HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-1-10, Page 8HEREACEURil
A Splendid Cattle
and Poultry Food
It ensures line, strong cattle and
keeps them fat and healthy.
For Poultry 10 18 invaluable and
is a great egg producer. Put tip
t wo 51353—
) b, package 25c
4 ib. package 50e
- ARENt,MgRianIZESQZ0=kra OT4tanarianliCal-i,
G 00 DS
You can depend upon our
stock of
ilot Water Mottles twit
.Fountain Syring:)s
as being good, We keep
tbe Red Rubber Goods whieb
we guarantee to give satis.
faction, but also keep tbe
cheaper varieties if wanted.
Good Line of Atomizers
We keep all the most popular Magazines
ricaI %ct Jnts
A ohiel's amaug ye talk' notee,
An' faith he'll prone is.
C. 0.F. will meat ou Tuesday evening
of next week.
Wooer mile lost. Finder pion
leave at TRE PosT.
/dies Nora Holmes will vita in the
Queen City for t time.
STASI:mon Council meetings will be
held on Monday of next week.
ANNUM., meeting of Brussels Creamery
will be bed on Tuesday 22nd ilea, at
2.80 o'olook.
PAM of speolaales found. Owner may
have same by proving property and pay
ing to thie notice. THE Poter
Preaahiug service vies held Wednesday
evening of this week M be alethodme
ohorth and will be oontinned Friday
evening at 7.45 o'olook.
'ins annual meeting of East Huron
Agricultural Society will be held in tins
Comical Obamoer, Brussels, on, Wed-
nesday afternoon of next week. Jas.
Ferguson is the President.
OataTED.-The fallowing manes were
omitted from the Sobool Report of Form
1 lain week. A. Forrest, 610; D. Miami,
418 ;H. illoChtli, 404 ; McKelvey, 899 ;
J. Wilton, 388; S. Arnent, 263.
OMRo9Tamslts.-We wish to einaerely
thank the fire Brigade end others who
aniseed in putting out the fire at the
electric light works no Thursday morn.
ing. Timm Bees.
Bev, M. Wishart preached a very
praotioal Delinionary sermon Ian Bab.
bath =ruing in Melville oburob in
which the duty of the individual was set
out. The eveuing text wee 11 Chroo.
12 sad 14.
Mx% Mci{ex, of Barrie, Provincia
reeident of the W. 0. T.13., is expected
to pay a visit to Brussels toward the Mode
of Mk month and will deliver au ad
drama in the Town Hall, Date will be
announced later.
FARMERS' Inabitaie meeting in the
Town Hall Thureday afternoon and
evening of thie week. Addresses by
Messrs, Shearer, of Brighton, and Jones,
of Maitland. At the evening neaten a
minket program will be est:Meted.
Semitone at 1 30 and 7.30. All will be
Pe. Ream Trues :-"Thie was the first
appearance of Maw Eforosby in Point
Elgin and all present were delighted with
her eplendid vein and the excellent
manner in which she rendered her var.
ions selection." She will sing in Broil -
eels Town Hall Tneeday evening next.
GREY DIsTRICT Lonen.-Tuesday after.
noon the District Orange Lodge was held
in 'anaemia. Mane were elected as
follows i -Mester, D. Johnston .0. AL,
Wm Smith ; Seo., H. Moore, V. B. ;
Chap., B. Gerry; Dir. of Ottre Baba
Mtn ; Leo., Wm, Smith and M. H.
Moore, A. letter of sympathy, epeeist
panied by a puree of money, was sent to
Bro. Oboe. Case in hie illness end the hope
expressed that he would soon be contra/.
THE fire alarm about 6 a. m. routed a
good many lir 1188011We 001 01 bed at an
battier boor them newel Thurs.
day of this week. In some weer
lire bad got started in the roof of the
boiler house at the Elentrio Light power
Main and had probably been smoulder.
ing for soma time before dieoovery. 11
waxput oat without the tin of the fire
engine although tbe Ole fighter was on
the way when stopped, Not rattail dare•
age wail done.
Last Sabbath's sermons strengthened
very materially the hold of Rev. E. G.
Powell upon the oongregation of the
Methodist °bomb, the young people par.
