HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-1-24, Page 8A. Gore. Builder There is no better preparation for building up a run down system than a Good Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. This re- quirement is fully met with in the well known Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil Put up in 2 sizes—$1 and 50c per bottle For that cold, which you are liable to take during this Winter season, keep on hand a bottle of our Blood Root Cough Cure It is a sure and safe remedy for all kinds of Coughs and Colds, If you have an obstinate Cold try it, along with a bottle of Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. I ALL KINDS OF PICTURE POST CARDS. I We are Constantly receiving new kinds. F. R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. gam! Pius Pats A obiet'e amang ye fakir' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Corm weather. LAORIPPE ie buy. THE days are stretching oat, Bowe Fair Thursday of neat week. Reeve Leman is at Goderioh atteudiug the County Uouuoil. HANDTwc POST the name of year visit Or and their podtoffice address. BEVEa.L people are Complaining about furious driving on Main .treat. Mons/ loot on Tuesday afternoon. The finder will much oblige by leaving it at TEE POST. A BLARE fur gauotlet and a light grey one have beau Lound and tett at THE POST awaiting dwuerebip. TER Executive of Beet Boron Conser- vative Association met in Wing/taro on Thursday afternoon of this week. Tan W. 0. T. U. room will be open to the public Saturday evening of We week also Wednesday and Saturday eve0iOge of next week. Anoutn meeting Of Howiok Mutual Fire IOeorenoe Uo, will be held in the Township Hall, Gutrie, on Friday Feb. 8th at2p.M. A Goon ONE -We recommend our readers to eubeoribe to the Farmers' Advooate and Home Magazine, the best Agricnitnral Journal in Amerioa. Taw W. 0. T. tl. ladies will verve a 5 and 10 oast lanai] to the pab'ia Thursday afternoon .of nest week in their room over J. T. Ruse' grocery from 8 to 6 p. m. All are welcome. Tice Pose ie in reoeipb of an invitation to the seventh manna' At Home of Heron Old Boys' Association, Toronto, to be held in the Temple Buildiug Friday evening Feb. 15. Tisa tender of Simon Grant was as oepted for oettiog down the 60 or more poplar trees bordering Viotoria Park. He will pay so ranch a cord for the wood. There were four tenders. AN auction Bale of good °owe and heifers will be held at the Central Hotel Broeeele, on Saturday after000u of next week, Feb. Sud oommenoing at 2 o'°look. J. E. Walker is the proprietor and F. S. Soott will be the auctioneer, LEOTURE.-Mre. Ibloiee, Soperioten• dent of W. 0. T. U. work in Ontario, will deliver a Lecture in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Tboraday evening, 81st inet., commencing at 8 o'olook. A program of mnoio will also be given. The pablio cordially invited. A silver collection will be taken at the door, MAaezxNEe BY AursHor,-The annual ease of the Magazines being taken for 1907 will take place at the rutin Library on Friday eveuing of this week at 8 o'olock. F. S. Soots will take obarge of the Bale. Great bargains have been ob- tained in the peat at theee Bales so you ehoald attend if you want ale latest magazines at it low price. SUDDEN DEMISE -We are sorry to state that Annie E. Mosey, beloved wife of Andrew Brown, Atlee Oraig, died on Monday of this week after a very brief Minces. Apses. She is a daagbter of Mrs, Geo. McKay, of