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One Is Young as Long as Els Heart
Responds to a Noble Call.
'"Ohey shall be alraid of that whletat 1st
high end (emir shall be in the way."-'
lochs xil„ J.
There two two ways of viewing the
on -coming year.//, tl./4 burriens or as ep.
witlt tear or With expecta-
tion. rhe dues of the I/OW year linty
toren up as a series of unwelcome tasks
te. be unwillingly done or tis so many in-
tu &tempt and achieve greet,
thiugs. The difference between these
Iwo points of view marks the difference
bolween ondoring life atisi finding the
hfe that endures,
The wise preacher of long ago caught
sight of tale of these distinctions that
-cut clear through to the roots of things.
lie says that the sign of old age is thnt
a man is Dhabi of that which Is high,
When (*enrage and ambition have gone
old age and decrepitude have altered in,
m. matter whether a man ho 18 (4r 80.
Ile alone has youth, hp Morse has life
before hint, who can slill cateh the vision
of tite ideal, ctf that which is high, who
eau lift. up his OyeS beyolld the horizon
practienbilities and precedents and
see the things not, yet rertlizett. There is
it time when men must dream dreams
and see visions, when they must feast on
noble purposes or die so far as the in-
ner spirit and all that, makes real living
ds concerned.
If you Mad the will becoming dull and
listless, with no quickening of the
pulses, but only apathy or a sneer for
the high purpose or the great. promise. it
is bat a sign of the approach of senility,
of the
When the ambition can be satisfied
W W1 the le$1$1 WItile the greater is bofore
it.. when things low and base aro pre-
ferred to things high, afar off, and dint -
cult to Minim the heart dying already.
Cherish as the spinet of life the aspira-
tion to have and to do and be the best.
Yet who is there does not know the per-
alyzing chill that. the sneer of the
tine kw even the inelliOry of our own
many failures can give wlion great pos-
sibilities offer themselves to tis? IhAv
easily eit!c•r in the cold censiderations
that denden our espiralMns: hew subtle
the tomptalion In be. content with the
IN/Milton 111111 illVOIVeN 11e11111.1. loil 110
V1441, HOW 1111111 to realize that this is
an invitation to death.
To all men tomes the thrill e,f thk, pas -
sem to ,lo seine great thing. 10 gr. -
Wo1.141 sonle Aorthy service. To yield to
this is to keep the heart young. is 10
defy time, to conquer tho years. W10:. -
r the omning deys ellen boul the baelt
with their burdens or shall nerve and
btrenellien the the doos not depond on
whether they MIN.(' cares or jo}s thou,
but on v:11E:they they Ilnd us responsive
to 1110 call of noble things.
Nor Ls this Mt; the spirit, of grooln.t2ss
(Inds armee play in Mids. duties. u
sureess ‘,1 the year the's nut depend on
whether you can do things that. shall
11111)1Ze 10411.1i or make 1111111e
1(110W11 forever, telt 11pUll N1 1
011 the things you do, lewly. humdrum,
cummort-place as they may seem to be.
the daily duties of 11(11110 c/r shop or
store, the care of the baby, or the run-
ning of ri typewrilets there shall enter
This is whet we all need, the high
✓ isien of the lowly things, the sight of
tho fact that the least piece of work is an
essential part of the service of the whole
universe, that a Man Ser‘ilS the Divine
not by \veering a black emit but by do-
ing, us in God's name, with Ingh
motives the least duties that may be his.
It is not place nor nuthority nor wage
that makes the work high or 10w; it, is
the spirit of the service and the part it
plays In the world's great. business of
perfecting humanity.
Wiould you ward elf old age, cherish
vilnlity and give value to your days,
seek the 11111114.4 that are abeve, the life
that serves some worthy end. One is
young as long ns lits heart leaps re-
sponsive to 0, nuble But lie who
livcs to pleasure. to the satisfactitm of
self, who has shut his eyes to the high
things that call for erlfsienial, fr,r
ene loos, dead already.
arn,Tig 711
proodiv,• and semi -pi -maths. people. 10
w hom 1110 pc/111111r 11411/ils and gait of the
serpent appears here es the emIssilment
(4. salt(' Wisi10111 ill 11 bad Seilso.
ilarraliVe itseif doeg 111'1 W1'11111.5'
Do) serpent will( Sittzlii. id(
lion 1/e1(/ngs tu a much Inter peried. and
;tepees, 111.-I in "Mits.loin" e4 : "By
emv I the devil deelli onler,41 into the
Compare also 1)01'. 1/... .1. the
Old -4,11.0111. hill Mill is 01111141 111(/ DeVil
;old )4111311, 111)/ (1..ceiVer /11 the 111,010
Jelt,, \ 11,1-1 per.-/Irel Immo or
11.1 uf ityninvele.
rii (041 so:11011110s ".1a1111'11-1 Of W111111
!!•., I.. .14.11»1 1113 e,11/111)1(41
! oi risen an error, As 1,41,
born pololei oul provimis "\\'‘aal
Studios- the Hebrews consid.weil the per-
smail mum, of test snerod In be
',remelt's:ed. in spettking end reeding.
these:Sass they regultwly steslouted fey
it the Hebrew \Nord "Adetaii- meaning
"Lord." In tho later thirislian eel -muses
1111'11 no/ 1101/1/010 llo
V.11, eXtellsiVely 111111 V1/1001
0.10, mei,/ .1.0/ /11( (1 11.-/siNt the
read, rs 1).f the Hebrew text peen -once
" 01.0
V/ ,/,/itarly prlitle.1 Willi 1110 (vie...mill, (.1'
the word "'Seine's" te remind the feeder
111., oite weed Wit, 10 le pron000ped
111 1/1,100 l/f the slhor, Through eel,
rest; ienortmee, Is./xever, Won 1/,g1111
;Wont 1:11/11 A.D. dirs1 hoot\ 11 11saile 151s)
1 peoneems, the \reel as printed. vont-
Honig vy.e, el, or ii..\"1.inar with tin'
consonnitt„ 1,p iiytthmoh.- This oo,,,i1i:
nose, proilitoes the word tt.toitoN-sh,"
\\loot has hove 110011100 thorotigto. Eng,
Tho 117,11:0 "ysin.voti" eignilles "I
mit Owl I anti': te.. i/Nlielly, "I 11111
Wont to le 11111! 101111'11 1 aril Wold 10 1/./.."
