HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-1-17, Page 5c'a8t�'�r�f�t
Strong Heads and Skilled
99�� Hands to the Frontl It
E1.1113,31.0 prn]'m'ly to roptttroti (01 huaiuoaa
,� peel done Wo deal 111117y In high ';veru
YF, IIII$JnO6e 0 4U0at00.4110 Mud every Qpjo
>° young Wad and '37041011 84011111 have.
t Our school hen now 11'8 l'u'g• et attend. yy
I, ;thee lulu hl8lan'y. Ouwu1Duoo now. is
Y' Prop1utra wall mud 8ua0108 la eartoiu. ,
front t. at , 'ad r tc to net
,�t No ,In ,r a graduates 8 6
41 postai:1m ,Jtlta11gtte nee,
W. 2. 141,1,10`.12T,Principal.
M Dan Yoltoo AND 111111380011811 bis.
16.7.4-.fe;.;c `.�,=atl i,:4;1 19
DR. 1i. A. BURNS-
Sueeeeeo1' to 1)t•. J. A. AlOSaughton
Brussels, Outwit,
Graduate of Polycliuto Pout Graduate
School uf Alodtoiue and durgory, Now York
Plumber 01 0111)038 of P8yoiolaus and Our•
gODne of Ontario.
U1lleo sed residence same au formerly oi-
rupted by Dr, a10N1Vuehtou,
Mimeses meses of women a opolialty,
'Phone No, 21.
Dtls9Ma BUDS.
1i. MoOliA0KEN—
Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Of.
Lice at Grocery, 70110ne1ry ttr00t, Braman I.
Office In the root Opine, mho. 90.4
le prepared to give teado,l0 on P1am•
°r 1teed Urgnu. Terms On uuphcatuD
1'0,'31111100 mdth e0e—ttruseel e. ltealii e0—
Lot 8, 000.10, (,roy. Pupils may nave Chub
)000,,110116 WW1: own 400108 11 preterled.
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of !!lemic.
Agent Howick Mutual
Tire Iniurauco Company
GR)oc all liooldenoo—
• ase, will sell for better prices, 1.
better emu, in lees time anti lose (Marge.
than any other 180ati0800, (u Emit Buren w
o au 'tohor a anything, Dates and ord0,
M n
un t. b arrangedot ant ce r n
C 1111s (Om 0
nera•Dnai apphoation,
11LU1'1VAL19 — OMT,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme rea0ouable, Sales arranged fm
nt the o19co of 'sue Pose', Bru0eele, 0311
. Honor 1'1'8.1110,0 of the Ontario Vet
ertuary Oolloge, is prepared to treat all die
sane of dOmeat10at0,) animate f11 a 0nneet
eat Manner. Part)aulnr atteutio0 paid to
Veterieury poetaster fed Milk t•uver, Uallt
)s0luptly attended to. (Moe and lunrmar3
Four moors North of bridge, lurnberry et,
Is m168018,
11-• Barrister, 3olialtur, Notary, Pito
bneeessor to 1¢, P. 3111ur. Unice 01103. 8108
third Bank, 131111keele, dolie1111 for Metro.
1.13111414138J 11,
• Ba,TlOGtr, u01103.3or, UOnveyauo0l,
Notary Public, Ito, Ulbue-8tewart's !'loot
1 dour North 01 Ventral l4ot01.
8nllottor fur tho Standard Batik.
)uounvooT, HAYS as l3LAIR—
Ibener811191(0, 8V1,I01'lILtS, N07411(1il1
1031,1.1, 19'10,
W. P 0t00DS0011, E. 0, 1t, O. HAYo
G. 18. 31)010.
Ouloes—Those io1m0riy ocoupl0d by Messrs
0016011011 11.1 11011,
Oonanr00, Oli'l11no,
DR. R. P. FE/LD.
