HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-1-17, Page 3a YOUNG $ — Peru -ria FOLKS $ for Catarrh, FAT! 11 11'S G1RL, Coughs, 1 ler hall' is sI'night and stubborn ; she COWS, has freckle; by Ilse scum; GrI She i, apt to have a rout within her p• Choicest 1'411;11ure, Shn is undersized and settees by Iter sisires fair and tall, But site never tires of doing Mildly acts fur uuu and ell, Mary faint's the wale' In, and hunts her fuliter's hid ; Almy sweeps the kitchen Boor and picks up Tommy's bat. God's wondrous gift of beauty missed her homely Mlle, taco, But her loving little mother -heart IL filled with double grace. 0000000000 Qoococrkoo a THE LITTLE DEER AT THE FOUNTAIN. Every night when the moon was round and shining brightly hl the sky, little Steeped and her mother would w'tlk on the lawn to breathe tho pure sweet air before going to steep. !land in hand they would walk 1(e end down on the Lawn and around past the fountain. A lithe stone deer Blood at the foun- tain. Margaret. Wcis very fund of the little deer; she wished very much that it was a real live deer, like the deer in the park. ",Marmon," said Margaret, "why don't we 'MVO a ih•e deer hhsteud of a stone deer? A ltvo deer could drink the water at the fountain, and I think it would bo much prettier than a plain whit: stone deer." But mamma thought ibo stone deer was nicer, because it could not run about, and trample the grass. One night, when the moonlight was flooding the lawn and making the water glisten and sparkle, litho Margaret ran out on the lawn alone, to talk to 010 111110 deer, "1 wish you were a live deer," Mor- gereL was saying, ns she stood by lire 111il0 shine deer. You would be my pet, and you could ton and piny with me." "You ore very nmeh mistaken If you think I cent run and play," said the lilllo deer, and, oh ! he begun to run and prance about the lawn. Margaret was delighted, "Oh, can you, ;kerb", can you really?" she cried, running attar hint as he pranced about. "Papa has often told nae Ilial I could run as fust as a deer -dot's try ; let's run a race across Ihe lawn." And the little deer ran, and Margaret ran as fust as the deer. "1 can 1 I can r cried Margaret, clap- ping her hands. "1 can run as fast es a deer 1" "1 can leap, ton 1" said the little shone deer. "i can slip l" said 'Margaret. So away they went, skipty-leap, all around the lawn. Little Mnrgarct laugh- ed with )flee, and loss, d her arms in the nionellighl. She was soh happy to have the utile deer play with her. "N, w we are tired," said little Mar- gins!, "lcies sit down by the fountain and rest." "I'm not tired," sold Ihe tulle stone deer. "You may ride on my back if you like." "Oh ! may I?" cried Margaret. And the little stone deer kneeled down and iinrga'et jumped up an his back, and away they went liko the wind. Little Margaret clung with all her night to the deers neck, She is d never taken such a fust ride hc'ore ill her life. "1 wish you 0 uldn'L go quite so fast, if you please," she said, el lost. "That is the w•ay 1 used to run when the hunters chased nut," said the little slime diner. "011, little deer," said Margaret, did Ihe hunters ever chose yuu 1" "01 course, they chased me," said the deer. "'1'hnL is the way they caught 010 i. hying 11113 hero to stand al your foun- tnhn:' !'ell me about it," said little Star - gavel, letting go and rolling down to the soft gross. "Well, sou know I was brought up in the forest," began Ihe deo'. "\3argnroL I ,elcrgcirCL 1 what Inc•you doing asleep lucre on rho damp grass." said her mother, stooping so to lift little Margaret, "Conte in, and be put to bed," "1 haven't been asleep," said Marga'eL, rubbing her oyes. "I've been pinytng wills the little stone deer. ]Io ran and played with ane, and I rode on its bacic; and ho was going to tell 110 about the L11110 when he lived in the forest." "Well, he can tell you about it to- morrow," laughed Meilen..