or "1 \vill be that NvIdoli 1 wIl be," the
signilleauce rif es ueige (wing hi beli-
e:of, 11,111 11.7.1's nature ran be (101111,41
only by ileolf, end llitit Ito. in distile•thst
nomexislent heathen doilies, natty
Meet psis!: end this, nel simply in on
steel st..1n.e. 11111 111.11\ (ANY:0.111g
hineelf emilietally nellen wet lints
mantroSing hiniseff ei 1110 mooed.
said mile the st onien_eshe serpent
gin, by addre,sing Ihe woman who loot
not her -elf ;whinny heard the pro1141a-
41,1 h. e -,c11 ;lethally hoard the pruli1111.
1110110 .1./1101/are Deli. 2. 1111. il'Itis
bilion the serpent Iherefert, first dis-
tells. Yea. bath God sahl, shell n1.1
eat sny Iroo rNiaog.. Mt the Wyo.:, of
the garden? earl then tenni, .--iirprise at
the peohn.nion 41edorled. Douhls
and auspicious ;we s,n1:11 1111. hoar] i4
lite \\Immo. mot stsi 11 hill,
Ishii. to hone \\ inson peohist 11,0 beld
donut of God's cimountel by the temp-
2, Th.( e. moon stiiii-isho 000tit,iiis
soniont 11101 shows nod silo. is firth
weave of the strictness Of 1110
woll,)11 froni 11/1/
given in Die preeidilig eliapler 2
8-171 W1' 1111r, lor eseweening the
Isealien (Or P1111111i4,0 as pictured by 1110
111o.reote, 1111. madlo of human -
its was belie...81 by the Hebrews 1,, ls,
-miteellete oast of Palestine. prnletbly
in er Pabylolitill 111111 110.rr. Nrin10-
0,11).re wen-web/1rd en,.non be-
tween the gyealtel les river, \Odell Mee
knew. 111,, Tigris end the Ellp1111111/N. and
1Wo olliers. 1110 coin's,/ 11. 111011 il. I/4 1111-
ro4,1H0 tit iirosoni 11i determine roosts.
(Hilly with nolual geography. the author
focated Eden.
3, Ye shell nol eat rif it. !willow shell
tolleli 11:100 1,10.0‘11
this hi ,11111,inon only through Adorn
who, s good hoslitnel, hod wog.
Ponied the tommtiod lo her Joel meth,
11 strielee than 11 really was." Tho ewe.
tumid os given to Adorn soitl nothing
nixed 11111 loteltiog the Neil.
Lost ye dies -The Pomona' expletinlion
iir Joisivnii's \toed "roe in the tiny Ihnt
their eutest thereof thou sladt surely
SAN. 20.
I.,eason 111. Man's Sh1 and GoirS PrOt•
Luise. Golden 1 Cer. 1;. 22.
les! of the lite ',sod Vey.
Gm Mal Ilin-eleine of II.Arcw
111.:Po preoils.) Ions! lay
iii,w11 for Ian) gilidanoe Hs/ Ind
1„.111 sooie, 14„,o 1011k.1, w7.
tor0)1. The 111W of orderIV
to NVItiell We sere,red eur lirst
drielepy Note tis a fundenwittal law ef
the 111110/Tse. f.,l411/1 1., 0 ),p,../r“bx./
also ill the separat.) sllig1/1 of l'a
Ylernal creation there nionlomed,
111 100 miwat.41 teens, ef ite, rittis
(cry thee., tio• tiebilteny ithteiy-ms,
stelthet isseol. to [eels: ,,, eh tit.,
pest, us. ushering in of 1,(*.k .1,../1,11No-
litdo; for ‘,..111,11
hes not been made iti isseeding
sttliens. Mien he \ 0 seri:Mites bet d
pose,i regard He. issning ei tor
.exemple, its <melt au aersel leginuiseg
er ft new era. Jesus \Nes littlest' Leen at
Bethlehem el a stat,s1 tiOn/..111)1 fr7.111 I:s-
pew of his 1 1,111 till other teelds in the
\ \ seldis hislory ere one. reelkoiled,
the whole slierod Ilistory of a rtiosoll
11//lion. 111111 1110re, 101is a ileeessiii.3' pre)
roan ail age-lolig pri,paral..ry cr.:dive
111,071,14 '11•17s neoessary. The Ilible, too.
(.1(dlrs special girl to man. Was 111,1
11110(1011 (11)111) 11111101. rnint (worm, 11
gra \I: on .11441411,to mal
Monty. and this soil had 11, le preparcd.
As women innonseript, preccd,,,I
1141441;s. Sri (11.111
narratives 111111 hislory. "hi lbw pielur-
vanity. eoncrele 'it itoptotie 11.1.11 -
lions wee(' irsosphittioit us' thoughts,
tht., beliefs, the tutd Ihe esi.eri-
owes of preetsting generations" for
1111.113' veilluries before ‘vriling 1,1):0(/
et.ililia,11. 1111/11 gradmilly. Nylon 1.;
/11141 social condition, 1/,7111/10 111,vi/
S/1111/10 and 110)01111/1e. Hien began lo
v.rile 11(001-1 choloest Wessels., /71
thee' peenlitir rateal .niel natiettal
lens. thus giving 1,1 n mere per-
feel..1 mid oultn-ing 1.0111. These earli-
est end tentessittil setillered 'Henry
treasures in hum. furnished to later
%tapers n00/1011 Aoliree-oliderial for
their 111(ire elaborate and von00,1711 tier.
isdivee. il'o rule or gradual develsp-
stood. Ihe literality,. of Ilie liebrew la ople,
isiosorvod roe Its in Old Ti Amnon'.
white in 11 (1111111111' 111111 1A11111'11
W11141 111,Pill'd flod.will le, round to
limn 110 eXcep11101. liul ns Prot, s;111.