Similarly. The morning sublime was
along the linee of New Year resoletions,
arid the evening topic wee "A. workere
qualification." Among nom of the
easentials mentioned were Commanion
with God ; mighty Faith ; implicit obedi•
wee • welt versed in the scriptures ; and
tall 01 zeal. A oonseeration service fol.
lowed the sermon.
LAU' Ornorrt7NITE.-J. W. Browett, Dr.
of Optics, hoe been buoy all week at ale.
Smith drug store and lute given the beet
of eatistaotion, Dr, Browett bleb/les hi•
work Se Brussels on Saturday next and
goes to Peterboroi. It may be years be.
fore this gentleman will nem vieit eta
town as be le testobing preeregaive Op
Oedema all over Ontario. Mr, Smith is
"paying the epeoleliet and offering hie
eervices free to the public until Saturday.
Ask him about your eyes, he will tell you
it your giantess; are suitable,
StiOnbb WOMEN 1441,14 TWO BAUM-
Nell Monday evening it public debate
will be held in the Elonnoil °bomber,
comminuting at 8 o'clock, when the eab.
jeot "Resolved that WOrnall suffrage
•wonld be bouelloiel to the oettintt,y."
The affirmative will be upheld by J. II.
Cameron, 0. Richardeon end Jno.
Wright, and the negative by R.R.Foild,
J. G. Norman and Joe Hooter. All will
be weloome. Inepeotor Robb and A. B.
MoDoriald will be the judgete The offi•
oere of the eirmiety under whose itemp.oep
the debate 18 bone held an r--3. 11,
Cameron, Pree, ; 3, Li% Ma:Mere, Vies
Pree. ; J. 13, Norman, Sooty, ; and Jae.
Vex, Trestetrer,
Tenure GLOBE.-"Miee Uorneby'e solo
greatly wassail the audience " Hear
her in the Town Hall Tneeday eveuiug
Co. Conon, will convene on Tuesday,
22nd that, at Goilerith. Who will be
Warden is now the query 3 There are
said to be several semi:sate,
Wm. slid Mrs. Forreet and daughter,
Miss Marion, have moved to Bruaeele
from Morris township. A. soy bee takeli
the homestead on the 20d tit Morrie.
We weicome the Forrest family to town,
Los ANGELES TH1HS, .thee, 80th 1906.-
"Mies Jeesie Liman whose reediug be.
fore the Friday Morning Club was eo
generally admired cm 9 0809,11 occaston
is soon to leen for her home in Canada "
Town Hall, Brn.oele, Tuesoey Jen. 1543
A., 0.13. W.--Etie toilowing are tee
offi etre for the ourreut year in Brake
A. 0 U. W. Lodge, No. 188 ;-thister
Workman, Jobe Stannous ; Foreman,
Wieteon Aioley ; Overaeer, SVm, Wia0u ;
Recorder, W. 31 }Kerr ; Fthitneiel, W. H.
MoOreoken ; Treeetirer, G. A Deednith;
()nide, T. Farrow ; Maids Weatiatutu, D.
Ewan ; Ootehle Watchman, EL Meteor
Pnyeioiao, Dr. MoKelvey ; Auditors, T.
Farrow and W. Atiday ; Repreaeutativt
to Grand Lodge,W. B. McCracken ;
Alienate, G A. edruau. Lodge m et•
on the let and 3rd Emmy eveninge et
aeob month. Next ineetirg Wilt se tn
tbe 18 b lust. wbrn tbe offioera will be
bindzOIPAL NoTES -Trustee Skew
hes been it member of the School Boiled
toe 10 years and has may intone tint
meeting of the Board. Be does nut eat
renoh from the housetop but he's a wort
er just the same -Cionuoilior Graham
has already put in 7 ur 8 years at Litt
Counoil Board in 3 of weal he eat In
the Reeve's chair. Hie experiene
aboard be of service to him in 1907.-
8. T. Plum headed the poi! ead Money
evening wore the smite that went mot
ff -J. Ballautyue's eo5lporlere 11.
"Brooklyn" divisioe made sure he'd b.
elected and donamd 10 plumpere for los
epecial beeefit.-If M. H. atoore done
attend sttiotly to buttinvas at the School
Board after his ..temone vicaory"
Monday be eboo a be well quieten.