Braeeels, end taught on the eohool staff at one time. She wait mat ried 22 years ago and leaves besides her btsbend six children to mourn her de mise. Deaeaeed wag an exceptionally fine person aud will be remembered by the older residents of Brussels. A 000towY team drove from Brueeele to Gorrie on Tuesday evening and played a it lively game with the puck °batters of the North. The home team won ae oar lade were not in praotioe, being minae e rink to play on, At half time the soore was well evened up but the carpet town atiok wielders gather beakelid itt the latter part of the Emcee. The soore was 5-9. The line up was ae tollowe I- McMin L9, aoRRIE. Griffith Goal .,., MoLean Little Point .......Irwin Downing ..,Cover Point Oook Brown Rover ., Sanderson Ardell Lett Wing Howe Currie Right Wing .,.. Howson Lowry ()entre King BIO OoNTIMOT.—P. J. McDonald, of Brussels, will leave in March for Moose Jaw where he bas a big oontraob in the building of a dam for the water supply of, that town, The wall will be of oemeot 840 feet long and .85 feet high, 25 feet of it under ground, end work le to he completed by June 15th, Oond tract prioe $14,000, gravel and stone to be°applied in edditton. The work will be done 6 miles South of Moose Jaw at What is called Bnodwe Bpringe and the water will be piped to the town. Mr. McDonald will take a new oement mixer with him, Moose Jaw ie a heeding town of utterly 7,000 inhabitants, good Duette,' fine public bnitdinge and fine. rounded by a first oboe oonntry. 86 Looe nolives work out every day on the 0. P. R. and its branches, Leet gear teas a big building year only to be tint. dons by 1907 probably. Big stook yards, 4 elenatore, fine Y M. 0, A. betiding ail op•to'date, The Moose Jaw people will find work Wilt Mr, or Bolt, Bolt,, We wish shim well, De Bv15oe'o Meer. -Dr. Butler, the London Eta speeta ia, will be at the American Hotel, Braasele, on Weduee day, March lath. Glaseee supplied. A Lutes number of young people at tended a Oarnivel at $eafortlt one uitb. act week. Wo worst say what time they got home. Jno. Currie took 2ud prize for repreeeuting a Datobmen. Tee weather Revert.' &ye thie week was of a rather bmeserone quality. Lest Stntdey'e high wind did consider able damage bot nothing of uenrly Bo earions a obaraoter as in acme other places. HEADING BOLTi WANTED.—Th nude, sieueu wautr to r'urebaee 1,000 come of Basswood and Hardwood Heedn'e $3 50 per cord for the former atm $2 60 for the latter. For farther partieu,ar. apply to P. Amine Sruaeele. 28-4 FLOWERS.—Mise Kelly, of the Brue eels greeeh.,uee, wadies to inform the pablio that elle bee been for yearn and is now agent for oue of the teenier fioriets in the Province for out Dowers. Ordere for funeral designs, boqueta, oto let at bar residence or tet ibe store of We ker. & Bieck wilt be promptly at. tended to. WESTERN STAR LOBOS -Thursday even ing Of Ian week the .Hirer, of Wester„ Star Lodge, No. 149, I. 0 O. F , Bruit eels, for the coming ,arm were installed by 1).D G. M., W. H. MoOraoken. They are ea ((Tawe :- N G -Ed. N[oholeen ; 1. P. G -J K. Brown ; V. G. -Joe Hooter ; Reo Seo -W. H. McCracken Per. Seo. -A. MoGOrre ; Trees -F. 8 Soca ; Chap -R Leatherdale ; Ooo.-L 8. Danford Warden -W. Griffith ; t, G.-8. T. Plum 0. re -W. Martin; R. 8 N G -Jas. Jones ; L. S. N G. -A Somers ; R. 8 V. G. -W. McNair ; L B. V. G -0. H. Dudde ; R. S. B. -W. Duncan; L. 5. 