HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-1-24, Page 4trusaels #3,5t. 24 8 booI Seotioua31 et tt
1 8 n n 1,
T, URSDA1', JAN. 24, 1907. There are five seeietant Meehan', these
I seal reoeive three •hundred (300), dollars.
Schools 1n East Huron.
Inspector Robb's Report of i `klbe betel minimummatineeeee t0
rural schools amount to $88,000
The total salaries paid in 1906,82 866
The advance of Salaries of 1907,
To the Warden and Member° of the °v" 1908 le 56,085
Comity Council of Hump. or 8686 par teaohar.
Gentlemen : — I may add, at least, eleven Beranek Bao
I beg leave to eubmit my tfone 1810 paying this year from 625 to 575
annual report on the state of the Public Per annum above the minimum salary
Sohool Education in the Inapeotorate of Prescribed by law.
East Huron, for the year 1906. While the principle of competitory
During the year I visited all the mailmen] salaries for Public Stamm
eahoole Wipe ae required by law. At my teaohere in now in outerio yet it fa in
Sret visit the sohoole were ;ropaotbd ee nee in other walks of We. To guoto but
usual ; but during the • second halt year, one of these :—the church (and we can
ae direoted by the Minister of Edaoation, not err much it we fol ow ea examp,e,)
the date of my visit to eaob oohool was three denommatione heats eatebli lieu
annoanged in advance, and Trusleen and minimum aalariee,—The Preebyterlaue,
ratepayers were invited to meet me At $800 and a manse 101 a married men, fur
eightv•tbree appointments thea made, I °there, $600 ; the Methodists, for a
met Trneteee and ratepayers at sigh y• marn.d met, 5750, ane fo- a 803210 man
one sobumle, I also held a few meeting,. (urdeinee) $800 ; wet the Bnptete, 5760
in the evening. At many of these meet In at iea81 flee States et the Amer•uau
toga the attendance was quite Batista° Union minimum eateries ha a been
tory. fixed for teaohere. In British Co.ambta
The object aimed at in -holding these the minimum eatery le 8600.
meetinge, was to explain the new Pnblio Although your Inspector favors high.
Soboole Aot, and its underlyingprinoiplee •r salaries for teacher., since it will have
also to gain what information, at first a tendency to retain mote , xperienaad
band, as to how the Aot could be im and aoneeguentiy better teethed), but
proved. Whether three meetings were was not in favor of the method taken to
of nee to the Trustees and ratepayers, amours them, yet when be found not oue
I am not prepared to say, bat they oar volae was rained in Parliament against
Wel), were very profitable to me, and. I the sobam°, and that entire publto prase
hope that the Sohool Aot of 11307 may of tbe oouutry warmly approved of it, he
oout0ln 00006 of the improvements beg (maid not but believe that it woe the
geeted. unanimous wieh of the country, that the
Ezoept the clause fixing the minimum aoheme should reoeive a fair trial.
salaries of the teaohere, the Aot reoeived Ow lave are mads by public opinion,
alma" auammone approval, and in some and Parliament ie the out), plate where
eeotione this clause was also endorsed, this puttee opinion oau be crystalized
eepeaieity in these schools where a salary into law, And while it is the privilege
equal, or nearly equal to the minimum, end duty of every 0,lizeu to use all legal -
was tweedy being paid
The two main alma of the Aot are ;—
First :—To raise the statue of the
teacher, by impr•,ving hie professional
training, and a onrreepondmg advmnoe in
Betsey to compensate for the extra out
lay oh his part, and hie improved skill
as an educator ; in fact, in trying to
improve the position of the teacher, ea
that in future the teaohtog profeoaiou
will not be used, by men, as a mere step
ping atone to eomething better, and to
provide trained and experienced teaohere
instead of the mere apprentices that are
now teo biug in the majority of our rural
Second t—To improve the character
of the Pub fa Sohool accommodation,
All Proteataut oiuntriea now recognize
that the aarefnl ednoation of tbe future
citizens is en important, if not its me
portant duty, in fact that, we are not
living eo mush for ourselves as for the
welfare of future generations.
I! this be granted, it to clear that taxes
imposed for the pupae of education
should be eo tgoalized, that a ratepayer
in a small echool section ebonld not be
more heavily taxed thea one in a large
section And eiioe snob obild amid
reoeive, ae far as possible, an education
ae good as bio neighbor, a (school with a
small attendauoe ie foes se fairly entitled
to a good teacher 00 nee having a large
attendauoe, provided tbe support of tech
school done not prase mndety heavy on
the ratepayers of the section.