Cloirles l'oetur Kent lies pointed etit in
11,,, first volume nf his Student's Old
Tesbunoil, "Itsle,1 lw intrinsic merit,
the sleries preserved in the 8npenitig
rooks or the old 'resisinina nye found to
possi.ss a longue vow., roe lhoy
1101 merely Ilw exitc,rienees, lan. else
esrly itheis 111111 idonis (1r thti
(sinewy:: which embody 11011's 1,ersonel
re\-elailon through them In (11i1 11111111111
Tart'," "intii(lly; 1110 $111110 111111101' 1'011.
1111110., "(8 1-41111/1,1/ 1111 W91111110 11111'04111.
1111i011 Of Sae's) WhIle info pi/pillar 11.11111/
11011s are projected beliefs, the asedy.
Minna and the eler•1011 'minis teed ity
lbe genosilions which reetevol tout
Irensitred them." 'I est, early ruirealives
et Genesis. titerr.rove, 1)61'11'11y "not incr.,-
ly 1110 eNteennt but else the monlal mid
Spleittml lite of filo Isrnelitish (weplit
seinen Gott was 11'01111ms Iss' .1"111.1/11
111/1/11111Ce5 10 1111110 1010W11
poeticise to the world,"
Verse 1, The serlietit waS Inure subtle
4he" Olen. 2. 171 is that this expression
hileintial lo moan "114.4.4.one mortal;
permips in the see..., er net king poi'.
milted, after Ins Irati•gresslon to eat of
"the Wee ef lifts" 'liken, Ss a real .11111-
howe‘er. which 11 1 nol ca03.
10 In no, Telowil 11o/ explailti11011
giV011 Dial Dud one day iN iis
111011s111111. 3ears, sew./ Adaill
11(1111111y ind 1110 )1 beil lie Was ollly
11111111red 1111/1 thirty years old 111, 110/01a
11 as viirrted 1.111 consistently with its In-
tended meaning.
'1,• shall not surely die- The lamp.
ter's Pal denial tir ittsi's weed.
5, Som. shall be opened.. tuet yo
ehall Is, [Marg„ lose\ mg
pood anti evil. ills, Mulder 11.11,1t. fail
the hoof. of geed lose) 1,1 1,,, :wettest
lw tedienee, u'llte immediate re.
N1/41(1. li.11.0illy 11/0/101 pul
// ed. Um, out (rf sight the Ye -
1 101cr ne1171113.” ii./10 also the N1111-
/40,11101 of '14 akaisy er envy en Ile, part
ot God leanest in the tempter's werds.
.1 similar .suggestion is I. anal the
stnry i,( 11„, (1„1„.1. There
SvoIlls 141 Mi1t. boon 11111.11g 1111 illn"n111
Intylv, imik-111 that there W111; real
danger of great men and her444,1 (wooed-
inw g,als. Hence jealoo,y and on., y
4,1 wan Is a (moldy 1 eri ollen ascribe('
1.1 the gods aampare esporially Covet;
Ntylladogy. The aiwitalla had 1111 ado -
quote concoplion or 1110 \ tisho\ss or iho
itithersti tie tho !finnan& or its ce01,1,,e,
litot 11'11,0 in itto,e minas wore sooins
not to 1(100 (s.11 1110 snot,' greet. gulf
fixed leleetst the Mille mill the bilinite,
between men foul God. a Melt t'xisls
our maids,
ifo 1 To41-.1 Ho to tool;
Ihe [ouch ,,)
the 011140, iiiireolive gtv,11 111 1TS1" 7:
"71.31,1 the eyes Id Mom N\ ere
111,e1wd• 111111 111111 1110 'A1'1.'0
1.1111.c(1.- Vi/rsih 7-12 shottlki tie treated as
part of the lesson.
13, Wiled is this thou linsl thaw ?.s.
(10,1 esks thiot to t'lied. fr.mi Loth the
1111111 an,1 the wiinion a (kill minds:4,1i of
their guilt. •
14. thirsts! arl their Mims., till ealtlese.
The aufliev is still tweounlim4 for
bore Ile elv1)111111S Hie 11(/0111ittl'
111(1/11.4 1.: NCl/pi/111s.
15. Ile .411;111 bruist, Wargo le, 10 watt
fee, thy 1,00.1-Wie nolo lied the ser -
i -wet n sionete preinke is Moen iii the
weeds theu shell. bruise his heel. II is n
perpetual eenitiel that a; ferelehl: Isit.
1111A 1101111111 11111. "II 01111111C1
ordained 17y ()oil, ill 1110 8(111,1'111. 11-1
\'it'10,1 11 IN11101111y 111i` 0111'1114X and
aggressor, cannel liut. 1,11.1 in the
triumph et its oopotioni." The prow's,
to 1110 10o1111111 0,11111111Oct this verse
nets strikes 1,1 the oulkest 'if the history
of recicseplien ihe toile promioe ansi of
lime,. 'Hs, promise lias reit intipprepri-
al. ly 1 evil yanks' the Prolevangelitan of
redemptive history.
ilisToitY IN TREES,
Tell as to Sunshine. And ,kre ail Index
of the Annual
11 has beeri found that the rings of
grnelli visible 111 the tritnlis ef trees
titles' a fur more interestine etery to tell
than hes teottilly Leen sui.posed. 1i:eery-
one knows 11141 they indicate the 1111111-
).er of years that the tre., lia.s lived, But
trees es well rarry in 111eir honks 11 re-
cord of the weather ctaulitions that Neve
prevailed tinting the euccessive years of
their greNvt11.
Sevsrel trees, leech nlore than ono
litindr.d alitl tlitrly yetirs old, were
felled. end the order and relative N1.1,111
of the 1111gs of grewth in tileir
wore flaunt to agree exactly.