W. 0 T. U. ItuOlat °Mere= 021t6613 -
Thursday evenine ot ta0o. week la
ehe rge
room over J. 31 Roue' grocery, leaved b)
the W, 0. T. v., Wad thtown mum to Ib,
publics and an opening autertaium,ut
given, There wee a large attstitisnor,
The President, Mre. A. McGuire, presia
ed and the following intereeting prograni
was presented ;---E1) Mu ; prayer by Rev
Mr. Powell ; trio, Miens Sharpe 900
Gerry ; short addreee, Rev, Mr. Pewee ,
readiug, Mies Josie Boo/sane. htirmon•
hie quartette •, epetiob, A. M. anKay ;
solo, 0. Ricbardaou ; recitation, Min
Winnie IlluGntre ; hymn ; speech, Rubt
McKay ; harmontoa gtlartettt. ; adOress,
Rey. Mr, W90.0,
iahart ; JOI3t1 Babkirk ;
olosiug. Rev. Mr. Lang Ford watt di wo
for a epseol3 but was called sway, 131room is tidy, oon3tortably turniebed
will be open on Saturday evening of Mae
week from 7 to 10 o'olook. ?deny oom
mandatory words are epoken to aud oi
She W. 0. T. U. in their efforts to 'M-
yelin the welfare of the young roan of
this locelity,
Duman° Remefte- Next Tuesday
evening Miee Jessie Fiorenoe Tmleoh
graduate of °Munson Soho& of Expree
ton, Loe Angeles, OaI., assisted by Mete
Gertrude Hornaby, soprano soloist, or
Woudetook, will give a progratn in the
Town 31a11, Brneeele. Peen of reserved
seats et Fox's Drug store. The Frogmen
will be as foliowe :-Instromeutal, Violin
and kombone, EL L. Jaokeou tend W.
Griffith; eTI3e marriage of the flowers,'
Miee Imlach ; one swallows," Min
Hornsby ; "The bear family," J. Whit
oomb ; Baths readine, (e) Ooriuthiens, (b)
rho Lord ie my Shepherd, Min
"0 Divine Redeemer," 315.8 Hornsby :
',The enpereeition of Mony," Mise lin
tech ; Violin solo, EL L. Janson ;
"Guitavere," Mies Imlach; eIeland of
dreams," Min Hornsby ; 'demob .soleat
Moe, (a) Our Guttman, (b)Castles i' the
air, Mem Imiach ; "Jeruealern," Miee
"Sueue Zoom David Copper.
field," NIles Im 9011. Miee Jean Mo.
Lanoblln moompauist,
IdTERMIX.-2dooday evening a m10085095end literary prOgatn Midi presented by
the Epworth League in the Sande),
School room of the Methodist Mora in
the presence of a large company. The
pastor made a capital cheirman. Pro
gram was fleet ciao and wail es followe •
--(Mores by Eva Gilpin, Vera Audrey,
Stella Gerry, Leslie Lowry, reed. Wood,
and M. Swale ; reallatiOn, MyrbIa
Friendehlp ; 0800104.5011, Lloyd Jaokuon
Byron ; renitation, Laura /automat)
duet, Mies! Pearl mid Mrs, W, L
Leatbenalel; debate, "Wbion has dour,
the .moet for the world, the warrior,
Btateeman or poet?" FOY the former
Mies Josie Beehanaii and 0, Itielmrdeon
spoke ; for the amanita), D. MaCal.
8015 Mia Carrie Efingeton and for the
poet George Buchatian and Miee Minniellt�Manghton.
MoNatighton. All did well. Deolsion
was given by Misses Bettie Downing
and Metbol Zimmer, W. 3. Fewest,
and W. B. Kerr in Met of the poet
Joe Ranter sang a anio ; Rev. Fe 13
Powell gave e. enitation and the 9)50008
Sharpe contributed a 05088, Other
gathering') of this nature will be held
tiering the Winter.
.111lmt.V1.1.r.eft‘W=7-.2.fr.Y. to",*,
CAPITAL -Ant horieed $2,000.000
CA e 1TA 1,-- Pala up 1,000,000
RESERVE 10111 Surplue ProtIt8 1,133,1013
"r* la"PtEiidank. D, E. TECOIRPsON, K.0.