The problem of equalizing the rate of
0011°31 taxation for the entire Province,
urban and raret, may be solved in the
future. At preaeot it would be a bold
ministry that would attempt it.
Equalization of taxation ie effected by
the deems which enema, that the Muni
oipal Council of the Towoahtp than levy
and collect from the Public Subool
aupportore of the Tnwllahip, the nom of
three hundred ($300,) at Tenet, for every
Pnblio School, and at, additional 8000 of
two hundred ($2(10) where an assistant
teacher is engaged, also by the male of
minimum salaries.
To illustrate how this works out f0
praotioe allow me to take two school
!nations in Grey :—Nos. 2 and 10.
The general echool rate in Grey, to
raise three hundred dollars for aaoh
Sohool, is one and a half (16) mills on the
dollar. Let as suppose that each of
those aohoola imposes a epeeial rate of one
Mill on the dollar.
0000000 SECTION 100. 8, OBEY.
General rate $800 00
Sp-nial rate, 1 mitt no the 5123,
900 . 188 90
Sobool grants 87 05
Total 459 95
Minimum salary to teaohar.,,. 400 00
Balance (remaining for fuel &b)5 69 95
SCHOOL SECTION N0. 10, 0119!
General rate 5300 00
Speoial rate, 1. mill on 5211,750211 76
School grants.., 58 45
Total 665 20
Minimum galaxy to teacher.... 600 00
Balance (remaining for feel, &o )
$ 65 20
The balance remaining after paying
the minimum salaries of the teeobere,
are nearly 8130101, end will be enfiiaieut to
pay for feel, oaretakieg, &c.
It will be notioed, that although one
emotion is ae000sed for nearly twice as
mob at the other, yet the rete of Sohool
taxation is nearly the same in both ; and
. two and a had (26) mills cannot be mon.
eidered a high aohool rate, when urban
Soboole in this In-pmotorate pay ae high
as nine mills on the dollar for the same
MINIMn i enemas.—
The minimum (salaries fixed by law for
10091 solitude are as ?atom :— .
For aSohool Seotion named at over
$200,000 5500
At 5150,000, or over, but lees than
200,000 - 460
At $100,000 or 090r but leas than •
150,000 - 400
At 60,000 ee over but lees than
100,909 ......... 850
Lees than 50,000 - 825
and $800 for every aseietaut, whatever
h nese ate goateed v
such s vane be
No. 11, Tareberry (Lower Wingbam)
fm the lowest aose9eed Sohool Section in
this Inapeotorate, being but $60 976.
It ie objectedthat thin aoheme is unfair
to mai eeetion9, in that it dobe not apply
to urban eoboolS. I may say that all my '
town and village eohoolo are now paying
muob higher salaries than those fisted by
laW for eeitiOno.
The hlinimttm malariae of the rural
bnhools i,1 this InppeOt0rate for 1907 are
tis follows ;
mate mean0 to have whet he think. an
ubjeotiouable Aot amended, or repealed,
yet while it remains on the statute book
!t should be obeyed.
If our Parliament ebou•d repeal the
Serum objected t0 W14110114 tattles 14
have a fair trial, it meet stand before the
country like Pliable (.n the Pile'im'e
Progress,) wen, when be found bimae f to
the .lough of Dderoud, meteor) of '0 low
mg Ohrintieu'e manly example in gong
forward till he reached aolid fuutiog,
weakly turned baok and became the
laughing stook of hie neighbors.
Another step taken to Improve the
profeeeional standing of the teacher
te the abolition of the County Mode,
Soboole, and having, the meatier oomp ate
hie training before beginning •0 teach.
The abeardity of the eyetew ie et Duos
seen if we were to appy tbe sends system
to dootore. What w. utd be the thought
of our Medical oounoil, if after two years
training, mediae' students were a' towed
to praotioe on the "human form ntvine,"
for three years then after this apprenttoe
ship in killiug and oaring, caning them
in for three years more trebling, b••tore
giving them complete diplomas ae deo
tors 7 How many would anre to consult
these demi atm dootore?