Sdradllate of the !loyal tlullege of Dente,
Snrgeoneof 01130010 Awl Plrete01000 Boum
)d1'acillalo of Toronto University. Olio,
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
N is re804111R84 to be Due of tee lead[ug in
Yd OOulmerelal Oohoolt ,l Dement, Our
It00o11100 are 3.11er00g11 )lr,,) 11110otoal'
111,011 department is 10 the hlt040 of a
1r expvr)en0od iu8111uotu8. Dar grade -
'6t aerie are In demand rand are meeting
with great 81108608, Many 10ad1n33
. itldw16800[1egutium ntoy 0111'
idea as to11)19, Write IUs fret eats -
1 loge°. You may outer 6t
any limo. 11,
pp 141,1140)"1' et &MMLA011LAN, ti
3(3 Prtuutpa(8. lyp
Tux Pose' hen made arrangements to
elal, with ell the leading Weeklies and
1)111)1ON lend other Jauruals of every die-
Tee Pog'r Itdd the followiog named
papers will be net fur one year as fnl-
POST and Tornuto Globo 01 35
' Mail and Empire 1 718
Free Plan 1 80
" Family 'Jerald and Star1 80
' Montreal IVitOosa,.,.,,1 65
' London Advertiser 1 60
" Weekly Still 1 80
" barmer0' Advocate 2 35
PORT 00111 The NOwe $2 35
" Star 2 05
" " Globe 4 00
" Muil and Empire 4 50
" World 810
' " Advorlieer 2 85
Wltee Pl'Orllitlllla are given with any
or the above neemd publilu11iou0 you ee-
01138 them through the olub with TDB
Onll nt the office or remit the amount
by 1', 0. Order, E8pre80 Oder or ilog-
isteeed letter, addre0eiug
Brussels, Oat,
Archie Foga' epee) New Years with
hid permute.
Jennie Gaynor spent `Xmas with his
parents, no. and ire, Gaynor.
We are pleased to report that Hire. J.
Gaynor id again able to nee her erne.
Juke Hullenbeok bad the mifl0rtune
to fall end break hid arm Aman morning
Maury dlorr nicotine going to Walcott
for the pnrpoeo of working un the new
0. P. R.
Mten Jennie Bewtinhimer entertaiued
n few young remade to party. All re.
port a very enjoyable evening.
Rev. 0. 0. Anderson, of Pembroke, will
supply le the Rapine Minton, Listowel, fM
view of 11 mil,
James Rogers who hag been iouliined
to 1118 home with a 8lfgut attack of
pneumonia, has we ate Veined to state
nearly recovered,
Mies Vivian Clayton has returned
home from the Weet and entered upon
her duties ae lo0rt11 teacher in the
Listowel High School.
The Dl8Lrlot meeting of 1110 L. 0. L.
of E.me. was held 1D Listowel on Tuesday
Jaultary, 8th, for the p0rpos0 of appoint
tug Minoru teed geuerel minium for the
good of the ttesoo 118ion, There was a
large turnout from the difforeut lo0gee
curl it very otW0eedttlf meeting wee held.
li'ollowing ie the lieu of o6ioere for the
year 1007 1—Bro. W11Joaghby, D. M. ;
Bro. Buohanau, 1), D. M. ; bre. Fogroh,
Ohnpl1lu ; Bro. Wittiest ; R. 8, ; Bro.
Woloh, F. B.; Bro. Roamed, Treasurer ;
Bro. Bltudereou, D. 8. ; tiro. Jo11ueou,
Oroop one pooltively be stopped iu 20
minutes. No 110W131eg— 0mthiug to
0iekeu or distress your obi,d. A sweet
31183000nt and ea)0 eyrnp, Dalian Dr,
dhoop'e Croup ()ore, does the work end
does 14 quickly, Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure
le for Omni) alone, 118meneuer. It duan
not maim to mire a dozen eilmente. It's
tor Croup, that's all. Sold by F. It
Ulate vale.
SAD AOOID&NT.—Tho following from a
''he0a1lou paper refers to a grandson
of Thee, and iAlre. Jewett, of Bluevale 3—
"A. very tied didtr0Balug ao0ident 00011111ed
ou Obrietmae day CO mar the festivi-
ties 0t minty of our citizens, more
eepeoiall31 that of Wm. and Mrs.