5 -W. Leatherdale. The Lodge is in good heart with apwarde of 150 members and othere likely to add their names to the roll. Lode• meete every Thursday evening in TER Poor b look. Business Locals. FARM for Bale. Apply to Joseph Eng. ler, E,b'1 P. 0. BLAOE.NITB'B appreutioe wanted. Apply to Geo. W. Pollard, Ethel. Good place for right boy. BARGAINS In Millinery, Everylbing Bold regardleee of coat to clear out tent Beason It etook. Call and see as, Mlaeee HABEIRR. (RISS MARY Mourn will teke pupils in oil pau,ting for a .hors time. Parties interested Dan learu terms, etc, at Mtge Roes' store. Oauant -Wm. Armetrong can enpply part separator Jersey Dream t0 anyone dreiting the eame, Price 25e pet qt. "The Maples," Eaet of Brueeele. CORN. -For eels, at No. 1 elevator, Brussels, oar load of good, dry, yellow, American corn, in large or email gaaobi- tee. Price right. RoDT Gsewanl, Grain Dealer, Brunets. Bayne -Sawa exohanged aud fast and easy auttink eawe for Bale. Saw gum. mug and filing a epeoialty. Our prices are Ioweet ma earth when yon consider the beuett we give. Time. MoGREooe, Mill street, Braasele. CET FLnwEBe.-Pereone desiring out flowers for weddtlge, funerale or other purposes may be enpplird on short notice by application to R Leatherdale & Son. We are agents for the well known florin, Jno. H. Dunlop, Toronto, whose stook is always A 1, PERSON Al. 1'A RA GRAPHS. Reeve Barrie, of Wroxeter, was in town tact Fridey. Will, and Mr. Gillespie were laid up with 106119pe last weak. Poetmaeter Farrow went to Toronto on Wed0eeday on a immune trip. Mise L. Johnston, of Walton, was a visitor at W, H. MoOraokou'e during the past week Alex. Smltb, et. of Wroxeter, and bio eon Atex„ who In home from Regina country, were in town on Tneeday. Mies Fawoett, of Hnrrleton, is a visitor at the home of her brother, W. J. Fawcett of the Metropolitan Bank, Broeeele. J. T. Currie, Reeve of East Wawanoeb townehip, Is the Walden of Huron Co. for 1907. We extend aongratalatione. W, R. Stratton, of port Arthur, was here tble week. He was not able to get to Braasele In time for his mother's funeral. We are Sony to state that Olara, eldeat daughter of Jno. and Mre, Simmons, is not enjoying very robust health, If good wishes will eontribnte to her improve. meat She ehonld soon begin to recruit. Jno. B, and Mien !Ante MoLanahlin, who have beet' enjoying a visit here leave this week an the rennin trip to Salt Coate, Sask. Mies MnLaaohhn is teach ing there but had a enpply ducting her abeenee. -` METROPOLITAN BANK C'API'TAL -,Authorized $2,000.000 CAPI'I'tl,-.Paid tip 1,000.000 RESERVE and Surplus ProMIle 1.138,133 Directors 9.3, 11I00HE, Predident, TBO6. BRA01081!, 1,L,A, BIS 00000 JOON W. 0. ROBB, D, A, TROMP/MR, K C. Viee.Preeldent. JAB, IIYRIE MR, W MORTIMER MAUI, 0,0 inagraltoux u'eueral Manager • THE 11f1ITROPOLITAN BANK le open to reeslvo tbs. aeeotults of Farmers, nerouanta aud 9aeideas (7ummuutty g. ue,ally and to give careful oouslderaHou to all proposals submitted to it, It relies upon its past record for courteous treatment of be rue. tomere, aud will extend every eonetderatrou consistent with bound backlog to those wet. may deaire to tr eatcot Uueivasa with it. 5v:waas Boma , tiy&'ra tine Mer Iotereet at HIGHEST CURLREN r RATES allowed on all same of 31 and upwards BRUSSELS BRANOH W. J. FAWOETT, Manager. praratonwasasw $54O;o3year Mlee Beall, formerly of Bluevale, is reoelvlug 84500 per mouth from the Calgary ,Milling 0u.. Uelgery. This estimable young lady had only a common eebo.l