HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-1-17, Page 4lolls Ex sets .vel, THURSDAY, JAN.17, 1907. How pre your good resolution's getting along 7 1908 was a record year In Ecglaud, the total volae of the import and export' trade totalling over live million dollars. The people who talk about Great Britadu becoming effete are surely vooaliztug through ih,ir tile. PEOVINOIAn Par,iament *peas next week at Toronto. Some affirm that the oom• ing union wilt see a redietribation of sante in Ontario that tete eurpriee the Opposition but others think One wid not be the fume. Time will tall. BR the voioe of people in many sections of the Proviuoe a lively hustle will be made to have bee three fitths handicap in connection with the Loos' Option Law wiped out. Hon. Mr, Whitney may get reedy for a ballade of hot ebot before the Legislation doses and he will no doubt be between two fires. Tau Council hae made a good start off on 1907 and we hope the plane and par poses will eventuate for the good of Eradiate. A united front hes won many a battle both in peace and war and is jest as necesea}•y, if not more so, than in the bygone years. Lee as all lead a haus and see what a determined effort will prodnoe in tbie year. NEXT Tneeday the County Connell will convene at Goderiob. Interest will oen bre around the Wardenebip. Some have named Reeve Currie, of Beet Wawauo.h, ae the likely occupant of the chief their, Miters seem to tbiok the honor may go to el. Y. McLean, of Seaforeh, who is an old Go. Couuoillor. If former Wardens were to be given a obanee J. Leckie, of Breese's, would be n good mac. WHO will ue the new leader of the Op. position pheleoke in the Provincial Per. dement se guooeseoe to Hon. G. W.Rnee 7 THE POST Would favor Hon. Mr. Har- court if he'll get np and duet. He's a gentleman of eduoe'tion, ability and ex. perien0e and bee the good opinions of Liberate both in and out of the Moue. In the Cabinet be ie credited with good judgment and oondnot beyond reproaoh. The names of Hone. A. G. McKay, 0f Owen Sound ; G. Graham, of Brook villa, and Mr. Preston, of Brantford, are deo metetloued with favor but while they have their abampione we think Mr. Harcourt should have first °all and if he oeuepts we believe he would ably dteoharge the duties of the position ane make e good Premier when the time arrives. No one, either Grit or Tory, will be disposed to kink over the calling of Hon. G. W. Rose to the Senate. If there's honor in it be deserves ib and it raper. ienoe is worth anything in that staid body then Ron. Mr. Roes will be web able to metal in the work of that depart. meet of legislation. Meeere. Beath, of Bowmenville, Out., and Ooetigan and Gilmor, of New Brunewiuk, are also pro• rooted to the Senate. There ere yet two vaoacaiee whioh will fall to the lot of Nova Somme. Wbi.e not deoiriug to critioiee the work of the Government we think Dr. MaaDoaald, of Wingham, should not be overlooked as be bee been a faithful worker and proven hie ability in the House. He would add in no small degree to the debating ability of tbst Chamber and hae a broad grasp of the pabiio issues. We don't know all the inside workings of these department bat feel that Dr. MaoDooald'e claims should not be ignored. Brussels COUncil. The statutory meeting of the new Connell for this monioipelity was held Monday at 11 a. m. Reeve Leckie and Counoillore Beaker, Ballantyne, Plain and Graham subscribed to the neva declarations and took their seats, Minntee of last meeting read and eon. firmed. The following a000unte were pre. Rented :— F. 8. Seott, erection expeneee9 88 92 S. T. Plum, mi.oellaneoue..,70 Tbnell Bros., I1leotrio Light 89 87 Jae. Fox, mieoelleneone 15 Joe. Boobanel, fuel . 8 50 P. Arent mieoelleneotie 11 04 S. H. Jackson, mieoellanea08.,75 McKay & Shaw, miecelloneone,1 40 R. Duncan, mieoellaoeoae 1 00 Robb, N,ahol, foal 5 00 W. H, Kerr, printing... 