Pugh, when it batmen known about
noon that their little non, Harry,
while chafing with others ou the bay
near Lite mouth of the river, had fallen
,n and was drowned. The little fellow
w company with the young sou of
W. H. Imive011, had been playing
huokey and 111 their endeavor to remelt
she punk ventured toe near the open
toe mud both fete in. Young Laweou
wag able to attractive baok on the safe
in while hie 11111ortnaat8 nompauien
dank to the bottom. A number of the
01101ene W818 at ouoe on the simile of
the accident and atter grappling for
about three quarters of un hour the
body was brought to the entreat and
conveyed to the }lame of the heart
broken family. The unfortunate boy
was 14 years, 5 m0uthe and 20 dmye
old mud was of it bright diep001true
mud eeloved by all his playmates."
Planner In Corn Sallied
They usual,y 0001.141 11 ulnad and biro
the flab. The one axle Dura in ,igalif
form ,0 Putnam's Painles0 Ooru Emmet
or, wheel is purely vegetebl0, fugues no
psis and aures 1u 0110 day. Don't forget
the name—"Petnam'0,"
Winn; !sans.
W. J. 11+)1)03.1, brother IA the editor
of the Time, wag emoted Its Councillor
in Ingersoll,
Jae. G, Stewart, late of Wingham,
hoe sold hie hardware business at Au.
burn to Jos, Young.
Mre, Harold piok0d enough lettuce
(rote her garden on 'Thursday, 3rd teat.,
to serve for salad for one n1e111. This
.0 an unusual occurrence in Wiugliom,
le January,
A, LI, Andereon'e hue team ran away
funk the G, T. It, elation the other'
morning going 0.0 far as the first bridge
S&nth of the town, The bun wee very
badly broken and will take some $200
to repair it.
lhomae Abraham has gold hie farm
In haat VVawnn0011, 011 the Belgrave
road to John W. Shooboltom gild hue
lnroha0011 from Wortley M. Cornell the
[ Y
'200 gores In the Township of Morrie,
formerly 020upi014 by Thomas Falrew,
The eutrnal meeting of the L. O. L. of
he Minna of Turnberry wee held in
he Orange Hail, Winteham, with a fair
rept110ntatiilt of the lodges present.
Only routine bnelnese wee transacted,
and sbe Loiinwleg (allegro were ,holed
and Metalled I—W, M , Wm. (!Beet ;
D. 0)1,, 'f• blathers ; R. S., floe, 0
Thornton ; F. S., Thu, Stewart ;
Tread , 303111 Dunmore ; Chap., Rev.
(leo, Baker ; 0. of O., A, Wheeler t
Lea., Andrew MoMann00,
ci) oder!<111,.
The pollen had an offender in a ono
of fast driving brought to .jnetioo,
117r, Baumbaoh, of the Sovereign
Bank staff, hoe been very itl with typhoid
raver and lett for hie home 1n Teeowatrr
aeonmpauied by W. Elliott,
With the beginning of the New Yeer,
a change Welt Oahe in the proprietorship
o 11
t t he Huron n hotel , Opt. Wm. Graig
taking it over from N. J. Morrioney.
W. L. McLean has been doing a large
besinee0 in oaten ehipping this season,
having 0hlppad eight oar leede within
the past seven weeks. The last oar went
to Manihester ,England.
The O. P. R. huildinge are being stead
fly proceeded with. The freight 81104 to
nearly oompletod, being roof,•14 in, the
engine and rotted house will soon be
finished, and the Oration is being pushed
ahead as fast as the weather }termite,
'Wright Martin, of town, flays 11B le
well Rationed with hit experience m rail
fug poultry. DPI, year be getliered 15,
516 eggs, which he sold for $207 57, lied
the emit of feed was $135 10, giving a
prrflt of $7247. He expects to do mach
better in 1907
Before leaving Belmont, where ehe had
been on the pobllo 00h0o1 atoll for e0me
time, Mies M, F,.Iogiis, who ie now on
the etltff of the Gnderio11 public school,
wee made the recipient of a 110salifoi
gilt oink and ebony handled Over paper
knife and n farewell address from her
Growing Otd Mefotr. Your Titne
Broken in 'spirit, weak in body, nervous
and discouraged Something 3a wrong
and each day sees you failing away.