education, and iu a law months with us prepared tot the above situation. With a few years' exp.. lenge 51135 Snell will reserve alt leant 878.00, eteneSrepby le better than 9cbool Teaching. Wu 0 we have done for others we can do for you. Fater au time. In- dividual instruction Write for catalogue. BUSINESS Ii Highs, C0L1.,EGE (Affiliated with 0baton Business Oellegel GEO. SPOTTON, Principal P. 1111 Piano toner Lewis was in town chie we,-kattending to busiueed, W. H. Mo()raokeo, who is Depots District G,and Raster thea term, tea. neon making offioial 010110 to the 0541 Fellows' Lodges to his juri diction. He to au euthuaraetio three huller and is well posted. Mrd. W. J. Fawcett was blown off the step by the strong wired at her home la.l Sebbatb attar morning 001010 and in her WI sustained some bruises. Furtouate,t no bones were broken and she will eon, us all right we trust. J. and Mrs. Garter arebaok from a vi it with frieude at Anbor», Oo'borne and Goderioh. Mre. Carter has been bother ed tett' rheumatism. It ie Said ,Mr, Oart.r may become heir t0 a fortune in ibe 04d Laud, Mieeee'Inge and Liry Sharpe, who have beau the leasee of the Benitartnm at [ngereo I for the peat two years, have given it up and will take a brief hal well earned rest. They are ,siting now with relativee and friends in Brueeele aud 1,00lity. Mies Oliver has returned from Winni peg aud wilt be with her meter, Mre, Leckie, for the remainder of the Winter. vitae Oliver will receive with Mrs. Leokle next Monday. Dr. M, Cavanagh, of Owen Sound, who ha- been on the sick Het, has gone oe a trip t0 (Arabia hoping thereby in obeying the doobor'e iueeruotious to regain hie former vigor, He is interested in u silver mine in Mexico so will oumbiue oueineee aud pleasure. We hope the ubange of air and eoeue will prove bent8 atal. Mr. E.glieh, of Hardiog, Manitoba wise viewing at George Oolviu'e One week. Hie ecu married Mr. Colvin's daughter. The vi.itur oame Eaet to porobaee stook. Mr. English to V100 Preeideet of the short Horn Breeders Aeeociablon of hat plane and is attending the different meeting- at Exeter, Toronto, Ottawa and Other 'Aimee. He teas a welcome vieitor, J. T. CURRIE WARDEN. Ai the opening of tee January (mashie of Huron Coauty Council, at Goderioh, on Tueeday atternonn J. T. Carrie, Reeve of Eaet Wawanoeb, wad ohoeen Wooden. The plan followed (or several years of taking omoe year about politically will likely be eonttnoed. Opposition Wee offered Mr. Corrie in the Conceit Ili the Liberal oauoae the vote stood 9 for Mr. Currie and 7 for M. Y. McLenu, Seaturtb. The new Warden was a memb t of the Co. Coattail for the pa -t term and has wide acquaintance with 00. and Mani. (spat affairs and wilt fill the position oompeteutly, We wish him a pleaeaob year, John A. Haokint, of Listt'we', was elected Wordou of the oouuty of Perth. CHURCH CHIMES. The pulpit of Me'ville church was au oeptably filled lest Bebbath by Rev. Mr. Smell, of Auburn. "For we are hie wurkmaueltip &o," was the text chosen at the morning eerVISe from which a good eermon was preached. "The Friendship of Ube et" wee the 10. tertetiug theme in the evening, Rev Small's minietratione on Sabbath were enjoyed although the oungrrgaruub Wert eieeteineweeweareeeeawerenoweweeitsweerweire REABYMADE SUITS inU OVERCOATS Going at Cost and Under Cost iteettiPotteratowevareeneftwowifsl We have decided to give .our Customers !