22 75 Moved by A. Beaker, mounded by S. T. Plum that above a000uote bo paid, Carried. Mined by J. Bellanlyne, seconded by A. Beaker, that J. Y. S. Kirk and W. H, MoOraoken be auditors at a salary of $6.00 each. Carried. Moved by Be Graham, eeuonded by A. Hooka that B. Gerry be appointed a member of the Board of Health, Oar• Tied, Moved by J. Ballantyne, seconded by Robt. Graham that Rev. E. G. Powell end W, J. Fawcett be appointed on the Publio Library Board in plane of Bev, T. W. Coeene and A, E. Mellish re. moved. Carried. Moved by A. Beaker, semonded by 1. Hnliantyne that 95 be granted to Hoe. pital for Siok Obidren, Toronto. Gar. tiled. Moved by S. T. Pimm, eeoonded by R. Grebam that 0 eopiee of the Maniel• pal World be ordered. Carried, Street Committee—Tbe Reeve and Oeueoill0re Ballantyne and Plum. Peewee Commlitee—The Reeve, Booker and Graham, Communioetion Wee read from J. Ranelord re 5% added to tease, No potion taken. The Reeve read a letter from the 0. R. R. relative to eXteneiOO to Bruseele ped advised the appointment of a Com mittee for this porpoeo. It wee moved by R. Graham, eneouded by S. T. Palm that the Reeve, lithium sad Backer 000. *Douce the Committee Carried ley Laws Noe, 1, 2, 8 and 4, 1907, were read and duly pee -e0. Moved by S J. Pune, • eo ecded by J. Ballantyne that Jobo L •ng 09 appointed Ameeae0r at e eatery of 940.00. Carried. Moved by Be Graham, aecunded by J. Bellaubyue that tenders be Asked fur the removal of the pope0r trees etrunud Victoria Park the. tame 80 be handed .o the Street Coenuri, a on of before next /I outlet Ourre0. The Re ve tutrunurem nue (pe.8101 al U"ruegie Library and gave some par ',iodate he bad gleaned Irom the raper teuoee of other mattes. A Ouwmctee ouneletiug of the Reeve, Ce.uum11me Graham and Bat.autyne and Olerk Scott was appoiuted to deal with the matter and report at a tater meeting, 0ocnoillor Graben) palled attention to the great need of a oeweut sidewalk from Turnberry street to the G. T. R, depot and the Clerk was instructed to write Manager Hate coucerelog t and urgtog that it be built ae early as pee elble. Connell then adjourned. THE COUNTY COUNCIL. Members who will Compose That Body for 1907. Following are the name* of the Reeves end Deputy Reeves who wilt make up the County (loaned of 1907:— Aehffeld—Thos. Strothere, Dungannon, W. Hunter Luokoow. Bayfield—Dr. Woods. Bruseele—John Leckie. Bcyth—Dr, W. J. Milne. O,ine,a—D Oattte,on. Colborne—Jae. T•,ylor, Dunlop, Exeter—A. Q Bobier. Gudertoh Townehtp—John Middleton, Clinton. Goderioh—Robs, McLean, Robt. EI. Hatt, Grey—Wm. Frneer, Molesworth ; John Grant, Brussels. Turnberry—John Moegrove, Bloevale. West Wawanoah—Wm, Bailie, Dun• gaunon, East Wewauoeh—J. T. Currie, Wing. ham. Wingham—Dr. Irwin. Wroxeter—R. B. Barrie. Stanley—Jae. McDermott, Braoefield, Ueborne—Joe. Hswklne. Hay—Peter Lemont, Zurich. Hnl.ett—Tbue, Muhl Wan, Seaforth, Heumell—Owen Geiger. Howick—T. G. Shearer, Furdwiob; Jos. liaineto0k, Furdwiob. Morrie—Geo. Taylor, Belgrave, McKillop—J. M, Goveulock, Win. Omit). Seaforcb—M. Y. McLean, Stephen—Hy. Wihert, Daehwood ; J. Kellerman, Doehwond, Tuokeremitb—Robs. McKay, Amend. viile, A Much Congratulated Paper. To have served ire ocontry and the public in general with dieintt-reetedueee zeal for sixty-one years, to have behind it a reoord of etebilty and integrity reaching book to the early childhood of maoy of he oldest readers, this (e an honor not poeseeeed by many uewepepere to day, but to due to the Montreal 'Wit ,tees, published by Messrs Jno, D..ugall & Sou, Montreal, le must indeed be a some of gratifi• *odea to the proprcetore of this paper (which hae been in the bands of a family for the entire eixty•one year's,) chat all through the past years iia made have been fi led wit" lettere from all classes and oondnttone from the Atlautlo to the Paol&c teetifyiug most heartily to their bign regard for the "Wtceee" and their admiration for its stacnoll adhereuee under all eiroumecauoee to the principles for which it bee always stood, Premiere, Judges, Lawyers, Ftnenoiere, Sliniotere of the Gospel of all denomina• ttoue have eXpreeeetl their views (rankly In lettere tbet have been publiehad in the "Witness" and have been seen and read t n do sed and more than that, bym u many thoueande throughout she Dumiaion. A large number of people in the adjuioing republic and Great