HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-1-31, Page 1.rteirAt'atrea`7F^R7f7A-v- ave r ire_ zr, .ez��rs a'gsa v,sra r�av aY l 1 The ilowick Mutua rQ Fire Insurance Company. Q 2,s Vol. G8. No 80 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURI DAY JANUARY 81, 1907 New Advertisements. Card—K 0. T, M. Coming—Prof. Doren wend. Girl waited—Mrs, Dr. Burns, Farm tor sale --R. W. Piekrell. Auction gale—Alex. D, Lemont, To contractors—Thos. H. Bulger. Grippe is prevalent—F. R. Smith. Adjustment stile—G. N, McLureu. fi.i5trirt • etoL, AK°Lerewitrthe Rev. Mr, Burnett will represent Grey township at the Temperance Convection to be held in Toronto on Feb. 2rst and 22ud. Farmers' Instituto meetings will be held In the Orange Hall here on Thurs- day of next week., Mr. Kvdd, of Stmcoe, is the only outside sponker. L7rsese roolr. Jacob Long bus rented his fent to Mr. Noble. Rev, D. Perrie, of Wingham, wee iu the village on Monday, • Mrs. Tyerman and Percy are visiting friends in Durham pietriet. Win. Woods has disposed of bis farm and is intending to go West, Miss Cora Smith. - of Newry, is spending a few clays with Miss Dill- ing. eo. Sperling took a load of Ctran- brookites to Brussels on Tuesday evening to attend the special services in the Methodist church, !ng Prof. Doi ri .weznd of Toronto, will be at the V AMERICAN HOTEL, BRUSSELS en Tuesday, Feb 12th with hie Celebrated HAIR GOODS STYLES Ladies' wigs, Switches, Pompadou•s,•Trausformationa, Wavey and Plein Fronts. Ladies call and see how quickly and easily he can trausfone yoti, appettoanse by ane or other of his styles, Bounty, grace and yonuger appearance are obtained and the bench unproved. GENTLEMEN WHO ARE DALD should not miss see- ing his patent TOUPEES AND WIGS World:renouued for their practical utility and durability ; perfect- ly natural in appear - Fume, giving a 3 oung- er end more pleasiug expre5aiun to the fake and head. I SSet:n rn y and will uof fastened s come off, Over 75,000 in use. • i o4 0 I 4 • o .tom The Dorenwend Co., of Toronto, Limited 103 and 105 Yonge st, Consultation Free. Come Early isenzeiteemetesieseeleBetse Wnt. Rndtlnlz is visiting friends in Belgrave and Wingliarn this week. Miss B. Howe, .of 'reeswtner is visiting at the hone of Jones McNair. 14th con. George McNichol had the misfor- tune ot cutting his knee with a hatchet while trimming au axe bindle, anew' Wednesday arternouu and evening of next week a Farmers' Institute meeting will be held in Victoria Hall in Jamestown. Speakers will he T. McMillan and W. F. Kycld, of Sinews. Meetings nt 1.3o and 7.30 o'clock, VV rite tee ver. Mrs, R. Black has returned from London. Reeve Harris returned from Goder- ich on Saturday, A. McLean and family spent Tues- day in Harriston. Mrs, 0. Smith has returned from a few days .vieit in 'Toronto, Mrs R. Rae returned to her home in Radison, Sask., on Friday. Miss Lulu Rutherford, of Brussels, visited her parents on Sunday. Miss Etta Smith left on S•tturday for a Visit with relatives in Durham. A loud of young hien from Mildmay spent Sunday with C. and Mrs. Reis. Miss Higgins, of Gien•Farroty, is spending a Creek with relatives here. Wm. and Mrs. Earugey, of Gorrie, spent Sunday with friends• in the v i l l age. George Howe and Misses Georgie and Beatrice, visited Brussels friends on Saturday. Alex. Campbell, of London, visited lust week with his brother-in-law Wni. Leckie, of Howick. Miss Carrie Lawrie returned last Thursday from a tunntb's visit with relatives to Wingham. Hugh eleLeod, who is now employ ed in C. Leckie'sBakere, in Winghiinr, spent Saturday in the village. The C 0. F. Lodge intend bay. ing a fowl and oyster sapper in their lodge room Friday evening. 'rhe regular Quarterly communion service of the Wroxeter circuit will be held in the Belnlore church next Sun- day morning.The Quarterly Official Board will meet lo the Salem church next Monday alternoon at 2.30. 'there will be a Service of Song in the Metbodist church next Sunday evening. Solos, quartetts nod choruses will be given by the choir end an in- teresting and helpful meeting is assur- ed. 