 Rent of room for Board meetings 12 00 Travellin5 expenses . 88 O0 Tames and statute labor 18 62 -Fuel .. ,. 110 20 Care of Hell, annual meeting ...... 1 W Cost of onion building tied furniture 1484 74 lnveatigating end adjusting claims 287 60 Cash on deposit; Standard Bk, of Osnada at Bruaeels.• 0 472 40 Harriston 512 51 Bank of Hamilton Gorrie 409 18 Central Osnmda LWroxeter inge Go .•, 00 0I�i0 00 Huron & Sete Loan & Savings Co ,• 5000 00 Cash on hand 70 10401 18 .$821101 02 ASSETS. Mel) balance on hand { 18401 18 Unpaid premium 801 00 Real Estate 1800 00 Office furniture and s0fe$ 900 00 Peemfuu Notes available 828870 17 Total 7080800 20 LIABILITIES. 1401010. We, the undersigned Auditors of the Hiowker Mut. uhf Fire Imamate Cempmty, having examined the books, premium motet+ seCm'ittes for inen017, accounts and vouchers of the said Company Rud them 0051051. A, A. GnnnAyt, 1 Auditors. Tame, BIIILAlt10n, f Wroxeter, Janua'y 18)11,1007. ,1,.e4111[1a inter is on and every person in want of' -- Cutters or Sleighs Light or Heavy, Call be, supplied by tis. Our stock is large and First-class, Light Bob- sleighs with or withoutPlatlitrme and "leighs with two-inch runners. In the line of Cut-. ters we have just what you want. "Dill Early and Gel, Your Choice Pi ices and Ti anis to snit the Pig' chaser D. i E Co. Brussels Carriage Fac or,y but possibly this is one of the strong points in the company's management that where claims are at all c ear they are settled promptly and without legal contention. IMPORTANT NOTICES HOUSE .N'OR SALE.-00M– auumenD0 house on Albert street, Brussels, for wale. For further pa'ticulare apply to JOHN HAI8.1' Leadbury P.O. 291f 'YOUNG SHORT HORN BULLS Le•ioerter haul Lambs and Hume - Tummy Gobblers for en le Prtoes reason- able. N. A MMLNE, Ethel. 10.80 BOAR FOR SERVICE —THE uuderaigned whl keep ,or service OU hot 24, Oen, 7, Grey a pure b,ed Berkshire Boar, GES, ADDY, Proprietor, 28.9m Ethel. 6'IX SHORT HORN BULLS 1 1 for sale from 9 to 17 months cid. In- tending purohosers should see them, 20.2m ANDREW HISLOP, Lot 9, Uon. 14, Grey, or Brussels P, 0. `'t HORT HORN BULLS FOR L) SALE.—One was a year old. in January, 1900, end the othrr 10 menthe old. Prize animals and in good Oondttiou. Terms tr. auk purohoser. JAMAS BPEIR, Lot 80, Uon, 0, 'Harris, or Brussels P. 0. 10-11 TERVE `HRFE YOUNG SHORTHORN )tulle for nate. Two worn prize510- nes at BreathittFell Fair, They aro den -I dies. R. d cud root,' fu color. Also a few line females ler sale Lot 8, Cn,, 0, Grey. L. ROBERTSON, 14-t1 Brusaela P. U. Notice Notice la berrby given that the Annual Meeting of the members of the Howlett Mheld in the Towe cebip Hallurance , Gerrie, onll Frt Fri- day, Februery 8th, 1907, at 2 u'olnok p. m., ter the purpose of reoelviog the reports of the Directors and Auditors ter the past year and for other busiieas. By order of the Board. W 8. MOKERUHER, Gorrie, January 17th, 1907. S0°retary, To Contractors. Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned up 1111 E'rbruary 9151 at 1 n. for the erection of a brick soh ,01 boaso at Leadbury. Plans aura opeeifloations may be seen at the residence of the uudereigued. The lowest or any tender not necessarily um:opted, ALBERT DUNDA8. Seo...Trots. B, 8, No 7, Millilitre 20.2 Leadbury P. 0. AirORTGA(fE SALE OF FARAT vJ PROPERTY. Under 'WI by virtue of the 77tewere eon. mine in a cartcln mortgage trhloh will be elTea for ell/ducted t1 5120 time osale, there will be Public Auction on SAT. URDAY, I"RBRUALLY 9th, A D 1057. at the bnur of one o'000k iu tee afternoon, at the Cent. al Hotel iu the Village of Brussels, lu the OouttbO Of Huron, by F. H. 800tt, avo- tionrer, tbo f 'glowing property, namely :— Refire the Routh Half of Lot Number Twen- tv-at; In the Seventh Oounensinn of. the Township of Morris, In the mild Coma), of E ur.,n, oontailting 100 acres of laud, be the sumo more or lees, Cu this property there too Ouse City of bather, The farm 10 a dm - tame or three and ono half wiles from Brun - .els Terms of hat°—i'en per 0eut of the purchase Money to be paid down at the tiwe of sale to the Haioltor for the Mortga- gee, nod the halau00 id 'Thirty D ,ys Pur f - rtber partloulura and aSoditi0u° of Belo apply