The eyetem wee wasteful in the ex
trema. The men who attended those
Model Sohoole usually taught but three
years, and then ,eft the profession. Tithe
when they had finished their apprentice
ship, had gained skill, end learned by
experience, they left the profea.ion and
their 00101000 Were lost to the Province.
Under the new aoheme, while 11 is
not expected that all will remain, it is
certain that a muoh larger proportion
will etay in it than formerly.
Ever slime we have bad a eyetem of
Public School Educate.° in Ontario, the
Legislative grants to each 0000018 have
been divided in proportion to the average
attendance of the pupite. The object of
dietribating the grants in chili way was to
indaoe Trustees to keep their saboois open
for the entire year, It ie not now needed
for that purpose as all eohoole are now
kept open for the entire Botha year.
The Sahool Act of 1906 enema Ibat
the Legislative and County graute thee
be dietrilated "on the bailie of the
salaries paid teachers, the character
of eoeomwodatioue, and the value of
equipment." Tbeee two grants anima
to about forty five ($45) dollars per
school. It ie expected that they will
be Wormed (eapeoial'y the G ,veru•
moot share), to about ninety ($90) dol.
This eyetem bae been in operation in
our High Scheele for some years, and
hen produced excellent results.
During the present year five cm eix
new euhool hoe -ea will be erected in this
Inapeotorate. I have not been aria:nat.
ins new eobool bourses ter Burne time, me
I was not sure but that ,here might be
some prospect of the formation of Oon•
oolidated Sohool Seotione.
Allow me to give arms facts as to the
one Ouneolid aced Sohool experiment l QW
being tri''d m Ontario.
Ou Nov. 14.1, 1904, 11)0 Oopaolidated
Sohool in Guelph, oompo00d' of four
Sohoal 8eotiane was opened, bet since
August 21st, I905, the papile of five Ileo
Clone av
one he been to attendauoe, whoreThe week taken up se thiwhoreis
very eztetteive; the ordluary school
am_jeole ; euhool gardening ; mo ,uai
Ira,ung and domeotio 9019900. Mettle
remelted 0attaideruble attention, and the
wheel is provided with a good pine°,.
There 5no doubt 99 to the efliolengy
of the school.
Bat alter all, the question of expellee
is one of the first importauao, When
the variants emplane nulled to form the
C0neohdated Subool, oue of the 9911
ditione wae, that these emotions would
pay the mime rate ae they had done
previnuo to union, and that Sir Wm
OlauDuuald would provide the balance
for three years, In addition, he also
Brewed and completely equipped the
school home,
There we tight vane owed to convey
the °bedroll to and trete eobool. The
average octet of the .veep wee one bun
,'red and sixty five ($165) dollars, and
the drivere reoeive for themeelveo and
horses from $2 to 53 for each 8ohnol
day, The total octet for 1905 was $8,600,
of wbfoh the five eeotione paid $2.302.
The belauoe wae paid by Sir William
MacDonald and Government greats.
The adventagee of oon9ulidetion are
many. 0 wises oau be better arranged ;
teacher qualified to teach the new eub
jeate can bo employed ; High Sohool
work and especially that relating to
agriaahnro ciao be dome { and more
regular attendance secured.
But !mime rural emotions are willing
to pay a higher rate of eobool taxation
than they are now doing these aohoola
cannot be eetabliehed and successfully
The results would more than oom
pensatefor Ihieinoreseed euhool expen
dttare. It would plane what is prao-
timely a Graded Sohool, a Continuation
Claes Subool, and High Sohool, within
easy reach (thirty or forty manatee'
drive) of every ohild in the Province,
Without leaving home, a pupil math
proceed Crum the 3 B O.'e.to matnoula
Pon, 1, the Aeriva tare Cottage, the
Uuiver-iiy, law, medicine, or teacher's
standing ; thug spending the critical
period of youth (from thirteen to eieht
een years of ege) mater the wstohfel
eyes of pareota, and away from the
temptations of urban lite.
The rate of taxation required to main-
tain these schools would be mach lees
than what it costa for city, town or
village aohoola.
The average rate of euhool taxation.
in the rural pert of tide Itep.ot.rata
far 1006, wae 15 mills for General Rate,
and # roil ter Soroial Sohool emotion
Rate, or 2e mile in all. The average
of eohaol ,axeti00 for urban aohoola was
671 milts.