Jost one thing to do—Build up To do
thin, on Females. What a tonio it is,
Appetite, why it mxkee you eat gement].
ouely, Digest indeed you will. Rloh
red blood .vi11 (ferry nourtehment to every
organ of the body. ired organa )aloe on
new life, color, spirit and embalm; are
restored. Portent manhood arid abound
fug health f• the unfailing prodoot of
Ferrozons—try it, 50o per box every
l) l into n.
Mayor 73oover wee 001)40ed to the
hones by an attack of (piney.
Io the last taw yearn the Jackson Mfg
Go. hum pard $25,000 in duties on import
ed etcok.
The grump sales at the Clinton Post
offine for 1900 were $5281, an increase
of $381 over those of the precis -ling year,
'there were 59 bu'fnIs in Clinton
cemetery during 1900,17 being of obi)
dren ander 10 years of age, 23 woman
and 19 man.
J E. Hovey and D. Oantelon went to
Hamilton, The former is to lake part
in a four daye' shoot, field on the 14th,
1001, 18th and 17th of January.
Mted A. W. Seaman, evsngeliet, 09110
is assietine the punter in spaniel ger
vino at Turner's ohnrch, preaohed in
0 &trio street ohnrch Smbbath moraine
Mre. U, Callander, Parkerburp, Weal.
Virginia, ie in town, having been oalled
there owing to the death of her brother,
J, B. Bombe)), Mre. A. Porter, Goderiob,
i8 here owing to the some Pea 011,
While mimed in cleaning off the roof
of hie kitchen, Harry Coniston /pipped
and fed to the ground ben-ath His tel
woe mode the harder bY
th pimP inter
vnning, mad one rib woe broken and it
Becloud one ir0ntered end penetrated hie
If you are constipated, dull, or bilious
or have a Ballow hfeleea oomplexlou, try
Lax en just ouoe to see what they
wilt do for you. Lax et0 are little tooth
some Oaody tablets --nice to eat, nice in
effect. No griping, no pain. Just a
gentle laxative effect that i0 pleseiegly
desirable. Elendy for the vest p001101 or
puree. Lax eta meet every desire. Lax•
ole come to you iu beautiful lithographed
metal boson at 50 and 25 ante. Sold by
F. R, Smith.
Mre, Andrew Donaldson met with a
regretable 800ident fast week when she
fell and broke soma of iter ribs,
Henry Menne was 0alied to Toronto
on Monday to etteud the funeral of hie
mother who died rather suddenly.
Robt, and M's, Hamilton lett for their
home in 0hioag3 atter it two w0011s' visit
u the home of Mr. Hamilton's parante,
Main 8tr,et.
Thos. D chine, Blind Line, left for
Guelph where be will attend the Guelph
A,lrionitoral College t0k)og in the two
week'0 comae in judging. He will pay
partiOU or attention to bornee,
Mre. Robe. Hamilton, Main Bt., met
with no ugly (all. She had stopped au
'ho platform to fasten beak the front
storm door wine her feet went from nu
der her on the slippery 011rfa00 and 8h.•
ell heavily on her heck, iejurying her,
ehnulder severely.
George Nichol hoe tliepoeed of his farts
On 81.11 con Weet to Walter Hact/lton and
hie non George. The num realized Is (1
good one. 1Ir. Nichol hag purohlleed the
Dr. Philip farm West of Li,Eowel on the
boundary. Thin farm minden of 173
eared and hoe epleedid buildings.
Enure (Immo Fao1onY,-9'he Annual
meeting of the eboreilo)dere of the Enna
Cheese and ButterOompnny woe held at
he (eatery Met Saturday Jan 5131
at 1 p m. The day was a beautiful one
and the 1.4Itenclene0 was larger than no0a1.