Taos, 01t4131111AW, Are 1,0000 Mn, W. MOnTIMItil 004010, 8,0 100. 0011(0
001311 91118T10l0oo10
W. D. 31088, • deneral Manager
TEM METROPOLITAN BANIC is enen fa reeelve tee memento of
Partners, Aerolutots (mid (ketosis Community geuetally and to give
careful 00091(58101100 59 all oroinniaie submitted 515 0,
lb relies upon its past record for courteous treatment of its clue
toluene and will extend Livery 00usideratiou conaistant with sound
banking to those who may desire to transact business with it.
Samovas, Names Dxfostinwavyr
Interest; at HIGHEST OURREN RATES allowed on all yams of 91 and upwarde
1•11•••• 1111M1101,110110tmlppm01101011111M1•01100•0000,
Hones BZANSZT lost between the Oen*.
eel Hotel abed and the etb line Morrie.
The tinder will greatly oblige by leaving
it at Tax Pose Pebliehing Efouee,
Lon ANGELna EXAOUNER,-JUile 28th
1906. "The members of the Hundred
Year Oluh entertained their friends at a
pretty reoeption this mornine from 10 to
12. Mise Janie Imlaoh will glve a
boniety monologue "Ob 120." Mies Im-
soh is a talented graduate of the Cabin.
eon School of Expreestoo ; she le a gifted
reader, and hue won much praise from
'be puttee as well es her mairecturs,"
Teem Hall, Tneeday, January 15th,
Business Locals.
EMU for sale. Apply to Joseph Eng.
er, 31.01.1 P. 0.
kILLOASMITH'Ci appreutioe wanted,
Apply in Geo. W. Poiiard, Ethel. Good
piece ter right boy.
BAIMMIN0 HI Millinery. Everything
net regiadlees of octet to clear out this
eeeson e stock. Oad and no as, Minn
aliati MAU! Menne will take pupils
0 eii paniting for a there time. Partiee
interested oeu kern terms, en, at Mies
Rv.e' store,
W. H. afoOracken was viiiileg at Tese•
:enter Mae week.
Mtee Nettie Brown vine holidaying with
:Yin ham Ermine
Miss Thum Gerry is visiting relatives
011I, blends in Seatorth.
Min Jennie Coot:nese, of Winthrop,
was vieiting Mre. Shiers, Brake's,
Moats. Rogers, of Fullerton, were
visitors et ThoeMoore'e,etreet,
Mise Minnie Moore, who was borne for
e hi:May, renamed to St. Thomas last
Milk Norma Lowiok, of Fordwich, was
nsiling on and kinds in Brunie dariug
the pen week.
Aims Minnie and Walter Miller have
been on the sink list but we hope wid
mon be all right.
Mule Flo, Bctobanan le supplying Mies
O iwuey'e deportment Rt the Public
School this week.
Mra. W H. Kerr and Miee L. Brown
attended the &tomb Oouoert in Wiugham
ou Tuesday evening,
N B. Gerry, formerly of Brussels, was
eieuted a Councillor at Blyth Met Mon.
Mk, Congratulations
Mies Maggie Campbell, of Seatorth,
‘vtie a visitor with Mrs. George Lowry,
Prinoess etreet Bequests.
Mre. J. Leukie and airs. (Dr) Holmes
are visiting at Tenni°. The former will
extend her visit to Hamilton and Buffalo.
&Ira. Walter Wilbee Ike gone to Fiem•
ine'Seek., to vieit ber mother. The
.atter bee bad two strokes of paralysis
end is in poor health.
Reginald Fletcher, of Winnipeg, has
:ken renewing old friendships in Beim.
els. Be epeakeglowingly of the Western
eatewity and ite proypeets, Mr. Fletcher
to engaged in the lite ineuraboe boldness
with the Ontario Mutual,
Monday was not the nioeet day there
ever was for en Eketion Day and no
el ant the downpour of rain kept a good
ineny deaden from polling their votes.
The retards from a number of municipal -
ales are as follows :-
eve -J. Leckie by acolatnation.