Of the one hundred and twenty five
(126) teachers in the Inapeotorate at,.
the end et the year, seven he d first
Wage certificate ; sixty two (62) held
seonnde, and fifty eix (56) th rds. 01
the eighty eight teaohere in the rural
schools, thirty five held aocondo and fifty
three thirds ; and of the thirty Bevan
teachers in the uremia aohoola, seven held
firsts, twenty seven Beclouds, and but
three thirds.
Twenty of the rural eobool teaaobera
Call and inspect my goods and com-
pare Urines, Quality and Design iu all the
Intent Novelties. I am better prepared
than ever bmf re and eau convince the
shrewdest buyer that they can get the
beet value iu my line ever offered. Any-
nytlliug sold le told aridly on iia "Quality"
or money refunded.
My OPTICAL PARLOR is complet.
ed a, d those requiring Glasses will find
that Stretton's is the place to get all the
latest methods nt proper testing.
Cordial invitation to'all,
Sign of the Golden Clock.
have 0119 989r'B experienced, or !Vag, and
thirty eight were but one year or leak' In
the e001l soh he Thirty two of those
teaching in the rural eahoole are "legal
infante," beteg colder twenty one year0
of age, There are bet Iwo Roth "in
/ante" teaching 111 urban eahoole, At
midsummer there were twenty five
obangea of teachers, and 9eyenteen
obangee in December, or fortytwo fu
Although the figures given abovo are
very distuenrteping, yet the progrese of
the pupae is very satisfactory, but I
must reiterate what I have said to you
so often, that leenber0 of ouch immature
midde cannot train pupils in ammo moral
qualities that go to form the ammeter
of upright, honorable and thief 01 oit,zeuo.
In the rural aohoolsthere are twenty
even male teaobere, end slaty one
females. Li when schools, eix male
withers and thirty one female!), These
figures are the time 00 last year,
Sixteen 90910 ago there were but two
[mete teacher° (000iotante) in Howiak
ant of nineteen, now there ere but three
mole teachers in this toweehip,
There are many excellent teaohere in
tbie Inapeotorate, come better anywhere ;
for in teaobmg as in other professions,
experience tells. Tuokeremith ie the
banner township in this Inspeotornte,
having none but Normal -trained teach
ere of 899011euce, aid all doing excellent
work. Indeed, the work done by the
teaohere in the Inspectorate is very
satisfactory ooneidering the limited ex.
periema° or many. -
Three hundred and forty (840) mmai.
dates wrote ou the Eutranoe examine.
tion et the various °entree in Eaet
Huron, Of these, two hundred 'and
eixty•eix (266) passed. Thie is 78 per
tient. Of those that wrote. The average
age of the euooeeefnl candidates was
thirteen and a half years. The nem•
Isere vary little from year to year.
One uniform promotion examination
was bald in the Spring. This examine
tion i0 a great aesiatanoe to iuexperinneed
teaohere, and ie it no of nee to the older
teaohere 9e ettma'ne to the pup,ie.
Teachers ere expected to 000 the popi '6
t rm work in oumhivauoo with able
examination, when making pan101ioue
There are now but two grades
Continuation Schools in this Division
Wingbam having opened a Hh b School.
These eahoole are doing their neual
exoellenb work. 1 hope you may see
pier way to continue your grant to
these eohooie. They certainly deserve
There were forty-five pupils at. the
Clinton Model Sobool. These reoeived
their nsual, oarefel training. It is just
possible that there may be another term
of the Model Schools.
I prepared the usual cinder beep of
etatietioa, but they were eo like tepee
of last year thet they would neither be
interestiug or useful. As I have to pre
pare these figures for the ednoetiona
Department it would be no trouble to
furnish them for thio revert if rtquired.
I am, Gentlemen,
Your Obedient Serpent,
D. Rene.
Brussels, Jen, 251, 1907
To stop a mold with "Prevention" le
eater than to let it run and ogre It after
wards. Taken at the "sneeze e19re"
Prevention will bead off all eolde and
grippe, and pmrheps save you freak
pneumonia or bronohurv. Prevention are
lisle toothsome candy mold owe tab'ele
telling to 5o and 28o b• zee. If you are
chilly, if you begin to sneeze, try Preven.
time They will surely oheok the mold,
mid please you. Solei by F. R, Smith,
Ever 71ave Cramps
Kind of fierce to be tied up fn a knot
at midnight with cramps. Keep Ner,
vihne handy. Ten drupe quiet, (tramps
Instantly. Heed 000aeionally Nervilme
preve0te this trouble entirely. From
Stratford, Ontario, Wm. Dee writes
"Nothing I know of will give auoh quick
velvet to orampe, oolio or pain ill 1110
0tomaob as Nerviline. If you feel
equeamieh or teat, just ten drops of Nrr.
viline in water .and you're well next
minute." Think of the protection and
comfort contained in a 26o bottle of
Nervillne and get it to day.