-Vs mother, "It's bedtime now." The little deer never told 1\largaret. Never ngetn did he run and play and tall: with 111110 Margaret, though often she carne out in the moonlight and coaxed hint, But Merger -et never forgot. Often from Ihe most delightful story she world lift her eyes, and ch'eanl again of her play in the moonlight with the Me stone deer that cane to We and ran races and 1011(1(1 with her at the foun- tain. STORY OF 110d'GUS .fli'VELS, 'Music hall Fiimier's Attempt to Bam- boozle Railway Ends in Flight. A curious incident happened In Rome, linty, some lime ego, when a leavel- lnig trunk tens Inst. The ohne' it music 'hall singer, dee'ared ilia it contented vnhlnLle effeels end jewelry, and she 'wen caGked $25,003 In tined settlement of all realms. 13111 the music hail star seemed.. 11 so happened that, pending negotia- tions, the trunk was discovered, ani the order was at once given by the nf- 91el0l8 for n list of its conlente. An expert jeweller was also rcquistioned, end hies response was to the effect (hitt the asserted precious diamonds were all tnlse. Tho feet rennihcei the sats of the owner, who disnppenred, and has not, teen. !lewd of since, POPULAR AIR. Firsibe•n-"I palled the governot'':g lag In the tune of WO This horning." Second Sol---"Goid1 I3y the way, kvould you mind teaching Inc 1116 tune?" Pomona is a household friend in more than a 401111.1010 hordes. This number is increasing evert/ dart/. Peractta has beeocide a household word all over 2118 English. speaking world. It is an old tried remedy for all ca- tarrhal diseases of the head, throat, lungs, stomach, kidneys, bladder and female organs. Ask Your Druggist for Free Perera Almanac for 1907. ABSENT-MINDED I'Ui1Lif 117,1120 Articles Left in Public Vehicles In World's Metropolis. 1s the public growing more absent- nt elect 7 An answer in the affirmative would appear to be the legitimate de- duction from the figures supplied in (Ile annual report of the Commissioner of Puttee, regarding arifc•hs found in nabs, onulthuses and Iramwny cars, and re- ceived al We lost properly oltee. Last year 57,1420 arlieles were found, an hhcreaso of over 5.0110 on the pre- vious yem. In 1501, 110,211(1'1 •es were found, and since then there has been n steady Incrense. ','here were received last year 4.1,525 written Inquiries in re - geed to lost goods --en increase oI 5,435 on the figures of 1001, and 01 14,051 on those of 1003. Owners of the lost, articles were found in 20,770 cases. '!'hese were of the de- clared value of :£27:215 10s., and awards amounting to £3,500 128. were paid to drivers and conductors who found the lost netters. In 13 cases awards 1(l' 211 were laid, eve of £0, one of £7, for of £8, Ihrce of 1:210, ono of 1125, one of 1130, end to one ease the lucky Under received x1100. Public forgetfulness was mnsl marked in the case of umbrellas, no fewer then 25,337 being left, in public vehicles. liege numbered 4,1107, articles Of null's clothing 3:270, women's clothing 3.220, purses 3,707, operagtnsses 7703, jewellery 1,535, and watches 232. DISEASE MADE BONES SNAP LIKE CLASS Frank L. Wellington has died at his Monne in Trinity Avenue, New York, the victim of a d'sense which mused his le mins to snit)) Tike glass. One dny while holding a strap in a street ca' his arnl snapped off. A sho•I limo Inter a leg bone snapped. According to his l.lhysi- eial this terrible condition was brought about by talking medicine which cue. lathed a certain mineral poison. Again and agn(n has it been demon. stinted that mineral medicines are harmful. 