Councillore- 1 2 3
A. el, Backer.... 61 68 58 177
Ballantyne., 45 51 00 160
Robt. Graham .. 57 61 57 176
.1 e, Jones 89 49 52 140
S. T. Plnin 58 77 56 189
Councillors eleoted Plum, Becker,
.1riehem and Ballantyne,
Trustees -
Thee, Farrow69 84 70 228
M. 11, Mo we 71 90 76 287
G. Skene 61 68 72 191
W, Sinclair,, 22 19 26 67
Trustees eleoted-Moore, Farrow and
Reeve -Wm. Prager by Reclamation,
• Dep. Reeve -1 2 8 4 5 6 7
hue Grant ., 65 06 45 49 37 74 60-402
Tornboll.. 22 14 50 42 81 20 26-255
Majority for Grant 147
John Cute..., 81 47 81 28 78 89 29-876
Jelin Brown., 88 41 28 58 71 54 75-805
.1. Murarizean 45 6 t 91 67 43 26 48-346
Aroh, McLean 21 18 88 76 74 28 79-827
Counoillors eleated-Outt, Brown and
Lon' Option -
For., ,, . ,, 70 62 37 61 76 80 86-411
Agaiust..., 27 20 57 42 49 28 62-285
110eVe- 1 .2 8 4 5 6
febi•ter 21 83 '22 14 49 87-169
83 61 69 68 29 60-855
T6Y1111"sjority for Taylor 1911.
Councillors -
filtrapbell .• 27 80 65 42 84 88-800
Kelly 03 68 24 38 11 17-i227
MeOutoheon 35 89 54 68 27 48 - 261
Shaw ., 80 88 81 27 88 98-250
Taylor 91 68 70 82 62 65-858
Youill 26 25 54 99 24 85-203
Counoillore Weeded • Toler, Campbell,
MoOntehoon Abel Shaw,
Reeve- 1 2 8 4
J, Govenlook., 85 53 23 80-141
J. M.Govenluok 119 100 100 02-411
Majority for J. M. Govenlook, 270.
Beuermiten 88 81
T. Broom .,., 8 19
J. Cowan .... 41 112
F. J. McQuaid 09 44
J. McDowell .. 47 116
A. Rome 42 87
.1. V. Rpm—117 84
M. Rowland 71 17
Total votes pol'd 154 150
22- 66
55 261
40 188
66 270
74- 287
6e- 216
125 580
Couimillore elected -3, Cumin, 31, Mc-
Dowell, A. Ross and J, V. Ryan,
Reeve -Dr. Milne 141
John Potter 100
Maj irity for Milne 41
Councillors -L, Hill 138
J. H. Chellew 182
N. B. Gerry 111
W. Johnston ............111
Richerd McCommius 100
W, Jackson 87
J. Heffron 63
Teustees-W, Sims 100
Dr. Charlesworth 183
Dr. Long 97
31. Luttlininp 93
Reeve -3, T, r eerie.
Councillors -W. J. Perko, E. Taylor,
Julie Gillespie end Jas. (lemming.
W08 I ton.
Chas. Case, who suffered the loss of
a hand in a straw cutter sometime ago,
has been quite poorly but is making
more favorable progress now we are
glad to state.
Strocesseut TEA MEETING -011 the
evening of New Year's Day what
was styled an old fashioned Tea Meet-
ing was held in the Methodist chureh
in this place which proved most en•
lovable as well as successful. An
excellent Pamper was served in the
basement, such as the Walton ladies
!limeys serve, after Which the audi
torium was filled to the doors with
a very appreciative audience. Not-
withstanding that a good share of
the advertised talent failed to appear
a good program was given, several
11013.1002 being drafted in on short
notice to help. The musical and
Literary hill of fare was es follows :-
Anthem by the ehurch choir; choir -
man's remarks, W. H. Kerr ; solo,
Miss: Dundas ; reading, Miss Josie
Buchanan, Brussels ; ladies quer-
tette, Misses Hingston, Gerry. B. and
P. Sharpe, Brussels ; address, Rev,
C. C. Keine, Step:den ; flag drill by
'ewe' McKim. Annie Hoard, Rea
Emigh, Ethel McLeod, Tony Mc-
Kenzie, alabel Bennett, Elma Shol-
dice and Pearl McKenzie ; solo, Miss
Dundas; address, Rev. E. G.
Powell, Brussels ; ladies quartette ;
addreee, J. E, Maunders; solo,
Miss Dundee; reading, Miss Nora
Maunders; address, Rev. Mr. Mc-
Lean ; address by the pastor, Rev.