Croup clan positively be stopped in 20
minutes, No vomiting— nothing to
aioken ordietreee your obfld. A sweet
pleasant and gate Byrnp, palled Dr.
Shoop'o Croup Cure, done the work and
does it4 oiokly, Dr, Shoop's Cough Cure
is for Croup alone, remember. It dose
not claim to core a dozen eflmente. Itte
for Oeoap, that's all. Sold by F. Ra
Prominent Blnnnfaettarer Semite
In Vau,enk E111,, Out, uo Ono kn°we
better than Geo. 8, Watson, when he soya
"Oatarrhuzono ie a real owe," depend
on It being 00, "My wife" he writee
"wee enbjeot to bed otteolte of throat
rrilation and brmlohltis. Many remo
dies were tried but fete proved at all doe.
fol. Catarrhozm,e wen different, It
eomed to get right et the ewe spore acid
brought relief quickly, We leave found
Oatarrhneotta an absolute mire for brow'
t'hitie and 1.10t 11111." N .ihing wires more
gatcltly au get it to day, two eizee, 26o
and 51.00 at MI desluve,
If you are oonalipated, dull, or bilione
or have a Ballow lifeless complexion, try
Lax Oto just ones to .see what they
will do for you. Lax eta are little tooth.
Dome °Rudy tablets—nice to Dat, nine in
, flea, No eriping, 110 pian, Just a
geutle laxative effect that ie pleasingly
desirable. Heucy fur the vest puuket or
puree. Lax ale meet every desire. Lox.
eta Dome t0 yon in beautiful lithographed
metal hoxea at So. and 25 ciente. Sold by
k' B Sm,tb,
Health insurance
for Wo en.
"Woman's work is never done."
There is always something to do
—nutting up and down stairs,
lifting, bending, straining—no
wonder the Kidneys become
affected. That is wiry so many
women suffer with headaches,
lame back, dragging pains
through the hips, nervousness,
weak spells. When the Kidneys
are weakened or strained, the
delicate female organs are dis-
turbed and inflamed, bringing on
a train of female complaints.
L140'4=k a K sit t s�4 TS
Insures health to women who
work. Bu -Ju keeps the Kid.
neys strong and healthy, purifies
the blood supply, and acts as a
gentle, strengthening tonic on
the delicate female organs.
BI.AKii, ON1'.
"I was mot able to do my own work in
the hoose, and was barely able to dress
myself. My fingers and hands were all
swollen up with pain. I think there is
nothing like Bu -Ju. Am able to do
may own work now with comfort, which I
was not able to do before taking B u - J u.
Bet - J is is invaluable during preg-
nancy. All expectautmothets shouldtnke
a Bu -Ju Pill at bedtime, to insure her
own stealth and that of the child. 500. a
large box. At all druggists, or from
Weak Itidileys, surely point t0 weak kidney
:'eros. The Kidneys, like the Roart, and the
' :11e....11, find their weakness, not in the organ
but In the nerves that control and guide
and rgr•.n':" ern them. Dr. Shoop's Restorative is
a to<�lichtu epeoillaa1y prepared tie reach these
c9utrmlling nerves. To doctor tho hidneys alone,
la futile. 21 is a wasto of time, nud of money ea
R roar bark robes or is weak, if the urine
1e„ ':.e, oris dark and strong, if you have symptoms
of i'sighta or other distressingor daugorous kid.