1L is because 13ilenns, while 1.e elective foe all liver and digestive disorders, yet contain no Bence of *ny mineral, but are, on the aonlrery, pure- ly herbal, that They have wont the pride(' 01 medicni men, trained 11111'808 0111 scientists all the world over. 1.lilrnns differ from nearly every other livor medicine in containing 00 mercury, and from nearly every other slemnrh medicine 10 being free ,,ern bismuth. They are else free from elenttol• They are compounded from the (Most. known medtclaed hetes and rents, end are thus lite host fnnlily lnorliclnn That can he obtained. They apernlo gently no the bowels, curing censli1.1111fnn and pars, They correct, acidity of the Molnar!), stimulate the digeslion, lone up the liver, end correct, the ,secretion of Idle, Their general nclton is et the sane lime cotreelive and tome -correcting faulty secretion, toning 11p weak nee dehili- fated organs. They dots cure ahtrnhin, green Siekneee, female 0i1111011I and hmegula•illee, blond impurities, 111011. 1110115m, nausea, headache, gas, pain in the chest end between the shnuidel's, constipation, 111i18, rind all female ail- ments, All clrnggisls and stores soli Tllleals al, Ofly renis a box, or post free front the Tlflem Co., Toronto, of receipt, or piece. Never Sedge yourself by the ladle tel your neighbors, FROM NOTES BONNIE SCOTLAND OF INTEREST I It:S'S 911051 11 1111 i3\NILS AND 11 11M3,0. What Is Going On in the I7ilihlnnds anti Lowlands of Auld Scot in. Mr, Throes \hhsen liar been UPUp- 101,111111,11(..(111Up- 101,111111Up- 101,111111,11(..(1tilusgOws new Lord 11+1111111+11111 "1 ( Sir Iluhet•t Diens Tooth, Bart., )reset• of lienufucl I:1(.+lin shootings, gave a grand bell Iasi wc,'k, A public meeting was held in thin Town hall, P,a'!nl ello, la protest ngninet the vulgarization of I1 c promenade. The lute Mrs. .inns Goldin of Todd, Lockerbie, has left £2,0110 to the Free (lurch of Seolliuul Gd` the furtherance of evnngelislte work in India, 1',orcl Lovett haps retired about 2,000 wild duck, which will form a most en- joyable addition to the covert shooting 1(t Beaufort Cttslle, Ah'. ,Tames 14. Elder, M,A., of the Con- tent school, Inverness, has neeepked en assisltmbship in (ileu«rnoek Puh110 sellout, under the Kilbirnle 'School Boned, Ayrshire, At Slrubane Boned of Guardians' meeting a woman, Mrs. Simpson, was appointer( to lake charge of the work- house, holler and boiler room at is. per day and rations. The total receipts in connection with the Inverness Soldiers llcane Bazaar were :2105, 5s. Od,-leaving £1.101 Ss. 81. to be handed over to rho Building Committee. The Grangemouth steamer Skulla was sulk in collision 01111 the Nome, glen steamer 'Sento, near the Forth bridge. The chief officer, William Me- Ceskill, was drowned. The Kilmarnock Burns Club, at a meeting on Saturday night, resolved to assist the fund for the Auld Brig by bolding a concert in the Exchange hall, and by issuing collection sheets. The Dingwall Peat end Porridge Club held theft' autumnal outing recently to Actlillay, wlieh'c an enjoyable meeting was held, nand the mystic rites and ceremonies of the order observed. In the will of the lute Mr. ;hones Smith Napier, iron merchant, Glasgow, hand- some legncins, amounting in all 10 near- ly £11,000, have been left to Glasgow and other elene1ies, as well es to a num- ber of churches. The remains of the late Ainjor 1, Ai. now, one of the founders of the quern's litho 'Volunteer Brigade, were necoreled military honors from St, Andrews parish church to \\'arrtston cemetery, Edinburgh. The new wing of the Western infirm- ery of Glasgow wens opened recently. 11 affords accournodalforl for seven,;; eat tents, but es 510 eases are still wait- ing for ndmi sign, further extensions seem urgently called for. Mr. \V. Boss, Dunrobin, on Ills depnr- lure for New Zealand, was presented by his 1cie t.ls with a purse or sovereigns and a Milestone bag at o. farewell gathering held 111 1110 Sutherland Arms Hole. 1. Ah'. Boss leaves Golspie with the best wishes fl' his sueces8 of a large circle of friends. The total herring cttfeh al Wick for the season is Ott 485 cruns, against 100,- 097 iast year. There Is no business in cured icerrings In the local market, near - 1y all lite stocks being droned out, elks Lucy E. B. eleckenzlc, Elgin, has gained a free studentship in drawing end painting at the