'A cordial invitation is given to all to attend. Delineator for Ze e is February for sale ® ' 1"0 Strictly One Price at the Counter -Strictly One Price Now for Stock euddq TEN DAYS OF VIGOROUS POUNDING DOWN "Where ever you see a bead hit it" was the slogan in many of those little arguments in- dulged in by some of the residents of a lively British Isle. "Where ever we have a high Stock smash it" will be the battle cry for the next ten days. Common ing Saturday morning every hour of every clay will be needed to brimg these tremendous stocks down to their proper level. THE GAIN ALL. GOES TO YOU Reasons don't count us like cash and its cash we want at Stock -taking time. Doesn't matter what goods are worth, it's a case of what can we get for them ? So Saturday come looking for values greater than ever. Tremendous Stock of Dress Goods We jurt take one item from Saturday's program to suggest what's going on. Fine Black Drebs Fabrics alive 20c. to 50c. a yard —Wool Heeriettes, Satin Cloths, Poplins, Cord de Chines, Armc•sa, Venetian Broadcloths, Cheviots, Mel- rose, Silk and Wool Benriettee, and how':- that for a range, Our w rd for it they're our fittest, in foot every yard guaranteed-1tf1111 finish, stylish, cot eat, perfect dye, fully 42 to 62 inehee wide'y(, Sale price / e 0 Men's and Boys' gvel coat Section in the Throes of Stock Reducing Len,ving a,ll sentiment, all the whys and wherefores on the outside of the question, the plain feet is stocks must be lowered. This section is Carrying a moat nneenefortn.bly large lead of Overcoats, and the best obtainable, but We'Ve all got our coats off ready for. the task and ou Saturday morning we vigorously start Stock -r, clueing this way : —50 only Men's Tweed Overaoata, all this season's styles, with and wilhout velvet collars, replier valuety v (1f1 $12.00, St-elc.reduoing price / e —10 dozen Men's Extra Quality Fleeced Shirts and Delmore, all suss in stock, regular valine 00c, Stook- Mooing Price .3e1 —8 dozen Boye Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, all sizes in sleek, real vales 60e, Stock -reducing Price ouly w —26 only Ladies' Cloth Mantles, in light and darletweeds, all this meson's styles, which we plane on sale Sstnrday at almost exactly ONE HALF REGULAR PRICE $1.75 BLVD COMFORTERS FOR $I.25 10 only .Roversibte Oomferters, covered with printed Sateen,, choice designs, size 60x72 iuohes. Men's and Ladies' Fur Coats, ]Zufis, Oaperines, flaps and Muffs all go on sale at exactly COST PRICE. Corrie and exatnine and matte your comparisons. Ferguson,` R.,.oss Clothing Made to order. Dress -making in Connection � �.venrar^�rs�,^tear•i ��'�"a'�t1 The At Home given by the Young People's Society of the Presbyterian church last Friday evening, was thoroughly enjoyed by all who were present. A program of music was given followed by magic lantern views of the Pilgrims Progress, after which a lunch was served in the basement of the church. Leallletorv. Daviel Boyd has purchased a young Durham bull from Archie Hislop, M. P P„ Grey, He is n very flue animal anti we hope he may be a profitable investment for Mr. Boyd and the formers ot this section. 'rhree new aehools are to be built this earning Summer, viz :—Wintbrop. Leadbury and Walton. These along with the extra salaries to be paid are making the ratepayers think quite serlouely. Grits and Tories are a unit in this towuship in denouncing the new School Act. PRsww:;TATtoN.—Owing to Chas. Case having his hand taken off bis neighbors, friends and acquaint- ances showed their sy:npaihy in a very tangible way and presented him with a purse containing upwards of $2oo.00, Mr. Case expressed his gratitude to the community for their thoughtfulness hoping that by Spring he would be able to attend to his farm duties, It was n kindly act. ii3e grave Revival services are being held in the Methodist church. Rev Mr Fio- Fiu:av of Whitechurch, is assisting the pastor, Rev. G. W. Rivers, last week. 