Britain end many of the finest men and women to•doy are proud to hotter, : ':I wee brought tip on the "Witness," Aa a sample of the congratulations re. oeived by the "Wilmette" during the paet year, we give two that we notioed parte ouiarly reproduced in its oolnme. They need no iutrodautioo or comment from 110:— The Premier Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, wrote: "Personally, it hae alWaye been a source of bigh gratifioatimn to me when yon have found it uoneietant with your own conception of pobuo duty to support me in the different subjects of publao policy with whioh I have to deal. "On the other band, whenever you dif. tared from me, end thought me in the wrong, your oritroieme derived all the area er force from my intimate 000victton that they were inspired by that same sane* of pablio duty. Mr, R L. Bordon, K. O., Mr P , the leader of the Opposition in the House of Oommon8,OttaWt, wrote, "The reepouai• dillies of a pubiie journal ere nut lean then theee of a pablio men. In fulfilling these the "Witneee" baa manifested, in an emiment degree, the qualities of °our• age and einoereity. Moreover, it has al. ways aimed to upaft the standard of joernaliem in this ooantry." In the "Wittiest" (Daily and Weekly) gives ell the ntwe that ie worthy the at. tension of the average reader. The "Witness" the editorial pages are acknowledged by it8 readers on all tides to be both fair and forceful. Other interesting departments, snob se Literary Review, Medical and General Queries ; Home Department; Agriotiltur- el Departments, etc., are ably oondboted by °peeialiste at a large expense, offering a valuable privilege to Witneee readers. The new minter in our fair 'anile makte no mistake when, in addition to hie local paper, he enbeoribee for the "Montreal Wtneeer" published by Mogen, Dongall & Son. The "Weekly Witeeee and Canadian Romoetead" is only one dollar a year, t The'uDaiiy Witneee 10 three dollars." POOR MOTHERLESS Gin THE ELDEST OF A FAMILY OF SIX A Touohigg Story as Told iii a Letter to The Toronto Globe. To the I.ditor of The Globe : Sir, -.-I ask for space in your columns to quote from a letter received at this *dies Poe obvious WM8011e 1 do not give the Paine, The letter reads:—"I have a sad ease to present to you. Twelve years ago tt mother died, leaving six shall children, the eldest eight yearn old and the youngest an infitnt. My mother took the eldest and kept her llntll lily mother's death. They the young girl went clerking on small wages, Lltst year site contracted A cold of which she has never been free, and she has been nimble to work since last January. She is just nineteen years old. Kindly toll ale how to proceed to geb her into the Muskoka Free Iiospital for Oonaure Lives." The sad. part of it is this letter is only one of many—alike pathetic and ap- pealing—that are being received daily by the writer. ];nifty -five patients are in residence in the Muskoka Free Hospital to -day. Seven hundred and thirty-eight have been cared for since the hospital was opened in April, 1002. In place of fifty we could care for one hundred if the needed money for maintenance was at the disposal of the trustees. Perhaps some of your readers have seen the following earnest statement iu Dr. Lawrence F. Flick's valuable book, "OInsumption, a Preventable and Curable Disease";—"Could the consumptives of any given community be seen at one time or pass in pano- rama before the people public Consci- ousness of the magnitude of the afflic- tion might be aroused. A physical disaster shocks the world an d lets loose the sympathy of millions. .A. few thousand deaths are nothing as cone. pared with the deaths from consump- tion." The appeal of the trustees of the Na- tional Sanitarium Association is on behalf of the consumptives of the Da Minion, 500 of whom die in Toronto annually, 8,000 in Ontario, 8,000 in the Dominion. This poor, motherless girl is one of the many sufferers of to -day. Thanking you in anticipation for in- sertion of letter, believe me, very truly yours, T. S. Robertson, Secretary Na- tional Sanitarium Association. 