This feet showts1 that all the trees 110,1
experiene, ri the N111110 141111111111111.111 111 Cel'-
lnin paws. Assliining that Ilic tuost ru.-
phi growIli bail oerlirred 111 Wei
it NN»..; c(.11C111d0(1 111111 (1111 Lino hurl -
deo] anti y,ses covered.
114,, lit,. 1.f the Woes. had boon ex-
tremely wet, eight.,en wct, seventeen
mortise, as lo the supply of 11101:410re,
nine:II/1i ;ley, tight vtry dry, Lind six
extremely (try.
sou e'en the r, ...onto of VH11110111 11111-
1 11111g 1/11/1i lls Iwo) \\ Cr(' cOns1111011,
1eas 1/0111,1 111111 111cy 410,1 nut onlively
i eel, Y1.1111 l'eViald of the trees.
I The conclusion \\ as therefore reached
Ited the reicord Dr the rings culllaillud
More 1111/11 11 illdeX Of 'the 11111111111
11110111111; Dail. it sliOW0(.1 Whet 1.110 Charlie-
' ter 01 1110 sia)4.011.4 liad been as to sun-
lemperatere, evimortition. rep.
levity. or irregillarily or tile supply of
llioisllire, HMI Die Illte.
\slit Be (lonstheeted IN'ench
English Companies.
The prclert for the coeshoolion Iho
1 ifunnelewhieli In connect Eng-
' land end Freres', has adynneed nn
poem,' :see by Dal 1011111111(in of tho
Board of DirrelOrS Ilie 110111 statutory
Chennel Tunnel Lome:Inv,
Benet Ennio dErlanger, Chairnom
the Nesein Board cif Ihrecloy8 mid a
member of the Stetulory Board, lins, ex-
plained Ilint Me remedial' of 11118 ileW
boord really part nod parcel of the
bill which will be depesited the
Houses uf fetrliament within the next
few ditys, The bill, if missed Into Ines
will give permission to the conisiany lo
consthitel the tunnel within the three-
mile Imelestleit is. the portion \teeth
would be under British jurlsdiethm.
'The pureltose of the rights of the ex-
isting Chtinnel Tunnel (Seeming le, of
course, an essential part of the bill,"
-ridded llnron d'Exiangor. litiving
get our 1111, we shall feroi ni,v„, 111m.
kt1 11111dlity 1.0111)11111r, S00111 /1 (omen! in
shares tind debentures ef ,ISts01,11.000,
This Ni1111/1111Y Will O1/11."11'1.11.1 Mt' W111111"
Or the English portien of the tunnel-
thut is, unlit mid-Clemnel is reached --
111e 11/1110111ing half being 1VOrlied front
the French stile by 1,1/0111/11 r011110.1113),
Whirl] will have a enpital correspueding
to (ittr own.
"AA to the engineering difficulties of
the testi, Ihe constriletion Of 1110 1:1111111101
T11111101. front a 1/W11111(0111 point Of 1 101V,
‘111'101)11 11' V1171(.1' 1111111 U." 11W 11111161(g 01
Sinthlon and the Dothard Ilm-
11011'sCe", leitg111 of lunnel.will /Mout
twenly-lwo 11111es,
Surgeon froblressing students al the
lisepPal)--The muscle et the loft leg rf
Me patient lots conleneled till if is e011-
.eitlernbly shorter limn the right leg,
ilierefore he limps. Now, what would
you d tinder such ohs:most/mots?
intelligent Student -Limp, 1001
t +
LTii Home I
Iltbelli-,11.1111.: CANDY.
A Combinaliou ef liwtering often pro.
klueos teller results than the use or ono
nit\ oe stone on't itti title flavors are int -
',skeet! by the toldtlien lensm novo.
wieelt is erten 11-1.(1 1,, mitigate the (lop
(1.111'.g/1(111Selliiel:(111(1/(6'4.$ N (li11.(1111(111/1/s'
\limn:, and almsed. llemile 1 tit a small
queenly at a 61110 if y011 Wish
tehling !Invoking end ooloring lo suit.
M1Y 111111 v.I'Ll1) 111 11101111111
Mther. A &on- "I' Iwo 114. (lf
Cinnamon, sassafras kll'
111111(1. a pleasing Variety ef
hand, A \\lust ris to minim, leas:
Beller results are Obtalliril if the emoly
telly conics in isolate mini the lip; of
'Meets and thumbs end is nol equeezed
in the hand. Cse buttered shoals or a
sharp 11111fe to col. into strips or cubes,
and it wit wrappl.(1 i0 7V/1X ptlp1T, illy
011 slightly hulloed plates apart. from
each otter.
ths..ottnut Cream twe table-
epoonfuls butler in a granite min end
add one and ooe-half eupfuls uf
with half a. etthful of milk. Beet slo\Nly
it, bulling maid, 1,4,11 twelve minutes, re-
move from fire. add one-third eupful of
shredded o.ocoanut and ono -half teaspoen-
ful or vsnitto. Beal with a spoen until
creamy mid the mixture besthis to sugar
at edges, then maw In buttered tin 1111,1
cut hilo bars. The tiniest. drop of blu-
ing water will !nuke the cuedy pure
fiream Fudge.-13ring slowly to
sugar and two-thirds of a cupful of mIllc.
boiling point Iwo cupfuls or grunulnied
Boil hard tudil ft soft ball can be termed
1,3' dropping a little in cold water. then I
add one tablespoonful of 111.1rICI'. lit1111OVO
Irmo the fire 111111 11111I Vanilla to suit the
taste and one- cupful cd chopped nut-
meats. stirring until smooth; Mon Pon'
into n buttered pan to the depth of half
rin ineh bloelt into squares.
Nougat.-1101110Ve the brOW11
frorn a pint ctf rousted pearnits end (me -
gentler of a Lamm] of almitrids chop.