Board of Education's Art Schools, South Kengsington, Lon- don. A free studentship °milts the holder to Gree admission for two sessions to the lectures end Instruction in one of the schools of the college. "ATKINS" CANNOT COOK. "I'onunies" in British Army Victims of Inferior Cooking. There are very few men In the Bril- lsh arllly who ore satis0ed with the ma1ner in which artily (toutklug is done; and who eon wonder? The secret of indifferent army mess- ing ltrs 111 the unpreparedness end ult- willingness 'of snldie'-cooks tut' their work. Men aro selected at random been the ranks, tolnlly regardless of their qualifications, and are thrust into n nook -house to prepare, perillps 011 the very day of appointment, dinner For a company of Bret. It says much for the soldier's adaptability and the car pacify for extraneous week of the one `trained cook in n halinlion-the serge- a11 cviak-111nL meals +1('o 0011(0d ss well as Ihcy are, But. this conking Is at ids beet primitive, end al fin worst abso- lutely ',Shunts to any stomach but that alt Ilii osl l•ich. Liltic opporltmity Is allowed the son. semi. cook foe training Ms charges; they come and go wild the abrupt ra- pidity of nil soldiers on billets that are uncongenial; and men leve not infre- quently to be detailed to act es ce0115 1(e for any nrdfnn'y fatigue. The work el Ihe soldier -cook is as physically ex- eclkng as his very exacting or! elite well bo, often testing from 4 a. 111 to 5' p. in. lie has seven working days, and his only recompense cones from the errnnlslnnee that he is not required to tiny the orthodox tlhreepense per diem for his mecshlg. -4 PRUDENT. "Dona you Think yeti might to tell NI her of our ehgegeuhinl, Bob?" "\Ves 111111 your father who has just tone loan?. "Well, 1 think I will well till he has hall lime to put his slippers 011" HANDiCAPPLID, "Have (11e leshlmos adopted any of the ways of c[vili•cntinn yet?" asked the young 111011 \vtllt Ihe plastered hair. "Exceedingly few," said the arctic ex- plorer, "Think how cOelly it would be, for inslnnce, to put on a full dress suit 11p there and wear it to tetters in ono evening." "Iliehes have wings," Don't believe 11; if they Ilnd they'd fly one wny ger cnsiolally, It only by accident, '!lent) LAUGHS (iii', Lt(''. Cables Turned In Amudng Clew Before Zurich Court. The Zurich (Switzerland) dish tel o- url was the scene of an ummming incident the other dny, fee (leo 11,,0 the el- ouuie of 11 gmat•re l-ehveen 11 (11.1111111 mosideut of 7.urull and a Swiss citizen. '111e I• t',r hw1 indulged in mule s11 115 epithets tat the 00 pc use of the (lomolli, \vlt+, lorlhwl111 100101 an melon for dclanulUou of eliiireeter, seem 1(111-1' the pv ins•diugs 11) 1(011 111,' :+wins d„fcudant, apparently u hal-headed individual, ho- curie a line for using intem ,er,lle lan- guage in collet, \-ho reupnn 0 brand smile of nieli •irus satisfeclii n c veisprcud ills plaintiffs face, Eventually, deiundanl made an offer of 21 to settle the alr11 P1' in router, which prupesiUun the judge etfongl0 advised pluinliff iii accept, The German, however, disdainfully refused or, 1110 ground !lull his Income was 201 pe' month, and that 21 was no conanen- surntn with the injury done to n ultra of his position. A widespread conver- sation them ensued between the judge and the clerk oI the enurt, who consult- eil the local tax register. 'Phis led to the discovery that the German wns as- sessed on a ridieulohisly shall amount. Tho judge thereupon mode a note re- commending the lax surveyors to assess plalntilf henceforth on his full income 'of 2401 per annum. 