28 Adelaide street west, Toronto. Contributions may be sent to Sir Wm. R. Meredith, Int„ Osgooele Ilitll. Toronto, or to W. T. Gage, Esq., 51 Front street west, Toronto, e SCIATICA Inflammatory or Muscular Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia,—they are all the same to Don't suffer needlessly when you have a positive and guaranteed cure in "Bu -Ju." Money bade 1f they fail. sc. a box. At druggists, or by mail direct from e4 The Claflin Chemical Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ont. 1 • e'L'Itotot'0,etal.t0et9eW't,0,9+7,'ttL'O 10.4.1tet,NM'ke ll "Ack for the Purple Package." 9! S " RELIANCE BAITING POWDER stake° Peed Healthful. Comte Lees to Upa ©Ives Better Results. Ineiat on the Genuine. FREE BEAUTIFUL PICTURE POST CARO I To anyone writing riting us anewering the fol - win questions s we will gladly send ab - e solutely free, postageeprepaid, n eat $of four of our latest edition of beautiful 2 picture poet cards lithographed in brilliant colors:— tet Name your grocer. 2nd. Name this paper. INTERNATIONAL FOOD CO., TORONTO, CANADA Mt)64a lends WirWW'WWOUWNa,'WWeWW'vW0'Wti Constipation Baked sweet apples, with some people, brin>t prompt relief for Constipation. With others, coarse ell.wheat breed will have the Game effect. Nature undoubtedly has a vegetable remedy t0 relieve every ailment known to man. if physicians call but end Nature's way to health. And this 1e strikingly true with regard to Constipation. The bark of •a certain tree in California—Ca8. cora Sagrade—offers a most excellent aid to this ond, But. combined with Egyptian Senna, Slip. eery Elm Bark, Solid Extract of Prunee, etc., this same Cascara bark is given its .great501 11(481171e tower to correct constipation, A toothsome Candy Tablet, called Lax-ots, is now made at the Dr. Shoop Laboratories, from this ingenuous and most affective preecrIptlon, Its effect on Consti- pation, BIllounness, flour Stomach, Bad Breath, Sallow Complexion, etc., is Indeed prompt and earl: lying, No griping, no ntlpleaonnt atter effo0t0 aro ea. perfenecrl, ane; Lax-ots arc put up in boautiht lithographed metal boxes at 5 mints and 25 coats per box. roe something new, oleo. economical and effective, try a box of axm,6 ems'" ,, `A F. R. SMITH. EAST HURON FARMERS' INSTITUTE. The regular meeting under the el0pieee of Drat Huron learmere' Institute for the dieoueeioc of topioe of interesb wax held in the 'rum' Sall, Brussels, on Thought) afternoon and evening of 4.01 week, The etto,deuoe wlte 110E 0e large m0 UMW (Ming to the indemnity of the weather, President Nol11t)htu (roupird the 01111) and gave an appropriate intruduOtor) addreee, Mr. Shearer, of Bright, We. waled npan and spoke on "Rotation o1 (trope," Ho hoe been here before 11• delegations and is always weedeai, At- he xhe dealt with the subjoin, a wide rang. was covered by the quercee aun opinion. expressed so that at the close of hie rt. make many helpful pointe had be' advanned end gn08tione somewhat op,lgn' t0 xume Wore 0 early demo strafed. A,1' Sheerer is a great ud,00ule fur good eee, thumb cultivation, keeping the land in good heart, and having mare then out string to hie bow. Be him roftde suouess of the work of bio owu farm uud has the faculty of imbuing his go ahead epi'„ into hie aodieuoe. Many took part ie the dieooesion. Mr, Jones, of Maitland, introdneed the topic "flow to wattage our orohurde," and elucidated the eubjeut hi good style Plant your orchard where there in natural drainage with a good a opo, nut never plant on wet land without deli thorough draining ; apples will net do in, wet laud. After planting tbe kinds de oiled upon, it is advisable to Drop th. ground ; for the trees will thrive n0 wet or better by oultivatirlg and fernhzu't for a crop, than by :ymg isle, and Weed, are more easily kept down. This atop ping may °entices nutil tbo trees heoom, bearing, which Hh,old be in five or eta yeare, and titan also, oultiva'ing b) shallow plowing and thorough barrowing The speaker advieod p.antrne pot000 . or other root *rope the drat year, follows° by ooro (n whiob clover may be et wn at the rate of eeveu or eight poe,de pet acre w Joly, whish