r -•y disease, try Dr.Shoop's Restorative a mouth—
/abide or Liquid—and see what 3t can and will
do for you. Druggist recommend and sell
-eel a \��a t '
ni di . o cTA
111111, 1INIMP"
uy aJ e:
=nit t
A trial will convince every housewife in Canada that"Reliance baking Powder"
Mier imparter to any other she has over used. It ie. prepared from the heat and purest
materials that money wan buy, under the direction of an expert manilfabliurlog °hamlet,
therefore we areebbs to sell it OD a Cosh Qttarantee of Satisfaction. In order to
1 introduce ',Reliance Baking Powder" eve aro making wonderfully attsuotivo
premium offers to nowt and 0I018. If intoreetod drop vie a pedal
To any Hoot of baking powder wo will gladly send, absolutely free, postage
lib 0'
i- foto met tarda t o ra li d to
Rion of c P
pro aIr! a sot of foul of
our latest ed p n B
brill aHt( colon. Simply write us, answering the fallowing qucaltona:
..._ ..... Paper.
tet. teams yottr� Qrbcor. � 2nd. Alamo this Pap
ernatonal Food Company, Toronto, Canada.
"i6kt�'' "iVk►'d5U4 tr SAA 44 1
"Ask for the Purple Package." 2
and every person
in want of-
Cutters or Stet hs
Light or Heavy, can be supplied by us, Our
stock is large and CF'irst-clash. Light Bob- . -
bleighs with or without. P1lttiorrfil and sleighs
with two-inch runners, Ill the lisle of•Cut-
ters we have just what you want.
Crtll Early and Get; Your Choice
Prices and Terms to snit the Purchaser
Brussels Carriage Fac ory.
Ltiee,ter Barn Lambe and Bronze
Turkey Gobbler,' fur wile Prices rennet'.
able, N. A MILNE, Ethel, 10-t!
undereignod whl heap la1 Hendee nn
int24, Lion 7, Grey, a pure bred Berkshire
Roars, 8m G1110. ADDDY,oProprietor,
fair sale from 0 to 17 months old. In.
'ending emolument «1,oulri see them,
20.2m ANI, It7CW HI81,019,
I Lot?, Cona4, Grey, or Brussels P. 0,
kJ ',AWL—nae waa a year old in Jelin i rv,
900,'aud the other 10 mow bo old Prize
1,fmals and in, good. oa,ditio". Terms 'r,
aft pnrehaser, ,JAMES 81+E11(, Let 80,
,':,0.'6; Morrie, on Brussels P, O. . ;10-11
Minn1 for sale. ' Two worn prize win-
ners at Brussels Pall Fair. They are dem.
dies. R, d sed rutin ill color. Also a few
nue tamales for sale Lot 8, Oen. 9, Grey.
Brussels P.O.
Let 10, Con, 10, Grey, oontai- tug 100
acres, 82 of which are °leered tied balauco
• lei bash. 1 here le a oomfertuble brick
beetle, a bank bn. u, 03x80 feet,, reliant, we 1,
Q°. Property 490:0 ruuoe,l. 83 mils front
tan volae 01 Claubr„ok, Poe.use on eau
ne given March 15th. For further portico.
hire as to price, terms, Jew., apply to WWM,
WOODS, Prow iotor, Oranbrook P. 0. 18.11
belug SI Lot ,1 eon. 4, Morrie.
thele 10 011 it a good baulk barn, good frame
house, nue acro of orchard, seven owes of
bush,80 acres plowed ready tor Drop and
the bnuahov in grass. The Maitland rivet
crosses elle
ndeeue rie form of farm.
0, B. WILF.INSON, Belgraye P.0, 20.4
Tho undersigned offers her 100 awe
farm, being Lot 20, Cun 7, grey, for gide or
to rent. Comfortable bonne, bank bent,
orchard, wells, ate Farm is only* of a mile
from the stir -tog village of Ethel For fur-
ther particulars apply to F, S. Root!:Brus-
sels, or MRS. KATEHOLLAND, 73 'natter
Street, Toronto. . 87.8m
C. 0. F.
Court Princess Alexandria, No, 24,.0.0. F„
Brussels, mete i0 their image Room, Blare
hill Block, 00 the 2nd and last Tuesday' of
80001 month, 918 o'clook. Visiting brethren
always welcome,
undersigned nifere for sale an eine of
laud upon whieb Se a comfortable dwelling
house, stable, fruit trees 0000 over•dowing
well, Qt. Prep, rty to located 3 of n. Ile
East o1 Oranbrook and oonveuieut to 'wheel,
ehmoh, postoatoe, Q0. Po00essiou at sty
time. Pel price, tnr01e, Qu., apply 00 the
promisee to M. RAYMANN,
941 - or Oranbrook P, O.
o0dereigued offer' lits house and lot,
situate on M111 street, Brussels, for sale.