13111,\I'liii:nqdn\aist411,1.11.1,g0„111.3,..laitteeys.,110.1(1,1111111,1,1 11111?.11.11t1
light and while,
For pleture-liangint; use eoppee wire.
fop 11 111n1S not rusi easily, is inollaproof
and lusts for years.
\\lion baking ouslards idavo Ike cups
ti:11..,111eriti"I'.1,11y°11tutwit11\11.1111i1S1INIvually*s° be"11"IdlY 111110
end lel it got cold bolero ridding Ile'
Gall that is keot (11 0 dry and airy
Hee., will buru much (mister than that
addeli is kept in 1.10/40 roller W1111 no
vonlilalion. \\lien coal la kept In tin
ineless place, it gels rid ef its gas, 011,1
the al,. Lowe ef Iles renders it less pees
erfol, and more \easleful wben
To Clear Sollp.- The nrid
of Iwo egAs beaten up all together in
hell' a pint of cold wider. Put Ode the
soup when done, ond 11 fur
1111/1113' 1111111110N, Stirring all Ihe time,
then sloth) slowly litreugh a thick e10111
or Memel bag.
A liquid starch loess consists of five
ounces glyeerine tind two 111111COM 111'11
of spermaceti. gum setiegal (cheap guin
tu•abiel, and 1...rax 111 forty-nine ounces
(nixed end boiled together.
IV,' or three tenspoonfuls of this are
811(1111111te-1111:0 /I 1111111'11:1' ft pound of boiled
FIANci.:i?, A MAN.
Sult•ide irk Cerman;-;.)1 I'erson Whose
Sex Was Diseovesed.
The . Ilse of the self-styled Countess
-Dula Alma tie Paradta, who committed
•suielde Breslau, tioroinny, lin it. 1/P-
Illg diSe0V01.111 111111 "8110" WIIS 11'1111Y 11
4111111, is exciting inuell interest in live-
ns "Dina,' witn Will) Die stel»011 Of a
illeal 1111111 liking ill flerlin, WON 111
fad 11 full-grown man, and \ens much
taller [loin the Ilrestail teacher who
lind fallen. in love with him. His Waist
wns 51111111, and so Were IIIN feet 111111
hands, Intl he MIS brond-S110111110red,
and possessed it fine baellone voice.
A11111 nottong 0. the irehle tibout it.
lle loft the pensionnut vehere
1.11 slnying, /Ind his conveys/Ilion
with the teecher was alWays; nited [Or -
mat. llo had allowed Itis dnek hair lo
grow about twenty inches long, end
with the uid of false locks presented
appelir111100 rif tuning a magnificent
betel ef hole.
11 is staled that the teacher, whets'
minus fey obvious reasons, NA'1114
given, ens very jealous when "I)inn
.Ahna" spoke tu other men nod Ihnt
ping for a moment into boiling Willer. I
Chop one-half a pint each of figs, citron, 11.111 in Pink and in l'Isslou Ilie Meth -
II, W114 lerithly efroid ef offending hint.
or seedless) end candied oi, 'so, 11.1,7111„noly wopood mai 1.01 1.,.0,
cr,ariasiiiigr:, (1;e(.;(11.°11 Sluisten two 'rounds id noi rig.110 ,.N.,11) iii, iiiiiici, but, he leugh.
101111gga1it1\1\:IttIslipta/011111.4111118 11.11I111811.1.011/),C1d1111101 hte.(14111,k- e';',71101141111Infil 8111reill'iViili :111,.:ii. atilt "1111141 Alma-
71‘1,?..11111. tialtintlici'isgt illtinerdlielliTtro111,4;1111:sitsli.lier.elul'3°,11'llt lever. 1)1,111 ASten 1. ft en onpald bill
1111181 11400 hypereisid "1,1•10 ulifornmals,
a wel cloth arid roll up like u pudding. el. 401 met•Ito oWillg 10 1110 11/11(1111113' cf
slioing off candy in pieces after it is 1111, pv11.0411151. wi,,, \viii iinvo 1,, iv.
cold. •stp Itresslf from the I.ON /till Of 11114'
Iliekery-Nut Cantly. -Boil Iwo cm. foie 1 ekekee. cosily entheoitteries. silver
1.1ickrineks, end false demon -els, \Odell
this wonSe...fill Alma had 110(1111111 -
tided, '11,11 poljee a'So found rnzors
whinh It 800111N ulThla AllT111"
1/111,01110(1 11W;ly 1111 1111'1/111e growths
floni "her" floe,
The brother of "Dina Aln1n" Is in n
lenaLe 11,y111/11. Their mother was al-
so nentally Infirm.
of sugar and one-hrtlf n cupful of writer
together until IL will thread, and when
Maw flavor with a tenspeonftil or (omen
and vanilla logethee, teen meekly inlo
Ilie heuten white ef 1111 egg guivaig the
bowl set in cold welts.), stir 111 out, cups
tut of hickory-rittl meals. tern into a
flat leitterest dish find, when cold, break
I 1 •
- Dissolve one-half a
premd ef clone while gum f,rable in OOP
0111 Or WiliCr, 01111111, 111111 add one-It/11f
a pound of reIbust segue end piece on
the fire, slwring consamtly 1111111 the
sugar IS (11$00100L1 and the mister., Is of
the consisleney of honey, Add gradually
the beaten whites of four eggs. she ewe
Ihmally till the mixture thickens. so It
will mit adhere 10 the linger. pour lido
11 deep dish or lin (lusted wilh corn
shireli. and when cool cut into rubes
with a very slinep knife.
Pisinut Ingelltry n cup -
MI (etch of brown ,eitgay rind nitiltisses
with Iwo Isblespoonfuls of butler unit
one 11.11)1(spoolifIll of vinegar. \\ hen 0
hit of the mixture will ostel; brittle
dropped in cold WillOr told a cupful ef
blanelled peanuts, remove front the fire,
add a scent tenspoonful of teildng soda
bent 110141 arid pour into n buttered dish.