will grow a guar' cover prop, and this may be turned oven in the )Spring end 6uwe oereal or. p sown. A rotation of crops le highly ben.fiwal, and pays the labor wide the trees ar. growing. The epeaker, to oonvin08 th, audieuoe that there ie money in apples, said, that from four eared he had arer05 ed, over the soot of piokiug end Morale, 9800 per year, in the pest ten years Rio beet market is Manitoba and ht olaime that we have a better market t1 the North by lake, and can see no theme why this place ebueld not beoume u 10 for ire fret. Hie home m. Greuvll e County, in the va ley of the St. Lawrei o. ie e. bjeot to very severe frame, so that many of the keds cluing wed here 1. cannot grow. The Baldwin is as bard te grow there ao the peach, and moat of th money was made tr, m the Fan/rare, 0 snow app e. Teen resale are arrived a by judioloce culture, splaying at tbn proper time; and the ability to supply the market by ear lead. de strongly advised the formation of a Fruit Grower Ase,oiation when they might peek in uniform ecyle In gauntity, of each Erni' as will tempt the, wholesale buyers to offer a good price. Spraying ; Thie ehoald be done with judgment. Know what you are spraying tor, and spray at the proper time. Some kmde,of worm. are killed by poisons and othe'e by oils Spraying for some kinds sbonld be in the early Sprung, before the bade swell. The bed caterpillar and the codling moth are oheoked by spraying with white entente sulphate of soda and water. Moet of the fungus dieeeaee by blneetone, Bordeaux mixture, salt and sulphur. Have o ecu apples properly peaked and of ecldided, quantity, and 010011e•* is tura, Oa -opera. taou for the apple market should he the nim of all growing applee. Thie oonolnden the proceedings of the afternoon session. EVENING MEETING. The Town Hall wee fairly well filled at the evening meeting whioh was tail of wtereet, President Moe! Man offered a few remorhe at the opening referring to the pleasant relations existing between the town end rural ae0tlone and the uroeesity for these friendly exahsngee, The following program woo tbeo present ed :—Song, "DOwu in the deep," Joe Hunter, The first speech was made by Mr. Jouec, who seeks on "The balance of No tore." Under natural conditions, laid ones vegetation o etation was not ed Mr. J g ) innate whiob enLeieted ou vegeta by g tion and others of a carnivorous nature, reeding on other insects end thus keeping hem at a minimum. When inoeote were eft in `heir natural home, no evil revolt ed from their preemies', but eome0im•e an insect was parried to some other point without the natural enemy Whish kept it in Subjection. For inetauoe, the potato bag was found iu the deserts of Colorado, where it was doing no harm, Rue wo. carried by Ole railways and by men who wanted to o.w them t0 their frimtde to other parte of the country, and the natural ',natty not being brought a(o,g at the same time the reetot wee the In• crease of the bug to devastating numbere Mr. Jones then spoke of the birds ns nature's pollee. When everything else fad P dwelt to keep the inseote in eelt the birds did it for us. Threw had been maoh thoughtlessness in destroying birds which were thought to be 00ales0 or hertelfel, but which were rattily men's beet allies, Mr Jones epokoof the habits of several different veriefies of birde welch, by their work in deetroying mice and 10ee0te, performed invaluable service for the farmers and saved the country •tom devastation. He put in a word f. r the robin and the old bleak °row, both of white), he said were well worth 011 the *berries or the corn they ate. He std viand the Wye not to rob the bird's neat'', but to pr0t60t them. Duet, Misses Jennie Modrter and Jeeefe MaLauohliu ; addreee, lylr. Shearer 011 "Poultry for the boys" in which a very imple phut wee eatlined by which a remunerative and edued:lve work might be carried on by the young 90.1,1, of the farm in raising poultry, and welling of ge &o. It woe a good sensible talk end clearly nnderetocd by the moat jtveni e member preemie Miee MoArter neve "The Heelenman'e 'Toast," 1 Mr. Mo Milian gave a seasonable chetty addreee