'rhe Quarterly Sacramental service for the Belgrave Circuit will be held. in the Belgrnve Methodist church on Sunday, Feb. 3rd, at 10.30 a. m. The Quarterly Official Board will meet in the sante church on Monday 41.h, , itt 2 p. m. Wm. and Mrs. Geddes and Miss Mabel and Wm and Mrs. Clark and Misses Sara and Rose attended the wedding of their cousin, Richard Armstrong, of Grey, to Miss Margaret Fairservice, of Hallett, on Wednes- day, Jan. ednes•day,Jan. 16th, The ratepayers of U. S. S. No, 17, ael rave'met Wednesday of last week and elected the following trustees: -D. Sproat,g Wm, Wi htmsn and Robt Maguire. They have secured a build ing for the present and expect to open the school in a week or two, From the annual report of Knox church we get the following particul- ars :--Tbe number of families at the beginning of year was 72 ; number of families added during the year, 9 ; two families left leaving 79 families and a membership of 158, -During the year . there was three deaths and three re meals from the congregation. The receipts for the year amounted to $686.86 and after paying expenses• there is a balance. Rev. J. J. Hastie is the popular pastor. iVlo rr-Ise. Township Council will meet on Monday, Feb. Lith. Assessor Watson is ready to com- mence his annual round. Mrs. Frank Kerney is home from a visit with St. Marys friends. Andy Miller, 5th line, has gone to London. We wish him well. There will be no service in Sunshine church next Sunday on account ot the• Sacramental service et Belgrare. Joo. and Mrs. McCutcheon and Miss Eveliue, of Frobisher, are here on a holiday visit for a few months. It is 7 years since Mr, McCutcheon went West, his wife going two years later. 'rhev like the country and have done well. In comtug here they visited relatives and friends at Tor- onto, Schotnburg, Tottenham, George- town and other places. They are wel- come visitors re a- its 5' . Miss Evans and Miss Kathryn Evans of 'riverton, ane visiting at the bonlle of their uncle. J. Jackson, 6th eon. Grey. On page 6 of this issue may be read some particulars relative to the Golden Wedding of ex -Warden Thos. Strad]. an laud his wife, Last Sabbath nftornoou George Bateman, of Ethel, tool: the service at Union church as the pastor was unable to be present. Tho Ashlo too acre farm, r4113 sou„ has been leased for a term of years to a Parish, of Hullett, who will move to it in the early Spring, He was* former resident of Grey, Smallpox is now in the vicinity. S. Holmes, of 'Trowbridge, came home from Manitolee not feeling very well, and on consulting the doctor it was found that he had the smallpox. He was at once quarantined, and every precaution is being taken to prevent it spreading. MATRIMONIAL.—A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of Wm. and Mrs. 'Telfer, of Grey town- ship, on Wednesday of last week, when their daughter, Miss Isabella, was united ui marriage to Jas. Farqu- harson, of Morris township. Rev, Mr, MoNab performed the ceremony. Only the immediate friends of the contracting parties were present. Mendelssohn's Wedding March was played byMiss Agnes Telfer, sister of the bride, 'Che bride, who was unattended, looked pretty dressed in white taffeta cloth. After the usual ooagratulations all sat clown to a bountiful repast prepared by the hostess, The happy couple ween the recipients of Malty handsome and use- ful presents, among whie1 were a couple of wicker chairs from Dnff'a church choir of Walton, of which both were members. The evening was spent in music and social chat. The bride's travelling dress was red broadcloth with hat to match, Mr. eV A PROGRESSIVE AND GROWING INSURANCE CONCERN. VJ.4'a anieeaeiJ'&tre,YaaetYa.vee Weteruurliyi+�Al.'3i TM 'Phe well known and securely es- tablished Howiok Mutual Fire Insur- ance Co, was inaugurated in the year 1873 and by wisp, careful and business- like management has produced and maintained a record that is equalled by tete, Some things are peculiarly its own, viz the fact.that in the passing years there have only been three Presidents—Messrs. Edgar, MCKerob- er and Miller—and all are members of the Board to -clay, Three Secretary- 'Preasnrers have been in charge in the same time, W. MuKercher, T. F. HOWiCK MUTUAL OFFICE wROxiTaR, Miller and W. S. McKercher and the incumbency of the directorate has been long, agreeable and praiseworthy, proving the merit of the men at the Board and the wisdom ot the mem- bers of the Company in the repeated re•eleouoes, It would make interesting reading f vents from the lysssynopsis o e to E minute book since a'ice t8 3 but that is t se as the annual not our purpose reports Have testified in the ascending scale but suffice to say from a day of meagre beginnings the Howick Mutual has grown beyond the expectations of the most sanguine so that to -day the number of policies in force total 4,334• an increase of 280 over the previous year, the number