It ns 49811 located,u convenient end conifer.
table 110010. Poeneoelo0 oau be given at
once. Will al0o sell the vaoant lot, owner
of Mi11 and E1lzebeth street', which woul t '
make a flue building site. Fox further par-
110019re as to priee, terms, An,, aunty to
FRED. ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, Ford-
wlah. 80.4
The 79xeoutore ofythe estave of the
,ate Beejamlu Smillie have iuetruot•'13 F S.
Sona to by uuiilfe auction at the Amer -
lean Bowl, Brueeelo, on Saturday, January
Gbh, at o'clock, that port 01 the estate be-
ing North Ralf of Lnt 12,00n, 6, Morris. mon•
todiiog 100 emelt There in a onmtortehte
frame 80006 .and good bank Baru, Plug
film hue been seeded to grans for e. number
of yearn and is in a good state of Brit I ty,
boles well adapted for either cropping or
paeturirg. There is u ooutiuuovs 0113919 of
r smug water and• a gond well 0t,the hole.
A number of oboloe Inuit trees and 00 .norm)
of good hard'wadd bush are on the pl,00
This farm to liltaet00 OR the main- road b
twrea Bruseeie add Belgrave; 8 mild from
01101011 Dud post 011ie!!and 1 mile from
8011001. A0 the Exeunt se moan wind 0l the
notate tine property will be Bold to the high-
est bidder. Por tonne aptly to the seated!.
ear, Bruooela, or to WILLIAtt 11 urn Or BEN.
JAMIN 171MI0LIE, Exe0nlae, lieoeall 9, 0.
Application Form.
for Membership in the Pinot and
Beet Bluenose Tralula0 2611901 in
of Toronto, from :amend, next, 10.
gather with detailed Inf•irmatlnn o'
the groat advinteeme to, bo' 'hinged,
will be •Dont flan by rotund .mail 6n
request of friend or letter. •
Write wnlayto '
W. 13.8new, ire helps'.
'rouge & Gerrard et0„ TO rents,
revue is
Art. Studio
We would be pleased to take
your Photograph.
Family Groups token suitable
' for Framing (sizes up to 14x17
in.) We will do our best to
please you.
Visitors to the town are invit-
ed to call and see our work.
Farmers or Storekeepers
by Coming to the
Brussels Salt Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, - Brussels.
The regular Monthly Horse Faire will be
held for the season al follows ;
THURSDAY JAN. 81a1,1907
APR. 4111,
Leading Local and Outside
Buyers will be Present
rfeltl:~k'3 $ to -416 $5
Bank, of Hamilton
Capital, rataup, $2,1100,000
'Fluid. Fnad. $i2,511 ,800
Total Assets, $29,0110,000
Vico Presidentel Mnuaar,Jainn Mae
Seam Depurt010ut—Ample. eeouttty
lor Depositors.
Oepueile of 51 00 a 0d nptverdo received
Interest allowed at current rates and
• compounded bull yearly.
ADVANCES made. to Farmers for
feeding stook.
Bale Not00 oelleoted and advauooe
made thereon,
`, Drafts bought and sold,
W. N. MoEAY, PUs•A(iirm.
sfa5%saiJtora 05ritstagSzia9k
To Liverpool
From 8t,7ohu Fr:'m Halifax
Ttinioian 17r,, Jen, 20 Hat, Jam, 20
Johiau Fri, rah. 1 Sat, Fob. 2
Parisian PA. Feb 15 But, Fon. ip
Prntorlau Flat,Peb.23f
Rates or Passage
-First Cabin -500 and upwards, atoordhl1
to 0lodmer, Heooud 0-, btu—$41 Bio and UP -
w01• Parisian ds. Pallelecoed
o 010110
0011111 Wegener!! (seamed) t1 S'vel da, Third
01 is. —peatOrlin 530 00, other
627 G0.
Boston to Glasgow
Na lilts
W n Frldny, Feb. 1
Lauronttno ............,,, . Itride5, Feb, 1G
keened Claes 98 and no
pwre T
•efenotlioa d,1,20.101 Woet°uilnd, 907.10. •
her further 95010onlai 0, rete§ and tickets
apply to
Agent Allan Line. brti0S01e,