T Curry, B. A. ; National An-
them and benediction, The flag drill
was very neatly performed and did
credit to Miss Lilian Foster and Miss
Card. s of Tillaiks
my heartiest thanks for the eplendid sup.
port accorded me last Monday in placing
me at the heed of the poll in the Trustee
Elention. In return I hope to perform
my duties so faithfully that my tictious
will be the beat proof that your confidence
wee not misplaced. Wishing our Sehool
a long cootinuantie of its peat splendid
record, I an, Yonre Thankfolly,
LAMES Agri GIONTLEM116.-POrtnit 1110 to
sincerely ehank you foe My re•elootion to
the Sobool Board for another term, I
have only one object to merry out at the
Board, viz., to promote the beet interests
81 098 school and this I will continue to
do to the beet of my ability.
Yours Truly,
3. 0. MESH
To the Electors of Brunie :
LADIng AND GEALEMEN,- Will you kind.
ly aeoept my thanks for your generous
support on election day. Aer membei,
of the Connell 1 will pntleavor 1, advance
the beeb intermits of 11008001e for the
corning year. Youre eineeroly,
3.1.0 G RA HA u.
'Lamas en Geiteneleite.-r t.mak
Would be ungrateipl if I did ea teemed
my thanks to you for the Splendid vote
you east for me on Monday by %Odell 1
te.d the honor of headieg the po I as
Cotheillor. My ambition is 00neve to
the beet of My obility our 8531090.
Yours Val y Truly,
0. 31, PrAtivt,
Head Office — 0 - Toronto
May obtain special advances of money for the purpose of purchasing, feeding
and finishing their herds. No matter how small your business, it
be appreciated and receive careful attention.
Sayings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches.
J. F. Ft.ovriarid, Manager
'iholdme who trained the eight girls.
A vete of thanks was passed to all
who assisted in making it a success
on motion of Messrs, Neal and Fel-
ton, The proceeds totalled $50 00.
If you want a gond time at a Tea Meet
ing you must attend Walton gather-
CourLeen-Ancxxsors.--At the residence
of the hride'e 3000010, Blueish's, by
Rev. W. J West, M. A., on Jan. 2nd
Mr, Jueeph Conplend, of 311013901 0»
the Lithe, to blies Annie, eldest
Minister of Mr. and hire. James
Aitoherion, of Sinews,
FORREST-Rolm-At the Empress Avenue
Pareonne, London, by Rev. 3. B
Waliwin, B. A., on New Year's Day
Mr. 'Walter S. Forrest to Mire Christ.
in Robb, both of Morrie township,
17Anictddia-PH15n80ast-A1 the residence
of the bride's wont% Grey, on Jan.
8rd, by Rev. A. 0 Tiffin, of Trate
brides, Mr, Alfred A. Harkness, of
Banff Al's., to Mime Liebe, dangb.
ter of DL. Role. P,terson.
THMISDAT, JAN 17TH -F.1, tarrn
Mink, &o. Lot. 22, Con. 7. Grey. Sale
unreserved at 1 o'emok, N. A. Milue,
prop., F. Soott, RIM
for sale iron) 9 to 17 00l,th 5105. In-
tending purchasers - imu id the them.
000,n A N w niati)P,
Lot 2, Con, 14,0 reY, or B tweets 3,0.
Creamery Meeting
The A7 noel Mt PUDE( 0919' amens Creamery
WIlte lio,d lo tho Omani' .1baui her on
tuterLy. 228 'List , at 22d &sines. fAuutzal
reaort will be menet d. Geo. EL Barr,
Chief ;Dairy rostruen r, will 80,10008 the
Meeting. All 0141 100 wvlerane.
W W. HARBffil. Ploprietar. I
00 being 84 Lot 9, Oon. 4, llforria.
The.° 10 an it a gond bank b trot. good frame
house, nue We of orelt.rd, seven acres of
huall,80 aurae plowed ?Party for camp and
the los latate la grass. The Maiden a river
Or,101011 ono Bother of farm. The farm also
"114roltain Lime Works" Apply to
0, H. WILKINSON, Betel ave P,O. 26-4
Huron County Council.