Ttn•itisli .Delight. -A delicious cenfee-
lion sindlur le gumdrops 1.111 more Mel-
ville Is made by' dissolving two table-
spoonfule of gelatin in one-lhird of a
cupful of cold \ruler. Add out, cupful of
granulated sugar, boil hventy minutes,
then odd the 'ince from half a lemon and
half on ca•tinge. When removed from the
lire pour In one leaspounful uf extrect
1.111.11WIMITY 0111.1 1111111'1111' or 11 Cl1pf1.11 or
chopped nut monis. \Viten cool cut in
small squares and roll in red eugar.
SOME MINTy ntstiE,s.
Cheese friliers are nn serintenteol wny
of using up pieces of cheese, cut the
(Meese into slices 01,0111 Iwo inches by
ono inch, eprinkle with cayenne pep-
per and dip 111 !netted beget'. Dip vaell
1110e).) Separately in theism butter, and
fry in 1.sdling fat till n light golden
brews', dente in paper twelve the fire,
and servo garnished with persloy.
Cranberry Custard. -Line pie-tlish
with a border of puff pnsie two inches
webs Put inio it a Myer of erunlierries
and apples. stewed together and sweet-
en, d to Inst.,. Bent Ile' yollts of two
elsge with Milt a pint of milk, tolti told
rin onneo of sifted sugar, Potly over the
fruit end lethe in n neelevale oven foe
half an Imur in' till set, Beat the willies
to a stiff froth, pill. roughly un Iho pud-
ding. deeding lightly elm smoke, ond
roluoi to the nven for a few intnitles to
cline lightly, mid serve,
linked Pudding. This shithle pud-
ding win be eimid very acceptable tor
oorly dinner, told may be served with
sleeved Non or 011.101 syrup. if the las
ley, should le, mooned 0110 sent In
1111.1e in a sauce-110st. Work Iwo ounces
of huller and two renews of dripping in-
to Imif a pound or none, with whieh ints
been hitindisi 11 teaspoonful of letkIng-
powder luel a pineli of sell. Add a
11111111er 111 11 1,01111(1 of N1114111/. Beat up nn
egg, add It lo half a pint nf 1111/1
stir into the dry ingeedients. Turn the
dough ori hi a boned, flatten lo the )417.0
111 a dinner plate. SeOre acrosS 1110 1011
111111 diamoiri shapes. and bake in a
quiet; oven for tweedy minutes.
One lemeurthil a yeast, as glom 111
recipe books, la equal to one yeast, cake
of 10[1113%
III Making 31111:41 nn egg -beater is re.
rommended for 1110 first stireIng, to
avoid lumpiness.
She Offers lo Share the lemisliment or
no Aliened 131(111011st.
An mite:eel story. of rt woman's dove -
lien \vas told at
too other des', when Evilest Albert
IS>iigit111111111y. MIS committed for trial fur
After the first mareInge. in September.
11101, Mel been swoved, Flerence. Mabel
Linsley enkl that she went through a
torn) of marriage with Smith in 1903.
She Ile N1/115 newried.
'"Olien why did you marry him?" the
stipendiary aslwd.
"I limerick -1 111111," wits the nnswer,
neuse lie had 110 Mane tuld no friends.
1 touls trim as a friend. Ills wife left
him. She entity to the linuse W1101'r
MIS seyviee, und where he picked 1th
with me. She left Mtn to 1111 0111ply
"Ile has Item a frieml to me," she es11-
tiniest. "111 foci, he has (wen more then
a.• friend. I 11111 willing lo shnre heir Illts
punishment, whatever it is. 11. Is his
own wife's fault Ilia Ito what he
did. Ile lots always belinved W011 10 1110
1041111(0c 1140 roCtl!tiadliCtileli; /1111e1dwo1111.1sVity1;;Is 1‘111s111iiii301
In one of the lesser Indian eilles the
clerk eharge of the oflic1111 diaminents
is n Hindu with a peculinr Itnowledge
of As rats did much (tentage
.1 Ills papers, he elitained perniisslon lo
•eep two cats, the Jorge)" of them receiv-
ng rather hotter rations. A few weeks
nler the head race at Coleutla vecolvecl
dheas\peutiehlie: 110 op
to inform you (Ind
111, seuhir cat is absent without leave,
Wind shall do ?"
To theis problem there 1.011S V011011-
14111,11 no answer. A rti,l' Wallillpf 11 few
slays the Hindu sent uff a promise]:
"in re absentee cut, I premiss. 14) 111,0.
inore ihe junior eel, find, in the mean.
Iline to tithe into government service a
peobationer cal un full rations."
Mentrwinis lo 11111111111R aee com.
mots Ind there is only one in England
existing inside a elturels This is the
enigy ot it row displayed in Durham
( in I tied rel. T1'11 dil i on asserts I ha i I was
plueed them In (triter lo keep in Yemetn-
branee the Inas relating to 1.1e, burin]
within flie srwerd edifice of the 1/1.111111111N
of St, Cuthbert.
PM, while on the top of a len-slimy
building, lost 1118 hnlatice rind lo 1110
The foreman lusher] To his ns.-
sisdance, expecting to find 111111
Itilled or herribly mangled.
"Mon, nein I" he cried. "Aisi you
Pnt kinked up slowly tout said, "011,
Meer inoind: (/1 NVUS cumin' dtmn fur
ft ta Said iled the Ilitherio Strong -
tweeted Soldier Has Been Cap-
tured at Last,
1:1'11:Llitlethett;gutgot 1111.41,,r1!,11 orK\iii,vri.os1,1,111.1,111:?11,Sel:11111)1.
natielessimeldeli of 1111? 1311111,11 how in
led a. res.111,11 env,' beftive, is now eon.