in whloh the neoeesary adjuncts to e. etioeeaefel life vers portrayed. On motion of W, H. Kerr and 1', it, MsArtbur a hearty vote of thanite War( passed to all who 8ontrdbnted to the encore's of the evening's proem/h. The National Anthem brought the proceed• egg 00 a *lose, 8�'T Smsvu ,e, , . + 8 .'fPfP5t.;A 8•L' Fcn®r Notice to Oreditors 1 In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, in the matter of the estate of George Stene, late of the Village of BI'nxsele, 10 bile Count' of Huron, Harness ember, deceased Nntier 1e hereby given, nureunut tottovte- 1 d 0hetnte8 of n1 Cello, 1307 ('bttp 129, na0 u endr.l Aeln. that all erc'Ili ro an I ethers vine, au y Matins..geinst the ertate of the f4 ')t,•r:'o stamp, who died 00 m ,bnu t 11 a 11'11 ax of Dreo,n'.er,10110. nye re. quied all 01 her PC the 11st tlay of Jnne• 00, 1007, to tend by pont, 1 re acid. or 501100' A. 14 AL,o,lonald, of the Villa_a of Brn8 e(0. Solicit,r for Alred O. Keel er, Admin tooter of Paid estate, their ('.hrietlna eu4 mw8nto' and ab roses with 1011 pec Vueltas u 0,1119a 011heir tint m8. lltn etnteinentfo1 'hoer .ecounts and the unbars of the seem, 11100 111 )tux) hell by Own. Ann notice is fur' 1m' given that after the en11 Inst mentioned date the 0ald Adminis- trator 1x,11 pr'•ce' d 10 dial roll Be the Minute Or,^ tl. a" tired run eget tt.e partie0 ent,tled G'.,, to, Maine roger•, only to the elnlwe N o Mei, Ire -boll taro, 11090 mattes mrd t nt 11' said .AdoH„tetretor will not be liable for 1.0,11 0e1 , er 11,1 •r pert them of testy terse r per.nne of whose maims uot,oe shall not h vo been reeelved by him at the time of nett d,al,'lbutl„n. Detre 111 Bl tinsels able 18th day or Deoem. -er, A D.1550, A.11 MACDONALD, 54.8 Solicitor far Admi:'le0ratm IMPORTANT NOTICES YOUNG S11ORT HORN BULLS 1.. lee. ter !tato Laml'. and B ruuz er1,8y Gobblers lar bele Pr,cas 000'on- 1)10, N, A 031910391, label, 10.11 �OitR FOR SERVICE.. --`TIE enler'ipned veld keep 'or 80rv188 m 24,L.on 7, Wet, a purr Feil H1rrksloe hoar, 0100. AL WY, Proprietor, 28-3m Ethel. SIX. saleInc freak tHORNq e B I LS old. Io tele g rmohnern ••1 ould see them. 411-280 1101111'.20 14I81,11P, Loll, ('00. 14, Grey, or B(uaeole P 0. I)I-JRF'B YOUNG SBO11T HORN Kens roe aapu. Twn wore prize «h,. 1.18 at 1100,8el0 Poll Fair. They are San. d „s, It d nod run' 1• colo'. Ala' n t1 w ne females for ka10 not 8, Ona ),. epee:NTS(1N, 14.11 Brussels P (.1. 1:1011T HORN BULL FOR 7 atavro)1 —The undere'g,rd will ker.). roe 'eoviae ou Lot 8. Coe. 1, Grey, a 4borl 'Len Hn11 Also a Yorkshire Bog Terme 71 00 iu eual' 0,88 with privilege of return. er pll'woman,. LeiWM a WILLIISusora on 20.2 Proprietor t . 1 ll� ACRM FARM. IUR SAI 1': M,nrl- lu• a a 1e u•• It , gond walk 0 n' goon feel • 088, p•' 0018 01 ouch"rd, eeveu acre, 01 u 30 acres wowed read y lor 0) 071 and ee b ataei•' 81,00. rile Aluitlaue r,vr er .-ea ,.Le corner of farm. The Item 01.0 e 0.10 , 11.010 Wale Worhe " Apply to '•. WILKINSON, Belgrave 9,0 20.4 Huron County Council. The 1' nnoil of the (Monty of Boron will meet to the rouned Bamber in the Town Gnd,rloh, on rose lay, the 220,1 day o hie mo 0b, ab 3 o'olook in the afte•uoou. Aroouuts to 1e dealt with by tbe Oonuol) nm't be placed with the Clerk before the above date W. LANE, Dated January 7th, 1907, Clerk WOE, SALE OR TO RENT.— The uudereigned offers her 100 aura :arm, being Lot20, Oen 7, lifey, for sale or to root. Com sortable house, Intuit bare, orchard, walla, &o Farm 1x only 1 of a mile num the etir-10,4 village of elchal. For fur. i berpurtlei lace apply to F. B. S00tt, Bros ee18, or 0114$. 108'110 1101.LAND, 73 Hbuter '1,eet, Toronto, 57.300 0. 0. F. ((mixt Princess Alexaudria, No.24, 0.'O. F., Brussels, meetn in their 1,011ge Room, Blatt. hill Block, nu the End and last Tueedaye of -emu mento, at o'olook. Visiting brathreu Ow aye welcome. GEORGE EFIt%, 0. R. W. L. LNATH2EDALE, R, S. ROPERTY FOR SALE—THE undersigned oilers for side an acre of aril upon widen is a comfortable dwelling house, stable, fruit trees, gond over.vowing well. &c. Prop_ rty is located 1 Of a u ilo Bast of eranbrook and conyouleut to 602001, hutch, ptuetuf lee, deo, Poseeselou at any leu. Lar price, terms, &u„ apply on the rumiees to 21. 