‚011. 00110811 of tho County of Huron will
333014 In the annual) ,ilatabor in the Town
of Gntittricht on Tues lAy, th. Mud day o,
this mo tit, at o'clock 1n Ihe stternoou,
Recounts to he dealt with by the Pennell
mu.t be plated with the Clerk boron, the
above date W. LANE,
Dated January 7th, 1007. Clerk.
.11 Bulls for sale, Two were pHs.) WM,
ners at Breathitt Poll Pair. They are den.
d ea. 1i,t1 nod 1.011.11 In eolor. Mao a ft W
Hue females for sale Lot 8, Con, 9. Grey.
14.11 Bru ssels
Annual Meeting.
Tiin ammo meeting of the Rad Buren
Aerfoulturel Society will be bold in the
Town Hall. thusaels, on Wednesday. fano
ary H412.1907, at 1 °ellen p in Business of
the meeting :-R-aelving the Lonnie stato
merit and Auclitoro, Rs,, at, 'tupelo Mtn 019
oars fur the yes 01907 80
TAS. PREGINON, President,
W, B. 8101111, seoretary.
.c -t 'Oho Nxsonini oftthe eata,e of the
late B01.11113aill Swink+ have instruot ml P. 8
Sentt to • eli hy die anotion at the Amer.
lean Hotel, Brussels, of Saturday, timelier'?
26th, at o'cleek, teat intr0 of the estate bet
lug North Bali of Lot 12, 0011. 6, Morris. con-
taining 100 acres There is a antalortaine
frame bongo and hoed bank barn. Thts
f atm has bsen seeded 10 8700. for a number
o t ears mud is lu a mood stn to of fertl•ity,
bet0 well etaaptee for either oropplog or
eatturt iii; There Is tt coatitsuoutt supply et
rut nii.g water 8011 a gond well et th. house
A numeral* of choice ;rult trees 0111i, 20 acres
of good hardwon,1 hush are on the pl ate
Tide larin la guested on tee mein road b •
tweet) Bruenda Beigtavo ; • mite from
eiturmu awl post oltfto mitt 1 01100 1',
felWal 0.8(1,0 Execut 01100119 wi,d to,
estate tine property mil he tool to the high-
est bidder. For 00.01 'Iv 00tea anat. a-
tter, brew's, or to WILLIAM tan or 11.62;
stinnt Stamm, LEIN:tau, 8, tiensall
if you wear a Chamois VW,
That chill that eeente to strike
right through you will no longer
be experienced.
Our Chamois Vest
are particularly tine—ono will
weer yon a long Link. 30 31000
Inuge are at all weak or if you
take oold cagily you really can-
not be without snob protection.
PRICE $2.00 $2.50 AT
Drug tore
Ubdersistith 1,44 11000 ,or service on
1,0124, Con 7, Grey, a pure lned BerkshireBoar. Boar. G100. ADDY, Proprietor,
28.8m Ilthel,
I. -Rav0on.-V10 understood will keep
101..1011/1011 011 Lot 8, Cnu. 1, Grey, a Short
Hort Bull, Also 11. Yorkxbire Aug. Terms,
31 00 lo eneh auto With privilege of ratan..
tug necessary. Pedigrees may 018 808,. on
s.pplioatiou, WM. WILLIS,
204 Proprietor,
whieh anablee 4 young key or gen-
tleman 10earn .000d iiRiugt 16 the
prolate 000
314. 131 STUDBliT is instructed at
his own desk; coneequently the
backward or tasty reel qui ea at home
in the
(Affiliated with Clinton Busiuess
Excellent text-benke, unexcelled
facilities, A. 1 teaohers and sittut-
ti .11910, g20.11114(39
NV itt for eatalogue,
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal
'111322114 terDTH2SMEINEeMieTeREUID.Me
We are now busy taking stock for the first time
since opening this store. in Brus4els and find our
supply of Winter Goods too heavy You may
depend upon it there will be something doing in
the way °flow prices for we are determined to
reduce our stock of
Our stock is New and Bought Right but we will
m,ke t be 'Aces talk for we need the space and can also
make Inge of' he money Take our advice—don't buy
Winter Conte or !furs, in fact any heavy goods, until you
g,•i. ullr Prices,
G. N, M c L 13, N
NR$.11 1)001.1 TO