1t was then the turn of the defendant to laugh, and the public joined in lustily. -O' 3 IN ONE FAMILY. CURED OF SKiN DISEASE BY ZAM-BCIC. Once more Znm-Bok, the great berbal balm, has been proved vastly superior to ordinary remedies, and has cured where other preparations had signally failed. Mr. 7. C. Bales, of Burk's Falls, re- ports the 01180 referred to. IIo says 1 My three children were all broken out with sores on face., lands end feet. Their condition was pitiable, and al- though I cried various ointments and salves they did not got at the root of the evil, and the sores contin- ued to spread, One day 1 saw a re- port in a local newspaper telling how beneficial Zam-Buk was for skin dis- eases, ulcers, etc. 1 got a supply of the balin and applied it to the children's sores. Almost irnmediaiely they gel re- lief, end the sores began to heal. In ono week Zem-Buk 001000me 1110 trouble, and lo.day the children have not a pim- ple, or spot or nark of disease on their altirh. Zan -Bute is a splendid healer.” 'Lam-Buk is a Treating balm com- pounded from saps and essences of the finest known medicinal herbs. it hes high antiseptic power, killing dis- euee germs which settle on sores and eruptions, ole.. and which set no fester- ing, blood 11010011 and suppuration. It cures (3000rna, Skill rashes, cuts. burns, iritises, ab.ce5505, 'ulcers, agile, black- heads, ringworm, bleed poison, ole. II. heals cracked and chapped hands, cold sores, etc. As an embrocation it gives speedy relict in cases of muscular rheu- melisn, sciatica, etc. Rubbed of the cheek do canes of colds, it relieves the lightness and aching. All druggists and stores sell al 50c, a box, or may be ob- tained post .free Irons the -'Lam-Buk Co., Toronto, upon receipt of price. 6 boxes for $2.50. Send one cent stamp for dainty trial box, TRIED AND FOUND WANTING. "I see, you have no faith in Mine. Ds Skynn's wrinkle and wort eradica- tor?" "No; I Lrled It on a large pickle and ti faiktd absolutely." A SIMPLE CURE FOR PILES Pile sufferers knew that Ointments and other local treatments sometimes relieve but never cure. They don't re - 711 1(-o the cause. '1'Ilere is a little tablet that taken Internally removes the cause of Piles and cures any cnso of any kind no mut- ter how long standing. A month's treatment costs $1.00. Ask Icr Dr. Leonhnrdt's Item -Bold to thou- sand dollar guarantee goes with may treatment.) All deaiers, or The Wilson-Fy is Co., LunlLod, Niagara Falls, Ont. PETS AT SCHOOL. The new public elementary school at Yarmouth, Englund, hail a pe10 section, 0111011 already incudes n whale Angola rabbit, canary, end bowl of gild -fish, do ail of which the children lake immense Interest. To purge is Ihe only effect of many Mlle now 011 Iho nuu'ket. Pnrmeleu's Vegetable Pills fire Meru than n pill' - olive. They strengthen the stomach, where other pills 30001(en it. '1'ha'y cicaroe the blood by regulating Ihe liv- er and kidneys, and they stimuiate where other pill compounds depress, Nothing 0f nn 'Weenie; nature, used 11-• Merely p01951100 powers, enters in- to their composition. NOTHING RUT 1'iHE TRU7'Ii, stolen t—"\ly physician tells mo 1 15111 working too 111(1'(.1( vi \inrks- "'fhel \l. 17, eclenlly ]snows 1315 bnsinr," 17uncu!n ss'Why do you think so?" Marks.. -"I have been comparing notes With a few of Our mutual friends (111,1 I find you have welted us pretty Bard," Does tit Doesn't: shrink Pen-. Angle Underwear 4c�e yin has the soft warm feel the skin enjoys. `w° ra Doesn't itch. Made for men, wo- mien and little folks, in a variety of styles, fabrics and prices. Weauthorize every dcalerin Pen -Angle Underwear to replace, at out cod, any garment faulty is material or making "itenllh and Vigor depend upon the quality and quantity of the blood." - Humanitarian. Dr. Carson's Tonic Stomach and Constlpatton Bitters A Purely Vezetabie Tonic and Blood Purifier. Price 80 cents per Bottle. Ifoon aro not able to obtain It in your ne,gnborho"d, we will gond to any ad- dress two bottles upon receipt of wen DOLLAR (see. per bottle) carriage prepaid. Pamphlet sent FREE en application, The Careen Medicine Company 87 Wellington St. West, - Toronto CORRECT. Little Boy -"\Vanua hear my doggie talk?" l Kilo Girl -"Dogs can't talk." "Mine can. Now listen. Rover which part al Ilei- steamer do you like best?" The Dogtee-"1iow!