110107,IANN, 0.11 or Oraubrook P.O. 81 O &ORES OF LAND FOR sale being N1 of 8j Lote 59 and 00 On u. 1,810 rids. 40 110060 under cut ivatiou mud balance both; no batten:go, Posees- 01on encu uu .a'wpletlo7, of purotta0-' 11 miles from Jamestown null 0i from Wrox- •t, r, Fur fur tier particulars apply to 14LIZA MULLIGAN, PI•opriebree0, 91! or Jamestown P 0. CyHORT IIOItN BULLS FOB t.7 BALE. 0n0 Woe IL year Old in Jaonery, 900, and the other 10 melees old Prize ,1)1mal8 and in good coed) tion. Terms •0. alt pnl00aeer. JAM 111 9114111, Lot 30, . uu. 0, Morris, Or Brueeals P. 0. 16 -ti DROPERTV FOR SALE—THE uaderetgued offers hili house turd lot, •hefts n. mill street, Brothels, for sale. t is well I"oted,a el 1198hlent and eolith's hula 11 me Pntluasfou eau be given at 0059. Will taxa sell the 'meant t lot, corner 1 Din nue elle that'll streets, width wool/ make a flue bnildiuu site. Far further par - outliers as to price, terms, &a., apply to 5101091, (11A0ld, Hardware Dealer, Ford- etoe. 00.4 Piles eel quick relief from Dr 8hoop's 1'IetgCOtrim ut, 1 We . Remember e made e mune fur Pt es—twd it work., with .,erl0,,uty and eteti.fu5tiou. Ifobi,,g, pamfn', protruding,or bind piles dieap- peer Itko magic bt i10 nee, Try it and e0. Sold by F R Smith. Almost Dead Of Nausea Few people neve 0bffervd m„re than Jn , 1'. Tat or, of Dy meet., 1' 0„ Ont. To flay he le Wel anal writes, -"I moat tell yon how mooh Oelarrheanne has be, to to me. IWa go bud with bronchitis .nmeti mtg. 1 l h,.niht it would 8o0l be vet with me, A spell of ehedriug wou e. me on that left mo pit etrated and wrnit. Sit neUS,gOMB nh1moue 1hat 0 1.•d no 1r t,1.e at eft. It atretiy411t tied int hr,,u, after fere breathing and '11. 1. y 'nun." Ct,arpl,.Oo le invariably 1,e0 Whether firm 0hit19, A et hme or ('u errh Two .'zea, 25a putt 91 00't all • velere, '1'n olegl It rod with t 'Prevent ink" fe safer then t0 let it ran end ours it after werde, 'retool at the "staves stage's Proventioe will head off ill oolde end eripp8, end p0rhups slum you from pneumonia or bra:10111a, Preventive aro lids tonthanrne windy cold odea tablets .911tHµ in 5a and 26o boxes, If you are chitty, it you begin to 019058, try Preven• los. They Will surely eheol1 the ooIo, .ad please yea. Sold by it', R, Smith. ;:.•. a+.e see eeeeeie'eee rv. mntr'T .:;sa r ter.•),}- N V p Sho 7s Warm d (y' Gs d'` '.,i o es Some people don't like to wear a heavy shoe at any time. We are in the business to sell the kind of foot- eeeilr you want. For good warm winter comfort, we recommend for 1C li Tht-shoe" wearers a fleece -lined, jersey cloth, bellows front overshoe, ane or more buckles. We have some beauties, good strong rubber, one pair tt'111 :\':::r a whole season, Both ;non's an.l iodic_,' in all styles at f•1i pri_'as. Everything in Heavy Rubbers, Felt Shoes, Felt Boots and Rubbers. All Winter Good reduced in price for 30 days. Colpo 1111(1 secure a Bargain—begin- ning on Saturday, Janual'y. 12th. re, 11 r � OUND CEDAR F011 SALE— 111,1,080 11 feet long and '0 aloe x 24 n 'est in lenge" Also number of oednr �LLIL%. 0� G.1722�CUYL lei 00 p0010 601' 'orther Onrtioelare sae or v,it° 9'Dritt, NH. WS0af, Bra,sele. 16.0 ---- UC'1'LOT SALE OF FARM.— I. be Executors otyth° est' o of 113e tote Am jem1, 8uullie have luetrnub 11 9' el a.dl to el. by nu '1!' auction at the Arm r - lou+ Rotel, Rroeeolo, e n Salnrrlas, January 6•17, at 0 ''1 lois., 1,10* 0.01, sr *1,901,10be- teg North Reif of Lnt 12, Con, 0, Mimi., eon. 'tithing 100 acres There 1s a eemle'rtalle Creme noose end 00011 bank barn. This 'atm hue b, en e• 8dtd to grail, 1,1. 1 number nr %sure elle is it, good st.te of frl•ti 117. ei' 0 well adapted for either cropping or .neturlt g There is 9 out throne amply of rut nIng water and &gond well at the house. A Humber of choice quit 01000 and 20 autos of good hardwood hush aro on Ito pl'co Chia farm Is 8110,6 ,1 o11 the main rend b +wean Biureeie a, d Relgrcve'i mile from 0.0,0, end pnxt 01800 lied 1 Mlle froth ohnnl A,0 the Exocut re mus- whirl no the s ata this prop.. ty w•11 be 40l'1 to the high - et bidder For term np.'Iv to tea uuet u• er, B -°roe'., or to WILLIAM Orli 11r BEN 1A'. re SMILLIE, H.xeso14 e, gamma P. 1 - The !