John G, Dtnheou Wes appointed 0halrman
and $I ad the position so hat nodal 803
ueut manner, 111e minutes of the last
ann011,) meeting were read and approved
tee abet the minutes of the Direotore'
tat etinge tiering the year, The audilore'
statement 07110 also read, frotn which
the fo 'owing interesting tante aro gat her
ed I total quantity of whnleeele none
407,600 ibo. told for $49,794 70, an aver•
age pries of 12 215 Ote. per 111,, the higheet
prism we behove in Western Ontario, if
not iu a 1 Ontario, The patrons received
$44,008 88 for their mi111 ; R, A Thump
eon $228105 for melnlfaoturieg cheese
the mula,aulere $1721.32, The total to.
emote for batter and ahem) amounted 10 •
$52810 04 and the total expenditure to
82416,82, Weeni aa surplus 110 hand 11
d it
$395 82. Total Ike at milk for ohesee
4,804.626 ;for bnttee, 812,766 ; average
,be, of milk to Ib of ohne'. 10 55;1(Verage
tett for Omen 8 65 1t. S. 13a len.
Lyne wet re'nppOhtted sales•
man and J. A, Turnbull, auditor.
The old Board tit Dirootorg woe re•
oleoto'i and will consist tide year of the fess Vis!
(04..wLrg pereons ; Prev,, Thee, Diukeert
Vine Pres., T4as, Slugger, Walter 5nght,
Alex, ffsmpeonand R. S. Baliantyne, At
tle meeting of tho Board of Direetor0
a8Ller the annual meeting D. G. Anderson
wag reappointed Sea.'Treae,
brise McKelvey, of Jarneetown, Is a
guest at Jarne0 Outt'e,
E. 11. Dever, 18 former citizen of our
town, wee Ideated mayor of Preston,
tars. Ed. Irreshliug, of Aroola, Alia„
arrived here On Monday 0f last week to
ailend the funeral of her mother, Mrs.
John M)Ila, w110 resided near Auburn,
Vu Huntley evening of 1000 week, Wm,
Brooke died at his home after a short
tline0e, Abone 6 weeps ago he took
a cold in hie throat and had only been
in had about two weeks. Deceased had
lived here for over 32 years. His age
wita 62 years, The funeral took ptuoo
on Wed0eeday afternoon to the Union
cemetery under the Implore of the I
G. F.
John W. Bell, of Court Morning Star,
No. 39, 000adian Order of Furoolero,
wive presented with 0 handsome piece
of silverware by the members of the
ooarh, it being the maiden of hie mar•
ridge to Mies Elizabeth Walker, The
presoutaticn wee muds by Wm. Sime,
who .0 it fele well olioeen words extended
the aongratuiatiooe of all preemie wit(,
the beet wishes eo Mr. and Mrs, Bell,
hoping they might have many happy
years together.
A marriage which hag created ooneid•
erable ioteroot took place Monday even
lug WW1 week et the comfortable little
borne of Jabez Walker, The eonlraot-
ing paltiee were hie eldeet daughter,
E fzabeth end J, W. Bell. 130th are
well and favorably known in Blyth.
On.y u very few friends were present
to centime' the tying of the nuptial knot,
Rev, W. H. Hartley officiating. The
newly married ample will continue
oitize08 of Blyth, and will live with the
brfde'e pronto,
Wtilt` /Ivop.
DISTnta'r °Benne Looah,—The anneal
Meeting uf 1411)4081 Distrtut L. 0. L., held
at Winthrop on the 8th 'net., was well
attended by brethren from the different
Primary Lodge0, W. G. Smyth, W. M.,
000upted the chair and during hie ad•
dream congratulated the brethren on the
su00008 of the Dietriot for the past year,
Mid he was gratified with the harmony
°sitting amongst the brethren, the pros
peon being very en00araging for the
Order during 1007, Atter the noual
ronttne of 3180ine00, John Boarlett, G. M.