_" Twitchy Muscles and Sleeplessness. - The hopeless heart sickness that settles upon It plan or woman whose nerves are shattered by di,•ease can beet be pic- tured in contrast with a patient who has been in the "depths" and has been dragged from them by South American Nervine. George Webster, of Forest, Ont., says: "I owe my Ole to it. Everything aloe failed to cure me:'. -44 Even an optimist is liable to back- Ml:de when he has a bull on the back of his neck. Nothing looks more ugly than to see a person whose hands ae covered over with warts. 'Why have these disfigure- nlelts on your person when a sure re- mover of all warts, corns, etc., can be found 111 Iloilu,vay's Cern Cure. Atte' telling his wife a lie it is a re- lief to a mates 015W:11100 to find that bho doesn't believe him. The Greatest Tonic is "F1- Na 1111. no"It is pleasant in taste and containsj, moat and strength -giving qualities that are need- ed by those who oro sick: and weakly. NATURALLY. "What de yea think of Professor Knlowal1'0 latest vacuum theory?" "Poohl there's nothing in ft." If your children nw:et. and are rest- less during sleep, cempled, when awake, with a loss of !appetite, pale counten- ance, t 1 nose, etc. 1(d I once, piecing n the y may depend upon 11 that the primary cause of the trouble is worms. Muriel' Graves' Worm Exterminninr effectually removes (hese pests, a1 once relieving the tittle sufferers. i.'11OOF POSITIVE. "Is she really so popular as a dross- rnaker with the swell set?" "Web, she's just, failed because she 0.ai11•1 collect her hills." No Reasonable Ilan expects to cure a neglect- ed cold in a day not tune and Allen's Tung Balsam will overcome the cold and stave off s sound consumption, mow Coiter. will cease and lungs be o AT THE LAUNDRY. "What do you think the Most press- ing evil of the day?" A cold iron. Manly Strength and Womanly Beauty depend on purity or the blond, and much of that purity depends on uerfect kidney altering. If these organs are diseased and vaill not perform their functions, man will seek in vain for strength and woman for beauty. South American Kidney Onre chives out all impurities through the body's fllterers"--reeairs weak spots. -46 MS WAY. "\VelI, Willie, 1 must commend you ler 111i way you go downstairs; grand- ma 21 io'i hear a sound, i wish 1 could ga do,vesleirs so noiselessly, "Ain't ,,•00 too old, grandma, to slide '6)1011 banisters?" ITutl, Mange, Prairie Seratchoe and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by IVul- ford's sanitary Lotion. 1t never fails, 110Tl:I. LIKE A BATTLESHIP, A unique hole, which owing 10 Its slender shape is called the "Toothpick," is being erected in San Francisco. It wens being put up a1 the time of the ea'Ihqualie, and the, steel skeleton was un1njured. Now, Instead of finishing the walls with stone and brick, 0s mss first intended, great pinks of boiler iron will be riveted on just as the armor of 0 battleship is, The steel pietas strengthen the structure of the building, it, le ,sold, cannot be shaken off, and pre- sent. a 511111011) surface for entitling, HORSE'S Al3'l'1FICIAI. FOOT. 'i'ho veterinary profession is much in- terested in a surgical operation which lens been accomplished by Profnssnr Uclrislci, one of the slot( of the selerhe- ery 5011001 11t 13Utl1nt est Having ampu- tated a ho'se's 1111111 at the fellock joint, Misr several failures he succeeded in filling 'a leather 11no1 or a rlinciel limb that enabled the aninmi 10 walk about mid lake exercise. The net, el living Consists in not being 11 clend ono, ISA % \b', 2-..07. PRICE 09 GREATNESS. Ambitious Village Deserts to I10(Sge and Hailers for Its Sin. An atntl;hmg story is told 11y the Sbras- ihurg Post at Ilio (xpems0 111 the nuthori- hes of a smell village in the (band levity of I3aden, Germany. • 'These worthies, It eeetes, fu11 of 1101(1 pore,. limn, were anxious to show al tile recent census a population of over 1,1)00; 11111 the minutest preliminary count felled to raise the total over 003. As the village is stinted In an out -1.f -the -way Cornet' of Lite Grand Duchy, 111,4 elurnce of the de - e111.1 tutd beim.