written in Igo6 being 1327. Amount of insurance written last year was the large stint of $2,254,- 910 and the net amount in force. at the close of the year was $7.144,381 an increase for the year of $545,472 in the amount at risk. Tbe premium notes held by the Co. amount to $357,219 and amount available on said notes `8323,176. While a few un- usually heavy losses have been sus - W.H. KERR, Prop Rev D. ;T. L. McKerroll, B. A., of Lookeow, will preach at the preparatory, nervineweek at in Ms2tep. eburehw. on Friday of ,hie ivd80 Rev. J, T. Taylor, B. ,A„ of India, who to now home on furlough, will oondaot inn esrviee and give an address in Mel. vine ohurob on Miselon murk in India en Bendel ev011mg next. Next Subbed) will be the Quarterly Oommunioa in the Methodist church bare, sacrament will follow the mora - leg sermon and the panel testimony service at the oloee of the evening dis• coarse. The pastor veil he in charge. Aunaal in. mug of Melville eberoh wee held on Wednesday evening of last week. Priers wee 5 good ettendanoe. A11 the orgenlzatioue were up to their usual form. Iu the general fond of the ohareb there was a surplus of $169 14. There wee quite a discussion about the building of a yew oburob bot there will not be anything done this year. The tour re• tlriug managers were re•eleoted end the feitbfnl Treasurer, J. G. Shone, wee el - lei ted more work and also an increase of 826 on sentry. After the Wellness wag ,ver refreabmeets were served 111 the easement. Tne pastor Bev A. 0. Wish .irt, B. A , presided, and the gathering w„s onset unity, sociality and hope/all- People We Talk About. Mise Avery is vtsitieg in Toronto. Mies Bertha Hausy, of Mamie, has been visiting in Brussels. Harry Duwuiug has gone back to the West after a hotinay bete. Paul Pugh, of B,usvals, was a visitor with his Grandma Paul, Priuoeee street. Jim. Wacker, of Teeawster, wait is , Sammie for a few days during the past week. Mrs. McDowell, of Seaforth, is visiting bet sou Gordon Msl)uwall, Mill street, Brussels. Mise Neihe Harbottle, of Wiarton, is bare on a vacation with her grandparents and sieter. Lorne Dooford ivas away tore short Midday met week and visaed Wingham, Olint.-n and Gadench. D. and Mrs. Ferguson, of Teeswater, wets visitors with relatives and friends to this locality last week. We are sorry to bear of the continued serious� il,08ss of Wm. Forrest lormerl y of the Duct hue of Morrie uow w aresident of Beasse,s. Mies Winnie Turnbull, of Listowel, has been venting Mise Jessie (leaning - ham and other old friends in town during the past week. Drnggiet and Mrs. Rowland, of Toronto neve been the gaeete ut J. F. arid Mrs Rowland, Tnruberry street, Brassele. The geuttemen are brothers. ReeveLeskte was elected Chairman of Me Executive eommiite et the Go. Commit and a member of the Warden's Committee. M'uote, of Co, Council will De glveu in next issue. Oliver H. Smith bee returned to Earl Grey, Saskatohewau, after an enjoyable visit witb relatives and old friends here. Be is doing well in the Weet and we hope Cue tatare has even better things in store tor him. Mies Florence Baobaoan lett for Tor- onto this week where ebe purposes going lute trscuing me a puree. She possesses many goanfioatioue for snob a pro. 158Si0n and We believe she will d0 well if work is fret to laborious. Dan. MoGillionddy, formerly propria• for and editor ot THE BEossELs POST, and of the Goderiou Signal, and latterly of Ottawa, is about to join his Mantles to the Great (Muddied Went, and will locate ,u Oalgltry, returning to hie old love, jonruauem, Nnrma u Smit spent several Smith, who p years ro the hardware besieged iu Brea. 55.5 associated with A. M. Malley, has opened a ,'tore on his own account at Borden, Sask., where we hope he will do well. lie has the good wiebee of the eommontty for hie nutmeg. Tbe to lowing item to otipped from the Haiieybnry newspaper and refers to A. E., son of Berry Whitley, of K,noardioe, formerly of Brunetti, who was elected a member of the tuwo Commit :—"Mr. Whitley is a man who has uo enemies, but very many frieude. Be ie a quiet unobtrusive mall, bit keen o0 business, to which he is not afraid to throw mai any amount of oogrteey. We think that 1315 grannies iu the Coupon chamber will be,tur good, tor an hououreble man is always an oruameut and an acquisition