}le op- portunity of securing en Overcoat or Suit of Cloths at Actual W holesale Prices and in many cllseN under Wholesale Prices The Van's Overcoats Now going at $3 75, $4.50 and $6.00 are Money Savers. The 13oys' am& Youths' Overcoats at $2 50 and $3 75 should not be overlooked. Boys' Suits now going at $1.75, $2.00, $2 25, $2 50 and $8.00. 1Z011'S 155 hC'r MritW at $8 75, $4.50, $5 00, $6.00, $7.50 and $8.00. We are pleased to give you this Chance DON'T MISS IT. Its It will be understood that these Special Prices are for Cash Only. ASTRACHAN wellterre tLSTASI.I;ia14ED 4873 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office - - tr • Toronto CATTLE RAISING This Bank offers special facilities to Stock Graziers and Feeders. Money advanced for purchasing, feeding and finishing cattle. Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. BIEWSSELt BRANCH 3. F. Mow/lased, ?a anagier i0 pot ae large 05 meal owing to the storm, Mlaeloaenl.-In response to Re appeal from the To onto Mioeion Union to Melville church, for aid in their work, a splendid consignment of new and aeoond hand clothing was oontriboted. The Indies of Melville church spent three afternoons in the beeemeut of the church with the reenit that thirteen bales have been forwarded to Mime Middleton, finperi, tendent of the noreing at•bome department of the Mission Union. After p'ectug a very email value on the articles, they totalled nearly $600 00. The ladies t f the W. F. M. S. meditate malting this it department of their work in the future, remembering the Bnriptoral inj0uatlon to begirt at Jeruealcm. t 100 A.R RI£D, MoEwEN-SnoNNON.-At the residence of the bride's parents, McKillop, o0 Jan. 28rd by Rev, A, MaoNah, M. A., et Walton, Mr, Alex. MoEwen to Mies Jennie Bhenuou, both of Mo - Kt slop: SPARROW-SIMPSON,-At Maple Lawn, Ethe , on January 28rd,, by Rev, E. F. Armetrone, B. D.. Mr, Oeoar Sparrow, to Mice Lillian R., eldest daughter of the late Thee. Simpson, all of Ethel. nxsln- SaowN.-L1 Ailea Craig, on Jan: 2181, Annie E. McKay, beloved wile of Andrew Brown. • AUCTION SJe T E. FRIDAY, JAN. 261E -Form stook, im• piemeute, &u , South half Lots 58, and 57, Con. 1, Morrie. Sale 0ureterved et 1 p. m. L. W. RDrxate, prop, R. H. G. elite., nate MONDAY, JAN. 282u.-75 sore farm in East Wewaoosh. Sale at Hill's hotel, Bo'grave, at 2 p. m. George Taylor, prop. F.13. Soott, sea. . (: Temente, JAN. 29re -Farm stook, imp:emenle, 515., Lot 9, Con. 1, Grey. Sate at 1 p. m. W U. Hooe, prop, P. Purvis, ane. SATURDAY, Fes, 2sn-Firet•otaae cattle, at Central Hotel, Broeeele, Saturday, Feb, 2nd, at 2 p. m. T. E. Walker, prop. F. S. Soots eua. SATURDAY, FEn, 9Ta.-100 ROM farm South half Lot 26, Con, 7, Morrie. Sale at Central Hotel, Brunelle, at 1 p. m. A. B. MacDonald, eolioitor for moil. gagee. F. S. Soott, two. oirie tee. ;En Fall wheat 67 Barley 48 Peae 74 Oats 85 Butter, tube and rolls19 Eggs per dozen 20 Hay per ton 9 00 Floor, per bbl 4 60 Hogs, Live 6 '25 Wool 24 Potatoes per bus 60 Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 Balt, per bbl., retail 1 25 68 44 75 94 20 22 10 00 6 20 6 50 25 1 50 1 25 'THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. HOUSE FOR SALE. -COM - 0011T0111.11 h0000 On Albert street, Brussels, for sale. For further particulars apply to JOHN HAIBT Leadbory P.O. 291E SMALL FARM FOR SALE 1, mlloe Weet of the Village of Oran - brook. Buildings include bank bate, good frame house, driving shed, pig l ,eu, silo, etc., all in good repair; new aud old or. chards; drilled