{ wade up in nn odd VW - tee int two and a G w e'amps, 3311.0 00th ridered i nhrnely remote, and the Inn, gondaSh r 1011, in despair. in the nick of WHO, however, a band of glt>sics to - rived, 1:110 brought up the Intel to 1,0114. Never were ghpsics made more 0010110111. Used us they 331'1e to harsh rebuffs, the swarthy eanderpr'.s were lewildtred,by the receipt of all serfs of pleasant at- tentions, ttensions, and menial) the villagers 6111V Iheir hamlet inscribed on the roll of "places of more than 1.000 inhabitants." But a sad awakening was in store for them.. A new law was passed In Baden increasing the !twat responsibilities of places with a population of 1,000 or more, end so the villagers found them- selves saddled with luxes which, but for their unfru'trinate local vanity, they would have eseapPd. There was the in- evitable revtiloinn of feeling, and the burgomaster's lit, we read, bus not been a happy bn11 71111(15, • NO RETURN WAS POSSIBLE, "1 am going to see your father about yoti' suid a leacher to a boy who 11011 'exhausted her patience, i11 you do you'll never come back." \✓hy?" demanded the teacher. "'Cause en's dead:' Something Mere than a Purgative - So popular is Rickle:s Anti -Consump- tive Syrup as a medicine in Ilse treat- ment of colds and coughs or ailments of the throat. due to exposure to draughts, or sudden changes of tem- perature, that druggists and all dealers til patent medicines keep supplies en hand to meet tette demand. 1t is plen- samL kit lake, and the use of it guaran- tees Ircedum from lhreet mud lung dis- eases. STUNG. IIr' --"But do you think, Miss Liters, that your father will accept the for a son-in-law? She -"1 sllnnldn'L wonder; we so rare- ly think alike." Jost n Word of caution; where the skin le destroyed byburns 00 scalds apply weaver's Ilarate immediately : the sooner the bettor. WALKING AROUND. "Been in Egypt, eh?" "Yes, and saw nothing but munnnfee." "Huh! You can :ice plenty of thein here." speechless and Paralyzed. -"I had val- vular inseaeo of the heart," writes Sire. J. S. Goode. of Truro. I1.8. •I suffered terribly and was often sneeehlese and partially Cure Inc the heart gave of Dr. g gave me re- lief, and before I finished ono bottb+ I was able to go about. To -clay I am a well woman." -43 Our idea of an impossible man is one wbo hasn't a bit of foolishness in his Snake -up. Nip Disease In the lu(1. I1 is difficult In eradicate a disease rafter it has be- come seated. therefore it 1s wise Io take any aliment In its initial stages anti by such remedies as are sulilcient, slap it in its muse. (:old is the con- nu,nese complaint of man, and whim neglected lende to serious results. Dr, Thomas' Ecleclric Oil will cure tide severest cold or most violent cough. DEEPEST MiNE13AL 13013E. Whet is believed to be the deepest. end most successful coal bore in Great I3ri- tain, 11 not, indeed, in the world. is that which 11110 been stunk and is nearing rcnnplelfon in the neighborhood of Cameron Bridge, Fife, Scotland. The bore has reached the enormous depth of 4,00011, Al that dietanc0 from the sur- faee the Dunfermline splint coal, a seam of sp1811212 mineral, has been probed. How ler In the future it will be before it is commercially expedient to work coal al such a depth is n preblenl which only training englnecrs can sol0e. PAPER GAS PiPES. Gas -pipes of piper are being made in France. Manila paper is cut. In strips equal to 1110 length cif the pipes to be mode. These ere then placed in a re- ceiver filled with melted asphalt and wrapped around 11 core of iron until the desired thickness is welched. After be- ing submittal to strong pressure the pare' is coated will) sand, cooled, the cera wilhcirnevn. and the ,eller pipe sur- face