to mob a body. Mr. Whitley came to Elaileybery during the construction of the '1' & N. 0..G., pitched his tent and bag remainen here ever since, He dose a targe Ineoranee business besides deal• tug in awoke Mud teal estate." The young 03011 received his education In Brussel, Public 001100) and Tea POST le pleased to hear be is doing well and hopes he'll continue to shmb. He ie a nephew to Mrs. James Junes, ot torus. tanned owing to destruction of large barns in 1906 the Co. still shows a tidy cash balance of over $13.4ot. An active contingent of agents look after the presentation of the claims of the Howick Mutual throughout its constituency and not a few are emin- ently succosstul. The past year's Auditors were A. A. Graham and T. G. Shearer. Business is done along business lines and the Standard Bank of Canada and the Bank of Hamilton are called into service in caring for and handling the funds, Barrister Sinclair of Brussels, is the Company's Solicitor. They have no liabilities. During the past year a wise and necessary move was made in the matter of securing proper safe -guard ing of valuable papers and documents on file and at the same time secure permanent head quarters. A neat brick building 24 x 3o feet was erected at Wroxeter with good cement base- ment, furnace and vault. &c, and with necessary furniture did not cost $1500. All who have been through the new premises pronounce it complete for the purpose desired and ample facilities are now afforded the office staff, direct ors or policy bolders. The contract was well carried out and good work done at close figures. The volume of bnsiness of the Howick Mutual deman- ded the attention now possessed of modern office quarters. The By-laws of the Co. are stringent and closely adhered. to. The risks are carefully investigated by com- petent agents and submitted to the Directors. who also ro care. fully over every detail. A visit to one ot their monthly meetings at Gorrie will assure one of the business manner in which they are conducted. There is no haphazard way of passing lightly ever matters of importance, nor is there adisposition to slight trifles, but everydetail is gonee into and digested thoughtfully, thus ensur- tog the policy holders of a conscientious and proper management of affairs which concern them. The hooks of the Company are ex- amined annually by the Government Inspector and are carefuly audited each year. and every care is taken to safeguard the interests of the policy holders, One of the chief elements of expense in most companies is the maintenance of the management. but in the Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company the salaries paid are so nominal that it hardly pays the Directors for the time devoted to looking after its interests. [Continued on page 4j and Mrs. Farquharson left that night fnr their home on the 9th con. of Morris timid tate good wishes of their many friends. Ethel. There are a lot of nice logs coming into 5. S. Cole's yard. Smallpox is all the talk just now, Duke's school is closed fortbe present. Rev. Mr. Armstrong has hada hard job getting g clear flomt hisloug contin- ued John Imlay, of Wingham, was a welcome caller on old friends here dur- ing the past week. • The auction sale of farm stock, im- plements, etc., at Alex, Lamont's 9th con., is billed for Wednesday, Feb, 13th. A 2 seated top carriage has been ad- ded to the livery outfit of ino. N. Lament at Ethel. It will be utilized as a bus to the G. T. R. when wheel- ing is in vogue. Next Saturday afternoon Rev, Mr• Burnett, of Molesworth, will preach at the preparatory service to the Com• munion of the following day in the Presbyterian church here. The pas- tor will be in charge on Sabbath, Friday afternoon and evening of next week the supplementary Farmers' Institute meeting will be held in the Township Hall here. Speakers will be W. F. Kvdd, of Simcoe ; Miss Maddock, of Guelph ; '1'lios, Mc- Millan and Thns. Bennett. A musi- cal program will he given in the even- ing. In the debate of Dairying vs, Feed- ing, held here last Saturday evening, the latter won. Affirmative was sus- tained by J K. Brown, J. K. Baker and Robt. Barr. The negative was championed by Jas, Pearson, P. A. McArthur and S, Campbell, Meet- ing was a good one. An instrumental was given by Mrs. A. Lamont ; read- ing by Geo, Addy ; speech be R. C. Davies and instrumental by Alex. Lamont, The next debate will be on Feb. gill on '•Woman Suffrage,” Captains are Geo. Addy for affirma- tive and Bert. Grimes for negative. Viral toe. Several from this locality took in the Bethel Tea meeting Wednesday eveninfi Mr. Dowling, anti family of Winni- peg, aro at present visiting friends in this vicinity, Miss Annie Ferguson left on Satur- day last for the Queen city where she will spend a week or so with friends. The Yoneg People's Circle will meet at the home of Edward Driscoll, Lendbure, an Monday ensuing* next. 