S. P. for Outeri°, 'Detailed the officers,
the following being the lint eleoted t --
D. A. Boyd 813.... W. M.
John Ford 710....1) M.
0. Lowery 928.,,.Ohap.
Wm. Kenney 1318....Beoy,
D. 8. Oook 710....7. B.
W. Trewartho 815....Treae.
David Barr 928....DIr, (Jer.
Thos, Monaghan —710 LeoEarexe
John Bedard 818 }
After the meeting closed the brethren
were ail invited to the home of J. Camp
bell, audpartook of an excellent Rapper
Riven by the members of L. 0. L., 818.
The &indnen and thoughtfulness of the
members of L. 0 L. was very much
113.1.31)30.108 by all who partook of the
A Suggealtou Or (tare Yldtto
A diseased condition of the dmfaaoe of
the air (103mage0 oaneee bad breath, but
Mere 00mmoltly emanates from digestion
ur an impure 0011ditlin of the blood.
Thoueaude of Genie prove that Dr.
llnm,lteu'e Pille through their epea10
action ou the secretory and eliminative
organs, not only care bad breath, but eo
thoroughly purify the system that any
thing 0hggeetive of blood or dig001iv0
;routine is impossible. Through Dr.
Hamilton's Pine the skin grows they
aativity of the body and mind inereasee,
and bounding health is established.
Bold everywhere in 25o boxes.
(naNeE FAOTORY.—The followlne le the
report of the aloloeworlh Chem Factory
for the peat year ;—Reoeipte—Bnlanoe
per unfit, $33 47 ; refund from Treat'.
urer, $2 28 ; intermit, $42.65 I for old
stove, $2 25 ; May cheese, $2537 19 ;
June cheese, $5576 91 ; duly Cheese,
$5784 70 ; August cheese, $5232.32 ;• Sep.
iamb. r cheese, $461403; October elm. le,
$4889,86 ; total reo03)10, $28166 66. Ex-
penditure—Balance of nominee for 1906,
$13 76 ; putting in ice, $19 00 ; elation.
Dry, $6 85 ; repairing scales, $10 10 I new
smoke stank, $19 60 ; °Inutile and paint.
lug factory, $57 00 ; new vet, $62.50 ;
inenranoo, $35 25 ; Bamford'o a000unt,
$7.00 ; Adolph as Bonnett'e a000n0t,
$49.50 ; printing, $7 00 ; tinsmiths' ae
wants, $59.77 ; lumber, $9 00 ; new
pump, $14.00 ; taxes, $29.51 ; inetrboeor,
$15.00 ; rogiatrution of factory, $8 (10 I
freight, $2.77 ; drawing away ref0e0,
$800 ; work at well, $16.00 ; loading
ohees0, $8.001 acoottnt0, •$84.50; interest
Barg ins
dell and inspect myoods and cant.
pare Piquet+, Quality end Design in all the
bated, Novelties, 1 ant better prepared
than ever bmf re and Dau convince the
kilrowdedt buyer that they oats get the
beet valno in Illy lido ever offered. Any.
thing sold is cold strictly on its "Quality"
or Money refunded.
Wim' 14904 rs
Hiy 0I"3)tOA.T, PARLOR is oomplet-
eel at thn.e requiring (6)asses will find
that St'eeter's is t110 plane 30 get all the
!ghat methods of proper testing,
0ortlhtl iuviteli1n to all.