to F, S. e0 ,TT, Aucteonaar, or 10 A, B. MANLD, 8, 1101000 CDO(01AMortgage°, aryDat,A. er1D. 1 51007, " 'rnsaols this 11th day of Jaua- Brewer's Reliable Art Studio We would be pleased to take ,your Photograph. Family Groups taken suitable for Framing sizes up to 14x17 in.) We Will do our best to ple'tse you. Visitors to the town are invit• ed to call and see our work. - H. R BREWER MONTHLY HORSE FA1RS 13 _ECU S S Lap The regular 141071/1 y Horse Fairs will be hold for the season us follows : THURSDAY JAN. 81ot,1907 FEB. 28th, ” APR. 4th, " SMALL FARM FOR SALE 111 Leading Local and Outside miles West et the Village o1 Oran - brook. Buildings include bank barn, Rood Buyers will be Present came bonen, driving shed, pig pen, silo, Oto., all iu good repair • new and old or- chards; drilled wan with waterworks to ,table, Maitland river bouu,ia hack of ,arm Apply to CHAS. BWITZER, 28.45 Cranbtouk P.O. !,'ARM FUR SALE — BEING ' Lot lO, Uou. 10, Grey, eontaieiug 10U acme, 85 of which are oleured and balw,oe Plus bush. There la 5 c t, (umbrae brick house, o bank baro 52x60 feet, (umbrae], we i, h Progeny weal hawed. 21 tunes from the village of 0 ,aubyu S'o rthe, nm Ran eralreu an teldpriea, rararch wn, sse ,f apply for WM WOUDi, Proprietor, Orunbrook P, 0. 28-ef 1U0ORE+' FARM FOR SALE Abbeing 84 Lot 0, Oon. 4, Morrie: %here 10 on it a geed bunk b ,ru, good frame house, elm time of orchard, Berme sere, of bneh,80 acres plowed ready for crap and he brownie iu groes, Tho Maitland river er00008 tine currier of farm. The mem LOBO ,nude• "endwfu Llme Worker." Apply to 0, 11. WILSINO0N, Bolgraye P.0, 20.4 1.{1OR SALE OR TO RENT.— The underaigneullers her 100 acre farm, being Lot 20, Oen. 7, Grey, for sate or to rent. Comfortable house, hank baro, orchard, wells, &o Farm le only }'of a mile from the divide village of Elth •1 Fur far- ther purticulare amply to F. B. /Mott, Brutesale, or Mita. SAKE BOLLAND, 78 Shafer Strout, Toronto, 137-11m O. O. F. Court Preemies Alexandria. No.24, 0. 0.1a, Brussels, meets in their ,otlge Hoorn, lithe. hill B,uok, on the 21441 and last Tuesdays of 0nob wenbh, at 8 Wolcott. Flatting brethren always welcome. GEORGE BEIiR, 0, R, W. L. LEATHN1tDALE, R. 8. PROPERTY FOR SALE—THE undereigued effete for sale an acre of land upon wbion to a -comfortable dwelling house, stable, fruit trees good over.flowiug Well &e. Prnp.•rty Is ionated 8 utas -110 Pleat of Oranbrook a,.dconvoulor,t to school, thin oh, po0tui80o, &0. Poeseselou at any time Per price, tetras, &0„ apply on the 0.111 (o0B to M 1tAYMAi1N, or Oraebrook P.0, 1. SALE—THE tjROPLRTY FOR SALE-1HE oudereigneil offers his house and lot, attunto 611 Mill street, Brussels, Por cele, It rs well l°o,tted,a Convenient and colo for. table name. Posaotalon oar) be glveu at once. WI1I oleo sell the enema lot, coruor or Mild and aha•tbotli etreetri, Whieu would make it Suet audios Bite. Por further par, tioulwra on 10 pride, terms, &a,, unply to FRED ,5 A5li, li,rd,rnro Dealer, "Ford. wick, 80.4 .Bang) of .Hamilton l Cnpilal, Paid up, $2,500,000 Reserve Plied. $0.50 4009 Total Assets, $29,000,000 80 BRANOH0)8 Ite CANADA 80 President, - • HON, NM. GIBBON ite Vioe Presi ded) & General Manager, Q" aua er'l' JAMES1II1NBULL f4y ETHEL AGENCY ti HavIoae Departmeut—Ample ae0urity tor Depositors, Deposita of $1 00 a1d upwards received leteroet ullawed at current ratae and compounded half yearly. ADVANUEH made to b'arnier° for feedirig stook. Sale Setae oolleeted and advauoes Made theroOn. Drafts bought a 1 g and sett, W. N. MORAY, snaletalts, (� iiia;Ittlt;a5attri5a $mss fratt4•dr' ALLAN LINE ROYAL .MAIL STEAMERS To Liverpool Jt28nPJ Halifax Per,Prom n8t 2 ,w Fri, Feb. 1 Sat, Feb. 2 Perlman Fri, Feb. 10 Sat, Feb. 10 Pretoriau Sat, Feb,221 1GU.es of Passage First Oabin-055 and ppwards, aeo0rdiug to atoainer. Second bablit-84255 and Up- . Partslau arid Ptot°rian oho elan cabin eteameto (second) 040 epwarda, Third Olean — Protorian $,21150, other steamers 1027 50, Boston to Glasgow Nu mldiab S'riday, Fob. 1 Laurentian Friday, Fob. 16 Himont 5(559 881 itnd npworde : Third class —Bastbou ,d, 82050; WOotnouuce, 827,00. For further purtteulat s, rates and tickets apply to iV 11, If,111t ,. agent Allan Lure, Breach,