_ Education which enables a young lady or gen- tlemae to earn a .good liv,og, le the proper Oue HAIR STUDENT is instrooted at lie owls desk ; eoueequeobly the bcokwardor rusty feel quite at home in the Wingham COLI GE (Affiliated with Clinton Bueiuees College) Excellent text-beoko, unexoolled 1 faohitiee, A 1 toaohare and 01100- ; 11,1,8 to. graduates. Write for catalogue. GEO. SPOTTON, Principal 1issa••• \ \ • Capital, Pahl up, $2,500,100 Reserve Fund. 912.111000 Total Assets, 8;29,000,000 80 RRANIi11145 IT CANADA 80 President, - • H(1N. WV. GIBBON Vine Proo,dent & Renornl Manager, JAMES TU11NBULL ETHEL AGENCY Savings Department—Ample security for Depu.ita'e, Deposits of Si 00 and up wards received 1/ [u toi'oat allowedat *rearm rntab and compounded gulf yearly. ADVANCES made to 1'arwere for feeding stuck. 4) Sale Notes wheeled and odvaucoe rr made 10011001, Drafts bought and 001(1, W N. AfozSY, Frill -AGENT. tie l $ tr2 t>G'15r MONTHLY HORSE FARS B RU S S L3 The regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be held fur the eeaeuu ns follows THURSDAY AN. 814,1907 I E13. 2901, " I " APR. 4th, ,t k A BLANK .ppl loatl011 l O rlu for Membership in the Finest and Beet 1.uet0ens Training Bobool in Canada—rhe CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE of Toronto, from Jan. 20, uexL 10 - gather wall detailed lid rmat,0,1 0 thn great advanta ea to be o-njnp0'1, will bo Bent free by return mail on r, quo-) of friend or letter Write ‘o -day to • W. H. anew, Principal. Yunge & Gerrard eta„ Toronto. Brewer's Reliable Art Studio ryp would be pleased to ta.l(P. ,our Photograph. Leading Local and Outside Bi y-l.rs will he Present ) Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS ANY even numbered section of Dominion Laude to Manitoba, leaesetobewau au t Alberta, exempting 8 and 20, not reserve,;, May be homesteaded by any person who de the Bolo head of a famil y, or any mule 01er 78 years of ago, to the extent of one-quarter neaten Of 100 emelt more or leas Entry matt be mild° personally at the local land o(eae 00 the dietriot lu w1loit nil S situate. the e a The lltos,nno,, to requited to perform one ted therewith under cue of the d six months' lans : p)AEleast six hela,deaohnye upon thrietoitre, u[theland msnob year for three ware, le decoasee)if tbe father the homesteaders rehe tllee 0pou a farm iu the vier iby 01 'the laud entered f a the lequtrements es to real- do,tue,Ila v h. as l.ae.l by mob person re- ' Bid lee with the father or mother, 101 If aha 8,0ler oar 1110 perutenet real- : dance upon nutmeg laud nw0011 by him in the vmlutty of els howeobeud, the re- gnirvmeuta as to reoidoaoo may be 80*1d- bled 00 reeideeoe upon the bent land. Hix mouths' native in writing should be given to the Cemmie,louer of Dominion Laude at Ottawa of lutentiou to apply for putout, W, W,1371RY, Deputy of the Minister of Interior, Nr B. Unauthorized pnbl£mtt,on of this ad. vertitomeut will nut be paid for, Family Groups taken suitable I for Framing (sizes up to 14x17 in.) We will do our beat to I a, please you. •� N Visitor's to the town are invit- A L L LIE 1 ail to call and see our work. H.R. BREWER Partners or Storekeeper's by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussela. 100YAL MAIL STEAMEIOS To Liverpool From St3nha Pretorian 7rl,Jat,,15 Tunisian Fri, Jan 20 l0ulnu 111, Peri, 5 Pertoiau ,,,,.,,,,Fel, Fob 10 From 11 11.11100 Hat, Jan 10 Bat, Jan, Se Sat, Feb. 2 Sat, Feb. 10 Rates of Passage Fire* Oabiu—$55 and n iwerde, 0u00rdtug trr1tenmor. Heaped Onbin—H4t 10 and up- wards, Parisian and Platot'iso one alas' c,blu etono, era (mend) $40 upwards. 'third 0) 1. — Proturiau $2050, other steamers 027 50. Boston to Glasgow Sioillet Friday, Jan, 11 03umidian o ............... o.,,,.,,,.. Friday, Oob, 28 894141(1 diva $85 and o ave:mg l ''00h'd alarm ••-•limo*board, 524,50; Wiotenuud, 897,50. For further partieelar5, rattle and tiokete apply to W 11. 2Etta, Agent Allan Linn,;; Rrtmelle, f