wed with waterworks to stable. Maitland river bowleg bank of farm Apply to CHAR. 8 WITZe7B, 28.44 Crnnbrook P. 0. To Contractors. Sealed 'Pendent will be received by the Undersigned up till February 9611 at 1 p.m. for the ereatiob of a brick Batumi house at Leadbory. Plane and epoolaont'ono may be seen at the residence of the undersigned, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ALRF]RT DUND:.0,1 e5eo: Troae. B. 8. No. 7, Molaillop 29.2 Leadbory P, 0. ZENOLEUM SHEEP DIP For Cattle Hogs and Sheep Bead the following Testimonial from the ex -Minister of Agriculture : "We Have been permitted to nee at Miele Simile during the last year your dieinfeotaut known as Zontilenm, I am glad to ally that we found it ell that you repteseut. It le en admirable mixture for the purposes for which )0 ie intended and may be pub to so insert uses un a stook farm that no advanced stockman should undertake to parry on his !minims without keeping a supply constantly on hand, As a destroyer of vermin 013 cattle and as a general dieiufeotant I oat not recommend it too highly, (Signed) JOHN DRYDEN." 32 ounce Can 50c. at FOX'S Drug Store WOOD FOR SALE -DRY OR GREEN -For further particulars ap• ply to WM. D. 5115 NARY, Lot 20, I:nu,17, Grey, Brussels P. 0. 28.2 Notice Notice is lteerbv given that the Annual Meeting of the members of the Armtek Mutual Fire Insurauee Company will bo held In the Township Ban, fir. rile, 011 Fri- day, February gib, 1907, at 2 oolnek p m„ for the purpose of receiving the rep ata of the Directors and Auditors tar the peat year aud for other business. Ry order of the Board, W.8. MAKER JRPIR, Some tau. Gerrie, January 170b, 1907.- ORTGAGE SALE OF FARM £V1 PROPERTY. Under and by virtue of the powers con- tained Ina certain mortgage, which Witt be produced at the time of sale, there will bo offered for sale by Pt Ale Auction its 811'- ORDAY, FEBRUARY 0th, A. D. 1957 at Elie hour of rine o'elook in tote afte no,0. at. the Central Rotel in the Village of Brum 0, in he County of R uro,i by F. S. Scott, nue- Weimer, the f• Rowing property, uam••ly :— Being the tionth Half al Lot Vttmber ewe n- ty-pix in the Seventh Uouoesdi'.0 or toe Townebtp of Morrie, in the sold County of Hume, containing 100 Mores of land. be the same more or lose- Ou this property there ie a quadtity of timber. The horn to a dis- tance of three and oue•hall miles from B Us- ti/1s. Terme of Salo—Ten per Oeut et toe purchase money to be paid down at lire time of sale to the Solicitor for the dorsa gee,and the balance in 'Thirty D tys Fur fnrhot particulars and oonditluue of sale apply to F.. 8.80011, Auatloueur, or to A. B. MACDONALO, Solicit it for Mortgagee. Dated at brussels Sate 11th day of damn - [try, A, D, 1907. BRUSSELS NEW DAYLIGHT STORE G. No Mel.A i STOCK TAKING We are now busy taking stock for the first time since opening this store in Brussels and find our supply of Winter Goods too heavy. You may depend upon it there will be something doing in the way of low prices for we are determined to reduce our stock of LADIES' FUR COATS FUR RUFFS MEN'S OVERCOATS & SUITS BOYS' OVERCOATS & SUITS WINTER DRESS GOODS HEAVY UNDERCLOTHING ALL SORTS OFWINTER FOOTWEAR Our stock is New and Bought Right but we will make the prices talk for we need the space and can also make Ilse of the (Honey, Take our advice—don't buy Winter Coats or Furs, in fact any heavy goods milli you get Our Prices, a N. McL ,.REN N f' XT T)f1OR TO AME MOAN Id°TEL