The Impending innevinge frattglil
Vc1111 ;40 much romanee 1111k1 1'0.4 1,1111
stici01y 111 110 dneti 1,01 lire spetiSeig of
it ns till event fur surpassing any loner
11 kind IMO 1111,1 oCellrred li (11)-
1V11,1111 I.111S 11111'113' that Die
bundled y'eung Ainyriellli iiloVe
Inem repemed engaged lime met 11g11111
111 01'1011. 1111111 ond portly because' elle
is IN' 0111Y w01111111 who llossehecn able
to leste, threugh imperviuue frost
\vvi,111,1i100\,\11,11,1•!Iinstellief, greet general hod L'll•
11 MK Ille Ihnlem, when Ilie mitres,
princes of India gave their fertniti al.
leginnee 1., the then IlOWIY -crowned Ed -
weed 1'11. thnt Chnuncey nest met
the importurni le Kitchener. As head uf
the 111111.Y/ Ile wly, 1/11183'.
Adalr, 1111 Anwelean friend of
Mrs. Chauncey', had (smithies' the lat-
hs' Gail a meeting with the general
would he 11 thallklesii affair.
ocir SMILE FlIONI IlEst.
"You must. not expeet lind 111111 very
Said .111.s. Adair. "They Any he
butes PrettY w2111011."
"'You make ow so Much more nnxi-
te have a peep el the monster,'
said eIrs. Chouneey.
\Viten Lerd Kiteltenee tried to frown
et Nies, tletuneey, she It.ld him eetuully
not 1.1 10.1. St, er055, 111111 lie forced
untl the smile, it is sold, after
that bectune ti habil, and people yous0.1
to Noir und rather begun to like him.
Mrs. Chauncey paid a 141'N/rid Vkit 1.)
During her absence :die and the
General bad correspuntled, ;Ind the
friends10 welch had begun til the Dur -
her Was liielloWed illiu greater mutual
legnist and esteem by the le•illinnt tel-
lers; Ns Melt two exellangert. So that
it Wit,/ 11111 111 1111 seems:ono to those stele
knee' the circumstances in learn that.
the mutable Sirs. Chatinsey tind nevoni-
plislied more 1111111 1111 1111' -1.1101111U st
England combined Mut ever been able
to do -conquer imlornitableo fighter
Mrs. Chouncey is the widow of SaIll-
eel Holm Chauncey, a millionaire of
\Litt:tot inskItswn.), litik.:1.(1111e11,4 1,1,111,11 yr u111.1.1111,1,
she had mei lie!! 011 Hie C11111111011 .•f
Europe. whithr.r she Mal gone with het'
miaowed mother, Mrs. Carr. nod the
scarcely less SiSter. *sties (111100
wh bek,11,„ nit, wife
.t,` Lehi Neel orough, a young noble-
man of gr. M. and ancient tinnily.
A Native of POew Hebrides :Binders a
News reachkel Sydrioy, Australia re-
cently risen the New Hebrides of the ye.
iutirkable imumer in which the mur-
dered Anglicen missienery, the Bev, to
C. Goiltion. met tils denth.
Ceek1011 was stationed nt Aoha
teitnel. The murderer had served 800-
(1'01 year): imprisormient 111 irons in
Queensland on ft charge of allenmied
!twister. and resented Ids trentrnent so
much that voe-ed he would murder
the first white num he met on returning
to Ids teen country.
The °Menge lock place al 1110 esteems
northern end of Aolei, \view Air. Shel-
don 111111 troweled to visit his assassin,
The murderer engnged conversulion
WWI 1110 missionery, hut ns 311'. Gothien
was leaving the hul he stealthily crept
up behind him, end, pointing a rifle
elese 10 his body, discharged the seen -
poll. The shelter/xi 1110 inIsVon-
ary's thigh, and in a crippled condition
he made ft frantic attempt lo escape.
Following his victim, the enrtiged na-
tive mule n desperate rush nt Mr. God -
den. finally killing him by mums or a
A /111111'0 attached lo 1110 mission ar-
rived on the 8e0110 1.11. 1110 11101rient and
CII1T10d the body of the missionary to
hls (sell hut. Ile then gave M[011111111011
eMich led to 1110 arrest of the murderer.
'1110 tritil will lake place 111 Fiji, before
1110 High Commissioner fee tho Western
An American tourist. on a visit to
Glasgow, on emerging from the rnilway
station, wos occosted by a lad Nvill) the
Milliner shout of "Corry your bag. sir?"
The gentleman Minded the boy the
bng tind requested to be shown through
Crossing Georgois &mere, they enrne
opposite lo Sly Wolter Seolt's moms,
mod. and the hoy said proudly :
9,1101 Ls one of the lergest monuments
itt Seollend."
"OIL" sold Ilse *Vankee, with 011 011, of
liulifferenae, "we have threepenny ethers
ns 11141 ns that in America."
The got onto ft tram ear going enst,
and just 1121 they alighted nt the termi-
nus, a long ciscultir piece of iron en it
lorry denten by twelve 110111CS came lip
Ihe street.
The American, in surprise, asked the
boy what 111111 wns for, The boy, re -
he seen with 111111, replied
membering what the Yntikee lind stild
about the Ogees, and wIlli ft 1,08010e lo
"Oh, a new hole) hns just been 1,11111
in the Toungnte, and that is Ihe kitchen
A negro boy, employed by a physl-
ehm, Wes sent out one night lo saddle
the doctor's horse. When Kw boy led
Ile, 1101'80 (0 the front gale the doctor
discovered that the soddle was on the
horse in 0 reversed condition. the front
of 1110 sethlie pointing lowatels the
home's lath
"Why did yott old Ithe saddle nn
that manner?" demended the doeltes
The negro innocently replied, "Tatelor,
I didn't know which scii3, yeti Was
'111E STOBV OF TEE V105'111.8 1,16031
'111e Negro Problem in the Linhod
Settee is Fest !seeking at a
Ever since the day uf their einaneipa.
putssi than slaviry, the negro bandit -
Weis el Ile, United Stales lam: been
deb:dud by 111., white inlemilants, and
mure particularly 113. these uf the
seutheen 511110N. 1/010 and
again, ellen ate utrocietts erinet is 4/01,
puteu10.1 by a negru, this hawed
ICUOI111,1 11 11 1:7`11i, 11/111 1111VS 1101 .stop
short of leaching,
.1 tooth port of the mm111'111,1'1 are
negrues, which 111111. ((lore aro
hot millions of 1110111 in lite United
Slates, or more than 1110 inhabitants kJ
Sculls/id and fret:net p111 together,
;Mau; banks of llio hoWer 311S.S1h-
sippl. 10 1.-tapterm County there, ur0
lateen negr«,s to every while ninn.