covered with n waleq>ronf prepa'a- 111111. It is claimed that these pipes are ns good as, 5112 more ecumenical than, metal ones. A Startled Mor Hears !Pat Cough She Thinks of tho Ccnsequonces -Croup, Whooping Cough or Lung Trouble. If sho is a wisp mother she will haul the never -tailing remedy at hand-. Collstoole Expectorant. it is the best, the safest, the mast reliable and positive cure for all tonna of coughs, colds, croup. whooping cough, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma and lung trouble. No harmful drugs. The most delicate child, the weakest stomach, welcomes it. It is pleasant to lake. It is the most reliable household remedy known to medical science, effecting remarkable cures every day, entwineused your Colt11 Io Expectorant 1 consider 1 a splendid medicine foruuuglla or an) throat or tun' trouble. would not Like to b. without It in 11,e iiuusa." MRS, J. LLOYD, Vitt,ria, Onh Thousands have borne similar testi, irony to the wonderful curative proper ties of Coltsfoote Expectorant. At alt druggists, 250. per bottle. No other Cough Medicine "Just as good" as C TE EXPECTCI:AI1T. oHENILLE QURTA:NS eta all kinds of nous" Hangings, also LICE CURTAINS GYGG11(0 ('St GLEEWAS75. (. Write to "..bout yours. 113111Ga AhnialOAti OYE1na 00., Rax tax, dkontrovl STILL wain US, "We don't hear much about the stren- uous life these days." "No, everybodies too busy living it to talk about it." Itching, Burning, Shin Diseases cured for Thirty-five cents. -Dr. Agnew's Oint- ment relieves in ono day, and cures Tet- ter, Salt Rheum, Scald Bead, Eczema, Barber's Itch, Ulcers, Blotches and all eruptions of the skin. It is soothing and quieting and acts like manic in the care of qli baby humors. 35 cents. -47 INFORMATION WANTED. Elia-1 always keep him at arm's length. Stella-IIo.v long is his arum? The Effects Produced by Witch Basel when! combined entlo,ld with tnroarool as trulylmmagnd ical, Tit being al specific for rheumatism and neuralgia. IIow do pillows dhler from a pair of sea les? ` The one !tint 15 dowel IS a1300yS rho litil,st. For the Overworked -What are the eaLISes of despondency uud melimehnly? A discr'de'etl liver is one cause e.hhd a 1n•.me nine. A disordered liver means a dieoodered slomaeh, it disordered stnum(dl nn:aa dentrieb0nee of the ncrveus eyelenc. 'flits Lrinee the whole Lod). elm sublectten and the victim feels sick all over. Parneel - is Vege- table ]'ills are a recognized remedy in Lite state and relief will follow their use. TIME FOR RECREATION. "One (annot etwaye judge a mal by ills _clothes,' -quoted the ineemizer, "113:.is right." rejoined the denlorn. Sizer. "Most of the chaps who wear sweaters ere in 1110 1(51 1' sweat 1311155" Doctor Your Can cure your Cough or Cold, no question about that, but - why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of l:avinghisprescription filled, when ,you can step into any drug stole in Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE for a quarter. Why pay two to five dollars when a twenty-five cent bottle of SHILOH will cure you as quickly? Why not do ea hundreds o'_ thousands of Canadians have done for the past thirty-four years : let SHIL011 be your doc- tor whenever a Cough or Cold appears. SHILOH will cure you, and all druggists back up this statement with a positive guarantee. The next time you have a Cough or Cold cure it with The Low Dome OXFORD Sepurulor fns prove 1 to be nn0 0 11 e beet all - mind Cream Sepllraufi for a fernier o buy. 'Cir `42- because it Ls built for hard every -clay nee, is a gond skimmer, has inter. changeable ball -bearings, is rosy to wash and turn, and has Low Down Supply 'rank. If you enitsider 301111' Ovral interest you will see the unproved i,nw Down Oxford before buying. this act will only appear unce,enwrito to -day for catalogue and price to FAfMSDitS IfP'0 HD SUITt,Y UO. Li mrrup, Ned Otaee and laetory: t.T to i\tl v C2/1191` or to E0 Sussex Si., 'Ottawa, Ont."