'rhe Walton Pnblic Library will hold another Concert in the near future. Tile committee are securing good talent, Watch for posters, Quite a number of Waltoniaos took in the Hockey match in Seaforth Tues- day evening between Goderich and Seaforth. Mr. Calvert, manager of the Sover- eign Bank here, who went on a busi- ness trip to Linwood, last week return ed Monday. Mrs. Einigh and daughter, of Blyth, and Mrs. Fairservice, front over the lines, were visitors at the Walton hotel this week. Walton sent its delegation of young people to the box social at Winthrop Town Hall on Friday night last. All report a good time. The brick is being placed on the ground for the new school which will be erected in the Summer. The play grounds will also be enlarged. Tile annual meeting of the Farmer's Institute will be held in the A. 0. U. W. Hall here on Saturday afternoon and evening of next week, Addresses are announced by T. McMillan, A. H. Crerar and W. F. Kydd. The annual meeting of the Walton Public Library was held Monday 21st inst. Attendance was not large. Old Managing Committee was re elected and general business transacted. It seems too bad that more are nut talc - lug advantage of the good reading matter placed so easily within their reach. The annual meeting of the Farmers' Institute, will be held in the Work- man's Hall Feb, 9th. On the program A. H. Crerar, Molesworth, will speak on Cultivation and Rotation, and W. F. Kydd, on raising the most profitable horse. The evening session will consist of music etc., also speeches by Thos. McMillan and Mr. Kvdd. CARD OR TUANxs.—I hereby take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to all for their kindness and assistance rendered.me and my family during my disability from the loss of a Band which ban done much to help nie bear up under the affliction. Yours gratefully, CSSAS. CASE.. sliest wuoig&, The ipsoiai eervieee are being continued in the Methodist ohurob. Communion will be dispensed in Mel. villa (thumb next Sabbath morning. Rev. A 0. Wishart, B. A., preached 51 the preparatory service at Oraebrosk teat Batttrday. Monthly Missionary nontribntion in the Metbodiet Sabbath Bebool next Sunday afternoon, At Listeetellast Monday evening Rev. A C. Wishart, B. A , gave an address in the Presbyterian church on Borne MIs• Bions. Bev, Mr, Healey, of Lander Manitoba, who Wile visiting VV. J.?Awdett, 000apieii the pulpit of the Methodist ehereb here. last Sabbath evening. He gave a good dleeonret, SALT SYNDICATE BRotrEN UT. --The Dominion S.it Agency of Loudon, Outer. to, whish was urgauized two yeere ago, will be dieoontinnad o0 the 8151. Tho ag.•uoy was comprised of B. & J. Blum - ford, of Clinton, the Oanediau Silt Co., Limited, of Wiudeor, and the Empire watt Oo., Limited, el Sarnia, of which oempa0y 3, E. Carter is President. The agency Dot only so,d the output of these oompauies, but also purchased and sold the sett made by the Saginaw Lum- bar & 8515 Co, of Sandwich, the Sarnia Bay Lumber and Batt Go., Limited of Sainte, the Western Canada Flour Mills, Clamed, of Goderioh, and the Ontario Pseple'e Sett Go , Limited, of Kincardine. The Dominion Salt Ageuoy bas been marketing over ninety par gent, of the esti made auuually le Canada, which, it t5 expected, will hereafter be disposed of by the individual vomp5ntes. Owiug to the greatly inereaeed coat of production it ie not antimpated that the dissolution of the agency will result in any material reduction in prises, Brussels is interest. ed in the above as the Banderole operate Ole Bait block here when it tons, THE POET would like to see the works te town ruts to its toll eagqamty. No place earl best as for 4. 1 gt6tiity tied the mime 01 enpply shows no dlmnnitiou,