Aceurding to the last census five mil.
negyees. or 1.11; ir munber, aro.
illiterete; but of 111/111y of the semein-
der Anwrion enuld well be le.outi, Fee
lest/ince, though 11 is only thirty -live
years since the Civil War put an eml
1., orgnnized sla\-ery. uegeues are puss
$300,e0nsesi mutually In limes upon
THE PlIOPEliTY IllE1' 011iN.
TW011y banks, and 400 new.epaPOrR
111'0 1'1111,1/3' 001(11M1 111011, Wili10 OVC1' 300.
111'0 4/111011S111g 115 physicians, und sev-
eral hundred hare fortunes uf upwayds.
of $50,01t0 apiece,
Of ceurse, it is the live million illit-
erate negeoes, and more particularly
nod very (ergo section of turtling vtign-
nIne'll,Idsslenvl,h711:t)lnihYtilvemeTuli7111'te'ettit \\(-1';i1110:
nein tigtonst them.
111 the Northern States the feeling ie
1101 so Vale. A groat outcry wes 1111010
egainst 11resident Roosevelt some linio
ugo, because he entertailied kit dinner
Dr. Hooker Washingluts the ex -slave,
and founder of 1111111y culleges and In-
stitutions for negeoes.
On 1110 other hand, Admiral Dewey
refused to gti ashore at Sao Domingo,
when his fleet arrived there, iseause
no, Ano.1.1,.tio minis's/. was 11 negro. nod
1111,1 110 land,s1 tm rind his Wheel's would
have bad to (Fee with him.
Again. ile•itite the o•Onions 111,,
held of the Aale,loan nation, Who
111111 1110 1.0;./ro should be 111dged by his
elturnelts• and 111/1 Ily 111-; rotor. Die Nii..3)
D.parlinelit have been clindiuding fee
throe yours pas! all negetws from see -
dinleuity 110S lean ffir
as the United Stoles Army is is 1teern.
ed. by drafting all eemeed 1,1
(erten) rt,g1nionle where nu \virile.;
holy serve in 1110 rank,.
E0oll 111// Nnellwril Steles ineny
yolk g -s, told 11141dros refuse In
allow negro s 10 enter their pronia-,.
13111 ia the setilliern Steles the feel-
ing IONVards nogiabs imoal liiller. 13y
what 1..„, ki.„.131.1.1 ujim crnw
a negro 111113' 1101 i111..1. 11 F:11111/fly car-
riage 4- ear, or any tither puldie
velnele 111 willch whins are tratolling.
Convict; and 10111111es object to (IC-
v11pying prisoris or asylums with 1110
mini of color:al skin. Mille 11 is 11 ensO
or certain tiniiinges for libel for ,,117,
while man lo call anollier "a eolored
These f0018 alone lire sufficient to
"miss sos negro hole 11,,, who,. nem os•
cerdially 0.s lie himself is haled; hut tho
system of "peeringe," as IL Is 11111ed.
is univeren1 ln tho Southern
Slates, Ins nettle the lift' or the nogroes
\1',111 1111110 1111111 l' 11S 111111 0110 1,1 lyi
mist! intolernmes
II Atull'ivini.thrtswit.l:li tre:11.11;:irg ule1.1415g,1'" 1:',11‘,‘,;1:11:',-;
who owes a debt in 0 white
he L4 adjudged by a emir! of Winds-
hIdes ln Ihe Slides where uoktroes
111.ed, ,rind to be guIlly uf sonic, leis-
deinennor, Is not flned or Imprisoned,
is e1,111,1 led to I Ivant 0110 r.
fence en the Non (a' cotton fields of
any while nem \eh., will have Mtn.
Thus, in Hu, Seuthern Slates, three
ore innny thousands of coloretl men
and \\sewn Nolo, are entirely el the
merey of their white employees, II Is
the custom for white oveeseers lo go
(Intones! their laborers twined with re-
volvers nml whips, One) a negro gels
Into the grip of an unseruptiluus
et. he hog praelleally stilt! hie the lo
hitn, Under the connate laws, so long
a; lie 1.01.111VOS food from his master
puyirig money for il, he must,
go on working out 1118 semenee,
As 411114111, be expected, timidly& • I
nogroes, beeeming despernle nt their
11141reatinceet, Ily from thele bundnien
03 me' week, nntl. vow vengeance against
the while 1111111.
N.1 0111/ 0111111113` 111n1 1111Ve 1114
sInve In the Ileitis, nItlain N1,11 ho
1,as hi steal. And when he soes 1111
wrE'llks 110 WM'S( 1,0S,"117111
erinu, hie unintelligent, embittered brnin
eto1 think of.
The emsequenee le -that Me United
Slides finds herself In the throes of a
rectal wnr.-Prarsunie Wevicly.
NE1'1,111 CLOseer),
miss Ogling -Nes, he snit"! you re-
minds(' hen of los welsh,
Miss GebblessA.111 1 seppose that's 111A
Vil1Y a paying n complIntenl.
Miss Cutting -4 don't, think so, door.
llo merely remarked in expOination that
his watch wns an open fftee.
A TE1111111rx
Mr. Blighter/I-elf you rinnI slop look-
ing so eweel, 111 kiss you.
Nits: Key• -No you wool.
My. Ilitgen141--why woo, 1?
Miss Koy-Yrel Won't 11111088 you enn
keep no, from screaming and -velem
know you can.
N1051 people find Mull with their
neigth or.. In Order 10 get eVall with
neighbors who lind !milt with them.