Sign of the (401000 (Nook,
We are now busy taking stock for the first time
since opening this store in Brussels and find our
supply of Winter Goods too heavy. You may
depend upon it there will be something doing in
the way of low prices for we are determined to
reduce our stock of
Our stock is New and Bought Right but we will
make the prices talk for we need the space and can also
make use of the money. Take our advice—don't buy
Winter Coats or Furs, in fact any heavy goods, until you
;et our Prices,
on note, $30 00 ; nee of hall, $4 00 ;
offence' se, arfee, .$216 00 ; greys), $1.50 1
Mitoben Bros, a000unt, $10 61 ; block.
smith's amount, $9 80 ; draft and poet.
age, 16o ; drawing rank,
75• m
ufaotoring °be'oe, $00681; patron('
for milk, $28963 02; mash b .lanae, $24.13 ;
total expenditure, $28165 66. Averages—
Total lbs, of milk, 2,625,808 I total lbs. of
cheese, 286,206; net of drawing milk per
1000 (be, 65o.; average prise of ohesee for
00a0od, 11 90 ; average lbe. of milk 10
mak8 1 lb. of oheese,1111. The auditors
were H.R. Spann and George Gibson.
A GOOD ONE. --We recommend our
readers to aubeoribe to the Farmers'
Advocate and Homo Magazine, the best
Agrioultarol Journal in America.
Overtaken by 71,0861
Yon don't know whether Ito going to
stay down or come up. Yon feel like
thirty ciente and look 8900 worse, 1) one
thing ie quicker than another, it's
"Nerviline" Ten drops in eweetened
wilier gives instant relief. Almost like
magic is tho Omega you experience,
The canoe of the naneea is removed,
every eympton of vomiting nod indigos•
tion ie cured within ten mi0nte0, When
Poleon'e Nerviliue is eo trusty and
0000omioal, a bottle at home wouldu't be
amine. Large ones fora quarter at all
.Mew 1'089088 the Vitality and Girlish
Beauty of the Olded TIuleo.
Never before was 3)11yeio01 health and
vigor so highly esteemed and eo eagerly
Bought for art to day. No man ti0de
happiness in a siokly wife, and the w0m•
RD who wishes to enjoy the pleasure(' of
life ebonld spare no effort to maintain
perfect hoalh. Is your 1100911ter grewhig
0p strong and middy ? Hae she strength
to drink in greedily all the pleasures that
youth eo zealously seeks—or le she aim
pelted to nee the elreet oar instead of
enjoying the delightful exeroise of walk.
mg—done elm alter a ball arias refreshed
and vigoroue, 0r le elm exhausted, in.
different, and perhaps irritable ? When
Strength and vigor o0n be eo easily main.
twined by 1!`arrozone, wlien the glow of
health de gniokly brought t0 your olioeke
and elasticity to the step, it is plainly a
mother's duty to se- that Ferrozene is on
band to aesiet her daughter hack to
health, Upon the wake of Ferrozooe
gof8kly 10i10w0 a stream of rich, nourish.
ing blood which (imparts' that power and
enrpins energy so earnestly deeieed by
t1oe0 in ill -health, Stop and think what
thie means to your daughter—oertainly
a great deal, and it can be a000mplieleed
by Ferrozone, Every growing girl and
young women derives enormo00 benefit
in many wey0 from thin Iiniritier vitallz
ing tonics. It is epooially spited for
a tf o _ en and is a guarantee yugwm g t of
stealth and regularity as long ae 11 is
need, Forrozono le free from alcohol
end perf00tly safe to 010e, Prepared in
Lorin of a chocolate coated tab et and
mold in 60o boxes or Six for $2.50, at all
eductio ale
For 30 a
i ....•R.... -_.. , -_,.rte.
oftheStock of the late George Stem n, Brussels
A Reduction Sale will be conducted for the
nest 30 days during which. SPECIAL BAR-
GAINS will he given in
Robes., Blankets, Rugs, Belk,
Whips, Mitts, Gloves., Sm.
to reduce the large stock. First-class lines
in Heavy and Light Harness, Trunks
Valises and Satchels. Colne and secure
the .Bargains.
A. C. BAEKER, Administrator
and every person
in want of
Cutters or _'Iteichs
Light or Heavy, can be supplied by us. Our
stock is large and First-class. Light Bob-
sleighs with or without t Platforms and Sleighs
with two-inch runners. Iti the line of Cut-
ters we have just what you want.
C11•11 EIiriy and Got Yoiit Clioicn
Prices and Tertti3o to suit lite Pllrehlhst'r
Brussels Carriage Factory,